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The Alchemy of Relating, 29 October 2017

Relationship is the core of experience.

Although it certainly seems that we have an independent, essential nature, separate from everything
else, upon examination we find that self-nature depends on an incredibly complex number of
conditions for its own being.

We can say, quite simply, that although self seems independent, it is defined by other.

This paradox becomes apparent in relating to this other . At the core of relating, even n the most
intimate relationship, we find a gap that we can never bridge. Although one cannot draw a clear
distiction between self and other, I remain myself, while the other remains other.

At this point, questions may arise: is it possible to learn to hold both the separatness and
connection simultaneously ?

Is it possible to see that connection becomes real only when there are separate beings that can

Can we find the middle ground that will allow us true freedom?

We will examine these notions as well a s the relational patterns of separatness and connection
n detail n a series of experiential workshops using Interpersonal Meditation, Dialogue, Oceanic
Breathing, and BodyWork. Together, will develop ways of seeing how these qualities can provide
the alchemical framework for working with and clarifying our relational style-- resolving our
particular relational neurosis.

Working also in pairs, we will explore the practice of Meditative Dialogue n conjunction with the
teachings on wise speech: speech that is spoken at the right time spoken in truth spoken
affectionately spoken beneficially spoken with a mind of good-will. This approach will lead
to a better understanding of the habits of heart and mind that cause stress and distress, and suggest
ways to free ourselves from those habits so that we can live together with greater ease and

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