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Secretary General - Rule No. 1368 of 16 October 2014 on Junio...

Rule No. 1368 of 16 October 2014 on Junior

Professional Programme and Turnover Profiles

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe,

HAVING REGARD to Resolution CM/Res(2013)59 amending the Regulations on appointments

(Appendix II to the Staff Regulations) adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 11 December
2013 at the 1187th meeting of the Ministers Deputies;

HAVING REGARD to Article 24 of the Staff Regulations;

HAVING REGARD to Articles 6, 7, 9 and 16 of the Regulations on appointments (Appendix II to the

Staff Regulations);

HAVING REGARD to Rule No. 1355 of 12 March 2014 laying down procedures for the
implementation of the Regulations on appointments;

CONSIDERING THAT, as a consequence of the above-mentioned Resolution of the Committee of

Ministers, a Rule on Junior Professional Programme and Turnover Profiles should be adopted;

HAVING CONSULTED the Staff Committee in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 3, of the
Regulations on staff participation (Appendix I to the Staff Regulations);

D E C I D E S:
Article 1 Definitions

1. The Junior Professional Programme is a specific recruitment and employment scheme for job
profiles suitable for young graduates with little or no relevant work experience. The scheme is not
intended to be used in an ad-hoc manner as a solution to short-term staffing needs, but shall be
part of a well-defined workforce plan within a Major Administrative Entity.

2. Turnover Profiles are specific job profiles where a regular turnover of staff is considered to be
beneficial for one or more of the following reasons: to bring in up to date external knowledge and
practices to the Organisation; to respond to changing organisational needs with regard to
competencies required; to mitigate the risk of demotivation where there is limited career
perspective or the nature of the work is highly repetitive.

Article 2 Profiles

The specific profiles identified for Junior Professional Programme and Turnover Profiles are defined
in the Appendix to this Rule.

Article 3 Grades and Categories

1. Appointments made under the framework of the Junior Professional Programme shall be at the
level of grade B3.

2. Appointments to Turnover Profiles shall be limited to the grades and categories listed in the
Appendix to this Rule. The grade and category shall be determined on the basis of the job profile

Article 4 Qualifications

1. Staff members recruited under the Junior Professional Programme must have a higher education

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2. Staff members recruited to Turnover Profiles must have the qualifications required under the
relevant specific job profile.

Article 5 Age Limit

1. Applicants of the Junior Professional Programme must be under 35 years of age at the closing
date of the vacancy notice.

2. For staff members recruited to Turnover Profiles the age limit set out in Article 24 of the Staff
Regulations shall apply unless the Secretary General determines a particular age limit for a specific

Article 6 Recruitment Procedures

1. Recruitment shall be carried out in line with Article 16 of the Regulations on appointments
(Appendix II to the Staff Regulations).

2. The recruitment procedure shall consist of shortlisting on the basis of qualifications and an
interview. It may also consist of assessments.

3. The shortlist of candidates to be invited to take part in a recruitment procedure shall be drawn
up by the Director of Human Resources, on the basis of the criteria set out in the vacancy notice.
In the case of recruitment to fill a vacancy in a specific Major Administrative Entity, the shortlisting
shall be carried out in consultation with this Entity. Applicants who best meet the above-mentioned
criteria shall be shortlisted and invited to the following stage(s) of the procedure.

4. Assessments may be organised and can include written papers, ability tests, knowledge tests,
simulation exercises, situational judgement exercises, assessment centres, questionnaires, or any
other type of assessment deemed appropriate for the recruitment needs; one or more
assessment(s) may be eliminatory. In the case of assessment(s), candidates with the best results
after the assessment process shall be invited for interviews.

5. Interviews shall be conducted by (a) representative(s) of the Major Administrative Entity

concerned, of the same grade or higher as the vacancy in question, and the Director of Human
Resources. Where justified and agreed to by the Director of Human Resources, other staff
members may participate in the interviews. Following the interviews, a joint recommendation shall
be submitted to the Secretary General for final decision.

6. A reserve list placing successful applicants in order of merit may be drawn up. Successful
applicants shall be notified that their name appears on the reserve list. A reserve list shall be valid
for two years; its validity may be extended up to a maximum of four years.

Article 7 Duration of Employment

The total duration of employment shall be stipulated in the vacancy notice, however in no case
shall the total duration of employment under the Junior Professional Programme or Turnover
Profiles exceed five years. Staff members recruited under such profiles shall not be eligible for any
subsequent internal competition, promotion or transfer, or for secondment. Staff members or
former staff members who are or have been employed in the framework of the Junior Professional
Programme or Turnover Profiles will not be eligible again for any of the profiles under these

Article 8 Final Provisions

1. This Rule shall apply to:

a. candidates recruited from 1 January 2014 under Article 16 of the Regulations on appointments
(Appendix II to the Staff Regulations);

b. candidates recruited as of 1 January 2014 from reserve lists established following competitions

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held prior to this date under Article 16 of the Regulations on appointments (Appendix II to the Staff
Regulations) as it was worded before the entry into force of Resolution CM/Res(2013)59 and in
respect of which the Secretary General has decided that they shall be treated as reserve lists under
the current version of Article 16 of the Regulations on appointments (Appendix II to the Staff

2. This Rule shall enter into force on the day of its signature by the Secretary General.

Strasbourg, 16 October 2014

The Secretary General

Thorbjrn JAGLAND

Appendix List of Junior Professional and Turnover Profiles

The profiles listed below are those that have been identified as Turnover Profiles or as being
suitable for the Junior Professional Programme.

A. Junior Professional Profiles

1. Assistant Lawyers (Grade B3) - European Court of Human Rights

2. Junior Professional Officers (Grade B3) Office wide. For job profiles in the following fields:
human rights, public international law, democracy, rule of law, policy, programming, international
relations, education, language policy, communication, finance, human resources, logistics, audit,
evaluation, and information technology.

B. Turnover Profiles

1. Educational Advisers (A1/2) Directorate General of Democracy (DGII)

2. Principal Scientific Assistants (Grade B5) - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines &
HealthCare (EDQM)

3. Scientific Assistants (Grade B4) - EDQM

4. Scientific Support Assistants (Grade B3) - EDQM

5. Production and Distribution Assistants (Grade C1/2) - EDQM

6. Distribution and Reception Operators (Grade C1/2) - EDQM

7. Logistics Support Assistants (Grade C1/2) - European Court of Human Rights

8. Mail Office Support Assistants with specific language requirements (Grade C1/2) - European
Court of Human Rights

9. Study or Project Management Assistants for Buildings and Installations (Grade B4) - Directorate
of Logistics (DLOG) and EDQM

10. Multimedia Systems Assistants (Grade B3) - DLOG

11. Information Technology Programme Managers (Grade B5) - Directorate of Information

Technology (DIT)

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12. Senior Information Technology Programme Managers (Grade A1/2) - DIT

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