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Meeting held on 8 March 2017 in the Ted Allen room
In Attendance: Lin Norman (LN)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP)(Treasurer.); Roger Glanville
(RMG)(Sec.); Roger Gillet (RG); Mike Cobley (MC)(Dep. Chair); Jim Machin (JM); Keith
Davison (KD); Peter Hicks (PH); Keith Rowland (KR); Marcia Dorey (MD); John Myers
(JMy), Joe Payne (JP).
Apologies: Chris Wilson, Chris Overton, Hazel Upton, Ralph Martin, Nic Hale, Albert
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming the new assistant Site Rep for Topstreet Way 6
site, John Myers who was co-opted to the role.
Minutes of the February 2017 meeting.
The Minutes of the February meeting were approved as a true record by those present.
Proposer - MC.

Matters arising:
1) LN to pursue Rules and Lettings Agreement review with consultant. In progress.

2) LN to contact HTC re putting bait down at Harpenden Rise site. Awaiting DW feedback.
MD could report an old bait-box had been found, but a new round of bait was necessary.

3) MD to investigate situation re HR14 split into 3 and inform JM/PH. Completed.

4) MC to pursue potential asbestos issue re tree damaging garage roof. In progress.

5) LN to contact HTC re continuing lack of progress on CF ex-HC plots 98% Complete.

6) LN to include item in Site Reps mtg Agenda to cover signing up procedure of new
tenants and Site Reps job spec. Completed.

7) LN to write Peter Stephenson Completed.

8) LN to run drone photo proposal past Carl Cheevers. Completed

9) RC to investigate options ahead of purchase of new hardware/software for CP.


2. HTC Trustee Agreement meeting

2.1 Update: A summary of the discussions had been circulated previously (See Town Clerk
meeting at HTC 1 March 2017) and LN went on to describe the areas covered in a little more
detail. The underlying concern of HTC is that areas which, under the existing agreement,
should be dealt with by both Allotment Societies, are too often being left to HTC to pick up

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

thereby overstretching their resources. Carl Cheevers wishes to clarify and re-establish the
respective responsibilities going forward.
Two aspects the Society is deemed responsible for dominated the discussions; hedge-
cutting, which although set out as the Societys responsibility, had in practise been carried out
by HTC for some time and this would continue whilst the JoC contract was running and
fences which had the potential for major cost implications.
Whilst further discussions on the final arrangements on these issues are planned, HTC
indicated the Society would need to assemble a grant bid to take account of those cost
JM asked which fences were involved and LN confirmed that potentially all boundary fences
of all sites were involved. HTC accepted existing fences were in poor condition hence the
need for further review.
Importantly on hedges if it were left to the Society to manage, LN had emphasised the need
to cut hedges right back as a start point. KD agreed and maintained a precise specification
was necessary and the hedges should be cut to that prior to the Society becoming
RMG wondered if a contractor might be approached to take on the work but as a fill-in
operation to reduce costs and in return allow a contractor flexibility on timing and location. At
least the Society would regain control, a longstanding complaint. Such a contract would also
address the concern CP expressed about the difficulty of preparing a budget.
PH asked if further duties would allow an increase in the grant and LN confirmed this was the
Communications with S.H.A.G.S. were not considered to be an issue.
In other discussions drone photos of sites were given the all-clear and Carl Cheevers
confirmed the wayleave situation was still being reviewed.
3. Finance
3.1 See Reports Summary: CP referred to the issued Cash Summary and the completed Y/E
and Shop Accounts for approval.
Rent collection was well underway with over 3200 in Week 1 and some 1200 in Week 2,
however with only around half of all rents received so far CP expressed concern it was likely
there would remain a considerable amount still to collect after the 4 weeks of normal
CP explained non-payers are reminded by email and even after the 4 weeks tenants have a
further 30 days in which to pay before they are terminated by default. JM offered to send out
the reminder emails after week 3 to assist CP. CP will forward the list to JM. (Action CP).
Regarding the Cash Summary, further water charges had been paid and initial servicing bills.
CP reported the basic servicing charges had increased by some 15%. It may be necessary
to replace a mower for PH site as one has had to be scrapped along with the strimmer on SA
site. The HR mower had been damaged and cost over 100 to repair.

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

3.2 Annual Accounts: CP submitted the annual Y/E Account for the Society and the Shop for
approval prior to submission to the membership at the AGM. CP clarified the tax on the
building society interest had been estimated.
The Committee voted to accept both accounts prepared. Proposer: RG Seconded: KD.
3.3 Insurance: LN raised the issue of insurance of the Shop, confirming that EHGC did insure
their Shop and asked if SHAGS should investigate the potential. CP recalled that when the
Society had been members of the NSALG insurance had been included however to save
costs this was ended. CP explained that the Shop and all sheds were deemed unoccupied
and therefore premiums would be high, however the contingency fund has always been
intended to cover any future losses. 6
JM proposed investigating cover offered by RHS, who the Society is affiliated to, and the
NFU. KD did warn that security may be an issue and additional costs may be incurred.
CP also mentioned the Trustee Liability cover was to be reviewed now the Court case had
been resolved.
4. Site Matters
4.1 Site Reps reports: LN reminded Site Reps that ideally prior to meetings a written report
should be submitted as this saved Committee time and RMG explained all such reports were
included in a Report Summary circulated as part of the normal Committee papers issue.
Churchfield: KD reported work on CF9 and CF26 had now been virtually completed.
Following the court case CF27 now needed to be cleared, ploughed and brought back into
use. CP confirmed funding was set aside for clearance. KD will look to approach Tom
Chichester-Miles to see if he will plough. (Action KD)
Harpenden Rise: See Report Appendix. RMG read out the report contents. RMG also
reported a HR tenant Peter Baikey had offered at rent collection, to organise a team and
supply tools to cut and maintain the problem HR site hedges. However, this could only be
considered after the hedge was fully cut back (See 2.1). MC confirmed the problem was it
was a County Council hedge and LN suggested adding a complaint on the County website
complaints section.
Topstreet Way: JMy reported successful work parties had been assembled over 2 weekends.
Two complete plots had been cleared for re-letting and material burnt.
Piggotshill: MC reported the bottom hedge cut was planned shortly to be cut. The contractor
will also be approached for a quote for hedge-cutting.
It was also anticipated some sundry tree work to be carried out by HTC will include the
branch rubbing on one garage roof both of which have been identified as being of asbestos.
JP submitted a proposal to build a bridge across the PH site pond at his cost and showed the
Committee a sketch of the structure he planned. CP raised H & S concerns and PH agreed
there were concerns that children would be drawn to the structure. KR thought this proposal
should be considered as a one-off. Overall, LN was concerned about the precedent it would
set with the introduction of decorative structures and after discussions it was decided to
defer a decision to a later date after the back area had been cleared first.

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

4.2 May plot inspections: LN asked that during the inspection SRs introduced a H & S aspect
to observations and watched out for specific hazards on plots. MD asked about glass and
RMG confirmed the Rules prohibited new glass structures but existing structures could
4.3 SR Meeting update: MC summarised the areas of discussion, such as hedges, new plot-
holder scheme, noticeboard contents including emergency numbers and new projects. A new
manure source Rob Field was being looked at.
5. Lettings:
5.1 Update: JM confirmed a deteriorating picture with now 36 vacant plots generating a 92%
let rate. LN expressed a need to increase awareness to encourage new tenants.
After KD asked LN confirmed SRs can agree to divide plots as necessary to enable letting.
MD voiced the misconception that waiting lists are long and it was agreed flyers were needed
to address this. JM knew a seller on the Farmers Mkt who would give out flyers.
6. Machinery

6.1 Machinery update: MC summarised the current position. HR had been particularly
affected with costs equalling some 17 plot rentals. The PH rotovator had been damaged.
New strimmer for SA site being purchased. A standardisation programme is being
embarked on.

TSW machines had not been collected due to access problems but this was now planned.
MC asked for a master set of keys to be assembled plus a set for HTC.

An engraving machine was now being recommended for marking machines.

7. Projects/New Developments:

7.1 CP Computer: The matter is still being progressed.

8. Shop

8.1 Update: RG confirmed it had been a bumper start to the new seasons trading with
taking of c1000, including profit on seed potato stocks.

LN asked for a vote of thanks to RG for his and his teams efforts in the Shop.

9. Communications:

9.1 Update: See Reports Summary: RMG covered the report for this month.

10. A.O.B.

10.1 AGM Countdown: RMG confirmed the 2017 AGM would take place on 24 May and
after problems with the notification email last year, would be ensuring this years was issued
for certain and would probably be done w/c 17 April.

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

RMG asked for Committee members to consider beforehand any question of standing
down so that the Election of Members Schedule can be finalised at the April meeting.

10.2 Risk Engineering: RMG referred to the copy email written by Rod Cooley circulated to
the members earlier and the request by RC that the points in his email were considered
going forward.

One suggestion was to put a copy of the Public Liability certificate To whom it may
concern on the website so that anyone wishing to claim has the required information about
the Societys insurers straight to hand.

It was agreed a risk assessment has already been done and H & S were given out to all 6
new plot holders. LN agreed the check list and a full H & S inspection should be completed
and documented this year.

It was agreed the matter should be reviewed again and the matter will be added to the
Agenda of the next meeting. (Action RMG).

JM highlighted the problems that remained with water butts and gates were not always

10.3 Court case: LN confirmed the Society had won the recent court action as the case
against the Society had been dismissed. As a result, LN considered a review of our H&S
and other Rules in relation to the Equalities Act to see if any changes need to be made.
Further discussions with HTC may be necessary to further tighten procedures.

10.4 Apple Tree complaint: RMG confirmed that a complaint had been made by a CL site
tenant about the work to reduce an apple tree recently. It appears the tree has not been cut
down just cut right back in line with the email sent out by the Site Reps.

10.5 Trustee Liability Insurance: Because of the court case having been settled, the Society
now intends to review the TL cover under the current policy which did not cover the
Societys legal costs. It may be necessary now to take out additional insurance to protect
the Trustees against the costs of defending any future action.

10.6 Drone photos: See comments under 2.1. JM described the work done on PH site with
the resulting photos being distributed.

10.7 SHAGS Summer Outing: JM confirmed it was the intention to organise a trip this year
and had suggested a visit to RHS Wisley in early September. JM would be happy to
organise the trip but would not be available and KD kindly offered to stand in and head the
trip on the day. The priority was to book the coach and JM would consider this. (Action JM).

10.8 David Ebbels: LN announced that DE was standing down from the post of Newsletter
Editor this year. By way of replacement LN put forward Irene Boogerman who could be
assisted by LN. LN also proposed that in recognition of his work over many years he be
made a Hon Assoc. member. The Committee unanimously agreed and the proposal was

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

10.9 Fraser Gordon / Roger Dorey additional Site Reps: MC told the meeting Fraser
Gordon had offered to become a new Site Rep for PH site to cover for Jim Machin and MD
announced Roger Dorey would do the same at HR site.

Both were duly co-opted ahead of election at the next AGM.

10.10 Keys provision: JM raised the concern of keys being unavailable which in worst
situation could mean the need to change padlocks and purchase over 400 new keys. MD
asked about combination padlocks and MC replied the subject had been discussed in the
past and told of the underlying concern was of seeing the combination in the dark and locks

Date of Next Meeting: 12th April 2017 Ted Allen Room

Minutes of Mar 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

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