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Q: My girlfriend and i want to marry but my parents are concerned about one

specific paragraph in my horoscope. It says that "marriage is favourable after

age of 26, and previous efforts can bring adverse effects". I just turned 26 last
week, but I've known my girlfriend before that and we've been in love for quite
a few months now. My parents are concerned that it counts as a previous
effort. I wish to know if we are astrologically compatible and whether us
marrying will be safe (i.e. she is in my destiny). We love eachother a lot and
don't want to lose eachother. My details: Name: Rishabh DOB: 8 Nov 1981
Time: 19:52 Place: Victoria, Seychelles (+4 GMT) Latitude: 4.37 S Longitude:
55.27 E My girlfriend's details: Name: Kavita DOB: 17 Jan 1984 Time: 23:13
Place: Jamshedpur, India (+5:30 GMT) Latitude: 22.47 N Longitude: 86.12 E
Thank you for your advice.
-- Rishabh Jivan, India Nov 27 07
A: Dear Rishabh,
I have gone through your chart as well as Kavitas Chart. As per numerical
value of the chart, the marriage matching points are good. But you are
Manglik as shown in the marriage matching chart and it is believed the
person who is a Manglik should marry after 26 years. Since your Mars is in
the 4th house, and is your Marriage Lord and is aspecting its own house, so
this Manglik dosha can be ignored and you can have marriage without
Manglik girl as well. However, no of the benefic planets are aspecting your
7th house, instead malefic planet like Rahu is also aspecting your marriage
house, a little bit trouble. The aspect of Saturn on your marriage house, will
only delay the marriage and in the process you will get late children, because
it is sitting in your childrens house. As far as your Kavitas horoscope is
concerned, her marriage lord is also posted in the 4th house, like you good
one with Lagna Lord Mercury. Two major benefic planets are posted in the 4th
house, i.e. domestic peace. However, in her second house Mars and Saturn
are posted, which can pose some problem in the family life, as by way of slip
of tongue or harsh speech, there can be problems in the domestic peace. In
view of the above discussion, the match is very good both numerically and
otherwise and since you have crossed 26 years of age, there is no problem in
the settlement of marriage. All the astrological parameters of double transit of
Saturn and Jupiptor over the 7th house or 7th lord is available in your Chart
and in case of Kavaita's chart, Jupitor is entering on her 7th lord on 22nd
Nov., 2007 for giving blessing. As far as Saturn (Transit) is not clearing her
time for marriage, she is advised to burry 700 gram of black urd in the barren
land on Saturday. Borth are running the Dasa of marriage related house
especiall antra of Venus. You are advised to do remedy of Rahu and Kavita
should used to take a little bit peace of Jaggery early in the morning so that
as a remedy to mars and donate Saturns product like Black Urd and
Mustrard oil 10th part of her weight on Saturday.
With best wishes, Kuldip Sharma
Q: Hi.. This is Suhasini.. I hav a frnd.. we both are in love from past 1.3 years.
Now we are thinking of getting married.. but the problem is his mother is not
accepting for the marriage as we are not of same caste. His mother struggled
a lot for him .. when his father died.. so... We want our marriage to be
happened with all of our parents blessing.. We don't want anybody to be
unhappy with our relation.. Now a days my parents started searching guy for
me too.. till now i didn't told anything abt him to my parents as still we are
waiting for the acceptance from his mother. Now a days i'm keep on worrying
abt the marriage whether it will happen or not... Some times i feel like ending
up my life...... please tell me how to convince his mother.... and i want to know
whether our marriage will happen or not .. My Name : Suhasini My BIRTH
DETAILS birth date: Decemeber 9th 1984 Place: Kurnool Timings : around 7
AM My frnd Name : Ravindra Babu His birth details .. June 3rd 1980 , Place :
Shivarama puram , sorry i don't know the timings of his birth . Please help
me......... in this...
-- Suhasini, INDIA Nov 27 07
A: Dear Suhasini,
Gone through your chart. My Computer is not able to your place of birth
Kurnool, as mentioned in your query. However, I have constructed the chart
and you are born in India, your Lagna will be Scorpio and Moon sign will
Taurus. Since you have not supplied the time of your Ravinder Babu, I have
taken it mean time of 12.00 Noon and erected the Moon Chart to ashatkoot
Milan. The numerical compatibility has been checked with your Ravindra
Babu and you stands to get 22.5 points out of 36. There is bhakoot dosha of
6/8 position is present. But you have acquired 4 points in Greh Maitri and
further on checking, both the moon are in Venus Navamsha, so the
compatibility of mind level is full, there is no problem in the adjustment. You
are non manglik. The other part i.e. boys physical or Lagna chart cannot be
erected without the help of time. From the Lagna chart, we are able to assess
whether he is manglik or non-manglik. Who is about his 7th house. Is there
any malefic planet is causing problem or there is dosha for separation. There
are many other things which are to be seen from Lagna chart without which,
we are unable to predict who is your married life. As far as your marriage is
concerned, Rahu is present in your 7th house and aspecting your 7th lord, i.e.
provocation to have alliance with the boy of other religion. Your emotions are
also being aroused with the presence of Venus-Mars in the 3rd house (kama
Trikona) i.e. Venus (7th lord of marriage) and Mars (lord of 9th house i.e. 5th
to 5th also relating to thinking and planning and Bhagya) show your marriage
with love and emotions. The field is clear from your part, but cannot be
predicted for your Ravindera Babu, for which we need time also. Numerically,
we clear your marriage, and there are chances, you will be able to succeed in
this alliance. Take the help of your friendly circle to get his mother convinced.
With best wishes, (kuldip Sharma)

Q: just want to know abot my marriage when it will occur and how will be my life
after my marriage my dob 13-12-1981 time 10 of birth is jaipur
-- rit punjabi, India Nov 27 07
A: My dear rit punjabi,
You are Makar Lagna and Lagna Lord Saturn is placed in 9th house very well
placed. Your 7th lord (marriage lord) is placed in the 6th house and on Rahu
Ketu axis, shows that there are some obstructions or problem in marital life.
However, it is being aspected by Jupitor, shows slight improvement. Your
marriage according to the principle of double transit of Saturn and Jupitor and
as per Dasa system will likely to be fixed around March, 2008, when there is
dasa of Saturn-Rahu Jupitor . During this period, the Saturn in retrogration
will give the effects of 7th house in retrograde motion and Jupitor (Transit)
from Sagittarius will aspect the 7th Lord Moon. Marriage in any case should
not be fixed before 5th March, 2008, because it is dasa of Saturn-Rahu-Rahu
and Rahu will try to give some blames on this account or try to disturb the
mental peace. Your marital life will be average to good. Avail this opportunity.
Other you will be late by another few years. With best wishes, (Kuldip

Q: i am going to marry a girl. please match our horoscopes and tell us about our
marriage life. whether the marriage brings happiness and prosperity in our
life? details : boy : DOB 13 sep ,1981 Time : 10:30 am place :
ajnala( amritsar, punjab) girl: DOB 7 may, 1985, time :12:35 pm(midnight of
6th may), place :ajnala ( amritsar,punjab)
-- gagan pasricha, India Nov 27 07
A: Dear Gaagan Pasricha,
Gone through Horoscope of male and female. Guna Milan compatibility was
also checked up and both stands to get 20 points. But there is Nadi dosha.
Since Nadi is considered for pulse or nerves Nadi is meant to known about
the temperament and wavelengths between couple and if this dosha exists
then it will be a problem. Some experts also link the Nadi with the sexual urge
between the couple which results in the birth of children. Since this is one of
vital issue and has maximum points and it holds the centre point. However,
our old classics says that this dosha is only meant for Brahmins. But I reserve
my views. According to shashtra also, if both the male and females are
having same Nadi, but their charan are different, then the same can be
ignored and marriage is recommended. However, in this case, Nadi is same,
but what to speak of charan of the Nakashtra, their Rashis are different, so I
recommend that you can go ahead with the marriage ignoring this dosha. In
otherwise, both the charts are having plus and minus points, and it cannot be
said both are very good, especially on the point of view of birth of children, as
there are weakness in the male chart but it is being covered up by the female
chart and the birth of children will be there with certain obstructions and
Q: When is the prospective date of marrige. DOB: 5-5-75 TOB: 5:15AM
Bangalore Karnataka Your help in indeed appreciated
-- K N, India Nov 27 07
A: Dear KN, I have gone through the chart and it is Aries in Lagna and Lagna
Lord well placed in the 11th house. 7th lord Venus is placed in the 3rd house
alongwith Saturn 11th lord. Since Saturn is transiting in Leo Rashi as on
today, is aspecting 7th house, whereas Jupitor is transiting in 8th house and
is not making contact with 7th house or 7th lord. As per the principle of double
transit, unless both the Saturn and Jupitor in transit makes contact with 7th
house or 7th lord,the marriage is not possible. In this case, Saturn, though
making contact with 7th house (House of marriage), but Jupitor is not at
present. But however, from 22nd Nov.,2007 it is entering in Sagittarius rashi,
and from where, it will aspect 7th lord (Marriage lord) and after 22nd
November, 2007 the case is being cleared for marriage by both the transiting
planets. Further, as per dasa , the period is available from January 25, 08
when there is antra of Jupitor. So avail this opportunities. It is available upto
Nov.,08. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)

Q: Is it advisable to arrange marriage if both bride and groom are of the same
star and Raasi?
-- Ramki, CHN,INDIA Nov 27 07
A: Dear Ramki,
As regards marriage matching, if both the stars are the same, there are
matching points are 28 and there only is nadi dosha. In marriage matching all
the 7 points are matched and if they belong to same group, they are given full
points, but in the case of Nadi, if both are in same group, they gets zero point.
Since Nadi Dosha is being considered very essential now a days. In the
earlier days, this dosha was only considered by Brahmins and it was not
applicable for other community, as for other communities some other dosha
were considered. However, coming to your question, if both the rashi are
same, there is nadi dosha, but there is cancellation of this dosha when the
Nakshatra have different charan or pada, e.g. if both male and female have
same Nakshtra i.e. Kritika but one is in 2nd Charan and other in 3rd or 4th
charan, the calculation sheet shows nadi dosha but this dosha can be
cancelled, and there is no problem for arranging the marriage. They are
advised to go in for marriage.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: My dob is 10-Apr-1977 - 07.25 at Mumbai. Can some one tell me when will I
get married ?
-- R R Bha, India Nov 27 07
A: Dear R,R Bha,
Gone through your horoscope.You have not indicated whether the birth time
is AM or PM. I am taking birth time as A.M. and according to it you are Aries
Lagna and Lagna lord well placed in the 11th house. Your Lagna is on Rahu
Ketu axis. As regards your marriage, your 7th lord is no doubt exalted but
placed in the 12th house alongwith 5th lord Sun. The above combination
shows that you are likely to marry with the spouse you have already in love or
know to you. However, there are some obstructions due to its position in the
12th house and also placement of Rahu in the 7th house. There is no benefic
aspect on your 7th house except by 6th lord (bad) Mercury. Saturn is also
placed in your 4th house and show some irritable nature and does not enjoy
the domestic peace or happiness. Regarding the period, since Satur (Transit)
is aspecting your 7th house and Jupitor has just entered in Sagittarius, after
blessing your 7th lord and from Moon sign, it is now aspecting your 7th
house, clearing the scope of marriage, but as per dasa, the period is
squeezed to 9th Jan, 08 to 29th February,08 when it is dasa of Mars-Rahu-
Jupitor or from June, 08 to Sept., 08. You are advised to avail this period,
otherwise, it will be another blank year of 2009, then it is possible that you
may marry in the year 2010. You are advised to do the remedy of Venus i.e.
donation of white product or items of flavour like Dhoop, Agarwati in the
temple,. You are advised to wear Yellow Pukhraj in your index finger, if male
on the right hand side and if female on the left hand side, as you have not
written whether you are male or female. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: hello, my dob is august 13, 1980, at 9:30 am (not corrected for dst) in grand
junction, colorado, USA. could someone tell me when I will be married? I am
a female
-- Anonymous, United States Nov 27 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
Gone through your query and and this is a repeat query and no fresh
question has been asked.However, my observations and reply will be the
same I have prepared your chart and you are Virgo Lagna and Lagna Lord is
well placed in the 11th house but on Rahu Ketu axis and it shows you are
elder child. You are a Manglik as Mars is placed in Lagna alongwith Saturn.
Due to Manglik and Saturn aspect on your 7th house, delayed your marriage
abnormally. You are advised to go in for marriage with the Manglik boy.
Regarding your marriage, your 7th lord is in the 12th house, which is bad
house and shows that there is trouble in married life due to position of Jupitor.
3 major malefic planets i.e. Mars , Saturn and Rahu are aspecting your 7th
house, making the things bad on the marriage point of view No benefic planet
is aspecting your marriage related house. Under these circumstances, it is my
earnest advise to go in for marriage with Manglik Boy and by doing this, you
will be able to at least remove these dosha being created by Mars and
Saturn. Saturns role is only to delay the marriage, but it does not do any
harm. Secondly, you are required to go in for marriage matching and your
husbands chart should be strong enough and there should not be any
affliction. You are advised to learn how to adjust with others especially with
your husbands and by this way you will be able to lead your life more
comfortable, As regards your marriage, presently, there is good dasa for
marriage is available now is from Dec.,07 to April, 08after June, 2008 to Dec.,
2008. Since other parameters of double transit are meeting, as Saturn (in
transit) is over your 7th lord Jupitor and Jupitor (Transit) has started aspecting
your 7th lord. It has already aspected your 7th house. However, after Dec.,
2008, then there is delay of another one year and there is likely marriage in
the year 2010. You do remedy of Saturn by donating the black Urd in some
Temple or Gurudwara and reciting the Saturn Beej Mantra. You are also
running Saturn Sadesati and above remedy will be the same to soften the
attitude of Saturn. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Failure with everything. Bought a house builder renovate bad have to
demolish. Should I sell the property, is it unlucky for me. Date of birth
23/11/61 time 8.26am Place Colombo Sri lanka
-- Anonymous, NYC, USA Nov 28 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through your horoscope. You are Sagittarius Lagna and Lagna
lord is debilitated and posted in 2nd house alongwith 2nd lord Saturn and that
too on Rahu Ketu axis The debilitation of Jupitor has been cancelled due to
the position of own sign Saturn. Your 4th house (representative of property,
vehicle etc.) is also Jupitor and it is placed is very good i.e. 11th.from its own
sign. But being placed on the Rahu Ketu axis, it is bound to create some
trouble in the matter of property. Moreover, Karka for landed property is mars,
and placed in own Rashi, but placed in the 12th house. Rahu is to create
problem in the acquisition of property, as it is aspecting your 4th lord (property
lord) as well as your 4th house(property house) and moreover you are
running the dasa of Jupitor-Rahu. It is not only Jupitor-Rahu dasa, above all it
is Chhidra dasa, when a rule of Jupitor is going to end and new rule of Saturn
is to start from March, 08. And during this chhidra dasa, something can really
worst to happen. So you have to be extra careful for atleast upto March, 08.
There is another problem, you are also running Dhiya i.e. Saturn (Transit) 4th
position from your moon and it can try to create problems in property matter.
Further, Jupitor has also turned bad for you from Nov., 07. During this period,
you should be extra careful for dealing with property matter. However, you are
advised to keep silent even for selling your property upto March, 08. There is
problem of Rahu and not your Jupitor. You can have property after shanty of
Rahu. During this period, you are advised to do the remedy of Saturn by
donating black Urd and Mustard oil and also recite the Beej Mantra of Saturm
Om Sham Shanichraya Nama, throwing of Coconut in the running water on
Wednesday and recite the beej mantra of Rahu and also offer water to Shiv
Ling on Monday. After doing remedy of Rahu for 9 weeks, then you consider
again for purchasing property. Also do remedy of Venus, by donating its
product like Dhoop Agarwati in the temple.
Q: Date of Birth - 11 January 1970 Time - 3:10pm Place - Delhi I would like to
know about my career prospects in the coming years. And if there is a
possibility of settling down abroad? I have been advised by astrologers before
that moving to a western country (with a culture of nightlife and booze) will
prove good for my career and life in general. Would like to know if that's true /
still valid. In particular if there are any "good" or "bad" periods in the coming
years that I should keep in mind. And if my horoscope suggests any
significant success in career ? Thanks in advance. regards
-- Anonymous, United Kingdom Nov 28 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
Gone through your horoscope. You are Taurus Lagna,, Aquarius Moon. Your
Lagna Lord is placed in 8th house, shows obstructions. Your lord of
profession has exchanged with lord of 12th house (abroad) and your 10th
house is on the Rahu Ketu axis, and the Astrologers has advised you for
chosing your professional prospects in the foreign or abroad. The above
combinations are good for settlement in the foreign country, as you will not be
able enjoy the professional rise while living around your birth place. Your 4th
house (domestic peace) and 2nd house (family sukh) is quite afflicted and
you will not be enjoying while living near your Mother or mother land or birth
place. There are good yoga, for settlement abroad, is exchange between 10th
and 12th lord, and it shows if you remain near your birth place, you will
remain in problem. Position of Rahu and Mars in the 10th house, makes you
argumentative with your superior. Rahu Moon conjunction creates Matru
dosha and Mars Moon conjunction, chander mangal yoga and good for
wealth, but makes you extra emotional towards opposite sex. 11th (gains )
and 8th (displacement) lord lord Jupitor also aspect your 9th and 10th lord
Saturn forming Dhan Yoga. Again to stress that you are destined to live
abroad. As a remedy you are advised to do remedy of Matru dosha, i.e offer
food, clothes and money to 5 Brahmis on 5 Amavasya Day. Donate liberablly
the products of Mars, like Jaggery so that ill effects of Mars are reduced.
Donate chapatti to Dogs or prepare Kheer (made of Milk and rice) and offer to
Q: Hi, I am female born on 11th Nov. 1968 at mumbai at 20.18 pm. Yes, I have
had a terrible life up until now with divorce, 2 daughters raised by me alone,
father passing away , take care of mother etc. I am told that I now have
shukra dasha - Will my life become better in this dasha ? Please explain and
elaborate. Thanks very much for reading.
-- Anonymous, India Nov 22 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through your horoscope. Your 7th lord Jupitor is on Rahu Ketu
axis and with 11th lord Mars shows that your marriage was the outcome of
your pre-maritial relations. You are Manglik as Mars was posited in the your
4th house and Mangal Dosha only cancel if you marry with a Manglik one.
Your 4th house also has ketu and 4th house is aspected by Rahu and Saturn
from 10th house (which denotes in laws), shows disturbance of domestic
peace with at your home or in the husbands home. The main problem of
divorce is affliction to the 4th house, 10th house. Since Venus is placed in
your 7th house, also a cause of marital disturbance as Venus is karka for
marriage and when Karka is placed in its house, it disturb that house as per
the theory of Karka Bhav Nash. Further position of Jupitor in duel sign also
shows more than one marriage. As you are running the dasa of Venus. It is to
give very good result as it stands for luxury, 4th house traits like good house,
vehicles and all the items of luxury. As it is the Mahadasa Lord, it has to given
result in relation with other planets, and the auspicious dasa will be Venus-
Sun (Average) Venus-Moon (good for finance, but bad to health),Venus-Mars,
(Gains, as well some health problem) Venus-Rahu (normal, but disturbance in
profession),Venus-Jupitor (good for profession) Venus-Saturn (Good for
overall development and Bhagya) Venus-Ketu (domestic unrest). However,
overall period of Venus will be very good and will get you out of terrible life.
Many of your problems will be solved.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: dear ammas im now under debts and wanted to know when i start earning
money d.o.b:-4th october 1979, time:- 23:00 place kakinada
-- Anonymous, India Nov 23 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through your chart and you are Mithun Lagna and Lagna Lord
well placed in 5th house. Your 10th Jupitor is placed in the 3rd house i.e. 6th
position from its position, problem in profession and also on Rahu Ketu axis.
Your 6th (lord of debt) is placed in the 2nd house (house of finance) has taken
you towards debts. It is also lord of 11th hours (house of gains) and the same
mars is debilitated and shows question mark on the desires. Your Moon and
Jupitor both relating to wealth, are in shatashtak position and not good for
wealth, The position of planet is such that you have to take maximum of it in
the absence of any raj yoga or dhan yoga. There Guru chandal yoga to your
10th house. There is one benefit point is that your Lagna Lord is Vargotam
and at present it is running dasa of Mercury, it is vargotam planet as well a
Lagna lord antra of Moon, which is lord of 2nd House (house of finance) and
placed in the 10th house and during this period you can have good results.
However, next antra is of Mars, which is debilitated and lord of gains as well
as lord of competition and above all lord of debt and placement in the 2nd
house can enhance your debt and can also decrease your debt, it all depends
on you. Since Rahu is placed in the 3rd house may be very bold, but with the
placement of your 10th lord is damaging your position in the profession. Rahu
has made your profession lord more week. You have to improve your
working. In order how to remove the debt, you are advised to do the remedy
of Mars as it is the planet which has posed major threat to your finance
problem. Donate Jaggery to cows on Thuesday liberally. For removal of debt,
100 grm Curd and 100 grm Moong tied in green cloth and throw in the
running water regularly for 3 days from Wednesday. (2)removal of debt, wear
green thread in the neck and offer 1 kg. Wheat, 1 kg moongi on Tuesday or
Wednesday at 11 AM. 5 Kg Bajra to be kept in container and offer bajra to
animals (3)o the roof top, cut lemon in 4 piece without separating it and after
encircling over the head, throw pieces one by one in all the 4 directions.
(4)One coin of silver in the mixture of Haldi and Curd and after encircling over
the head for nine times, throw in the running water on Wednesday or
Thursday (5)Keep 10 gram Silver powder, 10 gram Moongi wrapped in green
cloth in the pocket. Above all improve your thinking and planning. Do remedy
of Jupitor to strengthen i.e. distribute bananas in the temple or children.This
will improve your working conditions. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily and recite
Sankat Kate Mite Sab Peera Jo Simre Hanumant Balveera. (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hey I read that guru is in transit and moves into dhanu rashi. I have guru
antardasha and also guru is sitting in my 6th house. my DOB is 23rd March
1957, time 6.22 am, mumbai. I have been having mental anguish and hard
life doing impossible manual and menial tasks - will this change in the
immediate future with guru's transit ? I am supposed to be having raja yoga -
never enjoyed such a period. Is this true and if yes when will this yoga
happen? thanks very much for your encouragement all you learned scholars
of vedic astrology !
-- Anonymous, Nov 23 07
A: My dear Anonymous, Gone through your horoscope. You are Pisces Lagna
and Lagna Lord Jupitor is placed in the 7th house in Virgo Rashi. You are
correct that you are running Antra of Jupitor in Mahadasa of Rahu. Your
Janam Rashi is Dhanu. Since you are running Mahadasa of Rahu and Antra
of Jupitor has started in April, 06. Since Rahu is in the 8th house, during its
period is to give obstructions, bad health and danger to longevity. Before
April, 06, it was dasa of Rahu-Rahu at that time till June, 2007, you were also
running Dhiya of Saturn, i.e. Ashtam Shani as well as Jupitor (Dev Guru) was
also running 12th from your Moon Rashi ( bad transit), so health wise, mental
anguish is a must and the bad result have to be experienced by you.
However, presently, you must have improved your position with the antra of
Jupitor and Saturns position in Leo from June, 07 onwards. Aspect of Mars
and Saturn has created Raj Yoga. It gives name and fame. As per the transit
principles, as enumerated in various classics, Jupitor is to give auspicious
results when it transits in 2nd, 5th, 7th 9th and 11th from the Natal position of
the Moon. There is further stipulation that no planet should be posited in
12th , 4th and 3rd , 10th and 8th from the above respective position.
According to classics, the position of Jupitor over the natal Moon, it is to give
inauspicious results like the native will lose property and reputation, will have
bad health, incur heavy losses. Loss of status. Now Dev Guru Jupitor has
enter Sagittarius on your Janam Rashi so the results of the Jupitor will be the
same as stated above. But according to me, the results will not be so bad as
compared to when it was transiting in 12th from your Janam Rashi. The
results are to be discussed on the basis of Desh Kal Patra. It does not mean
whose Lagna is Sagittarius and may be Moon is in Capricorn, may be Jupitor
start transiting in 12th house from Moon, but if they are unmarried, there
marriage can be solemnized, or if they were desirous of children during this
period, they must be blessed with child. However, in your case, there can be
improvement in your finance matter, property matter and enough relieve from
sickness. Its bad results can be moderate to good, if you do Upaya of Guru.
You are advised to donate bananas in the temple or to the children, or donate
yellow product like Dal Chana (Broken Bengal gram) on Thursday, recite beej
mantra of Jupitor daily. Go to temple and burn Deepak under Pippal Tree. You
are also advised to do the remedy of Rahu which is placed in 8th house and
both the dasa and antardasa lord are 2/12 position, which is not good.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: hi name is sruthi it graduate...i'm eagerly waiting for a break in my
career...can some one tell whether i can get a job in 2008??and my parents
are planning for my marraige in can some one tell me whether it is
possible....DOB 12.06.1984 my birth time:5.20am birth place:markapur(79 17
e,15 44 n) location:india thanks in advance
-- sruthi ch, India Nov 25 07
A: Dear Sruthi,
Gone through your horoscope on the point of view of profession. There are
very good chances of getting job after March, 2008. Both the dasa and transit
favouring you regarding profession. The Saturn in transit is transiting in your
4th house, and aspecting your 10th house, 10th lord as well as karka for
service Sun. Jupitor (Transit) is also transiting in your 7th house and is
aspecting your natal sun and justify its transit and promising for job. For
profession, the double transit of Saturn and Jupitor over the 10th lord or over
the 10th house, or on the natal sun is a must. The period upto Sept., 2008 is
also good for marriage. If the opportunity is not availed, then the marriage can
be delayed by 2010.After Sept., 2008, if the marriage is held, then you have
to do remedy of Jupitor, like burying 700 grams of Dal Channa in the barren
land on Thursday, to take the help of Jupitor. You can encash both the
opportunities i.e. profession and marriage during the above period i.e. upto
with best wiehes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: DoB-feb25th1976, 6:40am in Hyderabad,India. Canyou please let em know
how is my future?? and is there a chance that I work? My husbands
DOB1969aug9th.16:04,Tirupati,India. I would like to know how it is for both of
-- sree, omaha,usa Nov 25 07
A: Dear Sree,
Gone through your horoscope. You are Kumbha Lagna and lagna lord in 6th
shows struggle. As far as your question of future is concerned at present you
are not running good dasa you might be facing problems in respect of health
wise. However, this dasa is good on the point of view of earning. There is not
much problem in your professional graph. Actually, your 10th house is strong
i.e. hosee of Karma. At present, Gochar wise (Transit) and dasa wise, there is
ample opportunities for you regarding profession and with some little efforts,
you can get good job. Let me explain the Gochar, Saturn is at present
transiting in your 7th house (i.e. 10th to 10th house for profession) aspecting
your natal sun and also your 10th lord clearing your case for profession and
on the other hand Jupitor, who is at present is transiting in your 10th house
and aspecting your 10th lord giving blessing and the principle of double
transit is meeting with in respect of your profession and it is good time to avail
this opportunity by April, 2008. After that you have to do remedy of Jupitor to
have its blessings. As regards your profession wise, there is no problem.
However, there is problem in respect of your Bhagya its lord is in the 12th
house alongwith 5th lord, and your fate (Bhagya) is not favouring you). You
are advised to make pendant of Zircon of good quality 9 Ratti and good
quality of Panna ( 5 ratti) and wear it on Friday in your neck. You are
advised to donate Packet of Agarwati in the Temple on Friday. Regarding your
husbands Horoscope, it is quite matching and you both are Manglik.
However, in order to maintain good relationship, you are advised to offer
jaggery on Sunday to cow and also donate products of Rahu i.e. donation of
Satnaja (7 types of pulses )or coconut to fishes on Wednesday or Saturday,
donation of Black Urd on Saturday etc. and also Square piece of Silver to be
embedded on the bed.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: HI, I am a 24 year old girl in love with a boy since the last 6 years. The
problem is that we belong to different castes. I want to marry him with the
consent and blessings of both the families. He says his mother would not
agree for a girl outside thier caste. Due to this,in the last 6 years, we tried
many a times to stay apart as there might be some problems from our
parents in our relationship but we were unable to do so and each time I
developed even more strong feelings for him. 3 months back, his marriage
was finalised with a girl of his parent's choice.That time, I was very depressed
but we decided that we will always remain in touch and be good friends. But
he broke-off with the girl and the marriage was cancelled. Now, I have again
got some hope. I want to spend my life with him and will never be happy
without him. I feel so depressed on the thought of losing him.Though we love
each other very much but I am not able to decide how to proceed further.His
mother believes in Horoscope matching and according to a software, he is
Manglik while I am not. He said once that if our horoscope had matched,
there was still a chance of our marriage. I read lots of texts on the net and
found that Manglik Dosha is cancelled in his chart due to the postions of
some auspicious planets. My parents have also started to look for a match for
me. But, till now none of our parents know of our relationship. Also, right now,
I am going through some bad phase. He also says that there are some
problems in his life too. I dont know what to do? Is there a chance of our
marriage? Is it possible to know from horoscope if it will be a love-marriage or
not? Are there any problems in our hosroscopes and if so, are their any
remedies? When would the bad period in our lives come to end? My DOB is
14-03-1983, time is 23:35(11:35 PM), place: Muzaffarnagar. His DOB is 19-
06-1980, time 11:35 AM, place: Delhi. Please help me.I really appreciate any
help in advance!
-- A G, India Nov 25 07
A: Dear A.G.,
Gone through both the chart. According to Guna Milan tally, you both stands
for 23.5 points. There is 6/8 Bhakoot Dosha and this dosha is further rectified
by the position of Moon in the Navamsha and can also be ignored as they
have got Greh Maitri Point. So according to Guna Milan tally, it is a perfect
match. As you have spoken, you are non-manglik and boy is Manglik, his
Manglik dosha also stands cancelled by the position of (i) Saturn with Mars
(ii) Mars with Jupitor in the Lagna. If we go through the horoscope matching
both the horoscopes good on account of finance,children and prosperity.
There are number of Raj yogas and Dhan yogas in both the charts. Both of
you stands to go for love marriage. You are advised to do the remedy of
Saturn and Ketu. Donate black urd equal to the 10th part of your weight in the
Temple. Also donate multi colored blanket to Lepers. Take one Mango leave
write name for 27 times of the mother of the boy on it with red sketch pen,
over and over, and keep one bit of jaggery and wrap the leave and tie it with
mouli which is used in Pooja, then keep it in small vial and pour honey over it
so that it is dipped and keep it in the sacred placed. During this process,
make wish that the mother of the boy should give consent to this proposal.
Take the help of old friends to find out the solution. With best wishes, (Kuldip
Q: Respected Ammas, Pl. find below the details of boy & girl for match matching
Details of Boy: DOB : 17/08/1977 Time : 05:10 PM (17:10 Hours) Place :
Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) Details of Girl: DOB: 06/02/1980 Time : 12:55
AM (00:55 hours) Place : Srinagar(Jammu & Kashmir) Pl. match , and advice
specially the nullification of NADI DOSHA present. Thanks & Regards
-- Anonymous, India Nov 26 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
Gone through the chorts of boy and girl and numerical compatibility was also
checked and there are 27 points and there is only dosha i.e. Nadi as you
have rightly written. Both the boy and girls are having Adya nadi, being
Janam Rashi of both the boy and girl is the same i.e. Virgo. There are 8 types
of Koota Milan and all the 7 if they are the same or belong to same group,
they gets full points, whereas in this particular case, if both the nadi are same
that is called Dosha and it has the maximum points in this system of marriage
matching and much attention and importance has been attached to it now a
days. I am to explain this nadi in the medical term also signifies the pulse
which indicates the hereditary instinkcs. It is the central point and indicator of
physical energy on which individual health and nature depends. In Ayurveda,
three types of temperaments are indicated Vaat windy, Pitta-Billious and
cough Phlegm. The nature of sexual urge and also geneticc effects can be
inferred from the horoscopes of the boy and the girl, so that tye can have
better adjustment in the conjugal relation. It is also said that if both boys and
girls have Aadhya Nadi, then husband will die, if both are having Madhya
Nadi, wife will die and if both are having Antya Nadi, both will die. Under
Ashtkoot marriage matching, same nadi has dosha and can lead to physical
physical relations between the spouse. However, our old classics says that
this doha is only meant for Brahmins. But I reserve my views. According to
shashtra also, if both the male and females are having same nadi, but their
charan are diiferent, then the same can be ignored. But in this case, no
doubt, both have same nadi, but their nakshtras are different ( i.e. one is
having Hasta and other is have Uttar Phalguni). So in my view the nadhi
dosha can be ignored in this case. However, on checking the horoscopes of
the boy and girl, there is no specific dosha found in the both the horoscopes.
There is some problem in the chart of girl regarding the children, as her
children lord is in bad house and children house is on Rahu Ketu axis, and
mars aspect on the 5th house can abort the child, but this has been removed
by aspect of Jupitor. On the other hand, there is also problem in the boys
horoscope in the matter of children. And there is no other malefic or benefic
aspect on the 5th house. There are children in their marriage, but with some
obstacles. Both the horoscopes have same type of weekness. All other
houses of both the horoscopes are good. In nutshell, this point may kindly be
consider alongwith Nadi dosha. In my view, nadi dosha can be ignored. With
best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Following are the birth details for my friend: DOB: 11-Sep-1981 Time: 10:37
PM Place: Delhi She wants to get married but she is not getting any suitable
matches. Can you please help with the following questions about her: 1.
When will she get married? Will it be a love or arranged marriage? 2. Is there
any chance of love marriage for her? 3. How will be her married life? Thanks
-- Anonymous, India Nov 26 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through her Chart. She is a Taurus Lagna and Lagna Lord placed
in the 6th house i.e. house of struggle, may in own house. It gives some time
disease. Sun is placed in her 4th house, she remains disturbed at home.
There are 3 planets in her 5th house i.e. Saturn, Mercury and Jupitor.
Mercury is 5th lord of Education, Saturn 9th and 10th lord ( fate and
profession) and Jupitor 11th lord of gains and desire, thus making very good
Raj yoga and Dhan yoga, giving name and fame and wealth. But Saturn is
aspecting her 7th house, delaying her marriage. Her marriage lord is well
placed in the 3rd house, but on Rahu Ketu axis and Rahu is also aspecting
her 7th house. Her Moon is also on Rahu Ketu axis, making matru dosha.
Jupitors conjuction with Saturn making Guru Chandal Yoga. As regards your
question No. 1, whether it will be arranged marriage or love marriage, I must
state that no doubt many emotions may arise in her mind, or there may be
some relationship because of her strong 5th and 11th house lord, but this
combination has no relationship with the marriage house or in other words I
say, there is no love marriage, but arrange marriage. However, the
combination of Rahu with the 7th lord, shows that she may go in for
unorthodox marriage, or out of your caste as it is the tendency of Rahu. I
have also cross checked from Moon angle, that is supporting for love
marriage. But ultimately, it will result in to arranged marriage. There are 60%
chances of arranged marriage and 40 % chances are love marriage, but it is
certain that he will be from other caste. As regards your question how will be
her married live, her married life will be very smooth and I do not think there
will be any problem. Aspect of Rahu on the 7th house can only create some
bickering, which are normal in ones life. Sun hot planet in 4th house, some
uncomfortable in the domestic such and it will be also in her husband house
i.e . some irritable habbit. There is no major dosha in case of her married life.
Her married life is very smooth as discussed above. There is no matter of
concern At present, she is running dasa of Jup-Jup-Mrs-Rahu, it is good
period for marriage, but since Rahu is involved, it can create some obstacle
so you are advised to avail the opportunities after 15th of January, 08 and till
then Saturn also starts retrograding and aspects can be observed over her
7th lord and Jupitor has just entered Sagittarius Rashi after blessing her 7th
house clearing her marriage. However, you are advised to do the remedy of
Jupitor and donate Bananas in the temple on Thursday as remedy of Guru
Chandal Yoga and ask her to observe fast on Thursday. Please offer food to 5
Brahmins on Amavasya Day and give them money and clothes, as a remedy
to Matru Dosha for 5 consecutive Amavasya, as her luck and wealth will more
prosper. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear Respected Ammas members, I need urgent help. I live overseas and my
wife and kids here in India. I just came back for a month and was supposed to
go back but do not feel like going back at all. So in effect now, I do not have a
job neither here or overseas, cannot live in India, have debts to clear, have a
newborn baby now and do not see any hope of settleing down overseas and
taking my family with me! Can anyone please help and tell me EXACTLY
where my life is going? (Financial, Career, Workplace, Family etc) My details:
DOB - 2nd March 1975 Time - 17:30 Place - Delhi Thanks a lot...
-- Ace, Delhi Nov 26 07
A: Dear ACE,
Gone through your Chart. You are Leo Lagna and Lagna lord placed in the
7th house. Your 10th lord (lord of profession) is no doubt exalted, but placed
in the 8th house, house of obstruction with obstruction Lord. More over your
9th lord (Fortune lord) and 4th lord is Mars (exalted) also placed with 11th
(House of gains) and 2nd lord (Finance) formed Dhan Yoga, but in the 6th
house, house of struggle and you will achieve the name and fame, but late.
Rahu in the 4th house(domestic such) and Ketu in 10th house (house of
profession) not allow you to settle in the birth place because 4th lord Mars is
also in the 6th house and Ketu also wants to unsettle as its 10th lord is also in
bad house i.e. 8th house. Under these circumstances, I am of the firm
opionion that you will not be settled in the birth place and it will be better if
you go abroad again and you will be successful there instead of India.
However, at present there is dasa of Satur-Rahu-Ketu very bad dasa .Further
more your natal Sun is also being aspected by Saturn in Transit as per
astrological principles, whenever, it aspects, it either gets the procession
changed or punish or promote, it all depends upon the whether the dasa is
malefic or benefic. Under the present dasa, there is only frustration as there is
bad transit. However, partyantar dasa is changing on 9th December, you will
get some relieve. You are advised to surrender before the Saturn (the most
malefic planet) and do upaya /remedy of Saturn by donations of black urd,
mustard oil every Saturday in good quanity, recite beej mantra of Saturn daily
in the evening time, as many as time you can. Also recite Hanuman Chalisa
daily. Wear Good quality of Zircon or Diamond on Friday, make your
profession lord in your favour. You can be successful in the abroad, not in
India, under these planetary configuration. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: DOB:30APR1971, Time:2:30 PM, place; AGRA Will like to know how
Mahadasha, Antardasha and planet placements in horoscope interprests life
in coming years
-- sam jindal, Korea, South Nov 26 07
A: DearSam Jindal, I have prepared your chart and you are Leo Lagna, Lagna
Lord exalted and placed in the 9th house with 11th (lord of gains) and 2nd
lord (Finance) Mercury forming a dhan yoga.Your 7th lord (lord of marriage) is
placed in 10th house and aspected by 5th lord (house of emotion, education
etc.) in the 4th house and aspect each other shows that you have marriage
with your own choice, means love marriage. However, it is also indicated that
there is break in education, might be at early stage. 9th lord and 4th lord
exalted and placed in 6th house and that too on Rahu Ketu axis, shows,
impediments and struggle involved in the rise of your destiny. As regards your
dasa and anterdasa lord, I may explain you that Sun, Mars, Jupitor planets
during their dasa antradasa are benefic planets and give you all types of
domestic pleasure, fortune, name, fame and children. Whereas, Saturn,
Mercury, Venus Rahu and Ketu during their gives malefic results as they
become functional malefic for your lagna. However, further to define you
about Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Moon, Mercury will no doubt provide you
gains as well as finance during its period, but gives health wise trouble.
Further, as regards Venus, for the professional matter, it gives you result of
profession, but since, its placement is in the 8th house, dislocate you may be
for better purpose. Saturn, during its period gives you marital happiness, but
for your health, it gives you disease etc. and Similarly regarding Moon, no
doubt, it is neutral planet for you but its placement in the 11th house gives
you gains, but healthwise gives some problems. So to conclude, dasa of
Suns, Mars, Jupitor has to give you good result and Venus, Mercury, Moon
will give you finance and gains, but pose problems in the health wise matter
and Saturn is totally bad for health, as it is also Markesh alongwith Mercury
and Venus. Saturn is only good in case of marriage. So the next dasa of Mer-
Sun, Mer-Moon, Mer-Mars, Mer-Jup, are good period,where as Mer-Rahu,
Mer-Sat will be bad. Similarly Ketu-Ketu )bad) Ketu-Venus (Bad) Ketu-Sun,
(good) Ketu-Moon (bad) Ketu-Mars (good for name fame bad for health) and
so on.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
: I was born in New Delhi, India (Delhi)on 17.12.1985 at 20.02 hrs. Kindly let
me know what are my career prospects. I am presently struggling to become
a Director in Films.I am a graduate in Journalism and Mass Communication
from Delhi.
-- vikram raj, United Kingdom Nov 28 07
A: Dear questioner, I have gone through your Horoscope. Ur is Cancer Lagna
and your Lagna Lord is in the 8th House, shows obstructions. Your fifth lord
and 10th lord mars is exchanged with fourth lord Venus, which is very good
yoga for the education in the filed of mass communication and journalism.
Your 10 th lord i.e. of education and profession, is aspecting your and its own
house which favours profession of your choice. In the 10th House, Rahu is
posited in the Nakashtra of Bharani whose lord is Venus ( karaka for artists
and films). Venus is also present in your fifth house (i.e. education, thinking
and planning) with Mercury i.e. karaka for Education. All the above shows that
education you are acquiring is good and it will be supporting to your
profession. As per Jaimini, The atmkaraka is also Venus and Karkamsha
Lagna is Kumbha and 10th from Karkamsha Lagna, venus, mercury and
Saturn are present. In the D-10 (Divisional chart for profession) Langa Lord
and 10th lord i.e. Venus and Saturn both are Uch (Exalted ). They also
support the filed of your choice i.e. film industry. However, presence of Rahu
no doubt in the Nakasthra of Venus and your Lagna lord is in 8th, may pose
some early problems in settling in your profession. So it is advised that you
may wear Pearl of Good Quality in the right hand little finger. You must also
keep one bottle of water in your bedroom taken from inside the well or tap of
cremation ground and put one piece of silver in the bottle. and change it
periodically. For Rahu, you must distribute Sooji ka halwa to lower class
people, or offer wine to Bhairo ji.
With best wishes and regards. (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: details 23Nov 1980,Cochin,23.38PM Married APR 9 2004.Have been ahving
lots of troubles from in laws.We are in Uk from Apr this year and we are going
back to india in Nov.Will I get a job immediately after going there?Will my in
laws dominate and trouble me in the next 2 years?When will I conceive?Any
chances of higher studies in the next 2-3 year?Please advice.
-- Anonymous, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Annoymous, I have studied your birth Chart. You are Cancer Lagna and
Rahu is placed in Lagna and Ketu is in your seventh your 7th house. The
Seventh Lord Saturn is placed in the 3rd house with 9th Lord Jupitor. It is
case of love marriage. I my view there is not much trouble with your parents,
the only 10th lord, which is also lord of your Mother-in-Law is placed in the
sixth house, making some problem in your relationship. So there is not much
trouble from your in laws, however, you may donate Jaggary or red colored
articles in the Hanuman Mandir. your seventh house is on Rahu- Ketu
Axis,they are also trouble creater, but blessing of Jupitor on the 7th House,
will not allow to disestablise your matrimonial relation. The Anatardasa of
Saturn is making obstacles in your married life. So you may do remedy of
Saturn by donating black urad (Mash) and musturd oil to some one and recite
the Saturn Beej Mantra,' Om Sham Shanshrai Namah'. Regarding your
question of Job in India, you are going to get an opportunity After Nove.,
2007. As far as the chances of higher studies are good and you can pursue it.
with regards,
Kuldip Sharma
Q: I had rough couple of years until 2005. Things are better now. I am still under
debt. I would be very much obliged if you could shed some light and clear my
anxiety. When will i be able to repay my debts? Thank you. Details - Born in
Chennai , July 15, 1978, 4.30 AM.
-- Anonymous, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Anonymous, I have gone through your Horoscope, You are born with
Mithun Lagna and your 10th Lord Jupitor is also well placed. Around 2005,
you were troubled by Rahu, when it was transiting your 10th house and at the
same time Saturn was also transiting in Cancer over the Lagna Lord which is
also karka for Business, in the 2nd house, aspecting 4th house, 8th house
and 11th house and also while in retrograde motion, it was over your 10th
Lord, Jupitor and Karka for Govt. and also aspecting your 10th house and
must have posed with problems in connection with your profession may be
you are in service or if you are running your own business. In your case, you
must be having your own business. The Dasa was also of Saturn Venus
just has started, which does not give result as has to be given in the case of
Mithun Lagna. Before that Dasa/Antra was of Saturn and Ketu who are in 6/8
position, and Ketu in 10th house tries to create problems in the domestic life
as well as professionally. Actually, problems have started before 2005. The
next Dasa is also of Saturn-Sun both bitter enemy, however, since Sun (Lord
of 3rd house )is placed in Lagna will give you courage, but you may not still
have good period. You must do Upaya of Sun and give sweet water to Sun.
Offeralso Sweet water to Peeple tree on Saturday and apply its tilak and
recite its Mantra and donate black donation like Black Urad, Mustard Oil,
Jaggery, Salt and nails of irons wrapped in black clothes in the Saturn Temple
For removal of debt, 100 gram Curd and 100 grm Moong Pulse wrapped in
green cloth and throw in the running water regularly for 3 days from
Wednesday. For removal of debt, wear green thread in the neck and offer 1
kg. Wheat, 1 kg moongi on Tuesday or Wednesday at 11 AM. 5 Kg Bajra to
be kept in container and offer bajra to animals. Do not borrow loan on Tues
day nor give loan on Wednesday. Take note that this time, when you are to
deposit instalment of loan to somebody, choose Tuesday and before
depositing loan go to Hanuman Mandir and pray to God and then go to
deposit the loan instalment and after remitting your installment, then come to
home and wash your hands etc. and follow this procedure in the subsequent
With best wishes. (Kuldip Sharma)

Q: I was just told by my mother that a pandit says I have Kal Sarp dosha and
that I need to get some puja done. I was born on Oct 21, 1982 at 12:42 p.m in
Jamshedpur. So my questions are: 1) Could someone please advise what
type of Kal Sarp dosha I have (if any)? What are the ill-effects of this dosha?
2)What I should do to correct/suppress/eliminate this dosha? 3)Does it really
-- Ash S, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Ash S, Gone through your Horoscope and your Lagna is Capricorn. You
are having Kal Sarpa Dosha which is named as Mahapadma Kal Sarpa
Dosha. The result as indicated in Books that it leas to unsuccessful in love
affairs, has to suffer pangs of separation from loved ones and spouse, the
native is troubled by enemies and remained struggle. Their life is full of
struggle. However, I am of the firm opinion that you are having very good
horoscope, education wise, profession wise and your married life is also
good. The Kal Sarpa dosha will make you to struggle as your Rahu is
aspecting your Lagna Lord, 10th Lord and 10th House. I suggest you to try
your hands in the profession relating to abroad and this way you will be away
from your parents and in other words when you are away from native place,
you will have to make struggle for carry out your life. Your horoscope is very
good. How is your father and your relation with your father? Is it OK? I have
seen that whenever there is conjuction of Sun Saturn, there are constrained
relationship with father, moreover, Rahu is also aspecting your Sun. You must
offer a piece of jaggery to Cow on Sunday . For remedy of KSY, you should
do the following remedies: (1) Burn Ajwain, Guggal, Hing, Peeli Sarso and
kapur in the evening daily. (2) Take one piece of Chandan wood, engrave
snake on it and put it on the neck ( 3)On Sakranti day : Prepare Halwa in Desi
Ghee and pour it in the copper plate and prepare place in the middle and
place silver snake and donate it (4)) Fan to self every day early morning with
Mor Pankh (Peacock feather) (5)Recite the Mantra of Rahu and Ketu daily
alongwith Om Namo Shiva.
With best regards, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: I would like to know about my marriage. DoB: 13-february-1982, 2:35 pm at
Kerala India. I have not consulted any astro as such, but my parents have
seen many and they got contradicting opinions. Questions 1) Will I get
married? when? where will the guy be from Please give me an accurate
-- Babu, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Babu
You have only mentioned the State but have not mentioned your place of
Birth. However, I have erected the Chart with Scorpio in Lagna. Hopefully, it
will be correct. According to this, your 7th Lord is in the 2nd house in duel
sign (which shows that one of your marriage alliance break or you we can say
chances of 2nd marriage ) and that is also on Rahu Ketu axis. aspected by
Mars. You are going to have some obstructions in the marriage life due to
position of Rahu . The dispute will arise only as you or your wife may not
have control over the speech. You must be fond of spices dishes and I warn
that you may not start taking wine, as it is the traits of Rahu, which is
aspecting your 2nd house and 2nd lord Jupitor which in the 12th house. So
You must have control over all these evil. There is no problem in the
profession. There is some obstacles in the education field, but it has been
controlled by the position of Lagna Lord in 11th house, which is house of
desire, and all your desires must have been fulfilled. Regarding there is dasa
of Jup-Sat- Mercury. Jupitor is karka for marriage and Mercury is your 11th
lord and after Mercury it the turn of Ketu which is in your 2nd house and dasa
wise clear the marriage prospectus. Jupitor (T) has already blessed your 7th
house and it will also be on your 7th Lord after changing over the Rashi i.e.
Sagittarius and there is no problem from Jupitor (T) and Saturn is not
aspecting your 7th House. So you are advised to avail this chance. With
regards, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: I have posted the query before, but the details were incomplete. so posting
again Born on 13-February-1982, 2:35 pm at Trivandrum, Kerala. When will
she get married? Is there atleast a possibility of marriage getting fixed in next
few months? From where will the guy be?(India or abroad) Thanks in
-- Anonymous, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
Gone through your horoscope. You are born with Gemini Lagna alongwith
Rahu. Your 7th Lord Jupitor has exchanged with 5th Lord Venus, which
shows that you are emotionally attached with someone and Rahu placed in
Lagna is also aspecting your 7th Lord, and 7th Lord Jupitor, further shows
that such relation or matrimonial alliance may also be from other than your
religion and may lead to unconventional or unorthodox marriage.
She is also Manglik from 4th house from Lagna and also from Moon. So you
have to be careful in the selection of spouse. In this case it is advised to go
for Kundli Milan and she must be married with Manglik boy at least. It is
possible that her marriage is fixed abroad, as her 4th house is afflicted by
Saturn and Mars and 12th lord Venus is also posited in the 7th house and
further more 4th lord and Lagna Lord Mercury is also posited in the 8th
house. It is advised that her marriage is fixed abroad.
Since Dasa starting from 16 Nov. is of Jup-Mer-Jup and followed by Jup-Mer-
Sat relates to marriage related house and it is predicted that after 22nd
November, 07, marriage alliance may be finalized when Jupitor is transiting in
the her 7th house and Saturn (Transit) from Leo is also aspecting 7th Lord.
So as per double transit principle, both Saturn and Jupitor are clearing the
time for marriage. So the period from November, 07 onward is good for
matrimonial alliance and must be availed .
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: This is venkatesh birth place is chennai tamilnadu date of birth is 15/12/1985
time of birth is 6:30 pm what are yogas and dosha i have im looking for a
good job but im not getting it.pls advice
-- venkatesh d, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Venkatesh D, You are born with Mithun Lagna, and Lagna Lord in 6th
shows some bad health in early age. Your 5th Lord Venus has exchanged
with 6th and 11th lord Mars, 5th house is on Rahu Ketu axis, also shows that
there must be obstructions in the early education but the malefic effects can
be curtailed by adopting technical profession. Your 9th lord Sun is also in the
6th alongwith Sun shows obstruction in Bhagya. What about your father, is he
is OK? Your 10th Lord Saturn is also in the 8th house in debilitation sign,
shows obstruction in the profession also.But in your Dasmasa Chart, the 10th
lord of Dasmasa Chart is in exaltation and again Jupitor goes in 8th sign with
Exalted Sun. Your Atakaarka is Sun and your Karkamsha Lagna is Pisces
and its lord Jupitor in the 11th house . Your KL and your 10th Lord are same.
So from Jamini point of view there is improvement There is Vapreet Raj Yoga
created by 8th Lord Saturn in the sixth house as well as 12th lord Venus in
the 6th house. Vapreet Raj Yoga means that during dasa of these evil house,
the native may not experience bad result of Saturn and Venus involved in this
yoga. However, otherwise, these planets will not give malefic result, as these
are functional benefit planets for Mithun Lagna. Gaj Kesri Yoga in the 8th
house, shows benefit from unknown sources (Hidden treasure). You are also
running Ashatam Shani and you are advised to do remedy of Saturn. Donate
Black grams fried in Mustard oil and distribute to poors on Saturday and
recite Beej Mantra of Saturn (Om Sham Shanichraya Namah) Regarding your
profession, you must chose profession which deals with excavation, digging,
knowing the truth, insurance etc. To remove obstructions in profession, you
are advised to donate bananas on Thursday. Offer water to Sun daily. Donate
Gur (jaggery) on Sunday. Office sweet water to Peeple and apply its talak and
Burn Deepak under the Peeple Tree on Tuesday and Saturday. Donate on
Thursday 1 Kgs, Dal Chana, 9 banana, 1 Kg Haldi wrapped in Yellow
cloth in the temple for getting benefit from Jupitor
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear All, I am going thru very rough health these days for last 4-5 months.
Trying to go to foreign lands, but no results. Everything I am trying to do is
turing against me. Name: M.Singh DOB: 26 Aug 1972 Time : 3:30 AM Place:
Meerut Please advise what to do and when good time is going to start. Any
chances to go abroad in near future.
-- mahend Singh, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Mahend Singh,
Gone through your chart and your Lagna is Cancer and Lagna Lord is in the
8th house, which is spoiled. Presently, Dasa of Mercury-Venus- Saturn is
going on which very very bad for your health point of view. Rahu is transiting
over your Moon and Saturn in transit is aspecting your Moon, further
aggravating the situation. So you must be careful about your health. However,
this period (dasa wise and transit wise) is good for foreign land. But you must
improve your health then other proposals like going to abroad will
automatically fulfilled. You are advised to do the following remedy: 1. Donate
Black grams, black urd and mustard oil on Saturday 2. Donate green fodder
to cows or Spianch (Palak) to Cows on Wednesday 3. Donate boiled rice to
cows on Friday 4. Donate bread Pakora alongwith tea to beggers on
Wednesday 5. Make Seven Packets of Bindi, Nail Polish, Cream, Sindoor,
Lipstic, 5-7 Churi, 60 Gram Mishri and offer in the temple of Parvati, Durga,
Kali, Lakshmi, Sita, Radha and one Suhagin for foreign journey 6. Wear pearl
of 9 ratti good quality on Monday in the index finger 7. Also keep in the
drawing room one bottle of water taken from the Tubewell or Tap installed in
side the cremation ground and also put one square piece of silver in it.
Replace it periodically.
With best wishes,
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q: my DOB is 26 sept 1975 bhopal,MP at 7.30 AM. I am looking for a job, when
is the good chance for getting good job?
-- rishabh, United States Nov 28 07
A: Dear Rishabh Gone through your horoscope. You are Virgo Lagna and Lagna
Lord in the 2nd house, but on Rahu Ketu axis. Mercury is also your lord 10th
lord of profession on Rahu Ketu axis. Your 10th house is also aspected by
Rahu, shows some disturbance. Your natal Saturn who is also lord of sixth
house (House of service and karka for service) aspects your natal Sun shows
that you are going to get government service. Saturn is your 5th lord posted
in 11th house, shows good education and no obstruction. You are at present
undergoing Rahu-Sun-Venus dasa, (Rahu in Arth trikona with 10th lord and
also aspecting 10th house, Sun Karka for service and placed in Lagna and
Venus- 9th and 2nd lord and lord of Arth Trikona) which relates to your
service matters and further there is Partayanter of Moon your Exalted 11th
lord placed in the 9th house. Dasa wise you are going to have good dasa, but
the principle of double transit have not been met with. However, Jupitor
(Transit) is also making entry in the Sagittarius in the end of Nove., 2007 and
will aspect your 10th house and Saturn (Transit) is also aspecting your 10th
lord. Saturn (Transit)has already cleared the job prospectus by aspecting your
natal Sun when it was in Cancer and its blessings are valid for 6 months.. And
you shall be going to have job after November onwards. However, again in
January,08, when Saturn (T) again aspect your natal sun, you are sure to get
job. You are going to get good job. In order to expedite the proposal you are
advised to do remedy of Rahu, receite Beej Mantra of Rahu as well as offer
sweet water to Sun. You are also advised to do remedy of Jupitor ( who is
also transiting 8th from Moon) may pose problems regarding health matter)
and Jupitor is also bad Virgo Lagna.
With best wishes,
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hi, I am Male,born on 31-Jan-1973 at 19:35 in Tenali,Andhrapradesh. I am
wondering if there are any legal issues or court cases in my chart. I am
planning to establish a business in partnership in USA..Can I go ahead now?.
Is there a chance for Permanent Stay (Green Card/Citizenship) in USA?
Thanks, Srini
-- sree reddy, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Sree Reddy Gone through your Horoscope and you are having Leo
Lagna, but Lagna lord is in the 6th shows that you must not be keeping good
health in the early age. Your 10th lord venus has exchanged with 6th lord and
7th lord Saturn. It shows that you have established your business by way of
competing others. Your 5th lord ( house of speculation ) is in the 6th house
and 12th lord Moon is in the 5th house, warn you that you should not fall in
speculation, may be provoked by Rahu present in the 5th house. You may not
gain out of speculation. Your attention should on the professional approach
and on the speculation approach. Regarding your question, that if there are
any legal issues or court cases, since there is dasa of Saturn who happens to
your 6th lord (lord of debt, enemy) and 7th lord (marka planet ), you can be
troubled by your enemy, debt, bad health, during this period, but since 5th
lord Jupitor is in the 6th house and aspecting your 6th and 7th lord Saturn in
the 10th house, does not give much trouble and save the situation. But you
should do remedy of Saturn, if you wanted to save yourself from bad health,
debt, enemy which are ruled by Saturn. Donate black grams, black Uurd,
Mustard oil on Saturday. Give sweet water to Pippal tree and apply its tilak
and burn Deepak under it on Thursday and Saturday. Your question
regarding, partnership you can go for partnership dead, but with extra care
and after May,2008 and after making your Jupitor strong. For this you should
Donate on Thursday 1 kg Dal Chana, 9 banana, 1 Kg Haldi wrapped in
Yellow cloth in the temple for getting benefit from Jupitor. Your Dasa system
shall be going well after May, 2008.
With best wishes,
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q DOB: dec20 1968, 17:44hrs, Rajamundry, India. How would my career and
: family life be in the next 30years? In my spiritual quest can I get
enlightenment in my life time?
-- devulapalli chakravarty, Switzerland Nov 28 07
A: Dear Devulpalli chakravarty, Gone through your horoscope. You are born with
Gemini Lagna and Lagna Lord is in the 7th house alongwith Sun and Moon,
lord of 2nd (Finance) and 3rd (Courage). You are very strong minded, as
Mind (controlled by Moon) has been controlled by Sun and all the 3 planets
are aspecting Lagna and making Lagna strong. Here your Lagna Lord is also
very strong and behave like Sun (lord of Prakarma House). Sun and Mercury
are forming Budh Adhitya Yoga. Your 9th Lord Saturn is posted in the 10th
house and aspected by 10th lord Jupitor from 4th house another Raja Yoga.
But this yoga is spoiled by the position of Rahu and Ketu and 10th and 4th
House. You are also partially in Kal Sarpa Dosha, which brings quite ups and
down in ones life for that you should go to Shiva temple and offer water
mixed with milk/ Your fifth lord is in the 8th House 6th and 11th lord Mars is in
fifth house and aspecting 5th lord, shows that after initial break you must
have taken technical education. Regarding your question of next 30 years of
career and family life, you are at present running Mahadasa of Mars which
lord of 11th and 6th house giving you gains through competing others with the
help of anatar dasa lord of functional benefic planets like Venus, Saturn,
Mercury and placement of Moon in the Kendra. However, jupitor has to give
atleast moderate result of 10th house ( being Kendradhipati planet).The next
18 years dasa ( 2008 to 2026) is of Rahu placed in its debilitation sign and its
debilitation effect has been cancelled being Jupitor is posited in Kendra and
aspected by it. So Rahu has to give the result of Jupitor, as it is placed in
Sagittarius with the help of above functional benefic planets. So dasa of Rahu
in the antra of Jupitor 10th lord), Saturn (9th lord), Mercury( Lagna Lord),
Ketu (Neutral but in the rashi of Mercury Lagna Lord), Venus (Fifth lord but
placed in 8th house neutral results), somewhat in Sun (3rd lord which bad
because it is lord of 8th to 8th house and placed in Marka House gives
strength but can pose problem in the lower abdomen area) and Moon (being
lord of 2nd house i.e. fortune, add fortune but also placed in 7th house of
Marka gives trouble. Here Mars will give problems in health-wise especially in
the area of heart Next Dasa of Jupitor is 16 years( 2026 to 2040), but will not
given any results in its own Antra and subsequently antra of Saturn (Good),
Mercury (Good), Ketu (some what as discussed above), Venus (mixed result
or neutral result), and Sun (8th to 8th lord bad and placed in Marka house)
and Moon (Marka lord placed in marka house will act as Marka in the
Mahadasa of Jupitor, which is also marka.. The native will have a sadesati
period from 2009 to 2016 and bad transit of Rahu from 8th , 7th house from
Lagna from April, 2008 and August, 2009. you have to be careful regarding
your health welth from 2008 to 2011, when there is evil transit of Saturn as
well as Rahu. The period specially to be taken care of Rahu-Sun, Rahu-
Moon, Rahu-Mars and Jupitor-Sun, Jupitor-Moon, Jupitor-Mars. As
regards,your question of enlightenment, your 8th house (representing hidden
truth and search for God) and 7th house (house of Kundli) and its lord Jupitor
are well aspecting each other and you can gain such spiritual enlightenment.
You are advised to do remedy of Saturn, Rahu, Jupitor and Mars regularly to
ward of any evil effects ( in other words deposit their debt in the bank) so that
during their period you should not be frighten by them.

Q: MY date of birth is 29 december, 1971, delhi male, 10.15 am. I wnat know
about future specially career + finanacially
-- amit, delhi, india Nov 28 07
A: DearAmit, I have gone through your horoscope. You are born with Kumbh
Lagna and your Lagna Lord is in the Fourth House with 6th Lord Moon.
However, your 10th lord has exchanged with 2nd lord forming a Laxmi Yoga.
The fifth Lord is in the 10th house, showing some obstructions in the
education, bur forming another Laxmi Yoga. Your 7th Lord (lord of Spouse) is
in the 11th house, is also very good. Only your Venus lord of 9th House
(representative of Bhagya) is in the 12th house and on Rahu Ketu axis. The
conjunction of your Moon with Saturn is forming Vish Yoga, but it is relieved
by the presence of two benefics i.e. Jupitor and Mercury in the 10th house on
the Moon. Even then, Saturn makes mind very slow. To make it workable,
donate fried salty rise on Monday. Even in the presence of above very good
yoga, you are very much disturbed and you have not elaborated the cause.
However, in my opinion that during some time past, you were having the
Dasa of Rahu and now it is the dasa of Jupitor, as one Major dasa ( it is
called chhidra dasa in astrological term) is ending and another Major dasa is
starting and is bound not to give good result, if not bad. But it has been
experienced, that such ending gives bad result and topple the native. It can
be equated with that when one One Govt. of Congress Party is going out and
fear of loss of power is unable to rule due to fear from Election Commission of
India or fear from the next Govt. and newly formed Govt. of another party,
unable to function at the early days, being just formed and taking control over
the office and other machinery and assessing position of finance etc. In your
case, the 18 years of rule of Rahu has ended in Sept., 2007 and Jupitor has
just taken over the position. My dear, have a patience, you are going to
experience very good days very soon, as Jupitor is your 11th lord and 2nd
lord is placed in the 10th House and aspecting your 2nd , 4th and 6th house,
is going to give you rise in profession, wealth, property etc. from November
end onwards. Your future is very bright. As remedy for remedy sake, you can
wear Zircon of good quality to make your 9th lord strong and donate white
articles like milk, curd on Monday and Friday.
With best wishes,
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hello, I am Ruchi and I have got a marriage proposal from a boy from my
mother's far off relative side. The boy is a commercial pilot in Canada. and I
am a very simple person. I am a little doubtful that will it be a happy marriage
and so I want to know the same. My dob is 26 July, 1978. My Time of Birth is
03:20 AM. and place of birth is New Delhi, India. The Boy's name is Mohit.
His Date of Birth is 18 December, 1974. His time of birth is 04:30 PM and
place of birth is Kanpur, U.P. India. If you can please do the match making
and help me out in knowing that is it a right match for me? Thanks and
Regards, Ruchi.
-- Ruchi Shukla, India Nov 28 07
A: Sub: Ruchi, Gone through the Horoscope of the boy and Girl. Both are
Manglik.Guna Milan is 20.5 more than average. However, boy is having
Rakashash Gana and no number has been given. But 6 Nos. of Gana must
be added because as per shashtra, If boy is Rakashash Gana and girl is Dev
or Manushya, the number can be granted. So the Guna Milan tally goes to
26.5 and more than average. 7th lord of girls horoscope is Jupitor l is
aspecting is own House protecting her married life and is in duel sign which
shows that either the engagement can break or some alliance can break. So
you are advised to do ceremonial wedding after consultation Some Pandit. In
my view, this proposal is OK. You are under the influence of Kal Sarp Dosha
that too in the 4th house can disturb your domestic life, whether you marry
this boy or with other. The fault is in your Kundli. There is no dosha in your
Kundli and the boys kundli, which can lead to extra matrimonial relations. But
I advise you to marry in accordance with the principle of Mahurta and observe
its timing as avail the proper Lagna and do not allow the boy to spoil that time
by coming late as advised by your Pandit who is performing phere etc.
However, you are advised to do remedy of Kal Sarp Dosha: Burn Ajwain,
Guggal, Hing, Peeli Sarso and kapur those who are suffering from Kal Sarp
Dosha(2) On piece of Chandan wood, engrave snake and put it on the
neck(3) On Sakranti : Prepare Halwa in Desi Ghee and pour it in the copper
plate and prepare place in the middle and place silver snake and donate it(4)
Fan to self every day with Mor Pankh or bring Kal Sarp Dosha Yantra after
abhishek recite Mantra of Rahu and Ketu 11 times on Amavas day and throw
in the running water. But after the marriage, if with this boy, always keep 1
inch brick made of silver in your house, to ward of evil effect of Rahu. As
discussed above, I approve the marriage. With best wishes (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: My date of birth is October 26, 1971 at 12:45pm (afternoon) in Jhansi, U.P. I
want to know 'grah' affecting my life at present and near future and
suggestions to reduce the effect of these grahs
-- Vandana Agarwal, United States Nov 28 07
A: My dear Vandana Aggarwal
Gone through your horoscope. You are borne with Makar Lagna and Lagna
Lord is placed in your 5th house. Your fifth lord venus is posited in own sign
with your 9th Lord Mercury making a Raj Yoga which is strengthening your
position profession wise. However, in your profession, Sun, 8th Lord posited
in your 10th house may create disturbance during its dasa and antardasa.
Your 7th lord (lord of marriage) is Moon which is spoiled by placement in the
12th house and your 7th house is on Rahu Ketu axis. You are must be facing
disturbance in the marriage life as your 7th lord is spoiled, 7th house is
aspected by Rahu and Saturn, however, 12th lord Jupitor (spoilt being lord of
12th house) is aspecting your 5th and 7th house, may remove some faults,
but position of Moon and aspect of Rahu and Saturn and location of Ketu in
the 7th office by alone, who is also spoilt may not control the worst effects.
Position of Mars in your 2nd house, make your speech harsh and some time
it becomes bone of contention. At present, the Juiptor (Transit) is also not
favouring you and it will start favouring after 22 Nov., 2007. The malefic transit
of Saturn (which was running in 8th from your natal moon) has already been
over. However, Saturn (Transit) is aspecting your natal Sun and creating
disturbance in your profession. So for happy married life, you are advised (1)
to take a piece of Jagary (Gur) when you rise up from your bed (before tooth
brush) (2) donate articles of Mars on Tuesday (3) donate white articles like
Milk, rice, on Monday to make your 7th lord strong, (4) wear good quality of
Pearl (9 ratti) in your index finger (5) donate blanket of multi color to beggers
on Tuesday (6) Donate black urd or black grams alongwith mustard oil in
Temple of Gurdwara and for your profession, donate wheat in the Temple on
Sunday and receite the Mantra of Sun i.e. On Surya Namah.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Could you please let me know whether I can have baby boy or not. I have 1
and half years baby girl she born in May-06. I am looking for baby boy can I
have .Please let me know. Below are myself and my husband details. My
details. Date of Birth : 16th Sep 1981 Time of birth : 1.28 A.M Place of birth :
Palakollu 440 km away from Hyderabad. My Husband details Date of Birth :
28th Sep 1976 Time of birth : 1.43 A.M Place of birth : Kothapeta 400 km
away from Hyderabad.
-- Sunitha D, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Sunitha D,
Gone through your Horoscope alongwith the horoscope of your husband.
Regarding your plan for 2nd male child, I am of the firm opinion that you will
be blessed with Son but you have to observe certain princeples. Venus is
posted in your 5th house and Moon is in the fifth house of your husband chrt
both female planets. However in your case, Venus is being aspected by Mars,
a male planet and shows that either there may have aborted before your first
child or there may be caesarian operation for the birth of child and in the case
of your husband Moon in the 5th house has been aspected by Jupitor and 5th
lord Mars is with Sun a male planet and mercury ( an eunuch planet ) and
Saturn ( also eunuch planet). Sun and Jupitor in your husbands chart and
aspect of Mars in your chart, holds good for Male child. In case 2nd child is to
be seen from Saptamsa Chart (D-7), the 2nd child lord in your case shows
positive result, as Mercury (lord of 2nd child in D-7) is with Rahu, male planet
and aspected by Sun and in of case for your husbands D-7 Chart, it is again
Mercury house ( for 2nd child) where Mars is posited and Mercury is being
aspected by Mars. However, In both these cases, there is no aspect of Jupitor
in D-7. Male child is confirmed, If we go in for the dasa system, the dasa of
male planet should be there. The male planets dasa is available only from
12.5.08 to 12.7.08 & Oct.,2008 to April, 2009 and in your husbands chart it is
available from 23.March,08 to 15.8.08 and there after for few days in Jan.,09.
So it is advised to avail the chance for 2nd child from 12.5.08 to 12.7.08.
Further, it is also advised to avail the even nights after completion of
menstruation days, i.e. 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th nights and leaving bad
tithi and choosing suitable Lagna at Night after consulting your local Pandits
which is very much essential in your case. You both are advised to wear
Yellow Pukhraj of 5 ratti in yellow metal. You must observe fast on
Thursday and go Gapal Santan Path daily after installing Santan Gopal
Yantra. You also worship Banana tree on Thursday. You are also advised to
donate Ghur ( Jaggery ) on Tuesday.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: my husband and i are having a very bad perid now. we got married on 3/9/03.
we lost our first pregnancy(7 months pregnant) on 8/2/05. since then cannot
conceive. we adopted a baby girl now but still want to have one on our own.
our particulars: 1. Palaniappen s/o Arumugam - husband time of birth:
10.30pm date: 1/9/1970 Place : Kulim, Malaysia 2. Ponmalar d/o buddatti
sannagy - wife time of birth: 10.35pm date: 25/7/1972 Place : Ipoh, Malaysia
3. Sai Vinnishaa d/o Palaniappen time of birth: 8.17pm date: 2/7/2006 Place :
Ipoh, Malaysia can some kind astrologers read our chart and tell us whats
happening. what are we suppose to do. just can't go on with life. so much of
problems. our bussiness is down due to some black magic caused by our
competitor. we just don't know what to do. how long will we go through this
period? Please advise.
-- Malar Palani, Kulim Nov 28 07
A: Dear Malar Palani, Gone through both the chart. The 5th house of your and
your husband is very badly afflicted and caused repeated abortion followed
by pregnancy of 7 month, which very unfortunate. In your chart, your 5th lord
is with Mars (your Lagna lord and 8th lord and hot planet) and on Ketu Rahu
axis, caused repeated abortion. There is no benefit aspect on it. Similar like
position in case of your husband chart,which is also on Rahu ketu axis and
4th lord is with Raju and aspected by Mars, ketu and son. There is again not
a benefic aspect. However, the charge of your husband Juiptor (Retrograde)
aspects his fifth house. In your case, your 5th lord from Jupitor is Saturn and
is aspected by jupitor itself, giving some relief and in your husbands case,
5th lord from Jupitor is Mars, which is being aspected by regrograde Jupitor.
Your and your husband Saptamsha chart is giving favour. You are advised to
fortify the position of Jupitor by wearing its Gem stone of good quality of more
than 5 ratti in yellow metal. Perform Santan Gopal path after installing Santan
Gopal Yantra from some good Pandit. Take blessings of elders. Recite Beej
Mantra of Om Brihaspate Namah. Observe fast on Thursday. The above
remedies and blessings of elders, you can have child of your own. At present
you are running Saturn Sadesati and your Husband is facing Saturn bad
result due to Ashtam Shani. You are advised to donate Black Urd or Black
grams, alongwith mustard oil in the temple, recite beej mantra of Saturn Om
Sham Shnichraya Namah. You both should Wear ring made of horse nail.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hello Gurus, I would be thankful if you can give me an overview of my Austro
life. DOB: 22 May 1977. POB: Giddalur,Prakasam District, A.P, ndia TOB:
09:50 IST. Never had an astro reading before. I am not looking for something,
I want to comapre my Austro life with my Real Life. Thanks a ton in advance,
-- Ananym Ananym, India Nov 28 07
A: Sub Ananym. Gone through your horoscope. You have not now whether you
are male or Female. Your Lagna is Cancer and Lord of Lagna is in the 12th
house, shows that you must have faced health problems in your early life.
Your fifth lord and 10th lord is Mars is posited with 11th lord and 4th lord
Venus in its exalted sign forming very good Dhan Yoga and Raj yoga, gives
all kinds of property and luxurious and lavish life. You must be over sexed and
having relations with more than one. Your 9th lord Jupitor has also exchanged
with Venus 11th lord forming another Dhan yoga shows gains from your
father or you may carry on the business started by your father. However, with
position of Rahu and Ketu on the 4th house and mercury position in the 10th
house, neither you are comfortable at home or at business. Your business
can be unsettled by mercury and ketu.7th lord is posited in Lagna shows wife
from respectable family and 7th lord is aspected by Jupitor a saving factor.
The horoscope is very excelled but position of Ketu and Mercury in 10th
house is totally bad and your position of mars and venus may further soil your
venus. So you are advised to do the remedy of Mercury, Kethu and Venus
and avoid relations with others.You are also advised to weal good quality of
Pearl in your index finger. At present, your are running Ashtam Guru upto
22Nov., 07. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Could you please tell me when my son dob 31/5/1979, time of birth 9.40 am,
chennai will get married. Thanks
-- Sujatha Ven, India Nov 28 07
A: My dear Sujata Ven Gone through the horoscope. Your son is born with
Cancer Lagna and Lagna Lord is posited in Lagna itself alongwith 9th Lord
making Gaj Kesri Yoga and Raj Yoga. The 5th house lord of education
and10th house lord of profession Mars is posited in 10th house of its own
rash alongwith 11th lord Venus forming Dhan Yoga. The 2nd lord Sun
(Finance) is posited again in the 11th house (house of gains) with lord of 3rd
house (Courage) and 12th house. Here Mercury is to give result of Sun i.e. of
2nd house in 11th house. The above position shows that he is educationally,
professionally and finance wise will be good. Regarding marriage, the 7th
Lord is placed in 2nd house, i.e. 8th from its own sign and that too on Rahu
Ketu axis, shows disturbance in his marriage life. There is chances of
marriage break. Under this circumstances, you are advised to do one
ceremonial marriage with Aak Tree or Pippal trea, under the supervision of
some Pandit Ji and avoid this dosha. Regarding the time of marriage , the
dasa of Venus-venus-Mercury is going on and all all these planets are related
to marriage. Regarding, position of double transit, the Saturn (Transit) has
already cleared the marriage time when it was in Cancer and now it is on 7th
Lord Saturn. However, Jupitor (Transit) is not clearing the time and on
entering in Sagittarius in end Nov., 2007, starts blessing the 7th lord and is
very good time for marriage. You must avail this time which is available upto
next full year . I further advise you in the interest of all, that you should abide
by the time and whatever Mahuratha is suggested by learned Pandit, must be
observed meticulously With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: i was born on 20th jan 1968 at 5 20 am in delhi. i am having problems with
my job at the moment. can you advise? My work is not valued and some
jealous people creat problems. My son has started rahu mahadasha in june.
My mind is wary and unsettled. I am not getting appreciation and reward for
my work. Is change in job an answer? Please help.
-- hello hello1, delhi Nov 28 07
A: Dear Hello,
Gone through your Chart. You had serious job problem when Saturn was in
Cancer. 10th lord (Sun) with 9th lord (Mercury) is posited in the 2nd house,
forming a Dhan Yoga. There is also Gaj Kesri Yoga in your 9th house, giving
you name, fame and wealth. Your position of Ketu (in the nakashtra of 8th
lord mars) in your 10th house, is a matter of concern for your profession.
Further, your desires cannot be fulfilled or your are not satisfied, not getting
appreciation and reward due to position of venus in 12th house. Saturns
aspect on the 10th house, gives you struggle. Overall chart is good and if not
excellent. The period of 2 years before June, it was when Saturn was in
Cancer, from where it has aspected your 10th hourse, 10th Lord (lord of
profession) and natal Sun (Karka for profession) can create some problems in
profession, either by way of shifting or promotion. However, todays problem
not so serious in my view and if it is will be over once it is the dasha of Jupitor
i.e. from December, 07 onward. This is mental problems as you are at
present running Sade Sati and Saturn is on your natel moon alongwith Ketu
and aspected by Rahu . So do the remedy of Saturn and Rahu and Ketu.
Donate Urd and mustard oil alongwith some item of iron in the temple of
Saturn on Saturday, throw 300 gram of Jhon(Barley), 300 Gram of black Til,
300 gram Mustard Oil and 1 Narial wrapped in Blue cloth in the running water
for 5 consequective day from Wednesday. Do not eat fish atleast on
Wednesday and Saturday. Recite Beej Mantra of Saturn and Rahu. Go to
Hanuman Temple on Tuesday. Regarding dasa of Rahu in your Sons chart,
the effect has to seen from his horoscope. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: suitable gemstone for me. i am 6th apr. 1956 born, 17:59, ambala, india. can
some one help me. iam facing problems with my boss at my workplace. as
per my natal chart my 5th and 6th lord is saturn which is functional malefic.
can i wear blue sapphire
-- satish kumar mittal, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Satish,
Gone through your horoscope. Your Lagna is Virgo and Lagna and 10th Lord
is Mercury and is debilitated and combust placed in 7th house alongwith 12th
Lord Sun thus rendering it very week. However, the deblitation has been
cancelled, as its dispositor is exalted and is posted in 11th house. Your fifth
lord Saturn positied in 3rd house with Rahu has exchanged with 3rd and 8th
lord Mars who is posited in 5th house with 11th lord moon. The horoscope
shows that you are an engineering related field. Regarding your trouble with
boss, it is mentioned that you remained in 10th lord Mercury and karka for
Govt. Sun is being aspected by Rahu can pose some problems in profession.
However, being mercury well placed and aspected by its Jupitor, whose
aspects is always considered benefic, will not give you much trouble except
during Dasa or in bad transit. Now a days Shani is transiting 8th from your
natal moon and giving bad result for you and further it is also running 6th from
Lagna Lord, 10th lord and karka for Govt Sun.. Rahu is transiting in Kumbh
rashi and is also aspecting 10th house. Presently, dasa of Saturn (6th enmity
5th lord which is 8th from 10th house of profession) Mars (8th Lord posted
in 5th house i.e. also 8th from profession) and Ketu ( always a trouble
creater) is the main cause of concern and needs to be tackled by way of
remedy. You must donate Ghur as much as quantity you can do on Sunday
and Tuesday. Wear good quality of Panna of 5 ratti in the index finger in
silver metal. Donate Bread Pakora and Tea to the beggars on Wednesday
and Saturday. Go Shani Temple and offer Black Urd, Mustard Oil, one article
of Iron on Saturday and recite its Beej Mantra Om Sham Shnichraya Namah.
Wear iron ring made of horse shoe on Saturday. I am giving you warning that
the next Gochar of Rahu from May,2008 onward can also pose problems in
your professional matter, as it is also transiting 8th from 10th house. So do
remedy of Rahu, right from now Throw 100 Gram, Jhon (Barley) & kale till,
100 grm Curd, Coconut, wrapped in blue cloth after encircling 9 times on your
head every month on Wednesday(2)Donate Suji ka halwa to dogs Wear silver
fish in the neck to get rid of evil effect of Rahu and recite its Beej Mantra
With best ishes (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hello Ammas family, My query is about my brother career. He is 29 year old
still not settled. please suggest what he should do for his career growth he is
single when he will get married. his DOB is 5th January 1978 2100 hrs.
please suggest for gem stone. birth place is chamoli garhwal uttarakhand.
-- Anonymous, Unknown Nov 28 07
A: Dear: Anonymous,
Gone through the chart of your brother. He is a Leo Lagna and Lagna lord is
in the 5th house alongwith 10th lord and aspected by 5th lord Jupitor from
11th house causing a powerful Raj Yoga with regard to education and
profession. The native does have good academic qualification required for
good profession. The 10th house is being aspected by Saturn as well as by
Rahu. Saturn will cause delay in his settlement in the profession whereas
Rahu will cause problems in the settlement in the profession. However, it is
predicted that your brother is going to get jump during the month of end
January, 08. For rise in profession, he is advised to wear good quality of Ruby
( 5 ratti) in in yellow metal in his 3rd finger on Sunday He is also advised to
offer wife to Bhairo ji. Further he is also advised to offer water mixed with red
chandan to Sun and recite the Mantra, Om Surya Namah. Regarding the
Marriage, it is being delayed by Saturn, posited in Lagna. He is also Manglik,
so he is advised to go in for proper marriage matching. There is little problem
about his adjustment with his spouse, because of position of Rahu in the 2nd
house (house of family and speech) and some time he lost control over his
tongue which becomes a matter of concern for his marital bliss. He is advised
to do the remedy of Rahu as prescribed above. As regards his marriage is
concerned, after 22nd Nov, 2007, there is full scope of his marriage, as
principle of double transits are met with and there is dasa of marriage related
house. After 22nd Nov., the Jupitor will transit over his 5th house and aspect
7th Lord Saturn, whereas Saturn (Transit) is already hovering over the 7th
lord giving blessings for marriage. So you are advised to avail this
opportunity. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Hi My dob is 27 may 1977 .i was born at madras at 8:20 p.m My husband dob
is 6 may 1973.He was born at quilon,keral,india at 9:15 a.m I have one 4 year
old son.we would like to have one more child.but due to my overweight and
other family issues it is not hapeenning .will u please tell me whether we will
have one more child and if so when is the best period.please help.also i have
lot of problem with my mil.are there are any remedies
-- anitha kapur, United States Nov 28 07
A: Dear anitha kapur,
I have gone through yours and your husband chart and found that there is no
problem for the 2nd child. Since you and your husband are running bad ( your
dasa of Rahu-Mercury and your husband dasa of Sat-Sat) further your
sadesati has also started whereas the sadesati of your husband has just
been over. The bad period and your husbands sadesati period was the main
reason if family trifles. However, after 22nd Nov., 2007, you may likely to plan
as Jupitor (Transit) will be in your Lagna and blessing your 5th house and in
the case of your husband, it will in the 7th house and aspecting his 5th lord
(lord of children) and you may plan to conceive. Rest is in the hand of God.
Regarding your other problems, first of all, you are a Manglik and your
husband is non Manglik Secondly, you must not be having good relations with
your mother-in-law, being 8th lord Moon is placed in your 10th house and
Rahu is also present. You must be also having problem with your profession,
if you are in service. In order to maintain good relations with your mother in
law and for your profession, do remedy of Mercury and offer Green fodder to
cows on Wednesday. Wear Gomedh of good quality in your 2nd finger. Offer
Bread Pakora alongwith Tea to beggars or servants on Saturday. Also donate
black Urd and mustard oil on Saturday. Throw 400 Grams of Rewari (an item
of jaggery and lentil) or Batasha in the running water on Tuesday for 4
Tuesday, to avoid the ill effect of 4th house Manglik. Offer sweet water to
Pippal Trea and apply Tilk of wet soil on your forehead. With best wishes,
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q: My D.O.B is 23june 1976.Star bharani time of birth , place:4.06 am , chennai.I
have not worke dfor 7 yrs , though well qualified.Will i ever work in my life?
-- ramya, Nov 28 07
A: Dear Ramaya,
Gone through your horoscope. You are a Taurus Lagna. Lagna Lord has
exchanged with 2nd lord Mercury. Your 5th lord (lord of education) is placed
in Lagna shows no problem in education. However, you are in Kal Sarp
Dosha called Mahapadam Kal Sarp DoshaKetu in twelfth: The person would
not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life. Life
is full of ups and down. As regards your problem in profession, it is added that
your 9th and 10th lord Saturn is conjunct with Mars in the 3rd house, lord of
7th and 12th house. 3rd lord exchanged with 12th lord Mars Moreover, your
11th lord is also in the 12th house. The position of 10th (profession) lord and
9th (fortune) lord in 3rd house (House of frequent journey) alongwith 12th lord
(house of foreign journey or import and export) and 11th lord in the 12 house
alongwith 3rd lord (frequent journey) shows that your area of profession
should be linked with foreign affairs, import and export business. Keeping the
above things in view, you look for profession which relates to frequent
journey. Do not try for profession, which requires in house sitting. Your
Karkamsha Lagna is Pisces and 10th from KL is Sagitarrius and its lord is
well placed, but on Rahu Ketu axis, shows some obstacles but it cannot be
said that it is denial. It is not understandable why you have not worked these
past 7 weeks. It may be that you must very choosing about the profession.
However, as the astrological principle, you will be able to get suitable job after
Jan., 2008. You are advised to throw 1 Kg Jaggery (Ghur) in the running
water on Thursday. You are also advised to offer water mixed with red
chandan or piece of Jaggery to Sun. You are also advised to throw in the
running water 400 grams of Dal Channa on Thursday continuously for 4 days.
KSY remedy: Those who are suffering from Kal Sarp Dosha Burn Ajwain,
Guggal, Hing, Peeli Sarso and kapur daily in the evening. (2) On piece of
Chandan wood, engrave snake and put it on the neck or wear ring embedded
with Gomedh and Cats eye.or silver fish in the neck (3) On Sakranti Prepare
Halwa in Desi Ghee and pour it in the copper plate and prepare place in the
middle and place silver snake and donate it (4)) Fan to self every day with
Mor Pankh after rising from the bed. (5) throw Kal Sarp Dosha Yantra from
market( or prepared at your own by taking led piece and engrave pair of
snake on one side on it and on the other side engrave Rahu and Ketu
numerical table) after reciting the mantra of Rahu and Ketu in the running
water. Offer water mixed with milk to Shivling on Monday regularly and recite
Om Namah Shiva jap for 108 times. With best wishes (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear Sir, I want to know when i will get children. Already our marriage 4 years
over. My dob details are date : 19-09-1975 place : delhi time : 10:50 a.m. My
husband's dob details are date : 24-10-1971 place : pratapgarh(U.P) tIME :
11:15 A.M. Please let me know how is our married life and how many children
we have and when we will have. Also i am very much worried about my
husband's health . Please tell about his health and about our relationship.
-- arp, india Nov 28 07
A: Dear arp,
Gone through your chart alongwith chart of your husband. There is one point
in your chart that 5th house lord Jupitor (Retrograde) is in your house and as
per theory of Karka Bhav Nash theory, Jupitor is karaka for children and
especially Putra Karka and it spoil the house when it is sitting in the 5th
house. However, Sun another hot planet is aspect your 5th house alongwith
Mercury. There is no other malefic or benefit aspect over the 5th house or 5th
lord. The 5th lord of your husbands chart is exhalted and is aspecting its own
house. However, there is problem to 5th lord, as it is on Rahu Ketu axis
Venus, Mercury and hot planet Sun are aspecting his 5th house. But here his
Jupitor (karka for children is spoilt). His beej sputa has also been calculated
and it is in odd sign i.e. good and your kshetra sputa is also in even sign
which is good for female. I am of 100 % sure that you will get children, but
with difficulty and proper remedy and with the blessings of some older
persons. Your married life is good. Now Jupitor is entering Sagittarius rashi on
22nd Nov.,07 and it is well in the Lagna of your husband horoscope whereas
it has already blessed your 5th lord, so there are very good chances of
conceivement. There is problem of Saturn, which is not blessing to your 5th
house or 5th lord, as it is to decide the time for birth of child, as per the
principle of double transit, so you are advised to do remedy of Saturn by
donating black Urd to the orphanage for 5 Saturday. Also donate Bananas in
the Temple on 9 continuous Thursday . You are further advised to install
Santan Gopal Yantra in your worship place and recite Santan Gopal Mantra
with full devotion daily. Offer jaggery to cows on Tuesday regularly by your
husband. Observe fast on Thursday and also you both should wear Pukhraj
of about 5 ratti in gold metal. You both should consult Ayurveda Acharya for
taking Ashwagandha or Ashwagandharist, as it is very good for reproductive
system. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: when will become i rich and what are my future prospects. may details are
name : gagan, dob : 13 sep , 1981, time : 10:30 am place : ajnala (amritsar,
-- pasricha gag, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Pasricha,
Gone through your horoscope. You are a Libra Lagna and lagna lord is well
placed in Lagna and 11th lord placed in the 11th house, shows the fulfillment
of your desired. However, on the professional point of view your 10th lord in
5th house i.e. 8th from its own sign gives a initial obstructions however, it is
making a dhan yoga of good quality . Presence of 2nd lord (house of wealth)
in the 10th house and further aspecting 10th lord and also 4th house and
Lagna Lord, dominate its position. Further more, Rahus position in Kendra
making it yoga karka and its conjunction with 2nd (house of finance) with 7th
lord (marriage) mars shows that your rise will start after the marriage. 9th lord
exalted but in the 12th house alongwith 4th and 5th lord Saturn 3rd lord
Jupitor making Raj yoga in the 12th house, shows gains through foreign
lands. But there is problem firstly that Dhankarka jupitor is not making Gaj
Kesari Yoga as Jupitor and Moon are in 6/8 position. Formation of above
dhan yoga and rajyoga will give result. At present, you are running dasa of
Saturn-Saturn a yoga karaka planet and followed by Saturn-Mercury (exalted)
making you financial sound. However, you will prosper more financially or
otherwise, after the marriage. Do not expect sudden rise through speculation,
as it is not going fill the coffer. You are advised to choose the profession
which deals with import and export items and which involves in frequent
journey. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)

Q: My name is Maneesh Gupta, my DoB is 6th July 1969 and time is 0751 and
place of birth is Ambala Cantt, Haryana, I like to know is there any kalsarpa
yog in my kundali and if there is a kalsarpa yog is in my kundali what is the
remedy fot that. I am very depress due to my failure in my life in all the field.
Please help me, I will be thankful to u for ever.
-- Maneesh Gupta, India Nov 28 07
A: My dear Maneesh
I have gone through your chart and I had earlier replied the same by just
assuming that you are borne in New Delhi, as you have not provided me the
Place of birth. However, on supplying the place of birth as Ambala Cantt, your
chart has been prepared and you are Cancer Lagna and Lagna Lord placed
well in the 9th house. First of all I must reply to your particular query that you
are not in Kal Sarp Dosha. Kal Sarp Dosha occurred when all the planets are
on one side (i.e. straight line ) of Rahu and Ketu and secondly the position of
planets should be from Rahu to Ketu in the backward direction, as motion of
Rahu and Ketu is always backward. In your case, first of all, Mars is directly
out side the straight line of Rahu and Ketu and secondly all the planets are
from Ketu to Rahu which does not make KSY. However, there is another bad
yoga i.e. Guru Chandal Yoga and Matru Dosha as your Jupitor is on Rahu
Ketu axis and on the other side Moon is conjunct with Rahu making Matru
Dosha. Moon is controller of mind and mental energy and it is conjunct with a
dire malefic planet, causing lot frustration. Regarding your profession, may be
your 10th lord is in its own sign, but placement of Saturn in deblitation which
is lord of 8th lord, pose problems in profession. Your 10th lord Mars is being
aspected by Rahu. Placement of 2nd lord in the 12th house also shows that
you are not able to hold your money or finance well as there is much
expenditure than earning.. A few months before when Saturn was transiting in
Cancer, it also created some obstacles in your profession and moreover, now
a days Transiting Rahu is also running 12th house from your natal moon is
also cause of depression. You are advised to throw 9 pieces of lead or
coconut in the running after reciting Beej Mantra of Rahu continuously for 9
Wednesday. Worship Goddess Durga and receite is Beej Mantra Om Dum
Durgai Namah. Offer wine to Bhairon Ji on Saturday. Dominate Bananas in
the Temple on Thursday and touch the feets of Pandhit ji Go to Hanuman ji
Temple on Tuesday and Saturday and recite its Chopai Sankat Kate Mite
Sab Peera Jo Simre Hanumant Balveera daily as much as possible you can.
Donate black Urd (Maa) and mustard oil on Saturday and also offer sweet
water to Pippal Tree and burn Deepak under it on Thursday and Saturday.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: when will i get the job name : pooja, dob : 7 may, 1985, time 12:35 (midnight
of 6th may) place :ajnala (amritsar, punjab)
-- pasricha gag, India Nov 28 07
A: My dear Pasricha,
Gone through your Chart. You are a Capricorn Lagna and placement of
Lagna lord in the 11th house is excellent alongwith 7th lord (lord of marriage)
Moon in debilitation shows decent marriage. The debilitation of the Moon has
been cancelled as Mars is the depositor is aspecting its own house ( i.e. in
Kedra) You are going to marry with the known person or . As regard your
question of profession is concerned, your 10th lord Venus is exalted and
placed in the 3rd house alongwith 9th lord, making a raj yoga and the nature
of job to me, which require frequent travel or relating to communication. 10th
lord on Rahu Ketu axis, shows some type of initial obstructions and further
8th lord Sun is exalted placed in 4th house and aspecting a short of semi-
government job. Your Karkasmsha Lagna is Acquarius and KL lord is placed
in the 10th house, shows that there is good professional career, as it is having
rashi drishti of Capricorn which contains Jupitor and Aries, which contains
Sun and Rahu a sort of mixed result. Lagna is Virgo and its lord D-10 is also
well placed in the 11th house which is also 10th lord , Presence of Ketu in D-
10 charts also shows initial hindrenaces. Further As far as your job is
concerned, you are likely to get job any time (shortly), as the dasa system is
going on well and Transing Saturn has already aspected your 10th house
(now in Leo) and when it was in Cancer, also aspected karka for service Sun
and cleared the time for getting the job. Further, Jupitor (Transit) has also
aspected your 10th lord Venus and after entering Sagittarius on 22nd
Nov.,2007, it will aspect your natal Sun which is most important parameter
and clearly blessing to job and start career. However, since Sun is conjuct
with Rahu making a Pitru Dosha and Moon conjuction with Saturn a Matru
dosha, you are advised to serve 5 brahmis on Amavasya Day and offer
donations and clothes. Further you are also advised to serve 5 branhmis on
Sunday and offer them donations and clothes. Further you are also advised
to donate Salty rice palao to beggars or servant clause. Throw 4 pieces of
lead in the running water on 4 Wednesday. Also offer water to Sun daily
morning and on Sunday, offer Jaggery (Ghur) to cows. With best wishes
(Kuldip Sharma)
Q: hi i was born on 07/10/1977,madanapalle,india,my moon sign is cancer and
nakshatra is pushyami,i understand that iam under the influence of sade sati,i
have through lot of problems in the last 5 years,and i wish to know what my
future and how it is going to be
-- ramesh pothularaju, India Nov 28 07
A: Dear Ramesh pothularaju,
You have supplied only the date of birth and place of birth and without time.
For detailed analysis please supply the time of your birth. However, Your
Lagna chart cannot be erected. On going through the Moon on 7.10.77 the
moon was in Cancer and for people including you who have Moon in Cancer
(Karka Rashi) 5 years have already over and last part of 2 half years are
already going on and about one year has elapsed. Not much detailed
discussion can be made on the chart with proper Lagna. However, you are
advised to do the remedy of Saturn by donating black urd and mustard oil in
the Saturn Temple, on Saturday. Burn Deepak of mustard oil under Peepal
tree and offer sweet milk to Peepal tree and apply tilk on your forehead from
its wet soil on Saturday. Also go to Hanuman Temple and pray to Hanuman ji
on Tuesday for removal of problems and recite its Chopai Sankat Kate Mite
Sabh Peera Jo Simray Hanumant Balveer from Hanuman Chalisa as many
as time you can. It is wonderful remedy. Recite beej Mantra of Saturn. With
best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)

Q: I have kalsarp dosha (rahu in 12th , ketu in 6th). I am 39 years old going
through health problems for 12yrs. Does the dosha end at a particular age?
-- Namita, USA Nov 28 07
A: Sub: Namita, USA
You have not supplied your horoscope and specifically asked whether the
dosha ends at a particular age. There is no description in the classics that
when the Kal Sarp Dosha present in one horoscope ends, because as it
came with the birth of the native, it will end with the death of the person. It is
also said that this yog effects a person till 47 years and some time throughout
his life, its depend upon the position of kaal sarp yoga People with Kaal Sarp
dosha have their life full of struggle. It causes setbacks in life and creates
obstacles in accomplishment of every job you inspire and some times makes
death like situation. Its malefic effects are mostly seen during the dasa and
antardasa or Rahu and Ketu, as in your case, Rahu is in the 12th house
(Hospitalization, expenditure) and Ketu (house of disease, enemy, debt), and
if its dasa and antardasa is involved with 2nd lord or 7th lord (both markesh)
and also with 8th lord or 3rd lord and there are other factors like 64
Navamsha, 22nd Drekkna etc. alongwith malefic transit, it can create death
like situation. During dasa of any planet, these two shadowy planets must be
having their sub period at different interval and shows malefic results of its
nature. However, their malefic -ness can be reduced with proper astal remedy
by reciting its beej matra, offering of water to Shiv Ling alongwith pair of silver
snake on Panchami, observe fast on Nag Panchami day and perform puja by
offering pair of snakes and reciting the Om Namah Shiva matra,
Mahamrintunjaya Mantra, buring of Ajwain, Ghuggal, Hing in the evening,
wearing of silver fish in the neck, throwing of Narial or lead pcs in the running
water after reciting the beej mantra of Rahu and Ketu on Wednesday, faning
with Mor Pankh to self early on rising from the bed Visit to Sri Kalahasti
Temple, Kalahasti, Near Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh or Tirunageshwaran
temple, Near Kumbakkonam, Tamil Nadu and offer specific pooja. One must
do remedy out of the above, and surrender before Lord Shiva and busy in
your work. Nothing will happen, there a number of great people like
Jawaharlal Nehru, Geroge Bush, Dhiru Bhai Ambani, Sachin (Crickter) etc.
etc. With best wishes. (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear Sir, I request you to take a look in to my details, horoscope and kindly
provide me suitable predictions as i have been told by the astrologers i have
met that i have Kalasarpa dosha, (kalathra dosha and hence look for a girl
who is also having the same dosha). over and above because of Rahu in my
ascendant/lagna i will be facing obstacles, and other troubles in acheiving
success in life. I request you to provide me suitable remedies / parihara that i
need to do to overcome the above said obstacles or at the least minimise the
malefic/bad effects of the planets. My date of Birth : 08/05/1976 ; Place of
birth:Arakkonam(Tamil Nadu)-Longitude:079.43 East, Latitude:13.05
North.Time of Birth :06.05PM. I would be gratefull if you can advice me with
suitable parihara to overcome this.
-- SAI PRASAD, India Nov 28 07
A: DearSAI Prasad, Gone through your chart. You are Libra Lagna and all the
planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu causing Kal Sarp Dosha and it
is called Anant Kal Sarp Dosha. As per the classics, this type of Kal Sarp
Dosha makes the person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by
people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out in matters of
courts, loss of honour. Married life would be marred by differences between
husband and wife. This yoga makes the native full of struggle in achieving the
targets and makes unable to take decisions. However, on going through the
charts, the position of planets is very good and there are number of Raj yoga
and Dhan yoga. Conjunction of Saturn and Mars is forming Dhan yoga as
well as Raj yoga in the 10th house of very good quality and bestow you great
command over your profession and prestige and further it is the conjuction of
5th and 7th lord in the 10th house a case of a love marriage. Your 10th lord is
also in the 11th house aspected by Jupitor, a very good position. Lagna lord
venus alongwith 11th lord Sun posted in the 7th house, is also a Dhan yoga
and all the these two planets alongwith Jupitor and Mars from the 10th house
makes the Lagna very strong. However, inspite of all the above good yoga,
you may have to struggle. In order to pacify KSY, you are advised to Burn
Ajwain, Guggal, Hing, the evening daily (b) On piece of Chandan wood
engrave snake and put it on the neck(c) On Sakranti : Prepare Halwa in Desi
Ghee and pour it in the copper plate and prepare place in the middle and
place silver snake and donate it (d) Fan to self every day with Mor Pankh on
rising up at morning (e) Arrange Kal Sarp Dosha Yantra ( Prepare on taking
one piece of lead 3x3 and engrave pair of snake on it and on the other side,
write Rahu Ketu Mantra and also recite 9 Mala of Rahu and Ketu Mantra on
Wednesday in Rahu Kal and throw it in the running water. Do this remedy first
every month and then every year. (f) Offer water mixed with milk on Monday
to Shivling and recite Om Namah Shiva jap for 108 times Also Worship
Goddess Durga and receite is Beej Mantra Om Dum Durgai Namah. Offer
wine to Bhairon Ji on Wednesday. Since you are also running Saturn
Sadesati, you are advised to Donate black Urd (Maa) and mustard oil on
Saturday and also offer sweet water to Pippal Tree and burn Deepak under it
on Thursday and Saturday.
With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: dob-28/11/1971 10.22pm bangalore.let me know career and future &
opportunities to go abroad.
-- narendra naik, India Nov 30 07
A: Dear Narendera Naik,
I have prepared your chart and gone through it. You are cancer Lagna and
Lagna Lord is posted in the 9th house, a very good position. Your Lagna is on
Rahu Ketu axis. Your 10th and 5th lord Mars is posted in the 8th house. This
shows that there might be some break or obstructions in the education. Your
11th and 4th lord Venus is in the 6th house alongwith 3rd and 12th lord
Mercury, shows impediments in the gains. Your 10th lord in 8th house, also
shows obstructions in the profession and dissatisfaction. However, position of
9th lord (Bhagya) Jupitor with 2nd lord (Finance) Sun in the 5th house and
aspect on Lagna as well as Lagna lord by Juptir forms a Rajyoga and Dhan
yoga. Under such conditions, the better results can be achieved by
dislocation from own country like going abroad. You can also chose the
profession, which requires excavation, hidden resources, research, insurance
etc. etc. Your future is very bright, but if you go abroad. On going through
Jaimini system, your Atamkarka is Moon and placement of Atamkarka in the
9th house (house of long journey and Bhagya) is very good. Further position
of AK in the Navamsha chart is Capricorn and Karkamsha Laga is Capricorn
and it is on Rahu Ketu axis and 10th from KL is Libra whose lord is posited in
the 12th house (house of abroad) aspected by rashi drishti by Mars (Aquarius
) and Saturn (Taurus) (KL lord), shows improvement as compared to your D-1
Chart. Further D-10, Lagna lord is Leo and its Lord and 10th lord of D-10
Venus are posited in Kendra, shows improvement in the profession. At
present you are running dasa of Venus-Ketu-Venus and placement of Venus
in the 6th house and is aspecting your 12th house and Ketu placed in Lagna
and has to give result of Moon in which rashi it is placed and placement of
Moon in the 9th house (house of long journey), shows you can fullfil your
desire of going abroad, during this period. At present, Rahu is also over your
10th lord i.e. in the 8th house, aspecting your 12th house, 2nd house (family
house) and 4th house (home) and as per his nature wants to dislocate you
from your present place i.e. even from your birth place. On the other hand
Saturn is also transiting in the 2nd house i.e. house of family and aspecting
your 4th house, also wants you to dislocate from your mother land. In view of
these positions, if you try, you desires can be fulfilled for going and chosing
profession in abroad during this period. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear Ammas I am a regular visitor to this site and I am really happy to see
how people are helping others through the devine Astrology by providing vital
solutions. I am also much interested in astrology and very much in initial
stage. Once I had shown my horoscope to an astrologer,who has predicted
that my marriage will take place before Apr08 and the spouse will be surely
from medical profession. Sir/Madam, Is it true as per my horoscope and also
Is it really possible to find the profession of spouse from ones horoscope. I
very kindly request to analyse my horoscope and provide your views
regarding my married life and as anyone will have expectations on the future,
can you please tell me on how will be my spouse. My details are Male
6/aug/75 6:35AM Mangalore. Thanks in advance for all your help.
-- Raaju A, India Nov 30 07
A: My dear Raaju,
I have gone through your horoscope. As regards your married life, it is quite
smooth and I do not find any affliction in your marriage chart, except late. You
are to have a smooth life with some little bit bickering . It is on account of this,
that your 7th lord (Marriage lord) Saturn is well posted in the Lagna alongwith
Lagna Lord and aspecting its own house, as per the general principle, if one
see its own house, it protects it and not destroy it. As per general tendency of
Saturn, it delays the matter. Another planet Sun and Ketu also aspects on the
7th house, simply creates uneasiness as there is no other benefic planet
aspect your 7th house nor 7th lord. However, position of Jupitor in Kendra
aspecting 2nd house (Speech and family) and 4th house (domestic Sukh,
happiness), will solve the situation and there is not much trouble, have normal
and smooth family life. It is true we have somewhat predict it from one
horoscope about the profession and other skills. Further as regards your
future. Your 9th lord (Lord of ate) Jupitor is placed in the 10th house and your
10th lord Mars (lord or profession) in the 11th house (House of gains), but on
Rahu Ketu axis. Your Mars is also 5th lord (Lord of education) is posited well
and that too on Rahu Ketu aixs. Are your professionally engineering or related
to medical line, but not directly Doctor. Your birth is Amavasya Day which is
not considered auspicious . There is Gaj Kesri Yoga which gives name and
wealth. But the conjunction of Moon with Saturn making Vish yoga causing
Matru Dosha. Your profession graph is depended on the well placement of
Mars in the house of Gains and Jupitor (9th lord or lord of fate) is in the 10th
house makes your professional graph good, but I cannot say it is very good,
as there is no there is no either Raj Yoga or Dhan Yoga, more I do not see
any affliction to your 2nd house nor 11th house. You are totally dependant
upon the good placement of Venus, Mars, Jupitor. In order further improve the
position, you are advised do the remedy Matru Dosha. Wear Good quality of
Pearl of atleast 7.25 ratti in your little finger. Also advised to wear Moona of
5.25 ratti and recite daily Hanuman Chalisa. Serve 5 brahmins on Amavasya
day and donate them clothes and Money. With best wishes, (Kuldip Sharma)
Q: Dear Amma, I am a female living in the US, but born in S. India on 28th April
1968 at 10.15 pm. Longitude: 79E0900; Latitude: 10N4800; TimeZone:
-05:30. And my star is Kritthika, mesha rasi. My husband and I are separated
and we ve a son. What dosha do I have and what are the astrological
remedies? I was asked to fast on Mondays, Tuesdays, Pournami, Amavasai,
and light lamp on lemon for Durga on Friday Nights. After looking at my birth
chart, Do you suggest fasting, if so what do I break the fast with, at home.
What kind of prayers (In sanskrit and english translation) need to be offered
to Goddess Durga on Rahu kaalams to remove the dosham regarding
marriage completely and for how many days? We do not have a temple for 3
hours from our place. Is it ok light lamp on the lemon at home, instead of at
the temple. Please let me know your suggestion. Please suggest me the
remedies and rituals for my chart. Can you recommend for me gemstones to
wear, like Ruby, Yellow Sapphire? Also Which field of work I will be most
successful in? Please analyze my horoscope and let me know if I will get
back with my husband. Thank You so much for your advice, I really
appreciate it. CV
-- Anonymous, Unknown Dec 03 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
You are Dhanu Lagna and Larga Lord well posited in the 9th house. First of
all , I am to write you that no doubt, you are Aries Rashi, but your Janam
Nakshatra is Bharani and not Kritikka. Your 7th lord (marriage lord ) is
mercury and posited in the 5th house alongwith 5th lord Mars, showing that
you are a love marriage, or married with the known person. Your 2nd house
(family) and 4th house (domestic) is quite afflicted and shows that you does
not enjoy good and cordial domestic and family life, due to the reason that
your 2nd lord (Saturn) is conjunct with Rahu and your 2nd lord and 2nd house
is aspected by Ketu. Your 4th house has Rahu, Saturn and aspected by Ketu.
Due to the malefic nature of Saturn Rahu and ketu , you could not enjoy your
domestic life. In your case, there is good yoga for acquiring money and
wealth(conjunction of Mercury,Mars, Venus, Moon forming Dhan Yoga and
Raj yoga) and the conuuction of Chander Mangal and Venus-MarsYoga are
harmful for the married life, as it enhances the sexual urge of the native and
one is more interested for having relations with more than one person. This
can also cause disharmony in the married life. Due to this yoga, your married
life is also disturbed. You are advised to do the remedy of Mars as well as
Venus, so that if there is such problem, the same can be pacified. As advised
by some one, please go in for fast on Monday and recite the Beej Mantra of
Shiv i.e. Om Namah Shiva. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily in the evening and
donate red cloth or red articles of Mars on Tuesday, what are available in the
US. You are advised to wear Yellow Saphire on Thursday in your index finger.
Please read the following Mantra from Durga Sapatshat: Om Hareeng Sarb-
badha Binnar mukto Dhan Dhaniya Sutawint, Manushya Mat Prashaden
Vishiata Na Sanchaya Hareeng Om or Recite only 'Om Dum Durgay Namah'
Please do remedy of Rahu and Ketu by donating multi colored Blanket or
offer Coconut in the running water or sea and also recite beej mantra of Rahu
and Ketu (simply, On Rahuay Namah, Om Ketve Nama) daily. But for
controlling your emotions, you have to do remedy of Mars, as stated above.
You can get back your husband, if you correct your thinking and policy by the
above remedy.
Q: Following are birth details of my friend's sister. At present, she is working in
India. Date of Birth: 30th July 1983. Time of Birth: 11:00PM Place: Ratnagiri
(Kokan), India. She wants to get married but she is not getting any suitable
matches. Can you please help with the following questions about her... 1.
When will she get married? 2. Will it be a love or arranged marriage? 3. How
will be her married life? Apparently, there is a RISHTA came for her. Following
are the details of the boy. At present, he is working in United States. Date of
Birth: 6 April 1978. Time: 06:45AM Place: Thane, India. 1. How good is the
match? 2. How will be the married life if both of them get married?
-- Anonymous, USA Dec 03 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through the horoscope of your fiends sister. Her is a Aries Lagna
and Lagna lord is posited in the 3rd house. Her 7th lord ( marriage lord) is
Venus and is also well posited. Saturn is posited in the 7th house in its
exaltation sign, but will delay the marriage. Rahu aspects her 7th house and
7th lord is aspected by Ketu, just minor affliction, but overall marriage wise is
is good Chart. As regards your question whether it will be arranged or love
marriage, it will be arranged marriage as there is no combination available for
love marriage. The married life will be good. As regards when her marriage is
to take place, I am to write you that presently she is running dasa of Venus-
Venus-Venus and Venus is also karka for marriage and during its dasa, it will
provide marriage. However, as per the principle of transit, Saturn is already
transiting over her 7th lord Venus and is also aspecting 7th house clearing the
time for marriage and now from 22nd Nov., 07, Jupitor (Transit) has already
entered in Sagittarius sign and now starts aspecting her 7th lord and offer
blessing for marriage. Now it is we to avail this very good and auspicious time
i.e. upto Nov., 08, if not availed then you will have to wait for another one year
and it shall be in the year 2010. As regards your question about a Rishta, the
boys horoscope has been matched with Girls horoscope, both stands to get
31.5 points, very good match numerically. Both are non manglik. There is little
dosha in the boys horoscope i.e. his 7th lord is placed in the 2nd house, i.e.
Shatashtak and in his case either some engagement has broken, and in case
it is not, some problems can arise in the matrimony relations due to this
dosha. However, his 7th house is also on Rahu Ketu axis, can like in the case
of girl can pose some little problems, but can be tolerable. However, as a
remedy measure for shatashatk dosha, if the engagement has not broken,
kindly do ceremonial marriage in the temple again after few days, even after
the marriage. There is no other dosha. I recommend this marriage with the
above remedy.
Q: Hello, My house construction will be complete on 20th December. Looking for
advice on the following. 1. Earliest good date to move into this house 2. Can
we move used items from the old house to the new house, before the griha
pravesh ceremony is done? 3. Do we need to actually sleep in the house for
a night to consider the griha pravesh to be complete? Any advice on this is
very much appreciated. My name is "Nara Vijaya Saradhi Naidu" and my
wife's name is "Nara Hemalatha".
-- Anonymous, Unknown Dec 06 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
First of all I must congratulate on your completion of newly constructed
Regarding you have asked for good date to move into the newly built house, I
must frankly tell you that the only early Mahuratha dates are falling on 31st
January, 08, Ist February, 08 and 16th February, 08 for entry into newly
constructed house. However, these 3 days has to be further short listed on
the basis of your Janam Rashi. Since you have not supplied your birth data, it
is not possible to find your Janam Rashi and further shortlist even from the
above 3 dates, which is very much essential for fixing Mahurta.
However, on the basis of your name as Vijay, you are Taurus Janam Rashi
and on the basis of this, from the above 3 dates, 1st February and 16th
February, 08 are suitable date for entering into the house. However, the
timing will be from 2.35 PM to 4.25 PM in Mithun Lagna as most of the
malefics like Ketu , Saturn are in 3rd house and Rahu in the 9th house and
Jupitor in Kendra on Ist February, 08 or in Virgo Lagna timing 21.15 to 23.00
PM and on 16th February in Virgo Lagna from 20.10 PM to 22.10 PM. Since
you have also not supplied the birth place, so the lagna timing as well as
mahurtha in fixed Navamsha has to be got calculated from your Local Pandits
ji who performed the necessary Puja.
However, during Puja all the new articles have to used and in North India
there is no problem of shifting our old bed, furniture etc. while shifting the
house luggage. But all the new or old domestic articles has to be moved only
after the specific Puja. No articles should be moved into the new place of
residence, before that Puja and on the day you perform Puja, you have to
sleep in the new place.

Q: Respected Sir, I have three questions : 1. When will i get married? 2. How will
be my husband? How will be his nature, income etc.? 3. How will be my
married life? DOB: 06/02/1980 Time : 12:55 AM (00:55 hours) Place :
Srinagar(Jammu & Kashmir) Thanks a lot Reema
-- Anonymous, India Dec 11 07
A: Dear Reema
Prepared your Chart. You are Libra Lagna, Janam Rashi Virgo and Janam
Nakshatra Hasta.
Your Lagna Lord Venus is exalted and posited in the 6th house nd your moon
is also in the 12th house shows there is early health problem as well as
struggle in life. Your 10th lord Moon is also placed in bad house i.e. 12th
house shows problem in the profession field or you are in field which relations
to foreign or medical trade. Your 5th lord Saturn is also placed in the 12th
house shows some early obstructions in the education. However, Jupitor,
Mars and Rahu are also aspecting your 5th house enabling you to acquire
good education prospects and most probably it must in the field of medical
profession. Further,your 9th lord (Bhagya lord) Mercury is well posited in the
5th house giving you name and fame.
Coming the point of your question, when will you get married, first of all may I
tell you that your 7th lord Mars is well posited in your 11th house, house of
desires shows you to get good husband and as per your desire but being it is
on the Rahu Ketu axis, shows that he must be from other religion or family.
Rahu is also aspecting your 5th house as well as your 7th house, and there is
every possibility that your present relations may also converted into
matrimonial alliance. I think you must be feeling some difficulty in expressing
your views with your parents. However, aspect of Jupitor on your 5th house
as well on your 7th house is very good and you would not find any difficulty in
the marriage related matter.
As per astrological principles, for marriage ceremony, the joint blessings of
Jupitor and Saturn must be on the marriage related house. In your case, from
Nov,07 onward, Jupitor (T) has entered in your Dhanu Rashi and from here it
will aspect your 7th house as well as 7th lord and started showering blessings
and on the other hand Saturn (T) is over your 7th lord clearing the door for
marriage. At present Rahu-Venus-Saturn dasa is going on and these are also
related to marriage related house and further there is also good dasa of
marriage i.e. Rahu-Venus and Mercury (Venus, Saturn and Mercury are
marriage related lords) Now it is upon you to decide and avail the time. There
is no problem from the planetary side.
As regards your husband, he will be well educated, tall, good nature and is in
good profession and possible relating to Govt Sector. No doubt, he has sound
income, but from the above chart, it is seen that he will be spendthrift. And
finance wise you have to take care of. You will have very good married life
There is nothing to worry.
There are some doshas in your chart i.e. Matru Dosha as well as Guru
Chandal yoga. You are advised to do remedy of Matru dosha, by offering food
to 5 boys or 5 Pandit ji on Amavasya day and donate some kind of clothes
and donation. As a remedy of Guru Chandal Yoga, you are advised to offer
Bananas in the Temple on 11 Thursday.
I hope I have replied all your questions.
Q: Dear Ammas, Could u analyse this charts for compatibility?(is there a chance
for marriage,relationship etc. if yes when?) girl: 30 july 1983, 05:30(a.m) +1
hours add-summer time,Ankara,Turkey coordinates:33E46,41N59,cancer
lagna(navamsa lagna is libra) boy: 08 january 1982, 03:15(a.m),
Istanbul,Turkey coordinates 29E01,41N03, libra lagna
-- melusine m., Turkey Dec 12 07
A: Dear Meusine m,
Gone through both the charts and numerically they stands to get only 18
points. There are Greh Maitri Dosha as well as Nadi Dosha. Since both are
getting 7 points on account Bhakoot Dosha, the greh maitry dosha can be
ignored. However, as far as Nadi dosha is concerned, both the boy are
having Madhya Nadi, due to both their Nakasthra falls in Madhya Nadhi group
However, Janam Rashi of both the boy and girl are different as Taurus and
Pisces and also their Janam Nakashtra are also Mrigshira and Uttra bhadra.
There are 8 types of Koota Milan and in case all the 7 other koota, if they are
the same or belong to same group, they gets full points, whereas in this
particular case, if both the nadi are same that is called Dosha and it has the
maximum points in this system of marriage matching and much attention and
importance has been attached to it now a days.I am to explain this nadi in the
medical term also signifies the pulse which indicates the hereditary instinkcs.
It is the central point and indicator of physical energy on which individual
health and nature depends. In Ayurveda, three types of temperaments are
indicated Vaat -windy, Pitta-Billious and cough - Phlegm. The nature of sexual
urge and also geneticc effects can be inferred from the horoscopes of the boy
and the girl, so that tye can have better adjustment in the conjugal relation. It
is also said that if both boys and girls have Aadhya Nadi, then husband will
die, if both are having Madhya Nadi, wife will die and if both are having Antya
Nadi, both will die. Under Ashtkoot marriage matching, same nadi has dosha
and can lead to physical physical relations between the spouse. However, our
old classics says that this dosha is only meant for Brahmins. But I reserve my
views. Regarding cancellation of this dosha, according to shashtra also, if
both the male and females are having same nadi, but their charan are
diiferent, then the same can be ignored. But in this case, both have same
nadi, but their rashi are different i.e.Pisces and Taurus and Nakshatras are
also different (Uttarbhadra and Mrigshira). So in my view the nadhi dosha can
be ignored in this case as both of them are having different rashi and different
Nakshatra. Numerically, we can recommend this marriage, if all other
conditions are OK. Both are Manglik. There is not much problem in both the
chart are week with regard to children as they may face some obstructions.
The boys horoscope shows some broken relationship but the girls horoscope
is quite good, there are not major obstacles in the married life.

Q: My daughter was born on 15 may 1994.time of birth-8.50pm,place of birth-

hyderabad.I want to know about her education,health and marriage.please
tell me about yogas and doshas present in her chart.Is she a
mangalik.suggest any poojas and remedies if there is any dosham.
-- Anonymous, India Dec 12 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
I have gone through the horoscope of your daughter. She is Dhanu Lagna
and Lagna lord well posited in the 11th house, the best position in the
horoscope. As regards question of her health, she is going to have good
health and there is nothing to worry about it. As regards her education is
concerned, there is not much trouble in her education except, there is break
in her education but overall her education career is good. She is going to
adopt engineering profession. As regards your question, whether she is
Manglik, it is yes, she is Manglik and there is no such Pooja. The only remedy
is to marry your daughter with Manglik Boy. There is no problem in getting the
Manglik Boy. However, it is an early marriage case. There is also little bit
problem in her marriage, as her marriage lord is position in the house of
trouble and that too on the Rahu Ketu axis. The only remedy is to marry your
daughter outside India and that too with the boy other than your religion.
Further you are advised to marry your daughter after matching the
horoscope. Your question about any type of yoga, Sun (9th lord) and Mercury
(10th lord) has formed Raj Yoga, but in the 6th house (house of competition
and struggle), she will get name fame but with some struggle and it is sure.
There is no other major dosha in the chart. I hope all the answers have been
explained to you.

Q: Dear Ammas, I would like to know the good days for house warming from
second week of january 2008. Here is our Nakshthra and birthdays My
husband(Padmaprakash Govind)- Chithra, 21-April-1970, 10:30 AM Raji
-Aslesha, 23-03-1975 11:45 P.M (Born in Kerala,India) In US , we are at
eatstern time in US 1. At present our closing date on a Amavasya day? Is that
okay? If not, could you please suggest a good day and time in Jan first week
until Jan 10. 2. We need a Grihapravesh date and time as well after jan 10
Thank you for your help.
-- Meera, India Dec 12 07
A: Dear First of all I congratulate you for owning new house which is dream for
our Indian family.
You have supplied the only State of your birth and the place of birth must
have been supplied by you. However, on the basis of data furnished, you are
correct that your husband is having Libra Rashi and Chitra Nakashtra and
whereas you are having Cancer Janam Rashi and Ashlesh Nakshtra.
Since at present, Jupitor is combust and till its combustion is over, there is no
Mahuratha for any auspicious work like entering into the new house. The
combustion of Jupitor shall be over on 5th of January, 08 and there is
possibility of getting some suitable date from 6th January, 08 onward.
Now on 6th January, 08, it will be rikta tithi, which is not good for Auspicious
function, so, the Mahuratha cannot be fixed. 7th January, 08 will be
Amavasya, 08 and it is also inauspicious for any auspicious ceremony. Now
there are 8,9 and 10th of January, 08 and now 8th is medium and the day is
Tuesday which is cruel day and this day can also be avoided. Now we have
9th and 10th of January., 08 and these are the two dates when the Nakashtra
is good, Tithi is good as well as Day of the week is also good.
However, after going in for the Chander shudi, the above dates i.e. 9th and 10
are inauspicious. as your Moon is in Libra and in case of 9th and 10th
January, moon will be in Capricorn, which is 4th from your natal moon.
However, in case you have to choose either date from 9th or 10th, then you
have to do the remedy of Moon.
However, for fixing the Mahuratha, we also need the direction of your house
and we have to calculate the month in which you can enter. But since you
have limited option, there is no other possibility except to suggest what are
the possible dates.
Before entering into new house, you have to certain Puja and do not get any
luggage before doing the Pooja in the new house and on the day of Puja you
will have to spent the whole night in the new house. Since you have not
supplied where you have purchased or constructed the house, it is not
possible to fixed the Lagna for entering into the new house. However, you are
advised to choose good with the help of your local Pandit ji. Since you will not
be able to find fixed lagna as on today, as it all this case either the lagna or
4th house will be afflicted by Rahu ketu and you find that the malefics are not
in Kendra and in this case you will have either Mithun Langa or Sagittarius
when Jupitor will be in Kedra and malefics are in bad houses i.e. 6,7 and 8th
house should be vacant. Since this is a duel sign, you can get fixed
Navamsha so that there is no problem in shifting in the new house.
wanted to know marriage prospects and spouse characteristics for Female, dob
05 Feb 1978, birth time 11:10 AM, place:delhi.
-- ashish m, United States Dec 12 07
A: Dear
Gone through the horoscope. You are Aries Lagna. Dhanu Janam Rashi.
First of all I will discuss the marriage prospectus. You are Manglik. However,
since your 7th lord (lord of marriage) is placed in the 10th house alongwith
your 5th lord (lord of emotions and love affairs) Sun and indicate that you are
going to have marriage of your own choice and I mean it is a case of love
marriage and most like at your work place. Since your 7th lord is aspected by
Rahu and Mars shows that it is going to be an unconventional and
unorthodox marriage. In this regards, I mean she is from other than the case
of your religion. Since this marriage is going to be through emotions and
lover affairs and in case she is not a Manglik, there might be some petty
disputes and this may be account of your mother, she is unable to enjoy
good relations with your mother. However, in case you are also living away
from your parents, as your chart shows, that you are likely to be far away
from your birth place, it is good and there be less chances of living together
in the your family. However, aspect of Jupitor on the 7th house is very good
and will not allow you to separate and promise you married life. However, as
a remedy, you have to control your Mars by reciting Hanuman Chalisa and
offering Jaggery to cows on Tuesday or throw 400 grms of Reori (product
made of Jaggery and Lentil ) in the running water on Tuesday. Have a good
more character, as you are very much over sexed due the aspect of Mars on
the Venus. You have to control your emotions and this can be also the
possible reason of such petty trifles in your married life.
She is very beautiful and fair complexioned and passionate lady and well
culturedand is also professionally qualified. She is having medium height.
She must be from South-West side from your birth place.
Your lord of 10th house has exchange with your 5th house also shows that
you are likely to have acquired engineering profession. There present your
running good dasa as well as good transit and there is no such remedy.
However, you can wear Moonga (Red coral), Ruby and Yellow Sapphire as
Gem if you wanted .

Q: Hi, I am Lila Female, born on Thursday, 1956-08-23 10:00:00 at Rouiba,

Algeria Latitude: 036:44:N / Longitude: 003:16:E I am divorced and I think I
am in love with this man from India whom I have not yet met. I want to know
whether I will marry again with success. Also I want to know whether I will
buy my own house. If yes to both the above please indicate when. Thanks
very much
-- lila bezz, Canada Dec 13 07
A: Dear Lila bezz,
Gone through your horoscope. You are Virgo Lagna.
There is some confusion whether you are supplying your birth chart data or
the person to whom you love as it is not clear from your query.
However ,I would explain, treating it as your chart, Your marriage lord is
placed in the 12th house alongwith 12th lord and aspect of Mars on the 12th
lord as well Rahu aspect on the 7th house and also Saturns aspect on the
7th lord, are the major reasons for obstacles in the married life. There is no
benefic aspect either on the 7th house (marriage house) nor on the marriage
lord (Jupitor). On account of these malefic aspect on the marriage related
house, the married life is full of obstructions and disturbed married life.
Since you have stated that you are in love with some one India, but you have
not supplied his birth data, failing which we could examine his horoscope and
tell you about his prospects of marriage. In case it is his birth data However,
you can marry but your married life will be full of tensions on account of your
horoscope or to make married life to some extent enjoyable, you have to
make lot of adjustment with your spouse.
As regards your question of buying House, you can buy your house, but
outside your birth place and you are advised to buy the house only after 29th
January, 2008, Because there is good dasa as well as good transit available
for buying property as well as matrimonial alliance.

Q: Respected Ammas, I was born on 18/09/1974 at 15:40 in New Delhi. For last
3/4 years I am having lot of debts and financial loses. I have lost lot of money
in medical expenditures, stock market, and theft. For many years in career
there was no increase in income and promotion. Friends and Colleagues
even those who were less qualified and skilled have gone far ahead of me.
Current Situation is really very frustrating. Please advise some remedial
measures so that there debts gets decreased and there increase in source of
income, promotion. Thanks for your help
-- Anonymous, New Delhi Dec 16 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
Gone through your horoscope. You are Capricorn Lagna, Libra Rashi. Lagna
lord is placed in the 7th house, house of struggle, competition, litigation, debt
Further your 10th lord (lord of profession) is placed in the 8th house, house
of obstructions and you are always finding difficulty in the profession or
always changing your profession.. Moon is placed in your 10th house, Your
11th lord is well placed in the 9th house alongwith 9th lord and forming Dhan
yoga, but this yoga is being spoiled by the placement of Sun in the 9th house
alongwith with Mercury as well as Mars. The most malefic placement is of
Jupitor who is lord of 12th house (expenditure) in your 2nd house ( house of
wealth) and does not allow to accumulate or save the money and what every
you earn and the same is spent and this has further got set back when the
lord of 2nd house ( house of wealth) Saturn, may be Lagna lord is placed in
the house of debt, loss. However, Rahu is very strongly placed in your 111th
house and provoking you for speculation but under the bad conditions of 2nd
house lord, placement of Jupitor and displacement of 10th lord, you are not
able to control your hard earned money and is spent on the disease (denoted
by Saturn in 6th house) or loss (denoted by Venus in 8th house).
Further more, presently, you are undergoing dasa of Jupitor (12th lord and
placed in the 2nd house) and what ever you have earned, you will lose
during its period. Presently, we go the transit of Saturn, it is also not very
good, as it is Lagna lord and is transiting in the 8th house from Ascendant
and aspecting 10th house.
I would strongly advise you to first surrender before Jupitor and do remedy of
Jupitor sincerely by touching the feet of Pandit ji in the temple, offering of
bananas in the Temple on Thursday, recite its beej mantra (Om Guruvey
Namah), spend some time while dusting the shoes of the devotee outside the
Temple or Gurudwara.
Try to content your feeling of speculation by controlling the Rahu and donate
Mooli Ke Paronthe to the beggars or low class people on Wednesday or
Distribute Suji Ka Halwa alongwith bread Pakora and Tea to the beggars on
Wednesday and also recite beej Mantra of Saturn Om Sham Shanichraya
Namah and surrender before the Saturn and donate black Urd and Mustard
oil on Saturday. For removal of debt, 100 grm Curd and 100 grm Moong tied
in green cloth and throw in the running water regularly for 3 days from
Wednesday. Also wear green thread in the neck and offer 1 kg. Wheat, 1
kg moongi on Tuesday or Wednesday at 11 AM. 5 Kg Bajra to be kept in
container and offer bajra to animals. You also advised to go to the roof top,
cut lemon in 4 piece without separating it and after encircling over the head,
throw pieces one by one in all the 4 directions.
With you all the best.

Q: I am into a whole lot of problems and finding it difficult to lead my life. 13-2-
1982, 2:35 pm born at Trivandrum Kerala India 1) My parents have been
trying to fix my marraige since 2003, nothing is working out. The whole family
is worried over me. Will I get married ever??? 2) My job was going well, but
now lot of problems at work place. I am in deep trouble. Will I have a stable
career? when? 3) I am having a skin problem which has uglied my face. Will I
get cured? Have consulted many doctors, no result I belive all the problems
are due to some doshas in my horo. Pleaze let me know if I will have a happy
-- Anonymous, India Dec 16 07
A: Dear Anonymous,
On the basis of data, I prepared your chart. You are Mithun Lagna and your
Lagna lord in 8th house (house of obstructions) and shows that you face
obstructions in every field and in every matter. As regards yoga, Jupitor and
Moon has formed Gaj Kesari Yoga as well as Laxmi Yoga, which gives name,
fame and wealth. Mars and Saturn produces Angara Yoga, which is bad for
the domestic life. You are advised to do remedy of Mars, as it is also bad
planet for you. Coming the point of marriage, you are Manglik. Your 7th lord
Jupitor(marriage lord) is well posited in the 5th house (house of emotions and
affairs) and 5th lord Venus in the 7th house (house of marriage) and this
exchange yoga shows that you are having affairs with some one.Your 7th
house is Rahu Ketu axis and Rahu posited in Lagna and aspect your 7th lord
Jupitor and 5th house lord Venus. Since Rahu is an unconventional planet
and its aspect provoke that this relations must be from other than your
religion, or and there are many chances for unorthodox marriage. Whether
the above is not true and if not, you may involve in such affairs after the
marriage, as planets will have to play their role. However, there is not much
trouble in the marriage, as is seen from your chart, except small bickering
due to position of Rahu and Ketu on the 7th house. The most malefic position
is of Venus in the 7th house, as it also creates problem in the marriage life,
as it is Karka for marriage and plays the role of Karka Bhav Nash. You have
to nullify the effect of Venus by donating its product like Dhoop Agarwati, or
donating perfume or room freshener in the Temple. Or burn Dhoop Agarwati
in large quantity in your worship place at home. As regards your marriage
proposal, since Jupitor (T) has entered Sagitarrius i.e. your 7th house on
22nd Nov., 07 and Saturn (T) is already in Leo and aspecting your 7th lord
Jupitor, and asper principle of double transit, both have cleared your case for
marriage. It is likely that you will get find suitable match very soon and may
be by the end of December or but it is sure that you will marry before April,
08. Regarding job, the trouble creator is Saturn, as it is aspecting your natal
Sun and as per principle of astrology, when ever Saturn (Transit) aspect natal
Sun, it either creates problem in profession or for the father or bone related
problems. So you are advised to do remedy of Saturn by donating Black Urd
and Mustard oil in the Saturn Temple and recite its Beej Mantra. The skin
problem, if I am correct, is it white patches because Venus is conjunct with
Ketu and aspected by Rahu and Mars and Karka for skin is also in the 8th
house. You are advised to do remedy of Rahu and Ketu like donate multi
coloured blanket in the Lepers Ashtram and secondly prepare bringal and
potato in mustard oil on Wednesday or Saturday and also prepare Puri in
Mustard oil or Chapati oiled with mustard oil and serve in the Lepers Ashtram
or to the beggars. While preparing the above food, recite the beej mantra of
Rahu and Ketu. Also donate green fodder to the cows on Wednesday. Do
worship of Ganpati and recite its Mantra Om Gan Ganpate Namah atleast
108 times morning and in the evening. Offer Curd to Dogs on Wednesday.

Q: Hi, I born in Erode, Tamilnadu on March 13th 1980 at 7.15 pm. 1. My

marriage is prolonging for a while. When will I get married? Will it be
arranged or love marriage? 2 . We would like to know abt the bride - looks
,character and her education. 3. How my married life would be? 4. How my
financial position in future and career prospects? any career shifts? 5. I lived
in US for the past 6 yrs and now i am planning to move back to India.whats
the propects on moving back to India. Thanks for your help, Karthik
-- karthi k, United States Dec 21 07
A: Dear Karthik
Gone through your horoscope. You are Virgo Lagna and Saturn is placed in
your lagna which is Slow planet. However, it is your 5th lord (education) and
placed in Lagna provides good education.
Regarding your marriage, as Saturn is placed in your Lagna and aspect your
7th house of marriage and will delay the marriage. Secondly, you are
Manglik. Further your 7th lord is placed in the 12th house and on Rahu Ketu
axis, shows that there might be some problematic marriage, because firstly
7th lords placed in the 12th house is bad but being on Rahu Ketu axis, there
is possibility of marrying other than your caste. However, it will not be sort of
love affairs and can be termed as arranged marriage, as neither there is
involvement of 5th house nor 11th house.
As regards your married life, there can be some early problem in adjustment
due to some priorities in profession. However, you are advised to go in for
proper marriage matching and marry the girl who is a Manglik.
As regards her look, she will be pretty good, medium in height, having good
character and sound education. But she might look more than your age. She
will be serving and supporting you financially also.
Your financial position will depend upon your profession and I mean that how
much you devote or put efforts in your profession, you will get wealth. There
is no other combination, like Raj Yoga or Dhan yoga prevalent in your
horoscope. Jupitor and Moon are also in 6/8 position, shows that you always
be crazy for money. However, your marriage will be boon and bring more
prosperity or there will great improvement in your financial matter after the
As regards your change in the profession is concerned, there is every
possibility of changing the profession during the year 2008, as Saturn
(Transit) is aspecting your Sun as well as your 10th lord.
Your question, when my marriage will take placed, my dear it is now time for
celebration. Presently, Saturn and Jupitor are favouring your marriage
prospects, as Saturn (T) is over your 7th lord and whereas Jupitor is
aspecting your 7th lord opening door for marriage and partyantar and
Sooksham dasa dasa of Ketu, Venus, Sun in the dasa of Rahu-Venus-Ketu
from January,08 shall also be available, which relates to marriage related
Regarding moving back to India, my dear, your planetary combinations are
such which povides better service or professional rise outside place of your
birth, i.e. abroad or in case, you come down to India, you will have to be
employed in the MNC which requires frequent journey.

Q: DOB:April 27, 1954 TOB:11:30PM POB:Thirupatthur, India. I am going

through a very hard time health wise. I have to undergo a major brain surgery
Dec 11. How will be my health? I thought i have to complete my daughter's
marriage (daughter DOB:Sept 17, 1980. TOB: 0:01AM or 12:01AM
POB:Madurai, India)soon. But the marriage is not at all coming. I am worried
about my health and my daughter's marriage. Could you please let me know
both of that and try to help me. Please let me know what parigarams can be
done. Thanks Ammas for your prompt reply.
-- Anonymous, NYC, USA Dec 28 07
A: Dear NYC,
First of all I will analyze the horoscope of your daughter. She is born with
Mithun Lagna and her Lagna Lord is also well placed in the 4th house in
exaltation sign. As regards her marriage is concerned, no I assure you that
your daughter is going to marry soon. First of all I assure you that she will
lead very good married life and you should not worry about her marriage.
Now I will discuss when her marriage will take place, I may write that time
has come to celebrate her marriage. Actually for the fixing of marriage time,
the combined blessings of todays Saturn and Jupitor must be on the
marriage related house, astrologically, we call it double transit and Saturn
(Transit) is already transiting over her 7th Lord and where as another planet
i.e. Dev Guru Jupitor has just entered in her marriage house i.e. 7th house
from 22nd Nov.,07 and also aspect her 7th lord and clearing the door for
marriage and on the point of view of dasa the dasa of marriage related
houses i.e. Saturn-Jupitor-Venus is already going on and now it is to avail
this opportunity. There is complete one year i.e. upto Nov.,2008, and it is upto
you to avail this opportunity and in case this time is not availed, then you will
have to wait for another one year and it will be fixed after 2009. Now the
planets have fixed the time and now it is for us to avail and planet will not
force us to avail the opportunities.
Further as regards your health problem presently, you were running dasa of
Saturn-Jupitor-Venus and where as Saturn as well as Venus are totally
malefic planet and during its period give bad for health but on the other hand
Jupitor is no doubt your Lagna lord, but it is also on the Rahu Ketu axis and
spoiled and placed in the bad house i.e. 7th house. Presently, transit of
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu is also bad for you and both your dasa lord i.e.
Jupitor as well Saturn are being aspected by Rahu and increasing their
malefic ness. Further more, your Saturn is in the 64th Navamsha and Jupitor
is in the 22nd Drekkna. And during their period, they are bound to give
disease and one will take long time to recover.
Under these circumstances, you are advised to sit down and start reciting
Maha Mrintunjaya Japa as much as possible and donate the products of
Saturn in the Temple or throw in the running water on Saturday. In case your
family is unable to do this long Maha Mrintunjaya jap, them do OM NAMAH
SHIVA as many times as they can do. Also recite the OM BRIHSPATE
NAMAH in order to take benefic result from Jupitor . Recite one chopai of
HANUMANT BALVEERA as many time as possible.

Q: Hi, Its the same question which i am repeating. I would like know whether is it
possible for me to do an MBA abroad and i do have funding
problem.currently i am working in a IT firm and i dont like this job. Though I
started to prepare,i am being disturbed by certain family issues and personal
responsibilities. Let me know about the prospect of doing an MBA Date of
birth : 28/10/1983 Place of birth : gudiyatham state : tamilnadu Country :
india Time is 7.45 AM but not sure whether its correct exactly Thanks
-- Krish M, India Dec 28 07
A: Dear Krish,
You have stated that you are not sure about the time but in the erection of
chart, the exact time is a must and in your case if the time take is time as
7.35 AM then the Lagna will change and it will be Libra.
On taking time as 7.45 AM we have analyzed your horoscope and most of
the problem which you have indicated has emerged and on this basis, you
are Scorpio Lagna and Lagna Lord well posited in your 10th house. As far as
your early education is concerned, you find no problem in completion of your
Graduate Degree as your 5th lord is well posited in your Lagna and it is on
Rahu Ketu as well as your 5th house is being aspected by Ketu as well as
Mars and have taken you towards the engineering trade as Mars, Ketu and
Rahu all are technical planets. As far as MBA is concerned, you will find
difficulty in pursue your MBA, whether to pursue MBA in India or outside
India, as this comes into the category of higher education and such
educations are to be seen from 9th house and 9th lord is placed in the 8th
house, house of obstructions. Initially, you will find difficulty in acquiring the
education, however, with the blessings of Jupitor, who is lord of 5th house as
well as karka for wisdom, and is also aspecting your 9th house, you will be
able to complete your MBA.
There is bright future for your MBA and you can pursue your MBA studies.
You have stated that you are not satisfied with your present job, I must say
that you will never be satisfied your job and you will be changing the
profession and best option for your profession is abroad because your 10th
lord is placed in the 12th house (abroad) and 12th lord placed in 10th house
(an exchange between 10th and 12th lord).Your 4th lord is also placed in the
12th house, showing residence abroad and Saturn aspects your 2nd house
which shows that you will remain upset while living close to your family.
There is very good combination for earning and settlement in Abroad as your
lord of profession Sun alongwith 11th lord (house of gains) and 3rd and 4th
lord Saturn is placed in the 12th house and 12th lord in 10th house). You try
your luck and you will find wonderful results abroad.
Presently, you are also running dasa of Saturn-Rahu-Moon ( Rahu and Satur
are in 6/8 position and then Rahu and Moon are 2/12 position from each
other) and totally malefic dasa and during this dasa you will find obstaceles
from in side as well out side. All obstructions are due to the bad dasa and
more over bad placement of your 9th house lord. However, the things will
improve when there Partyantar of Mars from 22nd January,08 and you will
find much improvement after March, 2008 when there is dasa of Jupitor in
the mahadasa of Rahu. Jupitor is great benefic planet for your Lagna.
The combination of Venus and Mars will make you extra emotional and you
will easily be attracted towards opposite sex.
You are advised to do remedy of Saturn as well as Rahu, which are creating
disturbance and donate bread Pakora and tea to the beggars on Wednesday
and also donate the product of Saturn like black urd and mustard oil.
However, the things will improve by the middle of January.,08.

Q: Respected Ammas, I want to know about my future, particularly married &

professional life.I have a desire to settle in abroad. Will i be able to settle in
abroad and when? My details are: DOB : 06/01/1982 TIME : 01:40
PM( 13:40) PLACE : LUDHIANA (PUNJAB) SEX : MALE Thanks & Regards,
-- Manish Gautam, United States Dec 30 07
A: Dear Manish Gautam,
I have gone through your horoscope. You are Aries Lagna, but Lagna Lord is
placed in the 6th house indicate life of struggle. Your lord of education is Sun
and is well placed in 9th house and on the Rahu Ketu axis and aspected by
Mars shows that you are in the Engineering field. Your 9th lord (Bhagya Lord)
is well placed in the 7th house. Further your 10th lord (lord of profession ) is
placed in the 6th house alongwith Mars and also shows that you are serving
in Engineering Organisation. The placement of Saturn (your 10th lord as well
as 11th lord) in the 6th house, also shows that you will never be satisfied with
your profession. Placement of different planets is very good, but there is no
formation of any good Raj Yoga or Dhan Yoga. A dhan yoga formed with the
conjunction of Mars as well as Saturn, but also in the 6th house and this
shows that you will rise with lot of struggle and competition.
As regards your settlement in the abroad, it is likely that you will be settle in
abroad only after November, 2009. when there is a dasa of Rahu-Mercury
and before this date. There are very much chances of settlement in abroad
after the marriage or through matrimonial alliance.
As regards your married life, your marriage lord is well placed in the 10th
house and you will enjoy very good married life. There is not much problem
in your married life and you will get more prosperity after the marriage life.
She will also be professionally qualified and supporting you in all matter. You
will have a calm and smooth married life. She will be well mannered and fair
in complexion.

Q: Hi I would really like to know about my marriage and when it would happen.
Hope you can answer my questions. 1) Will I ever get married? Is so when?
Is there any signs that I'll never get married? 2) What is my future husbands
carreer? 3) How old will he be? 4) Will he be from the same country as I am
in or will he be a foreigner? 5) Will my married life be good? 6) Is there any
signs of divorce or chances of having a few marriages? My details are 4th
Nov 1981, 1425, Ipoh, Malaysia Thank you for your time.
-- rina b, Malaysia Dec 30 07
A: Dear rina,
Gone through your horoscope. You are Aquarius Lagna and Lagna lord
placed in the 8th house, shows obstacles in every work. Your lord of
Education is also exalted but placed in 8th house, also shows some early
break in your education. All the planets are on one side of Ketu to Rahu and
it is called Kal Amrit Yoga and it cannot be said as Kal Sarp Dosh. People
under this yoga have to face lot of obstructions in carryout their task. Your
10th lord is well placed in the 7th house and there is an exchange between
your 9th (Bhagya lord or Fate lord) with your 11th lord (house of desires) and
most of the things you have acquired through your fate and desire.
As regards your marriage, my dear why are so disappointed and I promise
you that you must marry and possibly the marriage will be with your choice.
There is no sign that you will never marry. Your marriage is a must and your
husband will also be good and respectable person.
You are also Manglik. Your 7th lord no doubt is debilitation position, but
placement is very good in your 9th house along with your 11th lord Jupitor
shows very good marriage partner. There is nothing to worry in this regard.
You are only advised to only marry with Manglik boy. As regards your
question whether he will be from the same country or a foreigner, there are
some indications of being outside your country. As there is conjunction of 7th
lord and 11th lord in the 9th lord, there are chances that you might have pre-
marital alliance with some one and possibly the same may be converted into
marriage. Presence of Ketu in the 12th house and Rahu in the 6th house and
Saturn in the 8th house can disturb your family and domestic peace and in
case you do not marry the Manglik boy, there can be split and can also cause
divorce. But you are advised to marry with Manglik boy.

Q: I was born on 19.11.1981 trichy,TamilNadu time:9:52 AM.Now -a -days i

experienced so many accidents with little injury and it also hurts people
around me.And have a backlog in my career .What I have to do this to get rid
off this .And how many days it continues
-- M Manju, India Dec 31 07
A: Dear M Manju,
I have analysed your horoscope. You are Dhanu Lagna and Lagna lord well
placed in the 11th house and 11th lord Venus is placed in Lagna and very
good exchange. Ketu is placed in your 2nd house and Rahu in the 8th
house( house of obstructions, accidents etc), which is not good. Your Moon
(8th lord) is placed in the 9th house alongwith 12th lord and 5th lord
(education) Mars. Conjunction of Mars and Moon is not good yoga and
makes the native extra emotion and can also lead to extra marital affairs.
Your 9th lord Sun is placed in the 12th house. All the planets are on the one
side of Ketu to Rahu it is called Kal Amrit Yoga, which gives more malefic
results than Kal Sarp Dosha and this is due to the reason you are facing
many difficulties and obstructions.
Now let us discuss the cause of accidents and bone injuries. Placement of
Sun in the 12th house is totally bad and can also result into disease of bones
and this sun is aspected by (1) Saturn (2) Mars and 3rd (Rahu). No benefic
planet is either aspecting your Moon nor your sun.
You are presently running the dasa of Sun-Mercury-Rahu. Sun is placed in
the 12th house, house of expenditure and hospitalization and Rahu is also
placed in the 8th house, house of accidents and obstructions and during this
dasa there is every possibilities of accidents. Before the dasa of Rahu, it was
the dasa of Mars, which is lord of 5th house (emotions) and 12th house
(house of hospitalization and expenditure) and placed with your 8th lord
(obstructions accidents) Moon. Moreover, Mars is also significator for
accidents and blood and cause accidents.
Presently, you are running the period of Sadesati for the last more than 3
years and the 2nd leg of sadesati has started in June, 2007. You are also
running the bad transit of Ketu and Rahu for the last more than 1 year. As
ransits of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic for you and it conjoined with the
bad dasa which relates to 12th house (Sun, Mars ) or 8th house (Rahu) such
accidents are bound to occur. Now with the entery of Jupitor in the
Sagittarius, there will be some improvement and from January to March there
is also dasa of Jupitor which is well placed, There will be improvement. The
cause of the accidents is due to the bad dasa due to bad placement of the
As regards your education is concerned, your 5th lord is well placed, but
since it has conjoined with Moon and this conjunction is not good for
education and makes you more emotional and effects your thinking. Your
mind is always attracted towards opposite sex and can disturb your
education. However, Jupitor your Lagna lord is aspecting your 5th house and
you can easily have control over your emotions.
You are advised to Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily, donate Jaggery on
Tuesday to cows. Offer water to Sun and do gayatri jap daily while offering
water. Also donate Jaggery or Tomato to cows on Sunday. Throw 8 Coconut
after encircling over your whole body in the running water on Wednesday or
Saturday every month during this process recite beej Mantra of Rahu and
Ketu. You are also advised to wear good quality of Yellow Pukhraj in your
index finger. Donate the product of Saturn like black urd and mustard oil on
Saturday and recite the beej mantra of Saturn Om Shanicharya Namah as
many times as possible.

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