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Meeting held on 13 September 2017 in the Ted Allen room
In Attendance: Mike Cobley (MC)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP)(Treasurer.); Roger Glanville
(RMG)(Sec.); Lin Norman (LN)(Dep. Chair); Chris Wilson (CW); Keith Davison (KD); Marcia
Dorey (MD): Jenny Stevenson (JS); Roger Gillett (RG).
Apologies:, Rod Cooley, Nic Hale, Hazel Upton, Jim Machin, Fraser Gordon, Peter Hicks,
John Myers, Keith Rowland, Albert Callaewert.
Minutes of the July 2017 meeting.
The Minutes of the July meeting were approved as a true record by those present.

Matters arising:
1) KD to contact Tiv Green regarding disposal of Stock plots material. KD reported Tiv
Green had quoted to remove the rubbish. See 4.2 (Site Matters).

2) HU to discuss with MC the use of PH rotovator by Tom C-M to do AB55 plot. Completed
MC advised the plot had been covered instead.
3) JM to check database entries for Messrs Gordon and Myers. No advice hold over

4. MC to investigate with HTC machinery in CL. JS reported the machinery had now been

5) Site Reps to send completed H & S check lists to CP. CP reported the exercise had
almost been completed but the check-lists for AB and TW sites were still outstanding. KD
had drawn up an alternative format and this will be reviewed to see if refinements can be

6) JM to draw up separate Letting Agreement for the two CH plots with sheds and arrange for
them to be signed. MC could advise one of the plots had been covered but was unsure if both
had been done.
7) RMG to further adjust Appeal document. Completed
8) JM to send CP full list of visit passengers. Completed
9) MC to add blight item to next Newsletter Completed

2. Boundary Management
2.1 Proposal from HTC: MC introduced the proposal that had been received from HTC to
both S.H.A.G.S. and E.H.G.C. to review the arrangements for boundary management within
current Trustee agreements (a precis of the full proposal had been circulated by RMG with

Minutes of September 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

MC outlined the current situation, whereby in return for financial assistance and some very
limited manpower assistance, HTC wanted SHAGS and EHGC to take over management
of all allotment boundaries covering hedge-cutting, fence and gate repairs and renewals and
summarised the resulting concerns of the Trustees.
MC confirmed EHGC had already stated they could not take this work on and it was
necessary for SHAGS to decide in time for the anticipated October HTC Allotments Working
Party meeting.
Whilst it was known HTC had done some boundary survey work, details were unknown and
as a first step MC and KD planned to conduct a full survey to ensure the Society could
formulate its own assessment. This survey was planned in the following week. 4
The overriding concern MC added, was finding the labour to take this task on and whilst
hedge-cutting looked simpler the real worry was fencing. In addition, despite the money HTC
provided, the Society might still find itself with a significant financial burden as a result.
JS considered the boundaries should remain the responsibility of the landlord (HTC). LN re-
stated a specification was required and contractors to advise attendance in advance and
Society to sign-off work so payment could be made.
The many concerns ranged from MC discussing with Tim Wall perhaps some 2000 of
machinery being involved, training on use of machinery and H & S issues with volunteer
labour. The overall view was that the only solution was for SHAGS to employ a contractor to
handle the work.
After much discussion it was agree that, subject to an in-house SHAGS survey, sight of the
HTC survey work and the meeting with HTC, the Committee was minded to reject the offer
and adopt EHGC response.
3. Finance
3.1 See Reports Summary: CP had circulated the Expenditure Summary ytd against Budget.
Rent income had fallen by around 500 this year explained chiefly by the number of vacant
plots and reduced rent charged on others.
Still outstanding was the AB Shed amount plus the base cost. The Awards Evening charges
was also to be anticipated.
There remained funds in the Improvements & Projects allocation, in addition only half of the
water costs had come in CP observed that the water charges this year would be higher.
Electricity also would be higher as the Govt Green Tax would now be payable. These on-
costs also explain the discrepancy against plan.
MC is looking at any further machinery investment required to get invoices in before the end
of the financial year.
3.2 Potential Rent increase: CP explained any increase decided would need to be approved
at the 2018 AGM for implementation March 2019 so a final decision will be tabled after Xmas.
3.3 2018 Annual Plan: CP had distributed the appropriate forms which Site Reps were asked
to consider any projects and/or machinery they would like and return by 3 rd October so a

Minutes of September 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

decision can be made and the Plan formulated for presentation to HTC by end October or at
least for the HTC Allotment Working Party meeting.
4. Site Matters
4.1 Site Reps reports: See Reports Summary. RMG thanked all Site Reps for sending
through the reports this month and those that were not included had nothing to report.
CW confirmed the hedge-cutting on the site had now begun and should be completed soon.
4.2 CF27 Update: KD the quote from Tiv Green was for a total cost of 400, which includes
the charge made by the waste centre of 125/tonne including VAT. KD considered the price
fair as he estimated some 2 tonnes of rubbish is involved. For information one skip alone 4
would cost 250. After approval, the job could be completed relatively quickly.

Based on previous discussions it was anticipated HTC would pay. KD had spoken recently
with HTC and this was likely still the case. There was a question of how the VAT element
would be handled and the breakdown of the labour cost. (Action MC to contact HTC and
confirm final agreement to pay and approve details of payment).

4.3 AB3B/AB4 Correspondence: MC outlined the situation regarding this plot holder where
they had moved to Wheathampstead. RMG had written to the plot holder on behalf of the
Society and received a reply asking for the decision to be reconsidered.
The Trustees led discussions on whether the residency stipulation within the Rules should be
upheld and after a lengthy debate the Committee voted unanimously that the decision should
stand. MC will now write again to inform the plot holder of the Committees decision. (Action
5. Lettings:
5.1 Update: See Report Summary. MC covered the report JM had submitted which
confirmed vacant plots were now 28.5. The let ratio remained at 94%. NH had particularly
highlighted the worrying situation at TW site.
Various options were discussed and if there was any press coverage of Awards Evening try to
include a mention that plots were available across several sites.
6. Machinery
6.1 Machinery update: MC announced that Tim Wall was moving premises to Hertford in Oct
which would affect the level of convenience we have enjoyed to date.
In particular Tim discussed the winter servicing programme and indicated that if we could
assemble all machines by Xmas, he could collect SHAGS machinery in early January and
return them in February.
6.2 Annual Plan: MC repeated that if any new machines were required to add them to the list
for potential items to be purchased.

Minutes of September 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

7. Projects/New Developments:

7.1 AB Shed: RMG told the meeting that no further progress had been made and he had
emailed Roger White for an update but had not received any reply. RMG hoped to see RW
on the plot soon and would ask for a progress report.

8. Shop

8.1 Update: RG informed the meeting that although business had been quiet recently new
stocks of seeds, onion, bulbs etc was now in and he expected sales to pick up. Packet
seeds and garlic were expected soon with potatoes next year.
9. Communications:
8.1 Update: See Reports Summary.
10. Awards:
10.1 Update: CW reported that all was now in place for the 2017 Awards evening.
Certificates (thanks to Irene Boogerman) were all done, plus reminders have been sent out.
Trophies were being assembled and re-engraved. The inaugural New-comers Cup trophy
had arrived.
Volunteers were required for setting up from 6pm to put chairs out etc plus during the
day at CW house for food preparation.
CP and Colin were manning the bar.
MC reported 3 volunteers had come forward to take over the judging process next year,
hopefully with CW input.
11. A.O.B.

11.1 SHAGS Summer Outing Sept 10: KD had successfully guided 48 members and friends
to Wisley and the whole trip was very successful.

11.2 Bonfire complaint: MC reported he had received a complaint from a Sherwoods Rise
resident and had therefore reminded the plot holder concerned about the rules.

11.3 Polytunnel application for PH21: RMG circulated the form completed by Amanda
Sharp marking the intended position and confirmed to the Committee the plot holder had
received an extract of the Rules regarding polytunnels.
After consideration, the application was unanimously approved and RMG will now inform the
plot holder. (Action RMG)

Date of Next Meeting: 11th October 2017 Ted Allen Room

Minutes of September 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

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