3 - Jennifers Vision

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Where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23:1)

Jennifers Vision
It was September at the end of the second week of school. Jennifer, a middle school earth science teacher, was
totally exhausted and went to bed at 8:00PM with many papers still to grade. Getting back into the school work
routines was a challenge for her. That night Jennifer had an especially vivid dream. When she awoke she knew the
Lord wanted her to write it down in her journal and share it with others. This was her journal entry.
I saw a church and inside the church was bundle after bundle of what looked like stacks of asparagus. There
were no discernible leaves, roots, branches, flowers, or fruit. They were bound with several bands. Intuitively I knew these things that
looked like asparagus stalks were actually people who were trees of righteousness. I saw Jesus come into the church with a sword
(symbolic of the Word and Spirit) and cut these bands. I saw a river which started flowing out from under the door of the church. Jesus
took the rootless, leafless, flowerless, fruitless trees out of the church and planted them along the river banks outside of the church
some in businesses, some in schools, some in hospitals, etc. They were being planted everywhere especially in areas that were
spiritual deserts. There, along the river bank outside the church, these rootless stalks begin to grow into fruit bearing trees of
righteousness. They grew roots and leaves and began to bear fruit in each and every season and their leaves were for the healing of
all who came to the river.
As she wrote in her journal, Jennifer asked the Lord, What does this vision have to do with me? What are you trying to tell me?
This was the first of three responses she got from the Lord.
My Beautiful Shepherdess,
I am not only the Good Shepherd of your personal life; I am the Good Shepherd of your professional life as well. Do not center and
exercise your faith in me only in your church and private life. Our relationship is fulltime, not part time. It is 24/7. Take my hand this
school year and let me lead you in this wonderful field, this pasture, called education. Allow me to be your one True Shepherd this year,
not Self or Others, and you shall not want. I will make you rest even though all your school work is not done. I
will quiet you so you can hear my voice amidst the clamor of all the students, parents, and staff crying out for
your attention. I will guide you with my text messages. My staff, the angels and saints which have taught
before you, will comfort you. Though you walk through the valley of shadows in education where many put their
faith (their hope and complete trust) in self, science, the law, and money, you will fear no law, no program, no
methodology, no administrator, no budget cut, no student, no parent and no test. I will prepare lesson plans on
your desk for you in the face of your enemies and show you how to love and pray for them, to return good for
their evil. I will anoint you with the oil of joy and it will overflow into the lives of students, parents and staff.
Surely goodness and love will follow you every day throughout this year and you will dwell in my school forever.
Love - Your One True Shepherd

Prayer: Lord, as you spoke in dreams and visions to Joseph, son of Israel, and as you spoke to Joseph, the father of Jesus, speak to
us. Inspire, guide, and give us hope in our professional lives through dreams and visions.
Reflection: Have I ever had a message or vision from God regarding my professional life? How did it impact my career?
Getting Real: Purchase a prayer journal to keep and use at school. Write down praise reports, thanksgivings, prayer requests, letters
to and from God, etc. regarding school issues.

CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Fields of Faith in Education (For info or prayer contact ceaihouston@sbcglobal.net.) WEEK 2

FIELDS OF FAITH PRAYER: Lord, build and establish these schools with Your wisdom. Through love and knowledge, fill the
students and staff members with rare and beautiful treasures. Speak to the educators in these schools with dreams and
visions. Use the educators in these schools to feed your lambs and sheep, to transform wolves into sheep, and to lead youth
to their hope and future in You.

American Academy of Science (Houston Area Post-Secondary School)

Alternative Learning Center and Bowie Elementary in Lamar CISD
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the Aldine Independent School District Area
All Public, Private and Home Schools in the State of Alaska and Arizona
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in in the Countries of Angola, Antigua, Argentina, and Armenia
Open Door Enterprises (Drilling Water Wells and Mentoring Youth in Tanzania) (CEAI Supported Ministry)

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