Minutes Nov 2017

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Meeting held on 8 November 2017 in the Ted Allen room
In Attendance: Mike Cobley (MC)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP)(Treasurer.); Roger Glanville
(RMG)(Sec.); Keith Rowland (KR); Chris Wilson (CW); Keith Davison (KD); Dominic
Houlihan (DH); Albert Callaewert (AC); Fraser Gordon (FG); Nic Hale (NH); John Myers
(JM); Linda Gahagan (LG).
Apologies: Lin Norman, Rod Cooley, Marcia Dorey, Hazel Upton, Jim Machin.
Minutes of the October 2017 meeting.
CW queried an error in 10.1 para 3 relating to the cost of the Awards Evening which
were stated as 50. Which should have read 250.

Also, CP referred to the costing breakdown per plot set out in 3.1. This she felt was
not accurate and MC explained the figures he had given were only based on figures to
end of September 2017. It was agreed to add the rider (Costs to end Sept 2017).

Other than these points Minutes of the October meeting were approved as a true
record by those present and it was agreed RMG would amend and re-issue the
October Minutes. (Action RMG).

Matters arising:
1) AB/TW Site Reps to send completed H & S check lists to CP. CP confirmed these check
lists were still outstanding.

2) RMG to inform Southdown Methodist Pre-school only a temporary base for their structure
would be permitted. Completed. RMG informed the meeting an email had been sent on 18
Oct, but no response had been received.
3) Also re 2) JM to prepare new Letting agreement to be signed by Joanne Trussler as the
new tenant. Still outstanding.
4) MC to write again to Mr & Mrs Hopkins re AB3B/AB4. Completed.
5) MC to prepare list of machines not worth servicing prior to Tim Wall collection. See

6) MC to write to HTC to ask them to cut the pyracantha hedge by CF entrance. Completed.
2. Boundary Management HTC
2.1 Latest update: MC confirmed no further progress had been made and the AWP meeting
was awaited when the Society would inform HTC it would not be willing to take on the
management of boundaries, fences etc. In the meantime, MC would be formally writing to
HTC. (Action MC).

Minutes of November 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

MC had organised a working party at PH and the objective was to improve headland access
on all sites, around the boundaries, to enable HTC contractors to work on hedges and
boundaries more easily.
DH confirmed that at CL, apart from cutting the flower meadow no contractors had cut
3. Finance
3.1 See Reports Summary: CP had circulated the draft Annual Plan along with November
expenditure Summary. CP outlined the procedure and summarised the Trustee decisions
item by item (refer to Schedule).
CP confirmed the items relating to new mowers incorporated the new higher price.
The Committee unanimously approved the draft.
On to expenditure, remaining water bills had been paid for this month along with the Awards
CP again expressed concern that the cost set aside for the AB Shed remained unspent. CP
will write to Roger White about her concerns. (Action CP).
CP anticipated further water readings as sites turned off their supply for the winter and
explained how the reading enabled CP to assess the readings which might indicate a leak
4. Site Matters
4.1 Site Reps reports: See Reports Summary. RMG thanked all Site Reps for sending
through the reports this month and covered those that were not included.
4.2 CF27 Update: See Reports Summary (Churchfield).
4.3 Southdown Methodist Pre-school email: See Actions Item 2.
5. Lettings:
5.1 Update: See Report Summary. RMG had also circulated the Summary spreadsheet
which indicated the occupancy rate had risen marginally to 94%.
CP commented that although the vacancy level appeared low the 27.5 plots vacant equated
to over 625 lost rental revenue adding to the downturn in Society income.
Whilst a rent increase was a partial solution MC made the point those with a plot ended up
subsidising the vacant plots; the true benefit came from boosting tenancy numbers to reduce
MC told the meeting a potential plot holder had requested a plot at Cross Lane. DH also
mentioned that there was a plan at CL site to take one of the unused plots and convert it to a
poppy field in recognition of next years centenary of the end of the First War.

6. Machinery
Minutes of November 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting
6.1 Machinery update: MC had discussed the collection of machines for winter servicing with
Tim Wall and asked Site Reps if any machine had a specific problem just to attach a luggage
label with details of the issue to the machine, so Tim Wall could take the necessary action.
MC also mentioned that the AL-CO mower that the Society had been standardising on had
now been fitted with a variable speed adding an extra 250 to the cost which now
approached 800.
Also, a new articulated hedge-trimmer had been ordered to enhance the hedge-cutting
capability for the Society and add to the pool of machines held at PH site available to other
7. Projects/New Developments:

7.1 AB Shed: This issue had already been discussed under Finance (3.1) RMG advised no
further progress had been made.

7.2 CCTV: MC raised this point as a potential new project for the Society and related the
recent incident of fly-tipping when a load of old shed material including asbestos had been
dumped on PH site which cost HTC some 900 to dispose of.

Joe Payne had put forward the suggestion that if CCTV were installed by the gate this could
assist in identifying the perpetrators of any future incidence. The equipment was set up in
the TA Room to allow Committee members to see the quality of the picture available.
MC advised that the cost of the equipment would be around 250.

The infrared camera facility was also demonstrated by turning out the lights and the images
appeared just as clear.

Another idea put forward was to introduce a high restriction mechanism on the main gate to
prevent access. CW asked about deliveries to the Shop and MC confirmed such a
mechanism could be un-locked and swung open. Whilst only slightly cheaper than CCTV a
barrier might provide a physical barrier perhaps better than having to identify culprits after
the event.

FG recommended the gates were always closed after entering as at least it would appear
the gates were locked and might better deter fly-tippers.

8. Shop

8.1 Update: FG confirmed business had been brisk in recent trading.

MC confirmed there were plans to install a new counter during the Xmas closure.

FG passed on a request for RG that tenants should be encouraged to email RG and

request items to be stocked it was noticeable the number of times customers came to shop
wanting to buy items, but they were not stocked. If enough people asked for items RG
would then try to meet the demand plus it would give tenants an opportunity for input.
Discussions moved on to manure and the current shortages with Atholl no longer supplying
and RMG suggested the Shop stock a reasonably priced bagged product. FG agreed and

Minutes of November 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

continued that Tom Chichester-Miles had indicated he had a source who would deliver ton
bags at strategic points on sites that tenants could use on the pay and go basis.

KD mentioned Hilliers had an offer of 15 for 5 bags which appeared a better price.

MC will mention to RG. (Action MC).

9. Communications:
9.1 Update: See Reports Summary. RMG covered the report received from RC.
RMG also advised the meeting that whilst compiling the 2017 AGM Minutes he had noticed 3
the website still showed a previous copy and following confirmation by RMG of the latest file
RC had now fully updated the website with the latest version.
10. Awards:
10.1 Update: MC welcomed Linda Gahagan from HR site to the Committee, as the new
Awards Officer succeeding CW. MC also hoped Richard Upton as winner of this years best
plot might assist in the judging process. Marcia Dorey may also assist.
It was hoped that both the old and new shields might be put on the wall later.
11. A.O.B.

11.1 Timings of Committee meetings: MC raised the issue of the night to hold Committee
meetings since some members of the Committee already had commitments for the second
Wed as now. Various suggestions were aired, and it was agreed to obtain the views from
all the Committee before deciding which could be covered by a trial from 2018.
11.2 Manure deliveries: No latest information and HU would be asked for the up-to-date
position. MC will contact also the woodchip supplier to request a delivery. (Action MC).
11.3 Ralph Martin: MC confirmed that Ralphs Humanist funeral would take place on 23 Nov
at 12.30 pm. and afterwards at the Red Cow.
11.4 Xmas meeting: MC announced the December meeting would take place on the 13 Dec
when a reduced Agenda would comprise the meeting. Most important the meeting would
commence at 7pm.
11.5 Nic Hale: NH announced that he was moving and would have to resign as Site Rep at
TW site. Fortunately, the new home-owner wished to take over the plot.

Date of Next Meeting: 13th December 2017 Ted Allen Room

Minutes of November 2017 SHAGS Committee Meeting

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