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Conectores que indican la secuenciacin de las ideas o de los argumentos:

Registro neutro: first, then, next, at the same time, finally, in the end

First, watching TV every day is bad for your eyes. Second, watching TV is really a
waste of time.

Registro formal: firstly, secondly, thirdly, simultaneously, subsequently, lastly

Subsequently, the disease spread to the rest of the village.

2. Conectores para aadir informacin o argumentos a una afirmacin anterior:

Registro neutro: and, also / too, besides, what is more, as well

I dont have a mobile phone. What is more, I totally dislike modern technology.

Registro formal: moreover, in addition, furthermore

He has been appointed Prime Minister. Furthermore, this popularity with the voters is at
its highest.

3. Conectores para expresar un contraste con una afirmacin anterior:

Registro neutro: although, though, even though, however, despite, inspite of, but

I was tired. However, I went jogging.

Registro formal: on the one hand / on the other hand, by contrast, nevertheless,
nonetheless, on the contrary, yet

On the one hand, children eat lots of sweets. On the other hand, they do not do enough
exercise to burn those extra calories.

4. Conectores para corregir o dar otro enfoque a una afirmacin anterior:

Registro neutro: actually, in fact

The weather was awful. Actually, it rained every day.

Registro formal: as a matter of fact, in reality

I didnt pass the exam. As a matter of fact, I failed with the lowest mark in the class.

5. Conectores para introducir ejemplos o especificaciones:

Registro neutro: such as, like, this means that, namely

Paintings by Impressionist artist such as Manet and Monet can be seen in the Orsay
Museum in Paris.

Registro formal: for example, for instance, that is to say, in other words

We cannot continue losing money. That is to say, unless we start making profit soon,
we will be out of business by the end of the year.
6. Conectores para indicar el resultado o las consecuencias de algo:

Registro neutro: so, consequently, as a result

They have hired new teachers and consequently they can offer new classes.

Registro formal: therefore, thus, hence, thereby, accordingly

The evidence has disappeared. Thus, it will be impossible for the police to continue
their investigation.

7. Conectores para concluir:

Registro neutro: to sum up, in short, briefly

To sum up, we need to take urgent measures against corruption in our party.

Registro formal: in conclusion, in summary

In conclusion, todays economic crisis is mostly due to financial speculation.

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