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Resenhas 235

voice of the translator must also be Why are we expected to erase all
heard if he/she is to do more than traces of our own voices, our own
just convey information. interpretive contribution to the
In the second part of his book, translation, our own situatedness in
Robinson addresses this issue of what the time and place of the target
he calls double voicing. He as- reader? Clearly, in attempting to
serts that, the translator works hard perform or to do something to ones
to give the impression of objecti- audience, allowing their own voice
fying another persons discourse, to penetrate the translation seems
passing on the words of another only beneficial.
without change, so that the target- Performative Linguistics:
language reader can read the trans- Speaking and Translating as Doing
lation under the impression that it Things with Words offers a conver-
is direct and unmediated. Double- gence of linguistic theories that help
voicing, however, is a performative the reader comprehend the impor-
manner of translation that allows not tance of performative linguistics.
only the original authors ideas to Although the book contains clear
reach its audience, but the beliefs examples of a wide range of theo-
and assertions of the translator as ries, the interrelationships that
well. This appears to be a necessary Robinson has sought to elucidate are
aspect of translation as doing. quite complex. An undergraduate
In the third and final section of student and beginning translator
his study of performative linguis- may have difficulty understanding
tics, Robinson questions the com- these concepts and the theoretical
monly accepted idea of translation mosaic that they create together.
as a single-voiced conveyor of in- Lacey Branch
formation and continues by asking, St. Lawrence University

The new challenge for translation

Chan Sinwai. Translation and in- studies in the 21st century, claims
formation technology. Hong Chan Sin-wai in the introduction to
Kong: The Chinese University his book Translation and Informa-
Press, 2002, 215 pp. tion Technology, is the impact of
information technology on transla-
236 Resenhas

tion theory, practice, and educa- cuss the cross-cultural problems

tion. As editor of this compilation arising from the proliferation of
of thirteen articles on topics of ma- technical terminology. The third
chine and machine-aided transla- section contains five essays which
tion, Dr. Chan emphasizes first and explore the future role of machine
foremost the integral role of trans- translation, including an assess-
lation studies in the technological ment of the latest technologies.
revolution. The doors to global Chan Sin-wai presents his own
communication have been thrown paper within the first section, en-
open by the recent growth of the titled The Making of
Internet, and machine translation has Transrecipe: A Translational Ap-
simultaneously become a primary proach to the Machine Translation
agent in the breaching of linguistic of Chinese Cookbooks. He in-
barriers. The collection of papers troduces a fast, efficient, fully
in this book presents the possibili- automatic Chinese-English trans-
ties of machine translation as an lator for cooking recipes that is
educational and professional tool, advanced in its use of a transla-
and explores the challenges it may tional approach rather than the
portend for the human translator. commonly used linguistic and com-
The book is divided into three putational approach in designing
sections: Methodology and Ap- translation software. The latter
plication, Terminology, and fi- approach, he claims, produces un-
nally Critique and Training. The satisfactory translations due to the
compilation ends with notes on the fact that it employs only a syntac-
contributors and an index. The first tical method of translation. He
section contains six papers written prefers methods that fragment sen-
by experts in computational lin- tences into shorter ones before
guistics, an essential field of study translating them into the target lan-
for creating a foundation for suc- guage, a technique that has not
cessful machine-translation pro- been implemented previously in
grams. The authors of these papers machine translation. Based on the
present their language translation success of Transrecipe, Dr. Chan
systems in technical detail, all of claims that this program can be
which focus on Chinese-English used as a model for systems in-
translation. Under the brief section tended for translating procedural
on Terminology, two essays dis- and practical texts, because it is
Resenhas 237

within this domain of machine its unique attempt to recreate the

translation that language-match- sense of space, time, and meaning
ing is possible. in the original work. He argues that
The essay Computer Technol- machine translation casts aside the
ogy and Translation Friends or translators attempt at correspon-
Foes? by Carrie Chau Kam Hung dence between original and replica,
and Irene Ip Kwok Chun appears dispersing the uniqueness of the
in the section Critique and Train- original with a plurality of copies.
ing. The authors investigate the By way of its transitoriness and
advantages and/or disadvantages of reproducibility, he claims, ma-
using computers in translation edu- chine translation disproportionately
cation based on a study involving represents all embedded fabrics of
students in Language Studies at the culture and tradition found in the
City University of Hong Kong. The original.
study consisted of giving a vocabu- Translation and Information
lary acquisition lesson to two groups Technology makes several interest-
of students; the control group used ing inquiries into the effects of in-
the traditional learning method of formation technology on transla-
printed materials and writing, while tion. Each section of articles ad-
the experimental group used com- dresses a different field of interest,
puters to receive instructions, enter and thus will appeal to different read-
their answers, and work interactively ers. Inclusive to these are the com-
with the computer during exercises. puter scientist, the linguist, and the
The study found a much greater rate translator. Although much research
of improvement in the computer- remains to be done on machine
aided group. translation, significant advances
In the final section, Paris Lau have been made in approaching sys-
Chi-chuen reflects on the challenge tem design from a translators per-
to the traditional translator in his spective, and these systems are al-
essay Globalisation on Language: ready playing a crucial role in trans-
Death of the Translator in the Tech- lation studies. But what about the
nological Age. Using an article traditional translator? Can machines
written by Walter Benjamin on the ever replace humans in this capac-
mechanical reproduction of art as a ity? Some believe, as does Paris Lau
stepping-stone, Paris Lau Chi-chuen Chi-chuen, that machines can never
equates translation with art through attain the human experience neces-
238 Resenhas

sary for translation. Others, includ- rapid technological and global

ing Chan Sin-wai, believe that the change, it is necessary to recognize
machine and the human translator the challenges that information tech-
are not rivals, but rather comple- nology presents to the traditional
mentary to each other. In an age of practice of translation.
Amy Earl
St. Lawrence University

tin Luther, em que alude a aspectos

da teoria de Lutero e sua relao
Catherine Bocquet. LArt de la com a teoria comunicativa orientada
Traduction selon Martin Luther sobre o processo (Marianne Lederer
ou lorsque le traducteur se fait e Danica Seleskovitch), e sobre o
missionaire. Artois Presses produto (Edmond Cary) da
Universit, 2000, 286 pp. Col- traduo. Tambin Charles Russel
lection Traductologie. Taber y Eugene Albert Nida (??)
noncent principles qui rapellent
beaucoup ceux de Luther: lauteur
Entre os nomes dos principais qui se soucie dtre compris par des
pensadores do Renascimento, no gens ordinaires nutilse pas un
que se refere arte da traduo, vocabulaire technique rbarbatif.
destaca-se o de Martinho Lutero On constate effectivament que le
(Martin Luther, em alemo) vocabulaire biblique dans loriginal
(1483-1546). A impressionante nest pas un vocabulaire technique
modernidade das reflexes de thologien, mais un vocabulaire
renascentistas sobre traduo de tous les jours. (La traduction:
continuar fomentando o interesse thorie et mthode, Londres: Alliance
de tericos e historiadores no Biblique Universelle, 1971, p. 7,
reconhecimento do pensamento citado por Catherine Bocquet, p. 13).
fundador da atual tradutologia. Esta obra de Bocquet apresenta
Este um dos procedimentos de mediante estudo e em edio biln-
Catherine Bocquet e razo para o ge as duas principais fontes que
valor do presente estudo sobre constituem a teoria da traduo de
LArt de la Traduction selon Mar- Lutero, Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen

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