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Pathan 151-152
(before conituous
1 Legal disability 9 running of time)
Pathan 63-73

procedure and modes of execution; when it can be stayed; what properties are
2 liable to attachment and sale in execution of a decree; 7
Diff bt Decree and
order: Pathan 26-
Decree and kinds of decree; difference between decree and order; difference bt Diff bt Judgment
Judgment and decree and decree Pg 28
Pathan 30-32
3 Parties of the suit: Joinder, misjoinder and non-joinder of the parties in a suit 6
App: 1-6+Pathan 6-
8 (Pg. 6-7)
4 How is jurisdiction determined? Classification of jurisdiction of civil court. 6
Pathan 8-11

Jurisdiction and Place of suing

5 Continuous running of time 5 152-153
6 Bar of limitation 5 149-151 (also S. 5)
Pathan 150-151 (S.
Extension of period of limitations 5) + 157-158 (S. 18)
Pleading and when pleading can be amended under CPC; importance and Pathan 58-62
7 fundamental rules 5
Written Statement: Who can file it?; rules of defense considered while filing a 48-53
8 written statement 4
9 Plaint: What are its particulars? When it can be returned or rejected 3 Pathan 33-38
10 Procedure for filing representative suit 3
11 Appeal: Provisions of first appeal and second appeal 3 Pathan 77-84
12 Reference, review, revision 3 Pathan 85-94
13 Issue (rules for framing of issues) 3
service of summons, modes App
App+Pathan point
14 Provisions relating to suit by or against a minor and person of unsound mind 3 12&13 (page 118)
15 Consequence of death and marriage of parties in pending suits 3 With JB 194-197
16 Documents: Discovery, inspection, and production 3 143-145
17 Suits by or against govt or public officers 3 App
What is Res Judicata? Explain the doctrines by differentiating with the doctrine of App
res sub judice and estoppel
Indigent Person App
Injunctions App
Innterpleader suit 135-137
Caveat 137-139
Inherent powers of civil court 145-146
Effect of fraud or mistake 157

Judgment, Decree and Order

Pathan 28

Pathan 26-27
VI. Conclusion Pathan 29

How is jurisdiction determined? Classification of jurisdiction of civil court.

III. Factors determining jurisdiction Pathan 5
VI. Kinds of jurisdiction
VII. Case Laws Pathan 6-7
III. Factors determining jurisdiction Pathan 5

VI. Kinds of Jurisdiction

VII. Case Laws


Service of summons, Modes

Provisions relating to suit by or against a minor and person of unsound mind

V. Case Laws
Suits by or against govt or public officers
I. Introduction
II. Title of Suit: Section 79
III. Requirement of notice: Section 80(1)
IV. Object of Notice
V. Notice whether mandatory
VI. Law Commissions View
VII. Essentials of notice
VIII. Act purporting to be done in official capacity
IX. Leave of Court: Urgent Relief. Section 80(2)
X. Writ Petition
XI. Appeal and Revision
XII. Technical defect in notice: Section 80(3)
XIII. Parties Order 27, Rule 1
XIV. Procedure: Order 27
What is Res Judicata? Explain the doctrines by differentiating with the doctrine of res sub judice and estoppel
I. Introduction

II. Res Sub Judice

1. Section 10
2. Conditions
3. Test
4. Foreign Court
5. Inherent power to stay
6. Contravention Effect

III. Res Judicata

1. Section 11
2. Nature and Scope
3. Object
4. Essentials of Res Judicata
5. Exceptions to Res Judicata
6. Constructive Res Judicata
7. Difference between Res Judicata and Res Subjudice Pathan 20
8. Difference between Res Judicata and Estoppel Pathan 20

IV. Case Law Pathan 21

V. Conclusion Pathan 21
7. Difference between Res Judicata and Res Subjudice Pathan 20
8. Difference between Res Judicata and Estoppel Pathan 20

VI. Case Law Pathan 21

VII. Conclusion Pathan 21

Indigent Person
I. Introduction
II. Object
III. Meaning of indigent persons: Order 33 Rule 1
IV. Provisions for suits by indigent persons
V. Conclusion Pathan 122

6-11 6
26-38 13
48-53 6
58-73 16
77-94 18
105-110 6
118 1
135-139 5
143-146 4
149-153 5
157-158 2

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