2 Final Report Brigidine College

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* 2016 Southern Cross University Professional Experience Report Secondary Programs Professional Experience Placement G Professional Experience 1 (EDU10710) Y Professional Experience 2 (EDU10715) G1 Professional Experience 3 (EDU10716) Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores Total no. of days: 22 Dates From: 10.10.16 To: 8.11.16 ‘School Name: Brigidine College Randwick ‘Subject Area/s: TAS — Design & Technology Mentor Teacher Name/s: Kylie Little University Adviser: Robyn Meddows To the Mentor Teacher ‘This professional experience report is to be completed by the Mentor Teacher at the completion of the Professional Experience teaching, The report Standards for Teachers (APST) at the Graduate career stage. ligns and evaluates the Pre-service Teachers practice to the relevant descriptors of the Australian Professional ‘The professional experience handbook contains advice on the purpose of this professional experience placement and where itis with other placements in the Pre-service Teacher's program. The handbook also provides information about the teaching expectations and requirements of the Pre-service Teacher and the Mentor Teacher. Mentor Teachers should refer to the accompanying Evidence Guide for Mentor Teachers before completing this report. Student teachers are to be assessed for each descriptor of the APST at the Graduate career stage as either: ‘ND - Not Demonstrated; D - Demonstrated; EE ~ Exceeds Expectations; NA ~ Not Applicable If descriptors are deemed as NA for a particular focus area, please provide an explanation as to why that Standard was not appropriate for this teaching experience. The overall assessment of the placement is either: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory To achieve a "Satisfactory" result at the end of this Practicum, student teachers normally must achieve a grade of D (Demonstrated) or EE (Exceeds Expectations) in 100% of the Indicators and not receive a grade of ND (Not Demonstrated) in any Indicator, [ND ~ Not Demonstrated; D ~ Demonstrated; EE ~ Exceeds Expectations; NA Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alothea Scores. Southern Cross University Stamp Grog sen names STANDARD 1: KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN me FINAL (aL (aaa 1.1.1 Physieal, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students, | ce cE Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual |__| development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning. 4.2.1 Understand how students learn cE Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn teal and the implications for teaching 1.3.1 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds D Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the 3 learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. 1.4.1 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, FE cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from ed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Istander backgrounds. | 1.5.1 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students aoe across.the full range of abilities. ee! D Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. 1.6.1. Strategies to support full participation of students with disability, | a Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements ot and teaching strategies that support participation and learning of students with disability, | ‘Comment on the teacher education student's knowledge of students and how they learn. INTERIM: Althea has developed a very good repour with her students. She is a very capable pre service teacher who shows exceptional organisational skills and delivers her lessons with great passion and enthusiasm for the content. Alethea and | have worked closely to modify lessons to meet the diverse needs of the students, Alethea’s calm and patient manner have also assisted her in developing a ‘good understanding of how her students leam best. ‘Comment By Mentor Teacher = FINAL: Alethea has continued to develop and challenge her knowledge of students, and how they learn. She clearly differentiated lessons by creating extension activities to meet students with accelerated needs. Due to the short period of placement Alethea was unable to adapt her own teaching and learning strategies for students with special learning needs due to the continuation of term 3 tasks. She did however work with a particular student and assist her with research techniques and design ideas. With time and a permanent position Alethea will no doubt be able to develop her own tasks for students with special needs. STANDARD 2: KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT Gy oa 2.1.4 Content and teaching stratogies of the teaching area, ce Demonstrate knowledge, and understanding of the concepts, substance and ad | | | ___structure of the content aid teaching strategies of the teaching area. | | ee 22.1 Content selection and organisation ce Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence [ND - Not Demonstrated: D ~ Demonstrated: EE ~ Exceeds Expectations; NA Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores. ‘Southern Cross University Stamp nA | ONE mie 2.3.1 Curriculum, assessment and reporting Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans 24.1 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages. 25.1. Literacy and numeracy strategies Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching strategies and thelr application in teaching areas, 2.6.1 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning ‘opportunities for students. ‘Comment on the teacher education student's knowledge of contents and how to teach it INTERIM: Alethea has an exceptional understanding of the content being taught. Each lesson has been effectively delivered with a variety of | teaching strategies included, Alethea competently ulised online learning tools, demonstrated interactive workshops and utilised scaffolds to explicitly explain iteracy and numeracy strategies. Alethea is very competent in the use of ICT. ‘Comment by Mentor Teacher — FINAL: Alethea has developed quality lessons that utilised online learning platforms, a variety of teaching strategies including demonstrations, interactive teacher directed workshops and utilised scaffolds to explicitly explain literacy strategies. Alethea is a very skilled pre service teacher, her use of ICT and teaching tools is very impressive and an invaluable talent within the teaching profession Colgan Vaart ‘STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING GO oie EW ina 31.1 Establish challenging eaming goals Set earning goals that provide achievable challenges for students of varying abies and chareciersics 32.1. Plan, structure and sequence learning programs Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student leaming, content and Cectve teaching strategies. 3a Use teaching strategies | Include a range of teaching strategies. TA Select nd use resources ce Demonstrate knowledge ofa range of resources, including ICT, that engage Students inthe teaming. TEA Use effective classroom communication D Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement. FE IND ~ Not Demonstrated; 0 - Demonstrated EE ~ Excaods Expectations; NA Not Appl Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores Southern Cross University Stamp FWA Tro Lo | ee] wm Mie [ED 3.6.1 Evaluate and improve teaching programs. Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate || teaching programs to improve student leaning, 7 _ ‘Comment on the teacher education student's planning and implementing of effective teaching and learning, INTERIM: | Alethea has used a wide range of effective teaching strategies to engage and effectively deliver syllabus outcomes. She has explored ‘a variety of new teaching methods to create meaningful interactive lessons. Alethea shows great structure in her lessons, with lime sho wil find managing question/answer activities easier to implement and evaluate, ‘Comment by Mentor Teacher FINAL: Alethea has effectively implemented a wide variety of teaching strategies to create an interactive and engaging learning environment. She has successfully planned lessons that deliver syllabus outcomes and foster student learning and evaluate their knowledge. Alethea's use of student questioning has expanded and demonstrates students understanding of content. Once again Alethea's use of ICT has exceeded expectations STANDARD 4: CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. mi Em a = cu Wo] D | Ee 4.1.1. Support student participation ee Identity strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activites. 42.1 Manage classroom activities D Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activites and provide clear directions 4.3.1 Manage challenging behaviour EE Demonstat knwedgeof practical approaches to manage challenging 441 Maintain student safety EE Describe strategies that suppor students’ wellbeing and safety working within school andlor system, curiculum and legislative requirements 45.1 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically ee Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant issues and the strategies available to suppor the safe, responsisle and ethical use of ICT in learning and | teaching ‘Comment on the teacher education student's creating and maintaining supportive and safe learning environments INTERIM: Alethea displays effective classroom management. She has demonstrated a variety of strategies o suppor inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities. Alethea’s participation in playground duties, pastoral care lessons and physical activities have helped her identify both our school motto of “strength and gentleness" whist also highlighting the ways Catholic Schoo!s support the development of individual students health and well-being cE cE cE cE cE Comment by Mentor Teacher = FINAL: Alethea has participated in all staff development opportunities and shown a keen interest in developing her understanding of school/system, curriculum and legislative requirements. She has participated in running pastoral care lessons and has accompanied students on ‘wellbeing’ incursions focusing on behaviour and management of our feelings. Throughout this exercise it became very clear that Alethea display's great care and respect for her students [ND ~ Not Demonstrated: D - Demonstrated; EE ~ Exceeds Expectations: NA ~ Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores Southern Cross University Stamp STANDARD §: ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT LEARNING mre ue io Ean 5.1.1 Assess student learning Demonstrate understanding of assessment stralegies, including informal and formal, dagnost, formative and summative approaches to assess student | teaming “| Z 52.1 Provide feedback to students on their learning ee Demonstrate an understanding ofthe purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about thelr learning, 5.3.1 Make consistent and comparable judgements D Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and ts application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning 541 Interpret student data o Demonstrate the capacty to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice, 551 Report on student achievement Demonstrate understanding ofa range of strategies for reporting to students and parontsloarers and the purpose of Kooping accurate and reliable records of Student achievement ‘Comment on the teacher education student's assessing, providing feedback and reporting on student learning, INTERIM: Alethea consistently assessed student knowledge in the classroom using both formal and informal technique. She assessed studont knowledge and understanding trough verbal and writen questioning, and providing postive reinforcement vinere required. Althea has been involved in examination planring, marking and recorcing of data, cE cE D ‘Comment by Mentor Teacher— FINAL: Alethea has been involved in setting, marking and recording data for exams, She assessed students in a imely and professional manner, providing valued judgements and feedback to each student. Once collated this information assisted Alethea in the planning of her lessons. Alethea was also involved in report writing for year 8 and 9 students STANDARD 6: ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING GIy 6.1.1. Identify and plan professional leaning needs Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the National Professional Standards for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs. 6.2.1 Engage in professional learning and improve practice Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for Engage with colleagues and improve practice Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices. ND Not Demonstrated: 0 - Demonstrated: EE ~ Exceeds Expectations; NA Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores. Southern Cross University Stamp nie FINAL o Oy 64.1 Apply professional learning and improve student learning 1 D Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional learning and the implications for improved student learning, ‘Comment on the teacher education student's engagement on professional learning. INTERIM: ‘Alethea is a very enthusiastic pre-service teacher. Her willingness to participate in all school learning activities is to be commended. She immersed herself in al staf professional development opportunities, which have helped her develop an understanding of the legislative requirements which exist within schools. EE ‘Comment by Mentor Teacher— FINAL: Alethea embraced all opportunities offered during her time at the college. She participated in staff meetings, morning briefings, playground duties, detentions and much more. Alethea completely immersed herself in every experience offered, STANDARD 7: ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, PARENTSICARERS AND THE COMMUNITY TERIM a [OEE a 7.1.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities EE Understand and apply the key principles descrived in codes of ethics and conduct forthe teaching profesion “ 721 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements EE Understand the relevant legisiative, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage. 731 Engage with the parentsicarers D Understand strategies for working eflecvely, sensitively and confidently wit parents/ carers. 7-441 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities D Understand tho role of extemal professionals and community representatives in || broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and practice ‘Comment on the teacher education student's engagement with colleagues, parents/carers and the community. INTERIM: Alethea has participated as an energetic member of the Brigidine Colege community. Her participation in whole school assemblies, pastoral meetings and engagement with parents and care givers at our annual ‘leadership ceremony’ are all great examples of Alethea's commitment and dedication to Becoming an active member ofthe school commun EE EE ‘Comment by Mentor Teacher - FINAL? Alethea has been involved in numerous professional development opportunities at the College. She attended all staff briefings, faculty and pastoral gatherings, after school meetings, in-school catering events and communicated with some parents during our leadership ceremony. Alethea’s professional manner and positive attitude have seen her prosper throughout her professional learning experience here at Brigidine College Randwick ND ~ Not Demonstrated: 0 - Demonstrated: EE ~ Exceeds Expectations; NA Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores, Southern Cross University Stamp eG ae eel ener ay ccc ree aa Eiatee eam ckeie et Alethea has been a very valued member of the Brigidine community. Throughout her short stay with us at the College she has displayed tremendous dedication and maturity well beyond her years. She has accepted all types of feedback given to her and this has seen her skills in both student and classroom management prosper. Alethea has had the opportunity to work in a variety of areas within our TAS department in which she has shown true versatility to adapt to any situation. She has successfully worked with the BOSTES key terms to scaffold lessons which effectively target specific literacy skills. Alethea’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn are testament to her dedication of becoming a very successful teacher, we wish Alethea all the very best for the future. Fina assessment: [1 Satistactory D1 Unsatistactory Mentor Teacher none. neue. ELL ee eos pees Pre-service Teacher (I have read this report) name:... Al@thed...... SCOKS& Signature: AD fuse vate: 8.1, LE ND = Not Demonstrated; D ~ Demon trated; EE — Exceeds Expectations; NA - Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores. Southern Cross University Stamp CoordinatoriPrincipal (optional) Name Date: . Signature ND ~ Not Demonstrated: D ~ Demonstrated: EE ~ Exoeeds Expectations; NA ~ Not Applicable Pre-service Teacher's Name: Alethea Scores, ‘Southern Cross University Stamp Geter ee ka we ea ete ey Com cunr i ies ers ium Date Duty/Activity 13.10.16 Recess duty 4.10.16, Lunch duty 19.10.16 TAS Meeting : 20.10.16 Lunch duty 20.10.16 Mass - OLSH Parish | 171016 Staff Briefing 10.10.16 School Leaders Assembly with parents 10.10.16 Staff Briefing 1.10.16 Sport - bowling we ~ 8°" | Rot calheveryday (22 days) 20.10.16 Pastoral Lesson oo 24.10.16 | Staff Briefing Be 17.10.16 Reessdty a 20.10.16 Lunch duty . a 24.10.16 | Staff briefing [ai.10.16 | Recess Duy OO LaiL.t6 Before school duty 311.16 Lunch Duty 71.16 Staff Briefing and Staff Meeting 3.00 4.30pm Laas Sport Bowling 3.11.6 Pastoral Lesson Mentor Teacher: Alethea Scores Pre-service Teacher's Name: _ Southern Cross University Stamp Professional Experience Portfolio: University Adviser Name: Satisfactory [1 Eastin uaa ekoameatnten s Unsatisfactory CI Signature: Date: SATISFIED REQUIREMENTS YES No Signed: ‘Southem Cross University Academic UNIVERSITY STAMP (original not valid without SCU stamp) Received sles | Finalised J J Sandra Kenny, Professional Experience Placement Coordinator, Professional Experience Office, School of Education, Southein Cross University, P.O. Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480, Telephone: 02 6620 3295, Email: educationplacements@scu.edu.au Preservice Teacher's Name: Alethoa Scores Southern Cross University Stamp

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