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1. Tell me something about yourself./Please introduce yourself.

2. Tell us something interesting about yourself. / Tell us something that differentiates you from
others. / Tell us something about yourself that's not there on your CV.
3. What is the meaning/significance of your name? / Have you ever researched your name? /
Do you believe your name correctly defines who you are as a person?

4. What is your native place? / What is your native place famous for? / Are you proud of
belonging to this place? / Do you think you would ever want to do something for it after
becoming successful in life? If yes, how?
5. What is the significance of your date of birth? / Do you know of somebody important with
whom you share your birthday? Are you proud of it?
6. Tell us something about your family. / How many siblings do you have? What impact did they
have on you while growing up? / What is your father's occupation? / Why don't you join your
family business?
7. Did you prepare for the interview? / What all did you prepare? / From what areas would you
want us to ask you questions on? / Did you go for coaching to prepare? / Did your coaching
institute tell you how to answer the questions?
8. Why do you want to work for a bank? / Why do you want to work for a public sector bank? /
Why do you want to work for BOB/SBI? / What is your interest in the banking industry?
9. Why do you want to work for a bank? / Why do you want to work for a public sector bank? /
Why do you want to work for BOB/SBI? / What is your interest in the banking industry?
10. How would your education help you do your job better when working for the bank? / Don't
you think you would be wasting your education by getting into a bank? / Why should an
engineer/science graduate be looking for a bank job?
11. Why is there a gap in your studies? Did you flunk? / What were you doing all these years? /
Do you think it's the right thing for a graduate to sit at home to prepare for these exams? /
We have interviewed so many candidates who have been working while doing this
preparation, so why could you have not done the same?

12. Why do you want to leave your current job? / Are you not happy with your current job? / Are
you sure you would like this job with our bank?
13. What do you do in your free time? / What hobbies do you pursue? / How do your hobbies
help you in becoming a better individual?
14. What are your strengths? / Why do you consider them as your strengths? / Can you think of
a situation where "this" actually helped you get out of a tight spot?
15. What are your biggest weaknesses? / How are you trying to overcome them? / How would
you be able to deliver in your job with such kind of problems?
16. What is your ambition in life? / What is your career ambition?
/ Where do you see yourself 5/10/20 years down the line?
17. What has been your biggest achievement in life till date? / What have been a few of your
happiest moments in life? / Tell us about something that you have done that you are really
proud of.
18. What has been the saddest moment in your life? / Is there something in your life that you
regret and wish you could change?
19. Do you care for the society? / What are the social issues you care about? / Do you do
anything about them?
20. What would you do if you are not selected here? / What is your back-up plan if we don't
select you?

21. We have interviewed so many amazing candidates here. You think you stand a chance? /
Why do you think you should be selected?
22. You come across as a good candidate. We are happy with your performance. But there are
limited vacancies. Now tell us a reason for which we should not select you. Help us.
23. What are the challenges of a working in a bank? Do you understand them? If yes, why are
you still willing for this job?
24. Would you be interested in exploring opportunities in private banks after working here for a
few years? If no, why not; they may pay better? If yes, why should we hire you, train you?
25. Since you don't seem interested in working in the private sector, are you looking for govt jobs
or openings in other public sector units? Tell us about it.
26. Who is your role model? / Who is your childhood idol? / Whom do you idolise? / What
qualities of this person appeal to you, and what have you learnt from him/her?
27. Are you a team player? / Do you prefer working alone or in teams? / How important is
teamwork for the success of an organisation?

28. How do you define success? / What is the meaning of success for you? / What would you
want to achieve to consider yourself successful?
29. How do you handle stress? / How do you behave under pressure? / Can you give your best
when put under stress? / Do you feel like giving up at times when put under a tremendous
amount of pressure?
30. What are you passionate about? / What motivates you? / What is your driving force in life?
31. How do you handle criticism? / What do people generally criticize you about? / Do you agree
with them? If yes, what are you doing about it?
32. Do you lose your temper ever? / What makes you angry? / Do you think it is a weakness? /
When did you get really angry last time?
33. What are your views about work-life balance? / Would you be willing to take your work
34. Suppose you get this job. If you are convinced that your boss is not doing the right thing on
some matter, what action would you take?
35. Do you have any questions for us? / Would you want to ask the panel something before you

1. Tell me something about yourself./Please introduce yourself.

2. Tell us something interesting about yourself. / Tell us something that differentiates you from
others. / Tell us something about yourself that's not there on your CV.
3. What is the meaning/significance of your name? / Have you ever researched your name? /
Do you believe your name correctly defines who you are as a person?

4. What is your native place? / What is your native place famous for? / Are you proud of
belonging to this place? / Do you think you would ever want to do something for it after
becoming successful in life? If yes, how?
5. What is the significance of your date of birth? / Do you know of somebody important with
whom you share your birthday? Are you proud of it?
6. Tell us something about your family. / How many siblings do you have? What impact did they
have on you while growing up? / What is your father's occupation? / Why don't you join your
family business?
7. Did you prepare for the interview? / What all did you prepare? / From what areas would you
want us to ask you questions on? / Did you go for coaching to prepare? / Did your coaching
institute tell you how to answer the questions?
8. Why do you want to work for a bank? / Why do you want to work for a public sector bank? /
Why do you want to work for BOB/SBI? / What is your interest in the banking industry?
9. Why do you want to work for a bank? / Why do you want to work for a public sector bank? /
Why do you want to work for BOB/SBI? / What is your interest in the banking industry?
10. How would your education help you do your job better when working for the bank? / Don't
you think you would be wasting your education by getting into a bank? / Why should an
engineer/science graduate be looking for a bank job?
11. Why is there a gap in your studies? Did you flunk? / What were you doing all these years? /
Do you think it's the right thing for a graduate to sit at home to prepare for these exams? /
We have interviewed so many candidates who have been working while doing this
preparation, so why could you have not done the same?

12. Why do you want to leave your current job? / Are you not happy with your current job? / Are
you sure you would like this job with our bank?
13. What do you do in your free time? / What hobbies do you pursue? / How do your hobbies
help you in becoming a better individual?
14. What are your strengths? / Why do you consider them as your strengths? / Can you think of
a situation where "this" actually helped you get out of a tight spot?
15. What are your biggest weaknesses? / How are you trying to overcome them? / How would
you be able to deliver in your job with such kind of problems?
16. What is your ambition in life? / What is your career ambition?
/ Where do you see yourself 5/10/20 years down the line?
17. What has been your biggest achievement in life till date? / What have been a few of your
happiest moments in life? / Tell us about something that you have done that you are really
proud of.
18. What has been the saddest moment in your life? / Is there something in your life that you
regret and wish you could change?
19. Do you care for the society? / What are the social issues you care about? / Do you do
anything about them?
20. What would you do if you are not selected here? / What is your back-up plan if we don't
select you?

21. We have interviewed so many amazing candidates here. You think you stand a chance? /
Why do you think you should be selected?
22. You come across as a good candidate. We are happy with your performance. But there are
limited vacancies. Now tell us a reason for which we should not select you. Help us.
23. What are the challenges of a working in a bank? Do you understand them? If yes, why are
you still willing for this job?
24. Would you be interested in exploring opportunities in private banks after working here for a
few years? If no, why not; they may pay better? If yes, why should we hire you, train you?
25. Since you don't seem interested in working in the private sector, are you looking for govt jobs
or openings in other public sector units? Tell us about it.
26. Who is your role model? / Who is your childhood idol? / Whom do you idolise? / What
qualities of this person appeal to you, and what have you learnt from him/her?
27. Are you a team player? / Do you prefer working alone or in teams? / How important is
teamwork for the success of an organisation?

28. How do you define success? / What is the meaning of success for you? / What would you
want to achieve to consider yourself successful?
29. How do you handle stress? / How do you behave under pressure? / Can you give your best
when put under stress? / Do you feel like giving up at times when put under a tremendous
amount of pressure?
30. What are you passionate about? / What motivates you? / What is your driving force in life?
31. How do you handle criticism? / What do people generally criticize you about? / Do you agree
with them? If yes, what are you doing about it?
32. Do you lose your temper ever? / What makes you angry? / Do you think it is a weakness? /
When did you get really angry last time?
33. What are your views about work-life balance? / Would you be willing to take your work
34. Suppose you get this job. If you are convinced that your boss is not doing the right thing on
some matter, what action would you take?
35. Do you have any questions for us? / Would you want to ask the panel something before you

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