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Quiz 2.

I. Are the statements correct?
1. Average speed is the total distance taken per total time traveled.
2. The distance moved per unit time is speed.
3. If the Velocity of a moving object increases, it accelerates.
4. If the Velocity of a moving object decreases, it decelerates.

40 D


Velocity KM

Series 1


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time MIN

1. What is the total distance covered?

III. Problem Solving

1. From pillar to post: Starting from the pillar, Clair ran 50.0m East and then
ran 80.0m North in 90.0 min to a post.
a. Calculate the total displacement travelled by Clair from pillar to post
using the Pythagorean Theorem.

b. What is the magnitude of her average velocity from pillar to post?

2. An astronaut has left an orbiting space shuttle to test a new personal
maneuvering unit. As the Astronaut moves along a straight line, another
astronaut on board measures the velocity of the first astronaut every 2
Time (s) Velocity
1.0 0.8

3.0 1.2

5.0 -0.4

7.0 -1.2

Find the acceleration of the following times

a. 1.0s-3.0s

b. 3.0s-5.0s

c. 5.0s-7.0s

d. Describe the movement of the astronaut.

Quiz 2.2 Motion Graphs and UAM
I. Motion Graph Sketching
1. A school bus traveling at a constant speed of 16km/h for 3
successive hours. Sketch its Velocity Time graph.

2. Jean attached a motion sensor in her bowling ball. The sensor

detected that the ball traveled 1m 2m 3m 4m and 5m in five successive
seconds. Sketch Jeans position time graph.

ll. Problem Solving

1. Divina is driving home at 60 km/hr on the North Coast with an acceleration of -
3.66m/s^2. What is the displacement at the moment that its velocity turned
40 km/hr as it prepares for a u-turn?

2. Elrick is running a straight path in an eastern direction. He runs forward in a

constant velocity of 2.0m/s for 9.0 minutes from point A to point B. As the path
inclines from point B to point C, he slows down with a constant acceleration of
0.088m/s2 for 10.0 seconds before coming to a stop at point C. What was the
total distance Elrick ran?

3. At the instant the traffic light turns green, a car that has been waiting at
an intersect starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 3.20m/s2. At the
same instant, a truck traveling with a constant speed of 20.0m/s.
A. How far beyond its staring point does the car overtake the truck

B. How fast is the car traveling when it overtook the truck?

Quiz 2.3 Free Fall
I. Modified True OR False
1. Free Falling objects accelerate at an Increasing rate.
2. Acceleration due to gravity always acts downwards.
3. Free Falling massive objects have more acceleration than less
massive ones.
4. Graphs A B and C represent free fall motion (earth ground)
Il. Problem Solving
1. The EKstreme tower at Enchanted Kingdom takes the riders
0.040km above the ground before suddenly dropping them. If the
drop takes 2.86 seconds, how fast are the riders falling at the end
of the ride?

2. Yen is holding a teacup while she is waiting for her turn in a

doctors clinic. She accidentally dropped the cup from a 1.45 m
distance. How long is the teacup in the air before hitting the

3. Michael Jordan is considered one of the legends in basketball.

His highest recorded vertical jump was 50.0 inches.
A. What was his takeoff speed during the recorded leap? (1in=2.54cm)

B. How long was Michael Jordan in the air?

4. A boy standing beside a wishing well tossed a coin vertically

upward with a velocity of 2.50m/s. It fell into the well and was
heard to hit the water 1.65 seconds later after it was tossed.
A. How long did it take the coin to reach its maximum height?

B. How deep was the well?

5. A student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her classmate

who is in a window 4.00 m above. The second student catches the
keys 1.50 seconds later
A. With what initial velocity were the keys thrown at?
B. What was the velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

6. Zion, who was leaning on the fourth floor window, he threw a ball
vertically upward in the air with a velocity of 16.0 m/s. He however
missed catching it back so it landed on the floor 12.0 m below.
A. What was the maximum height reached by the ball?

B. From the maximum height, how long did it take the ball to reach the ground?
Quiz 2.4 Projectile Motion
I. Fill in the blanks
1. In horizontal projection, the initial velocity of a projectile is (less
than equal greater than) its final velocity
2. When the projectile reaches its maximum height, its velocity along
the vertical is (Zero Increased stays the same)
3. As the projectile falls, its speed (increases stays the same
ll. Problem Solving
1. In the movie hunger games, the pilot of a helicopter needs to drop
a survival kit while flying at a height of 1.36 miles and a horizontal
velocity of 50.0 m/s (1 Mile = 1609 m)
A. How long will it take for the survival kit to hit the ground?

B. How far in advance of the tribute should the pilot drop the kit for it to land
where the tribute is?

2. A movie stunt driver speeds horizontally off a 43.5m cliff. He must

land the car onto the level ground 100.0 m from the base of the
A. How long is the time of flight?

B. How fast must the car leave the cliff to have an accurate landing l?

3. A sling shot was used to launch a stone horizontally from the top of
a tower. If the stone hit the ground 3.75 seconds later, find the
A. The height of the tower.

B. The stones velocity before it hits the ground.

lll. Essay
Four stress balls are rolled on top of a table. Given that the velocities are as
follows: Ball 1 > Ball 2 > Ball 3 > Ball 4, which ball will reach the longest range?
Word Problems UAM
1. You ride a bike at a constant speed of 4.0 m/s for 5.0 s. How far do
you travel?

2. What is the velocity of an airplane that flies 4800 km east in 6.0 hours?

3. Robert saw a lightning bolt from a window. He begins counting the

seconds until he hears the sound of thunder 5.0 seconds later.
Assume that the speed of sound in air is 340.0 m/s, how far away was
the lightning bolt?

4. A man walks 7 km in 2 hours and 2 km in 1 hour in the same direction.

What is the mans average speed for the whole journey?

5. In a time interval of 5 minutes, a runner runs once around a 100 m

track. What is his average speed?

6. A motorist drives North for 2 hours traveling 130 km. What is the
motorists average velocity?

7. A car takes 30 s to travel 40 m due east and 20 m due west. What is

its average velocity? Which is greater: the magnitude of the average
velocity or the average speed? Explain.

8. A car with initial velocity of 20 m/s accelerates at 2m/s2. Find its

velocity after the first 5s.

9. A honey bee accelerates to 6 m/s from 3 m/s in 5s. Calculate its

average acceleration.

10. A car accelerates from rest to a speed of 36 km/h in 20 second. What

is the acceleration of the car? Express the answer in m/s2.
11. A car at rest starts to travel in a straight path. It reaches a velocity 12
m/s in 5 s. What is its acceleration, assuming that it accelerates

12. A runners velocity increases from 5 m/s to 9 m/s in 10s. What is its

13. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20m/s2 for 32.8s until it

finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before take

14. A racecar accelerates uniformly from 18.5m/s to 46.1m/s in 2.47s.

Determine the acceleration and distance traveled by the car.

15. A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40m. The

acceleration is gravity on the moon is 1.67m/s2. Determine the time for
the feather to fall to the surface of the moon

16. A bullet leaves a rifle with a muzzle velocity of 521m/s. While

accelerating through the barrel of the rifle, the bullet moves 0.840m.
Determine the acceleration of the bullet (assume uniform acceleration)

17. An engineer is designing a runway for an airport, Several planes will

be using the runway and the engineer must design it enough for even
the longest of planes. If the largest plane accelerates at 3.30m/s2 and
has the takeoff speed of 88.0m/s, find the minimum allowed length for
the runway.

18. A student drives a 4.8km trip to school and averages a speed of

22.6m/s. On the return trip home, the student travels with an average
speed of 16.8m/s over the same distance. What is the average speed
in m/s of the student for the 2way trip.

19. Rennata Gas is driving through town at 25.0 m/s and begins to
accelerate at the constant rate of -1.0m/s2. Eventually Rennata
comes to a complete stop. Represent Rennatas accelerated motion
by sketching a velocity time graph. Use kinematic equations to
calculate the distance which Rennata travels while decelerating, then
use the velocity time graph to determine this distance.
20. Otto emissions is driving his car at 25.0 m/s. Otto accelerates at
2.0m/s2 for 5 secs. Otto then maintains a constant velocity for10
seconds more. Determine the distance Otto traveled during the entire
15 secs.

21. Chuck Wagon travles with a constant velocity of 0.5mi/m for 10 mins.
Chuck then decelerates at -0.25mi/m2 for 2 mins. Determine the total
distance traveled by Chuck Wagon during the 12 minutes of motion

Free Fall Word Problems (T.A)

1. The John Hancock Center in Chicago is the tallest building in the United
States in which there are residential Apartments. The Hancock Center is
343m Tall. Suppose a resident accidentally causes a chunk of ice to fall
from the roof. What would be the Velocity of the ice as it hits the ground?
Neglect air resistance.

2. Brian Berg of Iowa built a house of cards 4.88m tall. Suppose Berg
throws a ball from ground level with a velocity of 9.98m/s straight up.
What would be the Velocity of the ball as it first oases the top of the card

3. The Sears Tower in Chicago is 443m tall. Suppose a book is dropped

from the top of the building. What would be the books velocity at a point
221m above the ground?

4. The tallest roller coaster in the world is the Desperado in Nevada. It has a
lift height of 64m. If an archer shoots an arrow straight up in the air and
the arrow passes the top of the roller coaster 3.0s after its shot, what is
the initial speed of the arrow?
5. The tallest Sequioa Sempervirens tree in Californias Redwood National
Park is 111m tall. Suppose an object is thrown downward from the top of
the tree with a certain initial velocity. If the object reaches the ground in
3.80s, what is the objects initial velocity?

6. The Westin Stamford Hotel Detroit is 228metres tall. If a worker on the roof
drops a sandwich, how long doe it take the sandwich to hit the ground,
assuming there is no air resistance? How would air resistance affect the

7. A man named Bungkas climbed a palm tree in 1970 and buit himself a
nest there. In 1994, he was still up there, and he had not left that tree for
24 years. Suppose Bungkas asks a villager for a newspaper which is
thrown to him straight up with an initial speed of 12.0m/s, when bungcas
catches the newspaper from his nest, the newspapers velocity is 3.0 m/s
directed upward. From this information, find the height at which the nest
was built. Assume that the newspaper is thrown from a height of 1.50m
above the ground.

8. Rob Colley set a record in pole sitting when he spends 42 days in a

barrel at the top of a flagpole with a height of 43m. Suppose a friend
wanting to deliver an ice cream sandwich to Colley throws the ice cream
straight up with just enough speed to reach the barrel. How long does it
take the ice cream sandwich to reach the barrel?

9. A common flea is recorded to have jumped as high as 21cm. Assuming

that the jump us entirely in the vertical direction and that air resistance is
insignificant, calculate the time it takes the flea to reach the height of

10. I drop a penny from the top of the tower at the front of Fort Collins high
school and it takes 1.85s to hit the ground. Calculate the velocity in m/s
after 1.10s of free fall and calculate the velocity at the impact in miles per
11. If I drop a watermelon from the top of one of the tower dorms as CSU and
it takes 3.34s to hit the ground, calculate how tall the building is in meters
and convert to feet.

12. You are walking in Paris alongside the Eiffel Tower and suddenly a
croissant smacks you on the head and knocks you to the ground. From
your handy dandy tourist guidebook, you find that the height of the Eiffel
Tower is 300.5m. How many seconds did the croissant drop before it
tagged you on the head?

13. During the latter part of your European vacation, you are hanging out at
the beach at the Gold Coast of Spain. As you are laying in your chaise
lounge soaking up the Mediterranean sun, a large glob of seagull poop
hits you in the face. You are able to estimate the impact velocity at
98.5m/s neglecting air resistance, calculate how high up the seagull was
flying when it popped.

14. If you were to throw a large log over the edge of the Grand Canyon and it
took 5.65s to hit the ground, calculate the velocity of the log at impact in
m/s and calculate the distance the log fell in feet.

15. A tourist drops a rock from rest from a guardrail overlooking the valley.
What is the velocity of the rock at 4.0s? What is the displacement of the
rock at 4.0s?

16. Suppose the tourist in #15 instead threw the rock with an initial velocity of
-8.0m/s. Determine the velocity and displacement of the rock at 4.0 secs.
17. Suppose the tourist in #15 instead threw the rock with an initial velocity of
8.0 m/s. Determine the velocity and displacement of the rock at 4.0secs

18. A college student wants to toss a textbook to his roommate who is

leaning out of a window directly above him. He throws the book upwards
with an initial velocity of 8.0m/s. The roommate catches it while it is
travelling at 3.0m/s.
A) How long was the book in the air?

B) How fast vertically did the book travel?

19. A man is standing on the edge of a 20.0 m high cliff. He throws a rock
vertically with an initial velocity of 10.0 m/s.

A) How high does the rock go?

B) How long does it take to reach its maximum height?

20. A 0.25kg baseball is thrown upward with a speed of 30m/s. Neglecting

friction, find the maximum height reached by the baseball and find the
time it took to reach this height.
21. My friend Dave built a potato cannon this summer out of PVC pipe that
used a taser as an ignition source. As a curious lad, he wanted to have a
way of estimating the initial velocity of the cannon. As a physics teacher, I
told him that if he fired it into the air and timed how long it took the potato
to return to the launch height that we could figure it out from there. We
tried it out of course, while it emitted quite the concussive blast, we were
able to measure that it took 6s for the potato to return to the ground. What
is the initial velocity of the cannon? What was the maximum height that
the potato reached when fired from the cannon?

22. A bridge is constructed above a river such that an object dropped from it
will reach the river after 4.5s. A precocious youth takes a small stone and
throws it downwards with some negative initial velocity so that it it hits the
river after only 3s. With what final velocity will the stone hit the water?

23. A trouble making youth is standing on a bridge and wants to drop a wter
balloon on an unsuspecting passerby. A man jogging on a path below
the bridge with a constant speed of 4.2m/s. The bridge is 11.6m above
the ground. If the balloon is to hit the 1.8m tall jogger directly on the
head, at what horizontal distance from the bridge should the youth drop
the balloon?

Projectile Motion Word Problems

1. A ball rolls off a 1.0m high table and lands on the floor, 3.0m away from
the table.
a) How long is the ball in the air?

b) With what horizontal velocity did the ball roll of the table?

c) What is the vertical velocity of the ball just before it hits the floor?

d) What is the horizontal velocity of the ball just before it hits the floor?
2. A carpenter tosses a shingle off a 9.4m high roof, giving it an initial
horizontal velocity of 7.2 m/s.
a) What is the final vertical velocity of the ball?

b) How long does the ball take to reach the ground?

c) How far does it move horizontally?

3. A tiger leaps horizontally from a 12m high rock with the speed of 4.5m/s.
How far from the base of the rock will she land?

4. A diver runner 1.6m/s dives out horizontally from the edge of a vertical
cliff and reaches the water 3.0s later. How high was the cliff and how far
did she land from the base of the cliff?

5. An arrow fired horizontally at 41m/s travels 23m horizontally before it hits

the ground. From what height was it fired?

6. A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a 50m tall building and lands
45m from the base. What was the balls initial speed?

7. A ball is kicked horizontally at 8.0m/s from a cliff 80m high. How far from
the base of the cliff will the stone strike the ground?

8. An egg is thrown horizontally off the roof of SI, which is 60m high, with an
initial velocity of 6.5m/s. How long does it take to hit the ground? How far
does it go in the x direction?
9. A bullet is fired from a gun that is held parallel to the ground with a
velocity of 2.20m/s. The gun barrel is held at the height of 5.50m.
a) How many seconds will it take for the bullet to hit the ground?

b) How far will the bullet travel horizontally before it hits the ground?

10. A projectile is fired horizontally from a gun with the velocity of 85m/s and
lands at a horizontal distance of 485m away
a) How long was the projectile in flight?

b) What was the height of the gun?

11. A huge shell is fired from an old navy warship towards a pirate ship. If the
shell is fired horizontally at a height of 25.0 m from the water with the
velocity of 75.0m/s.
a) How long will the shell take to hit the water?

b) At what distance should the firing ship be to sink a shell into the pirate
ship at a height of 5.00 m above the pirate ships water line?

12. Why does a hunter raise the barrel of his rifle when aiming at a distant
target? If he aims directly at a target 115m away, by how much will he
miss the target if the muzzle velocity is 330m/s?

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