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Analysing Texts

Suggested approach to this task is S.C.A.S.I

Learn this thoroughly!

Setting Where and when did it take place? Dont just think physical location, although that is important too. Also consider

Social setting how people live in that place and at that time
Historic setting when it happens
Economic setting how the characters make a living, and what larger financial forces operate
Moral setting what people of that time think of as right and wrong
Political setting how society at large is organised and controlled
Philosophical setting what ideas about life people in the community, or the writer, have
Reference to colloquialisms / idioms

Characters Write about characters as the creations of someones imagination theyre not real! Theyre constructs.
Consider the following about characters:

What others say about them
How they say it; tone of voice and use of language
Their gestures and the way they move
Relationships with other characters
Appearance eg age, race, demeanour
What they say ie the dialogue; what doe is reveal about them eg values, hopes

Also consider use of persona a character speaking in first person (I, me) as if hes the writer
Action What happens the plot
Nature of conflict eg external, internal
Orientation, rising complication, climax, resolution, denouement
Outside events that are contextual eg already taken place, current events in society, predicted events
Parallel plotting, linear plots, use of flashback etc

Style How it is all communicated eg

Genre and form of text
Use of punctuation
Use of imagery and symbolism
Sentence structure short, complicated, non-sentences, enjambment
Narration style 1st, 2nd or 3rd; changes
Figurative language eg simile, metaphor, personification
Sounds of words eg onomatopoeia, assonance, alliteration, consonance
Use of emotive or biased language, positive, negative or neutral
Rhyme and rhythm
Juxtaposition and contrast
Allusions to other literary works, characters, myths etc
Use of description, adjectives and appeal to senses
Use of argument, expert opinion, statistics and facts, objective language
Use of persuasive language subjective language eg hyperbole, magic realism
Use of rhetoric questions, statements, commands
Use of humour in its various forms eg sarcasm, wit, puns, oxymorons, irony
Think of other things that have been omitted from this list eg repetition. Your turn!!!

Ideas The conclusions we take away with us at the end.

Ideas through a longer piece of writing become themes
Lots of ideas can branch out from one main one.
All events, all situations have ideas attached to them

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