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Brittania Miller

Tissues WebQuest
Comment [KS1]: This webquest was done after
introduction to the material. In this way, students were
able to use the online resources as well as their notes
to test their knowledge and review topics from
All responses need to be IN YOUR OWN WORDS - copy/pasting will result in a 0! throughout the unit.
Visit the following website:

Introduction to Animal Tissues

Define the following:

Cell A structure that can replicate independently. Comment [KS2]: Some topics were from the previous
unit, ensuring that students are continuously building
Tissue Material where animals or plants are developed. upon prior knowledge.

Organ Heart or Liver in humans.

Organ System A group of organs that work together to perform more functions.

Organism Body made up of smaller parts that work together.

Histology A study of the microscopic structure of tissues.\\

The four types of tissue are: Comment [KS3]: Allows students to break down the
unit into distinct sections.
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscular
4. Nervous

Interpreting Sections
Describe in your own words the difference between longitudinal and cross sections.
Cross section is just an observation, but longitudinal is something that is being observed over a long
period of years.

Epithelial Tissues
The four functions of epithelial tissue are:
1. Protection of the underlying tissues.
2. Absorption
3. Secretion
4. Reception of sensory stimuli.

Name: Brittania Miller

What is the basement membrane?
A delicate membrane of protein fibers.

Describe the difference between stratified and simple epithelium. Comment [KS4]: Similar questions have been
reinforced throughout the unit. For example, during this
Simple tissue is one thick layer, while stratified is multiple layers. unit, this exact question was also a Do Now question.

Epithelial Tissue
Name of Tissue Description, Characteristics Example

Simple Squamous Epithelium Allow for diffusion in areas Lining of the heart, blood
where substance are absorbed vessels, kidney tubules, air sacs
or released. of lungs.

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Contains larger cells that are Pancreas, salivary glands, urine
able to secrete and absorb more production areas of kidney.

Simple Columnar Epithelium Provides more protection than Stomach lining, intestinal tract.
cuboidal in areas of absorption
and secretion.

Pseudostratified Columnar Appears layered, but each cell Lining of the nasal cavity,
Epithelium touches the basement trachea, and bronchi.

Stratified Squamous Epithelium A thick protective lining of cells Lining of the mouth, skin,
that are flattened at the apical esophagus.

Additional Examples of Epithelial Tissue

Roll your mouse over the image to view each section of the image shown.

Connective Tissue
Provide a general description of connective tissue:

Name: Brittania Miller

Unlike epithelium, is never exposed to the outside enviornment, and has a much more diverse set of
functions and properties.

Name of Tissue Description, Characteristics Example

Loose Connective Tissue A category of connective tissue Hold organs in place and attaches
which include areolar tissue, epithelial tissue to other underlying
reticular tissue, and adipose tissue. tissues.

Dense Connective Tissue A type of connective tissue with Forms strong, rope-like structures
fibers as its main matrix element. such as tendons and ligaments.

Adipose Tissue Where fat is stored and which has Where energy is stored primarily.
the cells distended by droplets of

Cartilage Flexible connective tissue found in Found in the external ear, epiglottis
various forms in the larynx and and larynx.
respiratory tract.

Bone Tissue making up the skeleton in The structure in the wrist and tarsals
humans and other vertebrates. in the ankles.

Vascular Tissue The tissue in higher plants that Conducts water and nutrients up
constitutes the vascular systems. from the roots.

Describe the components of bone, including a Haversian system.
The haversian canals surround blood vessels and nerve cell throughout bones and communicate with
bone cells.

Vascular Tissue
What is the difference between blood and lymph?
Blood is pumped throughout the body by the heart, but the lymph is moved along through the normal
function of the body.

Name: Brittania Miller

Muscle Tissue
The three types of muscle found in vertebrates are:
1. Smooth
2. Skeletal
3. Cardiac

All three types of muscle tissue are composed of:
1. Involuntary non-striated muscle.
2. Fibers bundled together and wrapped in a connective tissue covering.
3. Skeletal muscles attach to and move bones.
4. Smooth muscles found in the walls of hollow organs.

Provide defining features of each of the following:

Skeletal Muscle A muscle that is connected to the skeleton to form part of the mechanical

Cardiac Muscle A muscle occurring in the hearts of retebrates.

Smooth Muscle Muscle tissue in which the contractile fibrils are not highly ordered.

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