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Audience research: Primary data findings.

By Amy Hannah

Question 1: How often do you read print magazines?

When asking audiences this question, it was found that 60% of the audience members preferred
reading print magazines. With the other 40% stating that they prefer online content (e-magazines).

How often do you read print magazines?




From this information, I can derive that the audience members would be interested in a print
magazine first of all. Which is significant as the product will be distributed in the regional area of
Brighton City UK.

When commenting on this further, the audiences who agreed they preferred print magazines was
because they preferred the feel of having a physical copy of the product rather than across a
webpage or in an e-magazine format. This may indicate that the primary audience members may be
of a variety of ages also.

Question 2: If you do not read magazines very often or at all, do you prefer online magazines (e-
magazines)? If yes, what is it that attracts you to online content?

Relates back to the data as found in question 1. However, those who commented on reasons why
often suggested that this was due to the interactive elements that online content entailed. Also
adding how social media has become much more of a phenomenon in modern day society. With
this, it could be argued that sales of the product would progress rapidly. Something to consider here
is how if the succession of the print product occurs. Secondary audiences could be considered for
the online distribution of the magazine.
Question 3: If a regional print magazine was to be distributed in your area relevant to a genre you
would be interested in, (i.e., sports, fashion, culture) would you purchase the magazine then?

If a regional print magazine was to be distributed in your area

relevant to a genre you would be interested in (i.e., sports, fashion,
culture) would you purchase the magazine then?
15% 17%


Yes, only if the genre interested me enough.
No, I only have an interest for online magazines.

From this question, it is evident that audience members would be interested in a regional print
magazine if it was to be distributed within their area. With 68% of audience members answering:
Yes, only if the genre interested me enough. This indicates that the product I am aiming to
distribute could be successful once distributed. Furthermore, the other audience members at 17%
stated that they would definitely be interested and only 15% highlighted that they would not be
interested in the initial product due to their greater interest for online content.

Question 4: If you answered yes, if the genre interested you enough what about the specific genre
would interest you? How would you visualise the product being organised and designed?

This corresponds with the data that had been found as presented for question 3 however, here
audiences provided me with further information as to how they would wish the product to be
designed and specified the type of genre they would like to see as regional magazine product. It was
clear that the majority of audience members would like to see the product of house style using
primary colours, the graphology they argued they would like to see it being organised clearly and in
an orderly fashion. Using stereotypical conventions as you would see in a print magazine. Moreover,
4/10 individuals argued theyd like to see challenged conventions arguing that the regional
magazine should cater to wider audiences and those of different ages. As this is something yet to be
challenged and successful within the print magazine industry. In reference to genre, 6/10 individuals
referred to including lifestyle and fashion for the inner content. This could indicate towards both
younger audiences and more mature/elder audiences. It was necessary from this information to
then pose my initial plans as a producer as seen in the next question. Whereby a real indication of
audience types could be depicted.

Question 5: If a subculture regional print magazine was produced featuring both fashion and
subcultures would it appeal to you?
If a subculture regional magazine was to be distributed in your area
featuring both fashion and the lifestyle of subcltures. Would it
interest you?



Definitely. Maybe. It wouldn't appeal to me personally.

Evidenced in the data above, it is clear to see that the audience I have researched would be
interested in the genre of the regional print magazine I am creating. With a significant number of the
audience members responding definitely! to the question given. This indicates that the product I
am aiming to create could be successful amongst the audience members. Furthermore, 24% of the
audience members highlighted how they might be interested in the product. This could indicate to
secondary audiences. With the fact they be passive audiences however, they could recommend
the product to those of more of a focussed interest in the genre I am producing within the magazine.

Question 6: If you answered yes, if the genre interested you enough could you tell us a little more
about how you would visualise the product? What colours would attract you and imagery? What
content would you want to be featured, would you be more interested in interview articles or
descriptive pieces?

From this question it was demonstrated that the majority of readers who would engage with this
type of magazine would take a preference for investigative forms of register for an article rather
than interviews. With this, 6/10 individuals commented how they felt that investigative pieces would
reach out to wider audiences and interviews formed repetitive. The other 4/10 audience members
added how interviews would work, particularly when looking at the subcultural groups over time. In
terms of how the audience members would visualise the product. The respondents commented on
how the use of primary colours for a house style would be beneficial to as it would cover both
genders and all ages in terms of engagement with the production. 8/10 individuals commented on
how they would like to see the magazine challenge stereotypical conventions for a regional print
magazines with the potential of reaching out to online distribution. For the uses of imagery, 6/10 of
the audience members added how the uses of medium-close ups and close up shot forms would
work to give a true depiction of the subculture groups. As the context of the magazine will focus
upon the fashion and lifestyle of the subcultural groups in and around Brighton City UK. These
photography choices as recommended by audiences could work to an advantage in selling the
magazine product.
Question 6: Would you prefer the magazine to be distributed weekly, monthly or yearly?

Would you prefer the magazine to be distributed weekly, monthly

or yearly?

22% 23%


Weekly Monthly Yearly

Demonstrated above is the audiences answers in regards to how frequently they would wish for the
print magazine production to be published. It was found that the majority of the audience
questioned would prefer the magazine to be distributed on a monthly basis. When asked to
elaborate and provide more detail as to why they would prefer this frequency of distribution it was
commented that this was because the journalist/editor could provide enough sufficient content for
the audiences to engage with. With only 23% commenting that they would prefer the publication to
be distributed weekly, this was found that the content would be too limited to be distributed on this
basis. Lastly, yearly came as the least favoured form of distribution. With audiences commenting
how the regional magazine being distributed yearly would have too much content to be spread
across one initial publication and it would lose its recognition as a regional print magazine.

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