Lavoro Di Gruppo ICT

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Subsidies to ICT innovations,

are they effective

Evidences from a regional policy in Italy

Italian SMEs landscape
Literature review
Research question
Data sampling
Empirical strategy
Limitations and threats to validity
Data sources and Data collection
Timing and budget
Expected results
Policy Relevance and Implications

Research Idea: public subsidies to ICT innovation

Our research proposal aims to investigate the impact of regional subsidies

to ICT innovation on SMEs develpment

*??* (cosa e grafico)

The Italian entrepreneurial landscape

Mainly SMEs
Low use of ICT in SMEs
Public intervention to improve ICT in firms
Tender design

Literature Review

Impact of public subsidies on revenues: (Bronzini & Piselli, )

ICT in firms: (Lucchetti & Sterlacchini, 2004)

Research Question

Our contribution to literature: very few studies investigate the role of

subsidies to ICT as a driver of SMEs technological development. Building on
the revised literature we exploit a 2015 tender in Emilia Romagna region to
draw conclusions on their effectiveness.

Research proposal: We propose to analyse whether being awarded the

regional grant significantly reduces operative costs, icreases innovation of
process and favors the internationalization of the firm.
Data Sampling

Empirical Strategy (1/5)
Empirical Strategy (2/5)
Empirical Strategy (3/5)
Empirical Strategy (4/5)
Empirical Strategy (5/5)
Limitations and Threats to Validity (1/3)
Limitations and Threats to Validity (2/3)
Limitations and Threats to Validity (3/3)
Data Sources and Data Collection
Data Sources and Data Collection
Timing and Budget
Expected results
Policy Relevance and Implications
Thank you

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