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› › 

For the fear of sounding like a vote of thanks speech, we could not possibly thank all of those
marvelous people who have contributed something of themselves directly or indirectly in
preparing this assignment. They are of course some very special people who cannot go
without mention.

We prepared the report on ³Road repairing for The Tajmahal Road (Block-C)´ fully based on
secondary data and information; as suggested by our course instructor Fahim Muntaha,
Lecturer, Department of Business; ASA University Bangladesh.

First heartiest gratitude to our courser instructor, whose enthusiastic guidance and critical
comments during the entire phase of the writing and valuable suggestions in writing this
assignment, made possible for us to prepare this. To collect the relevant data we have to
knock at many doors most importantly the main office of the contractor, M/S H.M. Helal
Enterprise. We also search the internet. We are novice in writing such a project. Thus several
limitations remain in this assignment. We expect our dear instructor would not mind to rather
give suggestion. We are confident that this kind of assignment will help to increase our skill.

The report is a fruit of excellent collaboration of all members of the group. We will be
grateful if this research report will produced its desired outcomes.

Objective of the report

The main objective of the report is learning by observing a project, gathering idea &
knowledge about the real projects and relating the theoretical idea with practical knowledge.

This is the first time we got an opportunity to work with this type of interesting topic. This is
one of the most challenging tasks for us, since the information is not open to all of us and
hard enough to get information from people who are responsible for providing it to others.
The repot is a narrative report. This report tries to evaluate the inns and outs of an
implemented project and some other affairs. Before going into the depth of the study
conceptual structure was visualized, under which the whole report is conducted. Preparing a
report about the ÿ   
     is a complicated and difficult task and no
single method is appropriate, that is why we had to follow several methods to prepare the
report. For this reason, we have followed a number of procedures to prepare a meaningful
report. The methodologies of the task are described in the following

Sources of data
The report covers two types of data; which are
p Primary data: We have acquired the primary data from the office of the contractor,
M/S H.M. Helal Enterprise.
p Secondary data: By the observation and internet we have gathered the secondary data,
collecting data from the records of Dhaka City Corporation.

Collection procedure of data

For preparing the report, we have used various methods. These methods are being discussed
in the following pages. We became knowledgeable through discussion with one of the
responsible public relation of M/S H.M. Helal Enterprise. It is a primary source of collecting
Internet search: We also got some Secondary information surfing through the net.

The report is not free from practical limitations. To make this report on ³Road repairing for
The Tajmahal Road (Block-C)´ is a big task. We made this report based on our observation
and imitation, which were not enough to fulfill our objective. The first limitation of the report
was not to use time allocation for the report properly, as it is very hot days now. Secondly,
we did not get enough help from the respective individuals of the contractor of ³Road
repairing for The Tajmahal Road (Block-C)´. Again, we have some inherent limitations and
some other unavoidable circumstances like Load shedding.



Π   c  c  

p Dhaka was founded in 1608 the capital of the Province by Islam Khan
Chisti during the regime of Mughal Emperor Zahangir and it was at that time renamed
p In 1864 Dhaka had been declared as Pourosova.
p In 1905, Dhaka was made the capital of a new province
comprising East Bengal and Assam.
p In 1947, the city emerged as the provincial capital of the then East Pakistan.
p In 1971, after independence, Dhaka became the capital of Bangladesh.
p In 1978 Dhaka uplifted from Pourosova to Municipal Corporation and since then it
has been heading by the Mayor.
p In 1990, Dhaka Municipal Corporation was renamed as Dhaka City Corporation


c     c   cc

There is a provision of the Ordinance on constitution of a Standing Committee and also for
additional Standing Committees for the purpose of various functions of the Corporation. The
various Standing Committees, as have been mentioned in the Ordinance, are as follows:

p Finance & Establishment

p Education
p Health, Family Planning and Sanitation Drainage
p Town Planning and Improvement
p Audit and Accounts
p Work and Buildings
p Water and Electricity and
p Social Welfare and Community Center.

The Ordinance also states that, the Corporation shall, by regulation, determent the functions
of Standing Committee. But the Corporation clearly defining the functions of the Standing
Committees has framed no such rogation. Therefore, the Standing Committees discharge
functions basically on an ad-hoc basis depending on the perception of the members about the
functions of the Standing Committee.




p Construct the Foot Over Bridges, Underpasses and Develop Low Lying Areas.
p Take the Necessary Action for the Proper Lighting of the Public Streets.
p Take Necessary Steps for the Watering of Public Streets for Comfort and
Convenience of public.
p Plant Trees on Public Streets and Other Public Places.
p Implement the all Kinds of Development Plans.
p Construct and Repair of Public Markets and Infrastructures of DCC.
p Improve the Traffic Signaling and Related Works.
p Construct, Maintain and Improve the adequate Drainage system
p Set Apart Suitable Places for Use by the Public for Bathing, for Washing Cloths
p Maintain DCC Park , Shishu Park , Play Ground and Asphalt Plant

Î c
Brig.Gen Md. Abdul Quadir
Chief Engnieer
1st Floor, Nagar Bhaban
Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000
Phone: 880-2-956 7763

pLocal resident should apply to the executive engineer in the respective Zone for
the repair and development of damaged Road, Footpath, and Surface drain by
mentioning the status.
pWithin the budget allocation period (July-August) a yearly program plan will
be placed before the mayor. After approval from him, a list will be published (with
name and time of working) in respected Zonal office. Public can aware from the list if
his applied road is in the list.
pAction takes from the Executive Engineer within 72 hours for any complain against
potholes, rebels, broken manhole cover etc.




  !   Dept. of Local Government, Local Government, Rural Development and
Co-operative Ministry
X  G Dhaka City Corporation, Dhaka
Ë    Executive Engineer, Area-6(Kaoran Bazar), DCC, Dhaka.
ü  G   Dhaka
*  " 
 tender for public works
‰   #   Memo no.575(2) Prokou.Be./O:6, 20/04/2010
A  c !  Open Tender Method (OTM)
·  ¦   Self fund of DCC
  ÷G  20/04/2010
$ ÷  28/04/2010
 ÷   29/04/2010 time: 12.00 pm
X ÷  01/05/2010 time: 12.00 pm
Ë à % G        Executive Engineer,area-6,Kaoran
bazar,DCC, Dhaka.
ü &   DCC Engineering department, area no. 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10. P&D
Bazar Sarkel. TED Electric dept. 1&2, Machinery dept. 1&2, Central Accounts dept.
Nagor Bobon, DCC, Dhaka.
* ÷   Upto 120 days from the days of opening tender
‰ ÷  Brig. Gen Md. Abdul Quadir
A G    
· ¦  !   cc 
  Work of experience, TIN & VAT certificate,
Annual turnover, Liquid assets.



To get repaired a road in Taj Mahal road, Block-C, and reduce the public dissatisfaction and
mitigate public demand about repairing the road and protect it from further wearing down.


The goal of this road repairing activities is to ensure public welfare and provide better
facilities to the citizens living in Dhaka as commited by DCC.


?p The local word commissinar is acting as a responsible member of the government to
look at the perfection of this project.
?p Government administrative bodies are always ready to help the contructor of this
?p Huge utilities facilities are available to complete this project i.e. enough space,
flexible operating time.
?p The quality is detected by responsible engineer from the department of engineering
from DCC on the completion of the project.

Figure: A graphic model indicating the road repairing project
In this project, the road that is going to be repaired is divided into two phases-
a)p First Phase (left side)
b)p Second Phase ( right side)

Second phase of this project will start after the 50 feet of the first phase has been finished.
And the first phase will resume when the second phase of the project has been covered equal
the size of first phase. The raw materials of the whole project will be supplied from the rear
end of the project. For the highly damaged parts of the road there will be additional
concentration of raw materials.



All people in this territory will be befitted through this repairing project. Especially the local
people will be the most beneficiary and other business functionality will be benefited by
using this repaired road.


The contractual price of this road repairing project is 52, 61,684.00 BDT.


The following represent known project constraints:

mp Project funding sources are limited, with no contingency.

mp Due to the nature of law enforcement, resource availability is inconsistent.

None known

c  ¦ 

Unlike risks, critical project barriers are insurmountable issues that can be destructive
to a project¶s initiative. In this project, the following are possible critical barriers:

mp Removal of project funding

mp Natural disasters or acts of war

If any of these events occur, the Project Plan would become invalid. 



G 'Gàà#à†

#  "  

Taj Mahal road repairing works

Block: C, H-12/1-12/9,«««..15/23
Initial Budget: BDT 52, 61,684.00
Preliminary serial no: Memo no.575 (2) Prokou.Be./O:6, 20/04/2010
Selected organization: M/S H. M. Helal enterprise
Project Completion period: 13/05/2010-10/08/2010 or within 90 days.

The passerby road will be the sole place to keep the raw materials to store and ready to be
used in the project as needed. The raw materials will be kept on an equal distance to run the
repairing process smoothly and efficiently. During the project the road will be blocked to
facilitate the project work completion with in the scheduled period.

All the machineries and the equipments will be held in the project spot the night before the
project starts. The workers will be accommodated in the tents nearby the project spot. The
labors will be recruited on a hire basis and paid daily a constant amount out of their wage

The marginal rate of IRR for this project is 15%. The expected payback period is 6 months.
The project will initiate with self funding of the company and expected to get the periodic
installment from the government fund.
The first risk factor in this project is the natural calamities, the unusual failure of the roller
machine & other equipments, the intervention from local terrors and the lack of assistance
from the local people during the project work. The raw materials may be stolen from the

¦ G  



Based on the specific information and forecasting the market analysis is conducted.
M/S Helal Enterprise

§p They find it as a certain project since the government allocates funds for each area
periodically and they think the changes in the political parties as the primary
§p They assume the competition is very high and tough to get the work
§p They know that the public demand for the project is very high.


§p To help generate the public opinion strongly to avoid the biasness of the political
§p Complete the project as early as possible
§p Procure raw materials from the nearest suppliers to make most production
§p To ensure that the all the local residents get equal benefits
§p Asking the general people to give suggestions regarding the project activities
§p To secure acceptance and approval of deliverables from the Project Sponsor
§p Include project team members in all phases
§p Introduce flexibility in project operations for well being of people


Analysis of the technical and engineering aspects of a project needs to be done continually
when a project is formulated. Technical analysis seeks to determine whether the prerequisites
for the successful commissioning of the project have been consider and reasonably good
choices have been made with respect to location, size, process, etc.


§p Followed the DCC¶s technicians suggestion and sought technical help from them
§p They ignore the layout of the site properly and do not see the real condition of the site

§p They select the workout machines and equipments to help the projects work

§p They have no idea about the technology whether it is appropriate from the social point
of view regarding the environment


§p Ensuring the environmental issues and use the technologies accordingly

§p Identify the source of raw materials and employ transportation for those to carry in the
project spot

§p See the layout of the project first and make a queue of machines and vehicles
appropriate for the project

§p Scheduling the whole project throughout the time frame perfectly with time for

§p Careful in finalizing the technical aspects of the project as the decision is irreversible
and the investments involved may be high.

§p Select the technology required in consultation with technical experts and consultants.

§p Test the equipment and machines before the project begins i.e. roller.

The Project Technical Manager is the primary point of contact between mechanical activities
and the project.


Financial Analysis seeks to ascertain whether the proposed project will be financially viable
in the sense of being able to meet the burden of servicing debt and whether the proposed
project will satisfy the return expectations of those who provide the capital.


They determine 15% as their profit margin and believe that this is the industry standard. Their
expected payback period is 5-7 months for their investments. They assume that their cost
must be a lump sum amount of less than 48 lacks. They will collect funds from peers, family
or use the government funds in the projects. They do not consider any type of financial
estimation and projection or any type of capital rationing for the project. They are aware that
will be much more benefited if the costs of raw materials and other variable costs reduces,
but don¶t make any type of prediction regarding the project possibilities.

§p Consider the payback period and cost of capital for the investment first.
§p Calculate the net present value of the project considering the project payments
§p Ensure that the rate of return from the project is higher than the cost of capital
§p Ensure that the cost of capital will be equal or less than the market rate

I will try to complete the project before completion period so that it can facilitate the payback
to reduce. The financial calculations for this project are as follows:

Payback Period: 6 months

NPV @ 12%: 5, 87, 870.00

IRR: 4.88%

BCR: 1.13

The payback period for this project is satisfactory because it may be less than the
prediction if the inspection is completed earlier than the projected three months and
the officials do not delay to make the recommendation for the payment. The NPV also
suggests that the project is highly profitable. The actual IRR from this project is
almost 5 times of cost of capital. The BCR also indicates that the project is rational.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) estimates and totals up the equivalent money value of the
benefits and costs to the community of projects to establish whether they are worthwhile.
These projects may be dams and highways or can be training programs and health care
systems. One of the problems of CBA is that the computation of many components of
benefits and costs is intuitively obvious but that there are others for which intuition fails to
suggest methods of measurement. Therefore some basic principles are needed as a guide.


If costs reduces or increases by 5%

Criteria 5% increase Expected 5% reduction

labor 735000 7,00,000 665000

Stone 1680000 16,00,000 1520000

Sylhet sand 420000 4, 00,000 380000

Bitumen 1260000 12, 00,000 1140000

Fuel 315000 3, 00,000 285000

Miscellaneous 210000 2, 00,000 190000

Roller 84000 80,000 76000

Local sand 126000 120,000 114000

Total 4830000.00 4500000.00 4275000.00

If the costs of all the fixed and variable costs increase by 5%, then the net present value will
become 257870 BDT of the project and the project¶s profit margin will become 5.35% only.
In this situation it will become a loss generating project because this is below the cost of
capital and industry standard also. On the other hand, if the cost of the whole project reduces
by 5%, then it will become much more profitable for the project. For instance the net present
value will be 812870.00 and profit margin will become 19%.

Risk Analysis

   ' '    !    

Person Hours ΠOver 4800 c   Assigned Project Manager,
engaged consultant,
comprehensive project
management approach and
communications plan
Estimated Π Over 2.9 c   Created comprehensive project
Project Schedule months timeline with frequent baseline
Project Scope ' Scope *   Scope intially defined in project
Creep generally plan, reviewed monthly by three
defined, subject groups (Project Manager and
to revision Steering Committee) to prevent
undetected scope creep
Consultant ' Well defined *   Included in project plan, subject
Project to amendment
Cost Estimates ': Thoroughly *   Included in project plan, subject
Unrealistic predicted by to amendment as new details
industry experts regarding project scope are
using proven revealed
practices to
15% margin of
Timeline ! Timeline 
 Timeline reviewed monthly by
Estimates assumes no    three groups (Project Manager
Unrealistic derailment and Steering Committee) to
prevent undetected timeline

Number of Team ': Team well *   Project Manager and consultant
Members versed in to identify knowledge gaps and
Unknowledgeabl business provide training, as necessary
e of Business operations
impacted by
Project Team ! Distributed 
 Continuous review of project
Availability team makes    momentum by all levels.
availability Consultant to identify any
questionable impacts caused by unavailability.
Project Team¶s ! Some have 
Shared Work worked together    Communications Plan
Experience before
creates poor
Weak User ' Users are *   User Group Participants
Participation on part-time team coordinated by full time
Project Team members employee


Economic analysis, also referred to as social cost benefit analysis, is concerned with judging
a project from the larger social point of view. In such an evaluation the focus is on the social
costs and benefits of a project which may often be different from its monetary costs and

Social cost benefit analysis (SCBA)
   : One kind of economic analysis evaluates investment of project from the view
point of society or economy.
# ##  c¦G 
As our project is road construction our SCBA is making good benefits of those people who
are using this road for a long period of time for there comfortable journey by this road. For
and example we can define our SCBA like this way
Guess, there are 1000 peoples are using this road for at cost 10tk daily before repair it but
after repair this road people using this by at cost 8tk so there is approximately 2000tk will
save for each journey.
And another think for well construct road more than 1000 peoples like 1500 peoples now
using this road for there suitable journey by at cost 8tk, this will be more beneficiary as
economic context.


An increasing awareness that global life-support systems are endangered is forcing us to

realize that decisions made on the basis of short-term criteria can produce disastrous long-
term results on a global scale. There is also a growing acknowledgement that conventional
economic and ecological models and concepts fall short in their ability to address global
ecological problems in a truly systemic way.
Ecological Economics is a transdisciplinary field of study that addresses the relationship
between economic and ecological systems in the broadest possible sense.

Ecological Economics goes beyond conventional conceptions of scientific disciplines and

attempts to integrate and synthesize many different disciplinary perspectives in order to
achieve an ecologically and economically sustainable world.

# ##    

In our project not any industrial project it¶s about road construction, according to our project
there is much less ecological effect on environment but there are some consideration too«.
§p When we melt bitumen there are some toxic gas emits that effect variety¶s of
pollution. Like air pollution.

§p Another thing is when we use roller for road construction there is some sound
pollution too.

But as a project manager we are trying to solve the problem like we are decided that we use
concrete mixer for road construction that can at least reduce air pollution.


In recent years, environmental concerns have assumed a great deal of significance and rightly
so. Ecological Analysis should be done particularly for major projects which have significant
ecological implications and environment-polluting industries.

c     #c÷&

FRICTO is in the form of flexibility, risk, income, control, taxes and others. Are the key
business considerations that influence the capital structure (dept equity ratio) decision and
the choice of specific instruments of financing?

p Flexibility means the ability of a project to raise future capital from any source
it wishes to tap to meet the further financial needs. Project manager select the
project by his planning and financing technique. Before selecting the project
he should analyses by NPV, PBP, and BCR.

p Risk: The two main source of risk for a firm are business risk and financial
risk. ¦    refers to the variability of earnings before interest and taxes
and arises mainly from fluctuation in demand and variability of prices and
costs. Financial risk represents the risk arising from financial leverage.

p Income: Income is the returns from the project financing. Construction

Company will get the benefit from the construction work. Construction
Company also gives the wages for their labor. It also beneficial for the worker.
p Control: From the point of view of the promoters of the project, the issue of
control is important. They would ordinarily prefer a scheme of financing
which enables maximize their control, given their commitment of fund to the

p Taxes: From the point of view of the constructor of a company, they should
give the taxes on their profit. They should follow the company Act-1994.

÷            +    , ,      ¦    
 +      ÷       
   )   +     

If I were a project manager I will arrange this capital as 60: 40 ratio of self financing and the
debt financing that will facilitate more return and less tax payments to the government. It will
also help to support another project ( if any).

The implementation phase for road construction project, which involves setting up of
constructing facilities, consists of several stages:

1)p     DCC Engineering department has set up the
activities to be incurred in this project are Sites probing and prospecting, presentation
of blueprints, and plant designs, plant engineering, selection of specific machineries
and equipment.

2)p à    After selection of tender DCC and selected company
make negotiation and drawing up of legal contracts with respect to project financing,
acquisition of technology, civil works, provision of utilities, supply of machinery and
equipment, marketing arrangements, etc under tender schedule segments for this

3)p c  The construction companystarts the site preparation, procurements of

working materials and other resources, erection and installation of machinery and
equipment having work order from DCC.

4)p ÷   Training engineers, technicians, and workers is on the basis for previous

5)p     Start up of the project work.


ues they faced some sort of problem while implementing the project because of sudden rain,
disturbance from the outside vehicles and no assistance from some local people during the


The project was reviewed by the responsible engineer once a week and suggested the
contractor for the proper guidelines to complete the project with quality works. uet some
improvement requires because the ingredients used was not well mixed with other ingredients
and the raw materials were not provided as necessary in some places.

§p The stones will be mixed with the bitumen for the longer period so that those
integrates with each other very well, this will ensure the longevity of the road
§p The soil will be kept out of the project completely because it will cause the damage
very shortly.
§p Some highly skilled labors will be used to mix the raw materials for better
§p Scale must be used to ensure the proper disbursement of mixture on the road that will
make the road plain and smooth and give the road longer endutance.



§p This project has an established objective of repairing the road Taj Mahal, Block-C.
§p This project should be completed with in 13/05/2010-10/08/2010 which indicates that
this project is a definite life span.
§p There is an involvement of several responsible individuals, organizations to complete
the project properly in the specific time period.
§p The project produces a new, repaired and completed road.
§p This project will be completed within 3 months and a budget of BDT 52, 61, 684.00
and the road will be repaired.
§p It follows some sequential phases to complete the project.
§p This project is a contract between M/S Helal enterprise and the DCC
§p This project looks for short term benefits

§p This project follows conventional way of tendering process.
§p The project has limited tasks in compared to the time line.
§p There is no precaution against any type of contingency.
§p Non availability of designated person in the project to observe the tasks.
§p There are no environmental issues considered in this project.
§p Can not ensure the accountability of each individual responsible person.
§p Insufficient skills among the involved workers.
§p Informal way of tasks to be done.
§p Cannot ensure the quality of the project works.
§p Do not provide any type of reworks.
    Ú p p
§p The project should follow the online tendering process to avoid selection biasness,
encourage participants, reduce initial costs for the participants, avoid threat from
terrorists etc.
§p The project should get less time to complete the tasks to ensure efficiency.
§p The contractor should be solvent enough to complete at least two-thirds of the
project by own financing
§p End users will participate in the project designs.
§p The project work should be invigilated twice a week and legal actions should be
imposed instantly if any fault is experienced.
§p The contractor should provide warranty for his performances for certain period of
§p Penalty should be introduced for the breech of contract through mobile court.
§p Raw materials procured should comply with the construction standard.
§p Some of the projects should be given to the sophisticated local contractor to create
some sort of role model in the construction.
§p Construction workers should be trained through a one-spot workshop that will
enhance the skills of the labors and quality can be achieved.
§p Concrete construction should used instead of the tar construction that is more
consistent with the environment.
§p Local people should help as much as possible positively for smooth run of the
c  + 

Project is a

GG#$%  &G% ›% 

 ÷   c  c     

XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb, XvKv

AÂj-1 (mvÁq`vev`)
Avcbvi kni cwi´Qbœ ivLyb

- .
1. gš¿bvjq / wefvM t ¯¶vbxq miKvi wefvM, ¯¶vbxq miKvi, cj-x Dbœqb I
mgevq gš¿bvjq|
2. GÁRÝx t XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
3. msMÖnKvix mZ¡vi bvg t wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjx, AÂj-1 (mvÁq`vev`), XvKv
wmwU KiÁcvÁikb, XvKv|
4. wK Rb¨ Avnevb t c~Z© KvÁRi `icÎ|
5. AvnevÁbi m~Î t ¯§viK bs-cÖtwet At-1(`icÎ)/03/2010-2011
6. `icÎ Bmy¨i ZvwiL t 20/07/2010Bs|
7. msMÖn c×wZ t Db¥y `icÎ c×wZ (OTM)
8. evÁRU I Ámvm© Ae t Î'1
9. Dbœqb Askx`vi (hw` t cÖÁhvR¨ bq|
cªÁhvR¨ nq)
10. cÖKí/ ÁcÖvMvÁgi bvg t cÖÁhvR¨ bq|
(hw` _vÁK)
11. `icÎ cÖPvÁii ZvwiL t AvMvgx 25/07/2010Bs ZvwiÁLi gÁa¨|
12. `icÎ `wjj weµÁqi ‚kl t 08/08/2010Bs Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq ch©š²|
13. `icÎ `wjj weµqKvix t
AwdÁmi wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjxi `ßi, AÂj-1, mvÁq`vev`, XvKv
bvg I wVKvbv
(cÖavb/g~j Kvh©vjq) wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
14. `icÎ `wjj weµqKvix t i) wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjxi `ßi, AÂj-2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10|
AwdÁmi ii) wnmve i K (wej I Avq e¨q), ÁK¾`ªxq wnmve
bvg I wVKvbv (Ab¨vb¨ wefvM, bMi feb, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb, XvKv|
15. `icÎ `wjj MÖnbKvixi `ßi t i) wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjxi `ßi, AÂj-1, mvÁq`vev`,
XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
ii) bMi feb¯ e¨vsK ‚d¬vÁi iw Z ev· , XvKv wmwU
16. `icÎ MÖnÁbi ‚kl ZvwiL t 09/08/2010Bs 12.00 NwUKv ch©š²|
17. `icÎ ÁLvjvi ZvwiL, mgq t 09/08/2010 Bs ‚ejv 1.00 NwUKv, wbe©vnx
I ¯ vb cÖÁKŠkjxi `ßi, AÂj-1 (mvÁq`vev`) XvKv wmwU
18. `i`vZvi ‚hvM¨Zv t Public Procurement Act-2006 I wewagvjv-2008 Ges
mswk-ó KvÁRi Rb¨ cÖbxZ `icÎ `wjÁji eu©bv I
19. `icÎ AvnevbKvix t Ágvt Avmv`y vgvb
Kg©KZ©vi bvg
20. `icÎ AvnevbKvix t wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjx|
Kg©KZ©vi c`ex
21. `icÎ AvnevbKvix t wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjx, AÂj-1(mvÁq`vev`), XvKv
Kg©KZ©vi wVKvbv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
22. `icÎ AvnevbKvix t ÁUwjÁdvb bs-7549398|
‚hvMvÁhvÁMi gva¨g
KvÁRi msw¶ß weeiux t
µwgK KvÁRi bvg `icÎ `icÎ `wjj KvR
bs RvgvbÁZi µÁqi g~j¨ mgvwßi
UvKv UvKv mgq
01 AÂj-1 Gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 70,000/- 1000/- 365
wewfbœ ms¯¶v I e¨w gvwjKMb KZ©ÄK
LbbÁhvM¨ iv¯²v ‚givgZ KvR (MÖ c-K)|
02 AÂj-1 Gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 70,000/- 1000/- 365
wewfbœ ms¯¶v I e¨w gvwjKMb KZ©ÄK
LbbÁhvM¨ iv¯²v ‚givgZ KvR (MÖ c-L)|
03 AÂj-1 Gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 70,000/- 1000/- 365
wewfbœ ms¯¶v I e¨w gvwjKMb KZ©ÄK
LbbÁhvM¨ iv¯²v ‚givgZ KvR (MÖ c-M)|
04 AÂj-1 Gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 70,000/- 1000/- 365
wewfbœ ms¯¶v I e¨w gvwjKMb KZ©ÄK
LbbÁhvM¨ iv¯²v ‚givgZ KvR (MÖ c-N)|
05 AÂj-1 Gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 70,000/- 1000/- 365
wewfbœ ms¯¶v I e¨w gvwjKMb KZ©ÄK
LbbÁhvM¨ iv¯²v ‚givgZ KvR (MÖ c-O)|

23. weÁkl t (K) `icÎ `wjÁji g~j¨ (UvKv) Pvjvb gvidZ ‚mvbvjx e¨vsK, bMi feb
kZ©vejx kvLv, PjwZ wnmve-30
(11-we-wewea) G Rgv `vb c~e©K `icÎ `wjj msMÖn Kiv hvÁe|
(L) `icÎ wbivcËv RvgvbZ ‚h ‚Kvb wmwWDj e¨vsK nÁZ " ,

*Î   G Î 34G (5Î*
(M) `icÎ msµvš² hveZxq Z_¨ Awdm PjvKvjxb mgÁq
wbæ¯^v¶ iKvixi `ßi ‚_ÁK Rvbv hvÁe|
(N) msMÖvnK mË¡v mKj `icÎ MÖnb ev evwZj Kivi ¶ gZv msi¶ b
(O) `icÎ MÖnb I g~j¨vqb Public Procurement Act-2006 I
wewagvjv-2008 Ges mswk-ó `icÎ `wjj Abyhvqx Kiv nÁe|
(P) wbe©vwPZ cÖwZôvbÁK Pzw e× nIqvi c~Áe©B ‚h ‚Kvb
Zdwmwj e¨vsK nÁZ ‚gqi, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb, XvKv eivei
‚c-AW©vi/ e¨vsK WªvdU/AcÖZ¨vnviÁhvM¨ e¨vsK M¨vivw¾U
AvKvÁi 10% (kZKiv `k fvM) RvgvbZ (Performance Guarantee)
wnmvÁe wbgœ ¯^v¶ iKvixi `ßÁi Rgv w`ÁZ nÁe|
(‚gvt Avmv`y¾ vgvb)
wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjx
AÂj-1 (mvÁq`vev`)
XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb
Zvs- 20/07/2010|

¯§viK bs- cÖtwet At-1(`icÎ)/03/2010-2011

AeMwZ I cÖÁqvRbxq e¨e¯¶v MÖnÁbi Rb¨ Abywjwct-
1) m¤§vwbZ Kwgkbvi, IqvW© bs-
2) cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v, bMi feb, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
3) mwPe, bMi feb, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
4) cÖavb cÖÁKŠkjx, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
5) cÖavb wnmve i¶ b Kg©KZ©v, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
6) AwZwi cÖavb cÖÁKŠkjx, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
7) ZË¡veavqK cÖÁKŠkjx, Pµ-1, 2, bMi feb, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
8) ‚gqi gÁnv`Áqi GKvš² mwPe, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb|
09) cÖavb Rb msÁhvM Kg©KZ©v-ZuvÁK weÁ wßLvbv eûj cÖPvwiZ KgcÁ 1
(GK)wU evsjv I 1 (GK)wU BsÁiRx cwÎKvq AvMvgx 25/07/2010Bs Gi gÁa¨
cÖKvÁki e¨e¯ v Ges h_v mgÁq ‚ccvi KvwUs wbgœ¯^v iKvix wbKU ‚cÖiÁbi
Rb¨ AbyÁiva Kiv nÁjv|
10) wbe©vnx cÖÁKŠkjx, AÂj-2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 wWwmwm|
11) wmÁ÷g Gbvwj÷, XvKv wmwU KiÁcvÁikb, bMi feb, XvKv-wWwmwmÕi IÁqe mvBÁU
25/07/2010 ZvwiÁLi gÁa¨ cÖPvÁii e¨e¯ v
MÖnÁbi Rb¨ AbyÁiva Kiv nj|
11) wbivcËv Kg©KZ©v, wWwmwm|
12) wnmve i K (wej I Avq e¨q), ‚K¾`ªxq wnmve wefvM|
13) Awdm Kwc|
14) dvBj Kwc|

Financial Calculations:

#  #: 4,700,000.00

At the end of 1st month- 1,578,505.00
At the end of 2nd month- 1,052,337.00
At the end of 3rd month- 526,168.00

At the end of 6th month- 2,104,674.00

NPV @ 12%= (Present value-initial investment) = 5,087,870.00-4,500,000.00

= 5, 87,870.00

IRR: 12 + 587870/ (587870+78147) * (60-12) = 4.88

BCR= 5087870 (4500000 = 1.13

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