Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc., Jakarta, Indonesia

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Disc Contents IPA, 2006 - 17th Annual Convention Proceedings, 1988

IPA 88-11.08



Seventeenth Annual Convention, October 1988



S.P.C. Sosromihardjo. Y

The new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has Figure 2 shows the generalized stratigraphy of the North
provided the basis to modify the tectonic model of North Sumatra Basin. The lithologic units used in this discussion
Sumatra Basin. Four lineament directions which have are based on the papers by Kamili et a1 (1976) and
been recognized in the SAR project area (N69"E, N30"E, Cameron et a1 (1980). Other data has also been
N27"W and N72"W) are related to strain ellipse fold axes, incorporated to modify the illustrated stratigraphic
as well as shear, thrust and normal fault directions. column for this area.
Integration of SAR data with other surface and subsurface The Tertiary sequence began with the Meucampli
geological data enabled a reconstruction of the tectonic Formation, a unit of non-fossiliferous clastic sediments.
evolution of North Sumatra throughout the Tertiary. This formation is associated with volcanic activity as
evidence by intercalated lava flows found mainly in the
INTRODUCTION northwestern portion of the basin. These rocks represent
In June, 1986, Intera Technologies Ltd. performed a a transgressive fluviatile sequence. Its time-stratigraphic
Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) survey for Mobil equivalent, the Tampur Formation, is a widely distributed
in North Sumatra. The system used in this survey was marine shelf carbonate unit in the eastern half of the
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). basin.

SAR is an active remote sensing system that supplies Unconformably overlying the Meucampli and Tampur
it's own energy source. Images can be acquired inde- is the basal transgressive Bruksah Formation deposited
pendent of lighting conditions and largely independent of in fluviatile and paralic environments during Late
weather. Although SAR does not penetrate vegetation, Oligocene. This basal unit represents the initial filling of
bedrock and topographic features are frequently well- localized troughs or grabens. Conformably overlying or
expressed in the images of the forested terrain. SAR laterally grading into the Bruksah is the Bampo For-
systems are therefore superior to other remote sensing mation. These dark-grey to black shales were mainly
methods in areas where cloud cover and heavy vegetation deposited in a euxinic marine environment. Early Miocene
are the common phenomena, especially in the tropics, tectonism led to complete marine withdrawal from the
such as Indonesia. North Sumatra Basin and produced a regional erosional
surface. This tectonic event formed the North Sumatra
The project area covering mainly the eastern half of
Basin configuration intoits present shape.
Aceh Province, North Sumatra, encompasses 21,300 km2
(Fig. 1). Theradar data were digitally processed into six After the Early Miocene tectonism, the North Sumatra
analog strips. A mosaic map at the same scale is used as Basin was in relative quiescence. The Peutu Formation
the interpretation base map. was laid down mainly in the northwestern half of the basin
Integrating the result of the SAR survey with other while its equivalent Belumai Formation was deposited in
surface and subsurface data, this paper presents a model the southeastern-half. The Peutu is a calcareous shale
of the Tertiary tectonic evolution of North Sumatra. deposited in an open marine environment. The Arun
Limestone member was laid down over fault-bounded
The strain ellipse of a wrench assemblage model
highs. These biogenic reefal carbonates are present at
(Harding 1973 and Lowell 1985) nicely simulates the
Arun, Peusangan and Lho Sukon. The Belumai For-
faulting and folding mechanism of Tertiary sediments
mation, deposited to the east along the margins of the
between high-standing, rigid basement blocks.
basin, consists of calcareous sandstones and calcarenites.
In the shelf area pinnacle reef growths are common
Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Malacca Limestone).

During Middle to Late Miocene rapid basin subsidence of Aceh Province, ,northern Sumatra. The overall quality
occurred, resulting in the deposition of the thick marine of radar images is good. The south illumination is the best
shale of the Baong Formation. This section conformably for the topographical and structural trends in the project
overlies the Peutu and Belumai Formations, except on area.
basement highs and shelfal areas where a hiatus took The SAR mosaic was interpreted in detail by Mars
place. Baong deposition marked the maximum marine Associates of Phoenix (unpublished report) and by
trangression in the North Sumatra Basin. MOBIL geologists; however detailed interpretation will
A major regressive cycle began during Late Miocene not be discussed in this paper. In general two main
and continued throughout Plio-Pleistocene. The Keuta- structural domains can be recognized on the SAR mosaic:
pang, Seurula and Julu Rayeu clastics were deposited 1. The North and East Coast Foothills or the Foreland
within this regressive cycle.
This region is represented by a relatively fine structural
REGIONAL TECTONIC SETTING texture dominated by Neogene sediments of Peutu
Figure 3 shows the plate tectonic setting of Indonesia, Formation and younger. The resistance diagram of the
located at the convergence of three of the worlds largest foreland units clearly shows that the Keutapang
plates: the Eurasian Plate, the Indian-Australian Plate and Formation is the most well-defined surface unit in the
the Pacific Plate. Foreland area. Contacts between the overlying Seurula
and the underlying Baong Formations are clearly seen
Most papers dealing with the tectonic evolution of in the SAR mosaic due to the Keutapang being more
western Indonesia attribute northward movement of the resistant than the underlying and overlying formations.
Indian-Australian Plate towards the Eurasian Continental The contact between Peutu and the overlying Baong
Plate as being the major active tectonic force. Patriat and Formation is also obvious, but not so with the
Achache (1984;after Daly et a1 1987) plotted a detailed underlying Bampo Formation since these units are in
path of India from magnetic anomalies -70 My (Late fault contact. However, when they lie in stratigraphic
Cretaceous) to the present. Convergence velocity contact the Bampo being less resistant, reveals erosional
decreased at -50 My (Early Eocene) from 15-20 cm/year differences.
to less than 10 cm/year. The decrease in velocity is
interpreted as the beginning of the continental collisicjn 2. The Mountainous Region of Barisan
between India and Eurasia. The present day collision of This area shows a coarse structural texture representing
these plates is expressed as the uplift along the Himalaya hard Pre-Tertiary rocks and extrusive-volcanics. The
Mountain Range, defined as the Pakistan syntaxis, Indus arbitrary boundary between this region and the
sutures and Assam syntaxis. Beginning at the eastern edge Foreland area is marked by the outcrops of the Peutu
of the Assam syntaxis the collision path turns southward Formation. Stratigraphic interpretation of this area is
and is expressed as the subduction complex stretching more difficult than in Foreland area due to: (1) a higher
from the Burma Trench to the Andaman-Nicobar Trench percentage of radar shadow (a factor of high relief),
in the Andaman Sea and the Sumatran Trench southwest and (2) a greater concentration of faulting and
of Sumatra and south of Java. These trenches mark the fracturing. The latter factor effects radar signatures
interplate movements between the oceanic-crustal portion because of increased drainage. Karst topography of the
of the Indian-Australian Plate and the continental Tampur carbonate can be recognized in the lower right
Eurasian Plate. portion of the SAR mosaic. In the lower left portion
The oblique subduction of the Sumatra Trench results of the mosaic, a circulars shaped structure depicts a
in right lateral strike-slip movement along the great collapse block due probably to the release of energy
Sumatran Fault which extends from the northwest tip of of the underlying magma chamber by the eruptions of
Sumatra to the southeast end of Sumatra where i the volcanoes to the north of this downwarping block.
probably intersects the Sumatra Trench. To the north this
fault continues as the West Andaman Fault complex Sumatran Trend and Antithetic Trend Faults
which becomes a series of transforms in the Andaman Sea
spreading centre; and it continues again as a right lateral Figure 5 is a simplified structural overlay. Numerous
strike-slip fault at the Hainzee-Sagaing Fault zones in faults were mapped in the mountainous region of Barisan;
Burma. however for simplicitys sake, not all lineaments and faults
are shown here.
Two lineament trends are dominant in the project area.
Figure 4 is an interpretation based on an original mosaic The first is approximately NNW-SSE and sub-parallel to
of six south-looking radar strips covering the eastern half the Sumatran Fault System which can be seen on the lower

left corner of the mosaic. This trend will be referred to histogram of lineament orientations and lengths in the
as the "Sumatran Trend". The second trend, NNE-SSW, project area. Both diagrams represent the same data in
is referred to as the "Antithetic Trend". The displacement different formats. There are four average trends shown
along the Sumatran Trend is dominantly right-lateral for each of the fracture sets in the histogram, i.e. N72"W,
similar to the great Sumatran Fault System. On the other N27"W, N30"E and N69"E.
hand the Antithetic Trend is left-lateral and the faults are Well-defined lineament sets shown on the rose diagrams
interpreted most likely basement involved. are normally indicative of a single principal stress
In the Foreland area the Sumatran Trend is reflected direction. In reviewing the radar mosaic over the project
as a series of right-lateral wrench faults, the most distinct project area it is readily apparent that several trends of
of which bound the Arun gas field. The western structural elements are present. The clay model expe-
boundary, interpreted along a linear scarp, just west of riment by Harding (1974) is used to explain and interpret
Lho Seumawe, is known as the Lho Seumawe Fault. the predominant trends of lineaments.
Right-lateral movement is inferred from the shape of the Lineament patterns in the project area can be grouped
coast. The eastern boundary fault is marked by the altered into three main strain ellipse diagrams: one was active
course of the Keureutu River (Keureutu Fault). during the Early Tertiary and the other two developed
Close to the area of the Arun Field to the west, other during the Late Tertiary.
Sumatran Trend faults are interpreted which bound the
Western High (Mane and Seumpo faults). The Mane Fault Early Tertiary Strain Ellipse
clearly extends into the Barisan Mountains. The extension
of the Seumpo Fault is covered by flows from the This strain ellipse was generated from the right-lateral
Geureudong Volcano. couple movement of two large faults known as Sumatran
Fault to the south and Malaccan Fault to the north
Other significant Sumatran Trend faults are the (Fig. 8). The Malaccan Fault has probably been inactive
Samalanga-Sipopok and the Lokop-Kutacane faults. since Miocene time.
These faults are oriented nearly N-S, but swing NNW-
SSE as they merge to the south into the Sumatran Fault The rotational couple between these two faults
System. The Lokop-Kutacane Fault probably extends to produced a pull apart basin which was bounded by the
the north in the subsurface as a lineament which separates Samalanga-Sipopok Fault to the west and by the Lokop-
two different basement areas. Most of the wells drilled Kutacane Fault to the east.
in the area to the east of this lineament encountered These faults presently trend almost north-south. This
Tampur carbonate basement. This area will be referred trend of lineaments also occurs in the eastern half of the
to as 'Tampur Platform'. On the other side of the North Sumatra Basin as well as in the Central and South
lineament, basement is Pre-Tertiary greywacke and slate Sumatra Basins.
complex. To the offshore this lineament continues as the Other significant results of the Sumatran-Malaccan
Early Miocene Rayeu Hinge feature. couple are synthetic strike-slip (right-lateral) and antithetic
Faults in the Antithetic Trend are not as evident as those strike- slip faults, which trend N27"W and N30\"E
of the Sumatran Trend because their traces are masked respectively. (the Sumatran and the Antithetic Trends).
by the course of subsequent streams. Displacement along
these faults is probably less than along the synthetic set. Late Tertiary Strain Ellipses
The Antithetic Trend fractures are well displayed on the There were two main strain ellipses active during Late
radar lineament map. Tertiary. One occurred as a result of wrenching move-
ments along the Early Tertiary Sumatra Trend faults, and
the second is generated from movements caused by the
LINEAMENT INTERPRETATION reactivation of the pull apart basin bounding faults
(Samalanga-Sipopok and Lokop-Kutacane Faults) in a
Lineaments manifest themself as alignments of right-lateral sense. These movements produced both
vegetation, soil tones, stream courses, topographic scarps, rotational and non-rotational strain ellipses (Fig. 9).
saddles and sags, or more frequently as combinations The wrenching of the Sumatran Trend faults generated
thereof. These alignments are observed either directly in N72"W trending folds and thrusts. This trend is recog-
exposed rocks, or indirectly as surface traces in overlying nized as folds in the western half of ,the project
materials. Figure 6 is the lineament interpretation map (Peudada Anticline, Arui Sane Syncline etc.) and thrusts
from the radar mosaic. For this project, lineaments less in the Pirak area. The causative mechanism of these folds
than five kilometers in length were not mapped. is probably the rotational couple between the Samalanga-
Figure 7 shows the statistical rose diagram and Sipopok Fault and the Seumpo Fault (Fig. 11). The NW-

SE trending anticlines and synclines just west of the Lho faults resulted in a pull apart basin bounded by the
Seumawe Fault are probably generated from non- Samalanga-Sipopok Fault to the west and the Lokop-
rotational wrenching of the fault itself which is Kutacane-Rayeu alignment to the east. This pull apart
transformed into a thrust along the Barisan in a N72"W basin will be referred to as the 'Pase Sub-Basin' .
direction (Pirak Thrust, Fig. 5).
Similar extensional trends also developed to the west
The N-S non-rotational movement of the Lokop- and east of the Pase Sub-Basin (Sigli and Tampur
Kutacane-Rayeu alignment resulted in anticlines and Platforms). These extensional faults are presently trending
synclines above it. (i.e. Julu Rayeu Anticline) This almost north-south. Extensional fissures in the Sigli
wrenching also produced thrusting with the same trend Platform provided conduits for Late Eocene basalt
as the folding at the edge of the Barisan. This NW-SE intrusives and flows found within the Meucampli clastics.
thrusting is the extension of the previously mentioned In the Tampur Platform, block faultingresulted in highs
N72"W trending Pirak Thrust. This thrust merges into and lows (Tamiang High, Yang Besar High, Tamiang
the Lokop-Kutacane Fault as it continues to the south. Deep etc.)
The fluviatile Meucampli clastics were deposited on the
TERTIARY TECTONIC EVOLUTION Sigli Platform, whereas its equivalent Tampur carbonates
The Tertiary tectonic evolution of North Sumatra, as were widely laid down over the Tampur Platform. The
part of the Sunda Craton, has been discussed by many sediments within the Pase Sub-Basin were most likely
authors. Most of the discussions are related to the idea deposited in marine conditions and are time equivalent
of Sumatra rotation. There are conflicting theories about to those rocks deposited in the geanticlinal area of
the sense, cause and amount of rotation that Sumatra and Barisan. Cameron et a1 (1980) described them as the
the Sunda craton have undergone during the Tertiary. Simomeu Formation which consist of a marine clastics
Hamilton (1979) agrees with Molnar and Taponnier (1975) complex. Over the present day highs they were probably
who suggested that clockwise rotation was caused by drag eroded, but may possibly be preserved in the present day
as India moved northward into Eurasia. lows. However, there are no wells to confirm this.
In contrast, Davies (1984) advocates a counterclockwise
rotation. He believes that Sumatra originally trended Early Oligocene (Fig. 12)
north-south and was bounded to the west by north-south
transform faults of the Ninety East Ridge type. As The collision and the subduction of the Indian Plate
subduction began, the Sunda microplate was rotated into the Eurasian Plate decelerated after Eocene time and
counterclockwise by compression from the Indian Oceanic had reached a stabilized rate at the end of Early Oligocene
crust. (-30 My). As a result, the extensional force changed to
Daly et a1 (1987), in a series of reconstructions, show a an oblique compressive subducting margin as seen today
nearly east-west orientation of Sumatra parallel to the along the Sumatra Trench (Daly et a1 1987). The change
trenching of the Indian-Australian Plate into the Eurasian from extensional to compressive regime caused the
Plate during Late Cretaceous to Paleocene time (Fig. 10). inversion of the Pase Sub-Basin which is expressed by the
Continuing northward movement of India dragged regional uplift and unconformity over Eocene sediments
Sumatra along the trench into its current NW-SE in the North Sumatra basinal area.
orientation. In spite of the above mentioned changes, the Eocene
A series of tectonic reconstructions in this paper are strainellipse diagram continued through Oligocene giving
modelled after Daly's et a1 hypothesis. Parts of their rise to a similar tectonic setting. The dextral couple of
reconstructions are also included with minor modifica- Sumatran and Malaccan Faults developed synthetic faults
tions. The Harding strain ellipse diagram is also shown within the Pase Sub-Basin. Today, these faults are
in each of the reconstructions to explain the causative trending N27"W and are referred to as the Sumatran
mechanism of the resulting fracture trends. Trend faults.

Late Eocene (Fig. 11) Late Oligocene (Fig. 12)

Basins of Sumatra started forming in Late Eocene when During the latter part of the Late Oligocene block
the Indian Continent began colliding with the Eurasian faulting took place due to relaxation of the Early
Plate (Daly et at 1987). During this time Sumatra was Oligocene compressive stresses. These block faults
probably oriented WNW-ESE. The Sumatra Basins were occurred along pre-existing lines of weakness of the Early
bounded by broad dextral fault zones to the north and Oligocene synthetic faults (Sumatran Trend faults). At this
to the south, i.e. the Malaccan and the Sumatran Faults. stage the North Sumatra Basin was formed into its present
The rotation in a right-lateral sense between these two shape.

Sedimentation during Late Oligocene consists of basal Late Miocene Plio-Pleistocene (Fig. 14)
clastics and graben fills of the Bruksah Formation The northward movement of India caused continued
deposited in fluvial to paralic environments. These clastics strike-slip movements along the Sumatran Fault. These
grade laterally and upward into restricted marine Bampo movements induced the reactivation of extensional pull
shales. Reefs probably grew along the edges of highs. apart faults (Sipopok-Samalanga and Lokop-Kutacane)
Early Miocene to Middle Miocene (Fig. 13) in a right-lateral sense.
The Oligocene synthetic faults which bounded the highs
After a temporary period of relaxation, compressive and lows were also reactivated. Movements along these
stresses were reactivated during Early Miocene. This faults were relatively gentle during Late Miocene but
caused another regional uplift which led to withdrawal reached a maximum during Plio-Pleistocene. The strain
of the marine influence from most parts of the basin ellipse, showing a wrenching couple active along the
except in the lows. As a consequence widespread erosion Sipopok-Samalanga and the Lokop-Kutacane faults,
occurred resulting in regional unconformities, over the generated folds which currently trend N72"W (Fig. 9B).
highs (i.e. Arun, Lho Sukon, Peusangan). The Pirak anticline and associated thrusting are products
As plate convergence west of the Andaman Sea became of this wrenching. Along the Lokop-Kutacane Fault the
acute, due to the continuing northward movement of Pirak thrust and folds changed from N72"W to follow
India, the Sumatra Trench (or Andaman Trench) the pattern of N-S wrenching strain ellipse as shown in
movement became dominantly strike-slip instead of Figure-9A. As it merged into the Lokop-Kutacane Fault,
subduction. The release of energy due to the change in the Pirak thrust assumed a right-lateral sense.
character of the movement generated rifts in the Andaman
Sea. These rifts stopped the NW-SE movement of the Offsets along the antithetic faults are reflected along
Malaccan Fault and probably transformed it to a N-S the Arm-Cunda High. These N69"E trending offsets
occurred onshore north of the Pirak Thrust and offshore
direction. This N-S trend in the present day tectonic setting
north of Lho Seurnawe.
is known as the western edge of the Mergui Ridge. The
eastern edge of the Mergui Ridge (a branch of Malaccan The N-S wrenching pattern of the Lokop-Kutacane
Fault) probably extended to the Sipopok-Samalanga Fault is reflected by the N-S alignment of folds (e.g. Julu
Fault. Since that time, the Sigli Platform has probably Rayeu Field). A similar mechanism probably occurred
been the southward extension of Mergui Ridge. The along the N-S fold alignment east of the Lokop-Kutacane-
Lokop-Kutacane Fault-Rayeu Hinge alignment probably Rayeu feature. Some of the folds along this trend are
continues as the Khlong-Marui Fault into the Malay offset along antithetic fractures of the N-S strain ellipse.
Peninsula as its present direction swings from nearly N-S These features agree with the Harding clay wrenching
to NE, offshore in the Malacca Straits. model (1973) as shown in Figure-15. At present this
Following this uplift, the North Sumatra Basin was in alignment coincides with the western edge of the Tamiang
a relative quiescence. However the Andaman Sea Rifts Deep. There are several other significant N-S features to
resulted in an open marine incursion into the North the east i.e. Tamiang Fault zone and Yang Besar Fault
Sumatra Basin (Davies 1984) which allowed growth of zone.
reefal carbonates (Arun, Lho Sukon, Peusangan etc.) over Continuing compressive stress is reflected by overall
the highs. Within the lows restricted marine Bampo shales shallowing conditions following Baong deposition. This
were succeeded by open marine neritic calcareous shales marked the beginning of a regional regressive cycle.
of the Peutu Formation. On the Tampur Platform reefs Coarse clastic shallow marine sediments of Keutapang
grew along the Rayeu Hinge (i.e. Alur Siwah Limestone). were deposited during Late Miocene. Rapid uplift of the
To the north in the shelf area (Malacca Shelf) pinnacle Barisan during Plio-Pleistocene produced a rapid
reefs fluorished and sandy facies of the Belumai shedding of coarser clastic materials constituting the
Formation were deposited. flwiatile to estuarine and paralic sediments of Seurula
Continued downwarping of the Andaman Sea Rifts and Julu Rayeu Formations (Davies 1984).
throughout the Middle Miocene allowed a rapid marine Continuing subduction of the Indian Oceanic Plate
influx into the North Sumatra Basin. As a result the Early below Sumatra generated thermal upwelling which caused
Miocene reefs stopped growing and were buried by the the uplift of the Barisans during Plio-Pleistocene. At weak
thick outer neritic to bathyal sediments of the Baong points magmas found their ways to the surface. The
formation. Geureudong Volcano is located at the intersection between
By the end of Middle Miocene the basin became the Seumpo synthetic fault and its antithetic fracture. The
completely filled by Baong shale marking the maximum sinking circular shaped block which includes the Lake
transgressive cycle over the North Sumatra Basin during Tawar graben was probably formed due to magma
the Tertiary. evacuation through the Geureudong Volcano.

Present Day Tectonic Elements (Fig. 16 Bi 17) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

The present day tectonic elements of the North Sumatra The author wishes to thank the Mobil o i l management
Basin can be divided into three main regions : and PERTAMINA for their approval to publish this
paper. Acknowledgement is expressed to colleagues in
A. Sigli Platform :A Late Eocene N-S trending feature, Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc., especially to U . C. Gardner
probably the south extension of Mergui Ridge since who provided significant contribution through his ex-
Early Miocene time. pertise in SAR interpretation. A special gratitude is
expressed to L.Z. Valachi for this support and for editing
B. Pase Sub-Basin .- A Late Eocene pull apart basin this paper.
containing N27"W trending wrench faults which
bound highs and lows. These Sumatran Trend faults REFERENCES
divide the Pase sub-Basin into five elements from east
to west: Lho Sukon Deep, Arun-Cunda High, Jawa Cameron, N.R., Clarke, M.G.C., Aldiss, D.T., Aspden,
Deep East, Western High and Jawa Deep West. J.A. and Junuddin, A. 1980. The Geological Evolution
Wrenching movements along these faults generated of Northern Sumatra. Proceedings IPA 9th Annual
folds and thrusts which, in general, trend N72"W. Convention, 149-186.
Cameron, N.R. and Pulunggono, A. 1984. Sumatra
C. Tampur Platform : Early Tertiary N-S trending Microplates, Their Characteristics and Their Roles in
extensional faults in this area were reactivated as right- The Evolution of The Central and South Sumatra
lateral wrench faults. This N-S wrenching is reflected Basins. Proceedings IPA 13th Annual Convention,
by the folds which, in general, trend N27"W similar 121-143.
to the synthetic fault trends in the Pase Sub-Basin.
However, the Early Tertiary synthetic faults are not Carey, S.W. 1975. Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia.
as prominent as in the Pase Sub-Basin. The northern Proceedings IPA 4th Annual Convention, 17-48.
portion of the Tampur Platform, the Malacca Shelf, Daly, M.C., Hooper, B.G.D. and Smith, D.G. 1987.
was relatively quiet during Tertiary. Tertiary Plate Tectonics and Basin Evolution in
Indonesia. Proceedings IPA 16th Annual Convention,
Davies, P.R. 1984. Tertiary Structural Evolution and
The SAR data has proved a useful aid in establishing Related Occurrences, North Sumatra Basin. Pro-
continuity of surface alignments which was a problem in ceedings IPA 13th Annual Convention, 19-49.
previous surface geological mapping. This enabled the Hamilton, W. 1979. Tectonics of The Indonesian Region.
development of a tectonic model of the North Sumatra U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1078.
Harding, T.P., Wilcox, R.E. and Seely, D.R., 1973.
The present day highs and lows in the project area were Basic Wrench Tectonics. Bulletin AAPG Vol. 57 (l),
caused by two major tetonic events: 1) Late Eocene right- 74-96.
lateral strike-slip movements along the N27" W Sumatran
Trend faults and 2) Late Oligocene extension which re- Harding, T.P. 1974. Petroleum Traps Associated with
arranged the strike-slip fault bounded blocks into highs Wrench Faults. Bulletin AAPG Vol. 58(7), 1290-
and lows (Fig. 16) 1304.
Although pot specifically discussed, the tectonic model Kamili, Z.A., Kingston, J., Achmad, Z., Wahab, A.,
developed in this paper combined with stratigraphy will Sosromihardjo, S. and Crausaz, C.U. 1976. Contri-
aid in delineating fairways for potential hydrocarbon bution to The Pre-Baong Stratigraphy of North
occurrences in the North Sumatra Basin. Wrench Sumatra, Indonesia. Proceedings IPA 5th Annual
movements are important for both trap formation and Convention, 91-108.
as conduits for hydrocarbon migration from the deep Lowell, J.D. 1985. Wrench Assemblage. Structural
mature source areas to reservoirs. Styles in Petroleum Exploration, 45-54.
96O30' 97OOO'

FIGURE 6 - Lineament Interpretation Map

\ - ,4",50

PERCENT 5.7 4.2 2.8 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.7

I N30E
S ?
u d
sw o
w 90 60 30 0 30 60

FIGURE 7 - Rose Diagram and Histogram for The Project Area


- ~~

FIGURE 8 - North Sumatra-Early Tertiary Ellipse (Based on Harding, 1973)



FIGURE 9 - North Sumatra-Late Tertiary Strain Ellipse (Based on Harding, 1973)

B +

FIGURE 10 - Asia-Pacific Paleocene-Eocene Tectonic Reconstruction (After Daly et al, 1987)

FIGURE 11 - North Sumatra-Late Eocene Reconstruction
1 h,

\ P T E R D A L Y E T A L 1987) 'p" 6 CY/YR

FIGURE 12 - North Sumatra-Oligocene Reconstruction



/ ' '27 ,"



. .
4" N

I 0
I I \

FIGURE 16 - North Sumatra-Tectonic Elements (Present Day)

2 09

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