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UNCA Athletics:

Etiquette Preparatory Program

Prepared for: UNCA Athletics
Prepared by: Jessica Resler
Date: November 15, 2017

Program Name: Etiquette Preparatory Program

Program Purpose: The purpose of this program is to provide a foundation for our student-

athletes prior to emerging them in a full etiquette program with a sit down

dinner during the spring semester. We hope to provide student-athletes the

foundations of modern-day etiquette to better prepare them for an

intensive evening program with outside stakeholders such as their mentors

and community partners.

Program Goals: 1. Students will gain an understanding of etiquette basics such as RSVPs,

appropriate dress, appropriate conversation, and use of technology.

2. Students will gain a sense of professional competence among numerous

settings (mentor dinner, etiquette banquets, everyday interactions).

3. Students will understand the importance of etiquette outside of the

court, field, pool deck etc.

Program Outcomes: 1. Students will become accustomed to modern etiquette practices through

hands-on learning experiences (fashion show, skits, etc.).

2. Students will be able to identify and carry out appropriate etiquette

practices in varying settings.

3. Students will be able to identify behaviors that are contextually

appropriate and inappropriate.

By holding the Etiquette Prep Program, students will start to understand the basics of

modern day etiquette practices. Student-athletes will have the chance to interact and learn from

campus and community partners, community mentors, respective student-athlete peers, and

athletic administration. It is pivotal that these athletes are able to navigate modern day etiquette
practices as they constantly have a spotlight on them during their time as a college athlete but

also as preparation for life after college. The overarching purpose of this event is to show

UNCAs commitment and investment in each of its athletes and to send a message to everyone in

their world that athletes do not fit into the continuously portrayed stereotypes of dumb jock.

Implementation: (Insert timeline)

Identification and invitation:

When we are a month and a half out from the event date (insert date), we must identify

community and campus partners who are able to facilitate a portion (15 minutes) of our one-hour

program. By the end of that week (insert date) we must send, invitations (Appendix A) to those

partners with a deadline for response of no later than one week after sending (insert date). By

the partner RSVP date (insert date) we need to send save the dates for (insert program date) to

coaches, student-athletes and SAAC with a mandatory RSVP of the following Friday (insert

date) (Appendix B). When we are two weeks out from the event (insert date), we must have the

community and campus partners materials in order to create a cohesive presentation that will

guide our evening. One week prior to the event (insert date), we will have all supplemental

handouts finalized and approved as guiding materials and takeaways for student-athletes post

event. Also, when we are one week out from the event (insert date), we must send an itinerary

(Appendix C) and parking pass to our partners with detailed instructions for the evening

(Appendix D).

Nametags will be printed the day of and brought with Rebecca to the registration table

that evening (Appendix F). Rebecca and others will be facilitating the registration process

starting 30 minutes prior (insert time) to the even until event start (insert time). All supplemental

materials will be printed that morning and will be laid out at each table for student-athletes as

guides and takeaways post event.

Location and food:

When we are one month out from the event date (insert date), we must book a location in

the student center that fits up to 100 individuals. We must also book food once we have student

athlete RSVPs on (insert date), (Aramark, chic-fil-a, or other).

Supplemental food (Chic-fil-A, water, etc.) will be picked up the afternoon/evening of

the event (insert program date). A final email should be sent to the participating athletes,

community and campus partners, along with athletic administration who plan on attending

(Appendix E).


In order to receive feedback on our efforts, a link to an anonymous online survey will be

distributed to each student via Google Survey. The list of recipients will be gathered from the

RSVP database we receive. This survey will gather information about whether the athletes felt as

though they learned something, what their favorite session was, and what they still need

assistance with prior to participating in the full etiquette program in the spring. This survey will

also prompt students opinions on the event itself and their personal experience. Students will be

asked a number of short answer questions about their experiences after the programs end. A

screenshot and link to the survey is available in Appendix G. We will also send out a formal

thank you to create a rapport among our athletes and facilitating partners (Appendix H).


Etiquette prep programs consist of many moving parts. This is a time when athletes can

become familiar and comfortable with etiquette processes they may be unfamiliar with. A lot of

front load work must be done to ensure a smooth evening of operation. By contacting the correct

parties beforehand, we will be able to move through the day with limited unexpected issues. This

event will require the work of a lot of individuals but it has the power to make or break
interactions student-athletes may have with their peers, coaches, mentors, instructors, and future


Important Dates and Times

1 months out:
Identify Community partners to facilitate 15 minute etiquette sessions
Attach invitations to an email describing our event and what we are seeking from
community and campus partners in terms of programming with

1 month out:
Community and campus partner RSVPs due
o Respond with an email regarding needing their materials to create cohesive
presentation and so that we can print hard copies and create packets for athletes
Send out save the dates to coaches, student-athletes and SAAC with a mandatory RSVP
of the Friday
Book location in the student center that holds at least 100 people

Two weeks out:

Community and Campus partner materials due
Book food by the end of the day to feed corresponding number of RSVPs

One week out:

Finalize all supplemental handouts for printing
Send out parking passes and itinerary to community partners

(Insert program date):

Send out final reminder to athletes and partners
Print names tags of participating student athletes and community/campus partners
Print registration sheets
Print and bind all student-athlete etiquette packets
Pick up food late-afternoon
Potential Facilitating Partners

Welcome and importance of the program: (Impact this can have on your future)
Rebecca Nelms

Dinner Etiquette (logistics of the meal): this should be short and sweet
Community Mentor?

Appropriate Dress: Student-athlete (pull from SAAC) fashion show dos and do nots
WCU Career Services (Carrie Hachadurian

Appropriate Conversation and use of technology:

UNCA Career Service (Chris Hegg

Closing: (Whats next logistics of spring etiquette program)

Rebecca Nelms
Working Timeline

Insert time: Bring all materials over to Highsmith student union and begin set-up for event
Should take place one hour before the event
Insert time: Pick up food
Should be picked up 30 minutes before event start (delegate this task to someone)
Insert time: Registration begins
Should last 30 minutes from registration beginning to end
Insert time: Registration ends
Should last 30 minutes from registration beginning to end
Insert time: Program starts (Welcome, introduction, program importance)
Led by Rebecca
Should last 5-10 minutes
Insert time: Dinner Etiquette Overview (Table manners, place settings, passing food, etc.)
Led by community partner
Should last 10-15 minutes
Insert time: Fashion Show (appropriate vs. inappropriate)
Led by community or campus partner
Should last 15 minutes
Insert time: Appropriate conversation and use of technology
Led by Chris Hegg with UNCA Career Services
Should last 15 minutes
Insert time: Closing remarks (whats next?)
Led by Rebecca
Should last 5-10 minutes
Appendix A: Initial email to be sent to community/campus partners

Good morning (Insert community partner name),

UNCA athletics wants to invite you to be a part of our first inaugural Etiquette Preparatory
Program. We have identified you as having the skills to facilitate a portion of our evening and we
think our student-athletes would truly benefit from your expertise in the area of (insert program
they would facilitate).

Our program will be held (insert program date) from (insert time) in the (insert location). Please
RSVP no later than (insert date) as we want to ensure you have plenty of preparation time. We
expect your portion of the program to last roughly 15-20 minutes and to cover a broad
understanding of (insert program topic).

Refreshments will be provided so please come with an appetite! If you have any questions at all
please feel free to contact me via email or by phone at (insert phone number).

UNCA Athletics and myself want to thank you in advance!

Rebecca Nelms

Appendix B: Initial email & invitation to be sent to athletes, SAAC, & coaches

Good morning (Insert coaches, athletes, or SAAC representatives),

UNCA athletics wants to invite you to be a part of our first inaugural Etiquette Preparatory
Program. The goal of this program is to prepare you all for our spring Etiquette dinner hosted
next semester.
The program will be held (insert program date) from (insert time) in the (insert location). Please
RSVP no later than (insert date) as it is crucial we know how many of you all will be attending.
We require that you dress business casual and bring a positive attitude!

Refreshments and food will be provided so please come

with an appetite! Etiquette Preparatory
If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact Program
me via email or by phone at (insert phone number). When: Dec em ber () f rom (t i m e) t o (t i m e)
Where: Loc at i on
Rebecca Nelms
Excitedly accept invitation

Regretfully Deny invitation

Appendix C: Prep program itinerary to be sent to

partners, coaches, & SAAC

Appendix D: Community partner parking passes and detailed email describing event


Good afternoon community and campus partners,

We are getting excited as the first annual UNCA Athletics Etiquette Preparatory program
approaches! Attached you will find a guest parking pass that you can use to park in front of the
Highsmith Student Union. You will also find an attached itinerary for the evening. We hope to
see you all for the entire program, however if you can only be with us during your part of
facilitations we completely understand.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all as we get closer to the event. UNCA
Athletics truly appreciates your commitment to providing our student-athletes with these critical

Rebecca Nelms

Appendix E: Final reminder email to be sent to athletes

Good morning,

We are excited to see you this evening at (insert time) in the Highsmith Student Union in room
(insert room number) for our first annual etiquette prep program. Please remember that
registration starts at (insert time) and the program will run from (insert time) to (insert time).

Remember to dress business casual and to leave your technology (cell phones) at home!

See you all this evening,

Rebecca Nelms
Appendix F: Name Tags

Appendix G: Survey
Appendix H: Thank you email to be sent to everyone

Good afternoon,

I want to express my deepest thanks to everyone who was involved and participated in our
first annual etiquette prep program. We hope you all had an enjoyable experience. UNCA
Athletics could not have put on this program without the continued support from our
community and campus partners.

We hope to see you all back in the (insert month) for our actual etiquette dinner. I will be in
touch with more information as we get closer to the programs date.

Rebecca Nelms

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