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Special Lecture (NB: FRIA)

Justice Japar B. Dimaampao
November 15, 2017 Powers of Rehabilitation Receivers:
Tip: Bulk Corpo, Nego, Insurance
W with approval of the court to sue and
Insider Trading recover properties
(LODI) E evaluate the existing assets and
L learns material information liabilities
O not generally open to the public R recommend the appointment of
D director management committee
I Insurer P prohibit the sale or transfer of property
Other manipulative trading devices: A accept and incorporate amendments

D Done - through transaction ( Rehabilitation restoration of the debtor to

a condition of a successful operation
O Over the counter transaction (outside
the stock trading)
M market jiggling/rigging (matching) (SPC)
recall wash sale transactions (not a dealer Sole Proprietorship
in securities) Partnership
S- Short sale transactions (no transfer of
beneficial ownership) Purpose:

AMLA R restore

Notable Predicate Crimes: E economically feasible status

M so creditors can claim more if it
P- Piracy on the high seas continues as a going concern
E extortion and robbery
T Terrorism Rehabilitation applies to SPC
M murder
A Arson Liquidation applies to IPC (individual,
L laws of other countries that penalize the partnership, corporation)
same offenses
U unlawful possession, manufacture, of Suspension of Payment applies to the
explosives and firearms individual

Nature of rehabilitation, liquidation, and

suspension of payments in rem;
summary; non-adversarial

Only affidavits are presented.

Only clarificatory hearings are conducted. Commencement Order it embodies the
so called stay or suspension order.
Other purposes:
(General Rule: All proceedings are
Equitable purpose to effectively suspended)
distribute the assets among creditors
Exceptions to the suspension order:
Rehabilitative purpose fresh start for the (SSS MB FC)
debtor corporation
S Supreme Court
__________ S subject to the discretion of the rehab
court (specialized court or quasi judi
Purposes of Liquidation: agency)
(CoPaDi) S surety, persons solidarily liable, party or
accommodation mortgagors, issuer of LoC
Co convert assets to cash
Pa pay creditors M claim of client of market securities
Di distribute surplus participant
B claim of license brokers
Purpose of Suspension of payments
to discharge the debtor F settlement of financial transactions
through the facilities of a clearing agency
Common attribute of rehabilitation, C (Panlilio case) criminal actions
liquidation, and suspension of payments
INSVOLVENCY When rehabilitation may be converted to
liquidation proceedings:
Expanded definition of insolvency: The (MR FB INN)
debtor has more assets than liabilities, yet
he foresees the impossibility of paying his M motion of the debtor
obligations R recommendation of the receiver that
the proceedings be converted
Equality is equity all creditors shall
stand on equal footing. F failure of rehabilitation
B bad faith on the part of the creditor or
Principle of pari passu (equal footing) debtor
no creditor is given an advantage or
preference. No one can be paid ahead of I insolvent debtor
others. N rehabilitatoin plan is not confirmed (1-
year period)
Q: In case rehabilitation fails, may a petition N no substantial likelihood that the debtor
for liquidation be filed? will be successfully rehabilitated.

A: YES. Three modes of rehabilitation:

Q: If the liquidation fails, can he file for
dissolution? Court supervised to seek court approval
(2/3; requirement 50%)
See: Viva Shipping vs. Keppel Pre-negotiation
Out of court rehabilitation agreement business resulting in prejudice to the
(OCRA) 67% (secured creditors) 75% corporation.
U Ultra vires act outside the express,
implied, or incidental powers
What are the requisites for the
Narra Nickel Mining Case control test; ratification of UVAs? (WARNS)
grandfather rule
W act must be wholly executed
60% Filipino ownership
A approved by all stockholders
Control Test atleast 60% of the ownership
is owned by Filipinos. This is the liberal test. R rights of third persons must not
You need not test the ownership further. be prejudiced

GFR it is strict. There is a need to trace N not illegal, immoral

the ownership. If the Filipino ownership is S State rights must not be involved
less than 60%, apply the GFR.
Trust Fund Doctrine capital assets of the
Apply the GFR in corporate layering. corp shall be regarded as equity in trust in
favor the creditors.
*Gamboa vs. Teves capital = voting
rights (common shares) What does it require? Since it
intends to protect creditors, it requires
NB: The full beneficial ownership of 60% of UREs. (Sec. 41 corp. can only acquire its
the OCS. own shares of stock if there are UREs; Sec.
43 before declaration of dividends; Sec.
Concepts and Principles: 82 Payment of fair value of shares to the
(LUMMP) dissenting stockholders) these all involve
disbursements of corporate funds.
L - liability of DOT (BAG) bad faith; if
they assent; gross negligence; (PILA) M merger
personal interest over the transaction; M moral damages
issuance of watered shares of stock; when
there is law holding them liable; agreement The corporation is not entitled to
moral damages, except in cases of libel or
A apparent authority (CBA) slander.
corporation is bound by a contract, entered
into by the director with apparent authority. P piercing the veil of corporate fiction

B business judgement rule (NAB) (DDFA CFI)

shall not be liable for acts, decisions,
made in the exercise of their business D defeat public convenience
judgments. D defend a crime
F protect fraud
C corporate opportunity self A alter ego
dealing director takes advantage of a
Control to commit fraud resulting in
injury (CFI)
Instances when AR may be exercised:
What requires majority vote of the
stockholders: M merger or consolidation
I investment
C grant of compensation
A adoption of by-laws S sale of all assets
M management contract (if the contract
does not involve interlocking directors, only A amendment in the AoI that
a majority vote) authorize restrictions or preferences.
F filling of vacancies in the Board
(stockholders or remaining members of the
Stockholders - (removal, expiration,
increase not constituting a quorum). C cause of action
R refusal of the Board
Board - (death, incapacity, I the refusal results in injury
abandonment, legal disqualification) E exhaustion of intracorporate remedies,
except if the directors control the
E election of directors corporation
S stockholder on record must file the suit
N fixing of value of no-par value (one stockholder) will suffice

A amendment or repeal of by-laws

NB: Liabilities and properties may be
transferred in cases of mergers or
Preemptive Right vs. Appraisal Right consolidations.

Preemptive Right increase in ACS,

subsequent issuance; disposition of Close Corporations (Going Private
treasury shares of stock. Corporation)
Instances when PR may be denied:
(EPAL) P preemptive right shall extend to all
stocks to be issues, and can only be
E in exchange of property needed restricted through the AoI (S102)
for corporate business
A AoI may provide that stockholders may
P in payment of previously manage the corporation
contracted debt
S shares are held by not more than 20
A denied by the AoI persons

L law S shares of stock not listed through the

local stock exchange
Appraisal Right the right to dissent and
demand the fair value of the shares. It is also called a de facto partnership with
a corporate shell
corporate shell corporate structure

CORPORATE DISSOLUTION S - Samsung Construction vs. Far East

Bank - re: forgery - the one who forged the
Modes: Voluntary and Involuntary check was an EE of the bank.

Voluntary - file for extension; shorten the The general rule is that the DWEE bank is
corporate term liable on a forged check because the
DWEE bank has the specific signatures,
Involuntary: unless the DWR is negligent.
In this case, the DWEE is liable as there
L - legislative dissolution was no showing of Samsungs negligence.

I - illegal act SC: ERs (Samsung) do not possess the gift

of cognition as to the evil that work in the
F - failure to organize; inoperation hearts and minds of the EE.
E - expiration of corporate term

H HSBC vs. CIR - re: electronic

Acts constituting doing of business messages - these are not negotiable
(ABCD) instruments.

A - actual performance of specific

commercial acts or transactions A - Ariza vs. Express Savings Bank the
(Mere importations or exportations will not 24-hr clearing period does not apply to
suffice. There must be ACTUAL materially altered checks.
transactions involved.)

R PNB vs. Rodriguez - fictitious payee

B - business test - it must have the intention rule - who will bear the loss? The DWR or
to continue its business here DWEE?

Generally, the DWR bears the loss.

C - contract test - contracts must be By way of an exception, the DWEE is liable

perfected here in the PH if it is guilty of commercial fraud.

D - continuity of commercial dealings and P - ________ S14 - incomplete, delivered

arrangements instruments - knowledge of defect does not
make one a HDIC

Frequently Asked Questions in the Bar


Sec. 2 - NB: maturity date; amount

Sec. 3 - reimburse out of my account - the S47 rel. to S36 - the indorsement that may
instrument is still negotiable. restrict further indorsement

That particular fund or account is just a

source of reimbursement. Not a primary
source of payment. Sec. 52 HOLDER IN DUE COURSE

Sec. 4 (C) - after - it must be certain to (8 requisites)

happen 1. Holder of a complete instrument
Sec. 5 (D) - or (alternative obligation) it 2. Regular on its face
is not negotiable because it gives the holder
the right to elect, or he is given an option. 3. Became the holder before it became

4. No notice of previous or prior dishonor

Order Instrument (OI) vs. Bearer
Instrument (BI) 5. Good faith

Order Instrument - words of negotiability 6. For value

are or order, to the order of.
7. No notice of defective title
May be converted to a BI (Sec 9e), when
8. No notice of any infirmity
the only or last indorsement is in blank.

Bearer Instrument
Payee may be a HIDC
Acceptor can never be a HIDC.

Rights of a HIDC (S51, S57)
A bearer instrument is always a bearer Sue
instrument even if it is specially indorsed.
Sec. 40
Enforce payment of the full amount
Q: Promissory note payable to Bearer BR
Hold the instrument free from personal
specifically indorsed it to A
Can A negotiate it to B by delivery?

A: YES. A bearer instrument is always a

Only a HIDC can exercise these rights.
bearer instrument, even if it is specially
Except S58 (the Shelter Rule)
The holder in S58 is a HIDC by
In case the instrument was not originally
payable to bearer, not apply the above

The effects of crossing a check: Failure of consideration

Insertion of wrong date

W - serves as a warning to the holder that Defective title

the check has been issued for a definite
Incomplete, delivered (S14)
Lack of delivery (S16)

Absence of consideration
O - it may ne negotiated only ONCE to a
person with an account in the bank.

REAL (can be interposed against the whole

N - not for encashment, but for deposit.

Forged signature
Q: Is a holder of a CC, considered a HIDC?
Incomplete AND undelivered
A: Inquiry must be made into the title of the
indorser of the check. Failure to make an Lack of authority on the part of an agent
inquiry amounts to bad faith, and therefore
negates being a HIDC. Insanity

Alteration (must be material)

If the check is an ordinary check, the Minority

above case will not apply. In this case, the
holder will be presumed to be a HIDC.
Inquiry is not necessary. Q: DWR signature was forged. The forger
deposited the check with collecting bank,
and there was encashment
Discuss the liabilites of the CB and the
Primary - maker of a PN; DWEE DWEE.

Secondary - DWR; indorser A: The DWEE bank is liable. The CB does

not warrant the genuineness of the
Accommodation Party - liable as surety, signture. The DWEE must know the
therefore, it insures the payment of an signature of its depositors.

A DWEE becomes liable upon acceptance.

Q: The payees signature was forged. The
forger deposited the check with the
collecting bank, and there was encashment.
Discuss the liabilities.
PERSONAL (it cannot be interposed
against a HIDC) A: The CB is liable. When the CB cleared it,
it became an indorser (S66). It warrants the
genuineness of the instrument. When it
clears a check, the CB warrants that all IED; no notice to the IED of the payment;
prior indorsements are genuine. excepted risk)

M - Heirs of Maramag vs Maramag

Likewise, if the check is materially altered, The claimant is an illegitimate child.

liability falls on the CB. As its indorser, it
SC: IC qualifies as a beneficiary.
warrants the genuineness of the instrument.
An IC is entitled to such proceeds. The
Code applies. (S53)

Sec. 48 - Sunlife of Canada vs. Sibya
As IER, the company can assail the policy, premiums, claim the funds
provided the IED is still alive.
Exceptions (ALICE) - S77
NB: During the lifetime.

Life insurance
Here, the IED did not disclose her kidney
Industrial life
problems, and died 3 days thereafter.
Credit extension of not more than 90d

SC: There is fraud. But the IER cannot
assail the policy because it must be made
during the lifetime of the IED.
Insurable Interest
(Sir has a slightly different opinion about
this, but this is the rule we follow) Insurable interest in life - must exist at the
time of effectivity of the life insurance.

Insurance Business (IB)

Insurable interest in property - must exist at
If it principally renders service, it is not the time of effectivity and when the loss
engaged in an IB. occurs.

Cases: (ALM) NB: NEW PROVISIONS S11 and S12

A Fortune Medicare vs. Amorin health

care agreements, like insurance contracts,
must be liberally construed in favor of the BENEFICIARIES
subscriber, and against the provider. GR: designation - revocable
L - Loadstar Shipping vs. Malayan - the rule If the IED dies without changing the
on subrogation under Art 2207 of NCC designation, it becomes irrevocable.
applies. (Exceptions to the rule of
subrogation - life insurance; omission of the
Q: If the IED was willfully killed by the BEN, O - other insurance clause
who shall be entitled to the proceeds?
N - no fault clause
A: (OPE or POE)
A - authorized drivers clause
O - other BEN
A - all-risk clause
P - based on the policy

E - estate

Ordinary negligence is an insurable risk.

MATERIALITY (S31) This is impliedly included.

Not determined by the event. It is Q: What is considered as an implied

determined from the probable and excluded risk?
reasonable influence of the facts upon
whom the communication is made. A: Gross negligence

Double Insurance vs. Reinsurance SUICIDE CLAUSE (S183)

DI - different IERS, same risk insured, GR: If there is a SC, in all cases, there must
same IED be recovery.

REI - IER becomes the reinsured Exceptions:

No insurance clause

S126 - proper deviation

S141 - constructive loss


Proper deviation (SWAN)
P - powers of the BSP (exercised through
S - to save human lives or a vessel in the MB. It has the power to appt a
distress conservator (1 year) or a receiver (90
W - comply with warranty

A - avoid peril
L - legal relationship (debtor-creditor) -
N - neither the master or owner has control safety deposit box (bailor-bailee)
over such deviation

Constructive Loss
A - apparent authority
More than 3/4 of the value has been lost
C - close now, hear later scheme (applies in
There has to be an abandonment that is receivership) - cannot be interfered with by
unconditional. courts, unless there is grave abuse
(ONAA) A - account (DOSRI)
R - redemption Instances when the common carrier is not
D - deposit substitutes
BDO vs. RP - public - borrowing of funds
from 20 or more individual or corporate P - public enemy
O - act of the owner
D - highest degree of diligence
N - natural calamity

D - defect in the packing

O - order of competent authority

B - bribery
Extraordinary Diligence; when observed.
A - anti graft
Beginning: reasonable opportunity to
L - subject of litigation board

I - impeachment End: reasonable opportunity to alight.

W - written waiver

A - AMLA cases Three-fold function of a Bill of Lading

(Hijacking; Kidnapping; Murder; Arson; (PRC)

P - proof
G - gross estate
R - receipt

C - contract
R reporting requirements imposed on
covered institutions as to the suspicious
accounts Affreightment Chartered Party - still a
common carrier. The owner has not
T Ten (10) years dormant
surrendered the management and control.
C - compromise in tax cases

AMLA Requirements of Maritime Protest

Note: (CoMA-24)
Freeze Orders Collision
Covered transactions (amount - more than Must be moving
Competent authority
Suspicious transactions (no justification, no
corresponding client) Competent authority

Determination of liability of common I - independence principle (seller is assured
carriers of payment; banks deal only with the
documents; banks are under no duty to
Limited liability the liability of the owner of ascertain the condition or quality of the
the vessel is co-extensive with the value of goods)
the vessel, equipment, and freight (except
workmens compensation claims, insured F - fraud exception principle fraud as an
vessel, negligence, death, repairs, and exception to the independence principle
S - strict compliance rule compliance with
documentary requirements

Inscrutable fault negligence or fault TRUST RECEIPTS

cannot be determined with certainty

S - obligation to sell the goods (do not apply

Error in extremis (NB: zones of collision) the principle of nemo dat quod non habet
begins; becomes a practical certainty; here)
actual impact (BPI)
H - hold the goods for and in behalf

I - insured (exemption from the application

COGSA (Claims) of res perit domino)
C - cause of action (loss of goods or P - proceeds
destruction of goods. Conversions or
misdeliveries are not covered) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW

O - file within 1 year from the delivery or TESTS OF REPUTABILITY (AM No. 10-3-
from the date it should have been delivered 10) Whether a mark is well-known.

G - must pertain to goods from a foreign C - commercial value

country R - registration

I - image
S - filed by the shipper or consignee T - trade share

E - extent of the use

A - against the shipper R - record of successful protection

(Notice of loss is necessary only in coast- I - inherent distinction of the mark

wise shipping)
A - geographical area


TESTS OF RELATEDNESS E - doctrine of equivalence (AIMM -
(CCP-BANK) appropriation of a prior invention; through
the incorporation of innovative mark;
through the same means and functions)
C - class of products to which the goods
belong D Dilution theory trademarks are
infringed in cases where it is confusingly
C - channel of market similar with other marks, it causes damage,
P - purpose and it misleads the public.

B - business SRC

A - attributes (SEC vs Prosperity.Com, Corp, 2012)

N - nature of the goods Provides for the Howey Test in determining

whether a particular transaction is an
K - kind or quality investment contract
(Taiwan Kolin Corporation vs. Kolin (COMES)
Electronics, 2015)
C - common enterprise

O - others efforts as source of profits

Infringement - unauthorized use; similarity
of goods; fraud not necessary; registration M - investment of money
E - expectation of profits

S - based on scheme
Unfair competition - passing off of ones
goods as his own; intent to defraud; may
involve different kinds of goods; registration TENDER OFFER RULE
no required
Intent to acquire shares in a public
Pre-disclosure doctrine - once you
disclose, the matter becomes accessible
and open to all. Exempt Securities and Exempt
Holistic Test - entirety
Dominance Test - prevalent features

G - those issued by the government
F - fair use principle

News items are not copyrightable, but once

it is captured, it becomes copyrightable. R - issued by receiver in insolvency

Generally, there are no copyrights involved A - issued by any country with which we
in comments, criticisms, and news reports. have diplomatic relations

B - bank securities

U - unpaid subscription

B - brokers transaction

E - exchange of securities with other

securities without consideration

R - right of conversion has been exercised

in the exchange of securities

(Ang driver ng Grab at Uber ay si LEO)

L - sale to less than 20 persons within a 12

month period

E executor at a judicial sale

O - other transactions declared exempt.

(Leo has to secure a loan with BPI to buy

more cars for Grab and Uber)

B - bank transactions

P - Shares issued prior to incorporation

I - isolated transactions


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