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114 - Treason Reclusion Perpetua to death and a fine (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
not to exceed P100,000 for life
Conspiracy to commit PM and a fine not exceeding P10,000 1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
Proposal to commit treason PC and a fine not exceeding P5,000 (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Misprision of Treason Accessory to the crime of treason
Espionage PC Penalty next higher in degree shall (1) Suspension from public
be imposed if the offender be a public office (2) Suspension from
officer or employee. profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Inciting to war or giving RT if public officer or employee (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
motives of reprisals PM if private individual for duration of sentence or (1)
TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
Violation of neutrality PC (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Correspondence with hostile a. PC a.(1) Suspension from public
country office (2) Suspension from
a. Prohibited by the profession or calling (3) PSD of
government suffrage, if the duration of
b. Carried in ciphers or imprisonment exceeds 18
conventional signs mos.
c. Containing notice or b. PM b.(1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
information which might be c. RT if info may be useful to enemy c. (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
useful to the enemy RT to death if intention was to aid for duration of sentence
the enemy
Flight to Enemys Country Arresto Mayor (1) Suspension of right to hold
office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
Piracy in general and mutiny RP (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
in the high seas and Same penalty shall be inflicted in case for life
Philippine waters of mutiny on the high seas or in
Philippine waters
Qualified Piracy Special complex crime punishable by RP (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
to Death regardless of number for life
of victims
Arbitrary Detention Not exceeded 3days A Mayor in (1) Suspension of right to hold
maximum to PC in minimum office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
More than 3 less than 15 days PC in (1) Suspension from public
medium and maximum office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
More than 15 not more than 6months (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
Exceeded 6 mos. RT (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
for duration of sentence
Not exceeded 3days A Mayor in (1) Suspension of right to hold
maximum to PC in minimum office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
More than 3 less than 15 days PC in (1) Suspension from public
medium and maximum office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
More than 15 not more than 6months (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
Exceeded 6 mos. RT (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
for duration of sentence
Not exceeded 3 days A Mayor in (1) Suspension of right to hold
maximum to PC in minimum office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
Delay in the delivery of More than 3 less than 15 days PC in (1) Suspension from public
detained persons to proper medium and maximum office (2) Suspension from
judicial authorities profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
Within 12 hours for light imprisonment exceeds 18
penalties mos.
Within 18 hours for More than 15 not more than 6months (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
corrective penalties PM
Within 36 hours for Exceeded 6 mos. RT (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
afflictive or capital for duration of sentence
penalties PC (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Delaying Release PC in minimum (1) Suspension from public
PC in medium and maximum if with office (2) Suspension from
Qualifying circumstances of nighttime, profession or calling (3) PSD of
or if any papers or effects not suffrage, if the duration of
constituting evidence of a crime be not imprisonment exceeds 18
returned immediately mos.
Liability attaching to Offender for (1) Suspension of right to hold
commission of any other offense office (2) Suspension of the
(perjury)and; right of suffrage
A Mayor in maximum to PC in
minimum and fine not exceeding
A Mayor in medium and maximum (1) Suspension of right to hold
office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
PC in minimum (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Expulsion PC in minimum (1) Suspension from public
PC in Medium and maximum if office (2) Suspension from
committed with violence or threat profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Violation of Domicile A Mayor in maximum to PC in (1) Suspension from public
minimum office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
Search Warrants Maliciously RP person who promotes, maintains (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
Obtained and Abuse in or heads rebellion or insurrection RT for duration of sentence
Service of Those Legally person merely participating or
Obtained executing commands of others
130SearchingDomicileWitho RT in maximum person in government (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
utWitnesses service who participates, or executes for duration of sentence
directions or commands of others in
undertaking a coup detat PM in
maximum person not in government
service who participates, or in any
manner supports, finances, abets or
aids in undertaking a coup detat
131Prohibition,Interruption, PM in minimum and fine not to exceed (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
andDissolution of P8,000
132 Interruption of Religious PC in maximum and fine not to exceed (1) Suspension from public
Worship P5,000 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
133Offending PC in mediumand fine not toexceed (1) Suspension from public
theReligiousFeelings P2,000 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
134Rebellion orInsurrection PC in minimum (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
134-ACoup detat PM in minimum (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage

136 Conspiracy and proposal PM in minimumand a fine (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
to commit Coup detat notexceedingP10,000 forthe leader
of seditionPC in maximumand a fine
notexceedingP5,000 forother
136 Conspiracy and proposal PC in mediumand fine not toexceed (1) Suspension from public
to commit Rebellion or P2,000 office (2) Suspension from
Insurrection profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
136 Proposal to commit PC in maximumand fine not toexceed (1) Suspension from public
rebellion or insurrection P2,000 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
137Disloyalty PC or a fineranging fromP200 to (1) Suspension from public
of PublicOfficers P2,000or both office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
138Inciting toRebellion A Mayor or a fineof P200 toP1,000 (1) Suspension of right to hold
office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
139Sedition PM (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage or
(1) Suspension from public
PC office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
141Conspiracy PC in maximumto PM in medium for (1) Suspension from public
toCommitSedition organizersor leaders of anymeeting office (2) Suspension from
underthis article profession or calling (3) PSD of
A Mayor unarmed personsmerely suffrage, if the duration of
present imprisonment exceeds 18
PC armedpersons merelypresent mos.
142Inciting toSedition PC in minimumand medium anda fine (1) Suspension from public
notexceedingP1,000 office (2) Suspension from
founders,directors, andpresidentsA profession or calling (3) PSD of
Mayor meremembers of suffrage, if the duration of
saidassociation imprisonment exceeds 18
143Acts Tendingto PC in mediumand maximumperiods (1) Suspension from public
Preventthe Meetingof and afine notexceedingP1,000 office (2) Suspension from
Congress whenthe assault iscommitted with a profession or calling (3) PSD of
weapon when is the public offiver suffrage, if the duration of
when public officer anf employee imprisonment exceeds 18
144Disturbanceof Proceedin PC in minimumand mediumperiods and (1) Suspension from public
gsof Congressand afine notexceeding P500 office (2) Suspension from
SimilarBodies profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
145Violation A Mayor or a fineranging fromP200 to (1) Suspension of right to hold
of Parliamentary Immunity P1,000 any person whohaving office (2) Suspension of the
First Form beensummonedSame penalty any right of suffrage
1.The offender (any person whoshall inducedisobedience to
person) uses force, asummons orrefusal to besworn by
intimidation, threatsor anysuch body
fraud.2.The purpose of
the offender is to
prevent any member
of Congress
from:a.Attending the
meetings of Congress or
any of itscommittees, etc.;
orb . E x p r e s s i n g h i s
orc . C a s t i n g h i s
Second Form
1.Offender is a public
officer or employee2.He
arrests or searches any
member of
Congress3.Congress, at
the time of arrest or
search, is in regular
orspecial session4.The
member arrested or
searched has not
committed acrime
punishable under the Code
by a penalty higher
thanprision mayor

146 Illegal Assemblies A Mayor and afine notexceeding P500 (1) Suspension of right to hold
any personshall resist orseriously office (2) Suspension of the
disobeyany person inauthorityA Menor right of suffrage
or a fineranging from P10to P100
disobedience toan agent of aperson
inauthority is notof a serious nature

147IllegalAssociations A Mayor inmedium to PC inminimum (1) Suspension of right to hold

and afine notexceedingP1,000Penalty office (2) Suspension of the
nexthigher in Degree person right of suffrage
causingany disturbanceor interruption
of a tumultuouscharacterA Mayor
person who shallmake any
outcrytending to inciterebellion
orseditionA Menor and afine not
toexceed P200 bury with pompthe
body of aperson legallyexecuted
148DirectAssaults A mayor and a fine ranging from 200 - (1) Suspension of right to hold
1000 office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
149IndirectAssaults PC in minimumand mediumperiods and (1) Suspension from public
afine notexceeding P500 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
150Disobedienceto A Mayor or a fineranging fromP200 to (1) Suspension of right to hold
SummonsIssued byCongress, P1,000 any person whohaving office (2) Suspension of the
itsCommittees,etc beensummonedSame penalty any right of suffrage
person whoshall inducedisobedience to
asummons orrefusal to besworn by
anysuch body
151ResistanceandDisobedie A Mayor and afine notexceeding P500 (1) Suspension of right to hold
nceto a Person inAuthority any personshall resist orseriously office (2) Suspension of the
orAgents of Such Person disobeyany person inauthorityA Menor right of suffrage
or a fineranging from P10to P100
disobedience toan agent of aperson
inauthority is notof a serious nature
153Tumults A Mayor inmedium to PC inminimum (1) Suspension of right to hold
andOtherDisturbancesof and afine notexceedingP1,000Penalty office (2) Suspension of the
PublicOrder nexthigher in Degree person right of suffrage
causingany disturbanceor interruption
of a tumultuouscharacterA Mayor
person who shallmake any
outcrytending to inciterebellion
orseditionA Menor and afine not
toexceed P200 bury with pompthe
body of aperson legallyexecuted
154 Unlawful Useof Means A mayor and a fine ranging from 200 - (1) Suspension of right to hold
of Publicationand 1000 office (2) Suspension of the
UnlawfulUtterances right of suffrage
155Alarms andScandals A Menor or a finenot exceedingP200 Suspension of right to hold
office and right of suffrage
156DeliveringPrisonersfrom A Mayor in maximum to PC in (1) Suspension of right to hold
Jail minimum any person whoshall office (2) Suspension of the
removefrom any jail anyperson right of suffrage
confinedtherein or shall help escape
of such person bymeans
of violence,intimidation orbriberySame
Penaltiesin Minimum if escape
shouldtake placeoutside of
saidestablishment bytaking guards
157Evasion of Service PC in mediumand maximum escape (1) Suspension from public
of Sentence duringterm of imprisonmentPC in office (2) Suspension from
maximum if it shall takewith any of profession or calling (3) PSD of
thequalifyingcircumstancesenumerated suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
158Evasion onOccasion Increase of 1/5of time stillremaining to
of Disorders beserved under theoriginalsentence,
whichin no case shallexceed
sixmonthsDeductionprovided inArticle
98 if convict shall givehimself up
within48 hours
159Violation PC in minimumperiod if penalty (1) Suspension from public
of ConditionalPardon remitteddoes not exceed6 office (2) Suspension from
yearsUnexpiredPortion profession or calling (3) PSD of
of OriginalSentence if penalty suffrage, if the duration of
remittedis higher than 6years imprisonment exceeds 18
246Parricide RP to Death (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
for life
247Death Note:This article doesnot define
orPhysicalInjuriesInflictedUn andpenalize apenaltyDestierro
derExceptionalCircum- if accused killed orinflicted
stances seriousphysical injurieson spouse
orother personExempt
frompunishment if inflicted
physicalinjuries of anykind
248Murder RP to Death (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
for life
249Homicide RT (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
for duration of sentence
251Death PM in case of death of victim,though (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
CausedinTumultuousAffray it cannotbe ascertainedwho killed him,
if person whoinflicted seriousphysical
injuriescan be identifiedPC in
mediumand maximum all those
whoused violenceupon victim
252PhysicalInjuriesCaused 1st paragraph Penalty nextlower in (1) Suspension of right to hold
inTumultuousAffray degreethan thatprovided for office (2) Suspension of the
thephysical injuriesso inflicted2 right of suffrage
Paragraph A Mayor from 5to 15 days

253GivingAssistance PM any personwho shall (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage

toSuicide assistanother tocommit suicideRT
lendingassistance to theextent of
doingthe killinghimself A Mayor
mediumand maximum if suicide is
254Discharge of Firearms PC minimum andmedium (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
255Infanticide RP (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
PM medium and maximum for life or (1) TAD (2) PSD of
if committed bythe mother of child suffrage or (1) Suspension of
forpurposes of concealingdishonorRT right to hold office (2)
if crimecommitted forsame purpose Suspension of the right of
bymaternalgrandparents oreither of suffrage
256IntentionalAbortion RT if he shalluse any violenceupon (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
the personof the pregnantwomanPM for duration of sentence
if, withoutusing violence,he shall
actwithout theconsent of the woman
PC medium andmaximum if woman
shallhave consented
257UnintentionalAbortion PC minimum andmedium (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
258AbortionPracticed bythe PC medium andmaximum woman (1) Suspension from public
WomanHerself or byher whopracticesabortion onherself; office (2) Suspension from
Parents parentsof woman oreither of them profession or calling (3) PSD of
toconceal dishonorPC minimum suffrage, if the duration of
andmedium anywoman who doesit to imprisonment exceeds 18
concealdishonor mos.
259AbortionPracticed bya Penalties provided for in Article 256 in Suspension of right to hold
Physician maximum period who takes office and right of suffrage
advantage of scientific knowledge or
A Mayor and a fine
notexceedingP1,000 pharmacist
260Duel RT if he shouldkill his (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
adversaryPenalty for duration of sentence
providedtherefore,according totheir
nature incase of physicalinjuriesA Or
Mayor combatants,although (1) Suspension of right to hold
nophysical injurieshave beeninflicted office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
262Mutilation RT to RP essential organfor (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
reproductionPM medium andmaximum for duration of sentence
other mutilation
263SeriousPhysicalInjuries PM under no. 1PC medium (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
andmaximum under no. 2PC minimum
andmedium underno. 3A
Mayormaximum to PCminimum under
no. 4
264Adminis- PM under no. 1PC medium (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
teringInjuriousSubstancesor andmaximum under no. 2PC minimum
Beverages andmedium underno. 3A
Mayormaximum to PCminimum under
no. 4
265Less Fine notexceeding P500in addition to (1) Suspension of right to hold
SeriousPhysicalInjuries AMayor 2 office (2) Suspension of the
nd right of suffrage
paragraph PC in minimumand medium
paragraph 3
266SlightPhysicalInjuries A Menor par 1A Menor or finenot Suspension of right to hold
andMaltreat-ment exceedingP200 par 2A office and right of suffrage
Menorminimum or finenot
exceedingP50 - par 3
266-ARape266-BPenalties Rape committedunder any of the4 (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
Circumstances:a.Par. 1 RPb.Par. 2 for life
PMRape committedwith use of deadly
weaponor by 2 or morepersons:a.Par. 1
RPto deathb.Par. 2 PMto RTRape
wherevictim becomesinsane:a.Par. 1
RPto deathb.Par. 2 RTAttempted
Rapeand Homicide:a.Par. 1 RPto
deathb.Par. 2 RT toRPRape
withHomicide:a.Par. 1 deathb.Par. 2
withAggravatingCircumstances:a.Par. 1
deathb.Par. 2 - RT
267Kidnappingand RP to Death any of the (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
SeriousIllegalDetention 4circumstancesDeath purposeof for life
extortingransomMaximumpenalty if
victim is killed ordies, or raped
orsubject totorture
268Slight IllegalDetention RT offenderand person whofurnished (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
placefor perpetrationof crimePM for duration of sentence
minimum andmedium and afine
notexceeding P700 voluntaryrelease
269UnlawfulArrest A Mayor and afine noteexceeding P500 (1) Suspension of right to hold
office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
270Kidnappingand Failure to RPA Mayor or a finenot exceeding P300 (1) Suspension of right to hold
Return aMinor or both when the crimeis committed office (2) Suspension of the
byfather or mother right of suffrage
271Inducing aMinor PC and a fine notexceeding P700 (1) Suspension from public
toAbandon HisHome offender is anypersonA Mayor or a office (2) Suspension from
finenot exceedingP300, or both profession or calling (3) PSD of
offender isparent suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
272Slavery PM and a fine (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
Period if purpose is toassign
toimmoral traffic
273Exploitationof Child PC minimum andmedium and afine (1) Suspension from public
Labor notexceeding P500 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
274ServicesRenderedUnder A Mayor maximum to PC minimum (1) Suspension of right to hold
Compulsionin Payment office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
275Abandonment of A Mayor (1) Suspension of right to hold
Personsin office (2) Suspension of the
DangerandAbandonment of right of suffrage
OnesOwn Victim
276Abando-ninga Minor A Mayor and afine notexceeding (1) Suspension from public
P500PC medium andmaximum results office (2) Suspension from
in deathof minorPC minimum profession or calling (3) PSD of
andmedium endanger life of minor suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
277Abandon-ment of Minor A Mayor and afine notexceeding P500 (1) Suspension of right to hold
byPersonEntrustedwith office (2) Suspension of the
HisCustody;Indifferenceof right of suffrage
278Exploitationof Minors PC in minimumand medium anda fine (1) Suspension from public
notexceeding P500Maximum period if office (2) Suspension from
delivery shallhave been madein profession or calling (3) PSD of
considerationof any suffrage, if the duration of
price,compensation, orpromise imprisonment exceeds 18
280QualifiedTrespass A Mayor and finenote (1) Suspension from public
toDwelling exceedingP1,000PC medium office (2) Suspension from
andmaximum andfine profession or calling (3) PSD of
notexceedingP1,000 committed suffrage, if the duration of
bymeans of violence imprisonment exceeds 18
281Other Formsof Trespass A Menor or a finenot exceedingP200, Suspension of right to hold
or both office and right of suffrage
282GraveThreats Penalty nextlower in degreethan
thatprescribed bylaw for the crimehe
threatened tocommitPenalty lower by2
degrees if offender did notattain
hispurposeMaximum Period if threat
inwriting or thru amiddlemanA Mayor
and afine not exceeding P500 if no
283Light Threats A Mayor (1) Suspension of right to hold
office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
285Other Light Threats A Menor minimum or afine
notexceeding P200
288Other Similar coercions A Mayor or a fine ranging from 200- (1) Suspension of right to hold
*500 office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
291RevealingSecrets with A Mayor and fine not exceedingP500 (1) Suspension of right to hold
Abuse of Office office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
292Revelation of Industrial PC minimum and medium and a fine (1) Suspension from public
Secrets not exceeding P500 office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
294Robbery with Violence RP to death paragraph 1 (no.1 and (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
Against or Intimidation of 2)RT medium to RP paragraph 2(no. for life
Persons 3)RT paragraph 3(no. 4)PM maximum
to RT medium paragraph 4 (no.5 and
6)PC maximum to PM medium
paragraph 5 (no.7)
295Robbery with Physical Maximum period of proper penalties
Injuries, committed
Uninhabited Place and by a
band, or use of Firearm
296Definition of a Band and Maximum period of corresponding
Penalty Incurred penalty provided by law, without
prejudice to criminal liability for illegal
possession of such unlicensed firearms
297AttemptedandFrustrated RT maximum to RP, unless homicide (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
RobberyCommittedUnder committed shall deserve a higher for duration of sentence
Certain Circumstances penalty under the RPC

338SimpleSeduction A Mayor (1) Suspension of right to hold

office (2) Suspension of the
right of suffrage
339Acts of Lasciviousness A Mayor (1) Suspension of right to hold
with Consent of Offended office (2) Suspension of the
Party right of suffrage

340Corruption of Minors PM to satisfy lust of another in (1) TAD (2) PSD of suffrage
addition, TAD public officer or
341White Slave Trade PC medium and maximum (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18
342Forcible RT (1) PAD (2) Civil interdiction
abduction for duration of sentence
343Consented Abduction PC minimum and medium (1) Suspension from public
office (2) Suspension from
profession or calling (3) PSD of
suffrage, if the duration of
imprisonment exceeds 18

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