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Narrator : (Once upon a time, in the town of Persia, a mother living with her son called
Aladdin. One day a woman came close to playing Aladdin. Then she admitted Aladdin as his
nephew. She took Aladdin out of town with Aladdin's mother's permission to help. road traveled
so far. Aladin complained to his aunt's tired but she instead shouted at and told to look for
firewood, or we'll be Aladdin kills. Aladin finally realized that she was not his aunt, but a magician)

Witch : "abrakadabra cayaaa oo cayaa.." Kraak " (the land suddenly becomes hollow like a


Witch : "Let's get into! Get me an antique kettle in the cave",

Aladdin : "No, I'm afraid to get down to it"

Narrator : (witch then pulled out a ring and gave it to Aladdin.)

Witch : "This is a magic ring, this ring will protect you"

Narrator : (Finally Aladdin get into the cave with fear. Once inside he
found fruit trees gem. After the fruit gems and lights are brought there, he soon moved out of the
cave. But, the sand had covered most of the hole.)

Witch : "Quick give the kettle!"

Aladdin : "No, I will give it after I come out"
Witch : "aladin come on, give me the kettle! I would later spend on you after you give it !"
Aladdin : "no, Im not going to give it before I was out of this cave!"

Narrator : (After the debate, the magician became impatient and finally "Brak!" Opening the
door was closed by the magician and Aladdin left trapped in the cave. Aladin becomes sad, and sat
lost in thought.)

Aladdin : "I'm hungry, I want to meet mother, Lord, help me!", (As he pressed his hands and
rubbed his fingers.)

Narrator : (Suddenly, around a red and billowing smoke. Along with that came a fairy. Aladdin
was so scared.)

Fairy ring : "Forgive me, having been surprised, master, I was a fairy ring"
Aladdin : "Oh, then can you take me to come home."
Fairy rings : "Okay my Master, close your eyes, we'll get out of here.

Narrator : (In a short time, Aladdin had reached the front of his house.)
Fairy ring : "If you want to call me, you can rub the magic ring."

Narrator : (Aladin tell all the things in the natural to the mother).

Mother : "Why did the witch wanted the kettles which so dirty?" (Rubbing the kettle to clean

Narrator : (Suddenly a lot of smoke and lights up a genie).

Genie : "List the command Master",

Mother : "who are you?"
Genie : "I was a fairy magic kettle "
Mother : "Oh, then please prepare food for us we are hungry".
Genie : "okay".

Narrator : (In a short time fairy lights bring a delicious, delicious food and then serve.)

Genie : "If anyone wants more, just call me to rub the kettle".

Narrator : (So the day, month, year go by, Aladin living happily with his mother. Aladin has
now become a young man. One day a princess passing in front of his house. He was stunned and
fell in love with the Beautiful Princess. Aladdin and his desire to her mother to marry a princess.)

Alladin : "Mom, last time i was sitting outside, I see girls who look so enchanting. Does mom

know who that was passing in front of our house? Aladin seems like it "

Mother : "ohm, yes mother had a chance to see you, son. it is his daughter the king, Aladin. If

you like mother will help to marry her. "

Aladin : Is it real mom? I really cannot wait! "

Mother : "Quiet Aladdin, I'll working on it".

Narrator : (Mother went to the palace of the king to bring the jewels belonging to Aladdin.)

Mother : "Your Majesty, this is a gift to the king of my son."

King : (king very happy.) "Well ... your son must be a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come

to you with a palace and my princess".

Mother : "Your Majesty I wait for the king along with his daughter's arrival tomorrow."

Narrator : (After I got home she immediately rub the kettle and asked for the lights to bring a
fairy palace. Aladdin and his mother waited on the hill. Soon the fairy lights come with a
magnificent palace at his back.)
Mother : (rubbing the kettle) "Oh genie of the kettle, can you grant my request?"
Genie : "well Master what can I do for you?"
Mother : "I give me a magnificent palace"

Genie : "I hear and I obey".

Narrator : . (in a moment the little house turned into a magnificent palace).

Mother : "Aladdin, Tomorrow the King and his daughter would come to visit here."
Aladdin : "wah? Real mom? I'm very glad to hear that mom."
Mother : "yes son, do not forget that tomorrow you are dressed neatly. Do not be

embarrassing your mother. "

Aladdin : "yes mom"

Narrator : (the following day the king came to the palace's magnificent)

Mother : "good-day king, delighted to be visited by the king this afternoon."

King : "happy to be able to visit the hostess."
Mother : "Please have a sit king and the princess"
Princess : yeaahh.."
Mother : princess, you're really pretty today "
Princess : ouh .. thanks mom. (Smile)
Mother : Alladin, the king and the princess had come. "

Narrator : (not long after, came aladin)

Mother : "princess, let me introduced my son, Aladin, the only child of the most handsome
Aladdin : "mother may be princess, you look so stunning, I love it!"
Princess : Thanks Aladin, you also look so stunning. "
Mother : "the king, they seem to like each other."
King : "seems so."
Aladdin : "heuuhhh ...! hehehee "
King : "aladin, Will you have my daughter as your wife?"
Aladdin : "heuh? what? what? is this a dream? "
King : "Aladdin's really not, it's real .."
Aladdin : "I'm very happy to hear it, I want to marry her!"

Narrator : (Aladin very happy to hear that. Then they both perform the wedding. Far away
from there, the witch turned out to see all events through a crystal ball. He then went to the
Aladdin and pretend to be a salesperson in front of the Aladdin's kettle. She shouted after
saw Aladdin's magic kettle worn out soon and exchange it for something new)

Witch : (shouting) "trade for your old kettle with the new one".
Princess : "sir, I want to exchange it with a new kettle."
Witch : "Here the princess, I will redeem it with a new kettle."
Princess : "Thank you, youre so kind"

Narrator : (As soon as the witch ordered the genie of the kettle to bring the castle and its
contents to his wife Aladin. When Aladdin returned from touring, he was very surprised. Then call
the fairy ring and asked him what had happened.)

Aladdin : "fairy ring, where my palace?"

Fairy ring : "your wife was at home, the witch is the person inside all of this. He also has taken all

the contents of your palace. "

Aladdin : "Then please return it to me again"

Fairy ring : "Sorry sir, my energy was not as big as fairy lights,"
Aladdin : "Fine then I'll get it. But please take me there"

Narrator : Aladin and wizards decided to compete for the palace . Aladdin tricked the witch to
get the kettle back.

Genie : I will give you one request (said to the witch)

Fairy ring : I give you five request

Aladin : Hahaha.. Your genie always give you only one request, but my genie is better, he
give me more.

Genie : I give you ten.

Fairy ring : I can give you fifty.

The witch : Okay, stop it now. Aladin, what if we make an agreement. Ill return your kingdom,
if you give me your best genie.

Aladin : okay deal.

The witch : deal.

Aladin : "Thank you genie, and please bring us back to the Persian Palace"

Narrator : (Arriving in Persia Aladin happy life.)

Princess : Aladdin, actually i would be glad if you want to let the genie go. he must be feel
tired with what we had requested, he need a freedom just like us.

Aladdin : But, she always fulllfil our wishes, just feel hard to let her go.

Princess : Ustadz always said it to me, Just pray to Allah, dont request anything except to
Allah So, please just obey the firman of Allah. InsyaAllah we will live happily ever after.

Aladdin : Its okay. I will let her go.

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