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What is CSR

Corporate social responsibility is basically a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to
contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. Corporate social responsibility is
represented by the contributions undertaken by companies to society through its business activities
and its social investment.
Many organisations have a CSR Policy, which defines areas of concern and initiatives to improve
relations with the people and environments affected by business operations
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the voluntary activities undertaken by a
company to operate in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner.
CSR aims to ensure that companies conduct their business in a way that is ethical. This means
taking account of their social, economic and environmental impact, and consideration of human
Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests
of their environments and of society as a whole. Social responsibility as it applies to businesses is
known as corporate social responsibility.
Meaning Of CSR
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY the idea that a company should be interested in and willing
to help society and the environment as well as be concerned about the products and profits
it makes.
2. onsibility-as-per-new-
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a term widely use for defining the responsibilities
of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a term widely use for defining the
responsibilities of
Corporate world towards the society & environment.
Some call it Corporate Social Responsibility, others scoff at this antiquated term and prefer
to name it Sustainability or even Shared Value. Some dispense with the R altogether and
call it Corporate Responsibility. Still others, perhaps those still undecided about jumping
onto the bandwagon simply call it Social Responsibility
4. /Data/maschinenwesen/Organisation_Personen/
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the
interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers,
employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of their
This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation
and sees organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for
employees and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.
Corporate social responsibility started becoming mainstream in the early 1970s, although
aspects of social responsibility were already the subject of actions by organizations and
governments as far back as the late 19th century. Social responsibility programs reflect the
expectations of society at a particular time and are thus constantly evolving. As the needs

Definition of CSR
1.1 definition
Edward Freeman defines, a stakeholder in an organization is any group or individual who can
affect or is affected by the achievement of the organizations objectives. Thus, the term
stakeholder includes (apart from shareholders), but not limited to, customers, employees,
suppliers, community, environment and society at large.
2.2 definition and concerns of society evolve, expectations from organizations also change
to reflect these needs.
"Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to contribute to
economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as
well as of the community and society at large."
3.3 definition
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good
Business Sense by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the following definition:
Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and
contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their
families as well as of the local community and society at large
The same report gave some evidence of the different perceptions of what this should mean from a
number of different societies across the world.

4.4 definition
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the
responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. To fully meet this responsibility, the
Commission states that, in addition to respect for applicable legislation and collective agreements
between social partners, enterprises should have in place a process to integrate social,
environmental, ethical, human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and
core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders, with the aim of maximising the creation
of shared value for their owners/shareholders, other stakeholders and society at large, and
identifying, preventing and mitigating their possible adverse impacts.
5.5 definition
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral vision of sustainable business practices. CSR
Netherlands' approach to CSR is based on the European Commissions definition: corporate social
responsibility refers to companies taking responsibility for their impact on society.
Companies that engage in socially responsible enterprise consider the social and economic impact
of all their decisions, while taking account of the interests of their stakeholders (interested parties).
These stakeholders can include employees and clients, or parties such as local residents, suppliers,
investors and even society at large.
It is important for companies to engage in discussion with their stakeholders. This is how they
learn about how their decisions affect others. It is also important for companies to be transparent
about their activities and the social impact of those activities.
6.6 definition
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined differently from one organization to another
depending on the scope it covers, but generally CSR is defined as an ethical ideology or theory
that a company has an obligation to act to benefit the society at large, and this applies to workplace,
marketplace and societal levels. Corporate Social Responsibility is the social component of
sustainable development of any corporation.
7.7 definition
CSR is defined as the integration of business operations and values, whereby interests of all
stakeholders including investors, customers, employees and the environment are reflected in the
companys policies and actions
8.8 defination people/marchri/en/displayPerson
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about the core behaviour of companies and the
responsibility for their total impact on the societies in which they operate. CSR is not an optional
add-on nor is it an act of philanthropy. A socially responsible corporation is one that runs a
profitable business that takes account of all the positive and negative environmental, social and
economic effects it has on society
9.9 defination
Corporate social responsibility is a business process wherein the institution and the individuals
within are sensitive and careful about the direct and indirect effect of their work on internal and
external communities, nature and the outside world
10.10 employment_social/soc-dial/csr/csr_whatiscsr.htm
CSR is the concept that an enterprise is accountable for its impact on all relevant Stakeholders.It
is the continuing commitment by business to behave fairly and responsibly and contribute to
economic development while improving the quality of life of the work force and their families as
well as of the local community and society at large
Rules of CSR in India
The law, which stipulates that CSR activities should be undertaken only in project/programme
mode, provides detailed guidelines regarding what kinds of activities are eligible across several
categories. This includes hunger and poverty, education, health, gender equality and women
empowerment, skills training, environment, social enterprise projects and promotion of rural and
national sports.
Indian company: The CSR Rules have clarified the manner in which a companys net worth will
be computed to determine if it fits into the spending norm. the 2% CSR is computed as 2% of the
average net profits made by the company during the preceding three financial years.
Companies are permitted to train their employees and/or personnel of their implementing agencies
to build CSR capabilities. Any expenditure incurred in providing such training up to a ceiling of
five percent in one financial year is permitted under the CSR budget.
The 2013 Act requires a company, which meets the CSR applicability criteria, to constitute a CSR
committee comprising three or more directors. The 2013 Act also states that out of these three
directors, at least one director should be an independent director.
The CSR Rules state that a non-listed public company or a private company, which is not required
to appoint an independent director as per the 2013 Act/ DirectorsAppointment Rules, can have its
CSR Committee without an independent director. Also, a private company having only two
directors on its board can constitute the CSR Committee with the two directors.
The board committee is responsible for reviewing, approving, and validating the companys
investments in CSR. Prior to each annual meeting, the board must submit a report that includes
details about the CSR initiatives undertaken during the previous financial year. The boards
independent director helps ensure the credibility of this process.
A report by the Board of Directors must be attached to the statements laid before the
general meeting of the company disclosing issues related to CSR. This will include declaring
composition of the CSR Committee and due approval and disclosure of the policy contents. The
report will also contain details of such policy and implementation initiatives already undertaken
during the year. A sample format of the annual CSR report is provided in the annexure to the
notification of CSR rules such information will be placed on the
Companys website. If the company fails to spend the legally required amount on CSR activities,
the Board must specify reasons for not spending
Responsibilities of the Board
The Board must ensure that the activities included in the CSR policy are undertaken by
the company, the expenditure by the company meets the 2 per cent requirement as per the Act,
and that the company gives preference to local area and areas around which it operates [Section
135(4b) & (5)]. The Board may decide to undertake CSR activities through a registered trust or
a registered society or a company established by the company or its holding or subsidiary or
associate company under Section 8 of the Act. If the CSR activities are done through a
trust/society/company which is not established by the company, its holding or subsidiary or
associate company; then it shall have an established track record of 3 years in undertaking
similar programmes or projects. In this case, the company must specify the project/programme
and modalities of fund utilization, monitoring, and reporting mechanism.
Restricted Activities
All CSR activities that fall under Schedule VII must be undertaken in India alone.
Companies may build CSR capacities of their own personnel and/or of the implementing
agencies though institutions with established track record of at least 3 financial years. However,
such expenditure is restricted to not more than 5 per cent of total CSR expenditure of the
Company in a financial year. The CSR policy of the company must also specify that any surplus
arising out of the CSR activities shall not form part of the business profit of the company.
Moreover, the CSR activities that benefit only the employees of the company and their families
shall not be considered as CSR activities.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
As per Section 134(8) of the Act, if a company contravenes the provision, i.e., if the
Board of Directors report does not include details about the policy developed and implemented
by the company on CSR initiatives taken during the year [Section 134(3)(o)], then the company
shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than Rs. 50,000 but which may extend to Rs.
2.5 million. Moreover, every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years or with a fine which shall not be less
than Rs. 50,000 but which may extend to Rs. 500,000, or with both. If a company fails to spend
the mandatory amount on CSR activities, it has to specify the reasons for not spending the
amount, else the company and/or the officers are punishable. Thus, if a company does not spend
the mandatory amount on CSR activities, not spending in itself is not punishable.
International rules of CSR
Foreign company: The CSR Rules prescribe that in case of a foreign company that has its branch
or a project office in India, CSR provision will be applicable to such offices. CSR Rules further
prescribe that the balance sheet and profit and loss account of a foreign company will be prepared
in accordance with Section 381(1)(a) and net profit to be computed as per Section 198 of the
Companies Act. It is not clear as to how the computation of net worth or turnover would be arrived
at in case of a branch or project office of a foreign company.
15th April 2016

CSR in South Korea
South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world after the Korean War in 1950s. Many
infrastructures in the country were destroyed during the war and millions lived in poverty at the
time with thousands of unemployed people struggling to fulfill basic needs. They achieved
recognition for their special role and responsibility for the well-being of the Korean society.
Social Responsibility in South Korea
They use CSR activities to restore their reputation and credibility. They established CSR or ethical
departments and got involved in a variety of CSR activities including donations, community
involvement, and adopting the codes of conduct.
The recent Low Carbon, Green Growth policy of the Korean government is the most powerful
driver for corporate responsible investment. As the government desire to shift the country toward
a low carbon economy, it launched a Smart Grid National Project to achieve green growth in a
comprehensive and efficient way. The project lays the foundation for a low carbon, green-growth
economy by building an evaluation system to estimate the sustainable growth of the economy in
the future.
Companies were equally interested in contributing for academic activities such as scholarship
programs and high education support, and community development
Corporate is responsible to initiate green management, reduce greenhouse gases emission and
pollutants in the entire course of its business activities, and expand investment and employment in
research and development of green technology to fulfill social and ethical responsibilities for the
With governmental supports, the vast majority of Korean corporations has a positive respond and
focuses their CSR effort in environmental issues. Many leading corporate includes Samsung
Group, LG Group, and Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group has already invested heavily in their R&D
activities and manufacture in green technology.

CSR in Thailand
The literally meaning of CSR(corporate social responsibility) according to Thailand people is
"return to the society". It implies the reciprocal relationship between an organization and society
in which "something has been taken from society" so that it is to be "returned or given back" to
the society.
They believed that CSR is integrated into three areas (often referred to as triple bottom line):
people (society), planet (environment) and profit (economics),
Thailand people are taught the ideal of doing good deeds for others and making merit which is
an important part of living an ethical Thai life. This ideology lays the foundation for a strong CSR
culture in Thailand.
Social responsibility in Thailand
There is a growing awareness among Thai companies on the need to ensure the Made in Thailand
label stands for something more than workmanship quality or advanced technological features. It
should offer an assurance to the consumers and stakeholders that environmental and social
concerns are integral to the Thai way of doing business.
Thailand people are more focused on making greener environment , providing enhanced and better
knowledge to children , teenagers , and elders
A team from Boromarajonani College of Nursing, from Surin Province whose CSR scheme helped
promote better knowledge and understanding of healthcare among a group of around 500 pre-
school children, teenagers and elders
A team from Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University which implemented a program called Green
Little Guides which provides training for the youth
A team from the Children and Youth Council who initiated a program called Green Detectives
which trained 40 secondary school students in the community to become Green Detectives to
survey the area around Chaiprakarn District and create a Green Map which will map out
environmental friendly and non-environmental friendly spots in the area for further environment
management within the district.
Hosted a charity concert themed, Healthy Heart, Happy Life at Playhouse. Funds were raised
through the sale of t-shirts that were designed and autographed by a famous singer.
ACE Groups Getting Greener All the Time campaign was initiated in 2007 to raise awareness
of environmental protection among employees and the community,
CSR in Singapore
CSR define by Singapore as the three key areas that measure responsible organisational success
social, economic and environmental. In past decades, these have become so closely tied with
CSR that they have been defined as the triple bottom line business-society relations.
Singapores most decorated Green Mark private developer for its record in environmental
sustainability. Green Mark, initiated by the Building and Construction Authority in 2005, aims at
raising environmental awareness among developers.
Singapore believe in raising environmental awareness, by being environment friendly , by
enhancing education .
Social responsibility in Singapore
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
The effective abolition of child labour
Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
A company implements Environmentally-Friendly Innovations in its manufacturing process with
initial investment cost to reduce waste materials and emissions into the atmosphere.It benefited
from lower operating costs by controlling energy & material wastage, given active green culture
among employees while enhancing environmental quality.
A company with Good Labour-Management Relations supports union dialogue and consultation
with employees as their valued stakeholder. Unions not only can represent and serve employees
interests, but also add value to management process to help the company stay competitive and
profitable through joint efforts in the area of productivity, work improvements, health and safety
awareness, learning and skills upgrading.
A company promotes Employee Volunteerism with regular activities to support employees who
want to contribute their office/professional skills to the community. The time set aside for the
needy did not hamper work but instead help to enhance personal learning, team interaction and
understanding among fellow colleagues. Such programme also provide employees to feel a greater
sense of achievement and identification with the company, which will benefit the employer in
terms of staff engagement, motivation and work productivity.
CSR in Malaysia
It is the responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society
and the environment. CSR goes beyond philanthropy. Child focused CSR contributes to
sustainable development, including health and the welfare of children. It also takes into account
the expectations of children and their family as stake-holders.
Social responsibility in Malaysia
Establishing a fully moral and ethical society
Establishing a fully caring society and a caring culture
Healthy Lifestyle Campaign, which emphasises healthy eating, physical activity, anti-smoking and
mental health, will now specifically target school children and adolescents to ensure better health
Humana Child Aid Society, an NGO in Sabah, has partnered many palm oil companies to provide
approximately 10, 000 children with 120 learning centres to give access to a place of learning.
CSR in Philippines
They have described social Responsibility as stages that companies go through as they mature into
socially responsible firms.
Social responsibility in Philippines
Comply with or surpass set environmental laws, rules and regulations to promote environmental
Provide adequate resources and essential training to personnel at all levels to promote awareness
and develop skills necessary for the implementation of the policy and achievement of its goals.
Enhance shareholders value and contribute to nation-building. Economic
Free medical and dental services in the companys hospital for the host and outlying communities,
including medical and dental missions in the neighboring areas;
Ecological waste management program that involves the sorting out of household wastes within
the mine camp.
ISO 14001 Environment Management System Certified.
Provision of skills program on cottage industries such as loom weaving, dressmaking, stuff toy
making, jewelry making, food processing, cosmetology, baking, hand-made paper making and bag
For their children, elementary education free of charge and highly subsidized secondary education.
Developing fair compensation systems for land disturbance and rehabilitation activities.
APO Cements commitment to corporate social responsibility
A company that cares for health, safety and the environment;
A company that treats its communities as family;
A company that believes in the potential of the youth; and
A company that is the governments partner in nation building
CSR in Indonesia
The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, and ethical expectations
that society has of organizations at a given point of time
CSR as a marketing strategy to market their products as environmentally safe and promote
recycled materials.
CSR in Indonesia has its core in giving something back to the local community.
Social responsibility in Indonesia
To help fight HIV/AIDS, we provided $5 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS in Indonesia.
We also established the I Wanna Live campaign with Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa and Media
Indonesia to engage junior and high school students, youth and teachers and provide them with
information on HIV/AIDS.
To improve the quality of life in Sumatra, we support a mobile health service that provides health
care, vaccinations and medical training for residents in 30 remote villages.
To promote education, Indonesia conducted Scientific Writing Competition for senior secondary
schools and the winners were eligible to receive ConocoPhillips Indonesias scholarships
Johnson & Johnson has partnered with the Faculty of Public Health of University Indonesia. The
Hospital Management Program (HMP) aims to continuously improve the quality of human
resources in the hospital industry through a series of hospital management study programs. Today
the HMP is one of the best facultys training programs with classes, workshops and seminars
conducted by experienced faculty staffs, directors of hospital and consultants.
Providing access to clean drinking water - supplying clean drinking water to 4,000 village

17th April 2016

CSR in India

CSR activities of Tata Motors

Health Care
1.1A partnership with Smile Train empowers surgeons to provide free corrective surgery for
children with cleft lip and palette deformities.
1.2 AIDS awareness campaigns were conducted for truck drivers
1.3 In states like Jharkhand, where malnourishment among children is high, the company runs
malnutrition treatment centres . Any child admitted to such a centre is given free treatment.
Over 2.84 lakh people benefit from these healthcare initiatives every year.
1.4 The company's initiative to provide clean drinking in villages is partly funded by its
employees. Tata Motors 27,943 employees contribute Rs 20 per month from their salary towards
the program and the company chips in with an equal amount. Thanks to these contributions, over
one lakh people living in 202 villages have been provided with clean drinking water.
1.5 rural health workers are trained to act as foot doctors to cure minor ailments in their allocated
1.6 Preventive and curative healthcare facilities are provided through small Mobile Health
Clinics, awareness camps, hospitals and clinics.
2) Education
Education initiatives implemented include scholarships, infrastructure and facility
improvement to allow greater access to quality education, implementing extra-curricular
activities for overall development of students and teacher training programs.
2.1 Through its Tata Education Excellence Program, the company has managed to improve the
pass percentage and the subsequent drop-out rates of students in partner schools in Pune from 70
per cent to 98 per cent and from 35 per cent to less than 5 per cent respectively.
2.2 Tata Motors is supporting 11 schools in Jamshedpur. Our senior colleagues are on school
management committees to oversee academic performance of students,"
2.3 Tata Motors also supports municipal schools in cities like Mumbai and institutions like Asha
Kiran, a school for children for special needs.
2.4 Scholarships for higher studies were awarded to 891 students
2.5 the company nationwide initiative to train school bus staff on aspects of safety during
school bus travel, Tata Motors today conducted its Hamare Bus Ki Baat Hai campaign for over
200 school bus staff of VIBGYOR school branches in Pune.
Tata Motors also conducted activities for children, to make them aware about the importance of
safe school bus travel through two other initiatives Dream it to Win it and Safety Hamare
Bus Mein
Dream it to Win it
Dream it to Win it, a unique drawing and collage making competition for school children,
around school bus safety. Tata Motors organized the Dream it to win it program across 21
cities with participation of over 3.9 lakh students from over 1900 schools across the country.
Safety Hamare Bus Mein
This programme is designed to educate school children on using safety features in buses, tips on
safe travel. The training includes aspects like mock fire drill in schools, a virtual experience film
showing safe travel, sessions with select students on safety and a safety quiz in school. It
involves safety drills like entry/exit, emergency evacuation, and effective handling of safety
provisions in a bus. This campaign is set to kick-off shortly.

3) Environmental Conservation
Tata Motors' focus on environmental management helps preserve the long-term health of people
and ecosystems and build strong relationships with local communities
Various initiatives have been undertaken within the broad frame of Environment and Climate
Change to address the conservation of natural resources and energy, minimize waste generation,
enhance recovery and recycling of material and develop eco-friendly process and systems.
We have been continuously working towards reducing our various environmental footprints
gajendra -chandel-csr-initiatives
3.1 It undertakes wasteland development and plants over one lakh trees by partnering with gram
panchayats, government departments and NGOs. It also partners with local communities to
develop farms in wastelands
3.2 In Jharkhand, the company has developed 40 acres of cultivable wasteland through a lift
irrigation project at Jamshedpur.
3.3 They also have trained farmers on scientific techniques in vegetable cultivation, soil &
fertilizer management.
3.4 Green cover was increased by planting 290,850 trees.
3.5 In the last 3 years they have reduced Green House Gas emissions by 22,581.62 tonnes

CSR activities of Reliance

1) Education

To work on several educational initiatives to provide quality education, training, skill

enhancement for improving the quality of living and livelihood. Initiatives are aimed at:
1.1 A programme of Excellence in Learning was initiated in 100 Govt schools of Jhajjar with the
assistance of PRATHAM, a voluntary organization. The results of the programme were
very encouraging. Excellence for learning was further supplemented through SEED, a
Delhi based organization for capacity building in Govt Schools.
1.2 Swachta Abhiyan in consonance with the National Drive has also been launched in all the
Government schools and villages of the Project area.
1.3 Educational initiatives like provision of teachers and arranging Career Counseling sessions
and coaching classes, supply of furniture, school bags, study materials, infra support,
organizing debating, sports and quiz competitions, for the inclusive growth of children living
in our Project area are undertaken from time to time.
Social- Responsibility-Policy.aspx
1.4 Promoting higher education including setting up and supporting universities.

1.5 Initiative has been able to make education provision for over 70,000 underprivileged kids -
many of whom had dropped out of early school.
1.6 Girl child education.
1.7 literacy through computer education
1.8 Free supply of note books and text books.
1.9 Merit-cum-means scholarships to students.
1.10 Construction & renovation of school building
The Foundation grants scholarships under the Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship Programme, which
started in Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1996 and was extended nationwide in 2009.It also supports
13 schools, including the Dhirubhai Ambani International School, and establishes universities in
partnership with the London School of Economics.

Health care
To address issues around affordability and accessibility of quality healthcare and bring about
improvement in awareness and health seeking behavior in various parts of India, enabling a
better living, through initiatives such as:

2.1 Free ambulance services.

2.2 Blood donation camps.
2.3 Construction of household toilets
2.4 Construction of toilets for children in the schools.
2.5 Awareness programmes for women and adolescent girls.
2.6 Mobile clinics with doctors and paramedical staff.
2.7 Using technology for training, competency evaluation and clinical decision support for
medical professionals with a view to improve quality of healthcare
2.8 The Foundation sponsors the Drishti programme, which provides newspapers in Braille for
the blind and the country's largest cornea transplant programme, and is developing the Sir HN
Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre.
3) Environment
Reliance Power strives to preserve and uphold natural resources and reduce the environmental
impact of its products and services throughout their lifecycle in order to be a responsible
corporate citizen

The guiding principle for our environmental initiatives is the 5Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
Renew and Respect.
The imperative is to use natural resources efficiently to leave a minimal carbon footprint and
impact on biodiversity. Reliance Power strives to develop and promote processes and newer
technologies to make all our products and services environmentally responsible.
3.1 In the township phase I of all sites, the construction, hostel and housing blocks modified to
accommodate and preserve existing big trees.
3.2 Rainwater harvesting has been made mandatory for all sites.
3.3 Solar heating for public buildings
3.4 Use of energy efficient building material
3.5 Minimum day lighting arrangements for over 75% of the area
3.6 Energy efficient electric fixtures within minimum 3 star BEE rating
3. 7 water efficient plumbing fixtures
3.8 Use of lead free paints
3.9 Treatment of sewage water and reuse for landscape and irrigation purposes
Of the 4000 acres of the land available with the company towards building of the power plant,
we are striving to build our plants within minimum possible use of land using compact designs
and creating more capacity within the existing sites. The rest of the land resource is utilized for
strengthening the green belt around the plants. We therefore ensure that we are building a power
plant in a forest
Water being another of the precious natural resource, Reliance Power endeavors that in all our
plant sites the design and the technology will use only minimum required amount of water and
further employ 100 per cent recycling too.
The company is also involved in implementing green steps like the fly-ash collected from the
plants which is further recycled for use by using it in manufacture of concrete bricks.
Events and days of ecological importance are celebrated to raise awareness for conservation of
natural resource. Environmental sanitation with special emphasis on solid waste management,
waste segregation and vermin-composting is practiced at site locations .

4) Community infrastructure development
4.1 Safe drinking water to communities.
4.2 Water storage structures.
4.3 Construction of community centers.
4.4 Construction of Roads.

CSR activities of ITC Company

1) Environment

1.1 The only company in the world to be carbon positive, water positive & solid waste
1.2 Carbon Positive-7 years in a row (sequestering/storing twice the amount of CO2 that
the company emits)
1.3 Water Positive-10 years in a row (creating/storing water 2times through rainwater
harvesting than ITCs net consumption
1.4 Solid Waste recycling Positive-from last 5 years.
1.5 Watershed Development Programme Provides water to the areas where there is
scarcity of water. Plan covers over 100000 hectares of water-stressed lands. Helps in
building of water harvesting, water retaining structures in water-stressed areas.

2) Education
2.1 ICT helps in maintain the maintain the students personal profile, academic track
record, placement participation, student alumni record student assessment etc
2.2 creating virtual learning campus for students .
2.3 digital learning
2.4 e-Choupal is an initiative of ITC Limited, ITC Limited has provided computers and
Internet access in rural areas across several agricultural regions of the country, where the
farmers can directly negotiate the sale of their produce with ITC Limited. Online access
enables farmers to obtain information on mandi prices, and good farming practices, and
to place orders for agricultural inputs like seeds and fertilizers. This helps farmers
improve the quality of their products, and helps in obtaining a better price.

3) Health care
3.1 We are at the forefront of providing health care services to rural citizens by adopting
advances in medical sciences and its convergence with ICT.
3.2 We offer low cost telemedicine solutions that are rapidly scalable to all parts of the
country for fulfilling the health care needs of the rural population and enabling seamless
access to quality health care service provisioning
3.3 We are also working on the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) on Smart
Card. This programme aims to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation framework of the
National Anti-Retroviral Treatment programme in India by introducing health smart cards
across India.
3.4 In terms of health services, e-Choupal provides preventive, primary, secondary and
tertiary healthcare services.

Primary care practices provide health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance,
counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses in a
variety of healthcare settings, for instance office, inpatient, critical care, long-term care,
home care, day care, etc.

Secondary and tertiary healthcare services are provided by reputed doctors and specialists,
made available to the populace through telemedicine services arranged at proximal distance.
In addition, e-choupal also provides consultancy services, diagnostics and pharmacy services.
Out of the total number of patients who avail the healthcare service of e-choupals, more than
75% qualify as low income or marginalized
3.5 Health camps are co-operated by kiosk operators to facilitate activities like free eye-
checkup, free tuberculosis camp, free cataract cure camp etc.
CSR Activities of Amul
1) Health care

1.1 Tribhuvandas Foundation is an Integrated Rural Health & Development Programme

of Amul. The Foundation derives its uniqueness from the fact that it is a need-based
programme for villagers and is run by the villagers themselves. It fulfills the basic
health care needs of the villages. Apart from providing primary treatment for various
common ailments, the Foundation is also actively involved in promoting preventive
health practices Treatment of common ailments; Immunization through vaccination
BCG, Triple Vaccine, Polio, Measles, Tetanus, Anti rabies at subsidised rate;
Treatment of tuberculosis and anaemia ; Antenatal ,postnatal care etc.
1.2 The Foundation has pioneered in large scale implementation of the concept of Safe
Delivery Kit in India ensuring a hygienic and safe delivery of pregnant mother.
1.3 Amul in association with the Indian Red Cross Society aim to inspire, encourage and
initiate humanitarian services to minimize, alleviate and prevent human suffering at
all times to contribute for Humanity to Peace. Amul organizes donation of blood on
emergency. Amul has made a trend in donating blood to the society.
1.4 Amul Dairy has launched a novel scheme for total rural sanitation In five years
time, dairy wishes to achieve the target of providing 100 per cent toilet facilities in all
villages where Amul has a milk society.

2) Education

2.1 Amul Scholarships: To encourage outstanding children of farmers in pursuing

higher studies Amul introduced scholarship schemes The children are given
scholarships for pursing Diploma, Graduation, Post-Graduation and Doctorate. Every
year the outstanding children are identified from the villages and scholarships are
provided to fulfill their dream of achieving academic excellence.
2.2 Amul Scholar Felicitation Programme: Annually Amul felicitate outstanding
children of employees who have secured highest marks in 10th, 12th standards and
Gold Medalist in graduation. Amul Scholars Felicitation Programme was initiated in
2004 and has facilitated many outstanding students of Amul family.
2.3 Amul provide the Village Health Workers to carry out health education and
primary health care from door-to-door, in groups and at the Dairy Co-operative
Societies Centres with confidence. The training focuses on primary health care,
waterborne disease, know your body, pregnancy and the delivery period, new born
care and care of the weak child, growth monitoring, breast feeding, common disease
of childhood, malaria, tuberculosis. Training is also imparted on other topics as the
need arises.
2.4 The Amul relief trust reconstructed 6 schools that were damaged during
earthquake of Gujarat

3) Environment

3.1 Milk Producer members of Gujarat Dairy Cooperatives- better known as AMUL
have been celebrating the nation's Independence Day in a novel manner by planting
lakhs of saplings across Gujarat and have taken up an ambitious plan to save the
environment by planting trees, making India green and thereby reducing the effects of
global warming. he milk producers of Gujarat Dairy Cooperatives are conducting
mass tree plantation drive every year on Independence Day for last five years. In last
five years (2007 to 2011)

3.2 Through various communication media farmer members were made aware of
benefits of tree plantation and tree plantation activity schedule.
3.3 Amul is contributing its share in making Gujarat lush green. When 3 million dairy
farmers of Gujarat have planted more than 311.98 lakh trees in just five years and are
planning to plant more trees every year, they are doing an invaluable - truly Amul -
service to the society.

CSR 0f Infosys

1) Education

1.1 Higher standards of education for the underprivileged

Agastya Foundation, the brainchild of a group of scientists, educators, and
executives, instils creativity and encourages the imbibing of scientific knowledge
among its students. Agastya and Infosys Foundation have together created higher
standards of education for the countrys underprivileged by providing them with
training workshops, mobile labs, and a hands-on educational methodology.

1.2 The Ramakrishna Mission has set up a school in Aalo, an inaccessible and
backward tribal area in the West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. The center
is more than a brick-and-mortar school and is a kind of umbrella organization that
includes 16 non-formal schools, coaching centers, a dairy, a bakery unit, a small
farming facility, a dispensary, and a printing press. It also provides transportation
for students to and from their villages.

1.3 Provide vocational training to underprivileged students in rural area.

1.5 The Columbus Go Red for Women Luncheon and Conference focuses on three
areas to support the fight against heart disease in women: heightening awareness
about the issue, creating a passionate call-to-action and generating funds to support
education and research.

1.6 The foundation has donated 10,200 sets of books in Karnataka alone, and in Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa and Kerala, under its Library for Every Rural School
project. Through this program, the Foundation has set up more than 10,150 libraries
in rural government schools. A minimum of 200 books, depending on the strength of
the school, is provided. Each set has around 200 to 250 books.

1.7 The Foundation has also made donations towards the reconstruction of old school
buildings. For instance, 14 government schools in slum areas of Hyderabad were
reconstructed .

1.8 The Foundation constructed a science center at a rural school in the Kolar District of
Karnataka, a one-of-its-kind center in the entire district.

2) Health

2.1 As a sponsor of the 15th annual gala, Infosys Public Services actively
participated to raise funds to further the Inns mission: Create a place like home
for sick children and their families, reduce their stress, and facilitate healing
through mutual support.

2.2 Infosys Public Services sponsored and participated in the American Heart
Association (AHA) Go Red for Women Luncheon in Columbus, Ohio brought
together over 1,000 attendees including health and fitness experts, medical
professionals, and women. The event aimed to increase awareness of the risk
posed by heart diseases through panel discussions, educational breakout sessions
and health screenings. It also encouraged the use of AHAs tools to lead heart-
healthy lives.

2.3 Infosys Public Services actively participated in raising funds to further the
Leukemia & Lymphoma Societys mission to fight leukemia, lymphoma,
Hodgkin disease, and myeloma and build healthier lives. The Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the worlds largest voluntary health organization
dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education, and patient services
2.4 Making high-quality healthcare the norm is an ongoing challenge. Since its
inception, the Foundation has initiated several activities that benefit the rural and
urban poor. Apart from constructing hospital wards, donating hi-tech equipment
and organizing health camps, the Foundation also distributes medicines to
economically-weaker sections in remote areas.
The Foundation constructed the Infosys Super-specialty Hospital on the Sassoon
Hospital premises in Pune. This hospital caters to poor patients. It helps this
section meet substantial medical expenses and assures them of a steady source of
income for their treatment

2.5 The Foundation installed office management software at the KEM Hospital in
Mumbai. This enables the hospital to manage store requirements, keep accounts
as well as publish hospital papers and other information on the Web
Additional blocks have been built at the Swami Sivananda Centenary Charitable
Hospital at Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu
Additional blocks have also been built at the Bangalore Diabetic Hospital

2.6 The Foundation constructed a pediatric hospital at the Capitol Hospital in

Bhubaneswar, which caters to poor patients. A CT-scan machine was also
donated to the hospital

2.7 Additional wards were built at the Swami Shivananda Memorial Charitable
Hospital in Pattumadai, Tamil Nadu.

2.8 In Bellary, a hospital was constructed to treat patients with brain fever.

2.9 It has also donated high-tech surgical equipment to hospitals located at

Mysore, Bijapur, Bellary and Hubli in Karnataka

2.10 The Foundation has made donations to the Drug Foundation for Nuclear
Medicine at the cancer hospital in Miraj and the Kidwai Hospital in Bangalore

3) Social rehabilitation and rural upliftment

3.1 The Foundation has organized unique annual melas in different parts of the
country, including Bangalore and Sedam in Karnataka, and Chennai in Tamil
Nadu, to distribute sewing machines to destitute women and help them earn a
livelihood. Prior to the mela, the Foundation even holds tailoring classes and
provides materials for the same at some centers.

3.2 The Foundation has conducted relief work after natural disasters. Apart from
monetary contributions, it believes in assessing the real needs of those affected
and contributing accordingly.

3.3 It has worked in the tsunami-affected areas of Tamil Nadu and the Andaman
Islands, earthquake-affected areas of Kutch, cyclone-devastated areas of Orissa,
tribal areas of Kalahandi in Orissa and drought-hit areas of Andhra Pradesh The
Foundation made a donation towards the mid-day meal program of the Akshaya
Patra Foundation, Bangalore, for poor children in North Karnataka. It established
counseling centers to rehabilitate marginalized devadasis in North Karnataka.
3.4 The Foundation has offered compensation to families whose bread-winners
have served in our Defence Forces and died fighting for the country.

3.5 The Foundation worked with the Red Cross Society to supply aid equipment
to the physically challenged in rural areas and economically weaker sections of

3.6 The Foundation offers monetary aid to the Divine Life Society, which is based
in the Himalayas. The Society

3.7 The Foundation improved a rehabilitation center in Chennai for mentally

retarded women

3.8 The Foundation has constructed: Hostel buildings for under-privileged

students at Ramakrishna Mission centers in Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Maharashtra and
Andhra Pradesh Orphanages in rural areas of these states, to provide shelter to
children of local communities.

3.9 The Shakthidhama Destitute Center for Women in Mysore, Karnataka A hall
for people with physical disabilities in Belgaum, Karnataka.

4) Arts and Culture

4.1 Preserving our rich heritage and honoring our artisans are some of the ways
the Infosys Foundation contributes to this space The Foundation has helped revive
the art of the weavers of Pochampalli village in Andhra Pradesh It helps organize
cultural programs to promote artists in rural areas of Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh It traces and honors artistes from different parts of India.
4.2 The scope of the foundation's activities has widened to identifying under-
privileged artists from different walks of like, be it writers, painters, poets or
musicians, who don't have access to contacts or help. It assists them on a "need"
basis, offering financial assistance, promoting their art, or helping them receive
much-deserved recognition.

4.3 It organizes programs like puppet shows and other cultural events to
encourage artistes and performers in rural areas of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh,
and offers them financial assistance to carry forward their art.

4.4 In Karnataka, the Gamaka form of music was fast disappearing. A few years
ago, The Foundation coordinated a project to donate more than 200 sets -
comprising a Gamaka cassette and record player - to 100 rural schools in
Karnataka, to bring the dying art form back to life It has sponsored art exhibitions
and performing arts programs in Dharwad and Bangalore in Karnataka

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