Pokemon Learning League The Anniversary For All Ages (Time Management)

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Pokemon Learning League

An Anniversary for The Ages (Time Management &


Written By
Timothy Whitfield
(Episode opens with an overhead shot of Cilan, Brock, Iris, Axew,
Dawn and Piplup entering through the gates of Goldenrod City
on a partly cloudy afternoon with some clouds streaking across
the sky by a breeze in the area. As they stroll on through, they
notice the buildings along the streets are fully or are being
decorated in goldenrod flowers, pennants and ribbons.)
Cilan: Huh. Wonder what theyre all preparing for?
Dawn: I dont know. Lets go find out.
Piplup: Piplup.
(They run on down until they come to the plaza, where they see
various people hanging up yellow and orange lanterns,
pennants, flowers, decorating the statues and putting up
banners saying, Goldenrod Forever! and The Spirit of
Brock: Ahh, I see. Theyre setting up a festival.
Iris: Youre right, Brock, but whats it for?
Brock: Who knows, Iris, but it must be a special occasion.
(Just then, both Piplups and Axews stomachs growls.)
Piplup (hungry and exhausted): Piplup.
Axew (hungry and exhausted): Axew.
Dawn: Dont worry, you two. Well stop and rest at the
Pokemon Center.
(They resume down the street. Dissolve to five minutes later,
and they arrive at the Pokemon Center, where they enter and
find Nurse Joy, who is wearing pointed glasses, at her post
reading a book.)
Gang: Hi, Nurse Joy.
Joy: Hey, there everyone.
(Brock rushes up to the desk and takes her hand in his.)
Brock: Oh, my lovely Nurse Joy. Perhaps we should get
together and maybe have dinner sometimes.
(Just then, she pulls her hand away.)
Joy: Im sorry, dear. Youre cute, but Im not looking for anyone
right now.
(Brock cuffs his hands around his heart.)
Brock: Ooh, shot down cold. Well, at least finds me cute.
Joy: Ill bet youre wondering why theres a festival being set
up, right.
Dawn: Actually yes, we are. How did you know that?
Joy: Ive had other trainers asking the same thing. Its to
commemorate the centennial of Goldenrod Citys founding.
Iris: Wow, thats awesome!
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
Joy: You got it, so everyones really going all out with the
Brock: Well, thats great. Now, can you please help out our
Joy: Sure, not a problem. Ill have them all taken care of.
Iris: Oh, great. Thanks a lot.
Joy: Youre welcome.
(They hand her their Pokeballs, Axew and Piplup, places them
on a cart and Blissey carries them away. Now, they go over to
the waiting area and each take a seat in a booth.)
Dawn: Okay, so what kind of events you think they could be
doing for the celebration?
Cilan: Hmm, they could be put on live Pokemon performances.
Brock: Yeah, or maybe theyll hold a special one-day
tournament event.
Iris: They both sound great, but how about this: a big nighttime
Dawn: Ooh, thatd be awesome to see.
Cilan: For sure, but well have to wait and see if they do them.
Brock: I agree.
Voice (O.S.): Actually, I can tell you right now.
All: Hmm?
(They look over to the booth behind them and see a guy named
Aito sitting right behind them. He has black hair, blue eyes, and
his wardrobe consists of a yellow shirt, black jeans and
Aito: Were doing all of them.
Cilan: Really?
Aito: Yep. Hi, my names Aito.
Iris: Nice to meet you. Im Iris.
Dawn: Hey, Im Dawn.
Brock: Im Brock.
Cilan: And my names Cilan. Say, howd you know theyre doing
all that?
Aito: Thats easy: Ive been assisting in getting them all set up.
Iris: Ah-ha. I bet it must be pretty exhausting for you and your
Aito: You better believe it is, which is why were here, but itll
be all worth it.
Brock: So, how are you assisting with them all?
Aito: I help come up with designs for some of the floats,
conceptualize the look for the plaza and helping plan out the
(He gets his notebook out from his backpack and shows them
his designs he did and the schedule hes working with.)
Dawn: Well, thats great.
Aito: Mmm-hmm, though theres one problem Ive been having
for a while.
Brock: Oh, and what would that be?
Aito: As you might imagine, with all of them happening, its
been hard trying to juggle between each one, and there are
some points where Im spending more time on one task than
the others.
Iris: I see.
Aito: Yeah, but fret not. Ive been dealing with it the best that I
Cilan: Thats the spirit.
Aito: Thank you.
Dawn: You know, our friend Quinn may have some advice you
can use.
Aito (intrigued): Really?
Dawn: Of course. This is right up his alley.
(She goes into her bag, gets the Pokepilot out, switches it on
and dials up Quinn, who along with Ada, are practicing a new
dance. They both stop dancing and catch their breath.)
Quinn: Hey, there guys.
Dawn: Hi, Quinn. What dance is Ada teaching you there?
Ada: Its the Kazatsky, and its a tough one.
Iris: Yeah, we can tell.
Aito (to Quinn and Ada): Hello, Im Aito.
Quinn: Please to meet you, Aito. My names Quinn.
Ada: And Im Ada. Anyways, what are you guys currently up to?
Brock: Right now, were at the Pokemon Center, and Aitos
been telling us hes been assisting in setting up for Goldenrod
Citys centennial festival.
Quinn (amazed): Oh, thats great.
Cilan: We know, but he said that hes been putting more of his
focus on some tasks than others, so do you have any advice
that could help with that?
Quinn: Of course, we do. To start off, you should monitor the
activities you do on a regular basis and take notes on how much
time youre spending.
Aito: Okay, I already got that covered. What next?
Ada: You assess the amount of time you spend on each task.
Look for a pattern in them and determine whats necessary and
what isnt.
Brock: All right, thats a good one.
Ada: Mmm-hmm. Now, consider making adjustments to your
schedules and identify tasks that shouldnt be reduced for the
sake of time concerns.
Iris: Okay, thats pretty helpful. Now what?
Quinn: Once youve done those, try doing the more crucial
tasks first, as completing them will give a bigger sense of
Dawn: Yeah, that sounds like a good one.
Quinn: Well, if you think that, heres an intriguing one: Make a
significant effort into changing your habits and normal routines.
Aito: Ill keep that in mind.
Ada: Good to hear. Now, avoid doing any sort of multitasking,
as itll take much longer due to you not giving full attention to
any of the tasks, and instead just focus on just one at a time.
Cilan: All right, thats good. Now what from there?
Ada: Next, you identify the times youre the most productive.
Its tricky to figure out, but it helps to know when youre at
your most active and use the time wisely.
Brock: All right, thats another good one. Then what?
Quinn: Another crucial one is dont get into a double-
commitment. Always verify when youll be free to do another
task, and itll not only keep your schedule organized, but also
keep you in touch with your regular one, as well.
Aito: All right, but what if you have many tasks to do? Is there a
way to handle that?
Ada: Yep, there is. You can wisely manage it by scheduling
some top-priority tasks first, then do the less time-sensitive
ones around them.
Dawn: Okay. (wondering.) Anything else thatll help?
Quinn: Yes. Give yourself a realistic amount of time to finish
each task. Itll prevent yourself from being overwhelmed and
falling behind schedule.
Aito: Thanks, you guys for that advice.
Ada: Not a problem at all. So, how about we do a Q&A round?
Cilan: Sure thing, Ada.
(Pan up to an upper panel depicting Flannery attempting to
keep the Lavaridge Town gym in good running order.)
Ada: Well you guys are ready to do it?
Brock: You bet you.
Quinn: Well, all right then. Here, we have Flannery keeping
everything in the Lavaridge Gym running smoothly. What are
the tasks that she has to do?
Iris: Hire a crew to fix & clean up the battlefield, have the
badges out & ready to go, gets a battle judge and train with her
Ada: Very good, Ada. Now, which tasks should be her top
Aito: Getting the battlefield in top shape and having the gym
badges ready.
Quinn: You got it, Aito. How should Flannery make adjustments
to her schedule?
Dawn: By breaking down each task and see how much time she
spends on each.
Ada: Excellent, Dawn. Lastly, how much time do you think she
should spend on each task?
Cilan: She should spend about a half hour getting the badges,
another half hour getting a battle judge, two hours to get the
battlefield in tip-top shape and one more hour to train her
Ada: Very well, Cilan. Great job, you guys.
Brock: Thank you, guys
Ada & Quinn: Youre welcome, you guys.
Ada: Well, lets get back to our dance practice.
Iris: Okay, then well see you later.
Quinn: See you.
(Dawn ends the call, switches the Pokepilot off and places it
back in her bag. Just then, they hear a chime.)
Brock: Well, time to get our Pokemon.
Aito: Hold on a second, guys. After we get them, how about I
show you the plaza Im working with?
Dawn: Sure, Aito. Thatd be great.
(Aito gives a smile to them. Now, they get up from their booths
and walk to the front desk, where Nurse Joy awaits them with
their Pokeballs and Axew & Piplup.)
Joy: Hey, guys. Im happy to say your Pokemon are doing much
Axew: Axew.
Piplup: Piplup.
Cilan (complementing): Thanks, Nurse Joy. You & Blissey did a
great job.
Joy: Oh, I know. Were good at we do.
(They all take their Pokeballs back and Piplup & Axew hop on
Iriss and Dawns shoulder, respectively.)
Joy: You all have a good day now.
Iris: Okay. See you.
(They exit from the Pokemon Center and go on down the
streets. Seven minutes later, they come to the city square,
where the festival is to take place. It already a few pennants
strung across them, rope lights hung across the lamp post, the
benches decorated in orange and yellow flowers and the city
flag flowing in the breeze.)
Iris: Wow, Aito. The plazas really coming along great.
Aito: Thanks, Iris, but we have no time to waste right now.
Brock: What exactly are you working on today?
Aito: I have to build the bandstand, but I first have to find the
perfect spot for it, then get all the necessary wood, poles &
Brock: I see. Well, how about we help you look around for a
spot for it? Then, you can concentrate more on getting the
whole thing built.
Aito: Yes, I would definitely appreciate that.
Brock: Okay, then. Everyone, everyone spread out and well
meet back here later.
All: Right!
(They spread out and scope around the area, examining the
sections (one in an open space with a statue in the center of it
and some trees & bushes growing, another with several bushes
& trees growing around it and one with several stone benches
encircling the area), as well as the amount of space of each one,
all while Aito breaks down the tasks needing to get done and
snaps some pictures. Eleven minutes later, they regroup back in
the center of the square.)
Dawn: All right, lets look over what we got.
(Aito gets out the snapshots and the gang look over them.)
Aito: Okay, now lets see which will be the right for the
Cilan: Lets start off with this area.
(He points to the section with the benches.)
Brock: Hmm, lets see. The benches look good, there arent too
many trees blocking the sun or that many bushes and everyone
can have a good viewing area.
Aito: True, but theres just one problem: the benches are too
close together and they dont have any backs.
Dawn: Hang on a second. Cant we just move them around and
put some?
Aito: I dont think so. They were built that way for a reason and
they can get broken if we or our Pokemon did that.
Dawn: You have a good point there. Okay, then how about this
(She points to the one with the trees & bushes.)
Aito: Hmm, it does have a nice atmosphere, good amount of
sunlight and we can set up benches around the stand.
Cilan: Yeah, but look at this. There are bushes scattered all
over the place. If there were benches put there, some of the
people would have a hard time seeing the band play.
Iris: Well, then I guess well go with this spot.
(She points to the area with the statue in the center.)
Aito: Yeah, there arent too many trees & bushes scattered
about, fittingly next to the statue, has a good amount of
sunlight and enough space for everyone to see. Plus, its the
only selection left.
Dawn: All right, then lets go with it. Now, lets get started!
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup.
Aito: Hold on, guys. First, let me re-arrange my schedule, then
go get the supplies.
Brock: Okay, but before you do, lets see if the audience wants
to do it.
Cilan: Very well. (He turns over to the audience.) You guys up
for this? (He casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one and a half seconds.) Oh, all right.
Aito (questioning): Um, was that necessary?
Dawn: It really isnt, but we like to do it, anyway.
Aito (comprehending): Ahh, got you.
(Fade in to Aitos list of tasks and four images of each one of
Cilan (V.O.): Okay. What should be Aitos top priorities? (He
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) Getting the right supplies & the right people to
assist him. You got it.
Dawn: (V.O.): Now, how should he adjust his schedule? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) Based on what need to get done. All right.
Iris (V.O.): What is the pattern that Aitos dealing with? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) Wanting to not spend a lot of time on any task.
Okay, then.
Brock (V.O.): Finally, how much time do you think he should
take on each task? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) About 25 minutes each.
Very well.
(Fade in back to them and Dawn casually speaks.)
Dawn (casually): You guys did great there.
Piplup (casually): Piplup.
Aito: Come on, guys. Its time to get the supplies.
(They leave the town square and go out into the dept. store.
Minutes later, they return with piles of wood, roof shingles and
pole bases. Aito gets four Pokeballs off his belt and makes them
Aito: Go!
(He tosses them up and a Gallade, a Machoke, an Incineroar
and a Beheeyem emerge from them.)
Machoke: Machoke.
Incineroar: (growls.)
Gallade: Gallade
Beheeyem: (vocalizes.)
(Now, the gang each take out one Pokeball.)
Iris: Excadrill, lets go!
Brock: Come on out, Steelix!
Dawn: Mamoswine, I chose you!
Cilan: Go, Crustle!
(They throw them and their Pokemon appear.)
Excadrill: Ex-ca!
Steelix: (growls.)
(Now, Aito pulls out the blueprints for the bandstand and lays it
out on the ground. The group huddles together.)
Aito: All right, well start off with the floor here. Well cut up
the wood and Gallade and I will carve the columns.
Brock: All right, good.
Aito: From there, well set up the columns here, here, and here.
(He points to the spots.) Make sure the bases are firmly in
Dawn: Got it!
Piplup: Piplup!
Aito Lastly, we have the roof. If we build this thing right, itll
really make it stand out during the festival.
Cilan (impressed): Wow! You really good at planning this out
Aito (flattered): Thanks, Cilan. (with great confidence) Now,
lets get right to it!
All: Yeah!
(They raise their fists into the air. Now, a montage commences,
with Dawn and Iris carrying over the wood and Gallade, Crustle
and Excadrill cut it up and Aito & Gallade carve out the
columns, then the gang puts down the floor and the bases.
From there, Steelix & Mamoswine carry over the columns and
they all each set them into the bases. Now, they build the
framework of the roof from the ground up and lay down the
covers & shingles afterwards. Following that, Beheeyem lifts
the roof up with its Psychic attack and carefully setting it on
top. Montage concludes with the gang finishing putting up
decorations. They step back and marvel at the final result. The
roof is decked out with carvings of the people and their
Pokemon that helped found the city, the columns have various
Pokemon carved into them and is decorated with orange and
yellow pennants and flowers.)
Iris (complementing): It looks amazing!
Axew (agreeing): Axew!
Aito: Indeed. We did an amazing job with it.
(Now, we cut to seven minutes later, where theyre at the
center, relaxing on the park benches, with their Pokemon either
playing around or just resting.)
Aito (relaxing): Ahh, this feels really good.
Cilan: Sure. After all that work, we certainly deserved a break.
Iris: Yeah. (wondering.) Do you think everyone going to like the
Brock: I think they will, especially whenever they want to have
a concert.
Dawn: Most definitely. (to Aito.) Well, now that youre done
with the stand, whats your next project?
Aito: Tomorrow, I have to continue making the designs for the
Dawn: Thats cool. What ones are you doing?
Aito: Oh, just one of a Corsola and another of a Hitmonlee. Say,
how about we put up the banners after this?
Brock: Okay, not a problem at all.
Aito: Oh, good.
(They all turn to the audience.)
All (casually): Thank you, guys.
(Cross-fade to five minutes later, where theyre placing the
ceremonial centennial banners around the square.)
Brock: Well, that was an interesting episode. You guys enjoy it?
(He casually waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) Ahh, okay. Well see you later, then.
(The gang casually wave goodbye to the audience and get back
to placing the banners up. Now, we pull back and get an
overview shot of the town square and iris out, ending the

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