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Kendria Alexander

Dr. Marian Ellis

Education 2301

October 11, 2017

Revised Philosophy of Education

To define a philosophy of education will vary from person to person. My philosophy of education

has a few factors. The first one is to ignite a students mind into creative and critical thinking. Along with

showing students that learning is a lifelong journey, not just a place or final destination. Being a teacher,

my role would involve ways of social reconstruction, essentialism, and to create an atmosphere of

encouragement and safety. The role of a student will have expectations of them to be an active participant

and to encourage one another.

I believe that one of the most crucial factors in teaching is to get the students fully involved in

learning. I want to get students on the path of them tapping into their minds to get the creative out of the

box thinking. Along with teaching students daily what it means to have critical thinking skills. I will show

students that learning is a lifelong adventure. I will show them through my own experiences that learning

does not stop after a certain grade, graduating high school, or even college. Fulling this will teach students

and peers how we can learn from each other throughout life.

I will apply a flexible yet integrated study as suggested by John Newel and Nell Noddings. I will

guide students with activities so that they can find the meaning of what is being taught. Providing a

culture in the classroom will be a model that demonstrates encouragement and safety. Students will have

clear rules and expectations from day one. To be able to show students the model of morals that center the

classroom will instruct them with essentialism. Lastly, I hope to give students a learning activity that will

improve them while instructing them simultaneously.

Philosophy of education as the role of a student will look like a structured culturally diverse

individual. This will be accomplished through expectations from day one that is understandable on their

level. Showing students how to become responsible for themselves and to help others when needed.

Allowing students to become active classroom members actively participating with me as the teacher and

all piers. This is a great model given to us from great leaders before us who were, George S. Counts, Jane

Roland Martin, Paulo Freire, and Bell Hooks.

These philosophies will and without doubt change as I mature as a teacher. I expect to learn from

my peers strategies that will strengthen me and the classroom. I hope to be able to help share and grow

some of my colleagues. I am excited to be on this learning path that I will be a participant in growing

students that will be and are the future. To have a belief that education is one of the most vital assets us an

understatement. I am beyond excited to see what the future holds.

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