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Table of Content
Section I...4
A. Name and address of the business...4
B. Name of the principals..4
C. Statement of the confidently of report.5
Section II....6
Executive summary....6
Section III..........7
A. General description..............7
B. Industry background............8
C. Features, Benefits & Objectives of solar cooker9
D. Uniqueness of the solar cooker......9
Section IV......10
A. Market Segmentation..10
B. Target market (customers) identified10
C. Estimated market share..10
D. Marketing Strategy11
A. Legal structure............13

Table of Content
B. Management team....................13
C. Roles and Responsibilities of management
D. Roles and responsibilities of Strategy and planning
SECTION VI: PRODUCTIONAL PLAN.....................15
A. Manufacturing Process.....................15
B. Physical Plant.........................15
C. Machinery and Equipment required.................15
D. D. Names of the raw material used.................16
Section VII .............................17
A. Potential problems............................17
B. Strategies and Actions that have to be
C. Obstacles and risk in long term.................19
Section VII..........................20
A. Continuity of business strategy......................20
B. Solar Cookers Programmatic Principles.................21



Product Name:
Solar Oven

Address: KDA Officers Society, C 11 Block B behind national stadium

B.Name of the principals:

Ahsan Zafeer
Raza Karim
Babar Uddin
Waqas Shahid
Owais Vohra

C.Nature of Business:
Solar Energy Product

D. Statement of the confidently of report:

"Information, data and drawings embodied in this business plan are strictly
confidential and are supplied on the understanding that they will be held
confidentially and not disclosed to third parties without the prior written
consent of the company.

Ahsan Zafeer Khan


Renewable energy in Pakistan is a relatively underdeveloped sector;
however, in recent years, there has been some interest by environmentalist
groups and from the authorities to explore renewable energy resources for
energy production, in light of the energy crises and power shortages
affecting the country. The average amount of daily sunlight in Pakistan is
nine and a half hours; there are a few cloudy days even in the wettest

Therefore, our product has potential to perform well in the developing

market of Pakistan and an economy relying on agriculture. Because of the
low cost of the solar cooker and the abundance of the sunlight factor in
Pakistan, we can be optimistic about the future of this product as well as
other related solar products.

SECTION III Description of business

A.General description:
A solar cooker is a device which uses the energy
of direct sunlight to heat, cook or pasteurize food or drink. Many solar
cookers presently in use are relatively inexpensive, low-tech devices,
although some are as powerful or as inexpensive as traditional
stoves, and advanced, large-scale solar cookers can cook for
hundreds of people. Because they use no gas and cost nothing to
operate, many nonprofit organizations are promoting their use
worldwide in order to help reduce gas costs (especially where
monetary reciprocity is low) and air pollution, and to slow down the
desertification caused by gathering firewood for cooking. Solar
cooking is a form of outdoor cooking and is often used in situations
where minimal fuel consumption is important, or the danger of
accidental fires is high, and the health and environmental
consequences of alternatives are severe.

B.Industry background:

The above picture was shows that how to make the solar
cooker and this will help in cooking purpose of poor people so we
make it by seeing many poor people wants that type of cooker to
cook easily and eat. Now we will show how many people facing these
problems and we will provide some thing to cook easily.

C.Features, Benefits & Objectives of solar cooker:

High-performance solar cookers can attain
temperatures above 290 C (550 F). They can be used to grill
meats, stir-fry vegetables, make soup, bake bread, and boil water
in minutes. Solar cookers save cost as well as reducing
environmental damage caused by fuel use. Solar cookers could
have large economic and environmental benefits by reducing gas
cost when solar cookers are used outside, they do not contribute
inside heat, potentially saving fuel costs for cooling as well. Any
type of cooking may evaporate grease, oil, and other material into
the air hence there may be less cleanup.

D.Uniqueness of solar cooker:

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All of the plans of solar cooker are designed

and built by individuals and organizations the great majority can be
constructed and used by anyone, this being the purpose behind
the display and dissemination of home made solar ovens and
solar cooker plans. All of the plans are very functional and can be
used to attain great results for most any cooking need. These
plans offer a great opportunity to also teach students, scouts and
other groups the principles behind solar energy and its uses for
practical application in the art of solar cooking.

SECTION IV: Marketing Plan

A. Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is necessary, which is dividing a market into distinct
groups of buyers with different needs, or behavior who might require
separate products or marketing mixes. Of the four levels of micro marketing
(segment, niche, local and individual), we shall use segment marketing. In
todays world, it has become necessary to divide the market using several
such segmentation techniques, and we will use four.

Geographical Segmentation: Urban and suburban regions of Pakistan.

Demographic Segmentation: We are targeting people with a stable

income of 10000-50000 rupees per months.
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Life-stage Segmentation: Our Micron 1000 model is targeted to single

young people and married couples (mostly old couples with no children
living with them).

Behavioral Segmentation: Solar Oven will be most useful for light users.

B. Target market (customers) identified

Our target customers are people who are living with low level of living and
dont not have access to natural gas, woods or other access to cooking

C. Estimated market share

Since the industry is developing and there are no major competitors and we
have also newly started this business in the market so it is too early to
estimate our market share. We are focusing on long-term activities. And we
will set strategies to achieve our vision of become profitable through
attaining maximum market share.
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D. Marketing Strategy:
Product Strategy:

Our product line will come with all the features as described in the earlier
previous section, plus a three month warrantee. Depending on sales
volume, we plan to introduce several more ovens with more specific
features next year.

Distribution Preview:

Since we have started our business newly, so in the begging of first year of
our operations, we would distribute the product over self. We are likely to
handover distributions responsibilities to some retailers in the second half
of the first year of operations. Our partners will incorporate some major
specialty store from the shopping malls to Stadium. Although distribution
will be limited primarily only in Karachi, we plan to expand nationally in
beyond from the third quarter of the year. We also plan to experiment sales
using e- commerce, which has yet to gain traction in the Pakistan Trade
promotion will be provided for the first year to all our retailers in the first
year. We are hopeful that this will allow them to stock more of our goods.

promotions plans:

we are likely to start our advertising through advertisement banners in

targeted areas of the Karachi. We would also likely do some advertisement
through digital media i.e. face-book, twitter, blogging, etc
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A.Legal structurestock and employment

agreements, and ownership
Private limited

B.Management teamkey personnel

Mr. Ahsan Zafeer Khan (Director)

Mr. Raza Karim (Strategy and Planning Manager)
Mr. Owais Vohra (Operations Manager)
Mr. Babar undin siddiqui (Marketing Manager)
Mr. Waqas Shahid (Finance Manager)

C.Roles and Responsibilities of management team:

Roles and responsibilities of Director:

Interfaces between organization and community.

Implements plans.
Manages human resources of organization.
Manages financial and physical resources.
Looks to the future for change opportunities.

D. Roles and responsibilities of Strategy and planning Manager:

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Provide executives teams with up to date research on strategy trend.

Finding out how existing customer view the organization.
Setup a competitor database.
Analyze change within the industry organization operates in.
Conduct research of changing consumers need and expectation.

Roles and responsibilities of Operation Manager:

Understanding strategic objectives.

Developing an operations strategy.
Designing the operation's products, services and processes.
Planning and controlling operations resources.
Improving the performance of operation.

Roles and responsibilities of Marketing Manager:

Instilling a marketing led ethos throughout the business

Researching and reporting on external opportunities
Understanding current and potential customers
Managing the customer journey (customer relationship management)
Developing the marketing strategy and plan
Management of the marketing mix

Roles and responsibilities of Finance Manager:

Providing and interpreting financial information.

Monitoring and interpreting cash flows and predicting future trends.
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Developing financial management mechanisms that minimize financial

Conducting reviews and evaluations for cost-reduction opportunities.
Managing a company's financial accounting, monitoring and reporting
Producing accurate financial reports to specific deadlines.
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A. Manufacturing Process:
The solar oven is fully hand with cardboard boxes; therefore our direct
material for solar oven is cardboard box. Following are steps of
manufacturing process.

i. First we have cut the cardboard box from box then paste polystyrene
sheet with it to make our base of product.

ii. Then we cover polystyrene sheet with aluminum foil paper with help of
washi tape and glue.

iii. We put piece of cardboard box (which is painted black) on the ground of
our oven, and then we put two wooden sticks just to keep the oven dish up
so that foods can be heated perfectly.

iv. Second piece of cardboard box which we cut in the 2nd steps, we build
the roof of cardboard with a piece of glass so sunlight can pass from it into
the oven.

v. Finally to make oven works more perfectly we cover the side wall of the
roof of solar oven again with solar oven so sun light can reflect into the

B. Physical Plant:
As this is just a beginning of our business so, currently we dont have a
physical plant. We manufacture our product at our head office which is
situated at KDA officers society.
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C. Machinery and Equipment required:

Currently we doesnt required any special machinery and equipment for
manufacturing of our product.

D. Names of the raw material used:

1. Cardboard boxes

2. Aluminum Foil Paper

3. A frame of glass

4. Polystyrene sheets

5. Black spray paint

6. Two wooden sticks

7. Washi tape

8. Glue

9. A black dish.
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A. SWOT analysis

Challenges and threats to sustainability

organization may face
. Strengths:
An already existing customer base.
The ability to meet customer's particular
Solar oven required no recurring expenses
on fuel.
It does not pollute the environment, and conserves conventional
Solar oven is durable and simple to use, it require no maintenance.

Competitive market
No market share yet
Difficulty in establishing brand equity.
It is only useful in the clear sunny weather.
It required high cooking or heating time as compared to traditional
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To build credibility
Sustainability in long run
Participation in a growing market.

Future/potential competition from a large company that decides to
take a more flexible approach to meeting customer's needs.
Increased competition.
Create awareness of the solar oven among the society.

B.. Strategies and Actions that have to be implemented

Mr. Ahsan Zafeer Khan is responsible for the strategy building in
terms of client servicing after sales.
Line Managers are working with Directors, responsible for monitoring
performance against the strategy, build Annual Operating Plan for
water filter straw and tracking performance against the plan, finance
manager is responsible for deploying the resources within their
control (peoples time; money; other resources) to achieve plans and
marketing manager assess markets and market developments for
new opportunities and alternative partners
The future recommendations will be incorporated gradually with
reference to the performance & achievements.
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Risk Analysis (expected in future)

Monthly Cost PKR 200,000
Salaries Depend on post
Other expenses
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Section VII: Harvest Strategy and Milestone


A. Continuity of business strategy

In order for Solar Oven to continue its business strategy it will need to focus
on its:

Marketing objectives;

Financial goals;

Operational objectives;

Staffing goals;

Social responsibility.

By doing so, it will be in a position to reach its desired long term exit goal.
Although issues may arise which may, prevent the continuation of business
strategies. Based on this Solar Oven will need to revise its strategy
constantly to determine what is working and what is not. Specifically this
can be done through keeping track records of events whilst commenting on
those and looking for other strategies to achieve its goals. Further it can be
achieved by systemizing its daily activities.
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B. Solar Cookers Programmatic Principles:

Influence close relationship with customers.

Work as a member of your team

Proactive and offer superior professional service

Operate as the professional interface

Create a corporate image of a leading, progressive and expanding


Inform that your company is innovative and manufactures quality


Transparency in financial transactions

Introduce new, and promote existing products

Assist your company to protect its market share

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Believe we strongly believe in ourselves & in the fact that perception

is bigger than reality

C. Milestone Schedule

Timing and objectives

It is intended by director to start business at small scale within 1 or 2

customer and gradually increase their business year to year.

Relationship of events

We are now focusing only in Karachi (particularly in the poor areas

where safe drinking water is not available) and gradually we will
increase our facilities to other cities.

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