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The textile industry


According to the imposed purification two may be used. The treatment proce-
Rates, physical-chemical or biological dure (figure 975) includes the stages
treatment or even a combination of the described below:

7.1. It is vital to provide for a buffer capacity

offering a volume corresponding to 6-12
PRELIMINARY hours storage time for the average flow
TREATMENT treated. This makes it possible to spread
over 24 hours the treatment of waste that is
Screening - straining usually produced over 16 hours (two
The presence of fluff and cotton flock shifts). Air stirring of the buffer tank can
also be useful.
means that fine straining has to be carried
out after routine screening. Oil removal, in
the event of large quantities of white spirit, Neutralisation
may also be necessary. After homogenisation, the pH of
effluents generally remains alkaline,
Homogenisation between 9 and 10. Neutralisation is
therefore necessary. It is carried out either
by sulphuric acid or available flue gas.
Chap. 26: Industrial processes and the treatment of wastewater

7.2. TREATMENT avoid dogging of filter packing. Owing to this

constraint, it is advisable to precede the
trickling filter process with physical-chemical
7.2.1. Physical-chemical treatment treatment with flocculation-settling. Once the
trickling filter stage has been completed, a
This treatment is only useful if the raw final clarifier may be used, depending on the
effluent contains a large quantity of SS, toxic end result needed.
substances (sulphides, chromates, etc.), or if
it requires a high degree of colour removal. Activated sludge
Treatment may include one or several of the Due to the type of pollution, it is advisable
following stages:
to size the facility with a low F/M ratio. The
- catalytic oxidation of sulphides in an settling tank must be sufficiently large to
aerated tank, with controlled addition of iron account for poor activated sludge settleability
or manganese salts, owing to the high content of surface-active
- flocculation in a slowly mixed reactor with agents in wastewater to be treated.
dosage of iron or aluminium salts followed BOD5 removal rates reach 90% to 95%.
by addition of an organic polymer to enhance
settling yield,
7.2.3. Tertiary treatment
- clarification by settling (Turbocirculator) or
flotation (Flotazur).
Tertiary treatment is useful for the removal
of non-biodegradable COD and more
7.2.2. Biological treatment
especially for colour removal. It includes:
chemical precipitation, ozonation, adsorption
Depending on the pollutant load and on activated carbon, etc.
purification level required, several treatment It is also preferable to carry out a
processes are available: treatabiliry test to choose and size the most
suitable procedure.
Trickling filter, followed by settling if
needed Sludge
This is the simplest technique and allows a Produced sludge is thickened and then
BOD5 removal rate of between 50% and dewatered either by a belt filter (Superpress
70%. It does, however, require raw water to or GDPresse), or filter press.
be completely free of any fibrous content to
7. The textile industry

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