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Re: Wyoming Press Association, Freedom of Information Award

Dear selections committee:

The Jackson Hole News&Guide is committed to holding public entities accountable for sharing
public information. By requesting data, documents and interviews, we are able to review how
public dollars are being spent, how public data is being kept and how public officials are making

The attached package showcases four projects (a total of eight stories) that demonstrate some of
the work our staff produced over the past year that addressed this core value.

The first package, reported by Environmental Reporter Mike Koshmrl, includes two stories, Park
muzzles private business, and a corresponding story, Knot slip probably led to Exum guides
death. The first story examines a new policy Grand Teton National Park has placed upon its
concessioners, effectively banning them from speaking to the media. Information about the policy
was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, and the story provides analysis on
the policys effect. The second story explains the FOIA requests that were made after the death
of a local climber, the incident that sparked investigation into this new policy.

The second package, reported by former Health Reporter Melissa Cassutt, includes three stories:
Newspaper asks hospital to share contact details, Hospital declines to share separation
contract terms and Hospital paid $133K to former employee. This progression demonstrates
the reporters and publications commitment to obtaining information, as well as sharing that
process with the readers.

The third package, a two-part series reported by Education Reporter Kylie Mohr, covered a
question that appeared on a high school English test. The first story, English quiz sets off fiery
outcry, examines the issue that unfolded in Jackson Hole High School, as well as the schools
attempt to block the release of information about how the test was generated. Mohr continued to
request interviews and information, eventually gaining access to the schools internal quiz-storing
system. Her findings are explained in Trump answer was on a quiz given last year.

In the final entry, Statute conceals wolf kill details, Koshmrl shows the result of a recent inquiry
made by the News&Guide for detailed information about wolf kills across Wyoming, an issue of
particular interest in our region. The story explains some of the implications of concealing data,
and he is continuing to report on this topic.

We have long believed that public information belongs to the public and we strive to keep public
officials and offices accountable to those that elected them.

Thank you for your consideration,

Johanna Love

Editor, Jackson Hole News&Guide

Jackson, Wyoming Wednesday, November 23, 2016 One dollar


Im not
for ICE
Whalen dismayed by
advice to immigrants
to not cooperate when
encountering law officers.
By Emily Mieure

Hundreds of people attended a fo-

rum in Jackson on Nov. 16 to learn
how a new administration could af-
fect immigration laws. But not ev-
eryone is happy with the way it was
I was disappointed that I was

Tim Palermo and his son, Jesse, of Webster, New York, ride back to their trailer after tagging a cow elk in Antelope not given an opportunity to address
Flats during Jesses inaugural elk hunt Sunday in Grand Teton National Park. Its a completely different style of the crowd, Teton County Sheriff
hunting here than hunting whitetails in New York, Jesse said. I dont know what animals we didnt see here. Jim Whalen told the Jackson Hole
Grand Tetons elk hunt aims to cull about 200 cows from this years herd, and will wrap up Dec. 11. News&Guide. Numerous issues
were brought up that were matters

Park muzzles private business

of the sheriff s office, which I could
have clarified and explained, but for
reasons of which Im unaware I was
not given the opportunity.
Teton County agencies joined to-
Concessionaires barred from of knowledge about how accidents occur on the often-
climbed and frequently hazardous 13,775-foot peak. gether to put on the information fo-
speaking with media without Park Three years later another Exum climber died rum last week.
guide Gary Falk, also on the Grand and repeated There was no intention of set-
Service public affairs office consent. phone calls left over several days went unreturned. ting this up as people versus police,
By Mike Koshmrl A more bare-boned News&Guide story about Falks said Mary Erickson, executive di-
death followed. Grand Teton National Park rangers rector of One22. Its about knowing
In 2013, days after the death of their first guided granted an interview but were sparse on details, cit- what their rights are.
client in nearly 30 years, Exum Mountain Guides two ing an ongoing investigation. Whalen and Jackson Chief of Po-
co-owners sat down with the News&Guide to carefully Its an open question if Exums cooperation would lice Todd Smith attended the two-
walk reporters through every- have resulted in a more rigor- hour forum, observing from the
ous account that would have back of the crowd.
thing they knew of the accident. See related story on page 2A better educated the public about I was invited to attend the fo-
Gary Miller, a 55-year-old
grandfather and former Marine, the July tragedy on the Grand. rum, Whalen said. And I under-
had fallen into a 35-foot-deep icy water moat after slip- What is clear is that Exums reticence was the product stood the reasons for the attendees
ping on a steep Grand Teton snowfield and succumbed of being contractually prohibited from speaking with concern. Fear of the unknown is ex-
to hypothermia. Exum provided the News&Guide the press. ceedingly troubling for families.
with diagrams and a thorough description of the days Were only in year two of our contract, and when During the forum, attorneys Elis-
events. The private business cooperation allowed for that new contract was issued they made it known that abeth Trefonas and Rosie Read went
a detailed, 1,100-word story that expanded the body See PARk on 21A See SheRIff on 20A

Dual, non-dual students see instruction disparity

Most kids dont get Dual-immersion students whose
first language is English are exposed
mersion; FLES, which stands for for-
eign languages in elementary schools;
get 50 minutes of Spanish instruction
a week. Spanish is considered a spe-
enough time to build to almost 14 times as much foreign and FLEX, which stands for foreign cial, like physical education, art, mu-
language proficiency. language as students in traditional
language exploration.
In Teton County School District No.
sic, library and computer. There are
two specials in a day, and each special
By Kylie Mohr Its totally not fair to have 50 per- 1 students fall under immersion or meets once a week.
cent of the kids getting all this and 50 FLEX. You dont ask a student to learn the
Consistency and repetition are percent not, school board Trustee Joe For a program to be considered piano for one hour a week, Larrow
crucial for learning a foreign lan- Larrow said. FLES, students need to meet a mini- said. Its not enough.
guage. But with the current model of There are three general models for mum of three times a week for 30 min- Fluency isnt expected in FLEX.
instruction for Jackson Hole elemen- elementary language instruction that utes. FLEX is anything less. It doesnt build proficiency, but we
tary school students, some are getting vary in intensity and outcome depend- Currently, non-dual students at try as hard as we can, said Christina
much more instruction than others. ing upon goals, time and resources: im- Davey Jackson Elementary School See DISPARITY on 22A

Slipped knot was fatal flaw
Legobots take over school
Tiny homes go to court
Mental health coalition forms
Doc cleared of malpractice
Snow, yes. When? Uh ...
2016 Teton Media Works 7A Rental laws may be coming 10A New development rules worry 19A Schools seek budget boss
JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 21A
Wyoming Press Association attor-
Continued from cover
ney Bruce Moats had a different inter-
pretation of the change in Park Ser-
Attention Alta & Wilson
this was the new policy in regards vice policy.
to media, Exum Mountain Guides It seems to be part of what I see
co-owner Nat Patridge said in an is an ever-growing attempt by gov-
interview. When you called, that ernment at all levels to control the
was certainly in the forefront of my information that flows to the public, Pursuant to the Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Act notice is hereby given to
mind. Moats said. solicit nominations for appointments to the Teton County Weed and Pest District.
Patridge said he did not seek per- The broad single-sentence media
mission to give an interview. clause, he said, likely falls short of be- DISTRICT #4 WILSON AND DISTRICT #5 ALTA - EACH HAVE ONE
The reason, he said, is because ing an outright First Amendment vio- 4-YEAR POSITION THRU JANUARY 2021
other people had been contacted and lation but nonetheless has a chilling
I felt the information was covered effect.
Nominees shall submit a petition signed by at least 10 landowners. Petitions
well enough. This, I think, really undermines must be filed with the County Clerk by 5pm on December 9th, 2016.
And I was prohibited from the publics ability to really under-
Petitions may be found at HYPERLINK www.
speaking anyway on any details, stand whats happening, Moats said. For more information please call 733-8419.
Patridge said. And whats wrong with them speak- 321290
The stipulation about media ing and telling what they know? Why
in Exums contract, which runs hide the truth in this situation?
through 2023, is summarized in a Law enforcement has those same
single sentence: The concessioner concerns about the integrity of the in-
must forward all media inquiries vestigation and about media asking
concerning operations within the questions to potential witnesses to a
area to the services public affairs crime, he said, but they dont have
office. the ability to take away free speech
The language in the contract, ac- rights, so why should the Park Service
quired through the Freedom of In- do that?
formation Act, is entirely new. The Moats said concessionaires are eco-
previous version of Exums contract, nomically dependent on the parks,
which expired six months after Mill- and criticized the broadness of the Located in the
ers death, contained no protocol for federal agencys contractual language. Smiths Plaza
dealing with news media. This is a solution looking for a
A ban on working directly with problem, he said. Its using a sledge
the press without going through the hammer to swat a fly, and its going
National Park to have ramifica-

Services pub- tions of harm to 800-543-6328
lic affairs office the public inter-
carries over to est in prevent-
other private This is not in any way ing a free flow of
companies whose information as
meant to control the presents

businesses are opposed to any
under contract in harm that would
Grand Teton Na- message. come from poten-
tional Park. Its
not confined to James Doyle tial with

Awareness Night
ther. Companies Although the
under contract Park Services
at National Park original intent
Service properties around the country may have been to protect law enforce-
have been similarly prohibited from ment and search and rescue investi-
taking reporters phone calls without gations, its clear the new regulations
Thurs, Dec. 1st | 5-9:30 p.m.
The intent of the language is to
have had a farther-reaching effect.
When Jackson Lake Lodge recently
at The Center For The Arts
protect the integrity of investiga- cooked up and promoted the Guinness
entry fee to benefit
tions, Park Service regional spokes- Book of world records largest smore, Teton County
man James Doyle said. Its just to the feat had to be communicated to
make sure that the most accurate in- the parks public affairs office. Search & Rescue
formation is out there. Its not meant It wasnt voluntary outreach.
visible and strong.
Hole will be
red Jackson
nds where the
on backgrou
only to be used
This logo is

to be prior restraint. They would need to let us know

Doyle said he was unaware of the that, Germann said.

origin of the media clause but that it At Exum, all media must be ap-
began in about 2011. proved ahead of time, be it an adver- fle
Gear Rafiz
r e:
If one contract has language in it, tisement, website or anything that
Grand P and

its picked up by other parks and it relates to the concession contract, Pat-
the J and the
and align with use this logo.
bronco larger
making the border,
no boarder 70% of the broncos
nd. There is it lies behind
on a white backgrou white in it that

becomes sort of the template, Doyle ridge said.

only to be used holds a photo and has enough
This logo is nd
If the backgrou

said. I cant tell you how all this start- In the aftermath of Gary Falks
ed. death, the media stipulation in Ex-
The Park Service, he said, is devel- ums contract may have had the de- Jim Springer, MC Keynote Speaker:
oping standardized language about sired effect and prevented conjecture BTNF Avalanche & GTNP Climbing Ranger David Page
media relations that will become a from compounding.
template for all concessionaire con- Initial witness interviews sug- Presentations: Condition Orange:
tracts. gested the 42-year-old veteran guide Risk Assessment and
Sarah Carpenter Situational Awareness
In Grand Teton National Park, unclipped from his lanyard moments American Avalanche Institute in Avalanche Terrain
there have been contractual clauses before falling 2,400 feet to his death. The Early Season Snowpack
ordering businesses to go through The press ran with the storyline, with David is a national award-winning journalist and
senior correspondent for Powder Magazine based
the public affairs office dating back to newspapers as far away as the Min- in Californias High Sierra. His multimedia series on
Jay Pistono
2007, spokeswoman Denise Germann neapolis Star Tribune running head- Teton Pass Ambassador
decision-making in avalanche terrain, The Human
said. lines like: Guide who fell to death on Teton Pass Update &
Factor, garnered two consecutive Maggies and was
nominated for a National Magazine Award.
Concession contracts from 2010 Grand Teton unclipped from anchor. Considerations
held by Jack Dennis Fishing Trips, But after weeks of investigation, DAVID PAGE ATTENDANCE UNDERWRITTEN BY:
Solitude Float Trips and O.A.R.S. Jenny Lake Ranger Chris Bellino de-
West do not prohibit those businesses termined that Falk likely did not re-
Mike Rheam
BTNF Avalanche Forecast Center
from working directly with the press. move protection but rather fell due to New Developments with the Lab MEMORIAL FUND
But two more recent contracts for a lanyard water knot that did not have and Hotline Learn more about Steve and the fund at
Jackson Hole Mountain Guides and enough tail. That revelation didnt
the Hole Hiking Experience simi- come until weeks after Falks fatal
larly bar the free flow of information fall, Patridge said.
between media and private business- It was the result of the Park Ser-
AJ Wheeler, MD
Teton County Search & Rescue
#dontknowdontgo: Review of
Including avalanche transceivers, ski packs, ski
es. vice Chris Bellino really taking JHMR backcountry gate statistics wear, ski poles, a JHMR Grand Pass and more!
Park Service personnel interviewed the time to thoroughly investigate, and BC Zero programs All proceeds support the Avalanche Hotline!
for this story said they felt the media Patridge said. Thats a benefit to not
clauses were not added to provide a being reactionary and taking on too INFO TABLES AND REPRESENTATIVES:
Jamie Yount
filter. much conjecture after the fact. Meteorologist & Avalanche American Avalanche Institute Backcountry Access
I think what it is, is we work in In this respect, he said, taking Technician, WYDOT
BTNF Avalanche Forecast Center Teton County
Search and Rescue Rakkup Ortovox
partnership, Germann said. And at the time to really thoroughly inves- The Winter Forecast Exum Mountain Guides Jackson Hole Mountain
Grand Teton, its been positive work- tigate actually produced the best Guides Black Diamond Equipment Friends of
ing relationships with our conces- results. presented by Pathways J.H. Conservation Alliance Winter Wild-
lands Alliance Patagonia Mammut
sions. Scarpa The Steve Romeo Memorial Fund
Doyle said, This is not in any way Contact Mike Koshmrl at 732-7067 or Snow King Mountain JH Nordic Alliance
meant to control the message. 321285
2A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Day Weekend Knot slip probably led

Sale! to Exum guides death
THIS Friday through SUNday
Nov. 25th - 27th
9am - 7pm Daily Investigation debunks The News&Guide acquired the
Grand Teton National Park investi-
suspicion that Falk gation through the Freedom of In-
unclipped before fall. formation Act. The fatal accident oc-
curred July 23, though the National
By Mike Koshmrl Park Service didnt complete the re-
port until Oct. 5. It was released to
Not enough tail protruding from the newspaper Nov. 7.
a knot that slipped is what like- The juvenile climbers, Bellino
ly killed Exum Mountain Guide found, werent well positioned to see
Gary Falk as he what was happening at the anchor
descended the and lacked the technical climbing
Grand Teton last experience to understand what was
summer. occurring.


Falk, 42, was The webbing attached to Falk is
leading three what indicated a water knot likely
youth members slipped. Bellino concluded that the
of the City Kids line attached to his harness had an
program down overhand knot attached to one end
All New Winter Skiwear, Sportswear & Insulation! the 13,775-foot Falk and slight discoloration and stiff-
peak when a be- ness on the untied end.
Baselayers, Hats & Gloves! lay device being hoisted up became These property changes are pos-
wedged in a crack at the top of the sibly the result of heat from friction
All New Skis, Boots & Bindings too! Owen-Spalding rappel. during a knot slippage event, Bel-
Falk was facing downward, try- lino wrote.
Summer AAI/Teton Limited selection of ing to shake the device free, when To Exum President and co-own-
Footwear Clearance Mountaineering 15/16 Skis & Boots his body shot outward rather er Nat Patridge the likely cause of
than straight down from the cliff Falks death is a reminder that even
Level 1 Avy Course
50-70% 11/30-12/4 30-50% face, with Falk fumbling with the
belay line in the first moments of a
a small detail can have catastrophic
consequences in the Tetons.

off! off! 2,400-foot fall, according to a search We dont know definitely if it

Still a few spots left! and rescue report. was the water knot and ring bend,
Stop by & sign up! Although several witnesses ini- but its highly probable and it fits
tially said that he had unclipped with Garys behavior, Patridge told
early for FREE his lanyard from the anchor, Jenny
Lake Ranger Chris Bellino wrote in
the News&Guide.
He was really thorough, Pat-
the best GIFT
WRAPPING! his investigation, the fall was like- ridge said.
selection! ly due to the failure of a knot on his It highlights the importance of
lanyard. being ever-diligent with all the gear
Investigating rangers found you use in the mountains, he said.
that an equipment failure and Its important to inspect your gear
Open Daily 170 North Cache Jackson 733-3595 judgment error were the two regularly and even prior to use.
leading factors that killed Falk, Falks death marks one of the
who was a 12-year Exum guide, a only fatalities of a climbing guide
husband, a father of two and the son while on duty in Grand Teton Na-
E X P E R I E N C E P AY S of Wyoming Rep. Marti Halverson.
The theory that Falk had removed
tional Park history.
In 1997 Allan Bard, 44, died in
L E T U S P R OV E IT himself from protection before fall-
ing stemmed from accounts of the
a 130-foot fall on the Grands Ow-
en-Spalding route when he slipped
teenage climbers in his party. But on ice-glazed rock. The last Exum
PR i C e R eD UC eD of all the witnesses Bellino inter- guide to die on the job was in 1966,
viewed, only the three kids, whose when Fred Ford was hit by rockfall,
names and ages were redacted from Patridge said.
the report, alleged that their guide
had unclipped, according to the in- Contact Mike Koshmrl at 732-7067 or

Thanksgivings a day off

for town, county offices
Banks and post offices day. Register online or in person at
the Rec Center by 3p.m. today.
Golf & Tennis ReTReaT will also be closed. START will maintain its fall bus
schedule through Thursday. The
Beautiful western contemporary home in the Golf & Thursday is Thanksgiving, a fed-
Tennis development with Teton views. The one level eral holiday. winter schedule will begin Friday.
design is characterized by exposed antique beams Banks, post offices and government START routes can be checked at
and impressive woodwork including hardwood floors offices will be closed. Teton County
throughout. The large open floor plan is perfect for and town of Jackson offices will also The Teton Media Works office
entertaining. The home boasts two river rock fireplaces be closed, as will the Senior Center of will be closed Thursday; the front
(one wood burning, one gas), two sunken living rooms, a Jackson Hole, county trash transfer desk will close at 3p.m. today. Look
gourmet chef s kitchen, air-conditioning and many more
station and recycling center. for a Thursday-Friday edition of the
custom details. Summer evenings can be enjoyed on Jackson Hole Daily on stands to-
the private deck with a built-in gas grill, granite dining
The Wyoming Department of Mo-
tor Vehicles, Teton County Library morrow.
counter and fire pit surrounded by cushioned seating.
and Teton County/Jackson Recreation Elks Lodge No. 1713 will of-
This is a meticulously maintained property.
Center will be closed Thursday. fer a free Thanksgiving meal from
6295 Aspen Dr | $2,190,000 | 16-750 The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 11a.m. to 3p.m. Thursday. For in-
5K kicks off for walkers at 8:45a.m. formation, see the story on page 2 of
and for runners at 9:15a.m. Thurs- Stepping Out.
Owner, Associate Broker Owner, Associate Broker
307.413.1362 307.413.1364

Corrections and clarifications

MiCHael PRUeTT ReBeKKaH KelleY
Associate Broker Associate Broker
307.413.2700 307.413.5294
The Nov. 16 Valley cover story Wild horses patrol wilderness incorrectly stated the number of
BUDGEREALESTATE.COM wild horses in the West. According to the Bureau of Land Management, about 67,000 horses roam free, but it has determined the appropriate management level is about 27,000 across 10 states.
80 W. Broadway, Jackson, WY
Our news reporting mission is to be objective and accurate. Readers are encouraged to alert the editor to an error by
email,, or by calling 732-7063. We commit to correcting errors fully and promptly in the next
published edition.
14A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Porn addiction posited
Believes pornography
as school board matter
On glasses over $100. Must
addiction is just as Trustee believes it may but rather make it an evening forum
for interested parents.
present coupon. Valid
dangerous as drugs and
through 11.25.16!! be just as dangerous Chapman said the district is commit-
ted to supporting the health and well-
alcohol. as drugs and alcohol to being of our students and partner with
young, evolving minds. parents to provide information on a va-
riety of topics.
By Kylie Mohr While local medical professionals
Extended thru Black Friday! think pornography addiction is a pos-
A Teton County School District No. 1 sibility, they arent sure its the most
307-733-5022 | 28 E. Broadway | Mon-Fri 10am-5:30pm board member is calling for parents and pressing issue to discuss.
educators to discuss pornography addic- I suppose its possible, Dr. Jim Lit-
tion as a possiblity for area students. tle said. Teenagers can get addicted to
Jackson Hole Elks Lodge 1713 television, the internet, their computers
I think this is an incredibly impor-
Giving back to the Community tant subject, Trustee Joe Larrow said. or their phones. I dont know whether
There are new science-related facts Id discuss it in the same breath as al-
that the same neural pathways that cohol and drugs, but it certainly can be
Join us for

get affected by addictions to things a problem.
like alcohol and pot are also activated Deirdre Ashley, executive director at
while watching pornography. Kids can the Jackson Hole Community Counsel-

get addicted to porn in the same physi- ing Center, agreed.
ological manner that they get addicted Addiction is addiction, Ashley said.
to other things. Theres probably some truth to that.
Larrow first mentioned the idea in Dr. Jim Little Jr. said that while
a Performance Monitoring Committee there are many kinds of addictions that
Meeting on Oct. 20 during discussion of affect people, he doesnt think pornog-
the districts freedom of expression pol- raphy addiction is an immediate threat
Served at the Elks Lodge from 11am to 3pm icy. He vocalized the idea again during to teenagers in the valley.
Located on the corner of a school-sponsored community panel Theres a big difference between
West Broadway and Jackson Street on teens abuse of drugs and alcohol in teenagers who look at pornography
Teton County. on the internet and giggle about it or
270 W. Braodway

Free t o th e Co m m u n i t y Larrow believes there is a stigma

around the topic the community must
shake to make progress.
Itd be nice to have community
get excited about it and people who
are addicted to pornography, Little Jr.
said. Not everyone who looks at por-
nography is addicted to pornography.
meetings about pornography how it Not everyone who drinks alcohol is ad-
affects students, whats going on, what dicted to alcohol.
the numbers are, he said. Lets get on Finding strictly secular speakers to
this. Its just as critical as alcohol and address the topic might be tricky, as a
drugs, and its in front of their faces lot of anti-pornography groups are reli-
SOLD! SOUTH OF WILSON every single day. Its more accessible
and just as detrimental physically and
gious in nature or message. A popular
organization among millennials, Fight
emotionally. the New Drug, is known for its social
He thinks Jackson Hole needs to media campaigns and billboards in cit-
Video Available Upon Request! wake up and have this much-needed ies such as San Francisco that state,
discussion. Porn kills love.
Information Coordinator Charlotte Larrow had heard of the organization
Reynolds said there is no community before and thought it might be a good
meeting scheduled on the topic. idea until he realized a complicating fac-
At this time, the inquiry into por- tor. Even though the organization is not
nography is a topic that may be cov- officially affiliated with any religion, the
ered at a later time as we are in the Utah-based nonprofits senior research
midst of determining what resources consultant is Dr. Jason Carroll, a pro-
the community may be able to offer fessor of Marriage and Family Studies
Location: Hidden Hills Square feet: 5613 on the topic and if this is a topic that in the School of Family Life at Brigham
should be addressed by the school sys- Young University.
Days on Market: 161 Acres: 8.42 Zoning: Single Family tem, Superintendent Gillian Chap-
CALL MEREDITH TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY! man said in an email. I would not in- Contact Kylie Mohr at 732-7079 or
corporate this topic in the school day,
Associate Broker
Newspaper asks hospital
to share contract details

PUBLIC NOTICE News&Guide requests

information on pricey
When the News&Guide later
inquired about the details of the
contract, St. Johns spokeswoman
NOTICE OF JOINT VOLUNTEER BOARD VACANCIES separation agreement. Karen Connelly asked for a written
request to be forwarded to the hos-
By Melissa Cassutt pitals legal team.
Jackson/Teton County Affordable Housing Supply Board The News&Guides request Tues-
The Jackson Hole News&Guide day asked for the sum of the con-
This advisory board will give advice to the Jackson/Teton County Affordable sent St. Johns Medical Center Board tract, reason for separation, title of
Housing Department Director as to how to supply affordable housing in Teton of Trustees Chairman Michael Ten- the employee and the length of em-
County and the Town of Jackson. Ideal board candidates will have expertise nican a public records request Tues- ployment.
in some or all of the following: site design, building design, housing finance, day, asking the hospital to release St. Johns Medical Center is expect-
the amount paid to an employee in ed to earn net revenue of $110 million
construction management, preservation/conservation, communications, land
a separation agreement. in fiscal year 2017.
acquisition/sale, Federal/State housing programs, livable communities, and Trustee Joe Albright moved in the The hospital also receives about
community benefit collaboration. boards August meeting to autho- $4 million from district tax revenues,
rize the St. Johns Medical Center which contributes to its nonoperating
1, 2 and 3 year initial terms available depending on number of members of 7, administration to enter into a sepa- revenue.
9 or 11, to be determined jointly by the Town of Jackson and Teton County ration agreement with a hospital The Board of Trustees is an
employee. The contract was unani- elected seven-member board that
mously approved by the board. oversees the hospitals budget. It
Visit for more information and application download. As a personnel matter theres meets monthly in the boardroom at
not much discussion we can have St. Johns Medical Center, and each
on that, Tennican said before the member is seated on several com-
Or request an application from the Admin Clerk board voted. mittees that are closed to the public.
at 732-8488, Trustee Cynthia Hogan said af- A copy of the letter can be viewed
Application deadline is 5:00 pm on December 9th ter the meeting that the board must at
authorize administrative contracts
with interviews scheduled afterward.
over $100,000. Dr. Lou Hochheiser Contact Melissa Cassutt at 732-7076
321292 was CEO at the time. or
2A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, November 30, 2016

School board trustees

Tis the Season for prepping for new role
Members are ready It was beneficial, he said. I really
focused on the specifics of the duties.
to dive into hard issues. Scarlett said a Casper Star-Tribune
headline about budget cuts greeted him
By Kylie Mohr upon arrival.
We had quite a conversation regard-
Newly elected Teton County School ing the budget process, Scarlett said.
District No. 1 school board members are We need to start discussing it and be-
ready to be sworn in at noon Thursday. ing prepared. The focus has got to be on
Annie Band, Betsy Carlin and Bill budgetary issues because its going to
Scarlett say theyve been putting in drive everything.
extra hours so they can hit the ground Scarlett said that making sure the
running after they take an oath at Teton district has strong representation in
Womens & Mens County Courthouse. Theyre focusing on
a few areas as key priorities.
Ive been putting in a crazy number
Cheyenne might help with the big
unknown of how the Legislature will
respond to Gov. Matt Meads budget
GTX Ski Jackets of hours researching, Band said. Im
almost finished going through all the
school board policies for the third time.
recommendations, scheduled to be re-
leased today.
All three new trustees say theyve
Baselayers Ive been doing that since before I filed.
Its a serious job.
Band said she has been copying and
talked to teachers and community
members to get a sense of whats going
on in the school district.
Insulation pasting portions of policies that she has
questions about into a document. She
Band, Carlin and Scarletts first
meeting as new trustees is 6p.m. Dec.
thinks the boards upcoming retreat, a 7. Before then, theyre going through
daylong meeting set for Dec. 10, will be an orientation process and touring all
a good time to have major discussions. the schools including outlying build-
Its an opportunity for us all to get ings like Moran, Alta and Kelly. Band
to know each other on the board and said the orientation tour is a new pro-
build some consensus right off the bat cedure for incoming trustees, whose
as to what some of our highest priorities role is unpaid.
are, Band said. Im very optimistic as Decembers board of trustees meet-
to where we can go. ing will begin with a budget workshop
Some of those discussions might in- and an overview of strategic plans, cru-
clude the upcoming reconfiguration cial for new board members to under-
timeline, which was frequently talked stand. They say theyre ready.
about by candidates during the election. As my daughter would say, Im nerv-
Clearly the school transition and excited, Carlin said. Im nervous and
the dual immersion school option is excited. Its a risk to take on a bigger
not a completely settled issue, Car- role than I have in the past, so I would
lin said after attending the Novem- hate to go into it without a little nerves.
ber board meeting where the topics I want to make sure I do a good job.
Open Daily 170 North Cache Jackson 733-3595 were discussed. I get a sense that Band said she looks forward to get-
there is more discussion that needs ting a lot done.
320431 to take place. Im truly humbled by this office,
Carlin added that when she went she said. Im taking it very serious-
to a National Association for the Edu- ly and I will work to the very best of
cation of Young Children conference, my ability to do the job that needs
E X P E R I E N C E P AY S she attended sessions she thought
would be relevant to the district
to be done. If we collaborate, were
going to be able to do some fantastic
L E T U S P R OV E IT like gaining deeper knowledge on 1:1
technology use.
Scarlett was the only new member
things for this district and for this
to attend the annual Wyoming School Contact Kylie Mohr at 732-7079 or
Pa l mer Creek log Board Association meeting in Casper.
Ho m e
A beautiful retreat only 20 minutes south of
Jackson near the Hoback and Snake rivers.
This log home consists of over 2500 sq.ft.
Hospital declines to share
separation contract terms
with remodeled kitchen and bathrooms.
The 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home includes
a spacious master bedroom, a loft, a wood
burning stove, and skylights. The guesthouse
has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a covered By Melissa Cassutt employee has privacy concerns, which
wrap-around deck and huge windows facing also must be considered, Lubnau wrote
the mountain views. The property includes a Attorney Thomas E. Lubnau II said in a letter responding to the request.
1,500 sq.ft. garage/shop with additional 2nd a former St. Johns Medical Center em- Thus, as a matter of common courtesy
story storage. NO steep roads or driveways. ployee has privacy concerns with dis- to the former employee and of relevant
MLS# 15-2888, $895,000 closing information about a separation legal requirements, we have asked the
agreement with the hospital. former employee to comment on the pri-
The News&Guide requested disclo- vacy concerns that come with the sepa-
sure of contract details after the hospi- ration from the Hospital District. The
tals board of trustees unanimously ap- District will seek that persons input
750 W Ponderosa proved then-CEO Dr. Lou Hochheisers and respond to you promptly.
dr IVe negotiations for a separation agreement St. Johns Medical Center is expect-
Enjoy Teton and Teton range vistas from this with an employee. At the time, board ed to earn net revenue of $110 million
peaceful location on the western boundary of chairman Michael Tennican said the in fiscal year 2017. The hospital re-
Ponderosa Dr. Bordering the 250 acre Trinity matter could not be discussed. ceives about $4 million from district
Ranch to the West provides for pastoral The board must authorize adminis- tax revenues, which contributes to
views both West and Southwest. A seasonal trative contracts over $100,000, accord- its nonoperating revenue. The seven-
water feature enhances the ambiance of the ing to Trustee Cynthia Hogan. member board of trustees oversees the
property The News&Guide requested that the hospitals spending.
MLS# 16-2349, $750,000 board identify the amount of the con- The News&Guide maintains that
tract, the reason for separation, the em- taxpayers have a right to know how the
ployees title and length of employment. publicly elected board allocates funds.
While the Hospital District is very
conscious of its obligations to disclose Contact Melissa Cassutt at 732-7076
dIanne BUdge CHad BUdge information to the public, the former or
Owner, Associate Broker Owner, Associate Broker
307.413.1362 307.413.1364

mICHael PrUeTT
Associate Broker
reBekkaH kelleY
Associate Broker Corrections and Clarifications
307.413.2700 307.413.5294
A guest shot by Louis Wang contained a line that the author wished to clarify. That line
BUDGEREALESTATE.COM should have read: 1. The Comp Plan isnt the peoples Plan. Politicians spent over $200,000 in court to make sure voters couldnt vote on the Plan.
80 W. Broadway, Jackson, WY
Our news reporting mission is to be objective and accurate. Readers are encouraged to alert the editor to an error by
email,, or by calling 732-7063. We commit to correcting errors fully and promptly in the next
published edition.
10A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Hospital paid $133K
to former employee
Unnamed individual Hospital in San Jose, California, the
last job he held before stepping into
received eight months his role at St. Johns.
salary, housing benefit. He also has a prenegotiated sev-
erance package at St. Johns, which
By Melissa Cassutt pays out his base salary $452,000
annually for the time remaining
St. Johns Medical Center has re- of the initial three-year contract
leased the separation agreement with term should the relationship be ter-
a former employee who was paid eight minated for any reason other than
months salary to leave the hospital cause.
last summer. Beaupres contract also specifies
The News&Guide requested in- that his severance is conditioned
formation on the agreement af- on the execution and delivery by
ter the hospitals board of trustees employee to employer of a general
unanimously approved paying the release and nondisparagement docu-
unnamed employee an undisclosed ments in a form to be agreed upon.
amount during its August meeting. Such an agrement, not uncommon
The board must approve administra- for key upper-level positions, puts
tive action over $100,000, according you out of the legal system and into
to one of the trustees. arbitration, he said.
The name of the employee and But while Beaupre and CFO John
the position Kren said the
were redacted packages arent
from the con- Severance agreements common at St.
tract to main- Johns, the hos-
tain employee in health care pital has made
CONSERVATION ALLOWS US TO CONTINUE TO PROTECT Tom Lubnau, the industries ments to former
WORKING FAMILY RANCHES IN JACKSON HOLE. hospitals attor- administrators.
ney, wrote in an are extremely Former CEO
email. Pam Maples
However, re- common. made $25,000
daction of such a month to stay
information was John Beaupre on retainer as a
inappropriate, ceo, st. johns medical center consultant after
according to at- she took early
torney Bruce retirement from
SPRING GULCH MEADOWS | 380 ACRES PROTECTED SINCE 2015 Moats, who has represented the her position. Maples earned nearly
HANSEN RANCH | 211 ACRES PROTECTED SINCE 2011 News&Guide in the past. a quarter million dollars under that
PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID STUBBS They have no basis for redacting arrangement, though her consulting
the name of the employee, he wrote services were never requested.
in an email. The court in Franscell Several years before that the
v. Houghton did not allow for redact- board of trustees fired CEO Jim
ing the name of the employee. Schuessler, who received $309,975
The agreement paid out plus benefits in severance. Before
$133,333.34 the equivalent of his termination Schuessler fired

Plastic Surgery Consult eight months of salary as well as CFO Robert Flake and Assistant
$6,000 in relocation fees should the Administrator Virgil Boss, both of
former employee leave the county. whom also received severance pack-
with Dr. Payne The unnamed worker was also per- ages worth a full years salary. Flake
mitted to stay in employer-provided earned $215,000 annually; Boss
housing through August of last year. made $165,000 a year.
Though St. Johns CEO Dr. Paul Beaupre said he doesnt see much
Beaupre was not seated at the time need for severance packages at St.
Body Contouring the package was arranged and Johns, but he reserves the right to
signed Dr. Lou Hochheiser was use them in future contracts.
Restoring ones desired physique can be a challenge. Some at the helm Beaupre said sever- Looking down the road at hard-
areas of the body are resistant to diet and exercise, and for those ance packages are common for the to-fill positions Joan [Palmer]
industry. retires and we need to bring in a
areas, surgical treatment options may be considered. Severance agreements in health really good chief nursing officer, or
Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is designed to remove care industries are extremely com- John [Kren] decides hes going to go
mon, Beaupre said. To get a criti- work at the Mayo we may need
excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. The muscles of the cal hire in a hard-to-hire position, to start putting severance packages
abdomen are also tightened during the surgery. its very common to have a sever- as part of our recruitment package
ance package in the recruitment into the deal.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes deposits package.
of excess fat from areas of the body and neck, resulting in Beaupre said a prenegotiated sev- Contact Melissa Cassutt at 732-7076
improved contour. Less invasive than abdominoplasty, erance agreement was part of his or or @
liposuction is best for patients without significant skin excess. CEO contract with Good Samaritan JHNGcounty.

Both abdominoplasty and liposuction are outpatient

procedures with short recovery times. Dr. Payne can provide
guidance in choosing the procedure to achieve the desired
results. Confidential files of students receiving Special Education services
through Teton County School District, with birth dates between
1992 and 1993, will be destroyed during the month of May,
Call for an appointment to
discuss whether body contouring
2017, unless the parent/guardian/student contacts Teton County
is right for you: 307.733.8070. School District #1, Student Services Department at (307) 733-
Free cosmetic consultations 3232 or PO Box 568, Jackson, WY 83001. Requests for inactive
through March 31st.
records must be made prior to March 24, 2017. Dated this 9th
day of February, 2017, in Jackson, Wyoming.
John C. Payne, DO Respectfully submitted by Julie Nash, Special Education
Board Certified in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Coordinator, for Teton County School District #1.
Committed to our community, full time, year round.

555 East Broadway, Suite 211, Jackson, WY TETON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Our mission is to ensure that all students have the foundation for
success and are challenged to reach their full potential.
PO Box 568, Jackson, WY 83001 307-733-2704 324908
Jackson, Wyoming Wednesday, October 11, 2017 One dollar


quiz sets
off fiery
Teacher said she didnt
write the test, but
parents decry liberal
bias in schools.
By Kylie Mohr

Another English teacher might

share the blame surrounding a
Jackson Hole High School quiz that
has prompted national outcry over
its reference to shooting at Trump.
In addition to gaining nationwide
media attention by outlets like
Fox News, Breitbart and The New
York Times, the story has prompted

Sebastian Smits, 6, keeps his hands firmly shoved in his hoodie pocket as he tries to consume a strung-up doughnut politicians from around the state
during the Jackson Elementary PTO pumpkin sale. For a full story see page 3B. to condemn Jackson and the
teacher, who said that although she
administered the multiple choice

Time runs out for Bar J plan

quiz on George Orwells novel
Animal Farm with an answer
shooting at Trump, she did not
write the material.
I am normally very careful to
Developer withdraws application, ably timely manner, Lubing wrote.
The plan was to convert the site of the Bar J Chuck- assess the material I provide to
citing delays caused by appeals. wagon, a dinner and cowboy entertainment operation, my students to make sure it is
to a residential development of 46 market units and 23 accurate and appropriate, Carin
By Allie Gross Aufderheide wrote in a statement.
affordables by amending its 1977 master plan. Original
entitlements to the plot include 1 acre of residential de- While I did not write the quiz
After years of appeals, the application for a 69-unit velopment, 5 acres of open space and 15 acres of com- questions and answers, it was my
residential development at the Bar J Chuckwagon is of- responsibility to proofread it; had I
mercial development totaling 33,000 square feet. The
ficially dead. done so I can assure you I would not
proposed development was west of Highway 390, just
Developer HRH LLC withdrew the projects planning have distributed the quiz without
application on Oct. 6. A letter to the county from HRHs south of Teton Pines.
The land development regulations allow for an ag- first changing the offensive answer.
attorney, Jim Lubing, said the delays from the three ap- But if Aufderheide didnt write
peals by neighbors and the associated automatic stays grieved person to appeal planning department decisions
to the Teton County Board of County Commissioners. the test, who did?
on the projects progress meant the developer ran out of
time on its contract to develop the property. The Alliance of Route 390 Neighbors filed a total of The school district, which
Because of the obvious uncertainties caused by the three appeals at every turn of the applications progress previously confirmed the test
approach the county takes in imposing the stays, irre- through the planning department. was administered Thursday in
spective of the merits of a particular appeal, the present Neighbors first appealed the redevelopments pre- Aufderheides sophomore English
owners are convinced that there is no hope of ever get- application conference in May 2016. The following class, will not confirm the name
ting a project approved or even evaluated in a reason- See BAr J on 19A See quIz on 18A

Nalleys parents still mourn loss of their only child

While in Idaho for court Nancy Nalley said Monday night,
pointing to a bag on the floor. This is
her. She was asleep in the top bunk
of a bunk bed when he got there, ac-
and another by the door. Aside from
those few blemishes, theres no way
procedings, mom and dad what were taking home. cording to police. Ohlson shot her to tell that the cabin was the scene
confront daughters death. Jack and Nancy Nalley live in
Austin, Texas. Their daughter was
eight times in the back, police said,
leaving her body on the front porch.
of a crime.
Its torture, Jack Nalley said.
By Emily Mieure murdered in her cabin next door to He couldnt have killed her if he She was my best friend.
her grandparents house on July 5, knew her, Nancy Nalley said. Jack Nalley tears up every time he
Jennifer Nalleys cabin hasnt 2016, just outside Driggs, Idaho. Theres a wooden plank on the says his daughters name.
changed much since the night she To us its like it was yesterday, cabins front porch, covering the spot We planned her, he said. We
was killed. Her parents, who have Nancy Nalley said. I still pretend where Nalleys body was discovered talked about what we wanted her to
been dreading this trip for over a its not real. the next day. Detectives took the be like. She was the center of every-
year, are here going through her Nalleys ex-boyfriend Erik Ohlson, boards for evidence. They also cut thing we did.
things. of Jackson, told police he got drunk out pieces of the log home where bul- Jennifer was their only child.
She had so many tools and books, and drove to Nalleys cabin to scare lets were lodged, one above the bed See NAlley on 17A

News is No. 1 rah!
Daily has its third editor
Many dine on lion leftovers
Wyo. reps firm on shooter rights
State wants to capture carbon
Housing scams go online
2017 Teton Media Works 3A Men strut against violence 22A Forest Service aims to decide faster 26A Berms, ponds are on hold
18A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, October 11, 2017
if Aufderheide, or any other teacher with all of her students. People should overall reception from his classmates
quiz involved, is on leave. Students at hear the whole story before they rant is a positive one. He is not receiving
Continued from cover death threats as Fox News reported.
the high school say Aufderheide and on Facebook or publicly humiliate
of any other teachers involved in another English teacher are not at her. Its pretty heartwarming, he said.
the tests creation. Several sources school and have substitute teachers Web pointed out that Aufderheides They are giving their thanks and
say the test was written by a fellow this week. reputation has been tarnished and it saying they appreciate what I did
English teacher. could possibly be the end of her career because they wouldnt have had the
Because this is an active investi- A community reacts and life in Jackson. Webs eyes got opportunity to do it themselves, and
gation and a personnel matter I am Some students say that Aufderheide teary as she talked. they feel like they wouldnt have been
not at liberty to answer the question is an amazing teacher and that adults Shes the teacher that made me heard. Even slightly right-of-center
regarding who authored the quiz, are blowing this situation out of not hate English, Web said. students dont really get to express
district information coordinator Char- proportion. The seniors their opinions in the same way that
lotte Reynolds said. Seniors Emma said contrary everybody else does, and I really dont
Superintendent Gillian Chapman Hauptman, Dev- to what other think thats fair.
and Principal Scott Crisp have de- on Topp, Seren People should hear the peers might say, Rylee McCollum described this par-
ticular test as the straw that broke
clined interview requests and direct- Web and Ryan politics arent
ed all questions to Reynolds. Welch all say whole story before they an overt part of the camels back.
When teachers share tests through Aufderheide is the curriculum Teachers arent supposed to influ-
Canvas, a learning management widely liked in rant on Facebook or at Jackson Hole ence their students based on their po-
system, they have to export them to the high school. High School. litical biases, and I feel like that just
a central repository before another Shes one of publicly humiliate her. We only talk was a step too far, he said.
teacher can import the material. the best teachers about politics He stressed that he thinks
They arent directly shared, leaving Ive ever had, Ryan Welch in government Aufderheide is a fantastic teacher
open the small possibility that a third Hauptman said. JACKSON HOLE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR class, Topp said. and doesnt think she deserves to lose
party couldve changed the test an- She shouldnt be Aufderheide her job.
swers. A high school faculty member known for this. is in the midst of Meanwhile, parents are speaking
revealed there were several scenarios She has a heart of gold, and shes the writing letters of out against what they see as a liberal
last year at the high school in which nicest person youll ever meet. recommendation and editing essays bias in Teton County schools.
questions were changed and no one Welch said that he thinks it was an for college-bound kids. Not wanting to be named because
could determine the source. honest mistake and that he has been Its crunch time because Nov. 1 is they said they expect retribution
The News&Guide made a request surprised by the immature reaction the deadline for early applications against their children, some said that
to see all tests administrated last of adults on social media. He and his and some scholarships. their students are getting a one-sided
year by another English teacher that friends think the situation couldve This is an event that shouldnt political education. They pointed to
sources have pointed to. been handled better. hinder that, Welch said. instances in middle school and high
District officials said they would The amount of good Miss Larkin Rylee McCollum, who initially told school classrooms in which they be-
[Aufderheides maiden name] has his father, Jim McCollum, about the lieve their students were singled out
comply with the request but not be-
done totally outweighs this, Welch quiz question, said that while a few and embarrassed for having conser-
fore press time.
said. She has a good relationship kids have said theyll beat him up, the vative beliefs.
The school district will not confirm
Jim McCollum said he was told
by high school administrators that
theyre going to revisit how they pres-
ent political stuff in the school and try
to make sure that personal political
views are curtailed a little bit.
Its a start, he said.

Its about time

Ethan Lobdell, a physics teacher
and head of the middle school at Jour-
neys School, wanted to share an edu-
cators perspective. While he agrees
that the quiz answer was inappropri-
ate and unacceptable, hed like to see
the discourse take a more construc-
tive, positive approach to find com-
mon ground and empathy.
How do we engage with each oth-
er when we have different beliefs in
a way that move us forward versus
backwards? Lobdell asked. Social
media in this instance served as a gi-
ant sledgehammer driving a wedge
into the fissures of our community.
Teachers margin for error, Lobdell
said, is small. He weighs how to sup-
port his students without endorsing
their personal political beliefs.
Thats the inherent challenge of
being an educator, he said. Youre
thrown into the fire because of the im-
portance of your role and the expecta-
tion that you are guiding children for-
ward. We have such high standards
for our teachers, and rightfully so.

Julie Guttormson - Owner, Revolution Indoor Cycling - and Family Whats next
A school board meeting at 6 p.m.
Oct. 18 might shed more light on
whether any disciplinary action
Banking Anywhere, Anytime will be taken against the teachers

F eel like theres not enough time - time to get work finished, time with
the family, time to relax, time to work out? Allow Bank of Jackson
Hole to take the pressure off your packed schedule so you can complete
According to Wyoming statute 21-
7-110, a school board may suspend
or dismiss any teacher or terminate
any continuing contract teacher for
your banking on the go with our 24 hour mobile banking; you can bank
incompetency, neglect of duty, immo-
anywhere, anytime. Likewise, if you didnt get your last ride in because rality, insubordination, unsatisfac-
winter is upon us, dont worry! Go see Julie and her certified team of coaches Invest in Your Community tory performance or any other good or
at Revolution Indoor Cycling to ride and row all winter long. Whether it is Bank Local just cause.
Any candid discussion between
banking or exercise, time is no issue - you wont be spinning your wheels. school board members is likely to
happen in an executive session.
Live Your Jackson Hole Lifestyle, Leave the Banking to Us However, any vote will need to be
made in public.
Aufderheide is a third-year teach- 307-732-BOJH er, meaning she hasnt received ten-
ure. Tenured teachers have slightly
Headquartered in Jackson Locally Owned and Managed 10 Branches 15 ATMs Commercial Loans Real Estate Loans Mortgage Loans more protection from punishment in
the sense that they can contest a con-
Main Branch Town Square Branch Wilson Branch Smiths Food & Drug Branch Hillside Branch Teton Village Branch Aspens Branch tract termination in front of an inde-
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733-8064 733-8067 733-8066 732-7676 734-8111 734-9037 733-8065 pendent hearing officer.

Contact Kylie Mohr at 732-7079, or @
2A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

KIDS Trump answer was on
a quiz given last year
Auto-grading might be used by multiple teachers. Both 11th-
grade English teachers, Carin Aufder-
why shooting reference heide and Jess Tuchscherer, adminis-
thats raised an outcry tered the quiz last year and this year.
Rylee McCollum, the junior who
wasnt caught earlier. took a screenshot of the test to show
to his father, Jim McCollum, was in
By Kylie Mohr
Aufderheides class. She has since said
that she did not write the quiz.
This isnt the first year that a high I am normally very careful to as-
school English quiz on George Orwells sess the material I provide to my stu-
Animal Farm contained the phrase dents to make sure it is accurate and
shooting at Trump. appropriate, Aufderheide wrote in a
A public records request made of statement.
Teton County School District No. 1 While I did not write the quiz ques-
revealed that the same quiz ques-
Stop by!
tions and answers, she wrote, it was
tion was posed to Jackson Hole High my responsibility to proofread it; had
School students Oct. 19, 2016, and Oct. I done so I can assure you I would not
5, 2017.
Baby Bunting This same quiz was administered
have distributed the quiz without first
changing the offensive answer.
Synchilla in 2016, information coordinator
Charlotte Reynolds said. It was writ-
The other teacher who adminis-
rs tered the quiz for two years, Tuch-
Down Sweate ten in 2016 or prior. scherer, has declined several interview
Donald Trump announced his can-
Ski Wear didacy for president on June 16, 2015.
The school district, citing confiden-
On Oct. 19, 2016, he was nearing the tiality in personnel matters, will not
end of a controversial campaign and say if he is the author.
three weeks away from winning the The school district will also not con-
2016 presidential election. firm if Aufderheide or Tuchscherer is
The quiz is an online multiple on leave. Students at the high school
choice, short answer and true/false say that neither teacher is at school
test on Chapters 7 and 8 of Animal and that they have substitute teach-
Farm. It has since been taken down ers.
Rich Crowder/Patagonia
only teachers, not students, can see Superintendent Gillian Chapman
it but that didnt stop parents from and Jackson Hole High School Princi-
claiming liberal bias in schools and pal Scott Crisp have also declined in-
raising an outcry that has drawn na- terview requests and directed all ques-
tionwide media attention. tions to Reynolds.
The question administered this When it comes to routine multiple
year and last year reads, Napoleon choice quizzes like this one, Canvas
has the gun fired for a new occasion. auto-grades students answers. That
Open Daily 170 North Cache Jackson 733-3595 What is the new occasion? Answers means that if a teacher did not write
include, He was shooting at Trump, the material but chose to use it, he or
His birthday, For completion of the she wouldnt know about offensive ma-
windmill and To scare off the attack- terial within the assessment.
ers of Animal Farm. That may be what happened to Auf-
E X P E R I E N C E P AY S The school district said Canvas, its derheide.
It is a possibility that a teacher
L E T U S P R OVE IT online learning management system,
doesnt show who authored a quiz af- would actually never see the respons-
es, Reynolds said. Gone are the days
ter its been archived in a shared cen-
tral repository called Commons. The of teachers handing out a quiz on a
school district started to use Canvas piece of paper, collecting them all at
during the 2014-15 school year. the end of class and going through and
Once a quiz is archived it can be See quiz on 16A

Grit of Jackson women

shown in special section
Rare opportunity to purchase two AR zoned lots with improvements in East Jackson. Ideal for Geraldine Lucas is the face of this podcast telling the stories of wom-
anyone searching for much needed housing solutions. Includes 3 structures: a main home with years Jackson Hole Woman. en across Wyoming; learn more at
1,170 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a full un-finished basement; a historic home with The cover of the special section
392 sq.ft. with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom; and lastly an 896 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom shows Lucas atop the Grand Teton, a But it also highlights the work we
apartment above an oversized 2-car garage built in 2001. MLS 17-2362, $1,800,000. summit she completed in 1924. It was still have to do. This year youll find
just another achievement she checked stories on gender equality and gen-
off a long list of society-defying acts, der norms, pay parity and industry
including divorcing her husband, re- disparity, and youll meet the leaders
claiming her maiden name and en- both women and men who are
rolling in college. After a long teach- addressing these issues in our com-
ing career, she moved west to Jackson munity.
Hole in 1913 and pretty much ran her We may not be where we want to
homestead single-handedly. be, but the future is bright. If our an-
Hats off to you, Lucas. cestors taught us anything its that
In those days Jackson women Wyoming women like Pearl Hupp,
didnt give much thought to others our first female marshall, Grace Mill-
opinions of them and we still dont. er, Jacksons first female mayor, and
GR EAT O P PO RTU N I TY I N TH E TOW N O F JACKS O N! This years Jackson Hole Woman Betty Woolsey, who taught herself to
This is a fixer-upper that no doubt needs some cosmetic help, but the potential is absolutely there. celebrates that spirit, highlighting ski and later went to the Olympics for
The multi-level floorplan allows for 2 living areas and 3 large bedrooms. Located in a quiet cul- female chefs, cops and Teton Coun- it have always had the wit, wisdom
de-sac on a large .21 acre lot with mature trees, a spacious deck, and a huge backyard. Selling as-is,
ty Search and Rescue volunteers and grit to accomplish their desires.
where-is and priced accordingly. Roof is new!
MLS 17-3018, $644,000. who have carved a place for them- Cheers to that.
DIANNE BUDGE CHAD BUDGE selves in traditionally male-dom- Find a copy of Jackson Hole
Owner, Associate Broker
Owner, Associate Broker
inated industries. It showcases a Woman inside todays News&Guide.
local photographer, Lindsay Linton Melissa Cassutt,
Associate Broker
Associate Broker
Buk, who recently launched a new Jackson Hole Woman Editor
307.413.2700 307.413.5294

BUDGEREALESTATE.COM Corrections and Clarifications
80 W. Broadway, Jackson, WY Our news reporting mission is to be objective and accurate. Readers are encouraged to alert the editor to an error by
email,, or by calling 732-7071. We commit to correcting errors fully and promptly in the next
published edition.
16A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Continued from 2A School board
grading them. That is not how the dis-
trict administers these sorts of assess-
meets tonight
The Teton County School District No.
When assessments go into Com-
1 school board meeting is today at 6 p.m.
SHELTER YOU mons, Reynolds said, that material
becomes available outside of our dis- Like all regular monthly board meetings it
will be held at the districts administrative
WE WILL trict to other educators who are
teaching the same content. offices at 1235 Gregory Lane.
Public comment by students defending
SUPPORT YOU So it is truly shared, Reynolds
said. their teachers and parents views on
politics in school are expected. Because
WE WILL Its a possibility, but not common
practice, Reynolds said, that local the fate of teachers Carin Aufderheide
and Jess Tuchscherer is not on the public
LISTEN TO YOU teachers could pull assessment mate-
meeting agenda, public comment will be
rial from other school districts. A high
school faculty member revealed there taken relatively early in the evening. The
No matter what its like out there, its safe in here. were several scenarios last year at the time limit to speak is two minutes.
high school in which questions were According to Wyoming Statute 21-
changed and no one could determine 7-110, a school board may suspend
WE WILL the source.
When the news broke and outrage
or dismiss any teacher or terminate
any continuing contract teacher for
NOT JUDGE YOU started to increase, Reynolds said the incompetency, neglect of duty, immorality,
district was conducting a thorough in- insubordination, unsatisfactory
vestigation into the matter. performance or any other good or just
When asked Tuesday if the inves- cause.
tigation was complete she said she School board policies address
didnt know. religion in schools and staff involvement
Im not privy to personnel investi- in political campaigns, but nothing
Helping victims of domestic violence, gation, Reynolds said. I cant defini- specifically covers the place of politics in
sexual assault and stalking, because tively say one way or the other. I would classroom lessons.
we all deserve a safe place. hope for everyone involved that it is Any candid discussion between school
complete because it takes their focus board members is likely to happen in an
away from other priorities. executive session.
However, any vote on the suspension Contact Kylie Mohr at 732-7079, or termination of a teachers contract or @ must be made in public.
337234 JHNGschools.

BEd Tax
Continued from 2A
well as several soccer, hockey, lacrosse,
whitewater and skiing tournaments.
During the debate regarding a
newly approved snowcross event at
Snow King Mountain Resort, many
stepped forward to call for fewer dis-
ruptive events, especially during the
But others celebrated the event, say-
ing it would provide them with much-
needed revenue during a slow time of
year and bring a fun event to town for
the snowmobile community.
The goal is to create sustainable
capacity and business that business
owners can anticipate year round,
said Anna Olson, executive director
of the Jackson Hole Chamber of Com-
merce. Its important to realize how
low hotel occupancy is running during
the offseasons.
The Travel and Tourism Board
shows hotel occupancy has re-
mained relatively flat over the last

Scouting for Food

three years, especially during the
It was also noted that the prob-
lem of traffic and the loss of Jack-
sons offseasons may be more affect-
Pictured from Left to Right: Shirley Craighead, Cathy Poindexter, Rachel Daluge, Paul Vogelheim, ed by population growth, especially
Amy Brooks, Leslye Hardie (in the middle with stripped shirt), Therese Metherell, Jim Ryan in Jacksons commuter communi-
ties, than by an explosion of tourism
Not shown: Mike Randall, Amy Weirda, Ali Dunford, Evan Molyneaux caused by promotion.
In the past 20 years the popu-
lation of Jackson has increased
Supporting Community 44 percent while the population
of Teton County grew 36 percent.

J ackson Cupboard provides essential, nutritious food to our community

members in need. During the Scouting for Food Drive on October
28, the Boy Scouts will be picking up bags of nonperishable food left
The population of Victor, Idaho, in-
creased 76 percent, the population
of Driggs, Idaho, increased 42 per-
cent, and the population of Alpine
on your porch to help Jackson Cupboard stock their shelves. If your increased 65 percent.
neighborhood does not receive a flyer on your door on October 21, Invest in Your Community Though eliminating promotion
Bank Local would certainly not solve the prob-
please participate by dropping off your donation at any local grocery lem, critics of the tax say it might
store in the box marked Scouting for Food. at least keep it from getting worse.
We dont need to be spending
Bank Of Jackson Hole is a proud sponsor of Jackson Cupboard. any public money to make these
problems worse, said town Coun-
cilman Jim Stanford, who has been
Live Your Jackson Hole Lifestyle, Leave the Banking to Us particularly vocal on the issue.
The one piece that I look at is, 307-732-BOJH were doing this to ourselves, he
said. There are economic forces
Headquartered in Jackson Locally Owned and Managed 10 Branches 15 ATMs Commercial Loans Real Estate Loans Mortgage Loans beyond our control nationally and
even internationally, but were dig-
Main Branch Town Square Branch Wilson Branch Smiths Food & Drug Branch Hillside Branch Teton Village Branch Aspens Branch ging ourselves a deeper hole if we
990 West Broadway 10 East Pearl Ave. 5590 Highway 22 1425 Highway 89 975 West Broadway 3300 Village Dr. 4010 N. Lake Creek Dr.
733-8064 733-8067 733-8066 732-7676 734-8111 734-9037 733-8065
continue to promote this place.
Contact John Spina at 732-5911. or @
337253 JHNGtown.

Jackson, Wyoming Wednesday, October 18, 2017 One dollar


wolf kill
Incidents involving legal
wolf deaths are not public
information, officials say.
By Mike Koshmrl

A small agricultural valley on the

fringes of Jackson was the site last
year of steady conflict between a wolf
pack and the cattle dotting the nar-
row band of pastureland straddling
Spring Gulch Road.
Both wound up on the losing end,
as did the livestock producers who en-
dured the bloodshed. Eleven Pinnacle
Peak Pack wolves were felled by man- Jackson sophomore Sienna Taylor and freshman Parker Smith close in on the finish line Friday during the 4A West
agers with traps and rifles who were cross-county regional meet at the Snake River Sporting Club. See the Sports cover for the full story.
intent on stemming drawn-out dep-
redations that claimed at least eight

Paging Dr. Miller ... without luck

head of cattle over the summer and
The canine-cow clash in Spring
Gulch continued this year, but out of
the public spotlight. Cattlemen didnt
return phone calls, and Wyoming Patients are left with questions, to either party.
Miller said she couldnt talk to the News&Guide or
wildlife managers, who gained au- troubles with care after diabetes doc comment on the story because its a personnel matter
thority over wolves this spring, said
they were prohibited by state law suddenly disappears from St. Johns. that is confidential by law.
Miller was an internal medicine physician who
from discussing any incident that in- practiced with St. Johns Physician Practices, St.
volves the legal killing of Canis lupus. By Kylie Mohr Johns multispecialty medical group. Miller could con-
We cant give out any information tinue to practice and see patients in town but doesnt
on any action that has been taken, Patients of internal medicine specialist Hayley have her own practice as an employee of the hospitals
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Miller are wondering: Wheres my doctor? medical group.
Regional Supervisor Brad Hovinga Karen Connelly, St. Johns Medical Centers chief Connelly said patients scheduled with Dr. Miller
said in a September interview. communications officer, confirmed that Millers em- are being contacted to ensure a smooth transition to
At issue is a 5-year-old statute ployment was terminated last week. another doctor. Conversations need to happen, she
thats intended to protect the iden- Dr. Hayley Miller and St. Johns Medical Center said, to make sure patients are matched with a pro-
tity of hunters who kill wolves for voluntarily and mutually chose to terminate her em- vider who is a good fit for what their individual needs
recreation and managers who must ployment this week, Connelly wrote Thursday. She and preferences are.
dispatch the large carnivores as part emphasized the words voluntarily and mutually We definitely want to make sure there isnt a gap
of their job. Its being interpreted so chose to terminate her contract because of a confiden- in care, Connelly said. I havent been contacted by
See WOlf on 22A tial agreement with no liability or breach attributable See mIller on 24A

Heart Six Ranch owner says poison killed horse

But theres still no theory The report comes a week after Ken and Bobbi Eva, the reporting A necropsy was done and they
the Teton County Sheriff s Office parties, are not happy with the ani- found a twisted gut, Raffelson said.
about how mini horse launched an investigation to find mal control officers findings. Although that was probably the
Buckwheat was dosed. out why Buckwheat and his corral The pony died because he was cause of Buckwheats death, the poi-
mate Booberry were so skinny. neglected and starved, Ken Eva son was slowly attacking his body
By Emily Mieure Deputies responded last week af- said. weeks before that.
ter a complaint was filed about thin Raffelson believed the horse was He showed signs of liver failure
The owner of Heart Six Ranch horses at Heart Six Ranch, in Buf- sick, not starving. and other issues during the necrop-
found out late Tuesday that his be- falo Valley north of Jackson. While Yes, the horses are skinny, sy, Raffelson said.
loved mini horse Buckwheat died of neighbors allege neglect and cruel- Raffelson said. But there are many The investigation started Oct. 7
gallic acid poisoning. Owner Frank ty, Deputy Doug Raffelson found no reasons that can happen. after the Evas called police.
Chapman, 49, cited toxicology re- signs of negligence at the scene. But Buckwheat died Thursday at G I first saw him on Wednesday,
ports from G Bar G Veterinary Ser- he did find two unhealthy horses, Bar G Veterinary Services in River- Oct. 4, Bobbi Eva said, and was
vices. one of which later died. ton. See HeArT SIx on 9A

Shooting at Trump on 2016 test
Guess whos coming to lunch
Now planes have housing hassles
Contract signed for new bridge
Share pathways with e-bikes?
Asphalt firm is banished
2017 Teton Media Works 6A County rules on a fences height 18A Donations may buy drug dogs 21A Town wants creative developers
22A - JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week in Review
This is a selection of the stories printed within Vicki Garnick, owner of the Playhouse, isnt overly
the past week in the News&Guides sister pub- concerned. She said engineers have been working on
lication, the Jackson Hole Daily. For full ver- a solution since July, and she hopes to be up and run-
sions of each of these stories and more go online to ning by Christmas. But Jim Green, the town of Jacksons building offi-
cial, was more troubled, saying the building had to be
Beaver attacks dog, gets shot sealed because of serious concerns that the roof could
A territorial beaver that took up residence in collapse and hurt someone.
Crater Lake was killed earlier this week, but not Fixing the roof, Garnick said, has been a part of her
before maiming a dog swimming there. plans for a larger renovation of the Playhouse.
The canine-castor run-in took place Oct. 9, when
Matt Deehans wife was with their 80-pound rescue Zac wont be back in 18
mutt, Teddy, at a frequent lunchtime dog-walking There will be no three-peat for Zac Brown Band
spot for the West Bank residents. Teddy took a swim fans in Jackson. The popular country band that head-
and emerged from the water limping and bleeding, lined Rendezvous Fest the past two years will not re-
the result of the toothy aquatic rodent attacking his ASHLEY COOPER / NEWS&GUIDE FILE turn in 2018.
penis, scrotum and inner thigh, Deehan said. A flag flew high in the sky in honor of Jackson Hole According to the Jackson Hole Rendezvous 2018
A licensed hunter reportedly killed a Crater Lake Fire/EMS Capt. Michael Tepe on Saturday outside proposal, the resort will take a year off from the high-
beaver shortly afterward. the Lodge at Jackson Hole Conference Center as risk, paid concert model that featured Zac Brown the
He called to see if it was legal first, and the part of a memorial procession. last two seasons.
game warden that he called said, Yeah, its legal, Talent, while not at the Zac Brown level, will still
Wyoming Game and Fish Department spokesman The contention came to light Friday when a private be well above the level of for example the Michael
Mark Gocke said. Then he went out and shot it. plane business hoping to open shop at the airport filed Franti/Blues Traveler show of three years ago, the
a legal petition in Wyomings 9th Judicial District. proposal states.
County supports federal START grant
County commissioners have added their support
Cheyenne attorney and open government specialist Cost of living rises against state average
Bruce Moats, representing Wyoming Jet Center, said
to STARTs pursuit of a federal grant to complete its the airport is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Teton Countys cost of living continues to separate
Karns Meadow bus barn. Act. A Sept. 13 letter from airport attorney Mike Mor- the area from the rest of Wyoming, according to the
START is seeking $15.3 million in grant funds to go gan argues otherwise. states Economic Analysis Division, which released its
toward the maintenance facility, an expanded admin- Wyoming Jet Centers records request was for a biannual cost of living index report.
istrative operations area, additional bus storage space, trove of documents and communications tied to the The report said the cost of living in Teton County
more commuter buses and an on-site compressed nat- potential sale of Jackson Hole Aviation. is 46 percent more expensive than the next most ex-
ural gas, diesel and gasoline fueling station. Housing pensive county, Sublette, and 54 percent higher than
is not eligible for the grant. Playhouse roof is a hazard the statewide average.
The wooden doors of the Jackson Hole Playhouse Teton County was 32 percent more expensive
Airport winds up in records spat have been sealed shut. Signs reading Unsafe, do not than the statewide average in 2013, 31 percent in
The publicly administered Jackson Hole Airport is enter or occupy are taped across them. 2014, 35 percent in 2015 and 50 percent in 2016.
arguing that its internal records and communications The building was officially shut down Oct. 1 be- The housing metric for Teton County was scored
are not subject to public records law. cause of structural concerns with its roof. at 199, nearly twice the statewide average.

Gumby guys combined with strobe

WOLf lights, he said. That actually did
Continued from cover work to prevent some damage for
broadly that its illegal, state officials about six to seven weeks, and then
say, to disclose not only lethal actions it appears that they became compla-
taken against a wolf pack but even cent.
the number of wolves that have been Conservationists who watchdog
killed this year in Jackson Hole, or Wyomings wildlife managers had
any other specific area in Wyoming. differing takes on the restricted
Attorneys have advised Game and flow of information about wolf con-
Fish that it can give out data on wolf flict.
deaths thats no more specific than a The Greater Yellowstone Coali-
statewide aggregate number. tion said in an email the statute
doesnt really affect its staff s abil-
Just two sentences ity to do its job.
The statute shielding informa- Our goal is the big picture piece,
tion about wolf conflict from public Communications Coordinator Beth
and media view is brief, just two Kampschror said, that Wyoming
sentences. The law on the books pro- (and other states in the Greater Yel-
hibits the release of any informa- lowstone) manage for a stable popu-
tion about the number or nature lation of wolves.
of wolves legally killed, unless in
aggregate form or with permission RYAN DORGAN / NEWS&GUIDE
Dont want to talk about it
from the person who is involved. Terry Schramm circles a cow killed by the nearby Pinnacle Peak wolf pack The Wyoming Wildlife Advocates
Information identifying any per- last fall on the Walton Ranch. Wyoming wildlife managers no longer share any Roger Hayden was more displeased
son legally taking a wolf within this information about specific wolf-livestock conflicts because of a statute that with what he called secrecy about a
state, the statute reads, is solely took effect when the state gained jurisdiction over its wolves this spring. topic of significant public interest:
for the use of the department or ap- wolf conflict with livestock.
propriate law enforcement offices that the report complies with the stat- most conflict-prone areas, wolves are I think we should know about
and is not a public record. now treated as predators and have
ute, he said, but its a lot easier to do it as it happens, just like we know
Brian Nesvik, Game and Fishs that when youre taking a whole year been targeted by unregulated gun- whenever a wolf is killed by a hunt-
chief game warden, didnt recall why worth of data. fire and traps since April, when an er, Hayden said. Its put up on
or how the statute came about, ex- appeals court gave the state jurisdic- their website.
cept that it dates to 2012. The regu- Kill numbers are down tion over the species. In the Yellow- I dont understand why it has to
lation, he said, affects not only what What is known about wolf-live- stone regions interior, where wolves be secret, he said. Its controver-
information Game and Fish shares stock conflict in Wyoming this year is are managed trophy game, a hunt sial, and thats why they dont want
with the public, but also what it that it has waned, at least judging by started Oct. 1. All told hunters have to talk about it.
shares with federal agencies and re- the total number of lobos that have killed 46 animals, some of which like- There has been little griping that
searchers. been killed by ly could have run Nesvik has heard about information
Basically, Nesvik said, weve Game and Fish into trouble with that is being kept under wraps be-
had to treat them just as we would
any member of the public.
and its federal
contractor, the
I dont understand livestock and
been killed for
cause of the statute. Theres been
no discussion he is aware of about
The Wyoming Game and Fish
Departments dump of information
U.S. Department
of Agricultures
why it has to be secret. their misdeeds.
Game and
pursuing an amendment to the only
statute Game and Fish deals with
about the lethal taking of wolves Wildlife Services. Its controversial, and Fish has also that concerns the flow of informa-
comes as an annual wolf manage- Through the been experiment- tion about a specific species. The
ment report that typically is re- end of Septem- thats why they dont ing with meth- way things stand, the chief warden
leased in April. Hunter harvest is ber the tally of ods other than said, is transparent enough.
also reported in real time in online controlled wolves want to talk about it. killing to deter I think the current statute is rea-
reports, a necessity because the 12 in the Equality wolves from ma- sonable, Nesvik said. The current
areas close one at a time as quo- State stood at 57, Roger Hayden rauding pastures state statute provides enough infor-
tas are reached. The annual report Large Carnivore WYOMING WILDLIFE ADVOCATES and rangeland. mation that the people who own this
details information about the fate Supervisor Dan In the Jack- resource the people of the state
of each wolf pack, listing its size, Thompson said. son region since of Wyoming are able to tell and
wolves that dispersed, livestock it In 2016, a record year for conflict, last May we have successfully em- determine with the information we
killed and the number of animals 103 wolves were shot or trapped in ployed some nonlethal techniques provide how their resource has been
harvested by hunters and controlled the first nine months of the year. to prevent damage that seemed to impacted or used.
by managers. The return of hunting to the land- work, Nesvik said.
The document, Nesvik said, is not scape could be one factor in the dip. The primary newer, innovative Contact Mike Koshmrl at 732-7067,
exempted from the statute. On the outskirts of the Greater thing that we used was a combina- or @
We conduct a review to ensure Yellowstone Ecosystem in Wyomings tion of the big inflatable windsock, JHNGenviro.

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