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I. Report the questions using a wh-, if- or whether-clause, as appropriate. Make any
necessary changes to verb tense, pronouns, etc. (6pts)

1. Where did you put the eggs? She wondered where I put the eggs.

2. Do you want a hot or a cold drink? She asked me whether I wanted a hot or cold drink.

3. Why didnt you go with Jack? She asked me why I didnt go with Jack.

4. Which is mine? She couldnt remember which was hers.

5. Are you ready to leave? She wanted to know whether I was ready to leave or not.

6. What was your grandmothers name? She asked which was grandmothers name.

II. Complete the sentences to report what was said using a that-, wh- or if-clause. (8pts)

1. Im sure that we shall be there soon. He reassured me that we would arrive soon.

2. You mustnt forget you credit card. He reminded me that I shouldnt forget my credit

3. I shall miss the bus if I dont hurry. He worried that he would miss the bus if he didnt

4. Who shall I send the letter to? He wondered who he should he send the letter to.

5. It must be cold outside. Theres frost on the window. He thought if it was cold outside.

6. You must come home at once. He said that I had to come home at once.

7. Shall I open a window? He asked whether he should open the window.

8. I must have made a mistake in the calculations. He admitted that he made a mistake in
the calculations.

III. Underline the correct verb. If either is possible, underline them both. (3pts)

1. The committee agreed / suggested to postpone the meeting until 11th August.

2. Emma insisted / said that we should bring the children along.

3. The prime minister insisted / wanted to discuss transport policy in the interview.

4. She said / offered that she would call me back.

5. He expected / advised to leave at 5:30 in the morning.

6. The shop has guaranteed / has promised that it will deliver the chairs by the end of the

IV. Change the sentences into reported speech. Choose the most appropriate verb from the
list, using the simple past for the verb in the reporting clause and either the simple past or
past perfect for the verb in the that-clause. (3pts)

alleged conceded denied estimated recalled repeated

1. I have never been in love with James. She denied that she ever was in love with James.

2. Thomas has stolen jewelry from my house. She alleged that Thomas stole jewelry from
her house.

3. I think the vase is around 250 years old. She estimated that the vase was around 250
years old.

4. Ive told you once. Ive already seen the film. She repeated that she had seen the film.

5. Well, perhaps youre right. Maybe I did treat Jane unkindly. She conceded that she
might have treated Jane unkindly.

6. I seem to remember that Michaels great grandfather was from Spain. She recalled that
Michaels great grandfather was from Spain.

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