TGF Beta Signalling and Its Role in Tumour Pathogenesis

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Vol. 52 No.

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TGF beta signalling and its role in tumour pathogenesis

Bozena Kaminska, Aleksandra Wesolowska and Malgorzata Danilkiewicz

Laboratory of Transcription Regulation, Department of Cell Biology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology,
Warszawa, Poland; e-mail:

Received: 05 April, 2005; revised: 09 May, 2005; accepted: 31 May, 2005

available on-line: 25 June, 2005

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-) is a multifunctional cytokine involved in the regulation
of cell proliferation, dierentiation and survival/or apoptosis of many cells. Knock-out experi-
ments in mice for the three isoforms of TGF- have demonstrated their importance in regulat-
ing inammation and tissue repair. TGF- is implicated in the pathogenesis of human diseases,
including tissue brosis and carcinogenesis. TGF- receptors act through multiple intracellular
pathways. Upon binding of TGF- with its receptor, receptor-regulated Smad2/3 proteins become
phosphorylated and associate with Smad4. Such complex translocates to the nucleus, binds to
DNA and regulates transcription of specic genes. Negative regulation of TGF-/Smad signal-
ling may occur through the inhibitory Smad6/7. Furthermore, TGF--activated kinase-1 (TAK1)
is a component of TGF- signalling and activates stress-activated kinases: p38 through MKK6 or
MKK3 and c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) via MKK4. In the brain TGF-, normally expressed
at the very low level, increases dramatically aer injury. Increased mRNA levels of the three
TGF- isoforms correlate with the degree of malignancy of human gliomas. TGF-s are secreted
as latent precursors requiring activation into the mature form. TGF- may contribute to tumour
pathogenesis by direct support of tumour growth and inuence on local microenvironment, re-
sulting in immunosuppression, induction of angiogenesis, and modication of the extracellular
matrix. TGF-1,2 may stimulate production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as well
as plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-I), that are involved in vascular remodelling occurring
during angiogenesis. Blocking of TGF- action inhibits tumour viability, migration, metastases
in mammary cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer model. Reduction of TGF- production and
activity may be a promising target of therapeutic strategies to control tumour growth.

Keywords: TGF beta signal transduction, Smad propteins, MAP kinases, tumour invasion, cancer therapy, RNA interference.
TGF- is a multifunctional cytokine that regu- merely act as a bystander but rather contributes to
lates cell proliferation, dierentiation and extracel- cell growth, invasion, and metastasis and decreases
lular matrix production (Jennings & Pietenpol, 1998; host-tumour immune responses, as depicted in Fig.
Verrecchia & Mauviel, 2002). Deregulation of TGF- 1 (Jennings & Pietenpol, 1998). The eects of distinct
expression or signalling has been implicated in TGF- isoforms depend on the type, dierentiation
the pathogenesis of a variety of diseases, including state and physiological conditions of target cells (Bot-
cancer and brosis. In the brain, TGF- is expressed tner et al., 2000). Despite the multitude of data re-
at a very low level that increases dramatically aer garding TGF- expression in dierent brain tumours,
injury (Lindholm et al., 1992). Under physiological the molecular mechanisms underlying the expres-
conditions TGF- inhibits proliferation of normal as- sion, signalling and role of TGF- in pathogenesis of
trocytes, but loses its growth-inhibitory potential to- glioblastomas are still unknown. We summarize here
wards gliomas, due to alterations in the expression data concerning molecular mechanisms of TGF- ac-
of cell cycle inhibitors. There is growing evidence tivation, signalling, role in tumour pathogenesis and
that in the later stages of cancer development TGF- present a rationale for evaluating TGF- signalling
is actively secreted by tumour cells and does not inhibitors as cancer therapeutics.

 Presented at the XXXII Winter School, 37 March 2005, Zakopane, Poland.

Abbreviations: ERK1/2, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase; LAP, latency associ-
ated peptide; LTBP, latent TGF- binding protein; MAPK, mitogen activated protein kinase; MMP, matrix metallopro-
teinase; PAI-I, plasminogen activator inhibitor; shRNA, small hairpin RNA; TAK1, TGF--activated kinase-1; TGF-,
transforming growth factor beta; TRI, Type I TGF-beta receptor; TRII, Type II TGF-beta receptor; VEGF, vascular
endothelial growth factor.
330 B. Kaminska and others 2005

ACTIVATION OF TRANSFORMING GROWTH In vivo TGF- can be activated in an enzymatic

FACTOR process for example by plasmin, which concentrates
at critical sites of the cell surface and is able to re-
TGF- is produced and secreted in vivo as a lease mature cytokine, by cleavage of LAP (Grainger
latent complex, in which a dimer of mature growth et al., 1995). Thrombospondin-1 has been reported
factor is associated with the pro-peptide. The latent as another protein that activates TGF- from small
state prevents the cytokine from eliciting a response or large latent complexes and may cooperate with
until certain physiological conditions occur or until the plasmin-mediated process (Ribeiro et al., 1999).
the target cell is reached. TGF- is synthesised as 55- Further proteins participating in TGF- activation in
kDa polypeptides, which dimerise shortly aer pro- vivo are: integrins, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-
duction. Then the precursor molecule is cleaved in 2 and MMP-9) and calpains. Activation of latent
the Golgi apparatus by furine-like proteases to form TGF- is a multi-step process and represents a regu-
small latent TGF- (Dubois et al., 1995). This com- latory stage, which translates into a tight control of
plex contains the mature 25-kDa protein a non-cova- active TGF- formation.
lently bound to the N-terminal pro-peptide called
LAP latency associated peptide. Such complex
may be secreted, but it usually associates with latent INTRACELLULAR TGF- SIGNALLING
TGF- binding protein (LTBP) forming large latent PATHWAYS
TGF-. LTBPs facilitate TGF- secretion and address
it to the extracellular matrix. Cellular recognition of TGF- binds tightly to Type II receptor
extracellular matrix-associated LTBP and subsequent (TRII) rst; this binding allows subsequent incor-
recognition of latent TGF- are essential steps in its poration of Type I receptor (TRI), forming a large
activation (Hyytiainen et al., 2004). The latency pro- ligandreceptor complex involving a ligand dimer
teins also contribute to the cytokine stability. Free and four receptor molecules. The Type I receptor re-
TGF- has a half life of about 2 min, whereas the quires activation by Type II to be functional and able
latent form 90 min. to bind the ligand by itself. Simultaneous binding to

Figure 1. Possible multiple roles of TGF- in tumour pathogenesis.

TGF- can induce apoptosis or inhibit proliferation of nontransformed cells but loses its growth-inhibitory potential as
cells progress to later stages of tumourigenesis. In the later stages of tumour development TGF- is actively secreted by
tumour cells or stromal cells and contributes to cell growth, invasion, metastasis, and decrease in host anti-tumour im-
mune responses.
Vol. 52 TGF- in tumour pathogenesis 331

the extracellular domains of both types of the recep- Fast1, Mixer, Jun/Fos, Runx, ATF3, E2F4/5) are high-
tors by the dimeric ligand induces a close proximity ly responsive to dierent inputs.
and a proper conformation of the intracellular ki- The Smad signalling pathway may be nega-
nase domains of the receptors, facilitating the phos- tively regulated by the inhibitory Smad6 and Smad7
phorylation and subsequent activation of the Type I (Nakao et al., 1997a). Inhibitory Smad7 acts to op-
receptor (Shi & Massaque, 2003). Smad proteins are pose the signal mediated by Smads by forming sta-
basic intracellular components of TGF- signalling ble associations with activated Type I receptors, thus
(Nakao et al., 1997b). The MH2 (MAD-homology-2) preventing phosphorylation of receptor Smads and
domain is highly conserved among all Smad pro- acting as a negative feedback regulator (Shi & Mas-
teins and is responsible for receptor interaction, for- saque, 2003). Moreover, transcriptionally activated
mation of homo- and heteromeric Smad complexes, by TGF- signaling, Smad7 promotes the ubiquitina-
and direct contact with the nuclear pore complex for tion and degradation of the receptors via Smurf1/2
shuling to the nucleus. Phosphorylation of the two proteins. Smad6 competes with Smad1 for binding
C-terminal serine residues in the SXS motif of the to Smad4 (Massague & Woon, 2000; Derynck &
MH2 domain activates the receptor Smad (Souchel- Zhang, 2003).
nytskyi et al., 1997). Aer ligand binding, Smad2/3 Although the Smad pathway is widely repre-
is phosphorylated by an active form of Type I re- sented in most of the cell types studied, additional
ceptor (Piek et al., 1999; Aisano & Wrana, 2002; Shi pathways may be activated following treatment with
& Massaque, 2003) and associates with the common TGF- in specic contexts (Fig. 2). For example, ac-
Smad4 to form a hetero-oligomeric complex which tivation of Ras, extracellular signal-regulated kinase
translocates to the nucleus (Fig. 2). Following trans- 1/2 (ERK1/2), and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) by
location, it binds to a specic DNA sequence in the TGF- signalling have been reported in primary in-
promoters of target genes to regulate their transcrip- testinal epithelial cells and some breast cancer cell
tion. The transcriptional response to TGF- depends lines (for a review see Mulder et al., 2000), whereas
also on the activity of Smad transcriptional partners. activation of protein kinase A contributes to TGF-
Most of the Smad partners identied to date (e.g., signalling in murine mesangial cells (Wang et al.,

Figure 2. TGF- signalling pathways.

TGF- dimer binds to Type II receptors which leads to association with Type I receptors, conformational changes and
activation of kinase domains of the receptors. Smad 2/3 proteins are cytoplasmic molecules which, aer receptor activa-
tion, are phosphorylated by an active form of Type I receptor and associates with Smad 4. Hetero-oligomeric complex of
Smad 2/3-Smad4 translocates to the nucleus and binds to specic DNA sequence in the promoters of target genes. The
pathway is regulated by the activity of the inhibitory Smad7. TGF- can activate several mitogen activated protein kinas-
es (MAPKs), including extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), and p38 MAPK.
The interaction with these MAP kinases could regulate Smad transcriptional activity in a positive or a negative manner.
332 B. Kaminska and others 2005

1998). TGF- activated kinase-1 (TAK1), a member cells and adenocarcinoma A-549 cells (Birchenall-
of the MEKK family and activator of JNK and p38 Roberts et al., 1990; Kim et al., 1990). The authors
MAPK pathways (Yamaguchi et al., 1995), was rap- identied three AP-1-binding elements responsible
idly activated by TGF-. Selective activation of p38 for the auto-induction. Antisense c-jun and antisense
MAPK, with no apparent activation of JNK aer c-fos blocked autocrine TGF-1-induced expression,
TGF- stimulation was reported for C2C12, Mv1Lu, conrming an involvement of these two components
and HaCaT cells (Hanafusa et al., 1999; Karsdal et in the mechanism. This property of TGF-1 may un-
al., 2003). derlie the observed autocrine growth regulatory ef-
Recent studies suggest that dierent signalling fect of the cytokine in glioma cells (Jennings et al.,
modules may be responsible for a unique functions 1991). Contribution of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)
of the cytokine in epithelial cells. MEK, an inducer signalling to the control of TGF- expression has
of Erk, appeared to be a major mediator of TGF-1- been proposed aer observing that JNK-decient
dependent PAI-1 expression and cell motility in re- broblasts isolated from Jnk1/ Jnk2/ mice con-
nal epithelial cells (Kutz et al., 2001). TGF- activates stitutively express TGF-1. Complementation stud-
the Ras/MKK4/JNK1 signalling cascade, leading to ies demonstrated that JNK is a repressor of TGF-1
induction of AP-1 activity, which, in turn, up-regu- gene expression (Ventura et al., 2004).
lates uPAR (receptor of urokinase-type plasminogen Some studies demonstrated that Cyclosporine
activator) expression in nontransformed intestinal A (CsA) induces increased expression of TGF- in
epithelial cells. Type II TGF- receptor is required vitro as well as in vivo. CsA stimulated TGF- 1 pro-
for activation of JNK1 and the resulting up-regula- moter-dependent transcription of CAT reporter gene
tion of uPAR expression (Yue et al., 2004). In mouse in transiently transfected human A-549 cells as well
mammary epithelial cells, activation of p38 MAPK as the synthesis of TGF- mRNA in human T cells
is required for TGF--induced apoptosis, epithelial- (Prashar et al., 1995). Hojo et al. (1999) reported that
to-mesenchymal transition, but not growth arrest CsA enhances the TGF production in A-549 adeno-
(Ungefroren et al., 2003; Yoo et al., 2003). TGF-1 sig- carcinoma cells that correlated with acquisition of a
nalling potentiates staurosporine-induced apoptosis more aggressive phenotype and their enhanced in-
of renal epithelial cells by a Smad-independent, p38 vasiveness. Glucocorticoid dexamethasone causes a
MAP kinase-dependent mechanism (Dai et al., 2003). signicant decrease in the basal and PMA-induced
In transformed human epidermal keratinocytes, levels of TGF-1 mRNA in glial cells but not in T
TGF- activates dierently various MAPKs (Johans- cells (Batuman et al., 1995).
son et al., 2000). p38 MAPK mediates TGF--in- Also post-transcriptional regulation of TGF-
duced expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in MCF10A 1 expression has been reported in A-549 and PC-
human breast epithelial cells (Kim et al., 2004). 3 human prostate adenocarcinoma cells (Kim et al.,
1992). An increased level of the protein released to
the culture medium does not always correlate with
REGULATION OF TGF- EXPRESSION IN increased mRNA level of TGF-1. It has been sug-
TUMOUR CELLS gested that the 5 untranslated region (UTR) of TGF-
1 mRNA containing a stem-loop element may con-
The promoter regions of genes encoding three tribute to enhanced mRNA stability.
mammalian transforming growth factors- (TGF-1,
2, 3) show lile similarity in sequence, indicating
dierential transcriptional regulation of the genes, ROLE OF TGF- IN TUMOUR PATHOGENESIS
whose protein products are functionally very simi-
lar. Inspection of the TGF-1 and TGF-3 promoters Alterations of TGF- signalling pathways contribute
reveals the presence of several putative regulatory to tumour risk
elements, including several Sp1 and AP-1 transcrip-
tion factor binding sites. Promoter fragments of the There is growing evidence that alterations in
TGF-1 and TGF-3 genes, but not of TGF-2, were TGF- signalling pathway components modify can-
able to compete for binding of Sp1 to DNA oligom- cer risk. Approximately 14% of the general popula-
ers containing consensus Sp1-binding sites (Geiser et tion carry TGFBR1*6A, a variant of the TGFBR1 gene
al., 1993). that results in decreased TGF--mediated growth in-
An important property of TGF-1 is an abil- hibition. Recent studies show that the overall cancer
ity to activate its mRNA expression and thereby its risk is increased by 70 and 19% among TGFBR1*6A
own secretion (Van Obberghen-Schilling et al., 1988; homozygotes and heterozygotes, respectively (Kak-
Kim et al., 1990; Jennings et al., 1991; Jachimczak et lamani et al., 2003). This suggests that TGFBR1*6A
al., 1996). The crucial role of the AP-1 transcription may contribute to the development of a large pro-
factor in the autocrine regulation of TGF-1 expres- portion of common forms of cancer and may become
sion has been demonstrated in human lymphoma a target for cancer chemoprevention.
Vol. 52 TGF- in tumour pathogenesis 333

Mutational inactivation of TGFBR2 is the most poxia and TGF- signalling pathways can synergize
common genetic event aecting the TGF- signalling in the regulation of VEGF gene expression at the
pathway and occurs in approx. 2030% of all colon transcriptional level and cooperate in the induction
cancers (Biswas et al., 2004). Using a mouse mod- of the promoter activity of VEGF. This cooperation
el that is null for Tgr2 in the colonic epithelium has been mapped on the human VEGF promoter
(Cre-lox inactivation of TGFIIR), the authors dem- within a region at 1006 to 954 that contains func-
onstrated that a loss of TGFBIIR expression in colon tional DNA-binding sequences for HIF-1 and Smads
epithelial cells promotes the establishment and pro- (Sanchez-Elsner et al., 2001).
gression of azoxymethane-induced colon neoplasms,
suggesting that TGFBR2 is a tumour suppressor Role of TGF- in tumour-mediated immunosuppres-
gene in the colon. While decreased TGF- signalling sion
increases cancer risk, TGF- secretion and activated
TGF- signalling enhance the aggressiveness of sev- TGF- plays a crucial role in the escape of gli-
eral types of tumours. oma from host immunity. The anti-tumour response
in patients with glioma may be ineective because
Role of TGF- in tumour migration of a lack of a specic tumour antigen and profes-
sional antigen presenting cells in the brain. TGF-1
The invasion of neoplastic cells into brain tis- enhances this eect by inhibition of MHC class II
sue is a pathologic hallmark of gliomas and contrib- expression on glioma cells, macrophages and micro-
utes to the failure of current therapeutic modalities glia (Lee et al., 1997; Dong et al., 2001; Zagzag et al.,
(surgery, radiation and chemotherapy). Glioma cells 2005). TGF-1 exerts an immunosuppressive eect
have the ability to invade as single cells through the on all cells of the immune system (Jachimczak et al.,
unique environment of the normal central nervous 1993; Beck et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2005). The main
system (CNS). The brain parenchyma has a unique target of its action are T lymphocytes, which could
composition, mainly hyaluronan and is devoid of develop into eector (CD8+ CTL) or helper (CD4+Th1
rigid protein barriers composed of collagen, bronec- or Th2) cells. Although several cytokines have been
tin and laminin. Proteases secreted during glioma reported to inuence dierentiation of naive T cells,
progression degrade extracellular matrix allowing TGF-1 is the most eective inhibitor of their matu-
tumour cells to spread and diusely inltrate the ration. In the presence of this cytokine, CD8+ failed
brain parenchyma (Rao, 2003). to come CTL and CD4+ did not achieve the Th1 or
Exogenous TGF-1 directly increases the mo- Th2 phenotype (Gorelik & Flavell, 2001). Th2 dier-
tility of glioma cells by enhancing expression of entiation seems to be more sensitive to this eect.
collagen and subunit of 2,5, 3 integrin, as well as There is evidence, that TGF-1 inhibits generation
by up-regulating the activity of metalloproteinases of cytotoxic CD8+ T cell subpopulation, although the
MMP-2, 9 at the cell surface of glioma cells (Wick et mechanism has not been claried. TGF-1 suppress-
al., 2001). Interaction between cell surface receptors es granzyme B and perforin expression that are cru-
such as integrins, and extracellular matrix compo- cial for the cytolytic action of cytotoxic lymphocytes
nents, for instance collagen, is essential for tumour (Smyth et al., 1991).
metastasis and angiogenesis (Verrecchia & Mauviel, There are contradictory results concerning the
2002). Additionally, increased enzymatic degradation anti-proliferative eect of TGF-1 on CTL (Inge et
of extracellular matrix proteins may facilitate tumour al., 1992). Under some experimental conditions the
spread (Plaen et al., 2001; Wick et al., 2001). eect induced by TGF-1 was due to suppression
of such immunostimulatory cytokine expression as
TGF-1 as pro-angiogenic factor INF and TNF or down-regulation of IL-2-medi-
ated proliferative signals (Ranges et al., 1987). TGF-
Moreover, TGF-1 may act as an angiogenic 1 can also abolish T cell activation by a negative
factor promoting neovascularization of the tumour. eect on antigen presenting cells, such as dendritic
TGF-1,2 stimulate production of vascular endothe- cells. TGF-1 can also suppress macrophages by
lial growth factor (VEGF), which is a major stimu- down-regulation of TNF, H2O2 and NO produc-
lus in the promotion of angiogenesis, as well as tion. Moreover, TGF-1 enhances the production of
plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-I) (Benckert et immunosuppressive IL-10 by macrophages (Maeda
al., 2003; Sugano et al., 2003). Both are involved in et al., 1995). Additional targets of TGF-1-mediated
vascular remodelling which occurs during angio- immunosuppression are natural killer (NK) and
genesis (Kaur et al., 2004). TGF-1 stimulates VEGF lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK), as well as
164 via mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 neutrophils (Kuppner et al., 1988).
(MKK3) and activation of p38 and p38 MAPK-de- Blocking of TGF-1 signalling in the immune
pendent pathway in murine mesangial cells (Wang system cells led to enhanced anti-tumour response.
et al., 2004). Some studies demonstrated that hy- Both thymoma and melanoma-derived cell lines
334 B. Kaminska and others 2005

were eradicated by animals expressing a dominant cytokine and its receptor. For example, an applica-
negative TRII under the control of a T-specic pro- tion of soluble TGFIIR or human 2-macroglobulin
moter (Gorelik & Flavell, 2001). In addition, CTLs plasma protein that bind TGF- isoform, limited the
transduced with a vector expressing dominant nega- access of the cytokine to the receptor (Won et al.,
tive TRII were resistant to the anti-proliferative and 1999). Two humanized monoclonal antibodies: CAT-
anti-cytotoxic eects of exogenous TGF-1 in EBV- 192 specic to TGF-1 and CAT-152 against TGF-2,
positive Hodgkin disease (Bollard et al., 2002). Taken are under clinical trial for treatment of brosis (Be-
together, eorts to bypass TGF--mediated immuno- nigni et al., 2003; Mead et al., 2003). Positive results
suppression represent an aractive therapeutic strat- of these investigations will encourage application of
egy for the treatment of human cancers, both by di- this strategy to anti-cancer therapy.
rectly increasing the ecacy of immunosurveillance The antisense oligonuclotide approach is rep-
and the ecacy of tumour immunotherapy. resented by the AP-12009 molecule blocking TGF-2
expression in tumour cells (Bogdahn et al., 2004).
Data obtained from phase I/II studies indicated a
DEVELOPMENT OF INHIBITORS OF TGF- signicant increase in survival time of glioblastoma
SIGNALLING patients that correlated with the reduction of tumour
size by more than 80%. Additionally, a TGF-1spe-
The TGF- signalling pathway is emerging as cic antisense oligonuclotide (AP-11014) designed
an aractive target in cancer and it is predicted that by the same company, Antisense Pharma, is under
inhibitors of this pathway will nd their way into preclinical development for human non-small cell
cancer clinical trials, leading to delays in tumour lung carcinoma, colorectal and prostate cancer. Re-
progression and improvement in overall survival. cently, an eective strategy based on RNA interfer-
Blockade of TGF- action inhibited mammary tu- ence was used to reduce TGF- activity in malignant
mour cell viability, migration, and metastases (Mu- cells. Blockade of cytokine expression using siRNA
raoka et al., 2002). Introduction of dominant negative against TGF- inhibited tumour cell migration, inva-
TGF- Type II receptors (TRII) into these cells re- siveness and restored anti-tumour immune response
tards primary tumour and metastases formation and in a mouse model of glioma (Friese et al., 2004). We
prevents epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) have applied a similar strategy and developed vec-
(O et al., 1998). Retrovirus-mediated introduction of tors coding for small hairpin RNA which silence
a dominant negative TGFIIR to bone marrow cells TGF- receptor Type II gene expression by RNA in-
led to generation of leukocytes capable of potent terference in human glioblastoma cells. Transfection
anti-tumour response and suppression of metastasis of glioblastoma cells with these vectors eectively
in melanoma and prostate cancer model (Shah et al., diminished the expression of TGFII receptor, abol-
2002). The tumorigenicity of mouse thymoma was ished TGF-activated Smad signalling and reduced
suppressed by soluble TGFIIR therapy (Won et activation of the PAI-1 promoter (Wesolowska et al.,
al., 1999). unpublished).
Table 1 summarizes recent therapeutic ap- Another approach is aimed at directly block-
proaches targeting the TGF- pathway. One strategy ing the catalytic activity of TGF receptor kinase. A
is based on blocking the interactions between the group of competitive inhibitors of the ATP binding

Table 1. Development of inhibitors of TGF- signalling

Agent Type Development stages Company References

Lerdelimumb TGF-2 mAb Phase III Cambridge Mead et al., 2003
CAT-152 Antibody Technology
Metelimumab TGF-1 mAb Phase II Cambridge Benigni et al., 2003
CAT-192 Antibody Technology
AP-12009 Oligonucleotide Phase II Antisense Bogdahn et al., 2004
anti TGF-2 Pharma
AP-11014 Oligonucleotide Preclinical Antisense Schlingensiepen et al.,
anti TGF-2 Pharma 2004
LY550410 Small molecule Preclinical Lilly Research Sawyer et al., 2004
LY580276 T RI inhibitor
SB505124 Small molecule Preclinical GlaxoSmithKline DaCosta Byeld et al.,
T RI inhibitor 2004
SB-431542 Small molecule Preclinical GlaxoSmithKline Hjelmeland et al., 2004
T RI inhibitor
SD-208 Small molecule Preclinical Academic Institution Uhl et al., 2004
T RI inhibitor
Vol. 52 TGF- in tumour pathogenesis 335

site of TGF receptor Type I kinase, such as LY550410, lier predictions of severe toxicity, neutralizing anti-
LY580276 and SB-505124, has been designed. Such bodies to TGF- are well tolerated and have potent
compounds consist of domain with a hydrogen- anti-metastatic activity. Si/shRNAs are recognized as
bond acceptor (which may be imidazole core, pyro- a new class of potential therapeutics against a wide
zole ring or quinoline scaold) essential for blocking. range of diseases. Recent data obtained in several
Several studies demonstrated physiological ecacy laboratories demonstrate the ecacy of systemically
of such molecules, as well as their kinase inhibitory administered shRNA as a therapeutic strategy in
activity (Sawyer et al., 2004; DaCosta Byeld et al., experimental cancers. However, the success of this
2004). Another small-molecule inhibitor SD-208 ap- approach will largely depend on ecient delivery
pears to be a very potent antagonist of TGF- recep- of shRNAs to tumour cells. Transfection of shRNA
tor. The drug signicantly prolonged the survival with lentiviral or adeno-associated vectors in cul-
time of glioma-bearing mice. In the presence of the tured mammalian cells and in whole animals may
inhibitor, the immunogenicity of glioma cells was be a promising approach in specic, ecient, and
enhanced, while their migratory and invasion prop- stable knockdown of various genes (An et al., 2003;
erties were diminished (Uhl et al., 2004). Tiscornia et al., 2003; Grimm et al., 2005).
Moreover, small-molecule inhibitors (such as
SB-431542) have been developed that target down- Acknowledgements
stream TGF- signalling and block phosphorylation
of Smad proteins, resulting in the inhibition of Smad The work in the Authors Laboratory is sup-
nuclear translocation. TGF--mediated up-regula- ported by grant No. PBZ-MIN-107-/P04/2004 from
tion of critical genes was abolished in human glioma the Ministry of Science Research and Information
cells by a treatment with SB-431542 (Inman et al., Technology.
2001; Hjelmeland et al., 2003). However, such an ap- A.W. is a recipient of a scholarship from Post-
proach will not aect Smad-independent pathways. graduate School of Molecular Medicine. M.D. is a re-
A large-molecule antagonist of TGF- signal- cipient of a scholarship from Foundation for Polish
ling seems to be more selective and may have broad- Science.
er action than small-molecule inhibitors. Despite ear-

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