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Case File #0001: Lamb To The

Criminal Psychoanalyst Reporting Sheet

This is an official form. Please answer all questions in full sentences. Read the attached transcript of events and
respond accordingly.

Consulting Psychologist: ________________________________________________________________

Date Filed: ___________________________________________________________________________
Name of Victim: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of Suspect:_______________________________________________________________________

What was the behavior of the suspect like at the beginning of the story? What kind of
wife did she appear to be? Please use specific details in your analysis.

What clues in the transcript suggest that the victim, Patrick Maloney, may have been
preoccupied the night of the murder?

What was the news that Patrick Maloney gave to his wife, Mary, when he came home?
How could you determine that this is what he said? (Look for clues/hints.)

What clues in the transcript suggest how the suspect, Mary Maloney, felt about this
news? Please be specific in your analysis.

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Why did the suspect make supper after all? What were her two main concerns while
doing this?

What, in your professional opinion was the inciting force / incident behind the suspects
actions? Were there any extenuating circumstances that may explain the suspects
extreme reaction?

What would you consider to be the climax of these events, as described in the report?

List, in your professional opinion, one theme (big idea) that might be drawn from the
narration of these sad events.

NOTE: The suspect has been arrested and charged with first degree murder, the penalty for
which is death. Ms. Maloney has asked for clemency on the basis of extenuating emotional
circumstances. In these cases, the final decision is left up to the criminal psychologists
report. Please turn the page to fill out your final report on this case.

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Should Mary Maloney be found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to death,
or should mercy be given due to extenuating circumstances, making this a crime of
passion? Defend your choice with at least two (2) pieces of evidence drawn directly
from the transcript as well as your analysis of those pieces of evidence. Include a page
number (p.__) after the evidence for easy referral.


Consulting Psychologists Signature

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