X Y Scatter For Hours (X) and Score (Y) : F (X) 1.5777886497x + 62.4344422701 R 0.5521233068

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Sco re O n W e e kly Te st (Y; f(x))

Hours Spent
Studying per Week Score On Weekly
No Names (X) Test (Y; f(x))
1 Name1 5 75
2 Name2 15 90
3 Name3 25 95
X Y Scatter for Hours (X) and Score (Y)
4 Name4 10 95 120

5 Name5 5 52 100
f(x) = 1.5777886497x + 62.4344422701
6 Name6 1 65 80
R = 0.5521233068
7 Name7 20 100 60
8 Name8 6 82 40
9 Name9 12 72 20
10 Name10 10 75 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Hours Spent Studying per Week (X)

Correlation = r = 0.7413648023
Strength and Direction

Slope = 1.5218096977
Intercept 0
Correlation 0.7413648023
C. of Determination 0.5496217701

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