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Narator :1

Moral value reader :1

Victim (Azizah) :1
Genk Z :6
Victims friends :6

Nowadays people tend to believe what they see and read especially in social media before check it first. They

dont care whether it is true or not. Thats why hoax posts can spread so fast. Moreover, people like to

comment too. All they wanna say, they say. All they wanna comment, they comment. Without considering

how someone feels out by those comments.

Alike those kind of people mentioned, these millennial teenagers are doing the same. They easily comment to

what people wear, think, post even to a small thing like food. Lets check this out!

(Genk Z)

A : Hey, come here. See this!

B : Whats up? Whats going on?

C : Ah, you must stalk Ayu Ting Tings new photo, mustnt you?

A : Youre the smartest one here. Come on, this is so weird, old-fashioned, you know. She is like a


D : Really, guys? Give it to me, let me see.

E : hahahaha. Youre right, A. She looks like foolish woman. How can she mix colorful pants with flower

shirt and pattern scarf.

F : She is like a tiiiiiiittttt

B : More than that, she is sooo tiiiiitttt


On the same time, Azizah is walking in front of Genk Z seats. She is wearing big black sun glasses and colorful

dress. Not long after she left, she posts a photo with that style. It makes Genk Z start talking her behind her

back and give both good and bad comments on her Instagram.
C : Guys, see your IG, Azizah posted very awkward style.

D : I wanna comment something.

A : Wow Azizah, your style is sooo fashionable. (nada ngenyek, kemudian tertawa ngakak)

B : Good job Azizah, your glasses are so incredible like what a horse wears. (huahahahaha)

E : No doubt, you are the new Syahrini.

F : Wearing sun glasses in rainy season, are you okay? (laughing louder)


Knowing that people comment badly to her social media, Azizah is sad. She wants to reply back but her friends

stop her. But all she replies will create other thousand replies. Because all people will never be satisfied. They

always agree and disagree.

Azizah : They are so rude. How can they write that heartlessly?

G : Dont listen to them Azizah.

H : She is right. If your hands cant close all of their mouths and hands, you can close your eyes and


I : Sure Azizah, you cant please everyone but you can please yourself.

Azizah : You are right Guys, but its really painful.

J : Its better we think before say or write.

K : Yeah, do something what you want people do to you.

L : Its good. Shake it off Azizah.


Ditengah flashmob, moral value reader stops the motion.

Moral value reader : Stop. Behave well both in the real life or social media is important. If you are the one

who posts something, always be ready to be given comments either good or bad. But never lose yourself after

reading the comments. If you are the commenters, always be a wise person. Always think many times before

write. Because bullying can also begin from a bad comment.

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