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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 1 of 625 FILED

2017 Nov-21 AM 09:36



Plaintiff, )
MADISON COUNTY, ALABAMA ) _____________________________
BLAKE L. DORNING in his Official ) JURY)
Capacity as Sheriff of Madison County, )
Alabama and in his Individual Capacity; )
DAVID K. JERNIGAN in his Official )
Capacity as the former Chief Deputy )
Sheriff of Madison County, Alabama and )
in his Individual Capacity; )
Official Capacity as head of the Criminal )
Investigation Division of the Madison )
County, Alabama Sheriffs Office )
and in his Individual Capacity; )
CHARLES BERRY, retired, former )
Captain, Criminal Investigation Division, )
Madison County, Alabama, Sheriffs )
Office, in his Official Capacity and )
in his Individual Capacity )

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DALE W. STRONG in his Official )
Capacity as Chairman of the Madison )
County, Alabama Commission and in his )
Individual Capacity; )
ROGER JONES, Commissioner, )
Madison County, Alabama District One, )
in his Official Capacity as a )
Commissioner of the Madison County, )
Alabama Commission and in his )
Individual Capacity; )
STEVE HARAWAY, Commissioner, )
Madison County, Alabama District )
Two, in his Official Capacity as a )
Commissioner of the Madison County, )
Alabama Commission and in his )
Individual Capacity; )
CRAIG HILL, Commissioner, )
Madison County, Alabama District )
Three, in his Official Capacity as a )
Commissioner of the Madison County, )
Alabama Commission and in his )
Individual Capacity; )
Commissioner, Madison County, )
Alabama District Four, in his Official )
Capacity as a Commissioner of the )
Madison County, Alabama Commission )
and in his Individual Capacity; )
PHIL RIDDICK, Commissioner, )
Madison County, Alabama District Five, )
in his Official Capacity as a )

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Commissioner of the Madison County, )

Alabama Commission and in his )
Individual Capacity; )
JERMIE HOWELL in his Official )
Capacity as Director of the Personnel/ )
Human Resources Department of )
Madison County, Alabama and in his )
Individual Capacity; and, )
PAM FLORY in her Official Capacity )
As Deputy Director of the Personnel/ )
Human Resources Department of )
Madison County, Alabama and in her )
Individual Capacity; )
Defendants. )



1. This is an action for legal and equitable relief to redress and to correct

unlawful employment practices on the basis of race; discrimination based on race;

harassment based on race; a racially hostile working environment; different and

less favorable treatment based on race; and, unlawful retaliation against Plaintiff

Marina Giacomina Garcia (Investigator Garcia and/or Deputy Garcia and/or

Garcia) for engaging in activity, reporting, complaining about, and opposing

such unlawful behavior and actions, protected under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. 1981,

1981a, 1981(a) all of which were continuing unlawful actions and behavior; for

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violations of her rights under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the

United States; and, to provide appropriate relief to Garcia who was adversely

affected by such practices. Garcia asserts her claims for relief for violations under

Title VII; Title 42 U.S.C. 1981, 1981a, 1981(a); and, under the Fourteenth

Amendment all through 42 U.S.C. 1983 (hereinafter 1983). Garcia requests a

trial by jury of all issues triable by a jury.

2. The defendant employers, namely, Defendant the Madison County,

Alabama Sheriffs Office (the Sheriffs Office); Sheriff Blake L. Dorning

(Sheriff Dorning); Defendant Madison County, Alabama (Madison County);

and, Defendant the Madison County, Alabama Commission (the Commission)

were doing business in Madison County, Alabama; retaliated against and

discriminated against Garcia for complaining about, reporting, and opposing racial

discrimination and retaliation based on race; racially harassed Garca for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing racial discrimination and retaliation

based on race; caused Garcia to work in a racially hostile working environment for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing racial discrimination and retaliation

based on race; harassed Garcia for complaining about, reporting, and opposing

racial discrimination and retaliation based on race; treated Garcia differently for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing racial discrimination and retaliation

based on race; and, retaliated against Garcia for engaging in activity protected by

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the said Title VII and 42 U.S.C. 1981, harassed Garca and retaliated against

Garcia for complaining about, reporting and opposing, engaging in activity

protected by Title VII and 42 U.S.C. 1981, all of which were continuing unlawful

actions and behavior against her. Garcia asserts her claims for relief for violations

under Title VII, Title 42 U.S.C. 1981, 1981a, 1981(a), and under the Fourteenth

Amendment through 42 U.S.C. 1983 (hereinafter 1983). Garcia requests a trial

by jury of all issues triable by a jury.

3. This is also an action for legal and equitable relief to redress sexual

harassment, a sexually hostile working environment, and unlawful retaliation

against Garcia for engaging in activity protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights

Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq., as amended by the Civil Rights Act of

1991, 42 U.S.C. 1981a, (hereinafter Title VII), all of which were continuing

unlawful actions and behavior. The suit is brought to secure the protection of and

to redress the deprivation of rights secured by Title VII; and, the Fourteenth

Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Garcia asserts her claims for

relief for violations of Title VII and the Fourteenth Amendment through 42 U.S.C.

1983 (hereinafter 1983). Garcia requests a trial by jury of all issues triable by

a jury.

4. The defendant employers, namely, the Sheriffs Office; Sheriff

Dorning, Madison County; and, the Commission were doing business in Madison

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County, Alabama; discriminated against Garcia for complaining about, reporting,

and opposing sexual harassment and retaliation based on sex; harassed Garcia for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing sexual discrimination and retaliation

based on sex; caused Garcia to work in a sexually hostile working environment for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing sexual discrimination and retaliation

based on sex; harassed Garcia for complaining about, reporting, and opposing

sexual discrimination and retaliation based on sex; treated Garcia differently for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing sexual discrimination and retaliation

based on sex; and, retaliated against Garcia for engaging in activity protected by

the said Title VII all of which were continuing unlawful actions and behavior

2against her. Garcia asserts her claims for relief for violations under Title VII and

42 U.S.C. 1981a and 1981(a) and under the Fourteenth Amendment through 42

U.S.C. 1983 (hereinafter 1983). Garcia requests a trial by jury of all issues

triable by a jury.


5. Garcia brings this action under Title 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985, 1981,

1981a, 1981(a), and 42 U.S.C. 2000e-5. Garcia specifically brings this action

under 1983, 1985, and 1988 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

6. Jurisdiction is founded on 28 U.S.C. 1331, 1343(a)(3) and (4), and

42 U.S.C. 2000e-5.

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7. The amount in controversy in this case, excluding interest and costs,

exceeds the minimum jurisdictional limit of this Court.


8. All of the acts or omissions giving rise to Garcias claims arose in and

about Madison County, Alabama and within the jurisdiction of this Court. Most, if

not all, of the defendants reside in Madison County, Alabama and all defendants

reside in the State of Alabama. Thus, pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. 1391(b)(1) and

(2) and 42 U.S.C. 2000e-5, venue is proper in the United States District Court for

the Northern District of Alabama, Northeastern Division.


9. There are no administrative prerequisites or caps on damages

regarding the claims Garcia makes under Title 42 U.S.C. 1981 and under the

Fourteenth Amendment all of which Garcia brings through 1983. The statute of

limitations is four years for the claims Garcia brings under42 U.S.C. 1981

through 1983.

10. Garcia has met all administrative conditions precedent for the filing of

this case under Title VII. Garcia timely filed Charges of Discrimination with the

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (the EEOC and/or

EEOC) on March 28, 2016 (EEOC Charge Number 420-2016-01713) and

thereafter filed an Amended Charge/Supplemental Statement Of Particulars on

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April 27, 2016 (EEOC Charge Number 420-2016-02060), copies of which are

attached hereto as Exhibits A and B. On September 14, 2017, Notices of Rights to

Sue were issued to Garcia by the United States Department of Justice regarding

Garcias said Charges Numbers, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits C

and D. Garcia received the said Notices of Rights to Sue on September 22, 2017.

Garcia is timely filing this suit within ninety (90) days of her receipt of said

Notices of Right to Sue.


11. Plaintiff Investigator Marina Giacomina Garcia is a female citizen of

the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of

Madison County, Alabama and the State of Alabama.

12. Defendant the Madison County, Alabama Sheriffs Office (the

Sheriffs Office) was and is Investigator Garcias employer and employs more

than fifteen (15) employees, and, therefore, is an employer for Title VII


13. Defendant Sheriff Blake L. Dorning (Sheriff Dorning), in his

official capacity as the Sheriff of Madison County, Alabama, was and is

Investigator Garcias employer and employs more than fifteen (15) employees,

and, therefore, is an employer for Title VII purposes. Dorning is a state actor for

purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Dorning is sued in his Official Capacity and is sued

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in his Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for violations of Title VII, 1981, and

the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Dorning is a male citizen of

the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the

State of Alabama. Sheriff Dorning is the current Sheriff of Madison County and

has served in that position at all times material to this action.

14. Lt. Michael A. Salomonsky (Lt. Salomonsky) in his Official

Capacity as the head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Sheriffs Office

and in his Individual Capacity. Lt. Salomonsky is a state actor for purposes of 42

U.S.C. 1983. Lt. Salomonsky is sued in his Official Capacity and is sued in his

Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for violations of Title VII, 1981, and of the

Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Lt. Salomonsky is a male citizen

of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of

the State of Alabama.

15. Captain Charles Berry (Cpt. Berry), retired, former Captain,

Criminal Investigation Division, Madison County, Alabama, Sheriffs Office, in

his Official Capacity and in his Individual Capacity. Cpt. Berry served in that

position at all times material to this action. Cpt. Berry is a state actor for purposes

of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Cpt. Berry is sued in his Official Capacity and is sued in his

Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for violations of Title VII, 1981, and the

Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Cpt. Berry is a male citizen of the

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United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the

State of Alabama.

16. Defendant Madison County, Alabama (Madison County) was and is

Investigator Garcias employer and employs more than fifteen (15) employees,

and, therefore, is an employer for Title VII purposes.

17. Defendant the Madison County, Alabama Commission (Commission

Chairman Dale W. Strong and Commissioners Roger Jones, Steve Haraway, Craig

Hill, Phil Vandiver, and Phil Riddick collectively the Commission) was and is

Investigator Garcias employer and employs more than fifteen (15) employees,

and, therefore, is an employer for Title VII purposes.

18. Defendant David K. Jernigan (Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan) is the

former Chief Deputy Sheriff of Madison County, Alabama and served in that

position at all times material to this action. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan is a state

actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan is sued in his

Official Capacity and is sued in his Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for

violations of Title VII, 1981, and the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out

herein. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan is a male citizen of the United States over

the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the State of Alabama. 1

Although David K. Jernigan is no longer Chief Deputy Sheriff of Madison County, Alabama, Deputy Gray will
refer to Jernigan as Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan in this his Complaint. Even though Chief Deputy Sheriff
Jernigan is no longer employed by the Sheriffs Office, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan continues to involve himself

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19. Defendant Dale W. Strong (Chairman Strong) is the Chairman of

the Madison County, Alabama Commission and served in that position at all times

material to this action. Chairman Strong is a state actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C.

1983. Chairman Strong is sued in his Official Capacity as Chairman of the

Madison County, Alabama Commission and in his Individual Capacity for

violations of Title VII, 1981, and the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out

herein. Chairman Strong is a male citizen of the United States over the age of

nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

20. Defendant Roger Jones (Commissioner Jones) is the Commissioner

for Madison County, Alabama Commission District One and served in that

position at all times material to this action. Commissioner Jones is a state actor for

purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Commissioner Jones is sued in his Official Capacity

as a Commissioner of the Madison County, Alabama Commission and in his

Individual Capacity for violations of Title VII, 1981, and the Fourteenth

Amendment as further set out herein. Commissioner Jones is a male citizen of the

United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the

State of Alabama.

21. Defendant Steve Haraway (Commissioner Haraway) is the

Commissioner for Madison County, Alabama Commission District Two and

in matters having to do with the Sheriffs Office, including, but not limited to, training classes/seminars for
employees of the Sheriffs Office.

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served in that position at all times material to this action. Commissioner Haraway

is a state actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Commissioner Haraway is sued in

his Official Capacity as a Commissioner of the Madison County, Alabama

Commission and in his Individual Capacity for violations of Title VII, 1981, and

the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Commissioner Haraway is a

male citizen of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a

resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

22. Defendant Craig Hill (Commissioner Hill) is the Commissioner for

Madison County, Alabama Commission District Three and served in that position

at all times material to this action. Commissioner Hill is a state actor for purposes

of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Commissioner Hill is sued in his Official Capacity as a

Commissioner of the Madison County, Alabama Commission and in his Individual

Capacity for violations of Title VII, 1981, and the Fourteenth Amendment as

further set out herein. Commissioner Hill is a male citizen of the United States over

the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

23. Defendant Phil Vandiver (Commissioner Vandiver) is the

Commissioner for Madison County, Alabama Commission District Four and

served in that position at all times material to this action. Commissioner Vandiver

is a state actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Commissioner Vandiver is sued in

his Official Capacity as a Commissioner of the Madison County, Alabama

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Commission and in his Individual Capacity for violations of Title VII, 1981, and

the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Commissioner Vandiver is a

male citizen of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a

resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

24. Defendant Phil Riddick (Commissioner Riddick) is the

Commissioner for Madison County, Alabama Commission District Five and

served in that position at all times material to this action. Commissioner Riddick is

a state actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Commissioner Riddick is sued in

his Official Capacity as a Commissioner of the Madison County, Alabama

Commission and in his Individual Capacity for violations of Title VII, 1981, and

the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Commissioner Riddick is a

male citizen of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a

resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

25. Defendant Jermie Howell (Director Howell) is the Director of the

Personnel/Human Resources Department of Madison County, Alabama (the

Personnel Dept.; the Personnel/HR Dept.; the HR Dept.; and/or, HR) and

served in that position at all times material to this action. Director Howell is a state

actor for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1983. Director Howell is sued in his Official

Capacity and in his Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for violations of Title

VII, 1981, and the Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Director

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Howell is a male citizen of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years

and is a resident citizen of the State of Alabama.

26. Defendant Pam Flory (Deputy Director Flory) is the Deputy

Director of the Personnel/Human Resources Department of Madison County,

Alabama (the HR Dept. and/or HR) and served in that position at all times

material to this action. Deputy Director Flory is a state actor for purposes of 42

U.S.C. 1983. Deputy Director Flory is sued in her Official Capacity and in her

Individual Capacity pursuant to 1983 for violations of Title VII, 1981, and the

Fourteenth Amendment as further set out herein. Deputy Director Flory is a female

citizen of the United States over the age of nineteen (19) years and is a resident

citizen of the State of Alabama.


27. The Sheriffs Offices; Madison Countys; and, the Commissions

policies and procedures for their employees, to which Sheriff Dorning and the

Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow, regarding complaining about

and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
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(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as Sheriffs Offices official policy and custom, and which was in effect

and applicable at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

28. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office,

Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy and

custom which states, in pertinent part:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.

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Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

29. Prior to December 15, 2016, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, the Commission, Chairman

Strong, Director Howell, and Deputy Director Flory had stressed to and made it

clear to employees of the Sheriffs Office that they were also employees of

Madison County and the Commission and that, pursuant to its policy and custom,

they were to report their being sexually harassed, or behavior that may have

violated the anti-harassment policy of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning,

Madison County, the Commission, and the law not only to their immediate

supervisor and/or the chain of command in the Sheriffs Office but also to Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Madison County Administrator Kevin Jones

(Madison County Administrator Jones), Chairman Strong. As of December 15,

2016, the policy and custom became, in pertinent part:

There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting

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harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their

direct supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the
Personnel Director to file a claim of harassment.

30. The Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Chairman Strong, Director Howell, and Deputy Director Flory made it clear to

employees of the Sheriffs Office:

A. That the duty and responsibility for investigating, handling, and

resolving complaints and reports of sexual harassment, or behavior that may have

violated any of the anti-harassment policies of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff

Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission, had been delegated by the

Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, and Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan to their agents

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Madison County Administrator Jones,

and Chairman Strong pursuant to Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the

Alabama Legislature and the Madison County Employee Handbook;

B. That pursuant to the officially promulgated policy statement,

decision, regulation, and custom set forth in Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular

Session of the Alabama Legislature and the Madison County Employee Handbook

and adopted by the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, the Commission, Madison County, Chairman Strong, Director Howell,

and Deputy Director Flory, the governmental policy, custom, and agency

relationship recognized and acknowledged by the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff

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Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, the Commission, Madison County,

Chairman Strong, Director Howell, and Deputy Director Flory was that of having

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, and Chairman Strong be the recipients of

complaints and reports of sexual harassment, or behavior that may have violated

any of the anti-harassment policies of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning,

Madison County; or the Commission.

C. That pursuant to such governmental policy, custom and agency

relationship that Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, and Chairman Strong

investigate those complaints and reports, handle those complaints and reports, and

resolve those complaints and reports of sexual harassment or behavior that may

have violated the anti-harassment policies of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning,

Madison County, and the Commission. As of December 15, 2016, the policy and

procedure, and custom eliminated the chain of command by specifically providing,

in pertinent part:

There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting

harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their
direct supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the
Personnel Director to file a claim of harassment.

31. In a press conference, Chairman Strong recently told The Huntsville


That he sent a two-page letter to Dorning, a copy of which he

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provided to the other six elected Madison County, Alabama Commission

Commissioners, in which he told Dorning:

Your lack of understanding of the severity and

consequences of what has occurred under your leadership
throughout your department - with practically no
discipline and your continued arrogance to say we have
done nothing wrong as the lawsuits pile upis baffling
to say the least

It appears more evident this is a pattern of

repeated conduct rather than an honest mistake

32. When interviewed by The Huntsville Times, the late Commissioner

Robert C. Harrison agreed with Chairman Strong and said he understood Chairman

Strongs frustration.

33. When interviewed by The Huntsville Times, Commissioner Vandiver

agreed with Chairman Strong.

34. Investigator Garcias check stubs state https://employeeportal. Websites,HR.Employee/ePayroll/Paymentlt.

35. Investigator Garcia has been employed by the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff

Dorning, Madison County, Alabama, and the Commission for over twenty-one


36. Investigator Garcia was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in September 1995.

37. In 2009, Investigator Garcia was promoted to investigator in the

childrens sex and physical abuse unit and assigned to the Childrens Advocacy

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38. In 2011 or 2012, Investigator Garcia transferred to the Criminal

Investigation Division (CID) as a criminal investigator.

39. In November 2014 Investigator Garcia was assigned to the Sex

Offender Registration Notification Act (SORNA) office, a unit of CID.

40. After she was assigned to the SORNA office, Investigator Garcia

complained about and reported the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment,

sexually hostile working environment, the racial discrimination, and the racially

hostile working environment at the Sheriffs Office several times to her immediate

supervisor, Sergeant Greg Free (Sgt. Free).

41. No investigation was initiated. Nothing was done to stop or correct the

violations of the law and the policies and procedures of the Sheriffs Office,

Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission.

42. By December 2015, the workplace had become so hostile and

unbearable for Garcia that Garcia strongly complained and reported to Sgt. Free

about these matters.

43. Either the first or second week in December 2015, Investigator Garcia

went to Sgt. Frees office and told him that she had a video recording device in her

SORNA office, which she shared with a female Sheriffs Office employee,

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Anonymous2, and was making video recordings in her office:

A. Investigator Garcia told Sgt. Free that she kept the video recording

device on all the time.

B. Investigator Garcia asked Sgt. Free for advice and counsel

regarding the video recording device.

C. A couple of days later, Sgt. Free came to Investigator Garcias

office and asked her where is it? and asked her to show him the video recording

device she was using.

D. Sgt. Free is on video asking Garcia, Where is it? and Garcias

showing him the video recording device.

E. The video clock device was shown to Sgt. Free, and he and

Investigator Garcia talked about it as Sgt. Free looked at it.

F. Sgt. Free wanted to make sure the video recording device was

where Investigator Garcia told him it was, wanted to see it with his own eyes, and

wanted to make sure the video recording device was working.

G. Sgt. Free asked Investigator Garcia how she downloaded the video

recordings and Investigator Garcia explained to Sgt. Free that the video recordings

were on a SD card which she downloaded daily.

H. Sgt. Free never objected to Investigator Garcias videotaping what

The name and identity of the female employee of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the
Commission will be disclosed if and when Investigator Garcia is required to do so by the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and/or, order of a Court.

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was happening in the office she shared with Anonymous.

I. Sgt. Free knew that Investigator Garcia was not in her office every

minute of the day.

J. Sgt. Free never told Investigator Garcia to stop video recording


K. Sgt. Free never told Investigator Garcia to turn the video recording

device off when Investigator Garcia was out of her office.

L. Sgt. Free never told Investigator Garcia to get rid of the video

recording device.

M. Sgt. Free never told Investigator Garcia that making the video

recordings was illegal.

44. By January 2016, Investigator Garcia had worked in SORNA for

approximately fourteen (14) months.

45. On January 6, 2016, Investigator Garcia again met with Sgt. Free

complained about, reported, and opposed the sexually hostile working

environment, the sexual discrimination, the sexual harassment, the racial

discrimination, the harassment based on race, and the racially hostile working

environment in the SORNA office and in the Sheriffs Office:

A. Investigator Garcia told Sgt. Free that Anonymous was having

sexual relations with male employees of the Sheriffs Office in the SORNA office.

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B. One of the male employees of the Sheriffs Office with whom

Anonymous was having sexual relations was Sheriff Deputy Scott Carle (Deputy


C. The video recording device recorded Anonymous giving

Deputy Carle a blowjob in the SORNA office Investigator Garcia shared with


D. Captain Charles Berry (Cpt. Berry and/or Charles) was the

head of the CID division in the Sheriffs Office.

E. Cpt. Berry was both Investigator Garcias and Anonymouss


F. Cpt. Berry was also having sexual relations with Anonymous.

G. Cpt. Berry admitted to inappropriate sexual conduct and having

sex with Anonymous.

H. Deputy Carle admitted to inappropriate sexual conduct with


I. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Anonymouss

relationship with Cpt. Berry caused her to not be able to do her job.

J. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Anonymous

told her almost every day, if not daily, that Charles would do whatever she told

him to do.

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K. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Anonymous

told her almost every day, if not daily, that she (Anonymous) could do whatever

she wanted to do because whatever it was she did or did not do, Charles would take

care of her.

L. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that because of

Anonymouss relationship with Cpt. Berry, Anonymous would take over Garcias

job and tell Investigator Garcia what to do and not to do.

M. Investigator Garcia reported and complained that Anonymous

threatened her if not daily, almost daily and told her if she did not do want she

wanted her to do, she would get Charles to make her do what Anonymous wanted

Garcia to do.

N. Investigator Garcia reported and complained that this situation

created a sexually hostile working environment for her, directly affected and

involved her on a daily basis, and thereby interfered with her ability to do her job.

Investigator Garcia complained that Cpt. Berrys relationship with Anonymous

was based on sexual favoritism.

O. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Anonymous

did what was expected of her by male supervisors in the Sheriffs Office in order to

obtain favorable performance evaluations and power in the Sheriffs Office, to get

favorable job assignments, and to further advance herself as far as the male

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dominated supervisory staff of the Sheriffs Office would allow her to advance.

P. Investigator Garcia complained about and reported that

Anonymous was using Investigator Garcias desk chair as part of her props for

giving blow jobs to male employees of the Sheriffs Office and using her desk

ruler to measure the size of male co-workers penises.

Q. Anonymous told Investigator Garcia that Cpt. Berry told her

that women have no business in law enforcement.

R. Investigator Garcia opposed the sexually hostile working

environment, the sexual discrimination, the sexual harassment, and the retaliation

for reporting and complaining about those violations of policies and procedures

and the law.

S. Cpt. Berry, a male, was not fired.

T. Anonymous, a female, was fired.

U. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Lt.

Salomonsky had numerous inappropriate posters on his office wall. One of the



V. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan had been in Lt. Salomonskys

office many times and had personally observed Lt. Salomonskys inappropriate

posters. But, Chief Deputy Sheriff approved of Lt. Salomonskys inappropriate

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W. Investigator Garcia complained and reported that Lt.

Salomonskys posters and behavior enabled and even encouraged sexual

harassment, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, and discrimination based

on color and further created a hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office.

46. Anonymous met with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan regularly.

47. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan would call Anonymous and check-in

with her regularly.

48. Anonymous told Investigator Garcia that she and Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan e-mailed each other a lot.

49. There were and are no females in supervisory positions within the law

enforcement side of the Sheriffs Office.

50. In January 2016, Investigator Garcia also complained about, reported,

and opposed the hostile working environment based on race, the discrimination

based on race, the racial harassment, the hostile working environment based on

national origin, the discrimination based on national origin, and the harassment

based on national origin which went on almost daily, if not daily, in the Sheriffs


51. While interviews were being held for investigator positions, Sgt.

Brian Chaffin (Sgt. Chaffin), now Lt. Chaffin (Lt. Chaffin), was on the

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interview board. Sgt. Chaffin told Investigator Garcia personally that as long as he

was in charge neither of the two African-American females, Sharon Howard or

Crystal Thornton, would ever be in CID and would never be promoted to

investigator. Investigator Garcia was offended at what Lt. Chaffin said.

Investigator Garcia told Lt. Chaffin that Deputy Crystal Thornton was a hard

worker and that Investigator Garcia was hoping she would be given an

investigators position. But, Sgt. Chaffin insisted that she would never be put in an

investigator position.

52. There is only one African-American captain, Captain Marion Bulluck

(Cpt. Bulluck), in the Sheriffs Office. Cpt. Berry refused to invite Cpt. Bulluck

to the November 2015 office Thanksgiving party. Cpt. Berry said that Cpt. Bulluck

was just a dumb nigger. Investigator Garcia found this to be offensive and that

his comments violated the law and the anti-discrimination policies and procedures

of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission.

Investigator Garcia carried a Thanksgiving dinner plate to Cpt. Bulluck in his

office since Cpt. Berry did not want nor did he invite Cpt. Bulluck to attend the

office gathering.

53. Derogatory, demeaning, and discriminatory statements, and Mexican

slurs about Hispanics/Mexicans are an everyday occurrence in the Sheriffs

Office. Most of the time the comments are made in groups of people, and it is hard

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to tell who exactly said what. Statements, such as Hispanics/Mexicans are taking

our jobs and bringing babies that we have to pay for into this country, are made.

These statements are directed to Investigator Garcia personally and are very

offensive to Investigator Garcia.

54. Investigator Garcia was told by Lt. Ron Derting (Lt. Derting) to not

help any Hispanics/Mexicans with car tags or anything else in any shape, form, or

fashion. Lt. Derting told Investigator Garcia that Hispanics/Mexicans would blow

up the Madison County, Alabama Courthouse.

55. Sheriff Whisante told Garcia not to disgrace the the Sheriffs Office

by marrying a Mexican.

56. There are constant racist comments made about Hispanics/Mexicans

in the Sheriffs Office.

57. Investigator Garcias spouse is Hispanic/Mexican. In January 2016,

Investigator Garcia complained about and reported:

A. That she was being harassed because her spouse is Mexican.

B. That she was deeply hurt, humiliated, and offended when

Investigator Jason McMinn (Investigator McMinn), an investigator in the CID

Crime Scene office, told her in the presence of other people that he bet when she

went to see her gynecologist, a bunch of Mexicans come crawling out from

between her legs.

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C. That she was deeply hurt, humiliated, and offended when

Investigator Steve Finley (Investigator Finley) asked Investigator Garcia in front

of other people whether or not Investigator Garcia needed to be arrested or if

Investigator Garcias husband was legal.

D. Investigator Garcia reported and complained about, reported,

and opposed the frequent derogatory, demeaning, and discriminatory statements

made to her about Hispanics/Mexicans and her Hispanic/Mexican husband.

58. On January 11, 2016, Investigator Garcia was demoted. Cpt. Berry

notified Sgt. Free that Investigator Garcia was being moved out of SORNA and

was being assigned as a School Resource Officer (SRO) all of which violated

Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights

and protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the

official/person at the time of the conduct.

59. On January 11, 2016, Investigator Garcia met with Sgt. Free again and

emphatically told him she wanted to continue to work in the SORNA office and

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that Anonymous is the one who should be reassigned and not her.

60. On January 11, 2016, Investigator Garcia met with Captain Kerry

Phillips (Cpt. Phillips). Cpt. Phillips was recently promoted to the position of

Chief Deputy Sheriff of the Madison County, Alabama Sheriffs Office thereby

replacing Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan who is now the Chief of Police of the City

of Madison, Alabama. During her meeting with Cpt. Phillips:

A. Investigator Garcia told Cpt. Phillips that she had placed the video

recording device in the office she shared with Anonymous.

B. Cpt. Phillips did not object to her having placed the video

recording device in the office she shared with Anonymous, did not tell her that the

recording device was illegal, and did not tell her to remove the recording device

from the office.

C. Investigator Garcia reported to Cpt. Phillips that she did not feel

she could complain to Cpt. Berry and Lt. Chaffin because of who was involved and

because Lt. Chaffin was very close to Cpt. Berry. Investigator Garcia told Cpt.

Phillips that she was fearful of retaliation against her by Cpt. Berry, Lt. Chaffin,

and Lt. Salomonsky.

D. Investigator Garcia told Cpt. Phillips that Anonymous told her

(Investigator Garcia) that Lt. Salomonsky told her (Anonymous) that Cpt. Berry

had told him (Lt. Salomonsky) to tell her (Anonymous) to keep Investigator Garcia

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in check. Pursuant to Cpt. Berrys instructions, Lt. Salomonsky had just revised

Anonymouss performance evaluation and had given Anonymous a better

performance evaluation than she (Anonymous) was first given.

61. On January 11, 2016, Cpt. Phillips contacted Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan and reported Investigator Garcias complaints and opposition about what

was going on in the workplace to Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan.

62. On January 12, 2016, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan announced that

Investigator Garcia was being removed from SORNA and being assigned to an

SRO job. The new assignment meant a demotion, a loss of prestige, a loss of

seniority, and a reduction in pay for Investigator Garcia all of which violated

Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights

and protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the official/

person at the time of the conduct.

63. On January 12, 2016, Investigator Garcia met with Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan:

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A. Investigator Garcia tried to give Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan

a copy of one of the videos. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan essentially told

Investigator Garcia to get rid of the video recording and told her he did not want to

see it all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights

and protections and her rights and protections under Title VII and 1981 through

1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all

of which were clearly-established constitutional law and federally protected rights

at the time the adverse employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia

and of which a reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or

should have known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by

the official/person at the time of the conduct.

B. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan brow-beat Investigator Garcia to

the point she was crying and extremely distraught all of which violated

Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights

and protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the official/

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person at the time of the conduct.

C. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan threatened Investigator Garcias

job all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and

protections and her rights and protections under Title VII and 1981 through

1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all

of which were clearly-established constitutional law and federally protected rights

at the time the adverse employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia

and of which a reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or

should have known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by

the official/person at the time of the conduct.

D. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan threatened Investigator Garcia

with criminal prosecution all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth

Amendment rights and protections and her rights and protections under Title VII

and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights

and protections all of which were clearly-established constitutional law and

federally protected rights at the time the adverse employment action was taken

against Investigator Garcia and of which a reasonable person/reasonable

official/person would have known, or should have known about, given the

circumstances and information possessed by the official/person at the time of the


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E. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told Investigator Garcia she only

had two choices go on patrol or go to SRO. The two choices meant a demotion

for Garcia, loss of prestige for Investigator Garcia, losss of seniority, and reduction

in pay all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights

and protections and her rights and protections under Title VII and 1981 through

1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all

of which were clearly-established constitutional law and federally protected rights

at the time the adverse employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia

and of which a reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or

should have known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by

the official/person at the time of the conduct.

F. Investigator Garcia never requested to be transferred out of

CID, which includes SORNA. Garcia would never have voluntarily agreed to this.

G. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan made it clear to Investigator

Garcia that she would have no job with the Madison County, Alabama Sheriffs

Office unless she selected one of those two jobs all of which violated

Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights

and protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

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employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the official/

person at the time of the conduct.

H. Investigator Garcia had worked at the Sheriffs Office for

approximately twenty (20) years. Rather than lose everything she had worked for,

Investigator Garcia had no choice but to take one of those two positions.

Investigator Garcia told Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan that she would take the

SRO job if those were her only choices.

I. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan intimidated and threatened

Investigator Garcia so fiercely during her January 12, 2016 meeting with him that

the distraught condition she was in was visible. all of which violated Investigator

Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights and

protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the official/

person at the time of the conduct. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told Investigator

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Garcia that he did not want anybody to see her in that condition and made her

leave by the back door of his office. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told

Investigator Garcia to take two (2) days off to try to regain her composure.

J. Erica Cagle (Cagle), an employee of the Sheriffs Office,

Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission tried to attend Investigator

Garcias January 12, 2016 meeting with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan. Cagle was

not allowed to attend the meeting.

K. Cagle waited for Investigator Garcia to come out of her meeting

with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan. Cagle personally observed the mental and

emotional condition Investigator Garcia was in when she came out of the meeting

with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan. Cagle personally observed that Investigator

Garcia was crying and emotionally distraught. Investigator Garcias condition was

so bad that Cagle even cried.

L. Investigator Garcia told Cagle that it was so bad in the meeting

with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan that he made her wish she had never

complained and reported the things she was reporting.

M. Investigator Garcia asked Cagle to go to her car and get her

sunglasses because she did not want anybody to see her in that condition.

N. The manner in which Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan treated

Investigator Garcia on January 12, 2016 and the way he handled her reports,

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complaints, and opposition to the violations of law and the policies and procedures

of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission

sent a message to female employees of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning,

Madison County, and the Commission that if they complain about sexual

harassment, sexual discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment,

they would be seriously retaliated against and punished all of which would

violate their Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and their rights and

protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which would deprive

them of those rights and protections. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan knew, or

should have known, at the time he threatened, intimidated, and demoted

Investigator Garcia that what he was doing was in violation of clearly established

constitutional law and her clearly established federally protected statutory rights. A

reasonable person/official in Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans position would have

known, or should have known, given the circumstances and information possessed

by the official/person at the time of the conduct, that such adverse employment

actions were in violation of clearly established constitutional law and clearly

established federally protected statutory rights.

64. Lt. Chaffin who was very close to Cpt. Berry also threatened Garcia

several times and accused her of insubordination and disobedience.

65. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly retaliated against Investigator Garcia in blatant

violation of the law and the policies and procedures of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff

Dorning, Madison County, and, the Commission, as she feared they would do;

moved her out of SORNA; demoted her into a job with less prestige and Two

Hundred Dollars ($200.00) less pay per month; and, was threatening to criminally

prosecute Investigator Garcia all of which violated Investigator Garcias

Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights and protections under

Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of

those rights and protections all of which were clearly-established constitutional

law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse employment actions were

taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a reasonable person/reasonable

official/person would have known, or should have known about, given the

circumstances and information possessed by the official/person at the time of the

conduct. Deputy Garcia turned to the policies and procedures which employees of

the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission were

to follow in such circumstances.

66. The Madison County Employee Handbook adopted by the Madison

County Personnel Board on June 11, 2015 which was in effect in 2016 is

unequivocally clear:

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Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in
the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:

Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256) 532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels
that they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should
be made to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong
(256) 532-3492

(emphasis added)

67. Deputy Garcia3 waited about two (2) weeks after her January 12, 2016

meeting with Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan before going to see Director Howell

and Deputy Director Flory in the Personnel/Human Resources Office of Madison

Investigator Garcia had been demoted from Investigator to Deputy on or about January 12, 2016.

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County, the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, and the Commission. Deputy Garcia

met with Director Howell and Deputy Director Flory on or about February 1, 2016.

68. Director Howell told Deputy Garcia he had to notify Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan that she was coming to see him.

69. Director Howell told Deputy Garcia that Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan wanted to know what she wanted, that he thought everything was over.

70. Deputy Garcia told Director Howell it was not over, that she had been

retaliated against for reporting and complaining about the sexual discrimination,

gender discrimination, the sexually hostile working environment, the racial

discrimination, and the racially hostile working environment at the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission.

71. Deputy Garcia told Director Howell that she did not ask to be

transferred out of SORNA and that the transfer was against what she wanted.

Deputy Garcia told Director Howell that she wanted to keep her job in SORNA

and that she wanted to be transferred back into SORNA.

72. Deputy Garcia told Director Howell that neither Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Lt. Salomonsky nor anyone else would

do anything to stop or correct the violations of the law and the policies and

procedures of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the


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73. Deputy Garcia told Director Howell that the workplace had become so

hostile and unbearable for her by December 2015 that something had to be done

because it was interfering with her ability to do her job.

74. Deputy Garcia complained and reported to Director Howell and

Deputy Director Flory that what Anonymous was doing was what the male

dominated Sheriffs Office expected of and required of female employees in the

Sheriffs Office to get good performance evaluations, good job assignments, and


75. Director Howell and Deputy Director Flory took a copy of one of the

video recordings and said they would give it to Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan.

76. Director Howell told Deputy Garcia he would have to give the

information she provided to him to Jeff Rich (Rich), Madison Countys attorney.

77. Deputy Garcia did not hear anything else from Director Howell or

Deputy Director Flory.

78. On March 4, 2016, Deputy Garcias counsel wrote a letter on behalf

of Deputy Garcia to Rich; Sheriff Dorning; and, Chairman Strong demanding a

meeting with Chairman Strong, as provided by the policies and procedures of the

Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission. Deputy

Garcia also demanded an independent investigation by the Alabama Bureau of

Investigation and the United States Department of Justice. In blatant, egregious,

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intentional, and willful violation of the policies and procedures of the Sheriffs

Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission, Chairman Strong

refused to meet with Deputy Garcia and refused to conduct an investigation all of

which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections

and her rights and protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which

deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were

clearly-established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the

adverse employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the

official/person at the time of the conduct.

79. In or about March 2016, Lt. Salomonsky was promoted to the rank of

Captain and is now Captain Salomonsky. (Cpt. Salomonsky). Cpt. Salomonsky

replaced Cpt. Berry as head of the CID in the Sheriffs Office.

80. Deputy Garcia filed her first Charge with the EEOC on March 28,


81. On April 5, 2016, Deputy Garcia again met with Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission in a joint decision again retaliated against Deputy Garcia for

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reporting, complaining about, and opposing the unlawful discrimination in the

workplace. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission in a joint decision gave Deputy Garcia a two (2)-day

suspension without pay all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth

Amendment rights and protections and her rights and protections under Title VII

and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights

and protections all of which were clearly-established constitutional law and

federally protected rights at the time the adverse employment action was taken

against Investigator Garcia and of which a reasonable person/reasonable

official/person would have known, or should have known about, given the

circumstances and information possessed by the official/person at the time of the


82. On April 5, 2016, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan offered Deputy

Garcia a job in CID. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan did not offer Deputy Garcia her

old job as CID investigator in the SORNA office.

83. Because Deputy Garcia needed her pay restored to what it was in

January 2016 before she was demoted, on April 11, 2016, Deputy Garcia accepted

the job in CID as a General Crimes Investigator.

84. Deputy Garcia filed her second Charge with the EEOC on April 27,

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85. Investigator Garcia did not start work as a General Crimes

Investigator until June 2016.

86. Investigator Garcias pay was reduced by $200.00 per month from

about January 10, 2016 until about June 25, 2016. Investigator Garcias full pay

was not restored until about June 25, 2016.

87. When Deputy Garcia was put back in CID, she was demoted once

again. Investigator Garcia went from India 4 to India 14, having no seniority.

Before her demotion, Investigator Garcia was India 4, the second highest

investigator in CID. India 14 was the lowest ranking of an investigator in CID.

Investigator Garcia was recently lowered to India 15 now the next to lowest

seniority ranking of an investigator in CID. Investigator Garcia lost her seniority

which adversely impacted her and her job all of which violated Investigator

Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights and

protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the official/

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person at the time of the conduct.

88. When Investigator Garcia was put back in CID, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission in a joint

decision assigned Investigator Garcia to a room which only had a desk and folding

chair in it. The room was dirty. The room was remotely located away from her co-

workers in CID. Investigator Garcia was isolated. The isolation caused Investigator

Garcia severe mental and emotional anguish all of which violated Investigator

Garcias Fourteenth Amendment rights and protections and her rights and

protections under Title VII and 1981 through 1983 and which deprived

Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which were clearly-

established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the time the adverse

employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of which a

reasonable person/reasonable official/person would have known, or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the

official/person at the time of the conduct.

89. It was futile for Investigator Garcia to again meet with Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Cpt.

Salomonsky, or anybody else.

90. In the spring of 2017, Investigator Garcia was reassigned to the

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SORNA office in the CID in the Sheriffs Office as an Investigator.

91. During her years as a Deputy and an Investigator, Garcia has received

good performance evaluations.

92. On April 5, 2016, after I complained about, reported, and opposed the

sexual discrimination, the sexual harassment, the sexually hostile working

environment, the racial discrimination, the racial harassment, the racially hostile

working environment, the discrimination based on the national origin of my

husband, the harassment based on the national origin of my husband, and the

hostile working environment based on the national origin of my husband, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan gave Deputy Garcia a Warning, accused her of

misconduct, insubordination, disobedience, and suspended Deputy Garcia for two

days without pay.

93. Up to January 2016, Investigator Garcia had an impeccable record in

the Sheriffs Office.

94. The retaliation against Investigator Garcia began immediately after

she complained and reported how she was being sexually harassed and the sexually

hostile working environment in which she was working.

95. The retaliation against Investigator Garcia as well as the harassment

of Investigator Garcia has been severe and frequent.

96. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission all were jointly and intricately involved in Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, a

sexually hostile working environment and her opposition thereto. Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission all

were jointly and intricately involved in Investigator Garcias complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, harassment based on race, and a racially hostile

working environment and her opposition thereto. All were jointly and intricately

involved in the adverse employment actions taken in retaliation against Garcia.

97. The retaliation. discrimination, and adverse employment actions against

Investigator Garcia has had a chilling effect on employees of the Sheriffs Office,

Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission who work in the Sheriffs

Office and for Sheriff Dorning reporting and complaining about violations of the

anti-discrimination policies and procedures of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dornng,

Madison County, and the Commission; violations of Title VII protections;

violations of 1981; and, violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S.

Constitution the Fourteenth Amendment through 1983. The retaliation,

discrimination, and adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

sent a signal to employees of the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning, Madison

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County, and the Commission who work in the Sheriffs Office and for Sheriff

Dorning that if they complain about, report, and/or oppose racial discrimination, a

racially hostile working environment, racial harassment, sexual harassment,

discrimination based on sex, etc. they will face punishment and retaliation.

98. Deputy Shelby Holt (Deputy Holt) talked to Investigator Garcia on

or about August 7, 2016 for advice about what she should do regarding how she

was being sexually harassed, discriminated based on sex, and working in a

sexually hostile working environment.

99. Several female employees in the Sheriffs Office confided in

Investigator Garcia about how they were being sexually harassed, discriminated

against based on their sex, and working in a sexually hostile working environment.

However, they were afraid of being retaliated against if they complained about,

reported, and opposed the sexual harassment they were being subjected to, how

they were being discriminated against based on their sex, and their working in a

sexually hostile working environment.

100. Several female employees in the Sheriffs Office confided in

Investigator Garcia about how they were being racially harassed, discriminated

against based on their race, and working in a racially hostile working environment.

However, they were afraid of being retaliated against if they complained about,

reported, and opposed the racial harassment they were being subjected to, how

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they were being discriminated against based on their race, and their working in a

racially hostile working environment.

101. Male employees of the Sheriffs Office, with the exception of any

male employee, like Deputy Greg Gray, who complained about, reported, and/or

opposed sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working

environment, were treated better, more favorably, and differently than was

Investigator Garcia and other female employees of the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission who worked in the Sheriffs Office:

A. Sgt. Stacey Rutherford (Sgt. Rutherford) dated and made

pictures of a female employee of the Sheriffs Office posing on the hood of his

patrol car or another patrol car. Sgt. Rutherford was not fired. Upon information

and belief, the female employees husband tried to kill her, but ended-up killing

himself. Sgt. Rutherford was not fired.

B. Sgt. Rutherford sexually harassed a female Sheriffs Office

employee who worked with him in the Madison County Jail. Sgt. Rutherford was

not fired.

C. A female employee of the Sheriffs Office had sexual relations

with Cpt. Berry in exchange for favors including more favorable personnel

evaluations and awards. Cpt. Berry was not fired.

D. After getting very personal nude pictures of Deputy Holt

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from her cell phone without her permission and knowledge and publishing them to

other employees of the Sheriffs Office, employee John Sheldon was not fired.

E. Deputy James King (Deputy King) was not fired for

publishing very personal nude pictures of Holt to other employees of the Sheriffs


F. Deputy King was not fired for sending pictures of his penis to

Deputy Holt.

G. Deputy King told Investigator Garcia that Cpt. Salomonsky and

Lt. Brooks lied about the beating involving Justin Watson. They said no reports

had been made when they had actually made reports and signed off on them.

H. Cpt. Salomonsky told Investigator Garcia that this may be the

end of Big Sal.

I. Sgt. Rutherford was not fired for sending pictures of his penis

to Deputy Holt.

J. A male employee of the Sheriffs Office sexually assaulted a

female employee of the Sheriffs Office. The names of the Sheriffs Office

employees involved in this matter will be provided and disclosed at an appropriate

time and in an appropriate way. The male employee was not fired.

K. Male employees of the Sheriffs Office would not file reports of

sexual harassment against females involving non-employees of the Sheriffs Office

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For example, Sgt. Timothy Whisante (Sgt. Whisante) would not file a report for

a young female who was sexually harassed and sexually touched by her store

manager. The girls mother complained.

L. Lt. Patton was caught having sex with one of the female

Detention Officers. Lt. Patton was not fired. There is a video recording of this.

M. Sgt. Brooks had an affair with a Madison County, Alabama

Sheriffs Office dispatcher. He was not fired.

N. Sgt. Cross had an affair with a Madison County, Alabama

Sheriffs Office dispatcher at the 911 Center. He was not fired.

O. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan made inappropriate sexual

comments about female employees of the Sheriffs Office For example, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told Cagle that female employee Megan Dornings code

should be 6969; Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told others in regard to Deputy

Holt, Man what I would do to that; Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan told Megan

Wimbs that he wished she had not told him that Cagle was changing clothes so he

could have walked in on her. No disciplinary action was taken against Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan

P. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan was accused of sexual

harassment when he worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI).

Q. Cagle reported and complained to Cpt. Phillips, Director

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Howell, and Deputy Director Flory about a male Sheriff Offices employee Tim

Clarks (Clark) sexually harassing her and telling people that she was fucking

an inmate. Clark had hit on Cagle many times, constantly asking her to go to

bars with him and go to eat with him and sent text messages to her. Clark is a

friend of Sheriff Dornings. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan and Sheriff Dorning

retaliated against Cagle by taking her cell phone away from her knowing that it

was her only means of communication with her mother who was dying and close

to death. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Sheriff Dornings actions had a very

chilling effect on not only Cagle, but other Sheriffs Dept. female employees

regarding complaining about and reporting sexual harassment and a sexually

hostile work environment at the Sheriffs Office. Clark was not fired.

R. Deputy Brent Patterson (Deputy Patterson) had a sexual affair

with a local female Madison County, Alabama school official. Deputy Patterson

was in charge of school resource officers provided to the Madison County,

Alabama schools by the Sheriffs Dept. Deputy Patterson was not fired. Deputy

Patterson lied to Cpt. Phillips about what had happened. Deputy Patterson was not


S. Deputy Jerome Heard (Deputy Heard), a Madison County

school resource officer provided to Meridianville Middle School by the Sheriffs

Office was indicted for sex with a minor female at the school. Deputy Heard was

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not fired.

T. Sheriffs Dept. Investigator Roland Campos (Investigator

Campos) was recently arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree sexual

abuse involving a juvenile. Investigator Campos was earlier involved in the sexual

abuse of his granddaughter. The earlier matter was swept under the rug by the

Sheriffs Office. Sheriffs Office Lt. Chaffin has the details regarding these


U. There are numerous other incidents of male employees of the

Sheriffs Office in the course of their exercise of authority over female employees

of the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission exploiting those

female employees, providing job security, providing revised performance

evaluations, and taking care of pay mistakes in exchange for sexual favors and

attention. None of those male employees of the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

or the Commission have been fired. In fact, several of those male employees have

been promoted.

102. Investigator Garcia was retaliated against jointly by Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission for

complaining about, reporting, and opposing the sexual discrimination, the sexual

harassment, the sexually hostile working environment, the racial discrimination,

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the racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment and for trying

to seek help all of which violated Investigator Garcias Fourteenth Amendment

rights and protections and her rights and protections under Title VII and 1981 and

which deprived Investigator Garcia of those rights and protections all of which

were clearly-established constitutional law and federally protected rights at the

time the adverse employment action was taken against Investigator Garcia and of

which a reasonable person/reasonable official would have known or should have

known about, given the circumstances and information possessed by the

official/person at the time of the conduct.


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

103. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 102 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

104. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

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harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

105. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Lt. Chaffins Cpt.

Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

106. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt.

Chaffins unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator

Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff and Lt.

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Chaffins unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

107. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


108. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

109. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth

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110. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


111. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

112. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

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of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

113. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


114. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

115. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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116. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

117. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

118. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

119. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)
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120. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 120 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

121. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

122. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

123. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

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Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt.

Chaffins unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator

Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs

Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

124. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


125. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

126. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

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discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

127. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


128. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

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129. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

130. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


131. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

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deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

132. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

133. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

134. Sheriff Dorning, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

135. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

136. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

137. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

138. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 137 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

139. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

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discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

140. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

141. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt.

Chaffins unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator

Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and

Lt. Chaffins unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

142. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


143. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

144. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

145. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and

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146. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

147. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

148. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

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remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


149. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

150. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

151. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

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anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

152. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

153. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

154. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

155. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 154 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

156. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

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maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

157. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

158. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt.

Chaffins unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator

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Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and

Lt. Chaffins unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

159. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


160. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

161. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

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shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


162. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


163. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

164. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

165. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

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sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

166. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


167. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

168. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

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to those violations.

169. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

170. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, in his individual capacity, is not

afforded immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person

in his respective position would have known, or should have known, that his

actions would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

171. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

172. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

173. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

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Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

174. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 173 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

175. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

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176. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

177. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

178. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary

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179. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

180. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


181. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


182. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

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Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

183. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

184. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


185. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

186. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

187. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

188. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

189. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

190. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

191. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 190 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

192. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the
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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

193. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

194. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

195. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

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Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


196. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

197. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


198. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

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working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


199. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

200. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

201. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


202. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

203. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

204. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

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above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

205. Cpt. Berry, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

206. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

207. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

208. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

209. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 208 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

210. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

211. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

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only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

212. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

213. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


214. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

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behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

215. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


216. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


217. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

218. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

219. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


220. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

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Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

221. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

222. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

223. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

224. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

225. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

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injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

226. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 225 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

227. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 94 of 625

42 U.S.C. 1983.

228. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

229. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

230. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

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unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


231. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

232. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


233. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


234. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 96 of 625

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

235. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

236. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

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retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


237. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

238. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

239. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

240. Cpt. Salomonsky, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

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position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

241. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

242. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

243. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

244. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 243 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific
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detail herein below.

245. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 100 of 625

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

246. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 101 of 625

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

247. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the
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terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

248. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

249. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

250. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

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affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


251. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

252. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


253. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


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254. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

255. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

256. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

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sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


257. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

258. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

259. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 106 of 625

260. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

261. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

262. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

263. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 262 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

264. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 107 of 625

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 108 of 625

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

265. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 109 of 625

origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic

will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

266. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 110 of 625

42 U.S.C. 1983.

267. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

268. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

269. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 111 of 625

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


270. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

271. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


272. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


273. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 112 of 625

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

274. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

275. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 113 of 625

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


276. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

277. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

278. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

279. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 114 of 625

280. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

281. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

282. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 281 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

283. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

Page 114 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 115 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 116 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

284. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 117 of 625

Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

285. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 118 of 625

286. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

287. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

288. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 119 of 625


289. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

290. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


291. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


292. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 120 of 625

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

293. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

294. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 121 of 625

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


295. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

296. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

297. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

298. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

299. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 122 of 625

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

300. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

301. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 300 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

302. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

Page 122 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 123 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 124 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

303. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 125 of 625

the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-

3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

304. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

305. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Page 125 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 126 of 625

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

306. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

307. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 127 of 625

308. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

309. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


310. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


311. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 128 of 625

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

312. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

313. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 129 of 625

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


314. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

315. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

316. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

317. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

318. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 130 of 625

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

319. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

320. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 319 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

321. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

Page 130 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 131 of 625

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 131 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 132 of 625

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

322. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 133 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

323. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

324. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

Page 133 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 134 of 625

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

325. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

326. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


327. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 135 of 625

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

328. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


329. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


330. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Page 135 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 136 of 625

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

331. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

332. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 137 of 625

333. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

334. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

335. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

336. Dale W. Strong, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

337. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

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income and benefits, both past and future.

338. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

339. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

340. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 339 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

341. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 139 of 625

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 140 of 625

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

342. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 141 of 625

origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic

will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

343. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 142 of 625

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

344. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

345. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

346. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 143 of 625

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

347. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

348. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

349. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


350. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 144 of 625

environment, Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

351. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

352. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and

the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

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retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


353. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or reckless

disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally

protected rights.

354. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

355. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

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inconvenience, and humiliation.

356. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

357. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

358. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

359. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 358 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

360. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 147 of 625

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 148 of 625

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

361. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 149 of 625

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

362. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 150 of 625

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

363. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

364. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

365. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 151 of 625

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

366. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

367. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

368. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


369. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

Page 151 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 152 of 625

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt.

Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

370. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

371. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 153 of 625

the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


372. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or reckless

disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally

protected rights.

373. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

374. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 154 of 625

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

375. Commissioner Jones, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

376. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

377. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

378. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 155 of 625


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

379. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 378 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

380. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 156 of 625

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made

Page 156 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 157 of 625

to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-


381. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 158 of 625

382. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

383. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

384. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

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Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

385. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

386. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

387. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

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Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

388. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


389. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

390. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

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jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

391. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

392. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

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393. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

394. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

395. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

396. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

397. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

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Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

398. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 397 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

399. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

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Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 165 of 625

3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The

offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

400. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 166 of 625

supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel

Director to file a claim of harassment.

401. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

402. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

403. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

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employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

404. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

405. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

406. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

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Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

407. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


408. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

409. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

410. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

411. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 170 of 625

federally protected rights.

412. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

413. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

414. Commissioner Haraway, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

415. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

416. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

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injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

417. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Haraways Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

418. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 417 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

419. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

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Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

420. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 174 of 625

Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory

and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

421. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

422. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 175 of 625

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

423. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

424. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

425. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

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Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

426. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

427. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


428. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

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subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

429. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

430. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and

the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 178 of 625

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


431. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or reckless

disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally

protected rights.

432. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

433. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

434. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 179 of 625

435. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

436. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

437. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 436 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

438. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 180 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.
The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 181 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

439. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 182 of 625

the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-

3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

440. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

441. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 183 of 625

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

442. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

443. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

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444. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

445. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

446. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


447. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 185 of 625

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

448. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

449. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and

the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 186 of 625

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


450. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or reckless

disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally

protected rights.

451. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

452. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

453. Commissioner Hill, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

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immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

454. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

455. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

456. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

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457. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 456 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

458. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 189 of 625

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

459. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

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Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

460. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 191 of 625

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

461. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

462. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 192 of 625

463. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

464. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

465. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

466. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

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discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


467. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

468. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

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469. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

470. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

471. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 195 of 625

472. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

473. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

474. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

475. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.


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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 196 of 625


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

476. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 475 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

477. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 197 of 625

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

Page 197 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 198 of 625

478. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

479. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 199 of 625

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

480. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

481. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 200 of 625

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

482. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

483. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

484. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 201 of 625

against her which are set forth above.

485. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

Discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


486. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

487. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 202 of 625

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

488. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

489. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

490. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 203 of 625

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

491. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

492. Commissioner Vandiver, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

493. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

494. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

495. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

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injury from Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

496. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 495 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

497. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 205 of 625

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 206 of 625


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

498. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 207 of 625

harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and

fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

499. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

500. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

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affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

501. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

502. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

503. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

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unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

504. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

505. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


506. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 210 of 625

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

507. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

508. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

509. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

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Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

510. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

511. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

512. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

513. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 212 of 625

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

514. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

515. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 514 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

516. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 213 of 625

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 214 of 625

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

517. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 215 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

518. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis

of sex with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

519. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 216 of 625

Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

520. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy

Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

521. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

522. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 217 of 625

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

523. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

524. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


525. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 218 of 625

above. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

526. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual

discrimination, and a sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

527. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual

harassment, and the sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office

as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia,

and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

Page 218 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 219 of 625

actions are set forth above.

528. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice and/or

reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

529. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

530. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still causing Investigator

Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,

inconvenience, and humiliation.

531. Commissioner Riddick, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

immunityprotection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 220 of 625

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

532. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

533. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

534. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

535. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 534 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 221 of 625

detail herein below.

536. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 222 of 625

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

537. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 223 of 625

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

538. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 224 of 625

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

539. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

540. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

541. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


542. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

543. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


544. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and

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545. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

546. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

547. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

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remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


548. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

549. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

550. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

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anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

551. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

552. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

553. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

554. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 553 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

555. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the
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Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 230 of 625

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

556. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 231 of 625

words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national

origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

557. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 232 of 625

42 U.S.C. 1983.

558. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

559. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

560. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

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unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


561. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

562. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


563. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


564. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

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environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

565. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

566. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

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retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


567. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

568. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

569. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

570. Director Howell, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

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position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

571. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

572. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

573. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

574. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

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1 through 573 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

575. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 238 of 625

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

576. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 239 of 625

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

577. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 240 of 625

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

578. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

579. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

580. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 241 of 625

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


581. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

582. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


583. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 242 of 625

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


584. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

585. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

586. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


587. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

588. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

589. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 244 of 625

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

590. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

591. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

592. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

593. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 592 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

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594. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

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Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

595. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

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is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

596. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference sexually

harassed, discriminated against based on sex, and subjected to a sexually hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry,

Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of sex with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and
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the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

597. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

598. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt. Salomonskys, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

599. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

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adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


600. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

601. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of sexual

discrimination, sexual harassment, and a sexually hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


602. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of sex

discrimination, her being sexually harassed and working in a sexually hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


603. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of sexual

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discrimination, sexual harassment and working in a sexually hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

604. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and a

sexually hostile working environment found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

605. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt.

Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and the

sexually hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

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retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


606. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Cpt. Berry, Cpt. Salomonsky, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

607. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

608. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

609. Deputy Director Flory, in her individual capacity, is not afforded

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immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in her

respective position would have known, or should have known, that her actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

610. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

611. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

612. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Cpt. Berrys, Cpt.

Salomonskys, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.


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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

613. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 612 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

614. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

615. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

616. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

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Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

617. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

618. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

619. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

620. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


621. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

622. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

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U.S.C. 1983.

623. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


624. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

625. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

626. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

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Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

627. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

628. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

629. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

630. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

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1 through 629 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

631. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

632. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

633. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

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enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

634. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

635. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

636. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

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her which are set forth above.

637. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


638. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

639. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

640. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


641. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

642. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

643. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

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is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

644. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

645. Sheriff Dorning, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

646. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

647. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

648. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 647 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

649. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

650. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

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against Investigator Garcia.

651. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

652. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

653. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

654. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

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discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

655. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

656. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an

unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

657. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

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and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation,

racial harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment

found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

658. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernign, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

659. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

660. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

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deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

661. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

662. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

663. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

664. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

665. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 664 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

666. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

667. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

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668. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt. Chaffins unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans and Lt. Chaffins

unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs

Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

669. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

670. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

671. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

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Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

672. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


673. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, lt.

Chaffin, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia

to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

674. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against

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retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working

environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the

Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

675. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Lt.

Chaffin, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the

racial discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment

they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment

continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in

response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of

retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

676. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Lt. Chaffin, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong,

the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was

done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to

Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

677. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

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to those violations.

678. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

679. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

680. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, in his individual capacity, is not

afforded immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person

in his respective position would have known, or should have known, that his

actions would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

681. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

682. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

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Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

683. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 682 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

684. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Captain Charles Berry (Cpt. Berry), Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

685. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

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Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

686. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

687. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

688. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

689. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

690. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


691. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong,

the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

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Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

692. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

693. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

694. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

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indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

695. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

696. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

697. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

698. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

699. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

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herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

700. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 699 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

701. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and

privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

702. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

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Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

703. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

704. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

705. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

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enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

706. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

707. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


708. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong,

the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

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709. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

710. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

711. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

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712. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

713. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

714. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

715. Cpt. Berry, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

716. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

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717. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

718. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 717 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

719. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Captain Michael Salomonsky (Cpt. Salomonsky) Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

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Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

720. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

721. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

722. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

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Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

723. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

724. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment

actions taken against her which are set forth above.

725. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


726. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

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Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


727. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

728. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

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employment actions are set forth above.

729. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

730. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

731. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

732. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

733. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

734. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

735. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 734 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

736. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms,
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conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

737. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

738. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

739. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

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above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

740. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

741. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment

actions taken against her which are set forth above.

742. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


743. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

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environment, Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


744. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

745. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

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complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

746. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

747. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

748. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

749. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

750. Cpt. Salomonsky, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

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position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

751. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

752. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

753. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 752 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

754. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

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maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

755. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

756. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

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preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

757. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

758. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

759. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

760. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

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working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


761. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

762. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

763. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

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retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


764. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

765. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

766. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

767. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

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income and benefits, both past and future.

768. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

769. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

770. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 769 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

771. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

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work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

772. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

773. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

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774. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

775. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

776. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

777. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


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778. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

779. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

780. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


781. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

782. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

783. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

784. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

785. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

786. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

787. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 786 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

788. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison
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County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

789. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

790. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

791. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

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confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

792. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

793. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

794. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


795. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

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environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

796. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

797. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth

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798. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

799. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

800. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

801. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

802. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

803. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

804. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 803 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

805. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

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1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

806. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County

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Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory

and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

807. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

808. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

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employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

809. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator


810. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

811. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

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and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

812. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

813. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


814. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

815. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

816. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


817. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

818. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

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violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

819. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

820. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

821. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

822. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

823. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 822 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

824. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 317 of 625

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 318 of 625

Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that

they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

825. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 319 of 625

826. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Dale W. Strong (Strong), the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and

privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

827. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment

actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia.

828. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 320 of 625

against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief

Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

8299999. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

830. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

831. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

832. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


833. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an

unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

834. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and a racially

hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of

the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

835. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

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hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

836. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice

and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

837. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

838. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still

causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

839. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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840. Dale W. Strong, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

841. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

842. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

843. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

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1 through 842 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

844. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 325 of 625

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

845. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 326 of 625

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of

There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting

harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

846. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 327 of 625

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms,

conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

847. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

848. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

849. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

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Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

850. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

851. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

852. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


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853. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


854. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

855. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

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Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

856. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

857. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

858. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

859. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 331 of 625

860. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

861. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

862. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 861 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

863. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 332 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 333 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

864. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 334 of 625

the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-

3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

865. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Roger Jones (Jones), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

866. Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 335 of 625

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

867. Joness, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

868. Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

869. Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 336 of 625

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

870. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

871. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


872. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

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subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

873. Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

874. Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

875. The joint unlawful conduct of Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was

done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 338 of 625

Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

876. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

877. Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

878. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

879. Jones, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity protection

because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective position

would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

880. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

881. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein

unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

882. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 881 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

883. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 340 of 625

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

884. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 342 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

885. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

886. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 343 of 625

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

887. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

888. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

889. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

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affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

890. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

891. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


892. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 345 of 625


893. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

894. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

895. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 346 of 625

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

896. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

897. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

898. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

899. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

900. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 347 of 625

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

901. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 900 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

902. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 348 of 625

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 349 of 625

3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The

offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

903. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 350 of 625

supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel

Director to file a claim of harassment.

904. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Steve Haraway (Haraway), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

905. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

906. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 351 of 625

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

907. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

908. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

909. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 352 of 625

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

910. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


911. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Haraways, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


912. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 353 of 625

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

913. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

914. The joint unlawful conduct of Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

915. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

916. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 354 of 625

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

917. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

918. Haraway, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

919. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

920. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 355 of 625

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

921. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 920 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

922. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Page 355 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 356 of 625

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
Page 356 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 357 of 625

3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The

offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

923. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
Page 357 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 358 of 625

supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel

Director to file a claim of harassment.

924. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms,

conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

925. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

926. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

Page 358 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 359 of 625

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

927. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

928. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

929. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 360 of 625

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment

actions taken against her which are set forth above.

930. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


931. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


932. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 361 of 625

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

933. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

934. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

935. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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936. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

937. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

938. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

939. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)
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940. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 939 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

941. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

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Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

942. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 365 of 625

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

943. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Craig Hill (Hill), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff
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Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms,

conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

944. Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

945. Hills,, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

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946. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

947. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

948. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

949. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


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950. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Hills, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

951. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

952. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

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Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

953. The joint unlawful conduct of Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was

done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to

Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

954. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

955. Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

956. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

957. Hill, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity protection

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because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective position

would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

958. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

959. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein

unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

960. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 959 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

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detail herein below.

961. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 372 of 625

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

962. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 373 of 625

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

963. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

964. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

965. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

966. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

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Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

967. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

968. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

969. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


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970. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


971. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

972. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

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Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

973. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

974. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

975. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

976. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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977. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

978. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

979. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 978 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

980. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 379 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 380 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

981. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 381 of 625

Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

982. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Phil Vandiver (Vandiver), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 382 of 625

983. Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

984. Vandivers,, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

985. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 383 of 625

986. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

987. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

988. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


989. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Vandivers, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 384 of 625

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


990. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

991. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

992. The joint unlawful conduct of Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

993. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

994. Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

995. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

996. Vandiver, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

997. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

998. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

999. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 998 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1000. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 387 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 388 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1001. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
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Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1002. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

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1003. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1004. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1005. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

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1006. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1007. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1008. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1009. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 392 of 625

set out above. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1010. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial

harassment, discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in

Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment,

through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1011. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in

the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

1012. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

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Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1013. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1014. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1015. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1016. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1017. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

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injury from Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1018. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1017 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1019. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 395 of 625

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 396 of 625


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1020. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 397 of 625

confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when

harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1021. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Phil Riddick (Riddick), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1022. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

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but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1023. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1024. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1025. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 399 of 625

1026. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

1027. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1028. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Riddicks, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1029. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 400 of 625

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment,

discrimination, and a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1030. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial

harassment, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

1031. The joint unlawful conduct of Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1032. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

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violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1033. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1034. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1035. Riddick, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1036. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1037. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 402 of 625

injury from Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1038. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1037 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1039. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 403 of 625

government and control of all employees and appointees holding

position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1040. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 405 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1041. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1042. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

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employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1043. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1044. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1045. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

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and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1046. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

1047. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1048. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1049. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1050. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1051. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1052. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

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violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1053. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1054. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1055. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1056. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1057. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1056 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1058. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 411 of 625

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 412 of 625

Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that

they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1059. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of

There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting

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harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1060. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1061. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1062. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

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Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1063. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1064. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1065. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

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and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

1066. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1067. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1068. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

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1069. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1070. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1071. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1072. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

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Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1073. Director Howell, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1074. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1075. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1076. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1077. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1076 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1078. Deputy Director Pam Flory (Deputy Director Flory), the Sheriffs

Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the Commissions policies

and procedures for their employees to follow, to which Sheriff Dorning and the

Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow, regarding complaining about

and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

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Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 420 of 625

(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-

3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1079. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of

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There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting

harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1080. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator

Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of

her employment in violation of Title VII, 1981, and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1081. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1082. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 422 of 625

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1083. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1084. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1085. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

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her which are set forth above.

1086. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1087. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1088. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1089. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 424 of 625

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1090. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1091. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1092. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

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is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1093. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1094. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1095. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1096. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1095 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

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1097. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable
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at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1098. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

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Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, race, color, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic
will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1099. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference racially

harassed, discriminated against based on race, and subjected to a racially hostile

work environment by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of race with respect to the

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terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII,

1981, and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1100. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1101. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1102. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

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investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1103. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1104. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, racial harassment, and a racially hostile working environment,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

1105. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of racial discrimination, her being racially harassed and working in a

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1106. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of racial

discrimination, racial harassment and working in a racially hostile working

environment, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above.

Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1107. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, racial harassment, discrimination, and

a racially hostile working environment found in Title VII, 1981, and the equal

protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1108. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the racial discrimination, racial harassment, and

the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


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1109. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1110. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1111. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1112. Deputy Director Flory, in her individual capacity, is not afforded

Immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in her

respective position would have known, or should have known, that her actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

1113. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

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income and benefits, both past and future.

1114. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1115. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.



(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1116. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1115 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

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1117. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1118. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1119. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

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Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1120. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the

unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not adequately

investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful

behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1121. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1122. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

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Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1123. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1124. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1125. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation,

Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII

and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the

vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1126. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the

Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

1127. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

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Garcias federally protected rights.

1128. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1129. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1130. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1131. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1132. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

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enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1133. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1132 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1134. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

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42 U.S.C. 1983.

1135. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1136. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1137. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the

unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not adequately

investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful

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behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1138. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1139. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1140. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1141. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

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Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1142. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation,

Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII

and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the

vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1143. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

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National Origin Of Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the

Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

1144. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1145. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1146. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

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1147. Sheriff Dorning, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1148. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1149. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1150. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1151. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1150 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1152. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1153. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but
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ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1154. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1155. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior

described above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating

Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by

subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1156. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

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unlawful behavior.

1157. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1158. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1159. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

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ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia

to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1160. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation,

Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII

and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the

vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1161. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the

Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

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employment actions are set forth above.

1162. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1163. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1164. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1165. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1166. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1167. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1168. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1167 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1169. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

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Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1170. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1171. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken

against Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans

unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by

ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans

unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

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1172. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior

described above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating

Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by

subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1173. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1174. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1175. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1176. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia

to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1177. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation,

Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII

and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the

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vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1178. Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the

Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for

Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and

escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her

complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse

employment actions are set forth above.

1179. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1180. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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1181. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1182. Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, in his individual capacity, is not

afforded immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person

in his respective position would have known, or should have known, that his

actions would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

1183. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1184. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1185. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

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enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1186. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1185 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1187. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Cpt. Berry Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

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the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1188. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1189. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1190. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

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Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1191. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1192. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt.

Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by

the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1193. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1194. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

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On National Origin Of Husband, Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1195. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1196. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1197. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1198. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1199. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1200. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1201. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1202. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1203. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1202 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1204. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

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national origin of husband by Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with

respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1205. Sheriff Dornings, Cpt. Berrys, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1206. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

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Investigator Garcia.

1207. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1208. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1209. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt.

Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by

the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1210. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

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on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1211. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1212. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1213. Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

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Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1214. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Berry, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1215. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1216. Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

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Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1217. Cpt. Berry, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1218. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1219. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1220. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Berrys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.


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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1221. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1220 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1222. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1223. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

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Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1224. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1225. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1226. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

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Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1227. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt.

Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by

the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1228. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1229. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director

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Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1230. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1231. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination

Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

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Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

1232. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1233. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1234. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1235. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1236. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1237. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1238. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1237 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1239. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

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national origin of husband by Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1240. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1241. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

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Investigator Garcia.

1242. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1243. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1244. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Cpt.

Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by

the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1245. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1246. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1247. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

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U.S.C. 1983.

1248. Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination

Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

1249. The joint unlawful conduct of Cpt. Salomonsky, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1250. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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1251. Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1252. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1253. Cpt. Salomonsky, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1254. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1255. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Cpt. Salomonskys, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

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set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1256. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1255 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1257. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.
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1258. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1259. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1260. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

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1261. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1262. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1263. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1264. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

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Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1265. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1266. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

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1267. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1268. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1269. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1270. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1271. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

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1272. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1273. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1272 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1274. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

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Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1275. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1276. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1277. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

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confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1278. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1279. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1280. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

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1281. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1282. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1283. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

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hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1284. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1285. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1286. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1287. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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1288. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1289. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1290. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1289 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1291. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

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Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1292. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1293. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

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preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1294. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1295. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1296. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1297. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1298. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1299. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1300. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1301. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1302. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1303. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

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is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1304. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1305. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1306. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1307. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

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1 through 1306 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1308. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also
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adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1309. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

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and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1310. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

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Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1311. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1312. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator


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1313. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1314. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1315. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1316. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 499 of 625

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1317. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1318. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1319. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

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Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1320. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with

malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator

Garcias federally protected rights.

1321. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1322. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

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1323. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1324. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1325. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1326. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1325 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1327. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the
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Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 503 of 625

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1328. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 504 of 625

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1329. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Dale W. Strong (Strong), the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating

against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with

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respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of

Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through

the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1330. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse employment

actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation against

Investigator Garcia.

1331. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia enabled former

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or preventing Chief

Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1332. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified, confirmed, and

affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not investigating and/or by not

adequately investigating Investigator Garcias complaints and reports of such

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unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary


1333. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such unlawful

behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior and by

not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1334. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment

actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1335. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1336. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 507 of 625

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out

above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong,

the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected

Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1337. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly violated the

proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On National

Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the

Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1338. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take effective

remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband,

Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory hostile

environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory hostile

environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being retaliated

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against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts

of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1339. The joint unlawful conduct of Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission as described above was done with malice

and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias

federally protected rights.

1340. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1341. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and is still

causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment

of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1342. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1343. Dale W. Strong, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

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position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1344. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1345. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless enjoined by this


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1346. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference

paragraphs 1 through 1345 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out
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in specific detail herein below.

1347. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 511 of 625

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1348. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 512 of 625

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1349. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

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Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1350. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1351. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1352. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

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Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1353. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1354. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia

was retaliated against by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

1355. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 515 of 625

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1356. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1357. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1358. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

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Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination

Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

1359. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1360. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1361. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

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Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1362. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1363. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1364. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

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1365. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1364 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1366. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 519 of 625

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1367. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

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Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1368. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 521 of 625

national origin of husband by Roger Jones (Commissioner Jones), Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly thereby discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National

Origin Of Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her

employment in violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the

Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1369. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1370. Commissioner Joness, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

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Investigator Garcia.

1371. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1372. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1373. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia

was retaliated against by Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against

her which are set forth above.

1374. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1375. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1376. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

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U.S.C. 1983.

1377. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination

Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

actions are set forth above.

1378. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dorning,

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1379. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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1380. Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1381. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1382. Commissioner Jones, in his individual capacity, is not afforded

immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his

respective position would have known, or should have known, that his actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

1383. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1384. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Jones, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

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set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1385. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1384 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1386. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
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consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint

appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:

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Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1387. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when

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harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and

fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1388. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1389. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

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only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1390. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1391. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1392. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

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unlawful behavior.

1393. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by

Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1394. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1395. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

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ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia

to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1396. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1397. Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination

Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of

Husband, and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as

well as the retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and

instead the retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with

Investigator Garcias being retaliated against in response to her complaints,

reports, and opposition. These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment

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actions are set forth above.

1398. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Haraway, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1399. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1400. Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1401. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1402. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1403. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1404. nvestigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1403 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1405. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

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Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 536 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1406. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 537 of 625

the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-

3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1407. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Steve Haraway (Haraway), Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

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1408. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1409. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1410. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

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1411. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1412. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken

against her which are set forth above.

1413. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of

supervision and management.

1414. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Haraways, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

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Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1415. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1416. Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

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These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1417. The joint unlawful conduct of Haraway, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1418. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1419. Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1420. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1421. Haraway, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

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position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1422. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1423. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Haraways, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1424. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1423 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific
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detail herein below.

1425. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 544 of 625

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1426. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 545 of 625

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1427. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 546 of 625

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1428. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1429. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy

Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and

the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator

Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory

behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping

and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 547 of 625

1430. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1431. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1432. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by

Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1433. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 548 of 625

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1434. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1435. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

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U.S.C. 1983.

1436. Commissioner Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1437. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Hill, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1438. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

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1439. Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1440. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1441. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1442. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.


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(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1443. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1442 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1444. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 552 of 625

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 553 of 625

to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-


1445. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 554 of 625

1446. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Craig Hill (Hill), Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1447. Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1448. Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 555 of 625

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1449. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1450. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1451. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia

was retaliated against by Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director

Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 556 of 625

Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

1452. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1453. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Hills, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1454. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

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National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1455. Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1456. The joint unlawful conduct of Hill, Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy

Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the

Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described above was

done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate indifference to

Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1457. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

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deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1458. Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1459. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1460. Hill, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity protection

because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective position

would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1461. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1462. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Hills, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

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Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein

unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1463. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1462 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1464. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 560 of 625

government and control of all employees and appointees holding

position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 561 of 625

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1465. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 562 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1466. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1467. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 563 of 625

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1468. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1469. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1470. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Page 563 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 564 of 625

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1471. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by

Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


1472. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1473. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 565 of 625

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to

ongoing acts of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia

to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1474. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1475. Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 566 of 625

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1476. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Vandiver, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1477. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1478. Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1479. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1480. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1481. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1482. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1481 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1483. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

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Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 569 of 625

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1484. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 570 of 625

words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of

Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1485. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Phil Vandiver (Vandiver), Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in
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violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1486. Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1487. Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1488. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

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complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1489. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1490. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia

was retaliated against by Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

1491. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1492. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 573 of 625

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Vandivers, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1493. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1494. Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

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retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1495. The joint unlawful conduct of Vandiver, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1496. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1497. Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1498. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

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1499. Vandiver, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1500. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1501. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Vandivers, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)
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1502. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1501 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1503. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 577 of 625

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1504. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 578 of 625

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1505. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

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national origin of husband by Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1506. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions

regarding the adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not

only instigated, but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1507. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against

Investigator Garcia enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful

discriminatory behavior and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

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behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1508. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described

above by not investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator

Garcias complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting

Investigator Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1509. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and

affirming such unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such

unlawful behavior.

1510. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by

Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which are set forth


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1511. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile working

environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1512. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts

of retaliation, as set out above. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director

Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison

County, and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful

retaliatory hostile environment.

1513. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission have jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment

Based On National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 582 of 625

equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42

U.S.C. 1983.

1514. Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission failed to take effective remedial action to end the racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the

racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1515. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Riddick, Sheriff

Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as

described above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1516. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 583 of 625

to those violations.

1517. Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described

above caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1518. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1519. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1520. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Commissioner Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff

Jernigans, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the

Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as

set forth herein unless enjoined by this Court.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 584 of 625


(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1521. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1520 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1522. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 585 of 625

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
Page 585 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 586 of 625

to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-


1523. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 587 of 625

1524. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Phil Riddick (Riddick), Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby

discriminating against Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of

Husband with respect to the terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in

violation of Title VII and the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth

Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1525. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the

adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated,

but ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination and retaliation

against Investigator Garcia.

1526. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director

Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 588 of 625

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory behavior

and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying, confirming, and affirming

Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by not stopping and/or

preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful behavior against

Investigator Garcia.

1527. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment.

1528. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

enabled such unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such

unlawful behavior and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1529. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of racial

discrimination, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile

Working Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia

was retaliated against by Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

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Commission as shown by the adverse employment actions taken against her which

are set forth above.

1530. Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being harassed based

on national origin of husband and working in a racially hostile

working environment in the Sheriffs Office to multiple levels of supervision and


1531. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Riddicks, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell,

Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County,

and the Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of

retaliation, as set out above. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile


1532. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have

jointly violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On

Page 589 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 590 of 625

National Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment

Based On National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection

of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1533. Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory,

Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission

failed to take effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband,

and the racially hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the

retaliatory hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the

retaliatory hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias

being retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition.

These ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth


1534. The joint unlawful conduct of Riddick, Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1535. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 591 of 625

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1536. Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above

caused and is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish,

loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1537. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1538. Riddick, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1539. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1540. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Riddicks, Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans,

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Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs

Offices, Madison Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth

herein unless enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1541. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1540 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1542. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 593 of 625

government and control of all employees and appointees holding

position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1543. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 595 of 625

Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1544. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1545. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 596 of 625

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1546. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1547. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1548. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 597 of 625

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1549. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1550. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being

harassed based on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to

multiple levels of supervision and management.

1551. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 598 of 625

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1552. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1553. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1554. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 599 of 625

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1555. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1556. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1557. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1558. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1559. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 600 of 625

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1560. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1559 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1561. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 601 of 625

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:
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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 602 of 625


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1562. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
Page 602 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 603 of 625

harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and

fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1563. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1564. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 604 of 625

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1565. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1566. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1567. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

Page 604 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 605 of 625

1568. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1569. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being

harassed based on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to

multiple levels of supervision and management.

1570. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

Page 605 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 606 of 625

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1571. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1572. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1573. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

Page 606 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 607 of 625

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1574. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1575. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1576. Director Howell, in his individual capacity, is not afforded immunity

protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in his respective

position would have known, or should have known, that his actions would violate a

constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly established at the time

of the violations described herein.

1577. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1578. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 608 of 625

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1579. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1580. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1579 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1581. Deputy Director Pam Flory (Deputy Director Pam Flory) The

Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the Commissions

policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which Sheriff Dorning

and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow, regarding

complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

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Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 609 of 625

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
government and control of all employees and appointees holding
position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.
(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel
board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

Page 609 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 610 of 625

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1582. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
Page 610 of 625

Case 5:17-cv-01957-UJH-RDP Document 1 Filed 11/20/17 Page 611 of 625

3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County

Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible
sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1583. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1584. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

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Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1585. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1586. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1587. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1588. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1589. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being

harassed based on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to

multiple levels of supervision and management.

1590. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

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Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1591. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1592. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1593. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

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Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1594. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1595. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental

anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1596. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1597. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1598. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

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injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.

(ASSERTED VIA 42 U.S.C. 1983)

1599. Investigator Garcia realleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs

1 through 1598 above with the same force and effect as if fully set out in specific

detail herein below.

1600. The Sheriffs Offices; Sheriff Dornings; Madison Countys; and, the

Commissions policies and procedures for their employees to follow, to which

Sheriff Dorning and the Sheriffs Office agreed to be bound by and to follow,

regarding complaining about and reporting harassment are, in pertinent part:

A. Act No. 941 of the 1973 Regular Session of the Alabama

Legislature provides, in pertinent part:

1. Section 1. (a) In Madison County, there is

hereby created and established a personnel department for the
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government and control of all employees and appointees holding

position in the classified service, as defined in Section 4.

(b) The personnel department shall consist of a personnel

board and a personnel director. The personnel board shall
consist of three members, one to be appointed as a joint
appointee by the Sheriff of the County.

Section 4. The provision of this Act shall apply to the

following officers and employees in the service of the county:

(c) All employees of the county sheriff;

B. The Madison County Employee Handbook, adopted by the

Madison County, Alabama Personnel Board on June 11, 2015, which was also

adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office and Sheriff

Dorning as their official policy and custom, and which was in effect and applicable

at all times material to this case, provided, in pertinent part:

Page 71 Section 4.

The provisions of this Act shall apply to the following officers and
employees in the service of the county:

c. All employees of the County Sheriff;

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Page 48

Appendix 2:


Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who

is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to
one of the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell
(256)532-3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-
3614 or County Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The
offices of Howell, Flory and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the
Madison County Courthouse. If for any reason an individual feels that
they cannot talk with Howell, Flory or Jones, reports should be made
to Madison County Commission Chairman Dale Strong (256) 532-

1601. On or about December 15, 2016, a new Madison County Employee

Handbook was adopted, ratified, confirmed, and followed by the Sheriffs Office

and Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission as their official policy

and custom which states:

Madison County is committed to providing a work environment that

is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. Actions,
words, jokes, or comments based on an individuals sex, National Origin Of
Husband, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, or any other legally
protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Anyone who believes that he or she is being sexually harassed, or who
is aware of behavior that may violate this policy, should report this to one of
the following individuals: Personnel Director, Jermie Howell (256) 532-
3614, Deputy Personnel Director, Pam Flory (256) 532-3614 or County
Administrator, Kevin Jones (256) 532-3492. The offices of Howell, Flory
and Jones are located on the 7th floor of the Madison County Courthouse.
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Any supervisor or Department Head who becomes aware of possible

sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the County
Administrator or Personnel Director so it can be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. Any supervisor who fails to make notification when
harassment is observed or who is aware of the possibility of harassment and
fails to make notification, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
There is no chain of command when it comes to reporting
harassment of any kind. Employees are not obligated to notify their direct
supervisor before contacting the County Administrator or the Personnel
Director to file a claim of harassment.

1602. As set forth above, Investigator Garcia was willfully and/or

maliciously and/or with reckless disregard and/or deliberate indifference harassed

based on national origin of husband, discriminated against based on National

Origin Of Husband, and subjected to a hostile working environment based on

national origin of husband by Sheriff Dorning, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigan,

Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office,

Madison County, and the Commission jointly thereby discriminating against

Investigator Garcia on the basis of National Origin Of Husband with respect to the

terms, conditions, and privileges of her employment in violation of Title VII and

the equal protection of the laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of

42 U.S.C. 1983.

1603. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

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Madison Countys, and the Commissions joint decisions regarding the adverse

employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia not only instigated, but

ratified, confirmed, and affirmed such unlawful discrimination, harassment, and

retaliation against Investigator Garcia.

1604. Sheriff Dornings, Director Howells, Deputy Director Florys,

Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison Countys, and the

Commissions joint adverse employment actions taken against Investigator Garcia

enabled former Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful discriminatory and

harassing behavior toward and retaliation against Investigator Garcia by ratifying,

confirming, and affirming Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans unlawful behavior by

not stopping and/or preventing Chief Deputy Sheriffs Jernigans unlawful

behavior against Investigator Garcia.

1605. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission ratified,

confirmed, and affirmed the unlawful behavior described above by not

investigating and/or by not adequately investigating Investigator Garcias

complaints and reports of such unlawful behavior and by subjecting Investigator

Garcia to disparate disciplinary treatment and adverse employment actions.

1606. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission enabled such

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unlawful behavior by ratifying, confirming, and affirming such unlawful behavior

and by not stopping and/or preventing such unlawful behavior.

1607. Moreover, in retaliation for her opposition to and complaints of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband, Investigator Garcia was retaliated against by Sheriff

Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs

Office, Madison County, and the Commission as shown by the adverse

employment actions taken against her which are set forth above.

1608. Investigator Garcia made reasonable and good faith complaints and

reports of Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, her being

harassed based on national origin of husband and working in Hostile Working

Environment Based On National Origin Of Husband in the Sheriffs Office to

multiple levels of supervision and management.

1609. Thereafter, in response to her complaints and reports of

Discrimination Based On National Origin Of Husband, Harassment Based On

National Origin Of Husband and working in Hostile Working Environment Based

On National Origin Of Husband, Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy

Director Flory, Chairman Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the

Commission jointly subjected Investigator Garcia to ongoing acts of retaliation, as

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set out above. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission jointly

subjected Investigator Garcia to an unlawful retaliatory hostile environment.

1610. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission have jointly

violated the proscriptions against retaliation, Harassment Based On National

Origin Of Husband, discrimination, and Hostile Working Environment Based On

National Origin Of Husband found in Title VII and the equal protection of the

laws, the Fourteenth Amendment, through the vehicle of 42 U.S.C. 1983.

1611. Sheriff Dorning, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission failed to take

effective remedial action to end the Discrimination Based On National Origin Of

Husband, Harassment Based On National Origin Of Husband, and the racially

hostile working environment in the Sheriffs Office as well as the retaliatory

hostile environment they created for Investigator Garcia, and instead the retaliatory

hostile environment continued and escalated with Investigator Garcias being

retaliated against in response to her complaints, reports, and opposition. These

ongoing acts of retaliation and adverse employment actions are set forth above.

1612. The joint unlawful conduct of Commissioner Sheriff Dorning, Chief

Deputy Sheriff Jernigan, Director Howell, Deputy Director Flory, Chairman

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Strong, the Sheriffs Office, Madison County, and the Commission as described

above was done with malice and/or reckless disregard of and/or deliberate

indifference to Investigator Garcias federally protected rights.

1613. Investigator Garcia suffered damages as a proximate result of these

violations, which were caused by governmental policy and/or custom with

deliberate indifference to Investigator Garcias rights and/or deliberate indifference

to those violations.

1614. Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director

Howells, Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices,

Madison Countys, and the Commissions conduct as described above caused and

is still causing Investigator Garcia emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of

enjoyment of life, inconvenience, and humiliation.

1615. Deputy Director Flory, in her individual capacity, is not afforded

Immunity protection because, as stated above, a reasonable official/person in her

respective position would have known, or should have known, that her actions

would violate a constitutional right and/or statutory right that was clearly

established at the time of the violations described herein.

1616. Investigator Garcia has been further damaged in that she has lost

income and benefits, both past and future.

1617. Investigator Garcia has no plain, adequate, or complete remedy at law

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to redress the wrongs alleged herein and this suit for back-pay, front pay,

injunctive relief, and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and a declaratory

judgment is her only means of securing adequate relief.

1618. Investigator Garcia is suffering and will continue to suffer irreparable

injury from Sheriff Dornings, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jernigans, Director Howells,

Deputy Director Florys, Chairman Strongs, the Sheriffs Offices, Madison

Countys, and the Commissions unlawful conduct as set forth herein unless

enjoined by this Court.



WHEREFORE, Garcia respectfully prays that this Court assume

jurisdiction of this action and after trial:

A. Grant Garcia a permanent injunction enjoining the Sheriffs Office,

Sheriff Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission, their agents, successors,

employees, attorneys and those acting in concert with them and at their request

from continuing to violate Title VII and/or the equal protection of the laws, the

Fourteenth Amendment.

B. Grant Garcia an order requiring the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff Dorning,

Madison County, and the Commission to make her whole by awarding her

instatement into the position she would have occupied in the absence of

retaliation, and/or sex harassment/discrimination by the Sheriffs Office, Sheriff

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Dorning, Madison County, and the Commission with the same seniority, leave and

other benefits (or front pay), and back pay (with interest), and by awarding Garcia

compensatory damages for emotional distress, punitive damages, and/or nominal


C. By awarding Garcia compensatory damages for emotional distress,

punitive damages, and/or nominal damages against all of the Defendants on all

issues and claims which allow such damages.

D. Where issues and damages are triable by a jury, Garcia leaves to the

discretion of the jury the amount of compensatory and the amount of punitive

damages to be awarded to her.

E. The plaintiff further prays for such other relief and benefits as the law

allows and provides for and the cause of justice may require, including, but not

limited to, an award of costs, attorneys fees, and expenses.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Michael L Weathers
Michael L. Weathers
Counsel for Plaintiff Marina Giacomina Garcia
101 Courtview Towers
Florence, Alabama 35630-5417
(256) 764-1318 Telephone (256) 764-1319 Facsimile


/s/Michael L Weathers

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