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Designing Manufacturing Networks

- An Empirical Study
Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson
Linkoping University, Department of Management and Engineering,
SE-58183 Linkoping, Sweden,,

The design of the manufacturing network for a firm is an important factor for
its competitive position. By manufacturing network we mean the plant or
plants of the manufacturing firm and the relationships with external suppliers.
The way that these operate together is central to the entire supply system
supports the competition of the products in the marketplace. The decisions are
typically categorised as related to facilities and vertical integration, two
decision categories in an operations strategy. This paper presents the results of
a survey of 84 Swedish manufacturing plants. The results show that
competitive priorities such as quality and price play different roles in the
networks, and that there is a significant difference in terms of how internal and
external suppliers are selected.

Empirical analysis. External suppliers. Internal suppliers. Manufacturing
networks, Market characteristics. Survey research.

1 Introduction

The competitive positions of manufacturing firms stem from the design of the entire
manufacturing network that needs to be in alignment with the market opportunities.
The literature contains few models that help managers to design and manage plant
networks. Colotla et al. [1] and Shi and Gregory [2] view a manufacturing network
as a factory network with matrix connections, where each node (i.e. plant) affects the
other nodes and hence cannot be managed in isolation. Rudberg and Olhager [3]
analyze manufacturing networks and supply chains from an operations strategy
perspective. They relate the manufacturing network to the decision categories of
vertical integration and facilities, concerning both configuration and coordination.

Please use the following format when citing this chapter:

Feldmann, A., Olhager, J., Persson, F. 2007, in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 246,
Advances in Production Management Systems, eds. Olhager, J., Persson, F., (Boston: Springer), pp. 95-102.
96 Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson

The issues of configuration and coordination dominate the research agenda on

manufacturing networks. The former has its origins in the multi-plant research, and
location-based criteria dominate (see e.g. DeBois et al. [4] and Ferdows [5,6]). The
latter is mainly concerned with technology transfer and diffusion, as well as within-
network learning (see e.g. Gailbraith [7] and Flaherty [8]). However, in some
instances attempts have been made to integrate the two issues to get an overall view
of the manufacturing network (see e.g. Shi and Gregory [2] and Porter [9]).
This paper is based on a mail questionnaire survey to Swedish manufacturing
firms, in order to capture the plant level perspectives of designing manufacturing
networks in Swedish manufacturing firms. 500 manufacturing firms were contacted
in January 2007. 84 useable responses were received, with a response rate of 16.8
percent. The survey is carried out at the plant level, providing the plant perspective
of the manufacturing network. We report on the link to environmental factors such as
market and product characteristics, including qualifiers and order winners. We
explicitly treat the role and design of plants in the network and the principles for
network design, including the reasons for location. We distinguish between internal
and external suppliers and study the reasons for selecting a specific type of supplier.
Using the survey data this paper gives an overview of the issues of importance for
manufacturing network design in Swedish manufacturing firms. This is to our
knowledge the first large scale empirical study on manufacturing network design.
In this paper we first present the research methodology. Then, we present and
discuss the results concerning the market, plant, and supply characteristics.

2 Research Methodology

The questionnaire was designed with respect to the guidelines and recommendations
presented in Dillman [10] and Forza [11]. As noted in [11] it is not possible for a
company or a plant itself to answer any questions, this has to be done by human
respondents. Therefore, people working with manufacturing and logistics in
manufacturing companies were contacted and asked to respond in the survey. The
respondents were all upper level managers related to production or logistics, and thus
expectedly knowledgeable about the survey questions. The largest group of
respondents was logistics/supply chain managers (32.6 percent of the responses),
followed by production managers (30.1 percent), plant managers (6.0 percent) and
presidents or vice presidents (3.6 percent). Other respondents include e.g. supply
managers and logistics project leaders. The sample includes smaller, medium-sized
as well as larger manufacturing plants, based on number of employees and sales
turnover; see Table 1. The sample includes manufacturers of industrial goods (86.9
percent), consumer goods (10.7 percent) and both types (2.4 percent). All types of
customer order decoupling point position are included in the sample; engineer-to-
order, make-to-order, assemble-to-order, make-to-stock, and finally make and
distribute to stock. The last position refers to holding finished goods inventory in the
distribution system, beyond the plant inventory. All these characteristics suggest that
the responding firms in the sample are a good representation of the population.
Designing Manufacturing Networks - An Empirical Study 97

Table 1. Firni characteristics.

Characteristic Distribution
Number of employees:
-99 10.7%
100-199 17.9%
200-499 32.1 %
500 - 999 14.3 %
1000- 24.0 %
Sales turnover (MSEK; 1=9.3 SEK, May 2007):
-99 4.0 %
100-499 36.5 %
500 - 999 17.6%
1 0 0 0 - 4 999 32.4 %
5 000- 9.5 %

3 Survey Results

The survey results are presented first in terms of market characteristics to describe
the manufacturing environment. Then, we present the results concerning plant roles
and responsibilities and the reasons for location. Finally, we present the results
concerning the design of the supplier network; both internal and external.

3.1 Market Characteristics

In the survey market characteristics are presented along two dimensions,

geographical distribution and order winning criteria; see e.g. Hill [12]. The
geographical distribution was measured by letting the respondents assign share of
sales they had in nine different regions. In recent years the Baltic region has attracted
attention as a region for internal or external suppliers to Swedish manufacturing
firms, i.e. a near-shore low-cost country. Table 2 shows that the major markets for
Swedish firms can be found in Europe, including Sweden, and North America. The
"weighted average" is an average of all companies with presence. The relative large
difference between the overall average and the weighted average in some regions
indicates that once a company is establishing itself on a market it is for a substantial
share. Taking North America as an example the overall average is 11.2 %. However
only half of the companies (44 out of 84) have markets in North America and the
ones that do, have on average 21.1 % of sales there.
Each respondent rated 13 different competitive priorities on a 7-point Likert
scale, ranging from "low importance" to "decisive importance" with respect to the
relevance as an order-winning criterion. The results are presented in Table 3. The
results reveal that quality comes out as the highest ranking order winner, with both
the highest mean and lowest variance, and price can be found surprisingly far down
the list. This might be explained by that manufacturing companies in Sweden, with
traditionally high labor costs, have to find alternative means of competing, thus
98 Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson

focusing on quality, product characteristics and delivery precision instead of price.

The survey also allowed for other criteria being added, and brand, traceability, and
environmentally friendly product all rated as decisive for the companies in question.

Table 2. Geographic distribution of markets.

Weighted average with
Market Overall average Frequency
respect to presence
Sweden 34.8 % 74 37.1 %
Baltic region 1.1 % 21 4.2 %
Other Europe 37.0 % 72 40.6 %
North America 11.7% 44 21.1%
India 0.7 % 18 2.9 %
China 2.7 % 27 7.9 %
Other Asia 7.1 % 41 13.7%
Other 4.7 % 36 10.3%
Total 100.0% - -

Table 3. Competitive priorities.

Order winning criteria Mean Median Mode
Quality (confomiance to specification) 6.08 0.92 6 6
Product characteristics 6.00 0.98 6 6
Dehvery precision 5.45 1.04 6 6
Product range 4.84 1.64 5 6
Volume flexibility 4.59 1.51 5 6
Delivery speed 4.54 1.36 4 4
After-sales service 4.52 1.66 5 6
Price 4.51 1.37 4 4
Geographical coverage 4.33 1.71 5 6
Offer a range of logistical solutions 4.13 1.48 4 4
Design flexibility 3.89 1.40 4 4
Size of focal company 3.81 1.37 4 4
Geographical proximity 3.34 1.66 3 2

3.2 Plant Characteristics

The plant itself was the focal point of the survey. We investigated the reasons for
location as it is perceived currently, as well as the competence and responsibilities of
the plant. These issues are based on the issues discussed in Ferdows [5,6] and
Veerecke and van Dierdonck [13]. Ferdows fmd three primary strategic reasons for
the site; access to low-cost production, access to skills and knowledge, and proximity
to market. Veerecke and van Dierdonck also consider socio-political reasons and
competition. Other typical reasons are proximity to raw materials, transport hubs,
and cheap energy, wherefore we included all these issues in our survey. The plant
location factors were captured using a 7-point Likert scale ranging from
Designing Manufacturing Networks - An Empirical Study 99

''unimportant" to "of the utmost importance" concerning how important the

individual factor is for the plant currently. The result is shown in Table 4. The survey
allowed for other criteria being added; among these were proximity to the residence
of original founders, as well as a combination of history, existing buildings, need for
secrecy, and old factories.

Table 4. Reasons for geographical plant location.

Reason for location Mean Median Mode
Proximity to knowledge 4.09 1.92 4
Proximity to transport hubs 3.67 1.63 4
Proximity to market 3.40 1.84 2,4
Sociopolitical climate 2.95 1.61 2
Proximity to cheap labor 2.80 1.45 2
Proximity to cheap energy 2.67 1.52 2
Proximity to raw materials 2.54 1.61 2
Proximity to competition 1.70 0.95 2

We fmd that proximity to knowledge is the primary reason for the site location. This
is in line with expectations, since many firms choose to locate new sites near
industrial parks nearby universities. Proximity to transport hubs comes second,
which can be motivated by the relative low density of the population in Sweden and
long transportation distances. Proximity to markets is the third major reason, which
most likely is related to locations near major cities. The other potential reasons for
site location are of lesser importance.
The other plant characteristics in the survey were concerned with the
competences and responsibilities of the plant. Again, we based the set of issues on
Ferdows [5,6] and Veerecke and Van Dierdonck [13]. The plant competencies and
responsibilities were captured using a 7-point Likert scale ranging from "no local
responsibihty" to "fiill local responsibility". The result is show in Table 5.

Table 5. Competences and responsibilities at the plant.

Area of plant responsibility Mean Median Mode
Production 6.63 1.02 7 7
Production planning 6.43 1.14 7 7
Technical maintenance 6.22 1.42 7 7
Process development 5.83 1.59 6 7
Logistics 5.57 1.66 6 7
Introduction of new process technologies 5.28 1.95 6 7
Sourcing 5.25 2.05 6 7
Supplier development 4.67 2.14 5 7
Supply of global markets 4.41 2.49 5 7
Introduction of new product technologies 4.30 2.37 4,5 7
Product development 4.14 2.19 4 7
100 Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson

Overall, plants seem to possess many competences and responsibilities, indicating

that plants typically have higher strategic roles, such as "source", "lead", and
"contributor", using the typology by Ferdows [5,6]. All measures of central tendency
indicate that the average plant at least share the responsibility or have full local
responsibility concerning all competence areas.

3.3 Supply Characteristics

As a final part of the mapping of the manufacturing networks of Swedish

manufacturers, the characteristics of the supply are presented. The survey was
concerned with both internal and external suppliers, to be able to detect the extent of
similarities and differences between them. We checked for geographical distribution
and the criteria for choosing suppliers of both types.
The geographical distribution of the supply networks were found to be focused
around Europe, including Sweden, and North America; cf. Table 6. The so-called
low cost countries have a relatively small proportion of the inbound supply. The
"weighted average with respect to presence" is the average share of inbound material
from a country for those companies that have suppliers in that particular region. This
gives an indication of whether a low average indicates a small number of companies
with heavy presence in a region or a large number of companies with small presence.

Table 6. Geographical distribution of internal and external suppliers (all 84 plants have
external suppliers, while 45 of these also have internal suppliers).
Geographical Internal (N=45) External (N=84)
distribution of Fre- Average Weighted Fre- Average Weighted
suppliers quency average wrt quency average wrt
presence presence
Sweden 32 48.1 % 67.6 % 73 55.7 % 57.2 %
Baltic Region 4 3.7 % 42.0 % 23 2.0 % 6.6 %
Other Europe 28 37.4 % 60.0 % 68 29.1 % 32.1 %
North America 10 7.5 % 33.9% 30 4.7 % 11.8%
India 4 1.5% 17.3% 27 4.2 % 11.7%
China 1 0.0 % 2.0 % 12 0.5 % 3.4 %
Other Asia 2 0.5 % 11.0% 19 2.1 % 8.1 %
Other 2 1.2% 26.5 % 13 1.8% 10.5%
Total - 100.0% - - 100.0% -

Perhaps more interesting is the criteria on which suppliers are selected. The
respondents were asked to rate the importance of 15 different criteria for choosing
suppliers, using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from "low importance" to "deciding
importance". The result is presented in Table 7. Two clear conclusions can be drawn
from the comparison between internal and external supplier selection. First the
decision to use an internal supplier is based on very few criteria (as opposed to the
selection of external suppliers); many criteria has received either a very high (7) or a
very low score (1). Second, there is a significant difference in how internal and
Designing Manufacturing Networks - An Empirical Study 101

external suppliers are selected. "Corporate decision" is used significantly higher for
internal suppliers, while all other criteria rank higher for selecting external suppliers.
This indicates that the choice of an internal supplier is to a large extent based on a
single corporate decision, reflecting competence, quality, control and
synchronization. Many of the other issues are even significantly more important in
the choice of external supplier, indicating a multi-criteria decision process. Here,
quality, price and dehvery dependability are the top three criteria; all significant at
the 0.01 level. A paired t-test was used for testing the differences between criteria for
selecting internal and external suppliers, for the 45 companies that has both internal
and external suppliers.

Table 7. Criteria for sel ecting internal and external suppliers ("control and synchironization"
was not available as an answer for the section on external suppliers").
Internal External
Mean ]Vied. Mode Mean Med. Mode
Corporate decision*** 5.72 r74 6 7 4.02 r99 ~4 4
4.51 2.28 5 1,6,7 4.67 1.54 5 6
important competence
Quality (conformance
4.49 2.21 5 6 6.01 1.02 6 6
to specification)***
Control and
4.17 2.11 4 6 - - - -
4.07 2.09 4 1 5.33 1.25 6 6
dependability ***
Volume flexibihty*** 3.87 1.92 4 5 4.59 1.39 5 4
Price*** 3.72 2.08 4 5.49 1.14 6 6
Delivery speed* 3.60 1.91 4 4.28 1.48 4 4
Design flexibility 3.37 2.00 3,5 3.77 1.66 4 4
Product range 3.15 1.91 3 3.48 1.46 4 4
3.11 2.03 2 3.31 1.56 3 5
Logistical solution*** 2.78 1.75 2 3.85 1.70 4 4
Size of company*** 2.74 1.74 2 3.90 1.37 4 4
2.57 1.87 2 3.19 1.65 3 2
After-sales service** 2.42 1.67 2 3.27 1.75 3 2
*** Difference between internal and external suppliers is significant at the 0.01 level;
** Significant at the 0.05 level; * Significant at the 0.10 level.

4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks

In this paper we have investigated how manufacturing networks are designed, related
to the market and product characteristics, the distribution and roles of plants, and the
selection of internal and external suppliers, based on a survey of 84 Swedish
manufacturing plants. The role of quality and price is interesting. Quality is
perceived as a high priority for competing in the market, for plant location and roles.
102 Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson

and for both internal and external suppliers. Thus, there is a strong alignment
concerning quality. As for price, the products do not compete on price in the market,
the plants do not have a low-cost focus, but cost is an important issue for choosing
external suppliers. Thus, this supports the role of cost as a major issue for
outsourcing parts of the manufacturing network, that concern items for which cost is
The most important lesson to be learned for managers from this research is that
companies have a differentiated treatment of internal and external suppliers. Internal
suppliers are primarily chosen for quality, competence, control and synchronization
related to a corporate decision, while external suppliers have to compete on quality,
competence, price and delivery as well as many other issues. Even though this study
focuses on Swedish manufacturing networks, the results are most likely
representative of many western countries. The design of the manufacturing network
including the external suppliers has to be aligned to the market characteristics and
take the particular products into consideration.


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