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Tarea de Geologa

Marsh Vsquez Civil 2

1-Reporte de Unesco sobre la carrera de la Ingeniera Civil

The shortage of engineers is a development hazard. This reduction is jeopardizing the contributions
of engineering in matters such as climate change and poverty reduction. This is reflected in the first
international report on the state of engineering, recently published by Unesco, under the title
Engineering: issues, problems and opportunities for development. With the input of over 120
engineering specialists from around the world, this report aims to serve the information platform to
better understand the role of engineering, a highly diverse and ubiquitous activity that is an essential
factor in the Humanity Since the invention of the wheel. In many countries there is a shortage of
considerable engineers. In Germany there is a serious shortage of engineers in many of its
production sectors, while a study in Denmark shows that, by 2020, the labor market of this country in
a deficit of 14,000 engineers. Although the number of students in engineering specialties has
increased worldwide in absolute terms, the percentages of students enrolled in them are decreasing
compared to those observed in other study disciplines. Since the late 1990s, Japan, Norway, the
Netherlands and the Republic of Korea have seen a reduction in the number of engineering students
ranging from 5% to 10%

2- Donde surgi la ingeniera civil ?

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