Marceline's Slave Story

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1. Finn and Jake are horsing around when they accidentally fall off a cliff. They are
plunging to their doom and it looks like all is lost when suddenly, out of nowhere,
Marceline appears and saves them.
2. Finn and Jake thank Marceline who says it was no big deal. She only did it because
she was bored.
3. Finn says, “It is a BIG deal!” Finn quickly takes a contract out of his backpack
gets down on one knee and reads it out loud. “I pledge to follow you to the ends of
the earth in your service until my debt to you is repaid.”
4. Finn tells Jake it’s now his turn to make the pledge, but Jake won’t do it. He’s
terrified of vampires. JAKE: “That’s nuts, man. You just pledged yourself to an
evil vampire! She’s going to make you do evil stuff too!” FINN: “Oh my God,
your’re right. What have I done?”
5. Marceline makes fun of Finn and his goody-two shoes code of honor.
6. Still terrified of Marceline, Jake reassures Finn, “Don’t worry dude. I’m gonna
figure out a way to get you outta this.” And with that, Jake leaves.
7. Finn is now a “Vampire’s assistant” and is dreading what horrible things await
him. Finn thinks he is going to have to help Marceline do terrible evil vampire
things…like suck blood, and desecrate graves and hypnotize people. Marceline
only confirms Finn’s worst fears when she says, “ Follow me. I’m thirsty and I
need to feed.”
8. She grabs Finn’s hand and they fly out into the night. During the ride, Marceline
pokes fun at Finn in a flirty way. MARCELINE: “Oooo, Finn. Tonight you’re
gonna help me do bad things. You’re a bad boy.” FINN: “Stop reminding me.”
9. Wipe to a house. Marceline orders Finn to bust down the door. Finn is dreading it,
but he does as he’s told. Marceline swoops in. Inside there is a lonely man, all
dressed up, about to sit down to a dinner for one. He takes one look at Marceline
and is terrified. Marceline orders Finn to hold him down. Finn reluctantly does.
10. CUT TO outside. We see Jake watching Finn pin the man down on the floor. He
looks away – it’s too awful. He wishes he had the courage to stop this, but he is
still too scared of vampires/Marceline. Ashamed, he runs away.
11. Cut back to the house. Marceline leans in toward the man’s neck. It seems as if
she’s going to bite him, but at the last second we reveal that she sucks the red out
of the carnation in his lapel. The man passes out from fear, but Finn is actually
relieved and surprised. He expected to see blood and mayhem and all Marceline
did was suck the red from a carnation.
12. Marceline laughs and tells Finn to chill out. He’s really got the wrong idea about
vampires. Marceline suddenly wants to prank the passed out guy. She hands Finn a
marker and tells him to draw something on the passed out man’s face. Finn’s not
sure this is cool, but redeems himself by drawing “YOU’RE # 1” on the man’s
face. Marceline loves it and she and Finn enjoy a good chuckle over it.
13. Marceline then grabs Finn’s hand and they fly off again. Finn asks “Where are
they off to now?” Marceline teases him, “We’re going to raise an army of the
undead and take over that castle!” She points to a castle in the distance.
14. Finn is unsure whether she means it or not. Is she telling the truth? She’s probably
just trying to mess with his head again. But what if she’s not? What if it turns out
to be awful this time? Finn is confused. He suggests to Marceline that they do
something else, but she replies, “ No chance. You made a goody two shoes vow
and now you have to stick to it.” FINN: “Urgghhh!”
15. They arrive at a graveyard and Marceline dramatically yells, “Rise, dead people!”
Finn is astonished to see skeletons rising up from their graves. Marceline orders
Finn to lead the charge toward the castle.
16. CUT TO Jake peeking through the bushes. He watches Finn leading an army of
undead toward a castle and knows what he has to do. He musters his courage and
sneaks up on Marceline with a stake, ready to kill her. But when Marceline whirls
around and heads for the castle, Jake chickens out. He turns himself small and
scampers away.
17. Meanwhile, Finn and the army of the undead have reached the castle gate.
Marceline orders Finn to open the gate. Finn reluctantly opens the castle gate and
tells the butler, “Ummm…I’m sorry, but my boss is making me storm this castle.”
Inside the castle are the Duke of Nuts, his family and their nutty soldier servants.
All their eyes turn to the castle gate and stare at Marceline and her army of the
undead. Finn thinks a big battle is about to break out. He braces himself for the
worst when suddenly Marceline whips out her bass and starts playing. Everyone
cheers! “Marceline’s back! Now it’s a party!” Marceline and the undead skeletons
move inside the castle and take over the party. Now it’s raging!
18. Finn can’t believe it. Marceline doesn’t go around doing evil things – she goes
around doing cool things. She’s cool. Marceline beckons Finn to dance and Finn
joins in. Marceline makes fun of Finn for being “an evil castle crasher”, but Finn
now gets that she’s just trying to push his buttons.
19. WIPE TO the end of the party. Marceline and Finn leave and she flies them to a
nearby field. Upon landing, Marceline suddenly thrusts a cute, innocent creature
(who looks like PIKACHU) into Finn’s hands and orders him to go into the woods
to kill it. Finn thinks it’s just another joke and quickly agrees. FINN: “Sure
Marceline! I’ll just go into the woods now and kill this cute innocent creature for
you. No problem.” MARCELINE: “And be quick about it.” FINN: “Definitely. I’ll
be sure to kill it super fast.”
20. Alone in the woods, Finn sits down with the cute creature on his lap and pulls out
his knife. Finn thinks that at any moment Marceline is going to stop him. Finn
thinks this is just another joke – a way for Marceline to mess with his head. But
after a beat, he starts to worry that no one is coming. He holds the knife to the
innocent creature, waiting to be stopped. FINN: “Okay, Marceline? I’m about to
kill this cute little guy, right?” When she doesn’t appear Finn becomes distressed,
puts the knife away and runs back to the field.
21. When he arrives at the field he confronts her, “Marceline, you almost let me kill
this baby-like creature! Not cool.” Panicked, MARCELINE yells, “Kill the cute
creature now!” But it’s too late. The creature has transformed into a hideous
monster and begins to attack Finn. Brandishing his sword, Finn fights the monster.
Marceline joins in and together they defeat it handily. After the monster dies it
transforms into a ghost and wafts away.
22. Finn thinks fighting the monster with Marceline was awesome. They walk over to
a strawberry patch (Marceline is hungry) and sit down. As the sun starts to rise,
Marceline opens an umbrella to shade herself from the light. After “drinking a
strawberry” Marceline orders Finn to go strangle some fairies right now. FINN
jumps up, “Awesome! Strangling fairies is the best.” Marceline tells him to forget
it. Now that he’s on to her it’s no fun trying to trick/scare him anymore. She offers
to release him from his vow. Finn says, “Really?” Marceline says, “Yeah. You’ve
been a good sport and taken a lot of crap from me. Consider your debt repaid.”
With that, she takes out the contract and burns it up.
23. Happy, Finn says that he’ll consider his debt repaid if she’ll consider him a friend.
Marceline replies, “I already do.” Finn says, “Cool. Can we still go strangle fairies
24. CUT TO Jake hidden inside the strawberry patch. He listens to Finn and Marceline
discussing strangling fairies and musters every ounce of courage he has.
25. Suddenly Jake pops up (disguised as a strawberry). He throws garlic and crucifixes
at Marceline and knocks her umbrella aside. The sunlight hits Marceline and she
begins to wither. Jake raises a stake in the air and tells Finn, “Stand back. I’m
going to kill her!”
26. But Finn throws himself between them. He tells Jake that she’s his friend now and
that she released him from his vow already. But Jake insists that Finn must be
brainwashed from her mind control and tells him to step aside once more. Finn
refuses and the two begin to fight. During the fight Finn keeps insisting that Jake
is wrong about Marceline.
27. All the while Marceline struggles to transform herself into a wolf to escape the
terrible sunlight, but she is too weak to do it. Instead she just shrivels up more and
more. As Jake and Finn battle, they roll farther away from Marceline. Finn notices
that Marceline will soon shrivel up completely. Finn musters all his strength to
push Jake aside, grab the umbrella to cover Marceline and duck underneath it.
28. Crazed, Jake runs toward Marceline (hidden underneath the umbrella), stake held
high over his head. Jake does not see Finn duck underneath the umbrella so he
plunges the stake through the umbrella.
29. Uncertain what has happened, Jake drops the stake and pulls back the umbrella. He
is surprised to find Finn lying there completely unhurt. Jake asks, “Where’s
Marceline?” Finn explains that Jake killed her. A bat peeks his head out of Finn’s
pocket and flies away. Jake says, “I can’t believe I saved you from a vampire.”
Finn thanks him for his life and pulls out a contract. Jake rips it up, “Don’t be
ridiculous. Let’s get out of here, buddy.”
30. As Jake turns to go the bat (Marceline) swoops down and whispers into Finn’s ear,
“Thanks for giving me the idea to turn into a bat and sticking me in your pocket. I
could never have thought of that in my weakened state.” Finn whispers back, “No
problem. We’re still on for fairy strangling tomorrow, right?” The bat whispers
“Definitely.” and flies off.

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