(Costume Rom) Oppo Coloros R819 (Latest Update) V1.0.0I - by - Jocker

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[Costume ROM] Oppo ColorOS R819 [Latest Update] v1.0.

Stable and smoth
Pada malam ini saya akan share rom pertama saya, untuk Densus
Source : http://www.oppoforums.com/threads/r819-stable-coloros-v1-0-0i-0819.20328/
Sebelum flash, backup dulu rommu

Changelog :
-Updating from ColorOS V1.0.0i 0515
-Fixed the issue that when you received an SMS with only an = in text, the phone will reboot
-Other bug fixes and system stability improvement
-And many more

Feature :
-Include Disable Services
-Include Rootex
-Include Greenify Donate
-Include script tweak 3Gspeed, networkspeed, and gaming in build.prop
-Include KeyboardL
-Include Walkman New Style
-Include New Font
-Include Widget L
-Support Theme
-ViPER4Android FX
-And many more

- Bug :
-Nothing (Saya belum menemukan)
-Ada Bug? Jangan mengeluh, kita fix bareng-bareng :)
Installation :
-Copy file yang sudah di download ke sdcardmu
-Reboot ke CWM
-3Wipe(Wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition)
-3Format(Format data, format system, format cache)
-Flash ROM ini
-Flash Update
-Wipe Cache & dalvik cache

Link ROM

Mega :
Gdrive :

Link Update :

Attention : Please don't mirror this link, without my permission. Respect my work :)

Note :
-Yang bootlop, harap dipartisi dulu systemnya :)
-Yang gak bootlop, enjoy :)

Link Flashable Partition System :


- Tutorial Partisi System :

-Download flashable untuk partisi system
-Copy ke SDCard Internal
-Reboot ke CWM
-Pilih "Install From SDCard
-Pilih "Choose zip from internal sdcard"
-Lalu Flash
-Jika proses flashing sudah selesai
-3Wipe(Wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition)
-3Format(Format data, format system, format cache)
-Lalu Flash ROM ini
-Wipe Cache & dalvik cache

- Untuk gamer, pake tweak ini :)

Project Evolution 4 [By om Richie]:
Caution: I am NOT responsible for any damage caused to your device. Flash at your own Risk!

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