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1. Diagram 1 shows the arrangement of atoms in two types of alloy of copper.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan atom dalam dua jenis aloi bagi kuprum.

Copper atom
Atom kuprum

Zinc atom Atom K

Atom zink

Alloy Y Bronze
Aloi Y Gangsa
Diagram 1
Rajah 1

(a) State the meaning of alloy.

Nyatakan maksud aloi.


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) (i) Give one example of alloy.
Berikan satu contoh bagi aloi.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) State one use of alloy that you have stated in question (b) (i)
Nyatakan satu penggunaan aloi yang telah anda nyatakan dalam
soalan (b)( i)

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) State the name of alloy Y.
Nyatakan nama bagi aloi Y.

[1 mark]
(d) State the name of atom K.
Nyatakan nama bagi atom K.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e) How does the arrangement of atoms in metal is related to its ductilility and
malleability properties?

Bagaimanakah susunan atom dalam logam berkaitan dengan sifat kemuluran

dan kebolehtempaan?


[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(f) (i) Why are spoon, forks and knife made of stainless steel and rather
than iron?
Mengapakah sudu, garpu dan pisau diperbuat daripada keluli tahan
karat dan bukan besi?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) State one purpose of alloying.
Nyatakan satu tujuan pengaloian.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
2. Diagram 1.1 shows the production of sulphuric acid and its uses. In the process,
99.5% of gas P is converted to sulphur trioxide gas. 0.5% of gas P is partly absorbed by
limestone and remainder is released to the atmosphere. The gas released can affect human
health and th environment.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan penghasilan asid sulfurik dan kegunaannya. Dalam proses ini,
99.5% gas P ditukarkan kepada gas sulphur trioksida. Sebahagian daripada 0.5% gas P
diserap oleh batu kapur dan bakinya dibebaskan ke atmosfera. Gas yang terbebas boleh
memudaratkan kesihatan dan alam sekitar.

Diagram 1.1 / Rajah 1.1

a) Based on the information in Diagram 1.1:
Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Rajah 1.1:

(i) Name the process to produce sulphuric acid in industry.

Namakan proses untuk menghasilkan asid sulfurik dalam industri.

[1 mark]

(ii) State one condition for the process in (a)(i).

Nyatakan satu keadaan bagi proses di (a)(i).

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) Water is one of the raw materials to produce sulphuric acid. State
another two raw materials used in the process.
Air adalah salah satu bahan mentah untuk menghasilkan asid sulfurik.
Nyatakan dua lagi bahan mentah yang digunakan dalam proses ini.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
b) Diagram 1.2 shows three industrial processes involved in manufacturing
ammonium sulphate.
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan tiga proses industri dalam penghasilan ammonium

From the flow chart shown in Diagram 1.2, answer the following questions.
Daripada carta alir pada Rajah 1.2, jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
(i) For Process I,
Bagi proses I,

State how to produce sulphur dioxide from sulphur.

Nyatakan bagaimana untuk menghasilkan sulfur dioksida daripada

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write the chemical formula of sulphur trioxide.
Tuliskan formula kimia bagi sulfur trioksida.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) State how sulphuric acid is produced from oleum.
Nyatakan bagaimana asid sulfurik dihasilkan dari oleum.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iv) State an observation when a piece of marble is put into the beaker
containing sulphuric acid.
Nyatakan satu pemerhatian apabila sebutir marmar dimasukkan ke
dalam bikar yang mengandungi asid sulfurik.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) Name a suitable catalyst for Process II.
Namakan mangkin yang sesuai bagi Proses II.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) State one use of ammonium sulphate in daily life.
Nyatakan satu kegunaan ammonium sulfat dalam kehidupan harian.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
3. Diagram 1.1 shows three examples of manufactured substances in industry.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan tiga contoh bahan buatan dalam industri.

Diagram 1.1 / Rajah 1.1


(a) T is an example of alloy.

What is the meaning of alloy?
T merupakan satu contoh aloi.
Apakah maksud aloi?


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Name the major component for the following substances:
Namakan komponen utama untuk bahan-bahan berikut:


[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(c) Diagram 1.2 show stages of chemical reactions that involved in Process Y to
produce of sulphuric acid.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan peringkat-peringkat tindakbalas kimia yang terlibat
dalam Proses Y bagi penghasilan asid sulfurik.

Diagram 1.2 / Rajah 1.2

(i) State the name of process Y

Nyatakan nama bagi proses Y.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Complete the chemical equation for Stage 3 in the Diagram 1.2.
Lengkapkan persamaan kimia untuk Peringkat 3 dalam Rajah 1.2.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) State one substance from Process Y that gives some effects to
Nyatakan satu bahan daripada Proses Y yang memberi kesan kepada
alam sekitar.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(iv) Explain how the substance that you have stated in question (c) (iii)
can pollute the environment.
Terangkan bagaimana bahan yang anda nyatakan dalam soalan c(iii)
boleh mencemarkan alam sekitar.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(d) Fertilizer ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4 can be produced from sulphuric
Baja ammonium sulfat, (NH4)2SO4 boleh dihasilkan daripada asid sulfurik.
State the chemical formula of a substance that is added to sulphuric acid to
produce ammonium sulphate.
Nyatakan formula kimia bagi bahan yang ditambah kepada asid sulfurik
untuk menghasilkan ammonium sulfat.

[1 mark]

4. (a) Diagram 2.1 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula for an
oxide of copper.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi suatu
oksida kuprum.

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

(i) State the name of two reactants for the preparation of hydrogen gas.
Nyatakan nama dua bahan tindak balas bagi penyediaan gas hidrogen.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) What is the function of anhydrous calcium chloride?
Apakah fungsi kalsium klorida kontang?


[1 mark]

(iii) How can you ensure all oxide of copper is reduced to copper?
Bagaimanakah anda memastikan semua oksida kuprum diturunkan kepada


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iv) Can the empirical formula for magnesium oxide be determined by using this
Bolehkah formula empirik bagi magnesium oksida ditentukan dengan
menggunakan kaedah ini?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(v) Give one reason for your answer in (a)(iv).

Berikan satu alasan bagi jawapan anda di (a)(iv).


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) A student conduct an experiment to investigate the reaction between copper(II)
carbonate and sulphuric acid. He collects the gas released by using a syringe. 30 cm3
of carbon dioxide gas is collected at room conditions.
Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen bagi mengkaji tindak balas antara
kuprum(II) karbonat dengan asid sulfurik. Dia mengumpul gas yang terbebas dengan
menggunakan picagari. 30 cm3 gas karbon dioksida telah dikumpul pada keadaan bilik.

(i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.

Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas tersebut.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide gas in the syringe.
Hitungkan bilangan mol gas karbon dioksida yang terdapat dalam picagari
[Molar volume = 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions]
[Isi padu molar = 24 dm3 mol-1 pada keadaan bilik]

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

5. (a) Ethanoic acid is used to make of fabric dye, paint and plastic. Diagram 2.1 show the
molecular formula for ethanoic acid.
Asid etanoik digunakan untuk membuat dadah, pewarna fabrik, cat dan plastik. Rajah
2.1 menunjukkan formula molekul asid etanoik.


Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

(i) What is the meaning of molecular formula?
Apakah maksud formula molekul?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write empirical formula for ethanoic acid.
Tulis formula empirik bagi asid etanoik.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) State the difference between molecular formula and empirical formula for acid
Nyatakan perbezaan formula molekul dan formula empirik bagi asid etanoik.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Diagram 2.2 shows a chemical equation of precipitation.
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan satu persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas pemendakan.

2KI + Pb(NO3)2 2KNO3 + PbI2

2KI + Pb(NO3)2 2KNO3 + PbI2

Diagram 2.2 / Rajah 2.2

Based on the equation, answer the following questions;

Berdasarkan persamaan itu, jawab soalan-soalan berikut;

(i) State the name of reactants and a products.

Nyatakan nama bagi bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas.

Reactants : ..........................................................................................
Bahan tindak balas

Products : ...........................................................................................
Hasil tindak balas
[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) What is the colour of PbI2?
Apakah warna bagi PbI2?
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) In this reaction, excess Pb(NO3)2 solution has reacted with 50 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3
KI solution. Calculate the mass of PbI2 formed.
Dalam tindak balas ini, Pb(NO3)2 berlebihan telah bertindak balas dengan 50cm3
larutan KI 0.5 mol dm-3. Hitung jisim PbI2 yang terbentuk.
[Relative atomic mass : Pb =207 ; I = 127]
[Jisim atom relatif : Pb = 207 ; I = 127]

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

6. (a) Table 2 shows the empirical formula and molecular formulae for 2 types of compounds.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan formula empirik dan formula molekul bagi dua jenis sebatian.

Compounds Empirical formula Molecular formula

Sebatian Formula empirik Formula molekul
M C6H6
N Cu(NO3)2 Cu(NO3)2
Table 2
Jadual 2

(i) What is the meaning of molecular formula?

Apakah maksud formula molekul?


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write empirical formula for compound M.
Tulis formula empirik bagi sebatian M.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(iii) When Compound N is strongly heated, it decomposes to produce kuprum(II) oxide,

oxygen gas and nitrogen dioxide gas. State the colour for nitrogen dioxide gas.
Apabila Sebatian N dipanaskan dengan kuat, Sebatian N terurai untuk menghasilkan
kuprum(II) oksida, gas oksigen dan gas nitrogen dioksida. Nyatakan warna bagi
gas nitrogen dioksida.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Diagram 2 shows a chemical equation for a precipitation reaction
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas pemendakan.

Zn(NO3)2(aq) + K2CO3(aq) 2KNO3(aq) + ZnCO3(s)

Zn(NO3)2(ak) + K2CO3(ak) 2KNO3(ak) + ZnCO3(p)

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

Based on the equation, answer the following questions;

Berdasarkan persamaan itu, jawab soalan-soalan berikut;

(i) State the name of reactants and a products.

Nyatakan nama bagi bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas.

Reactants : ...........................................................................................
Bahan tindak balas

Products : ...........................................................................................
Hasil tindak balas [2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) What is the physical state of ZnCO3?
Apakah keadaan fizik bagi ZnCO3?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) In this reaction, excess zinc nitrate solution has reacted with 100 cm3 of 1 mol dm-3
potassium carbonate. Calculate the mass of zinc carbonate formed.
Dalam tindak balas ini, larutan zink nitrat telah bertindak balas dengan 100 cm3 1 mol
dm-3 larutan kalium karbonat 1 mol dm-3. Hitung jisim zink karbonat yang terbentuk.
[Relative atomic mass : Zn = 65 ; C = 12, O = 16]
[Jisim atom relatif : Zn = 65 ; C = 12, O = 16]

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

7. Diagram 3 below shows the symbols for atoms A, B, C, D and E.

Rajah 3 di bawah menunjukkan simbol untuk atom A, B, C, D dan E.

79 35 37 16
35 A 17 B 17 D 8 E
Diagram 3 / Rajah 3
(a) Name two subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom.
Namakan dua zarah subatom dalam nukleus atom.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(b) What is represented by number 16 in atom E?
Apakah yang diwakili oleh nombor 16 dalam atom E?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) State the number of protons for an atom A.
Nyatakan bilangan proton untuk atom A.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) Which atoms are isotopes? Explain your answer.
Atom yang manakah merupakan isotop? Jelaskan jawapan anda.


[2 mark]
[2 markah]
(e) (i) Calculate the number of neutrons in atom C.
Kirakan bilangan neutron bagi atom C.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) How many valence electron in atom C?
Berapakah elektron valens bagi atom C?

[1 mark]

(iii) Name and state the use of it.

Namakan dan nyatakan penggunaannya.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

8. Table 3 below shows the number of protons and neutrons for atoms W, X, Y and Z.
Jadual 3 di bawah menunjukkan bilangan proton dan neutron bagi atom W, X, Y and Z.

Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons

Atom Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron
W 8 9
X 8 10
Y 12 12
Z 11 12
Table 3 / Jadual 3

(a)(i) What is meant by nucleon number?

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nombor nucleon?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) What is the nucleon number of atom X?
Apakah nombor nucleon bagi atom X?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b)(i) What is the number of electron of atom Z?
Apakah bilangan elektron bagi atom Z?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write the electron arrangement of atom Z?
Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom Z?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(iii) How many valence electron in atom Z?

Berapakah elektron valens bagi atom Z?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) Which atoms are isotopes? Explain your answer.
Atom yang manakah merupakan isotop? Jelaskan jawapan anda.


[2 mark]
[2 markah]
(d) Name an isotope that can be used in archeology field and state how it is used.
Namakan satu isotop yang boleh digunakan dalam bidang arkeologi dan
nyatakan kegunaannya.


[2 mark]
[2 markah]

(e) Write the symbol for atom W in the form of .

Tuliskan simbol bagi atom W dalam bentuk .

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
3. Diagram 3 shows the atomic structure of element Q.
Rajah 3 di bawah menunjukkan struktur atom bagi unsur Q.

Diagram 3 / Rajah. 3
Based on the diagram above,
Berdasarkan Rajah di atas,
(a) identify W.
kenal pasti W

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b)(i) What is meant by nucleon number?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nombor nukleon?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) What is the nucleon number of atom Q?
Apakah nombor nukleon bagi atom Q?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c)(i) Write the electron arrangement of atom Q?
Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom Q?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) How many valence electron in atom Q?
Berapakah elektron valens bagi atom Q?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) Write the symbol for atom Q in the form of .
Tuliskan simbol bagi atom Q dalam bentuk .

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e) What is meant by isotope?
Apakah maksud isotop?


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(f) Name and state the uses of the isotope with 6 protons and 8 neutrons.
Namakan dan nyatakan satu kegunaan isotop yang mempunyai 6 proton dan 8


[2 mark]
[2 markah]
(g) Isotopes have the same chemical properties. Give a reason.
Isotop mempunyai sifat kimia yang sama. Berikan satu sebab.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
10. Diagram 4 shows the set-up of apparatus used by a student to coat an iron spoon with
a layer of copper.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan oleh pelajar untuk menyadurkan
sudu besi dengan lapisan kuprum.

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4
(a) State the name of the process carried out by the student.
Nyatakan nama proses yang dijalankan oleh pelajar tersebut.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) State the name of the electrolyte X used in this experiment.
Nyatakan nama elektrolit X yang digunakan dalam eksperimen ini.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) State the energy changes for the cell in Diagram 4.
Nyatakan perubahan tenaga untuk sel dalam Rajah 4.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) What is the observation at the anode after the process has been carried out for one
Apakah pemerhatian di anod selepas proses dijalankan selama satu jam.

......................................................................................................... [1 mark]

(e) Write the half-equations for the reactions that take place at the
Tuliskan persamaan setengah untuk tindak balas yang berlaku di

(i) anode: ................................................................................................


(ii) cathode: ...............................................................................................

katod [2 marks]
[2 markah]
(f) State one reason for the process in diagram above is carried out.
Nyatakan satu sebab untuk proses seperti dalam rajah di atas dijalankan.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(g) How does the student ensure that the copper coated on the iron spoon is even?
Bagaimanakah pelajar memastikan kuprum yang disadurkan pada sudu besi
adalah licin?

[1 mark]

(h)(i) If the copper plate and iron spoon are replaced by carbon electrodes, predict the
observation that will happen in the electrolyte.
Jika jalur kuprum dan sudu besi digantikan dengan elektrod karbon, ramalkan
pemerhatian yang akan berlaku dalam elektrolit.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Explain your answer in (h)(i).
Terangkan jawapan anda untuk (h)(i).

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
11. Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up to purify impure copper through electrolysis.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menulenkan kuprum tak tulen melalui

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

(a) State the meaning of electrolysis.

Berikan maksud elektrolisis.


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) State the energy changes for the cell in Diagram 4.
Nyatakan perubahan tenaga untuk sel dalam Rajah 4..

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) Write the formulae of all the ions present in copper (II) sulphate solution.
Tuliskan formula bagi semua ion yang hadir dalam larutan kuprum (II) sulfat.

Anions: ....................................................................................................
Cations: ...................................................................................................
Kation [2 marks]
[2 markah]

(d) Which electrode acts as the cathode?

Elektrod yang manakah bertindak sebagai katod?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e)(i) State one observation at impure copper electrode.
Nyatakan satu pemerhatian pada elektrod kuprum tak tulen.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write the half-equations for the reactions that take place at the
Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di

Anode :....................................................................................................
Cathode : .................................................................................................
Katod [2 mark]
[2 markah]
(f) What is the observation for the blue colour copper (II) sulphate solution.
Apakah pemerhatian bagi larutan biru kuprum (II) sulfat. Jelaskan


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

12. Diagram 4 shows the set-up of the apparatus used to investigate the electrolysis of
silver nitrate solution using carbon electrodes.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji elektrolisis bagi
larutan argentum nitrat.

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

(a) State the meaning of electrolysis.

Berikan maksud elektrolisis.


[1 mark]

(b) State the energy changes for the cell in Diagram 4.

Nyatakan perubahan tenaga untuk sel dalam Rajah 4.

[1 mark]
(c) Name the ions which are attracted to the anode and the cathode.
Namakan ion yang ditarik ke anod dan katod.

Anode: ..................................................................................
Cathode: .............................................................................
Katod [2 marks]
[2 markah]
(d) (i) State the observation at the cathode.
Nyatakan pemerhatian di katod.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Write the half-equation for the reaction at the cathode.
Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas di katod.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e) State the factor that affect the selective discharge of ions at the anode.
Nyatakan faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan ion untuk nyahcas di anod.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(f) In a separate experiment, Jason wants to construct the electrochemical series.
He measured the potential difference of different pairs of metals in voltaic cells.
Table 4 shows the voltmeter readings obtained from the different pairs of
metals in three voltaic cells.
Dalam eksperimen berasingan, Jason hendak membina siri elektrokimia.
Dia mengukur beza keupayaan bagi pasangan logam yang berbeza dalam sel
kimia .
Jadual 4 menunjukkan bacaan voltmeter yang diperoleh daripada pasangan
logam yang berlainan dalam tiga sel kimia.

Pairs of metals Potential difference (V) Positive terminal

Pasangan logam Beza keupayaan (V) Terminal positif
K and L
1.6 K
K dan L
L and M
1.9 M
L dan M
M and N
0.8 N
M dan N

Table 4 / Jadual 4
Based on the Table 4,
Berdasarkan Jadual 4,

(i) Arrange metals K, L, M and N in a descending order of the electropositivity

of metal.
Susunkan logam K, L, M dan N dalam tertib menurun keelektopositifan logam.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) A voltaic cell is made from metals K and N. Which metal will act as the
positive terminal of the cell?
Satu sel kimia diperbuat daripada logam K dan N. Logam yang manakah
akan bertindak sebagai terminal positif sel?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) Determine the potential difference of the cell in (d)(ii).
Tentukan beza keupayaan bagi sel dalam (d)(ii).

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

13. (a) The production of iron in industry through the reaction between iron ore, Fe2O3 and
coke, C is shown in the chemical equation below.
Penghasilan besi dalam industri melalui tindak balas antara bijih besi, Fe2O3 dan arang
kok, C ditunjukkan dalam persamaan kimia di bawah.

2Fe2O3 + 3C 4Fe + 3CO2

State the IUPAC nomenclature of Fe2O3.

Nyatakan penamaan IUPAC bagi sebatian Fe2O3.

[1 mark]
(b) Table 5.1 shows an equation that represent a redox reaction.
Jadual 5.1 menunjukkan satu persamaan yang mewakili suatu tindak balas redoks.

(i) Complete the equation.

Lengkapkan persamaan itu.

H2S + __Fe3+ __Fe2++ __H++ S

Table 5.1 / Jadual 5.1

[2 marks]
(ii) Write the half equation for
Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi

oxidation : .............................................................................................

reduction : .............................................................................................
[2 marks]
(c) Table 5.2 shows the apparatus set-up and observation for two sets of experiment, I and
Jadual 5.2 menunjukkan susunan radas dan pemerhatian bagi dua set eksperimen, I dan

Table 5.2 / Jadual 5.2


Based on Table 5.2,

Berdasarkan Jadual 5.2,

(i) The reaction in set I is a redox reaction. Explain in terms of change in oxidation
Tindak balas dalam set I ialah suatu tindak balas redoks. Terangkan dari segi
perubahan nombor pengoksidaan.



[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) Explain the observation in Set II
Terangkan pemerhatian dalam Set II.



[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(d) Iron is a metal that rust easily. Draw a labelled diagram to show how the conditions for
the rusting of iron involve the ionization of iron and the flow of electron.
Besi ialah logam yang mudah berkarat. Lukis satu gambar rajah berlabel untuk
menunjukkan bagaimana syarat untuk pengaratan melibatkan pengionan besi dan
pengaliran elektron.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

14. (a) The Table 5.1 shows the information for a redox reaction
Jadual 5.1 menunjukkan maklumat bagi tindak balas redoks.

Reactants Observation
Bahan tindak balas Pemerhatian
Carbon + Iron (III) oxide Grey solid is formed
Karbon + Ferum (III) oksida Pepejal kelabu terbentuk

Table 5.1 / Jadual 5.1


Write the chemical equation for the reaction?

Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas itu?

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(b) Diagram 5.1 shows five test tubes with different contents.
Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan lima tabung uji dengan kandungan yang berlainan.

Diagram 5.1 / Rajah 5.1

The experimental set-up is left for three days.
Susunan radas eksperimen ini dibiarkan selama tiga hari.

(i) After three days, which test tube gives a blue colour solution?
Selepas tiga hari, tabung uji yang manakah menghasilkan larutan berwarna biru?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (a)(i).
Berikan satu alasan bagi jawapan anda dalam (a)(i).


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) What is the function of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)?
Apakah fungsi kalium heksasianoferat(III)?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iv) Write the equations at the anode and cathode of test tube A.
Tuliskan persamaan di anod dan katod tabung uji A.

Anode : ........................................................................................................

Cathode : .......................................................................................................
Katod [2 marks]

(v) Rate of rusting in Test Tube A and E differs. Compare the rate of rusting.
Kadar pengaratan dalam Tabung Uji A dan Tabung Uji E berbeza. Bandingkan kadar
pengaratan tersebut.


[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(vi) Explain your answer in b(v).
Terangkan jawapan anda dalam b(v).


[1 mark]
(c) Table 5.2 shows a list of apparatus and materials in a redox reaction.
Jadual 5.2 menunjukkan senarai radas dan bahan dalam satu tindak balas redoks.

Apparatus and materials

Radas dan bahan

- Connecting wire - Beaker - Potassium iodide

Wayar penyambung Bikar Kalium iodida
- Porous pot - Galvanometer - Bromine water
Pasu berliang Galvanometer Air bromin
- Carbon electrods
Elektrod-elektrod karbon

Table 5.2
Jadual 5.2

Use the list of apparatus and materials in Table 5.2 to draw a labelled diagram of the
arrangement of the apparatus to investigate the transfer of electron at a distance.
Gunakan senarai radas dan bahan dalam Jadual 5.2 untuk melukiskan satu gambar
rajah berlabel susunan radas bagi mengkaji pemindahan elektron pada suatu jarak.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

15. (a) The Table 5.1 shows the chemical formula for two compounds.
Jadual 5.1 menunjukkan formula kimia bagi dua sebatian.


Table 5.1
Jadual 5.1

What is the oxidation number for manganese in KMnO4 and carbon in CaCO3?
Apakah nombor pengoksidaan bagi mangan dalam KMnO4 dan karbon dalam CaCO3?

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(b) Diagram 5.1 shows five test tubes with different contents.
Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan lima tabung uji dengan kandungan yang berlainan.

Diagram 5.1 / Rajah 5.1

The experimental set-up is left for three days.

Susunan radas eksperimen ini dibiarkan selama tiga hari.

(i) Which of the test tube has the most number of iron(II) ions after three days?
Tabung uji yang manakah mempunyai ion ferum(II) yang paling banyak selepas
tiga hari?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (b)(i).
Berikan satu alasan bagi jawapan anda di (b)(i).


[1 mark]

(iii) What is the colour of phenolphthalein if hydroxide ions are present?

Apakah warna fenolftalein jika ion hidroksida hadir?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) There are various types of zinc plating that offers different levels of corrosion protection.
As an example, zinc plating is commonly used in the automotive industry and offers
protection against corrosion.
Terdapat beberapa jenis penyaduran zink yang menyediakan tahap perlindungan
kakisan yang berbeza. Sebagai contoh, penyaduran sadur zink biasanya digunakan
dalam industri automotif dan menyediakan perlindungan terhadap pengaratan.

Explain how zinc protects the cars hull from rusting.

Terangkan bagaimana zink dapat melindungi badan kereta daripada berkarat.
[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(d) You are provided with the following materials and apparatus.
Anda dibekalkan dengan bahan dan radas berikut.

Zinc plate, copper plate, dilute sulphuric acid, zinc sulphate solution, copper(II)
sulphate solution
Kepingan zink, kepingan kuprum, asid sulfurik cair, larutan zink sulfat, larutan
kuprum(II) sulfat

Apparatus/ Radas:
Beakers, connecting wire, voltmeter, glass tube
Bikar, wayar penyambung, voltmeter, salur kaca

(i) By using all the materials and apparatus provided, draw the set-up of the apparatus to
produce electricity from chemical reactions.
Dengan menggunakan semua bahan dan radas yang dibekalkan, lukiskan susunan alat
radas untuk menghasilkan arus elektrik daripada tindak balas kimia.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(ii) Write the half equation for the reaction that occurs at the:
Tuliskan persamaan setengah bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di:

Negative terminal : .......................................................................................

Terminal negatif

Positive terminal : ..........................................................................................

Terminal positif
[2 marks]
[2 markah]

16. Table 6 shows the structural formulae of three carbon compounds.

Jadual 6 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi tiga sebatian karbon.

Substance Structural formula Name

Bahan Form ula struktur Nam a

P ...............................................

Q ...............................................

R ...............................................

Table 6 / Jadual 6

a) What is the meaning of carbon compounds?

Apakah maksud sebatian karbon?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
b) State the name of substance P, Q and R based on IUPAC nomenclature.
Write the answer in Table 6.
Nyatakan nama bagi bahan P, Q dan R berpandukan sistem penamaan
Tuliskan jawapan anda dalam Jadual 6.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

c) Draw the structural formula for isomer of substance Q.

Lukiskan formula struktur bagi isomer bagi bahan Q.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

d) Substance Q can be converted to substance R through dehydration reaction.

Draw a labelled diagram how the reaction can be carried out in the school
Bahan Q boleh ditukarkan kepada bahan R melalui tindak balas
Lukiskan gambar rajah berlabel susunan radas yang digunakan untuk
menjalankan tindak balas itu di makmal sekolah.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

e) Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up for the reaction between bromine water with P
and R.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi tindak balas antara air bromin dengan P dan R.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

(i) State the observation for both test tube.

Nyatakan pemerhatian bagi kedua-dua tindak balas.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Explain the observation.
Terangkan pemerhatian itu.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

17. Diagram 6 shows the flow chart for the conversion of carbon compound.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan carta alir bagi penukaran sebatian karbon.

Gas R + water
Gas R + air
Dehydration Propanol I
Compound X Propanoic acid
Sebatian X Propanol Asid propanoik

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6
Based on Diagram 6,
Berdasarkan Rajah 6,
(a) State the name of gas R.
Nyatakan nama gas R.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) (i) State the functional group of propanol
Nyatakan kumpulan berfungsi bagi propanol.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Draw the structural formula for isomers of propanol
Lukis formula struktur untuk isomer-isomer bagi propanol.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(c) (i) State the process at I

Nyatakan proses di I

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) What is the substance that needs to be added in process I to produce
propanoic acid?
Apakah bahan yang perlu ditambahkan dalam proses I untuk
menghasilkan asid propanoik?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) (i) State the name of compound X
Nyatakan nama bagi sebatian X

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Draw a labelled diagram how the dehydration reaction can be carried
out in the laboratory.
Lukis rajah berlabel bagaimana tindak balas pendehidratan boleh
dijalankan dalam makmal.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(e) Syawal Daylee sister sells apples cookies for last Eid. Syawal want to expand
his sister business. The problem faced by Syawal Daylee is the apple is not
enough. Syawal thought of using pineapple flavors to produce apple cookies.
The chemical flavor formula for pineapple is C4H9COOC2H5 Can you help Syawal
Daylee to name two carbon compounds that can be used to produce apple
Kakak Syawal Daylee menjual biskut epal untuk sambutan hari raya yang
lepas. Syawal Dayleeingin mengembangkan perniagaan kakaknya.Masalah
yang dihadapi oleh Syawal Daylee ialah epal tidak mencukupi. Syawal Daylee
terfikir untuk menggunakan perisa epal untuk menghasilkan biskut epal.
Formula kimia bagi perisa epal adalah C3H7COOC2H5. Bolehkah anda membantu
Syawal untuk menamakan dua sebatian karbon yang digunakan untuk
menghasilkan perisa epal?

[2 marks]

18. Diagram 6.1 shows changes of a carbon compound involving a series of reactions.
Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan perubahan sebatian karbon yang melibatkan beberapa siri
tindak balas.

Diagram 6.1 / Rajah 6.1

(a) State the functional group of propanol.

Nyatakan kumpulan berfungsi bagi propanol.

[1 mark]
(b) Draw the structural formulae for two isomers of propanol.
Lukiskan formula struktur bagi dua isomer propanol.

[2 marks]
(c) Propanol undergoes Reaction I to form propene.
Propanol mengalami tindak balas I membentuk propena.
(i) Name reaction I.
Namakan tindak balas I

[1 mark]
(ii) Write the balanced chemical equation for the conversion of propanol
to propene in reaction I.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi penukaran propanol
kepada propena dalam tindak balas I.

[1 mark]
(d) Propane and propene are hydrocarbons. Compare the observation when
acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution is added into propane and
Explain your answer.

Propana dan propena adalah hidrokarbon.Bandingkan pemerhatian apabila

larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid ditambahkan ke dalam propana dan
Terangkan jawapan anda.



[3 marks]

Diagram 6.2 / Rajah 6.2

Diagram 6.2 shows the liquid car perfume that is usually placed inside the car to
give a fragrance smell like strawberries. The liquid fragrance smell like strawberries
contains methyl butanoate with the molecular formula of C3H7COOCH3.
Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan cecair minyak wangi kereta yang biasanya diletakkan di
dalam kereta untuk memberikan bau wangi seperti strawberi. Cecair wangi yang
berbau strawberi ini mengandungi metil butanoate, dengan formula molekul
(i) Name the homologous series of the liquid car perfume.
Namakan siri homolog bagi cecair pewangi tersebut.

[1 mark]
(ii) Describe briefly how the liquid fragrance smell like strawberries can be
prepared in the laboratory.
Huraikan secara ringkas bagaimana cecair wangi yang berbau seperti
strawberi boleh disediakan di dalam makmal.



[2 marks]


1. (a) What is meant by exothermic and endothermic reactions? Explain the changes in the
energy content of the reactants and products for both the reactions.
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan tindak balas eksotermik dan tindak balas
endotermik? Terangkan perubahan di dalam kandungan tenaga bagi bahan tindak dan
hasil balas bagi kedua-dua tindak balas tersebut.
[4 marks]
(b) Methane is the main component in liquid natural gas while butane is the main
component in liquid petroleum gas. Both gases are used as fuel.
Metana ialah komponen utama di dalam cecair gas asli manakala butane ialah
komponen utama di dalam cecair gas petroleum. Kedua-dua gas digunakan sebagai
bahan api.
The complete combustion of methane and butane can be shown by the following
Pembakaran lengkap bagi metana dan butane boleh ditunjukkan oleh persamaan-
persamaan berikut:

CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O AH = 890 kJ mol-1

C4H10 + 13/2O2 4CO2 + 5H2O AH = -2882 kJ mol1

(i) A student heats up 1 dm3 of water at 1 atmosphere from room temperature

(25oC) till it started boiling. Calculate the minimum mass of butane gas needed to
heat the water.
[Relative atomic mass for C=12; H=1, specific heat of water 4.2 Jg 1 C, Density
of water 1g cm-3]
Seorang pelajar memanaskan 1 dm3 air pada 1 atmosfera dari suhu bilik (25oC)
sehingga ia mula mendidih. Kirakan jisim minimum bagi gas butana yang
diperlukan untuk memanaskan air tersebut.
[Jisim atom relatif bagi C=12;H=1, Muatan haba tentu bagi air = 4.2
J g 1 C,Ketumpatan air =1g cm-3] [3 marks]

(ii) Calculate the amount of heat released by each gram of methane and butane.
Based on your answer compare the efficiency of these two substances as a fuel.
[Molar mass: methane=16 g mol-1 , butane=58 g mol-1]
Kirakan jumlah tenaga yang dibebaskan bagi setiap gram metana dan butana.
Berdasarkan jawapan anda bandingkan kecekapan kedua-dua bahan ini sebagai
bahan api.
[3 marks]

(c) Diagram 7.1 shows the energy level diagram for two chemical reactions
Rajah 7.1 menujukkan gambarajah aras tenaga bagi dua tindak balas kimia.

(i) Based on Diagram 7, suggest one example for each reaction in Set I and Set II
Berdasarkan Rajah 7.1, cadangkan satu cantoh bagi setiap tindak balas dalam
Set I dan Set II. [2 marks]

(ii) Construct a table to compare the energy level diagram of Set I and Set II in
terms of:
Type of reaction
Temperature change
Energy content
Energy change.
Bina sebuah jadual untuk membandingkan gambar rajah aras tenaga Set I dan Set
II dari segi:
Jenis tindak balas
Perubahan suhu
Kandungan tenaga
Perubahan tenaga
[8 marks]

2. (a) A student carried out an experiment to determine the heat of neutralisation by using
100 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid and 100 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 sodium
hydroxide solution. Table 7 shows the results of the experiment

Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan haba

peneutralan dengan menggunakan 100 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.5 mol dm-3 dan 100
cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 0.5 mol dm-3. Jadual 7 menunjukkan keputusan
eksperimen tersebut.
Initial temperature of hydrochloric acid(oC)
Suhu awal larutan asid hidroklorik (oC)
Initial temperature of sodium hydroxide solution(oC)
Suhu awal larutan larutan natrium hidroksida (oC)
Highest temperature of the reaction mixture (oC)
Suhu tertinggi campuran tindak balas (oC)

(i) Calculate:
The heat change during the reaction
The number of moles of water formed
The heat of neutralisation for this reaction
[Specific heat of solution = 4.2 J g -1 C, Density of water =1g cm-3]

Perubahan haba semasa tindak balas.

Bilangan mol air terbentuk
Haba peneulralan bagi tindak balas rersebut.
[Muatan haba tentu bagi larutan = 4.2 J g 1 C, Ketumpatan air =1g cm-3]
[4 marks]
(ii) The experiment is repeated using ethanoic acid 1.0 mol dm The result shows

that heat of neutralisation of the reaction is less than the heat of neutralisation
calculated at (a)(i). Explains your answer.
Eksperimen diulangi mengunakan asid etanoik 1.0 mol dm-1. Keputusan
menunjukkan haba peneutralan bagi tindak balas ini adalah lebih rendah
berbanding haba peneutalan yang dikira di (a)(i).
[6 marks]
(b) Table 7 shows examples of chemical reactions.
Jadual 7 menunjukkan contoh-contoh tindak balas kimia

Reaction H value
Tindak balas nilai H
I Combustion of methanol in excess oxygen
-726 kJ mol-1
Pembakaran metanol dalam oksigen berlebihan
II Combustion of ethanol in excess oxygen
-1300 kJ mol-1
Pembakaran etanol dalam oksigen berlebihan
III Decomposition of calcium carbonate
+ 570 kJ mol-1
Penguraian kalsium karbonat

(i) Write the chemical equations of reaction I.

Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas I. [2 marks]

(ii) Explain why does the heat of combustion of methanol is different compared to
Terangkan kenapa haba pembakaran bagi metanol berbeza berbanding dengan
etanol. [2 marks]

(c) State the differences between reaction I and reaction III based on the information
above in terms of type of reaction, temperature change and energy content.
Nyatakan perbezaaan antara tindak balas I dan tindak balas III berdasarkan maklumat
di atas dari segi jenis tindak balas, perubahan suhu dan kandungan tenaga .
[ 6 marks]

3. (a) Diagram 7.1 shows the set-up of the apparatus used to carry out an experiment to
determine the heat of combustion for a liquid hydrocarbon X.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menjalankan satu eksperimen bagi
menentukan haba pembakaran suatu hidrokarbon cecair, X.

Diagram 7.1 / Rajah 7.1

(i) State two errors in the above set-up.
Nyatakan dua kesalahan dalam susunan radas di alas. [2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the heat released when the temperature of the water increases by 30
C. [Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 C-1 density of water = 1 g cm-3]
Hitungkan haba yang dibebaskan apabila suhu air itu meningkat sebanyak 30 oC.
[Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2 J g-1 C-1, ketumpatan air = 1 g cm-3]
[2 marks]
(iii) 1.72g of hydrocarbon X was burnt to raise the temperature of the water by 30
C. Calculate the heat of combustion for X.
[Molar mass of X = 86 g mol-1]
1.72 g hidrokarbon X telah terbakar untuk menaikkan suhu air sebanyak 30 C.
Hitungkan haba pembakar bagi X.
[Jisim molar bagi X =86g mol-1] [3 marks

(b) Table 7.1shows the relative molecular mass and heat of combustion of two alcohols.
Jadual 7.1 menunjukkan jisim molekul relatif dan haba pembakaran bagi dua alkohol.

Alcohol Relative molecular mass Heat of combustion /kJ mol-1

Alkohol Jisim molekul relatif Haba pembakaran / kJ mol-1
46 - 1376
74 -2675

Table 7.1 / Jadual 7.1

(i) Calculate the fuel value (kJ/g) for the two alcohols.
Hitungkan nilai bahan api (kJ/g) bagi kedua-dua alkohol tersebut.

(ii) Based on your answer in (b)(i), state which fuel is more efficient.

Berdasarkan jawapan anda dalam (b)(i), nyatakan bahan api manakah yang
lebih efesien. [3 marks]

(c) Diagram 7.2 shows the structural formulae of propanol and butanol.
Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi propanol dan butanol.

Propanol Butanol

Diagram 7.2 / Rajah 7.2

Based on Diagram 7.2, compare the heat of combustion of propanol and butanol.
Explain your answer.
Berdasarkan rajah 7.2, bandingkan haba pembakaran bagi propanol dan butanol.
Terangkan jawapan anda.
[4 marks]
(d) Table 7.2 shows the heat released in Experiment I, II and III using different acid that
has been reacted with sodium hydroxide solution.
Jadual 7.2 menujukkan haba yang dibebaskan dalam Eksperimen I, II dan III
menggunakan asid yang berbeza yang ditindakbalaskan dengan larutan natrium

Experiment Chemical Equation Heat released

Eksperimen Persamaan kimia Haba dibebaskan
I HC1 + NaOH NaCI + H2O 57


III H2SO4 + 2NaOH Na2SO4 + 2H2O 114

Table 7.2 / Jadual 7.2

Based on Table 7.2, explain the difference in heat released between :

Berdasarkan Jadual 8.2, terangkan perbezaan haba yang dibebaskan antara :
(i) Experiment I and Experiment II
Experimen I dan Experimen II

(ii) Experiment I and Experiment III

Experimen I dan Experimen P
[6 marks]

4. (a) Table 8.1 below shows the concentration and pH value of two different types of acids
Jadual 8.1 di bawah menunjukkan kepekatan dan nilai pH bagi dua jenis asid yang
Type of acid PH value
Jenis asid Nilai pH
Ethanoic acid
Asid etanoik
Sulphuric acid
Asid sulfurik
Table 8.1 / Jadual 8.1

(a) Explain why the pH value of two acids in Table 8.1 are different.
Terangkan mengapa nilai pH bagi kedua-dua asid dalam Jadual 8.1 adalah
berbeza. [ 4 marks]

(b) Table 8.2 shows the results of titration between 1.0 mol dm-3 nitric asid and 25
cm3 of potassium hidroxide solution.
Jadual 8.2 menunjukkan keputusan pentitratan antara asid nirtik 1.0 mol dm-3
dengan 25 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida.

Titration Initial reading of burette (cm3) Final reading of burette (cm3)

Titratan Bacaan awal buret (cm ) 3
Bacaan akhir buret (cm3)

I 0.00 15.00
II 15.00 27.00
III 27.00 39.00

Table 8.2 / Jadual 8.2

(i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between potassium hydroxide
and nitric acid.
Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara kalium hidroksida dengan asid
nitrik. [ 2 marks]

(ii) Based on Table 8.2, determine the average volume of nitric asid used and
hence calculate the molarity of potassium hydroxide solution.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.2 di atas, tentukan isi padu purata asid nitrik yang
digunakan dan seterusnya hitung kemolaran larutan kalium hidroksida.
[ 4 marks ]

(c) A student carried out an experiment to investigate the properties of two solutions.
Table 8.3 shows the results of the experiments.
Seorang murid menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji sifat sifat bagi dua
Jadual 8.3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu.

Set Reaction Observation

Tindak balas Pemerhatian
Set I Calcium carbonate + hydrogen chloride Limewater turns cloudy.
in solvent X Air kapur menjadi keruh

Kalsium karbonat + hidrogen klorida

dalan pelarut X

Set II Calcium carbonate + hydrogen chloride No change

in solvent Y Tiada perubahan

Kalsium karbonat + hidrogen klorida

dalan pelarut Y

Table 8.3 / Jadual 8.3

Based on statement above,
Berdasarkan kenyataan di atas,

(i) suggest solvent X and solvent Y

cadangkan pelarut X dan pelarut Y. [ 2 marks ]

(ii) Explain the differences in the observation for both sets of experiment
Write one chemical equation involved in the reaction.
Terangkan perbezaan dalam pemerhatian bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen di atas.
Tulis satu persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku. [ 8 marks ]

5. Table 8.1 shows the concentration and pH value of two different types of acids.
Jadual 8.1 di bawah menunjukkan kepekatan dan nilai pH bagi dua jenis asid yang
Type of acid pH value
Jenis asid Nilai pH
Propanoic acid 4
Asid propanoik
Hydrochloric acid 1
Asid hidroklorik
Table 8.1 / Jadual 8.1

(a) Explain why the pH value of two acids in Table above are different.
Terangkan mengapa nilai pH bagi kedua-dua asid dalam Jadual di atas adalah
Berbeza. [ 4 marks]

(b) Table 8.2 the results of titration between 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric asid and 25
cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution.
Jadual 8.2 menunjukkan keputusan pentitratan antara asid sulfurik 1.0 mol dm-3
dengan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida.

Titration Initial reading of burette (cm3) Final reading of burette (cm3)

Titratan Bacaan awal buret (cm3) Bacaan akhir buret (cm3)
I 0.00 10.50
II 10.50 20.00
III 20.00 31.50
Table 8.2 / Jadual 8.2

(iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide
and sulphuric acid.
Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara natrium hidroksida dengan
asid sulfurik. [ 2 marks]

(iv) Based on Table 8.2, determine the average volume of sulphuric acid used
and hence calculate the molarity of sodium hydroxide solution.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.2 di atas, tentukan isi padu purata asid sulfurik yang
digunakan dan seterusnya hitung kemolaran larutan natrium hidroksida
[ 4 marks ]
(ci) A student carried out an experiment to investigate the properties of two solutions.
Table 8.3 shows the result of the experiments.
Seorang murid menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji sifat sifat bagi dua
larutan. Jadual 8.3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu.

Set Activity Observation

Aktiviti Pemerhatian
Set I Magnesium + hydrogen chloride in solvent Y. -'pop' sound is
Magnesium + hidrogen klorida dalam pelarut Y. produced.
- gas produced is tested using lighted wooden -bunyi 'pop'
splinter. dihasilkan.
- gas yang dihasilkan diuji dengan kayu uji
Set II Magnesium + hydrogen chloride in solvent Z - no changes
Magnesium + hidrogen klorida dalam pelarut Z -tiada perubahan
- gas produced is tested using lighted splinter
- gas yang dihasilkan diuji dengan kayu uji
Table 8.3 / Jadual 8.3
Based on statement above,
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas,
(i) suggest solvent Y and solvent Z
cadangkan pelarut Y dan pelarut Z [ 2 marks ]

(ii) ) Explain the differences in the observation for both sets of experiment
Write one chemical equation involved in the reaction.
Terangkan perbezaan dalam pemerhatian bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen di
Tulis satu persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku. [ 8 marks ]

6. (a) Table 8.1 below shows the concentration and pH value of two different types of acids
Jadual 8.1 di bawah menunjukkan kepekatan dan nilai pH bagi dua jenis asid yang berbeza.

Type of acid pH value

Jenis asid Nilai pH
Butanoic acid
Asid butanoik
Nitric acid
asid nitrik

Table 8.1 / Jadual 8.1

(a) Explain why the pH value of two acids in Table 8.1 are different.
Terangkan mengapa nilai pH bagi kedua-dua asid dalam Jadual 8.1 di atas adalah
Berbeza. [ 4 marks]

(b) Table 8.2 shows the results of titration between 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
and 25 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution.
Jadual menunjukkan keputusan pentitratan antara asid hidroklorik1.0 mol dm-3
dengan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida.

Titration Initial reading of burette (cm3) Final reading of burette (cm3)

Titratan Bacaan awal buret (cm3) Bacaan akhir buret (cm3)

I 0.00 15.00
II 15.00 27.00
III 27.00 39.00

Table 8.2 / Jadual 8.2

(v) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and
hydrochloric acid.
Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara natrium hidroksida dengan
asid hidroklorik. [ 2 marks]

(vi) Based on Table 8.2 above, determine the average volume of hydrochloric
acid used and hence calculate the molarity of sodium hydroxide solution.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.2 di atas, tentukan isi padu purata asid hidroklorik yang
digunakan dan seterusnya hitung kemolaran larutan natrium hidroksida
[ 4 marks ]

(c) A student carried out an experiment to investigate the properties of two solutions.
Table 8.3 shows the result of the experiments.
Seorang murid menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji sifat -sifat bagi dua larutan.
Jadual 8.3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu.

Set Activity
Set I

Set II

Table 8.3
Jadual 8.3
Based on Table 8.3 above,
Berdasarkan Jadual 8.3 di atas,

(i) suggest solvent X and solvent Y

cadangkan pelarut X dan pelarut Y. [ 2 marks ]

(ii) explain the differences in the observation for both sets of experiment
Write one chemical equation for reaction occur.
Terangkan perbezaan dalam pemerhatian bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen di atas.
Tulis satu persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku. [ 8 marks ]

7. (a) Diagram 9.1 shows the apparatus set-up used to investigate the reaction of bromine
with iron wool and sodium hydroxide solution.
Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji tindak balas antara
bromin dengan wul besi dan larutan natrium hidroksida.

Diagram 9.1 / Rajah 9.1

Write the chemical equation for the reaction in region:
Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas dalam kawasan:
(i) A
(ii) B [4 marks]

(b) Table 9 shows three oxides of elements X, Y and Z. Elements X, Y and Z are located
in Period 3 in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Jadual 9 menunjukkan oksida unsur X, Y dan Z.Unsur X, Y dan Z terletak pada Kala 3
dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur.
Oxide of Properties pH value
element Sifat Nilai pH
Oxide of X White powder No change in pH
Oksida X Serbuk putih paper
Insoluble in water Tiadaperubahan
Tidak larut dalam air pada kertas pH
ElementX is located in Group 13
Unsur X berada dalam Kumpulan 13
Oxide of Y White powder pH = 13
Oksida Y Serbuk putih
Dissolve in water to form colourless
Larut dalam air untuk membentuk larutan
tidak berwarna
Element Y is located in Group 1
Unsur Y berada dalam Kumpulan 1
Oxide of Z Colourless gas pH = 3
Oksida Z Gas tidak berwarna
Dissolve in water to form colourless

Larut dalam air untuk membentuk larutan

tidak berwarna
Element Z is located in Group 16
Unsur Z berada dalam Kumpulan 16
Table 9 / Jadual 9
Based on Table 9, suggest oxide of elements X, Y and Z.
Arrange the elements X, Y and Z according to an increasing order ofelectronegativity
across Period 3. Explain your answer.
Berdasarkan Jadual 9, cadangkan oksida unsur X, Y dan Z.
Susun unsur X, Y dan Z berdasarkan keelektronegatifan secara tertib menaik apabila
merentas Kala 3. Terangkan jawapan anda. [6 marks]

(c) Diagram 9.2 shows the observation for the reaction between alkali metal and water.
Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan pemerhatian bagi tindak balas antara logam alkali dengan

Diagram 9.2 / Rajah 9.2

Suggest two alkali metals. Using the stated alkali metals, describe a laboratory
experiment to compare the reactivity of these alkali metals towards water. Your
explanation should include:
Cadangkan dua logam alkali. Dengan menggunakan kedua-dua logam alkali yang
dicadangkan, huraikan satu eksperimen makmal untuk membandingkan kereaktifan
logam alkali terhadap air. Penerangan anda haruslah meliputi:

Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur bagi eksperimen

8. (a) Lithium is an element in Group 1 of the Periodic Table of Elements. Lithium atom
achieves its stability when reacts with other elements to form a compound. One of
the compounds of lithium is lithium hydroxide. It is widely used in spacecraft.
Litium ialah satu unsur dalam Kumpulan 1 Jadual Berkala Unsur.
Atom litium mencapai kestabilannya apabila bertindak balas dengan unsur yang lain untuk
membentuk satu sebatian. Salah satu sebatian litium ialah litium hidroksida. Sebatian ini
digunakan dalam kapal angkasa.

Canister containing lithium

hydroxide in Apollo13.

Kotak logam yang mengandungi

litium hidroksida dalam Apollo 13

Without photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide content in the cabin of Apollo 13 spacecraft can
get much higher and causes health problem to the astronauts. Therefore, a canister
containing lithium hydroxide is used to remove the carbon dioxide in the cabin to form
lithium carbonate and water.
Tanpa fotosintesis, kandungan karbon dioksida dalam kabin kapal angkasa Apollo 13 boleh
menjadi semakin tinggi dan menyebabkan masalah kesihatan kepada angkasawan. Oleh itu,
satu kotak logam yang mengandungi litium hidroksida digunakan untuk menyingkirkan
karbon dioksida dalam kabin bagi menghasilkan litium karbonat dan air.

(i) Write a chemical equation to show how the carbon dioxide gas is removed using
lithium hydroxide.
Tulis persamaan kimia untuk menunjukkan bagaimanakah gas karbon dioksida
disingkirkan daripada litium hidroksida. [2 marks]

(ii) Find the mass of lithium carbonate produced when 0.5 moles of lithium hydroxide is
used in spacecraft.
Hitung jisim litium karbonat yang terhasil apabila 0.5 mol litium hidroksida digunakan
dalam kapal angkasa.
[Relative formula mass of lithium carbonate: 74]
[Jisim formula relatif litium karbonat: 74] [2 marks]

(b) Table below shows the information about the elements in Group 1 and Group 17.
Jadual berikut menunjukkan maklumat tentang unsur Kumpulan 1 dan Kumpulan 17.

Element Atomic radius (nm) Melting point (oC) Boiling points (oC)
Unsur Jejari atom (nm) Takat lebur Takat didih
X 0.099 -101 -35
Y 0114 -7 58
Z 0.133 114 183
Table 9.1: Physical properties of elements in Group 17
Jadual 9.1: Sifat-sifat fizik unsur dalam Kumpulan 17

Element Atomic radius (nm) Melting point (oC) Boiling points (oC)
Unsur Jejari atom (nm) Takat lebur Takat didih
P 0.152 181 1342
Q 0.186 98 883
R 0.227 63 759
Table 9.2: Physical properties of elements in Group 1
Jadual 9.2: Sifat-sifat fizik unsur dalam Kumpulan 1

Based on Table 9.1 and Table 9.2, explain why there are differences in the melting
and boiling points of the two groups of elements.
Berdasarkan Jadual 9.1 dan Jadual 9.2, terangkan mengapa terdapat perbezaan
pada takat lebur dan takat didih bagi kedua- dua kumpulan unsur. [6 marks]

Across Period 3, the properties of oxide of elements K, L, and M changes
from basic to amphoteric and then acidic.
Apabila merentas Kala 3, sifat oksida unsur K, L dan M berubah daripada bes
kepada amfoterik dan kemudiannya asid.

Suggest elements K, L, and M. Describe an experiment to prove the statement

above. Your description should include the observations and inference.
Cadangkan unsur K, L, dan M. Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk membuktikan
pernyataan di atas. Huraian anda harus merangkumi pemerhatian dan inferens.
[10 marks]

9 (a) Table 9 shows some information about the elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table
of Elements.
Both elements L and M can react with cold water to liberate a colourless gas.
Jadual 9 menunjukkan maklumat berkaitan unsur Kumpulan 1 dalam Jadual Berkala
Kedua-dua L dan M bertindak balas dengan air sejuk untuk membebaskan gas tanpa

Element Atomic radius Observation

Unsur Jejari atom Pemerhatian
L 0.186 nm Flame / Nyalaan

water / air

M 0.227 nm Flame / Nyalaan

water / air

Table 9 / Jadual 9

Based on the observations in Table 9, explain the difference in the reactivity of these
elements towards cold water.
Berdasarkan pemerhatian dalam Jadual 9, terangkan perbezaan kereaktifan unsur-unsur
ini terhadap air sejuk.

Then, write the chemical equation for the reaction between any one of the elements
with cold water.
Kemudian, tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara mana-mana satu unsur di atas
dengan air sejuk. [6 marks]

(b) Element X is in Group 17 of the Periodic Table of Elements. It is added into swimming
pool water to clean the pool and to kill germs. The products formed for the reaction
between element X and water are acidic solution of HX and acidic solution HOX that has
bleaching properties.
Unsur X terletak dalam Kumpulan 17 Jadual Berkala Unsur. Unsur X dimasukkan ke
dalam air kolam renang untuk membersihkan kolam dan membunuh kuman. Hasil tindak
balas unsur X dengan air ialah larutan HX yang bersifat asid dan larutan berasid HOX
yang bersifat peluntur.

Calculate the mass of X needed to be dissolved in 500 dm3 of swimming pool water to
produce 0.0001 mol dm-3 HOX solution.
Hitung jisim X yang perlu dilarutkan dalam 500 dm3 air kolam mandi untuk menghasilkan
larutan HOX 0.0001 mol dm-3

[Relative atomic mass : H=1; O=16; X= 35.5]

[Jisim atom relatif : H=1; O=16; X= 35.5] [4 marks]

Chlorine gas, bromine water, solid iodine and iron wool.
Gas klorin, cecair bromin dan pepejal iodin, wul besi.
Combustion tubes, Bunsen burner, filter funnels, beakers.
Tabung pembakaran, penunu Bunsen, corong turas, bikar.

By using the materials and apparatus above, describe an experiment to compare the
reactivity between chlorine, bromine and iodine when react with iron. Your explanation
should include:
Dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan dan alat radas yang dibekalkan di atas, huraikan satu
eksperimen untuk membandingkan kereaktifan tindak balas antara gas klorin, bromin dan
iodin dengan wul besi. Penerangan anda haruslah meliputi:
Procedure of the experiment
Prosedur bagi eksperimen
Kesimpulan [10 marks]

10 Diagram 10 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the factors affecting the rate
of a reaction between calcium carbonate chips and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menyiasat faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas antara cebisan kalsium karbonat dengan asid
hidroklorik cair.

Rajah 10

Table 10 shows the results of the experiment.

Jadual 10 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu.

Set Reactants Temperatur Time taken to

Set Bahan tindak balas e (C) collect 50 cm3 of
Suhu(C) gas (s)
Masa untuk
mengumpul 50 cm3
gas (s)
Excess calcium carbonate chips + 50
cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
Cebisan kalsium karbonat berlebihan
I 30.0 100
+ 50 cm 3 asid hidroklorik 0.1
mol dm -3

Excess calcium carbonate chips + 50

cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
Cebisan kalsium karbonat berlebihan
II 30.0 80
+ 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2
mol dm-3

Excess calcium carbonate chips + 50

cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
Cebisan kalsium karbonat berlebihan
III 40.0 50
+ 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2
mol dm-3

Table 10
Jadual 10

(a) (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction occurred.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas yang berlaku.
[2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the rates of reaction for Set I and Set II.
Hitung kadar tindak balas bagi Set I dan Set II. [2 marks]

(b) With reference to the Collision Theory, explain why there is a difference in the rate
of reaction between
Merujuk teori Perlanggaran, terangkan mengapa terdapat perbezaan dalam kadar
tindak balas antara

(i) Set I and Set II

Set I dan Set II

(ii) Set II and Set III

Set II dan Set III [6 marks]

(c) Other than the factors used in Table 10, the factor of size also affects the rate
of reaction. Describe an experiment to show how this factor affects the rate
of reaction using a named metal and hydrochloric acid.
Selain daripada faktor-faktor yang digunakan dalam Jadual 10, faktor saiz
juga mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas. Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk
menunjukkan bagaimana faktor ini mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas dengan
menggunakan satu logam yang dinamakan dan asid hidroklorik.

Your answer should include the following aspects:

Jawapan anda perlu mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:

List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas
Procedure of the experiment
Prosedur eksperimen
The sketch of graph obtained
Lakaran graf yang diperoleh [10 marks]

11 A student carried out three sets of experiment to study the effect of manganese(IV)
oxide, MnO2 on the rate of decomposition of 0.5 mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide. Table
10 shows the mixtures of substances used and the time taken to collect 30 cm3 of
the colourless gas given off in each set of experiment.
Seorang murid menjalankan tiga eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan mangan (IV)
oksida , MnO2 ke atas kadar penguraian 0.5 mol dm-3 hidrogen peroksida. Jadual 10
menunjukkan campuran bahan yang digunakan dan masa diambil untuk mengumpul
30 cm3 gas yang tidak berwarna dalam setiap set eksperimen.

Set Mixture of substances Time taken

Set Campuran bahan Masa diambil
I 20.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 H2O2 21 days
20.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 H2O2 21 hari
II 20.0 cm of 0.5 mol dm H2O2 + 0.2 g of MnO2
3 -3
35 s
20.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 H2O2 + 0.2 g of MnO2 35 s
III 20.0 cm of 0.5 mol dm H2O2 + 25.0 cm of water + 0.2 g of
3 -3 3
45 s
MnO2 45 s
20.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 H2O2 + 25.0 cm3 air +0.2 g of MnO2

Table 10
Jadual 10

(a) (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
Tulis satu persamaan kimia yang seimbang untuk penguraian hidrogen peroksida.
[2 marks]
(ii) What is the average rate of reaction for Set II and Set III?
Apakah purata kadar tindak balas untuk Set II dan Set III?
[2 marks]
(b) Using Collision theory, explain why the time taken for
Dengan menggunakan teori perlanggaran, terangkan mengapa masa yang
diambil untuk

Set II is shorter than Set I.

Set II adalah lebih pendek daripada Set I.

Set III is longer than Set II.

Set III adalah lebih pendek daripada Set II. [6 marks]

(c) Draw one energy profile diagram for the reaction in Set I and Set II. On the energy
profile diagram, show the
activation energy without catalyst, Ea,
activation energy with a catalyst, Ea
heat of reaction

Explain the energy profile diagram.

Lukis satu gambar rajah profil tenaga untuk tindak balas dalam Set I dan Set II.
Pada gambar rajah profil tenaga, tunjukkan
tenaga pengaktifan tanpa mangkin, Ea,
Tenaga pengaktifan dengan mangkin, Ea
Haba tindak balas

Terangkan gambar rajah profil tenaga. [10 marks]


10 (a) A student carried out two sets of experiment to study the rate of reaction between
magnesium and two acids, X and Y. The data for the experiment is shown below.
Seorang murid menjalankan dua set eksperimen untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas
antara magnesium dan dua asid, X dan Y. Data eksperimen direkodkan dalam jadual
di bawah.

Set Reactants Observation Products

Set Bahan tindak balas Pemerhatian Bahan tindak balas
I 2 cm of magnesium Magnesium ribbon Zinc sulphate and
ribbon and excess 1.0 dissolves completely in hydrogen gas
mol dm-3 acid X acid X in 1 minute Zink sulfat dan gas
2 cm pita magnesium Pita magnesium larut hidrogen
dan asid X 1.0 mol dm-3 sepenuhnya dalam asid X
yang berlebihan dalam masa 1 minit

II 2 cm of magnesium Magnesium ribbon Zinc chloride and

ribbon and excess 1.0 dissolves completely in hydrogen gas
mol dm-3 acid Y acid Y in 2 minutes Zink klorida dan gas
2 cm pita magnesium Pita magnesium larut hidrogen
dan asid Y 1.0 mol dm-3 sepenuhnya dalam asid Y
yang berlebihan dalam masa 2 minit

Table 10
Jadual 10

(i) State the names of the acids used in Set I and Set II.
Nyatakan nama asid yang digunakan dalam Set I dan Set II. [2 marks]

(ii) Using Collision theory, explain why there is a difference in the observation.
Menggunakan teori perlanggaran, terangkan mengapa terdapat perbezaan
dalam pemerhatian.
[4 marks]

(b) A mixture of finely powdered aluminium and air may explode when ignited. The
reaction gets faster and is accompanied by a large and sudden increase in
Satu campuran serbuk aluminium yang halus dan udara akan meletup apabila
dinyalakan. Tindak balas ini menjadi cepat dan diikuti oleh peningkatan suhu secara
mendadak dan banyak.

Using the knowledge you learn in Collision theory, explain the above situation.
Dengan menggunakan pengetahuan yang dipelajari dalam teori perlanggaran,
terangkan situasi di atas. [4 marks]

(c) Temperature and concentration of reactants affect the rate of reaction between zinc
and acid. Choose one of these two factors and describe an experiment to show how
this factor affects the rate of reaction.
Suhu dan kepekatan bahan tindak balas mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas antara
zink dengan asid. Pilih satu daripada dua faktor ini dan huraikan satu eksperimen
untuk menunjukkan bagaimana faktor ini mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas.
[10 marks]


1. Diagram 1.1 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to compare the hardness of
bronze and its pure metal, copper.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kekerasan gangsa dan
logam tulennya, kuprum.


1.0 kg weight
Pemberat 1.0 kg

Retort stand
Kaki retort Cellophane tape
Pita pelekat
Pembaris Steel ball bearing
Bebola keluli

Copper block
Bongkah kuprum

Diagram 1

The experiment was carried out according to the following steps:

Eksperimen tersebut dijalankan berdasarkan langkah-langkah berikut:

Step 1 / Langkah 1:

A steel ball bearing was taped onto the copper block.

Satu bebola keluli dilekatkan di atas bongkah kuprum.

Step 2 / Langkah 2:

1.0 kg weight was hung at a height of 100 cm above the copper block as shown in
Diagram 1
Pemberat 1.0 kg digantung pada ketinggian 100 cm di atas bongkah kuprum seperti yang ditunjukkan
dalam Rajah 1

Step 3 / Langkah 3:

The weight was dropped onto the ball bearing.

Pemberat dijatuhkan ke atas bebola keluli.

Step 4 / Langkah 4:

The diameter of the dent made on the copper block was measured.
Diameter lekuk yang terbentuk pada blok bongkah kuprum diukur.

Step 5 / Langkah 5:

Steps 1 to 4 were repeated on two other surfaces of the copper block.

Langkah 1 hingga 4 diulangi pada dua permukaan lain bongkah kuprum.

Step 6 / Langkah 6:

Steps 1 to 5 were repeated by the replacing the copper block with bronze block.
Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulang dengan menggantikan bongkah kuprum dengan bongkah gangsa

Table 1 shows the three dents formed on the copper block.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan tiga lekuk yang terhasil di atas bongkah kuprum.

Diagram of the dents formed Diameter of the dent

Rajah lekuk yang terbentuk Diameter lekuk

Copper block
Bongkah kuprum

Copper block
Bongkah kuprum


Copper block
Bongkah kuprum


Table 1

Table 1 shows the three dents formed on the bronze block.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan tiga lekuk yang terhasil di atas bongkah gangsa.

Diagram of the dents formed Diameter of the dent

Rajah lekuk yang terbentuk Diameter lekuk
Bronze block
Bongkah gangsa

Bronze block
Bongkah gangsa


Bronze block
Bongkah gangsa


Table 2

(a) (i) By using the ruler in Table 1 and Table 2, measure the diameter of the dents
made on copper and bronze blocks. Record all the diameters of the dents in
Table 1 and 2
Dengan menggunakan pembaris dalam Jadual 1dan Jadual 2, ukur semua diameter lekuk
yang terbentuk pada bongkah kuprum dan gangsa. Rekod semua diameter lekuk dalam
Jadual 1 dan Jadual 2
[3 marks]

(ii) Show calculations for the average diameter of the dents made on copper
and bronze blocks.
Tunjukkan penghitungan purata diameter lekuk yang terbentuk pada bongkah kuprum
dan bongkah gangsa.

[3 marks]

(iii) Construct a table to record the diameter of the dent and average diameter
of dent on copper and bronze blocks.
Bina satu jadual untuk merekodkan diameter lekuk dan purata diameter lekuk pada
bongkah kuprum dan gangsa.
[3 marks]

(b) (i) State one observation that can be obtained from Table 1 and Table 2
Nyatakan satu pemerhatian yang dapat diperoleh daripada Jadual 1 dan Jadual 2

[3 marks]

(ii) State the corresponding inference based on your answer in (b)(i).
Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan jawapan anda dalam (c)(i).

[3 marks]

(iii) Explain your answer in (b)(ii) based on the arrangement of particles in the
Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (b)(ii) berdasarkan susunan zarah-zarah dalam blok.

[3 marks]

(c) Based on this experiment, state:

Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

(i) The manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

(ii) The responding variable
Pembolehubah bergerak balas

(iii) The constant variable

Pembolehubah dimalarkan

[3 marks]

(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment.

Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen tersebut.

[3 marks]

(e) State the operational definition for hardness of metal in this experiment.
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi kekerasan logam dalam eksperimen ini.

[3 marks]

(f) The experiment is repeated by dropping the 1.0 kg weight at a height of 50 cm.
Predict the diameter of dent in the copper block.
Eksperimen diulangi dengan menjatuhkan pemberat 1.0 kg pada ketinggian 50 cm. Ramalkan
diameter lekuk pada bongkah kuprum.

[3 marks]

(g) Classify the following materials into pure metal and alloy.
Kelaskan bahan-bahan berikut kepada logam tulen dan aloi.

Brass Pewter Aluminium

Loyang Piuter Aluminium

Stainless steel Tin Iron

Keluli Timah Besi

[3 marks]

2. An experiment to compare the elasticity of vulcanized rubber with unvulcanised rubber
is conducted in lab. 50 g of rubber strip is hanged as diagram 1 below. Length of rubber
strip is measured before and after weight is hanged and the after the weight is released
Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk membandingkan kekenyalan getah tervulkan dan tak tervulkan. 50 g
pemberat digantung jalur getah seperti dalam rajah 1 di bawah. Panjang setiap jalur getah diukur
sebelum dan semasa pemberat digantung dan kemudian selepas pemberat dilepaskan

Diagram 1


Diagram 2 below shows the length of vulcanized rubber before, during and after the
experiment when weight is removed
Rajah 2 di bawah menunjukkan panjang jalur getah tervulkan sebelum ekserimen, semasa pemberat
digantung dan selepas pemberat dialihkan.




Diagram 2

Diagram 3 below shows the length of unvulcanized rubber before, during and after the
experiment when weight is removed
Rajah 3 di bawah menunjukkan panjang jalur getah tak tervulkan sebelum ekserimen, semasa pemberat
digantung dan selepas pemberat dialihkan.





Diagram 3

(a) Measure the length of each rubber strip and record at the spaces provided in
diagram above
Ukur panjang setiap jalur getah dan rekod bacaan di ruangan yang disediakan dalam rajah di atas
[3 marks]

(b) Construct a table to record the rubber strips before the weight is hanged, during
the weight is hanged and after the weight is removed
Bina satu jadual untuk merekodkan panjang setiap jalur-jalur getah sebelum pemberat
digantungkan, semasa pemberat digantung dan selepas pemberat dialihkan juga pemanjangan
setiap jalur.
[3 marks]

(c) (i) State one observation for this experiment

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian bagi eksperimen ini

[3 marks]

(ii) Base on the observation in answer in (c)(i), state one inference in this
Berdasarkan pemerhatian dalam (c), berikan satu inferens untuk eksperimen ini.

[3 marks]

(d) In this experiment, state
Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan;

(i) manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

(ii) Responding variable
Pembolehubah bergerak balas.

(iii) Fixed variable
Pembolehubah dimalarkan.

[3 marks]

(e) State one hypothesis for this experiment

Nyatakan satu hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini.



[3 marks]

(f) State the operational definition for the elasticity of rubber strip
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi kekenyalan jalur getah.



[3 marks]

(g) State the relationship between the mass of weight hanged to the vulcanised
rubber strip with the length of rubber strip
Nyatakan hubungan diantara jisim pemberat digantungkan pada getah tervulkan dengan panjang
jalur getah



[3 marks]

(h) A list of substance is given in diagram below.
Satu senarai bahan diberi seperti rajah di bawah

Hydrochloric acid / asid hidroklorik

Sodium hydroxide / larutan natrium hidroksida

asetic acid acid / asid asetik

ammonia / ammonia

Classify the substance that coagulate latex and substance that does not coagulate
Klasifikasikan bahan yang menggunpalkan susu getah dan yang tidak menggumpalkan susu
[3 marks]

3. Hydrochloric acid with different concentration is poured into a beaker and the pH of the
solution is measured using pH meter. The result of the experiments is recorded as
diagram below
Asid hidroklorik yang mempunyai kepekatan yang berbeza dituangkan ke dalam bikar dan pH larutan
disukat menggunakan pH meter. Keputusan eksperimen dicatatkan seperti dalam rajah di bawah

Experiment 1
Eksperimen 1


0.1 mol dm-3 of

Hydrochloric acid
pH meter
0.1 mol dm-3 asid

pH value : .

Experiment 2
Eksperimen 2


0.01 mol dm-3 of

Hydrochloric acid
pH meter
0.01 mol dm-3 asid

pH value : .

Experiment 3
Eksperimen 3


0.001 mol dm-3 of

Hydrochloric acid
pH meter
0.001 mol dm-3
asid hidroklorik

pH value : .

(a) In the diagram, record the value of pH produced in one decimal places
Dalam rajah di aras, rekodkan nilai pH terhasil dalam satu tempat perpuluhan
[3 marks]

(b) Construct a table to record the pH value for different concentration of

hydrochloric acid in experiment I, 2 and 3.
Bina satu jadual untuk merekod nilai pH untuk kepekatan asid hidroklorik yang berbeza dalam
eksperimen 1, 2 dan 3

[3 marks]

(c) State the variables for this experiment
Nyatakan pembolehubah untuk eksperimen ini

(i) Manipulated variables

Pembolehubah yang di manipulasi

(ii) Responding variables
Pembolehubah yang bergerak balas

(iii) Constant variables
Pembolehubah yang di malarkan

[3 marks]

(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment

Nyatakan hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini



[3 marks]

(e) State the operational definition for the higher concentration of hydrogen ion in
Nyatakan operasi secara definisi untuk kepekatan ion hidrogen yang lebih tinggi dalam asid



[3 marks]

(f) State the relationship between the concentration of H+ ions and the value of pH
Nyatakan hubungan diantara kepekatan ion H + dengan nilai pH



[3 marks]

(g) Predict the pH value if hydrochloric in experiment 3 is replaced by ethanoic acid
with same concentration.
Ramal nilai pH jika asid hidroklorik dalam eksperimen 3 digantikan dengan asid etanoik dengan
kepekatan yang sama.

[3 marks]

(h) Classify the following into substance that contained acid and substance that does
not contain acid
Klasifikasikan yang berikut kepada bahan yang mengandungi asid dan bahan yang bukan bukan
mengandungi asid

oranges / limau

tooth paste / ubat gigi

car batteries / bateri kereta

chilly / lada

cucumber / timun

[3 marks]

(i) Hydrogen chloride gas dissolve in methylbenzene produced a pH value of 7.

Explain why
Gas hidrogen klorida melarut dalam metilbenzena menghasilkan nilai pH 7. Terangkan mengapa.



[3 marks]


1. Diagram below shows a boy trying out two catapults made of different rubbers. One is
vulcanised rubber while another is unvulcanised rubber.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seorang budak bermain dengan dua lastik yang diperbuat daripada getah
yang berbeza. Satu adalah getah tervulkan sementara yang satu lagi adalah getah tak tervulkan.

This rubber doesnt snap! This rubber is stronger. Oops, The rubber snaps! This rubber is not strong.
When it is being pulled, its length extended less than When it is being pulled, its length extended more than
that of unvulcanised rubber.. that of vulcanised rubber..
Getah ini tidak terputus. Getah ini lebih kuat. Apabila Oops, Getah ini terputus ! Getah ini tidak kuat.
ditarik, pemanjangan getah adalah kurang daripada Apabila ditarik, pemanjangan getah adalah lebih
getah tak tervulkan daripada getah tervulkan

vulcanised rubber unvulcanised rubber

getah tervulkan getah tak tervulkan

By referring to the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to compare the

elasticity of vulcanised rubber and unvulcanised rubber.
Merujuk kepada situasi di atas, rancangkan satu eksperimen makmal untuk membandingkan
kekenyalan getah tervulkan dan getah tak tervulkan.

Your planning should include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:

(a) Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

2. The following conversation takes place in a class room after the students have done an
experiment in lab at school
Perbualan tersebut telah berlaku di dalam kelas selepas pelajar telah melakukan eksperimen di makmal
di sekolah

Based on situation above, plan an experiment to study the effect of concentration to

the product of electrolysis at anode. The planning must include the following aspects
Berdasarkan situasi tersebut, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kesan
kepekatan elektrolit terhadap hasil elektrolisis pada elektrod anod. Perancangan anda hendaklah
mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut.

(a) Problem statement

Penyataan masalah

(b) Hypothesis

(c) All the variables

Semua pemboleh ubah

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

3. Maryam and Aiman had carried out an experiment to investigate the electrolysis of
copper (II) sulphate solution using two difference types of electrode. Diagram 2 shows
the conversation between the chemistry teacher and both students about the
observation at anode.
Maryam dan Aiman telah menjalankan eksperimen mengkaji elektrolisis larutan kuprum (II) sulfat
menggunakan dua jenis elektrod yang berbeza. Rajah 2 menunjukkan perbualan antara guru kimia dan
kedua-dua pelajar itu mengenai pemerhatian di anod.

Based on the conversation, plan a laboratory experiment to study the effect of type of
electrode on the formation of product at anode during electrolysis
Your planning should include the following aspects:

Berdasarkan perbualan itu, rancangkan satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kesan jenis elektrod ke
atas pembentukan hasil tindak balas di anod semasa elektrolisis
Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:

(a) Problem statement

Penyataan masalah

(b) Hypothesis

(c) All the variables

Semua pemboleh ubah

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

4. Diagram 3 shows a conversation between a teacher and two students after attending a
school activity near the beach.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan perbualan antara seorang guru dengan dua orang pelajar selepas menghadiri
aktiviti sekolah berdekatan dengan pantai.

Teacher : Hei Naim!!why is your shirt looks dirty while Naqibs shirt looks clean?
Hei Naim!kenapa baju awak nampak comot sedangkan baju Naqib nampak bersih?

Naim : Teacher.when we were at the beach, I washed my shirt using soap while
Naqib used detergent.
Cikgu. ketika kami di pantai saya basuh baju menggunakan sabun sedangkan Naqib
menggunakan detergen.

Naqib : Thats correct


Diagram 3

Referring to the above conversation, plan a laboratory experiment to compare the

effectiveness of soap and detergent in sea water.
Merujuk kepada perbualan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan keberkesanan sabun
dan detergen dalam air laut.
Perancangan anda haruslah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut :

(a) Statement of problem

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis

(d) List of substances and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan alat radas

(e) Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data

[17 marks]

5. Diagram 4 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to compare the electrical
conductivity of compound P and compound Q in molten state.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas dalam suatu eksperimen bagi membandingkan kekonduksian
elektrik bagi sebatian P dan sebatian Q dalam keadaan leburan.

Diagram 4

Based on above diagram, plan a laboratory experiment to determine the electrical

conductivity of a named ionic and covalent compounds in molten state.
Berdasarkan rajah di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menentukan kekonduksian elektrik
bagi sebatian ion dan sebatian kovalen yang dinamakan dalam keadaan leburan.

(a) Statement of problem

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis

(d) List of substances and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan alat radas

(e) Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

6. Fresh milk stored in the refrigerator lasts longer than that placed in the cabinet.
Susu segar yang disimpan di dalam peti sejuk didapati tahan lebih lama berbanding di dalam kabinet.

Referring to the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect
of temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution and
hydrochloric acid.
Merujuk kepada maklumat di atas, rancang satu eksperimen dalam makmal untuk menyiasat kesan suhu
keatas kadar tindak balas antara larutan natrium tiosulfat dengan asid hidroklorik.

Your planning must include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut :

(a) Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Hypothesis

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

7. Diagram 3 shows four test tubes containing hydrochloric acid, HCl with different
Rajah 3 menunjukkan empat tabung uji yang mengandungi asid hidroklorik, HCl dengan kepekatan yang

Using the acid in Diagram 3, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship
between pH value with concentration of acid.
Menggunakan asid di dalam Rajah 3, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyiasat hubungan
antara nilai pH dengan kepekatan asid.

Your planning must include the following items

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut

(a) Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Hypothesis

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]

8. Diagram shows fresh latex produced from rubber trees and coagulation latex transform
into rubber sheets
Rajah menunjukkan bagaimana susu getah di perolehi dari pokok getah dan susu getah yang telah
dibekukan ditukar menjadi getah keping

Refering to the above diagram, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect
of acids and alkali on the coagulation of latex.
Merujuk kepada rajah di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kesan asid dan alkali ke
atas pengumpalan susu getah

Your planning must include the following aspects:

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut :

(a) Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Hypothesis

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data
[17 marks]



1 (a) A mixture of two or more elements with a certain fixed composition in which 1
the major component is metal.
Campuran dua atau lebih unsur dengan komposisi tetap tertentu di mana
komponen utama adalah logam.
(b) (i) Bronze/ Brass/ Steel/ Stainless steel/ Duralumin,/Pewter 1
Gangsa/ Loyang/ Keluli/ Keluli tahan karat/ Duralumin/ Pewter
(ii) Bronze : statue or monument/ medals/ sword/ artistic material
Gangsa: patung atau monumen / pingat / pedang / bahan seni

Brass: musical instruments / kitchenware

Loyang: Tembaga: alat muzik / peralatan dapur

Steel: construction of building/ bridges/ body of car/railway tracks

Keluli: pembinaan bangunan / jambatan / badan kereta / landasan
kereta api 1

Duralumin: body of aeroplane/ body of bullet train

Duralumin: badan pesawat / badan kereta api laju

Pewter : souvenirs

* Choose one

(c) Brass 1
(d) Stanum // tin 1
Stanum // Timah
(e) Metals are made up of the same type of atoms and of the same size. 1
Logam terdiri daripada atom yang sama dengan saiz yang sama

The orderly arrangement of atoms in metals enables the layers of atoms to 1

slide on one another when force is applied.
Susunan atom yang teratur dalam logam membolehkan lapisan atom
mengelongsor satu sama lain apabila dikenakan daya.

(f) (i) It doest not rust easily compared to iron. 1

Ia tidak mudah berkarat berbanding besi.
(ii) Increase metal hardness/ Prevent corrosion/ Improve the appearance 1
of metal
Meningkatkan kekerasan logam / Mencegah kakisan / Meningkatkan
rupa logam
Jumlah 9

2 (a) (i) Contact Process 1

Proses Sentuh
(ii) Temperature: [450oC - 550oC] // Pressure: 1 atm// Catalyst: 1
Vanadium(V) oxide
Suhu : [450oC - 550oC] // Tekanan : 1 atm// Mangkin: Vanadium(V)
(iii) Sulphur and oxygen/air 1
Sulfur dan oksigen/ udara
(b) (i) Burn in air/oxygen 1
Bakar di dalam udara/ oksigen
(ii) SO3 1
(iii) Concentrated sulphuric acid 1
Asid sufurik pekat
(iv) Dissolve in water // effervescence occurs // gas bubbles are realeased 1
Larut dalam air // pembuakan berlaku // gelembung gas terbebas
(c) Ferrum// iron 1
Ferum // besi
(d) As fertiliser 1
Jumlah 9

3 (a) Mixture of two or more elements with a certain fixed composition in which 1
the major component is a metal.
Campuran dua atau lebih unsur dengan komposisi tetap tertentu di mana
komponen utama adalah logam.
(b) S: Silicon dioxide // Silica // Silicon(IV) oxide // Quartz 1
Silikon dioksida // Silika // Silikon(IV) oksida // Kuartz
T : Copper 1
(c) (i) Contact Process 1
Proses Sentuh
(ii) H2SO4 1
(iii) SO2 1
(iv) SO2 react with rain water 1
SO2 bertindak balas dengan air hujan.
Produced acid rain 1
Menghasilkan hujan asid
d) Ammonia/ NH3 1
Jumlah 9

4. (a) (i) Zinc and sulphuric acid 2

Zink dan asid sulfurik
(ii) To dry the hydrogen gas 1
Untuk mengeringkan gas hidrogen

(iii) Heating, cooling and weighing are repeated until a constant mass is obtained 1
Pemanasan, penyejukan dan penimbangan diulang sehingga suatu jisim tetap
(iv) cannot/ tidak boleh 1

(v) Magnesium is more reactive than hydrogen 1

Magnesium adalah lebih reaktif daripada hidrogen

(b)(i) CuCO3 + H2SO4 CuSO4 + CO2 + H2O 2

(ii) Mol = 0.03/24 mol // 0.00125 mol 1

Total = 9
5. (a) (i) Formula that shows the actual number of atoms of each element in a 1
Formula yang menunjukkan bilangan sebenar atom bagi setiap unsur dalam
(ii)CH2O 1
(iii) Molecular formula shows the actual number of atom while empirical formula 1
shows the simplest ratio of atom//
The number of carbon atom, hydrogen atom and oxygen atom in molecular
formula is greater than in empirical formula.
Formula molekul menunjukkan bilangan sebenar atom manakala formula empirik
menunjukkan nisbah teringkas bilangan atom//
Bilangan atom karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen dalam formula molekul adalah lebih
besar berbanding formula empirik.
Reactant : Potassium iodide and lead(II) nitrate 1
Bahan tindak balas Kalium iodida dan plumbum(II) nitrat
Procduct : Potassium nitrate and lead(II) iodide
Hasil Kalium nitrat dan plumbum(II) iodida 1
(v) Yellow/kuning 1
Number of mole KI = (0.5X50)/1000 // 0.025 1
Bilangan mol KI
2 moles of KI produce 1 mole PbI2 //
0.025 moles Pb(NO3)2 produces 0.0125 mole PbI2
2 mol KI menghasilkan 1 mol PbI2 // 1
0.025 mol Pb(NO3)2 menghasilkan 0.0125 mol PbI2

Mass of PbI2 = 0.0125 X [207 + 2(127)]g //5.763g

Jisim PbI2
Total = 9

6. (a) (i) Formula that shows the actual number of atoms of each element 1
present in a compound.
Formula yang menunjukkan bilangan sebenar atom bagi setiap unsur dalam
(ii) CH 1
(iii) Brown/Perang 1

(b)(i)Reactant : Zinc nitrate and Potassium carbonate 1

Bahan tindak balas Zink nitrat dan Kalium karbonat

Procduct : Kalium nitrat and Zink carbonate 1

Hasil Kalium nitrat dan Zink karbonat
(ii) Solid/pepejal 1

(c) Number of mole K2CO3 = (1X100)/1000 // 0.1 1

Bilangan mol K2CO3

1 mole of K2CO3 produces 1 mole ZnCO3 //

0.1 moles of K2CO3 produces 0.1 moles of ZnCO3
1 mol K2CO3 menghasilkan 1 mol ZnCO3 // 1
0.1 mol K2CO3 menghasilkan 0.1 mol ZnCO3

Mass of ZnCO3 = 0.1 X [65 + 12 + 3(16)]g //12.5g

Jisim ZnCO3 1
Total = 9

7. (a) Neutron
neutron 1
proton 1
(b) Nucleon number
Nombor nukleon 1
(c) 35 1
(d) Atoms B and D
Atom B dan D 1
B and D have the same number of proton / proton number but
different number of neutrons / nucleon number.
B dan D mempunyai bilangan proton / nombor proton yang sama 1
tetapi bilangan neutron / nombor nukleon yang berbeza
(e) (i) 24-11 = 13 1
(ii) 1 1
(iii) Sodium-24
Natrium-24 1
To detect the leakage of underground pipes.
Untuk mengesan kebocoran paip bawah tanah 1
Total 10

8. (a) (i) Nucleon number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the 1
nucleus of an atom.
Nombor nukleon adalah jumlah proton dan neutron dalam nukleus
(ii) 18 1
(b) (i) 11 1
(ii) 2.8.1 1
(iii) 1 1
(c) Atoms W and X
Atom W dan X 1
W and X have the same number of proton / proton number but
different number of neutrons / nucleon number.
W dan X mempunyai bilangan proton / nombor proton yang sama
tetapi bilangan neutron / nombor nukleon yang berbeza 1
(d) Carbon-14
Karbon-14 1
To estimate the age of artifacts.
Untuk menganggarkan usia sesuatu artifak 1
(e) 8 1
Total 10
9. (a) Proton
Proton 1
(b) (i) Nucleon number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus of an atom.
Nombor nukleon adalah jumlah proton dan neutron dalam nukleus 1
(ii) 7 1
(c) (i) 2.1 1
(ii) 1 1
(d) 7 7
3 / 3 1
(e) Isotopes are atoms of the same element which has the same
number of proton / proton number but different number of neutrons
/ nucleon number.
Isotop merupakan atoms dari unsur yang sama yang mempunyai
bilangan proton / nombor proton yang sama tetapi bilangan neutron 1
/ nombor nukleon yang berbeza
(f) Carbon-14
Karbon-14 1
To estimate the age of artifacts.
Untuk menganggarkan usia sesuatu artifak 1
(g) Isotopes have the same number of valence electron.
Isotop mempunyai bilangan elektron valens yang sama. 1
Total 10

10. (a) Electroplating 1

(b) Copper (II) sulphate solution / Copper (II) nitrate solution / 1
Copper (II) chloride solution
Larutan kuprum (II) sulfat / Larutan kuprum (II) nitrat /
Larutan kuprum (II) klorida
(c) Electrical energy to chemical energy 1
Tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga kimia
(d) The copper plate become thinner 1
Jalur kuprum menipis
(e) (i) anode: Cu(s) Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- 1
(ii) cathode: Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- Cu(s) 1
(f) To make the iron spoon more resistant to corrosion / To improve the
Untuk menjadikan sudu besi lebih tahan terhadap kakisan / Untuk 1
meningkatkan penampilan
(g) - The iron spoon must be clean and free from grease //
Sudu besi mestilah bersih dan bebas dari gris
- The iron spoon must be turned / rotated steadily //
Sudu besi mesti berputar dengan mantap
- The concentration of the ions of the plating metal must be low //
Kepekatan ion logam penyaduran mestilah rendah 1
- The electric current must be small
Arus elektrik mestilah kecil
(h) (i) The intensity of blue colour decreases // blue colour fades / become
Keamatan warna biru berkurangan // warna biru luntur / menjadi 1
tidak berwarna
(ii) The concentration of Cu2+ decreases.
Kepekatan Cu2+ berkurangan. 1
Total Jum lah 10

11. (a) Electrolysis is a process whereby a compound is decomposed into its 1

constituent elements when electric current pass through it.
Elektrolisis adalah proses penguraian elektrolit kepada unsur
juzuknya apabila arus elektrik dialirkan melaluinya.
(b) Electrical energy to chemical energy 1
Tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga kimia
(c) Anions: SO42- , OH- 1
Cations: Cu2+, H+ 1
(d) Pure copper plate 1
Jalur kuprum tulen
(e) (i) The copper plate become thinner 1
Jalur kuprum menipis
(ii) anode: Cu(s) Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- 1
cathode: Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- Cu(s)
katod 1
(f) The intensity of blue colour decreases // blue colour fades / become
Keamatan warna biru berkurangan // warna biru luntur / menjadi
tidak berwarna 1
The concentration of Cu2+ decreases.
Kepekatan Cu2+ berkurangan 1
Total Jum lah 10

12. (a) Electrolysis is a process whereby a compound is decomposed into its 1

constituent elements when electric current pass through it.
Elektrolisis adalah proses penguraian elektrolit kepada unsur
juzuknya apabila arus elektrik dialirkan melaluinya.
(b) Electrical energy to chemical energy 1
Tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga kimia
(c) Anode: nitrate ion, hydroxide ion 1
Anod: ion nitrat, ion hidroksida
Cathode: silver ion, hydrogen ion 1
Katod: Ion argentum, ion hidrogen
(d) (i) Silvery grey solid deposited 1
Pepejal kelabu berkilat terenap
(ii) Ag+ + e Ag 1
(e) Position of ion in the electrochemical series. 1
Kedudukan ion dalam siri elektrokimia
(f) (i) L, K, M, N 1
(ii) Metal N 1
Logam N
(iii) (1.9 1.6) V + 0.8 V = 1.1 V 1
13. (a) Ferum(III) oxide
Ferum(III) oksida 1
(b) (i) H2S + 2Fe3+ 2Fe2++ 2H++ S
Oxidation : H2S 2H++ S + 2e 1

Reduction : Fe3+ + e Fe2+ 1


(c) (i) The oxidation number of magnesium change from 0 to +2 1

Nombor pengoksidaan magnesium berubah daripada 0 kepada +2

The oxidation number of copper change from +2 to 0. 1

Nombor pengoksidaan kuprum berubah daripada +2 kepada 0

(ii) No reaction/ Tiada tindak balas

Copper is less electropositive than magnesium // Position of Cu is lower than Mg 1
in Electrochemical Series.
Kuprum kurang elektropositif berbanding magnesium//kedudukan kuprum di 1
bawah Mg dalam Siri Elektrokimia.

1. Label for iron, water and oxygen
Label bagi besi, air dan oksigen
2. Ionization of iron in the water droplet (at anode)
Pengionan besi dalam titisan air (pada anod)
3. Flow of electron in the iron to the edge of water droplet
Pergerakan elektron dalam besi ke hujung titisan air

Total = 11

14. (a) 3C + 2Fe2O3 4Fe + 3CO2

Correct reactant and product 1
Balanced equation
(b) (i) A, D and E 1

(ii) Rusting of iron produces iron(II) ions // Iron rust // Fe2+ present 1
Pengaratan besi berlaku menghasilkan ion ferum(II) // Besi berkarat // Fe2+
(iii) To detect the Fe2+ ions. 1
Untuk mengesan ion Fe2+.
Anode : Fe Fe2+ + 2e 1
Cathode: O2 + 2H2O + 4e 4OH 1
Test tube E has a higher rate of rusting 1
Tabung uji E mempunyai kadar pengaratan yang tinggi
Copper is less electropositive than iron. 1
Kuprum adalah kurang elektropositif berbanding ferum.


1. Functional diagram/ Rajah yang berfungsi

2. Correct label/ Label yang betul
Total = 11

15. (a) (i) Mn = +7

C = +4
b(i) E 1

(ii) Copper is the least electropositive metal among all the metals in this 1
Kuprum merupakan logam yang paling kurang elektropositif dalam eksperimen ini
antara semua logam yang terlibat.

(iii) Pink / Merah jambu 1

(c) Zn is more electropositive/ above iron in Electrochemical Series/the anode//

Zn has higher tendency to release electron 1
Zn lebih elektropositif/ di atas besi dalam Siri Elektrokimia/anod//
Zn mempunyai lebih kecenderungan untuk melepaskan elektron

Zn is corroded/sacrificed//Zn atom ionised/oxidised // loses electron

Zn terkakis/terurai//ato Zn mengion/teroksida//hilang elektron 1


1. Functional diagram/ Rajah yang berfungsi 1
2. Correct label/ Label yang betul
Negative terminal : Zn Zn2+ +2e- 1
Terminal negatif

Positive terminal : Cu2+ +2e- Cu 1

Terminal positif

Total = 11

16. (a) Compound that contains carbon. 1

Sebatian yang mengandungi karbon
(b) P: Propane// Propana 1
Q : Propan-1-ol 1
R : Propene 1

r: propanol
(c) 1

d) 1

(e) (i) R change the brown colour of bromine water to colourless and P does 1
not change the brown colour of bromine water.
Menyahwarnakan warna perang air bromin dan tidak menukarkan warna
perang air bromin.
(ii) 1. R is an unsaturated hydrocarbon and P is a saturated hydrocarbon. 1
1. R adalah hidrokarbon tak tepu dan P adalah hidrokarbon tepu// R 1
mengandungi ikatan ganda dua anatara atom karbon manakala P hanya
mengandungi ikatan tunggal antara atom karbon.
2. R undergoes addtition reaction with bromine/ bromination and P does
not react with bromine water
2. R mengalami tindak balas penambahan dengan bromin/
penghalogenan dan P tidak bertindak balas dengan air bromin.
Jumlah 10

17 (a) Carbon dioxide 1

Karbon dioksida
(b) (i) Hydroxyl group // -OH 1
Kumpulan hidroksil
(ii) 1

1-Propanol (n-propanol)

2-Propanol (n-propanol)

* accept without name

(c) (i) Oxidation 1
(ii) K2Cr2O7 //KMnO4// acidified potassium dichromate(VI)// acidified 1
Potassium manganate(VII)
Kalium dikromat(VI) berasid// Kalium manganat(VII)
*accept name
(d) (i) Propene 1
(ii) 1

(e) Ethanol and pentanoic acid 2

Etanol dan asid pentonoik
Jumlah 11

18 (a) Hydroxyl group // -OH group 1

Kumpulan hidroksil
(b) 1

(c) (i) Dehydration 1

(ii) C3H7OH C3H6 + H2O 1

1. Correct reactants and products

Bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas betul
(d) 1. Propene change purple colour of potassium manganate (VII) to colourless 1
while propane purple colour remain unchanged
Propena menukarkan warna ungu kalium manganat(VII) kepada tidak
berwarna manakala warna ungu propana kekal.

2. Propene can undergoes addition reaction because it is unsaturated 1

hydrocarbon // consist double bond between carbon atoms
Propena mengalami tindak balas kerana hidrokarbon tak tepu //
mengandungi ikatan berganda antara atom karbon

3. Propane cannot undergoes addition reaction because it is saturated 1

hydrocarbon // consist single bond between carbon atoms
Propana tidak mengalami tindak balas tambahan kerana ia adalah
hidrokarbon tepu / / mengandungi ikatan tunggal di antara atom karbon
(e) (i) Ester 1
(ii) 1. Pour [5-10 cm3] methanol into a boiling tube of [5-10cm3] butanoic 1
Tuang [5-10 cm3] metanol ke dalam tabung didih asid butanoik [5-
2. Put a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid into the boiling tube
and heat gently 1
Letakkan beberapa titis asid sulfurik pekat ke dalam tabung didih dan
panaskan dengan perlahan
Jumlah 11


1. (a) - Exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that released heat 1

to the surrounding
- total energy content of the products is less 1
than total energy of the reactants
- Endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbed 1
heat from the surrounding
- total energy content of the products is higher than total
energy of the reactants 1
(b)(i) H of butane = -2881 kJ mol-1
Mass of water = 1000g
Change of temperature = 100 oC-30oC = 75oC
Molar mass of butane, C4H10 = 4(12) + 10(1)= 58 g mol-1
Heat by experiment,
= 1000 X 4.2 X 75
= 315000 J
= 315 kJ mol-1

Mol = heat of experiment/H 1

= 315/2882
= 0.11 mol
Mass of butane = mol x molar mass of butane 3
= 0.11 x 58 = 6.38 g 1

(ii) Heat released by 1 g of:-

heat realeased = H / Molar mass

Methane = 890/16 = 55.63 Jg-1 1

Butane =2882/58 = 49.69 Jg-1 1
Methane is more efficiency than butane//
Methane has higher fuel value 1 3

(c)(i) Set 1:
Neutralization between acid and alkali//
combustion ethanol/ alkane/ alkene//
precipitation of silver chloride/ lead(II) chloride //
any suitable reaction. 1

Set 2:
Decomposition of carbonate/ nitrate salts //
dissolving ammonium salts in water//
any suitable reaction 1 2

(c)(ii) Set I Set II

Type of Exothemic Endothermic
reaction reaction// heat is reaction // Heat is
released to absorbed from 1+1
surrounding. surrounding.

Temperature Temperature of the Temperature of the

change mixture increases. mixture decreases. 1+1
Energy The total energy The total energy
content content of content of reactants
reactants is higher is lower than
than products. products. 1+1
Energy Chemical energy to Heat energy to
change heat energy chemical energy.
1+1 8
2. (a)(i) Mass of liquid = 100 + 100 = 200 g
Average initial temperature = 28 + 29 = 28.5oC
Change of temperature = 35- 28.5 = 6.5oC

Heat change (H) = mc

= 200 X 4.2 X 6.5

= 5460 J 1
= 5.64 kJ
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
1mol 1mol 1mol 1mol

No of mole of HCl = 100 X 1

= 0.1 mol 1
If 1.0 mol of HCl reacts with 1.0 mol of NaOH will produce 1.0
mol of H2O
Therefore if 0.1 mol of HCl and 0.1 mol of NaOH will produce
0.1 mol of H2O 1
Heat of neutralisation:
AH = H/mol 4
= -5.46 kJ/0.1 mol
= -54.6 kJ mol-1

- Ethanoic acid is a weak acid. 1

(a)(ii) - Its ionises partially in water to produce hydrogen ion 1
- some of the particles still remain as molecule 1
- part of heat energy released is absorbed 1
to ionises molecules of weak acid so that they ionises 1 6
b(i) Reaction I : C2H5OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 3H2O
-correct formula of reactant and product 2
-balance equation
(b)(ii) - The number of carbon and hydrogen atom is higher in ethanol
compare to methanol
- more heat is released during the formation of the product// 2
formation of carbon dioxide and water
(b)(iii) Reaction I Reaction III

Type of Exothemic Endothermic

reaction reaction// heat is reaction // Heat is
released to absorbed from
surrounding. surrounding. 1+1

Temperature Temperature of the Temperature of the 1+1

change mixture increases. mixture decreases.

Energy The total energy The total energy

content content of content of 6
reactants is higher reactants is lower
than products. than products.
3. 1. Thermometer should be upright
(a)(i) 2. The bulb of the thermometer should not touch the bottom of
the beaker
3. Metal container and not beaker
4. The flame of the spirit lamp did not touch the bottom of the
5. Replace wire gauze with pipe clay triangle
6. No wind screen 1+ 1 2
Any two of the above
(ii) 1. 200 x 4.2 x 30 1 2
2. 25200 J / 25.2 kJ (must show unit, J / kJ) 1
(iii) 1. mol = 1.72 // 0.02 1
H = 25.2 = 1260 1
0.02 1 3
= -1260 kJmol- 1 negative sign & unit ( kJmol- 1)
(b) 1. Fuel value of ethanol is 1376/46 = 29.9 kJ g-1 1
2. Fuel value of butan-1-ol 2675/74 = 36.1 kJ g-1 1 3
3. Butan-1-ol is the better fuel as 1 g of it releases 36.1 kJ 1
(c) 1. Heat of combustion of butanol is higher than propanol 1
2. The molecular size/number of carbon atom
per molecule butanol is higher than propanol 1
3. Butanol produce more carbon dioxide and water molecules
than propanol
1 4
4. released more heat energy
(d)(i) 1. HCl is a strong acid // CH3COOH is a weak acid 1
2. HCl ionise completely // CH3COOH ionise partially 1
3. Some of heat released are absorbed by the CH3COOH molecules 1 3
to break the O-H bonds.
(d)(ii) 1. HCl is a monoprotic acid // H2SO4 is a diprotic acid // Number of 1
H+ ion in H2SO4 is twice
2. Experiment I : 1
1 mol of H+ ion react with 1 mol of OH- produced 1 mol of
water ; heat released 57 kJ
3. Experiment III :
1 3
of H+ ion react with 2 mol of OH- produced 2 mol of water ; heat
released 2 57 kJ

Total 20

4. (a) 1. Sulphuric acid is a strong acid

Asid sulfurik ialah asid kuat 1
2. dissociates/ionises completely in water to produce a high
concentration of H + ions, hence its pH value is low
mengion sepenuhnya di dalam air menghasilkan
kepekatan ion H + yang tinggi dan nilai pH adalah rendah.
3. Ethanoic acid is a weak acid
Asid etanoik ialah asid lemah
4. dissociates/ionises partially in water to produce a low 1
concentration of H+ ions, hence its pH value is high.
Mengion separa di dalam air, menghasilkan kepekatan ion
H+ yang rendah dan nilai pH adalah tinggi. 1 4
(b) (i) 1. KOH + HNO3 KNO3 + H2O 1
- correct chemical formula 1
- balance equation
(b)(ii) 1. Average volume of hydrochloric acid = 15 + 12 + 12
= 13.00 cm3 1
2. MaVa = a
Mb V b b 1
(1.0)(13.00) = 1
Mb X 25
3. 25 Mb = 13 1
4. Mb = 0.52 mol dm-3 1
(c)(i) 1. Solvent X : water 1
Pelarut X : Air 1
2. Solvent Y : methylbenzene//propanon//tetrachlorometane 2
(c)(ii) 1. In set I, hydrogen chloride dissolved in water 1
Dalam set I, hidrogen klorida larut dalam air.
2. Ionises to form hydrogen ions, H+ 1
Mengion menghasilkan ion H+.
3. Presence of H+ ions shows the acidic properties of
hydrochloric acid
Kehadiran ion H+ menunjukan sifat keasidan di dalam
larutan asid hidroklorik. 1
4. Reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate
produced carbon dioxide gas which causes limewater turns
Tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dengan magnesium
menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida yang menyebabkan air
kapur menjadi keruh.
5. In set II,without water, hydrogen chloride exist as a 1
molecule // H+ ion does not present
Set II tanpa kehadiran air, hidrogen klorida wujud sebagai
molekul//ion H+ tidak hadir.
6. When H+ does not present, hydrogen chloride cannot show
its acidic properties. 1
Apabila tiada ion H+, hidrogen klorida tidak dapat
menunjukkan sifat keasidannya. 1
CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
7. Correct formula of reactant and product 1
Formula bahan dan hasil betul
8. balance equation/ 1
persamaan kimia seimbang

5 (a) 1. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid

Asid hidroklorik ialah asid kuat
2. dissociates/ionises completely in water to produce a high 1
concentration of H + ions, hence its pH value is low
mengion sepenuhnya di dalam air menghasilkan kepekatan ion
H + yang tinggi dan nilai pH adalah rendah.
3. Propanoic acid is a weak acid 4
Asid propanoik ialah asid lemah
4. dissociates/ionises partially in water to produce a low
concentration of H+ ions, hence its pH value is high.
Mengion separa di dalam air, menghasilkan kepekatan ion H+
yang rendah dan nilai pH adalah tinggi.
(b) (i) 1. 2NaOH + 2H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2H2O 1

- correct chemical formula 1

- balance equation

(b)(ii) 1. Average volume of hydrochloric acid = 10.5 + 9.5 + 11.5


= 10.50 cm3
2. MaVa = a

Mb V b b
(1.0)(10.50) = 1

Mb X 25 2

3. 25 Mb = 21

4. Mb = 0.52 mol dm-3

(c)(i) 1. Solvent Y : water

2. Solvent Z : methylbenzene//propanon//tetrachlorometane

(c)(ii) 1. In set I, hydrogen chloride dissolved in water 1

Dalam set I, hidrogen klorida larut dalam air.
2. Ionises to form hydrogen ions, H+
Mengion menghasilkan ion H+.
3. Presence of H+ ions shows the acidic properties of
hydrochloric acid
Kehadiran ion H+ menyebabkan keasidan di dalam larutan
asid hidroklorik.
4. Reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium produces
hydrogen gas and causes 'pop' sound
Tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dengan magnesium
menghasilkan gas hidrogen yang menyebabkan bunyi 'pop'
5. In set II,without water, hydrogen chloride exist as a molecule
// H+ ion does not present
Set II tiada kehadiran air, hidrogen klorida wujud sebagai
molekul//ion H+ tidak hadir.
6. When H+ does not present, hydrogen chloride cannot show its
acidic properties.
Apabila tiada ion H+, hidrogen klorida tidak dapat
menunjukkan sifat keasidannya.
Mg + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2

7. Correct formula of reactant and product

Formula bahan dan hasil betul
8. balance equation/
persamaan kimia seimbang
6 (a) 1. Nitric acid is a strong acid
Asid nitrik ialah asid kuat
2. dissociates/ionises completely in water to produce a high
of H + ions, hence its pH value is low
mengion sepenuhnya di dalam air menghasilkan kepekatan ion H
+ yang tinggi dan nilai pH adalah rendah.
3. Butanoic acid is a weak acid
Asid butanoik ialah asid lemah
4. dissociates/ionises partially in water to produce a low
concentration of H+ ions, hence its pH value is high.
Mengion separa di dalam air, menghasilkan kepekatan ion H+
yang rendah dan nilai pH adalah tinggi.
(b) (i) 1. NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
- correct chemical formula
- balance equation
(b)(ii) 1. Average volume of hydrochloric acid = 15 + 12 + 12
= 13.00 cm3
2. MaVa = a
MbVb b
(1.0)(13.00) = 1
Mb X 25
3. 25 Mb = 13
4. Mb = 0.52 mol dm-3 4

(c)(i) 1. Solvent X : distilled water 1

Pelarut X : Air
2. Solvent Y : methylbenzene//propanon//tetrachlorometane 1 2

(c)(ii) 1. In set I, hydrogen chloride dissolved in water 1

Dalam set I, hidrogen klorida larut dalam air.
2. Ionises to form hydrogen ions, H+
Mengion menghasilkan ion H+.
3. Presence of H+ ions shos the acidic properties of hydrochloric 1
Kehadiran ion H+ menyebabkan keasidan di dalam larutan asid
hidroklorik. 1
4. Reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate
produced carbon dioxide gas and causes lime water turn
Tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dengan magnesium
menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida yang menyebabkan air
kapur menjadi keruh.
5. In set II,without water, hydrogen chloride exist as a molecule
// H+ ion does not present
Set II tiada kehadiran air, hidrogen klorida wujud sebagai
molekul//ion H+ tidak hadir.
6. When H+ does not present, hydrogen chloride cannot show its
acidic properties.
Apabila tiada ion H+, hidrogen klorida tidak dapat menunjukkan
sifat keasidannya.
CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
7. Correct formula of reactant and product
Formula bahan dan hasil betul
8. balance equation/
persamaan kimia seimbang

7 (a) Able to write the equations in region A and region B.

Correct formulae of reactants and products

Balanced equation

Sample answer:
Region A: 3Br2 + 2Fe 2FeBr3
Region B: Br2 + 2NaOH NaBr + NaOBr + H2O

(b) Able to suggest oxide of metals X, Y and Z.

Sample answer:
Oxide of metal X : Aluminium oxide
Oksida logam X Aluminium oksida

Oxide of metal Y : Sodium oxide

Oksida logam Y Natrium oksida

Oxide of metal Z : Sulphur dioxide

Oksida logam Z Sulfur dioksida

Able to explain the increasing order of electronegativity of

elements X, Y and Z.

Sample answer:
Increase in electronegativity :Y,X, Z
Peningkatan keelektronegatifan

Across period, atomic size decreases// Positive charge in the

nucleus of atom increases.
Apabila melalui kala, saiz atom berkurang // cas positif dalam
nukleus atom bertambah
Attraction force of nucleus of atom towards electrons becomes
Daya tarikan nukleus atom terhadap elektron menjadi lebih kuat. 6

(c) Able to describe the experiment to compare the reactivity of two

named alkali metals towards water.

Sample answer:
Name of alkali metals: potassium and sodium
Nama logam alkali: kalium dan natrium

Procedure: 1+1
1. Cut a small piece of sodium with knife.
Potong satu ketulan kecil natrium dengan pisau.

2. Remove the oil with filter paper.

Singkirkan minyak dengan menggunakan kertas turas.

3. Fill a basin with water.

Isi besen dengan air. 1

4. Put a small piece of sodium to the water using forceps

Masukkan ketulan kecil natrium pada air menggunakan forseps

5. Observe the flame / white fumes produced // movement

Perhatikan nyalaan api / wasap putih yang terhasil //
pergerakan 1

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 with potassium.

Ulang langkah 1 hingga 5 dengan kalium 1

Metal Observation
Logam Pemerhatian
Sodium Move randomly on water surface // produce
Natriun white fume
Bergerak secara rawak pada permukaan air //
menghasilkan wasap putih
Potassium Move randomly and very rapidly on water
Kalium surface // produce more white fumes // burn
with lilac flame
Bergerak secara rawak dan sangat cepat pada
permukaan air // menghasilkan lebih banyak
wasap putih // terbakar dengan nyalaan ungu

Conclusion: 10
Potassium is more reactive than sodium
Kalium adalah lebih reaktif daripada natrium

Total: 20

8. (a) (i) Able to write a balanced chemical equation

Correct formulae of reactants and product 1
Balanced equation 1 2

Sample answer:
2LiOH + CO2 Li2CO3+ H2O

(ii) Able to calculate the mass of lithium carbonate formed with

unit correctly

Sample answer:
2 mol of LiOH produce 1 mol of Li2CO3// 1
0.5 mol of LiOH produce 0.25 mol of Li2CO3
2 mol LiOH menghasilkan 1 mol Li2CO3//
0.5 mol LiOH menghasilkan 0.25 mol Li2CO3 2

Mass of lithium carbonate = 0.25 x 74 g // 18.5 g 1

Jisim litium karbonat
(b) Able to compare the melting and boiling points between
metallic and non-metallic elements

Group 1 element Group 17 element

Atomic size of Group 1 elements Molecular size of Group 17
increases elements increases 1+1
Saiz atom logam bertambah Saiz molekul bukan logam
Metallic bond between atoms Forces of attraction between
becomes stronger molecules becomes weaker 1+1
Ikatan logam antara atom Daya tarikan antara molekul
semakin kuat semakin lemah
More heat energy is needed to Less heat energy is required to
break the bonds overcome the forces of
Lebih banyak haba diperlukan attraction 1+1
untuk memutuskan ikatan Kurang tenaga haba diperlukan 6
untuk mengatasi daya tarikan
(c) Able to state elements K, L and M

Sample answer:
K: Magnesium 1
L: Aluminium 1
M: Silicon 1 3
Able to describe an experiment to show the properties
change from basic to amphoteric and then acidic

1. [2 -5 cm3] of [0.2 - 2 mol dm-3] nitric acid and [2 -5 cm3] of
[0.2 - 2 mol dm-3] sodium hydroxide solution are placed in
two separate test tubes.
[2 -5 cm3 ] [0.2 - 2 mol dm-3 ] asid nitrik dan [2 -5 cm3] [0.2
- 2 mol dm-3] larutan natrium hidroksida dimasukkan ke
dalam dua tabung uji yang berbeza.
2. Magnesium oxide is added into each of the test tubes.
Magnesium oksida ditambahkan ke dalam setiap tabung uji.
3. The test tubes are warmed and stirred with a glass rod until
no further change.
Tabung uji dipanaskan dan dikacau dengan rod kaca sehingga
tiada perubahan. 1
4. Observe and record the solubility of the metal oxide in nitric
acid and sodium hydroxide.
Keterlarutan oksida logam dalam asid nitrik dan natrium
hidroksida diperhatikan dan direkod. 1
5. Repeat steps 1 to 5 using aluminium oxide and silicon (IV)
oxide to replace magnesium oxide.
Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulang dengan menggunakan aluminium
oksida dan silikon(IV) oksida mengantikan magnesium oksida.
Observation and Inference: 1

Oxide of Solubility Inference

elements Reaction with Reaction with Inferens
Unsur nitric acid sodium hydroxide
oksida Tindak balas solution 1
dengan asid Tindak balas
nitrik dengan larutan
natrium Max 4
MgO Reacts to form Not soluble Magnesium
a colourless Tidak larut oxide is basic
solution Magnesium
Bertindak oksida adalah
balas untuk bes.
larutan tidak
Al2O3 Reacts to form Reacts to form a Aluminium
a colourless colourless solution oxide is
solution Bertindak balas amphoteric
Bertindak untuk Aluminium 1
balas untuk menghasilkan oksida ialah
menghasilkan larutan tidak amfoterik.
larutan tidak berwarna
SiO2 No reaction Reacts to form a Silicon (IV)
Tiada tindak colorless solution oxide is acidic 1
balas Bertindak balas Silikon (IV)
untuk oksida adalah
menghasilkan berasid
larutan tidak


The properties of oxides change from basic to amphoteric and then

to acidic across the period from the left to the right.
Ciri-ciri oksida berubah dari bes kepada amfoterik dan berasid
merentas kala dari kiri ke kanan.
9 (a) Able to compare the reactivity of elements L and M in the
reaction with cold water

Sample answer:
1. Element M is more reactive than element L. 1
2. Atomic size of element M is larger than that of element L. 1
3. The single valence electron in atom M becomes further away from 1
the nucleus as compared to the atom L.
4. Thus, the single valence electron becomes more weakly pulled by 1
the nucleus in atom M.
5. This causes the single valence electron of atom M to be released 1
more easily as compared to atom L.

2L + 2H2O 2LOH + H2 1 6
2M + 2H2O 2MOH + H2

(b) 1. Correct formulae of reactants and products

2. Number of mole HOX
3. Mole ratio
4. Mass of M and correct unit

Sample answer:
X2 + H2O HX + HOX
No. of mole HOX = 0.0001 x 500 // 0.05 1
1 mole of HOX produce from 1 mole X2 // 1
0.05 moles of HOX produce from 0.05 moles of X2 1
Mass of X = 0.05 x [2(35.5)] g // 3.55 g 1 4

(c) Sample answer:

Procedure :
1. Clamp combustion tube horizontally to the retort stand. 1
2. Place iron wool in the middle of the combustion tube. 1
3. Heat the iron wool in the combustion tube strongly. 1
4. Pass through chlorine gas over the hot iron wool until no further
change occur. 1
5. The excess chlorine gas is absorbed by soda lime.
6. Record the observation. 1
7. Repeat the experiment by using liquid bromine and iodine crystals. 1 Max: 6


Halogen Observation
Chlorine The hot iron wool ignites rapidly with a bright
flame. A brown solid is formed. 1
Bromine The hot iron wool glows moderately bright,
moderately fast and less vigorously. A brown solid
is formed. 1
Iodine The hot iron wool glows dimly and slowly. A brown
solid is formed.
The reactivity between chlorine, bromine and iodine when react with
iron decrease down Group 17. 1

10 (a) (i) Able to write a balanced chemical equation
Correct formulae of reactants & products 1
Balance the equation 1
CaCO3 + 2HC1 CaC12 + H2O + CO2

(ii) Able to calculate the rates of reaction for Set 1 and Set 2
with correct units

Set I
Rate of reaction =
// 0.5 cm3 s-1 1

Set II
50 1
Rate of reaction = // 0.625 cm3 s-1
(b) (i) Able to compare the rate of reaction and explain the
difference using collision theory for

Set I & Set II.

Sample answer:

Rate of reaction in Set II is higher (than Set I)

Kadar tindak balas dalam Set II lebih tinggi (daripada Set I)

Concentration of H+ / HCl in Set II is higher (than Set I)

Kepekatan H+ / HCl dalam Set II lebih tinggi (daripada Set I)

Number of H+ per unit volume in Set II is higher

Bilangan H+ per unit isi padu dalam Set II lebih tinggi

Frequency of collision between H+ and CaCO3//CO32- is higher in Set

II is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran antara H+ dan CaCO3//CO32- dalam Set II
lebih tinggi.

Frequency of effective collision is higher

Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan lebih tinggi

Set II & Set III

Sample answer:

Rate of reaction in Set III is higher (than Set II)

Kadar tindak balas dalam Set III lebih tinggi (daripada Set II)

Temperature used in Set III is higher (than Set II)

Suhu digunakan dalam Set III lebih tinggi (daripada Set II)

Kinetic energy of particles in Set III is higher

Tenaga kinetik bagi zarah-zarah dalam Set III lebih tinggi
Frequency of collision between H+ and CaCO3//CO32- is higher in Set
II is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran antara H+ dan CaCO3//CO32- dalam Set II
lebih tinggi.
Frequency of effective collision is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan lebih tinggi

(c) Able to name a reactive metal that can react with

hydrochloric acid

Sample answer.
Magnesium/ Aluminium/ Zinc 1
r: iron, tin, lead, copper

Able to list all the materials and apparatus

hydrochloric acid, small size and large size of [metal]

Asid hidroklorik , saiz kecil dan besar [logam]

Burette, basin, conical flask, delivery tube, retort stand, stopwatch
Buret, besen, kelalang kon, salur penghantar, kaki retort, jam

Able to describe an experiment to show how size of

reactant can affect the rate of reaction

Sample answer

1. Fill a basin with water

Isi besen dengan air
2. Fill a burette with water and invert it into the basin
Isi buret dengan air dan telangkupkannya ke dalam besen.
3. Record the initial reading of the burette.
Catat bacaan awal buret
4. Pour [20- 100 cm3] of [0.1- 1 mol dm-3 ] of hydrochloric
acid into a conical flask.
Tuang [20- 100 cm3 ] [0.1- 1 mol dm-3 ] asid hidroklorik
ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon
5. Add excess small size of [ metal ].
Tambah saiz kecil [ logam ]berlebihan.
6. Record the burette reading at 30s or 60s interval
Catat bacaan buret setiap selang masa 30 s dan 60 s 1
7. Repeat steps 1-6 using large size of [metal]
Ulang langkah 1- 6 dengan menggunakan saiz besar
[logam]. 1
The sketch of graph obtained 1
Lakaran graf yang diperolehi

1. Both axes are labeled with unit 1

Kedua-dua paksi dilabel dengan unit

2. Correct position of both curves

Kedudukan yang betul bagi kedua-dua lengkung

Total 20

11 (a)(i) Able to write balanced chemical equation

Correct formulae of reactants and products 1

Correct balancing 1 2

Sample answer:
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
2H2O2 2H2O + O2

(ii) Able to calculate average rate of reaction for Set II and Set
III and with unit correctly

Average rate of reaction for Set II = 30 / 35 1

cm3 s-1
// 0.857 cm3 s-1 1 2
Average rate of reaction for Set III = 30 / 45
cm3 s-1
// 0.667 cm3 s-1

(b) Able to explain why the time taken is different using

Collision theory

Set I and Set II

Sample answer:
1. Set I no catalyst, Set II has catalyst. 1
Set I tiada mangkin, Set II mempunyai mangkin
2. Catalyst lowers the activation energy
Mangkin merendahkan tenaga pengaktifan 1
3. More particles achieve the lower activation energy
Lebih banyak zarah mencapai tenaga pengaktifan yang lebih
rendah 1
4. Frequency of effective collisions between the particles in Set II
is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah dalam Set II
lebih tinggi 1
5. Rate of reaction in Set II is higher.
Kadar tindak balas dalam Set II lebih tinggi.

Set II and Set III

Sample answer: 1
6. Set II has a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide 1
Set II mempunyai kepekatan hidrogen peroksida yang lebih
7. Number of particles per unit volume in Set II is higher than Set
Bilangan zarah per unit isi padu dalam Set II lebih tinggi 1
daripada Set III
8. Frequency of collisions between the particles in Set II is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran antara zarah dalam Set II lebih tinggi
9. Frequency of effective collisions between the particles in Set II Max 3
is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah dalam Set II
lebih tinggi
10. Rate of reaction in Set II is higher.
Kadar tindak balas dalam Set II lebih tinggi.

Axes with label "Energy"

Correct level of total energy content for reactant & products
Label Ea
Label Ea'
Label of H
Label of reactant and products
Explanation / Penerangan
The reactant is H2O2 , products are H2 and O2
Bahan tindak balas ialah H2O2, hasil tindak balas ialah H2 dan O2 1

H is negative value because it is exothermic reaction

H bernilai negative kerana tindak balas ialah eksotermik
The use of catalyst provides an alternative path with lower Ea
Penggunaan mangkin menyediakan laluan alternatif dengan Ea
yang lebih rendah 1

Total energy content of reactant is lower than total energy

content of products
Jumlah kandungan tenaga bahan tindak balas adalah lebih
rendah daripada jumlah kandungan hasil tindak balas

Question Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
12(a)(i) Able to name both acids correctly

Sulphuric acid / Asid sulfurik 1
Hydrochloric acid / Asid hidroklorik 1 2

12(a)(ii) Able to explain the effect of concentration in the reaction

Sample answer:
Acid X/Sulphuric acid is a diprotic acid whereas acid Y/Hydrochloric acid 1
is a monoprotic acid.
Asid X / Asid sulfurik merupakan asid diprotik manakala asid Y / asid
hidroklorik ialah asid monoprotik.

The concentration of diprotic acid is higher than the concentration 1

monoprotic acid.
Kepekatan asid diprotik adalah lebih tinggi daripada asid monoprotik.
The number of H+ ions per unit volume in Set I is higher.
Bilangan ion H+ per unit isi padu dalam Set I lebih tinggi.

Frequency of collisions between H+ ions and Mg atoms in Set I is higher

Frekuensi perlanggaran antara ion H+ dengan atom Mg dalam Set I lebih 1

Frequency of effective collisions between H+ ions and Mg atoms in Set I

is higher
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara ion H+ dengan atom Mg dalam 1
Set I lebih tinggi.
Frequency of effective collisions increases.
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan bertambah.
1 Max
Rate of reaction in Set I is higher. 4
Kadar tindak balas dalam Set I lebih tinggi

10(b) Able to explain using the Collision theory

Fine powdered aluminium has larger total surface area 1

Serbuk aluminium yang halus mempunyai jumlah luas permukaan yang
lebih besar

Frequency of collisions between oxygen molecules and 1

aluminium atoms increases.
Frekuensi perlanggaran antara molekul oksigen dan atom aluminium
Frequency of effective collisions. 1
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan bertambah.

Rate of reaction increases. 1

Kadar tindak balas bertambah.


Increase in temperature, molecules move faster 1

Pertambahan suhu, molekul bergerak lebih cepat

Frequency of collisions between oxygen molecules and

aluminium atoms increases. 1
Frekuensi perlanggaran antara molekul oksigen dan atom aluminium
Frequency of effective collisions. Max
Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan bertambah. 4
Rate of reaction increases.
Kadar tindak balas bertambah.

(c) Able to describe an experiment according to the chosen factor

Sample answer:

Alternative 1: Temperature factor

1. An X is marked on a piece of white paper. 1
Sekeping kertas putih ditanda X.

2. 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate / Na2S2O3, solution is 1

measured and poured into a conical flask
50 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat / Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm-3 dituang ke
dalam kelalang kon

3. Place conical flask on the paper marked X. 1

Letak kelalang kon di atas kertas putih yang bertanda X.

4. The temperature of the sodium thiosulphate solution is recorded. 1

Suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat direkodkan.

5. 5 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is measured.

5 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik disukat 1

6. Immediately, the sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is poured into the

conical flask and shaken. The stopwatch started. 1
Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 dimasukkan dengan serta merta ke
dalam kelalang kon dan digoncang. Jam randik dimulakan.

7. Time is recorded when X mark on the white paper is no longer visible.

Masa direkodkan apabila tanda X tidak kelihatan lagi. 1

8. The experiment is repeated. Each time, the temperature of the

sodium thiosulphate solution increased by 5oC.
Eksperimen diulangi. Setiap kali, suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat 1
ditambah sebanyak 5oC.
Temperature of solution/ oC 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0
Suhu larutan/ oC
1/t / s-1
1/t / s-1

As the temperature increases, the value of 1/time increases. 1

Apabila suhu bertambah, nilai 1/masa meningkat
The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction
Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas
1 Max
Alternative 2 :Concentration factor 10
1. An X is marked on a piece of white paper.
Sekeping kertas putih ditanda X.

2. 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate / Na2S2O3, solution is

measured and poured into a conical flask. 1
50 cm larutan natrium tiosulfat / Na2S2O3 0.2 mol dm dituang ke
3 -3

dalam kelalang kon.

3. Place conical flask on the paper marked X.
Letak kelalang kon di atas kertas putih yang bertanda X.

4. The temperature of the sodium thiosulphate solution is recorded.

Suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat direkodkan. 1

5. 5 cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is measured.

5 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 asid sulfurik disukat 1

6. Immediately, the sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is poured into the

conical flask and shaken. The stopwatch started.
Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 dimasukkan dengan serta merta ke 1
dalam kelalang kon dan digoncang. Jam randik dimulakan.

7. Time is recorded when X mark on the white paper is no longer visible. 1

Masa direkodkan apabila tanda X tidak kelihatan lagi.

8. The experiment is repeated using sodium thiosulphate solution with

different concentration
Eksperimen diulangi dengan kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat yang 1

Set 1 2 3 4 5
Volume of sulphuric acid/cm3 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1
Isi padu asid sulfurik/cm 3

Volume of sodium 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0

Isi padu larutan natrium
Volume of distilled water 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Isi padu air suling
Concentration of sodium 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04
thiosulphate/ mol dm-3
Kepekatan larutan Na2S2O3,/ mol
Time taken, s
Masa diambil,s
1/time, s-1
1/masa, 1/t/s-1

As the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution increases, the value

of 1/time increases.
Apabila kepekatan larutan natrium tiosulfat bertambah, nilai 1/masa
Conclusion: Max
The higher the concentration, the higher the rate of reaction 10
Semakin tinggi kepekatan, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas

Total 20

1. (a) (i) Copper block

Set Diameter of dent / cm

I 1.45
II 1.60
III 1.40

Bronze block

Set Diameter of dent / cm

I 1.20
II 1.30
III 1.15

1.45 + 1.60 + 1.40
= = 1.48

1.20 + 1.30 + 1.15

= = 1.22

Diameter of dent / cm
Copper Bronze
I 1.45 1.20
II 1.60 1.30
III 1.40 1.15
Average diameter
1.48 1.22
of dent / cm

(b) (i) 1. The diameter of dent for copper block is bigger than bronze block
2. The depth of dents is bigger in copper block

(ii) The larger the diameter of dent the harder the metal block

(iii) 1. Copper atoms are arranged in orderly arrangement it can easily slide
onto each other when forces are applied
2. Bronze have foreign atoms that disrupt the orderly arrangement
thus prevent the atoms from sliding easily

(c) (i) MV : Type of block // copper and bronze block

RV : Hardness of metal
FV : Height of weight // size of ball bearing // mass of weight

(d) Bronze block is harder than copper block

(e) When weight is released to a steel ball bearing which is placed on a metal block,
the harder metal is the one which have a smaller diameter of dent

(f) 1.30 cm

pure metal alloy
tin brass
aluminium stainless steel
iron pewter

2. (a) Vulcanised rubber

Before experiment 5.0 cm

During experiment 5.6 cm
After experiment 5.0 cm

unvulcanised rubber

Before experiment 5.0 cm

During experiment 7.4 cm
After experiment 6.8 cm

Type of rubber Vulcanised unvulcanised
Length of rubber before experiment / cm 5.0 cm 5.0 cm
Length of rubber during experiment / cm 5.6 cm 7.4 cm
Length of rubber after experiment / cm 5.0 cm 6.8 cm

(c) (i) 1. The vulcanised rubber return to the original length when the weight
is removed
2. The unvulcanised rubber does not return to the original length when
the weight is removed

(ii) 1. Vulcanised rubber is elastic

2. Unvulcanised rubber is less elastic

(d) (i) Type of rubber

(ii) elasticity
(iii) mass of weight / size of rubber

(e) Vulcanised rubber is more elastic than unvulcanised rubber

(f) When weight is removed from rubber strip, the elastic rubber will return to the
original length

(g) When the mass of weight hanged to the vulcanised rubber increases the length
of rubber strip increases

Substance that does not
Substance that coagulate latex
coagulate latex
hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide
acetic acid ammonia

3. (a)
Experiment 1 1.2
Experiment 2 2.6
Experiment 3 3.2

Concentration of
Experiment pH value
hydrochloric acid / mol dm-3
1 0.1 1.2
2 0.01 2.6
3 0.001 3.2

(c) (i) Concentration of hydrochloric acid
(ii) pH value
(iii) Type of acid

(d) The higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid the higher the pH value

(e) When pH meter is dipped into hydrochloric acid with different concentration,
the lower the pH value the higher the concentration of hydrogen ion in acid

(f) The higher the concentration of hydrogen ion the lower the pH value

(g) pH [ 5 6 ]

Substance that contained acidic Substance that does not contained acid
tooth paste
car batteries

(i) Hydrogen chloride still in form of covalent molecule, no hydrogen ion exists


1. (a) Problem statement

Between vulcanised and unvulcanised rubber which rubber is more elastic?

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Type of rubber // Vulcanised and unvulcanised rubber
Responding : Elasticity / extension after weight is removed
Fixed : Weight // Length of rubber strip

(c) Hypothesis
Vulcanised rubber is more / less elastic than unvulcanised rubber

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
[Bulldog#] clip, [10 100 g] weight, retort stand [with clamp#], ruler

Materials :
Vulcanised rubber, unvulcanised rubber

(e) Procedure
1. Hang a vulcanised rubber strip //
Gantung satu jalur getah tervulkan

2. Measure and record the length of the rubber strip //

Ukur dan catat panjang jalur getah

3. Hang a weight at the end of the rubber strip //

Gantung pemberat pada hujung jalur getah

4. Remove the weight

Tanggalkan pemberat

5. Measure and record the length of the rubber strip //

Ukur dan catat panjang jalur getah

6. Repeat the experiment using unvulcanised rubber //

Ulang eksperimen dengan menggunakan getah tak tervulkan

(f) Tabulation of data

Rubber Original length of strip Final length of strip (cm)



2. (a) Problem statement
Adakah hasilan di anod jika larutan natrium klorida yang berbeza kepekatan

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Kepekatan elektrolit
Responding : Hasil di anod
Fixed : Jenis elektrolit

(c) Hypothesis
Jika larutan natrium klorida pekat digunakan hasilan di anod ialah gas klorin. Jika
larutan natrium klorida cair digunakan hasilan di anod ialah gas oksigen.

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
Elektrod karbon, sel elektrolisis, elektrod karbon, wayar penyambung dan klip
buaya, sel kering, tabung uji

Materials :
Larutan natrium klorida 0.001moldm-3 , larutan natrium klorida 1.0 moldm-3

(e) Procedure

1. Masukkan larutan natrium klorida 0.001 moldm-3 ke dalam sel elektrolisis

sehingga separuh penuh.
2. Masukkan larutan natrium klorida 0.001 moldm-3 ke dalam 2 tabung uji
kecil sehingga penuh.
3. Telangkupkan tabung uji yang berisi larutan kepada kedua dua elektrod
4. Sambungkan kedua-dua elektrod kepada sel kering dengan wayar
penyambung dan klip buaya.
5. Pemerhatian direkodkan.
6. Langkah 1 hingga 4 diulang dengan menggunakan larutan natrium klorida
1.0 moldm-3

(f) Tabulation of data

Kepekatan elektrolit / moldm-3 Pemerhatian di anod



3. (a) Problem statement
What is the product at anode when different type of electrode is used during

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : different type of electrode
Responding : products at anode
Fixed : type of electrolyte // copper (II) sulphate solution

(c) Hypothesis
When carbon electrode is used in electrolysis of copper (II) sulphate solution
bubbles of gas is released whereas when copper electrode is used copper become

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
Beaker, connecting wire, batteries,

Materials :
0.5 mol dm-3 of copper (II) sulphate solution, copper electrode, carbon electrode

(e) Procedure
1. Pour 0.5 mol dm-3 of copper (II) sulphate solution into a beaker
2. Connect carbon electrodes to the battery
3. Dip the electrode into the beaker
4. Record the observation
5. Repeat experiment using copper electrodes

(f) Tabulation of data

Type of electrodes Observations at anode



4. (a) Problem statement
Is detergent more effective in cleansing action in sea water compared to soap?//
Is soap less effective in cleansing action in sea water compared to detergent? //
//Which one is more effective in sea water, detergent or soap?

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Detergent and soap // Type of cleansing agent
Responding : Effectiveness of cleansing // Absence / presence of oily stains //
Formation of scum // Ability to remove stain
Fixed : Sea water // cloth with oily stains

(c) Hypothesis
Detergent is more effective in cleansing action in sea water while soap is less
effective //
When detergent is used, the oily stains is removed while when soap is used the
oily stains remains//
When detergent is used, no scum is formed while when soap is used, scum is

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
Beaker , Stirrer / glass rod/brush-see the procedure, if the student rubs the
clothes, no need use the brush/glass rod/stirrer

Materials :
Soap, Detergent, Sea water//magnesium nitrate solution//calcium nitrate
solution, Cloth with oily stains // Dirty cloth

(e) Procedure
1. sea water/magnesium nitrate solution//calcium nitrate solution is pour
into a beaker.
2. Add soap solution//soap powder
3. Put a piece of cloth with oily stain into the beaker
4. Shake / Stir the mixture//brush the oily cloth//rub
5. Record the observations
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 using detergent to replace soap solution

(f) Tabulation of data

Cleansing agent Observation



5. (a) Problem statement
Between lead(II) bromide and glucose, which compound conducts electricity in
molten state?

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Lead(II) bromide and glucose/naphthalene
Responding : Electrical conductivity // lighting of the bulbs
Fixed : molten state

(c) Hypothesis
Lead(II) bromide can conduct electricity in molten state while glucose /
naphthalene cannot conduct electricity in molten state.

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
Battery, carbon electrode, ammeter, Bunsen burner, connecting wire, crucible,
tripod stand

Materials :
Lead(II) bromide, glucose / naphthalene

(e) Procedure
1. A crucible is filled with lead(II) bromide solid.
2. The solid lead(II) bromide is heated strongly until it melts.
3. Two carbon electrodes are dipped in the molten lead(II) bromide and then
connected to batteries and ammeter using connecting wires.
4. Deflection of ammeter needle / the lighting of the bulb is observed and
5. Steps 1 to 5 is repeated using glucose / naphthalene

(f) Tabulation of data

Type of substances Observation

Lead(II) bromide

Glucose / Naphthalene

6. (a) Problem statement
How does the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution affect the rate of

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : The temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution
Responding : Rate of reaction // The time taken for the X mark to disappear
Fixed : Volume and concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution /
hydrochloric acid // type of acid

(c) Hypothesis
The higher the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution, the higher the rate
of reaction

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
conical flask, measuring cylinder, thermometer, stopwatch, white paper, wire
gauze, tripod stand, Bunsen burner

Materials :
[0.1 1.0] mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, [ 0.1-1.0] mol dm-3
hydrochloric acid

(e) Procedure
1. Draw an X on a white paper.
2. Measure and pour [20-100] cm3 of [0.1 1.0] mol dm-3 sodium
thiosulphate solution into a conical flask.
3. Record the temperature of solution.
4. Place the conical flask on the white paper with an X mark.
5. Measure and pour [5 10] cm3 of [0.1 1.0] mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid
solution into the conical flask
6. Start the stopwatch immediately and swirl the conical flask
7. Stop the stopwatch when the X is no longer visible. Record the time taken.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 using 35oC, 40oC, 45oC and 50oC temperature of
sodium thiosulphate solution.

(f) Tabulation of data

Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution / oC Time/s


7. (a) Problem statement
What is the relationship between the pH value with concentration of acid?

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Concentration of acid
Responding : pH value
Fixed : Hydrochloric acid // Type of acid

(c) Hypothesis
The higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the lower the pH value

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
pH meter, test tube, test tube rack

Materials :
0.0001 mol dm-3, 0.001 mol dm-3, 0.01 mol dm-3, 0.1 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric

(e) Procedure

1. Pour 0.0001 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid into test tube

2. Dip pH meter into the acid
3. Record the pH value
4. Repeat step 1 to 3 by using 0.001 mol dm-3, 0.01 mol dm-3 and
0.1 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid

(f) Tabulation of data

Concentration of acid pH value


8. (a) Problem statement
What is the effect of acid and alkali on the coagulation of latex?

(b) All the variables

Manipulated : Type of acid and alkali // ammonia solution and ethanoic acid
Responding : Coagulation of latex
Fixed : latex / volume of latex

(c) Hypothesis
When ethanoic acid is added to latex, coagulation occurs but when ammonia
solution is added to latex, coagulation does not occur

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Apparatus :
Beaker, glass rod

Materials :
Latex, 0.5 mol dm-3 of ethanoic acid, 0.5 mol dm-3 of ammonia solution

(e) Procedure
1. Latex is poured into a beaker
2. 5 cm3 of ethanoic acid is added to the beaker
3. The mixture is stirred with a glass rod
4. The changes occurred is recorded
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 by using ammonia solution

(f) Tabulation of data

Substance added to latex Observations

ethanoic acid

ammonia solution


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