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The Destitution of Dilma Rousseff

In order to respond to the approach of the commercial affectation after the dismissal of the

president Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, it is necessary to know some aspects that led to this

problematic. Dilma Rousseff was always an advocate of the interests of the most vulnerable

sector, belonging to a middle-class family with privileges in their education; assuming from an

early age leadership in militia groups with political commitments where at the age of seventeen

she already starts being part of revolutionary organizations, being prey for a period of three years

for the defense of her thoughts and ideals, economist by profession and daughter of A recognized

politician; Successor of Luiz Incio Lula da Silva's successor, defeating Acio Neves of the

Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), insisted until power became president of a power like


It is known from the process that former president Dilma Rousseff was accused of altering public

accounts that allowed her to delay the payment of government loans to public banks, in addition

to making up public accounts to secure her re-election in 2014.

We know that the main objective of the former was to eliminate poverty by favoring the working

class; His dismissal leads not only to a political crisis but to a breach in the trade relations he had

been holding with some countries,

Brazil is the 21st largest export economy in the world and the most complex 34th

economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2015, Brazil exported $

195 Billion and imported $ 170 Billion, resulting in a positive trade balance of $ 25.3

Billion. In 2015 Brazil's GDP was $ 1.77 billion and its GDP per capita was $ 15.4.OEC

And despite the fact that his mandate has shown good results, the expectation is still higher

than expected, because after thirteen years left, the situation of the country could be more critical

with this turn to the right, however the concerns Increase by the high rate of unemployment,

although it is an internal crisis the evolution of the economy could affect and destabilize its

international relations, because it is discouraging for the less favored classes. That the current

president intends to privatize public companies, which put the country in an internal crisis where

unions threaten through protests and takings; Situation that can lead them to face a crisis but not

to the same level of Venezuela where this government affected the agreements dividing to the


However, after the dismissal of former President Dilma, mainly affected Venezuelans who,

following the removal, the government was radical freezing political and commercial relations

with Brazil and it is to be expected that the strong political conflicts facing Venezuela, only

aggravate this relationship; In addition, the new Brazilian government asserted that relations with

Mercosur and Unasur would not be as the previous presidents had been trying because it believes

that these relations are very focused on the political environment and is not benefiting the country

economically as would be expected, Said that they should be more pragmatic focusing on the


On the other hand, as expected, the new President Michel Temer arrived in time for the G20

summit that would have been organized in China in late September 2016, the rightist Temer is

expected to seek to strengthen relations with China, as he is one of Main Asian partners and

strengthening this link could benefit Brazil notoriously, as it could bring multiple investments

and implementation of Asian technologies to the country. Could bring multiple investments and

implementation of Asian technologies to the country.

On the other hand, the BRICS would be seriously affected by the fall of Rousseff, since

Russia being its main partner exporting meat, fruit, oil, among others, Russia fears that the new

right-wing government can take drastic measures and Commercial relations, however Temer has

not yet announced itself to the situation, Brazil, also aims to focus more on its commercial

relationship with the United States, as well as not offering guarantees on investments, causing a

probability of side effects; Experts recommend that countries should strengthen economic ties to

avoid changes in domestic policy.

Likewise, Brazil would continue to maintain a stable economic relationship with a

strengthened Europe, since for them their commercial interest is paramount. The OEA showed

disagreement with the process of dismissal of the former, finding gaps in the investigation

because it is said that the frauds that are imputed to Russeff had been committed since mandates

back, however they are only imputed to her.

It can establish that the economy is still tied to politics; that our interests are directed to the

commercial side and above all we are responsible for international relations, how they affect the

new policies with the development of a country.

However, if we detach ourselves from the changes that affect the working classes in the first

place, if we take an objective look at those who move the economy of a country, making

sustainable the supply and demand leading to the need to export and import a product.

The rates and percentages show us statistics that give a clear idea of how the monetary change

is so much so that what sustains economic development is the relationship we have with other

countries in the social and political. Alliances become stronger if this deal is sustainable, opening

the opportunities to market the products.

Emphasis in Brazil, being fundamental in the economy of South America and in its exports. What

is worrying still remains the internal crisis and the disagreement with neighboring countries, the

question we are now asking is with the new policies that, if we continue, will make history.

And finally, it can be concluded that after a long leftist government, this 180 turn to the right

could bring multiple consequences but also benefits, since Brazil will be able to ally itself mostly

with governments that pose the same position as Argentina, Mexico and Colombia.

In addition to the fact that political parties dominate economic relations and that these crises

can generate mistrust in order to make large investments are approaches that the new Brazilian

government has to take into account before seeing its own interests and sustaining an economy

that can generate More disagreements than alliances especially in the commercial aspect that has

been the main characteristic of a potential country in its economy.

"If you want to make peace with your enemy you have to work with him.

Then he becomes your partner "

Nelson Mandela

Ribeiro, Pedro Floriano; Vizon, Amanda; Leine Cassotta, Priscilla. 2016. Brazil: A country in

waiting time. Chile. Journal of Political Science.

Analysis: Was the dismissal of Rousseff a coup d'tat? The New York Times Es.

Mara Julieta Duedra. 2016. Consequences and Implications Behind Impeachment In

Brazil. VII Congress of International Relations.

Santiago Perez . 2016. The foreign policy of Brazil after Dilma Rousseff . Esglobal.

BBC World.2016. What changes in Brazil and what remains the same after the dismissal of

Dilma Rousseff

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