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Techniques for Data Analysis GD2104

PROJECT 1: Fourier Transform and Spectral Filtering

Login to Altimetry-GPS Server (IP address:, user: TAD-GD45101, password: gd45101)
and go to directory Hydro2. Download the following files:

A. pressure.dat : 3-hourly pressure measurements during the period of 2005 to 2009

TASKS: Design of low-pass filter using Butterworth filter

1) Determine sampling frequency Fs of the data set in cycle/day (cpd) and cycle/second (Hertz) units
2) Determine filter order N and cut-off frequency using butter Wn that are useful to remove any
frequencies above 1 cpd. Select passband and stopband frequencies, so that the design could work
optimally. For this task, you should find out optimal values for passband ripple and stopband ripple
3) Determine the filter coefficient for denominator a and numerator b, respectively.
4) Determine an optimal design for low-pass filter H [HINT: Use Matlab command
[H,f]=freqz(b,a,512,Fs) and plot f against abs(H)]
5) Interpret results.

TASKS: Low-pass filtering using Butterworth filter

6) Use the results of task 4 to filter out the data set.

7) Plot in the same figure, the data set before and after filtering.
8) Transform the data set before and after filtering into spectral domain and plot their spectral
representations in the same figure.
9) Interpret your results.

TASKS: More filtering using Butterworth filter

According to results of task 14, do the following tasks:

10) Remove all periodic components (S1, S2, S3, S4) and show the filtered data set both in frequency and
time domains.
11) Remove only S1 and show the filtered data set both in frequency and time domains.
12) Crop S1 component only and plot it both in frequency and time domains.
13) Do the same thing as that in task 12 for S2, S3, and S4 components. Which is the most important
14) Remove all frequencies bellow 3 cpd and show the filtered data set both in frequency and time domains.

Please submit your report to Ibu Nunung at 2nd floor before November 23, 2017 at 5:00 pm. Your
MATLAB Scripts should be attached in your report. Good Luck..!!

-Dudy D. Wijaya-

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