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Marks are awarded on a scale of 1 - 6 for each construct. Thus, the maximum score obtainable is 30 while the
minimum is 5 for each assessment. The assessors are required to use the following bands and criteria for

Marks will be awarded in 5 bands:

Excellent 6
Good 45
Satisfactory 3
Weak 2
Very Weak 1

The following is a detailed description of the criteria for assessment:

Score Co Criteria / Description


Excellent 1 Speak / converse on a topic Excellent ability to speak / converse / hold a discussion on
6 effectively (with appropriate a topic effectively
response) Relevant and appropriate responses given (for Models 2,
3, 4)

2 Speak fluently using correct Very fluent and clear speech

and acceptable pronunciation Correct and clear pronunciation with excellent articulation,
intonation, word stress and rhythm

3 Speak coherently Effective and smooth flow of well-organised ideas

4 Speak the language using a Excellent use of language in terms of extensive vocabulary
wide range of appropriate Interesting expressions used appropriately and effectively
vocabulary within context

5 Speak using correct grammar Excellent sentence structure and grammatically correct
sentences to convey intended meaning effectively

Good 1 Speak / converse on a topic Good ability to speak / converse / hold a discussion on a
4-5 effectively (with appropriate topic effectively
response) Mostly relevant and appropriate responses given (for
Models 2, 3, 4)

2 Speak fluently using correct Fluent and clear speech

and acceptable pronunciation Correct and clear pronunciation with good articulation,
intonation, word stress and rhythm

3 Speak coherently Smooth flow of well-organised ideas

4 Speak the language using a Good use of language in terms of extensive vocabulary
wide range of appropriate Interesting expressions used appropriately
vocabulary within context

5 Speak using correct grammar Good sentence structure and grammatically correct
sentences to convey intended meaning
Satisfactory 1 Speak / converse on a topic Satisfactory ability to speak / converse / hold a discussion
3 effectively (with appropriate on a topic
response) Some relevant and appropriate responses given (for
Models 2, 3, 4)

2 Speak fluently using correct Fairly fluent and clear speech

and acceptable pronunciation Generally satisfactory pronunciation, intonation, word
stress and rhythm with frequent lapses

3 Speak coherently Satisfactory flow and organization of ideas

4 Speak the language using a Satisfactory use of language

wide range of appropriate Fair range of vocabulary
vocabulary within context

5 Speak using correct grammar Satisfactory sentence structure with some grammatical
errors but meaning is fairly clear

Weak 1 Speak / converse on a topic Limited ability to speak / converse / hold a discussion on a
2 effectively (with appropriate topic
response) Very few relevant and appropriate responses given (for
Models 2, 3, 4)

2 Speak fluently using correct Fluency is interrupted by consistent halting and long
and acceptable pronunciation pauses
Frequent errors in pronunciation, intonation and word

3 Speak coherently Minimal flow and organization of ideas

4 Speak the language using a Minimal use of language

wide range of appropriate Limited vocabulary
vocabulary within context

5 Speak using correct grammar Poor sentence structure with consistent grammatical errors
which disrupt meaning

Very Weak 1 Speak / converse on a topic Little ability to speak / converse / hold a discussion on a
1 effectively (with appropriate topic
response) Hardly any response

2 Speak fluently using correct Very little utterance

and acceptable pronunciation Poor pronunciation and intonation

3 Speak coherently Hardly any flow and organization of ideas

4 Speak the language using a Hardly any use of language

wide range of appropriate
vocabulary within context

5 Speak using correct grammar Excessive grammatical errors

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