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Mark Keppel Aztec Band

Newsletter March 2017

Walt Disney Concert Hall MARK YOUR

Outside, water cascaded down and wind traveled at several miles CALENDARS
per hour, yet inside the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Downtown Los Angeles,
band and orchestra students were warmed by the beautiful music Mar. 6
enveloping them. For a couple days, the students prepared their minds and Pictures with Yary
ears for the works of John Adams and other minimalist composers. Excited

Mar. 14
End of 3rd Quarter

Mar. 16
Booster Meeting
6 P.M.

Mar. 18
Photo by Mr. Danny Chow
Recycle for Music
faces could be seen when the band members heard the first few notes of
the initial song, Short Ride in a Fast Machine, one of the songs that they 8:30 A.M.
listened to and interpreted prior to the trip. Numerous students bent over
and peered through the balcony, gaping in amazement when they saw and
Mar. 27th-31st
heard their instruments being played so magnificently.
Spring Recess
After the concert, the students had free time to eat lunch and wander around the
concert hall. Many admired the realistic, colorful clouds mysteriously emitting music. Others
went to the gift shop, took pictures, or appreciated the rain that was pouring outside.
All in all, the trip was a wonderful experience for the students, and it was particularly
stunning for the music students be able to hear a live performance by professional musicians.

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