Check Management in SAP - SAP Blogs

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11/17/2017 Check Management in SAP | SAP Blogs

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Check Management in SAP

June 3, 2014 | 2,074 Views |

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FIN (Finance)
accounting | payment | portal | sap erp financials

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Under this we will go through check management for a bank account

with below transactions

Maintain check number

Issuing check for payment account 1/7
11/17/2017 Check Management in SAP | SAP Blogs

Updating the check resister after check clearing

Printing check
Cancelling of check

A. Go to transaction F110
B. Click on environment tab check information number range

System will ask for the paying company code , house bank and the account ID
for which we need to maintain the check lot.

Click on change option to go inside. Then click on create to create a check lot.

Give the check lot number along with along with starting and ending check
number .

We can also maintain some details like short info and purchase date for the
reference only . which will not effect to any account.

Click on and save to save the check lot. System will give a pop up that check
number have been saved.

The check number can update against payment document in two ways

1. Check updation through automatic payment program

To maintain the check updations through automatic payment program select


A. T-Code SE38 execute program name F8

1. Manual check updation

Under this we will update check manually against a bank payment document

Before execute this post one invoice and do the payment manually ( kz
document )

A. Accounting Financial Accounting Banks Environment Check

balance Create FCH5 Manual Checks

Make sure the bank account gl should be relevant to cash flow

*Otherwise system will show a message like the document is not a payment

Give the payment document number, paying company code and fiscal year to
track the payment document. Then give the house bank, bank id and check 2/7
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number to generate the particular check.

Press enter.

Here you can maintain the payee details in addition to the data saved in
vendor master .

We can maintain the check amount and payment date.

Click on . System will give a message that check created manually along with
company code house bank and bank id details.

To display the check details we have 3 option

1. FCH1 For Check.

2. FCH2 For Payment Document.
3. FCHN Check Register.

FCH1 For Check

This code is used to know the details about a check if check number known

Here we can see the check encashment field is blank , means check is not
cleared in bank.

FCH2 For Payment Document

This code is used if the payment document number is known

From the payment document number system will show the related check

FCHN Check Register

This is to know all the check details for a check lot

Here we have 2 option like

1. Without line items to see the check balance only

2. With line items here we can see the check balance with the clearing

Press F8 or click on execute to go inside.

System will show all the check for the particular house bank and bank id , but
the system will not show the related payment document details.

If with line item selected 3/7
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Here system will give the check details along with the payment document.

FCH6 Additional Info/Cash

Here we will maintain the additional data and the check encashment date after
getting the conformation from the bank or from the current bank statement.

Give the paying company code , house bank and bank id with the check
number. Press enter.

Update the check encashment date and Click on save.

If you see the check resister, you can see the encashment date maintained
everywhere, means check got cleared.

Voiding of check

For voiding of check we have 3 types

1. Unissued check cancellation

2. Issued check cancellation
3. Cancel payment
4. 1. Unissued check cancellation

Unused check can be voided due to many reason like printing problem,
destroyed or unusable etc.

Here we will give the paying company code , house bank and bank id along
with the check number from and to with the void reason code to know why the
check is voided.

After providing the details click on the void option

System will give a message that check voided.

So these cannot be use further .

1. 2. Issued check cancellation

1st we will post a payment document and update a check against the payment

T-Code FCH1 to display the check details

As we see check encashment is not update means check is not clear,

As we come to know the check is stolen so we need to void the check first.

Give the check number and the reason code for voiding. 4/7
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Click on to void the check

System will give a message like check is voided but payment is not reversed.

If we see the check resister

Here we can see the check voided and void date also update.

Now we can re issue a fresh check against the same payment document
number .

After issuing a fresh check if we see the related check for a particular payment
document system will show both the check.

1. 3. Cancel payment

If you reverse a issued check the system will reverse the check only and will
not reverse the financial document , the reversal of payment need to be done
in finance .

And if you reverse a payment document in finance for which check is already
issued the reversal cannot be done in finance unless until check is cancelled

Cancel payment option will only use if the check is already encashment

Click on cancel payment to reverse the check

System will give a message like payment for check xxxxx was cancelled and
document reverse.

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3 Comments 5/7
11/17/2017 Check Management in SAP | SAP Blogs

Lakshmi Sama

June 9, 2014 at 12:22 pm

Hello Sovan,

Nice attempt and requesting you to please add few more data by explaining the other t
codes in check management.

Keep share your knowledge


Lakshmi S


September 15, 2015 at 9:01 pm

Helpful cheat sheet for Check Management.

T-CODE Description Information

1 FCHI Create check lots Separate check lots for ACH/
2 FCH1 Display check Put any check number to know
information the details
3 FCH2 Payment View payment documents
document display details
4 FCH3 Void Void check or range of checks
5 FCH4 Renumber checks Can assign new numbers
6 FCH5 Create check Create information
7 FCH6 Change Check Change information
8 FCH7 Reprint a check Reprint
9 FCH8 Cancel check Voids and reverses the
payment payment, makes AP document
Open again.
10 FCH9 Void issued check Voids only
11 FCHN Check register See all checks
12 FCHU Add reference to Run this t-code to add check
invoice number to reference or
assignment field in the invoice.
13 FCHR Online cashed Encashment date of the check 6/7
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kannan vasudevan

June 9, 2014 at 8:04 pm

Excellent work, clear and concise



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