Sunday Sermon TOPIC: The Difference Between Spiritual Revival and Religious Reformation TEXT: Psalms 85:6, Hos 6:2 & Psalm 51:10

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TOPIC: The Difference between Spiritual Revival and Religious Reformation

TEXT: Psalms 85:6, Hos 6:2 & Psalm 51:10 Judges 4:1-3

AIM: that we may desire and seek for genuine revival in our generation that will bring
about a greater harvest of souls into the kingdom.


Israel as portrayed in the Book of Judges illustrates the difference between

"religious reformation" and "spiritual revival." Reformation temporarily changes
outward conduct while revival permanently alters inward character. When Ehud
removed the idols and commanded the people to worship only Jehovah, they
obeyed him; but when that constraint was removed, the people obeyed their own
desires. The nation of Israel was like the man in Jesus' parable who got rid of one
demon, cleaned house, and then ended up with seven worse demons (Matt 12:43-
45). The empty heart is prey to every form of evil.
Once again, the people of Israel cried out to God, not to forgive their sins but to
relieve their suffering. (See vv. 6-8 for a hint of what life was like in those days.) Had
they truly repented, God would have done much more than deliver them from
physical slavery. He would have liberated them from their spiritual bondage as well.
To ask God for comfort and not cleansing is only to sow seeds of selfishness that will
eventually produce another bitter harvest. David's prayer is what Israel needed to
pray: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" (Ps


Who is Satan? Isaiah 43: Eze. 23

How does operates? Gen 3: John 10:10, Zec 9,

How do we overcome him?



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