Us 20100211239

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US 20100211239A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0211239 A1
Christensen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 19, 2010

(54) TOWROPE WINCH DEAD START Publication Classi?cation

(76) Inventors: Ladd E. Christensen, Holladay, (51) Int. Cl.

UT (US); John M. Welch, G06F 17/00 (2006.01)
American Fork, UT (US); Tyson B63B 21/56 (2006.01)
Triplett, Provo, UT (US); Devin T.
(52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... .. 701/21; 114/253
Hales, Lehi, UT (US)
Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT
Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy A system for starting from a dead start position may comprise
36 South State Street, SUITE 1900 a toWrope Winch, and a computing device con?gured to send
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 (US) and receive data to and from the toWrope Winch, in Which the
computing device is con?gured to operate the toWrope Winch
(21) App1.No.: 12/710,337 and Watercraft based on data inputted by the user to the
computing device. A computer program product for operating
(22) Filed: Feb. 22, 2010 a toWrope Winch from a dead start position may comprise a
computer usable medium having computer usable program
Related U.S. Application Data code embodied therewith, the computer usable program code
comprising computer usable program code con?gured to
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/069,615, prompt a user to enter data regarding the operation of the
?led on Feb. 28, 2005, noW Pat. No. 7,665,411.
toWrope Winch from a dead start, and computer usable pro
(60) Provisional application No. 60/599,273, ?led on Aug. gram code con?gured to operate the toWrope Winch based on
6, 2004. data inputted by the user.
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 1 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

Prior Art
Fig. 1
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Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 6 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

141 115
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120 130 121

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Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 10 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 11 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

Tow Sys'tem Watercraft

10 1__1_

User Interface

Input Device Output Device

01 2O
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 12 of 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

Tow System Watercraft

M2 1.1

TOW System Watercraft Port

215_ 29

User .

Interface < Memozrgg (1))evrce

ssggm User Interface
Processor Towrope Winch A UXI'l'iary P 0 rt
2_0 Z55 25.

Bus input Device Output Device

_01 ZQZ

Fig. 12
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 13 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

Tow System Watercraft

23 LQ u

TOW System Watercraft Port


215 2.9

User Interface System


Memory Device
User interface gig
Processor Auxiliary Port

i Towrooe Vtlinch
Application L5

Input Device Output Device

_Q1 2L2.

Mobile Device A

Fig. 1 3 Network
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 14 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1


\ 715 716 717

x xx ?fnlllqiilviktii
iii @ p er gilt
~~ Rider 1 ii Rider 2 ll Rider 3 l
"Rider NameM

706 < Determine Skill

Level based on
Rider Prefernces

710/ z/Rider
,j/ Wake Boa rdmg Wake Sur?ng ii Wake Skating imwmMmmemm.Wm
j owro e St arm
t' Len th T owro e Ed'gL
n in en gth
E9111". 151W
1 Min. Towro e Len th Max. Towro e Len th

i Reel-In Siege Reel-Out S eed

digit/E512____ _.


f; Water
Add New
Add New Sync to
, Rider Computer

703{ Rider1 /
726 721
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 15 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1

730 \


[all a itp [L3 {it 7' (a 3"; [it

Watercraft 1 It Watercraft 2 3? Watercraft 3 I

Watercraft Owner Maitam _______ ._ MQget ............................... __

State Reqistration No. tgrgwnltnewl

Watercraft Lenqth
732 IHIMZYZFMEEM t2fntvli ..........-Y

Watercraft Name

l/Tower Preferences
735/ 1 T

736 { Ngvylflrwer
Tower Makew Tower Model
J Area 52 S.IV. }

IDistance from Tower Mount to Back of Watercraft a

73s \ To Dead Start I To Rrder

. PIOfllGS
. vii

Add New

'gigj Sync to
703 Watercraft 11 / / I v
721 722 723

Fig. 15
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 16 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1


\\ 815 816 817



7O5\~Rider1 l Rider2 ll Rider3l ,

'Rider Namem Dead Start Skill Le
W" ; 1, ; Dead Start
7O6< Usernamewww ] 89 ~
2 lntermedlate
Determine Skill
2 Level based on
l Novice Rider Prefernces

810/ [,Wake
/Dead Start
11 Wake ' Surfing
r ll Wake Skating LAWN,WWWWWWWM ~
811/ v/Towro eStartin Len th
5 251M mmmmm M

l Dead Start Reel-In S eed

Dead Start Reel-In Acceleration
812 i lmitty/aeqwil
Watercraft Overtake? Overtake Distance
o No

Match Winch Speed?

(9 Yes
713\ (3N0
w ' Add New ,. To Rider To Watercraft
Water Sport Profiles Prof'les
720\ I ~ 7 v . I . ' V

Sync to ~ Sync to
., Computer c1 Web page
Nil wet
/ l
721 740 722 725 723

i9. 16
Patent Application Publication Aug. 19, 2010 Sheet 17 0f 17 US 2010/0211239 A1


Run towrope Winch Prompt user for overtake
application distance
(Step 820) (Step 825)

Prompt user for dead start
preference information
Prompt user to determine
Winch speed matching
(Step 821) (Step 826)

is enough
information Winch speed
provided? match enabled?
(Step 822) (Step 827)

Prompt user for overtake
i speed
Prompt user to determine
Watercraft overtake
(Step 828)
(Step 823)

overtake enabled?
(Step 824)
US 2010/0211239 A1 Aug. 19, 2010

TOWROPE WINCH DEAD START speed by Which the user travels over the Water, and especially
the Wake of the Watercraft. An increase in velocity over a
RELATED APPLICATIONS Wake provides for more force to be exerted betWeen the board
the user is riding and the Wake. One Way to increase a riders
[0001] The present application claims the bene?t under 35
U.S.C. 119(e) of Provisional U.S. Patent Application No. speed over a Wake is to increase the speed of the Watercraft
60/ 599,273, ?led Aug. 6, 2004, and further claims the bene?t pulling the rider. HoWever, although the rider may employ
under 35 U.S.C. 120 ofUtility application Ser. No. 11/069, audible or visual signals to the operator of the Watercraft
615, ?led Feb. 28, 2005. These applications are incorporated regarding the need for increased or decreased speed, commu
herein by reference in their entirety. nicating these messages may be cumbersome for the rider.
This is because the rider may have to yell over other noises
BACKGROUND such as the noise of the engine of the Watercraft, or may have
to take a hand off the toWrope in order to give a visual signal
[0002] Water sports such as Wakeboarding, Wakeskating, of some kind. This may cause the rider to become distracted
skur?ng, Wake sur?ng, and knee boarding have become or otherWise limit the riders control as he or she is riding.
increasingly popular. Due to the popularity of such Water
Further, audible and visual communication With the operator
sports, neW technology has been developed to enhance the
of the Watercraft takes the riders ability to fully control his or
participants experience.
[0003] Particularly, several measures have been taken to
her speed aWay, and creates and unpredictable situation
increase the siZe of the Wake made by the Watercraft that is Where the rider may not anticipate the timing of the speed
toWing a Wake boarder or other type of Water sport enthusiast, increase and degree of acceleration.
such as a Wake skater, Wake surfer, or tuber. The siZe of the [0009] Further, as alluded to above, When participating in
Wake, Which is the track left by a moving Watercraft in the the above-mentioned Water sports, a rider may not be able to
Water, can determine hoW enjoyable the experience is for the fully control various aspects of the riding conditions. This is
user being toWed. The higher and more voluminous the Wake because of the fact that the operator of the Watercraft has
is, the greater vertical lift a Wake boarder or Watercraft sport unfettered control over rates of acceleration, direction of
enthusiast can achieve When moving over and springing off of travel, and speeds of the Watercraft at any given time. Also,
the Wake. With this greater vertical lift, the user can perform changing some aspects of the riding conditions require that
tricks and stunts that Would not be possible With a smaller the Watercraft be stopped in order to adjust. Thus, the rider has
Wake. limited control over much of the aspects of the riding condi
[0004] One Way in Which the Wake is made bigger is by tions.
adding large amounts of Weight to the boat or Watercraft. This [0010] More speci?cally, one of the aspects that the rider
is often achieved by adding a Water ballast system to the does not have complete control over includes the length of the
inside of the Watercraft. A Water ballast system Will take on toWrope from the back of the Watercraft. The length of the
Water When desired to cause the Watercraft to ride loWer and toWrope may determine at What point in the Wake the rider is
sink farther into the Water, in other Words, to increase the draft riding. If the toWrope is relatively short, then the rider can ride
of the Watercraft. When the Watercraft then moves through the on the portion of the Wake that is relatively larger since the
Water, the increased draft causes the resulting Wake to be Wake is relatively larger immediately behind the Watercraft. If
larger. the toWrope is relatively long, then the rider can ride on a
[0005] While a ballast system does make a larger Wake and portion of the Wake that is relatively smaller. Although in
does make it possible for the user to gain greater lift from the conventional systems, the rider may set the length of the
Wake, it also has several disadvantages. For example, a ballast toWrope at a certain distance before and after a ride, the rider
system causes the Watercraft to experience a drastic decrease must remain at this length until he or she stops riding and
in fuel e?iciency and handling, and creates all around greater adjusts the length. In other Words, the rider cannot adjust the
Wear and tear on the Watercrafts mechanical parts. length of the toWrope during a ride. Further, adjustments to
[0006] In addition, ballast systems are generally only avail the length of the toWrope may pose a safety risk to the rider.
able in neWer Watercraft for the purpose of increasing Wake For example, the rider may shorten the length of the toWrope
siZe. Older Watercraft do not have such ballast systems, and so much that he or she may likely suffer injuries from the back
ballast systems are extremely dif?cult to retro?t to older end of the Watercraft such as the sWim deck or from moving
Watercraft. When a ballast system is added to an older Water parts of the Watercraft such as those associated With an
craft, the result is usually not cost effective and outWeighs the inboard, outboard, or inboard/outboard motor.
advantages of a having a larger Wake obtained through install [0011] Another riding condition that the rider may not be
ing such a ballast system. able to fully control is the timing of When the Watercraft starts
[0007] Another Way in Which a user can enhance the verti from a dead stop and begins to initially pull the rider out of the
cal lift he or she can achieve over the Wake of a Watercraft is Water to a point at Which the board the that rider is riding on
to include a toWer on the Watercraft. The toWrope is then is planing. This is called a dead start. In conventional systems,
attached to the top of the toWer. By increasing the distance the operator of the Watercraft simply causes the Watercraft to
betWeen the surface of the Water and the point at Which the start pulling the rider out of the Water at a point in time that
toWrope is attached to the Watercraft, the skier or boarder may not be anticipated by the rider. For example, the rider
being toWed can exert force, pulling upWard on the toWrope to may give an audible or visual cue to the operator of the
achieve a greater vertical lift over the Wake. The toWer is Watercraft to begin pulling him or her from a dead start
typically a pylori or frameWork usually made of aluminum or position, but the operator may not engage the Watercraft until
other light metals. several seconds later. Thus, the rider may be anticipating that
[0008] Yet another Way of enhancing the vertical lift a user the Watercraft Will pull him or her out at an earlier or later
can achieve over the Wake of a Watercraft is to increase the point in time than actually occurs.
US 2010/0211239 A1 Aug. 19,2010

[0012] Yet another riding condition that the rider may not puter usable program code comprising computer usable pro
be able to fully control is the speed and acceleration at Which gram code con?gured to prompt a user to enter data regarding
the Watercraft pulls him or her out of the Water from a dead the operation of the toWrope Winch from a dead start, and
stop. Riders of varying skill levels may prefer or require computer usable program code con?gured to operate the toW
different rates of acceleration and speed When being pulled rope Winch based on data inputted by the user.
out of the Water from a dead stop. For example, novice riders
may require a sloWer rate of acceleration and initial speed BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
from a dead start, Whereas an expert or professional rider may
prefer and be able to Withstand higher rates of acceleration [0017] The accompanying draWings illustrate various
and speed When being pulled from a dead start. embodiments of the present invention and are a part of the
[0013] Still another riding condition that the rider may not speci?cation. The illustrated embodiments are merely
have control over in connection With Wake sur?ng is the use of examples of the present invention and do not limit the scope
a toWrope that is used only initially as the riderbegins to Wake of the invention.
surf. In Wake sur?ng, the rider does not utiliZe the entire [0018] FIG. 1 is an illustrative depiction of a Watercraft and
Watercraft Wake, but instead utiliZes only the largest portion toWrope system according to teachings of the prior art.
of the Wake usually located directly behind the Watercraft. [0019] FIG. 2 is an illustrative depiction of a Watercraft
The rider typically utiliZes a toWrope to begin riding, and incorporating a toWrope Winch according to an embodiment
pulling him or herself toWards that portion of the Wake. After of the present exemplary system and method.
the rider has reached that point, the rider discards the toWrope [0020] FIG. 3 is a perspective vieW of the toWrope Winch
and rides the Wake as a surfer Would ride a conventional ocean according to an embodiment of the present exemplary system
Wave. HoWever, the discarded toWrope may pose a safety and method.
issue to the rider. In some instances, the toWrope may become [0021] FIG. 4 is a perspective vieW of a toW system incor
entangled around the rider or the riders board. This could porating an exploded vieW of the toWrope Winch of FIG. 3, a
lead to damage or loss of the board or droWning of the rider. toWrope and toWrope handle assembly according to an
[0014] Alternatively, although the rider may choose to embodiment of the present exemplary system and method.
throW the toWrope into the Watercraft, this too may pose a [0022] FIG. 5 is an exploded vieW of the reel assembly of
safety risk to the rider and others. Speci?cally, the throWn the toWrope Winch of FIG. 4 according to an embodiment of
toWrope may strike a passenger in the Watercraft, potentially the present exemplary system and method.
causing injury to the passenger. Further, the rider may be [0023] FIG. 6 is a perspective vieW of a poWer train includ
throWn off-balance While attempting to throW the rope into ing a motor coupled to the reel assembly of the toW system of
the Watercraft. Still further, When pulling him or herself up to FIG. 4 according to an embodiment of the present exemplary
the Wake of the Watercraft, the riders hands may become system and method.
callused due to friction along the length of the toWrope. Typi [0024] FIG. 7 is a perspective vieW of a brake assembly
cally, a Wake sur?ng rope is knotted or otherWise textured coupled to the reel assembly of the toW system of FIG. 4
such that the rider can pull toWards the Wake. This also adds according to an embodiment of the present exemplary system
to the trauma to the riders hands. and method.
[0015] Finally, different riders have different skill levels [0025] FIG. 8 is a side vieW ofthe brake assembly ofFIGS.
and abilities With regard to different Water sports. Riders may 4 and 7 shoWing the actuation of the brake assembly accord
be classi?ed as expert, intermediate, or novice riders, and ing to an embodiment of the present exemplary system and
may further have varying degrees there betWeen. Further, an method.
expert rider With regard to Wakeboarding, for example, may [0026] FIG. 9 is an exploded vieW of a transmitter assembly
not be at the same skill level When participating in other Water according to an embodiment of the present exemplary system
sports such as Wake sur?ng, Wakeskating, or skur?ng, for and method.
example. Further, as riders improve their skill level, adjust [0027] FIG. 10 is a block diagram ofthe various systems of
ments may need to be made With regard to various aspects of the toW system of FIG. 4 according to an embodiment of the
the riders experience. For example, a rider Who improves his present exemplary system and method.
or her skill level may Wish to experience faster riding speeds, [0028] FIG. 11 is a block diagram ofthe toW system ofFIG.
faster or sloWer accelerations over the Wake, or shorter or 4 incorporating a user interface system according to an
longer lengths of rope. embodiment of the present exemplary system and method.
[0029] FIG. 12 is a block diagram ofthe toW system ofFIG.
SUMMARY 4 incorporating a user interface system according to another
[0016] A system for starting from a dead start position may embodiment of the present exemplary system and method.
comprise a toWrope Winch, and a computing device con?g [0030] FIG. 13 is a block diagram ofthe toW system ofFIG.
ured to send and receive data to and from the toWrope Winch, 4 incorporating a user interface system according to another
in Which the computing device is con?gured to operate the embodiment of the present exemplary system and method.
toWrope Winch and Watercraft based on data inputted by the [0031] FIG. 14 is a diagram of a rider pro?le page of a
user to the computing device. A method for operating a toW toWrope Winch application according to an embodiment of
rope Winch from a dead start position may comprise prompt the present exemplary system and method.
ing a user for data regarding the operation of the toWrope [0032] FIG. 15 is a diagram of a Watercraft pro?le page of
Winch from a dead start, and operating the toWrope Winch a toWrope Winch application according to an embodiment of
based on the data inputted by a user. A computer program the present exemplary system and method.
product for operating a toWrope Winch from a dead start [0033] FIG. 16 is a diagram ofa dead start pro?le page ofa
position may comprise a computer usable medium having toWrope Winch application according to an embodiment of
computer usable program code embodied thereWith, the com the present exemplary system and method.

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