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Foundation University

Bachelor of Arts in Biology

S.Y. 2008-2009

First Year
1st Semester Units 2nd Semester Units

_____Math 02 (Rmedial Mathematics) nc _____Eng 12 (Com. Arts II) 3

_____Eng 02 ( Remedial English) nc _____Fil 12 (Pagbasa at Pagsulat, Ibat Ibang
_____Eng 11 (Study &Thingking Skills) 3 Disiplina) 3
_____Gen. Sci. 11 (Gen. Science) 3 _____Math 12 (Modern Plane Trigo.) 3
_____Fil 11 (Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan) 3 _____Chem 12 (Organic Chemistry) 5
_____Math 11 (College Algebra) 3 _____Bio 15 (Gen. Botany) 5
_____Chem 11 (Gen &Inorganic Chemistry) 5 _____P.E. 02 2
_____Bio 13 (Gen. Zoology) 5 _____C.M.T. 12 3
_____P.E. 01 2 _____EDU 12 (Prin. Of Teaching I) 3
_____ C.M.T. 1 3 27
_____Philo 21 (Logic) 3
_____Psych 21 (Gen. Psychology) 3
Second Year

_____Eng 21 (Speech Communication) 3 _____Pol. Sci. 22 (Politics & Gov.

_____Fil. 13 (Retorika) 3 w/New Const.) 3
_____Phy 21 (Gen. Phys. I) 5 _____Hist 21 (Phil History) 3
pre-requisite: Math 11 & 12 _____Hum 01 (Arts Appreciation) 3
_____EDU 16 (Test & Measurement Assessments I) 3 _____Socio 21 (Gen. Sociology) 3
_____Bio 33 ( AnimalTaxonomy) 5 _____Bio 31 (Plant Taxo.) 5
pre-requisite: Bio 13 pre-requisite: Bio 15
_____Chem 31 (Bio. Chem.) 5 _____Phys 22 (Gen. Phys. II) 5
pre-requisite: Chem 11 & 12 pre-requisite: Physics 21
_____P.E. 03 2 _____P.E. 04 2
26 24
___ Eco 01 (Basic Econ./Tax.& LR) 3
___ Phys 10 (Earth Science) 3
Third Year
_____Math 37 (Elem. Statistics) 3 _____Eng 22 (Res. & Tech. Writing) 3
_____ICT 101 (Comp. Assisted Learning I) 3 _____Bio 43 (Elem. Plant Physiology) 3
_____Major Elective 1 3 _____Lit. 02 (World Literature) 3
_____Bio 51 (Micro Biology) 5 _____ICT 102 (Comp. Assisted Learning II) 3
_____Hist 22 ( Rizal ) 3 _____Bio 37 (Genetics) 3
_____Socio 52 (Marriage & Family Rel.) 3 _____Bio 90 (Seminar) 3
_____Lit 01 (Phili. Literature) 3 18
_____Eng 24 (Pub. Spkng. Arg. & Deb.) 3
_____Hum 01 (Animation) 3
Fourth Year
_____Bio. 41 (Intro. to Animal Physiology) 3 _____Bio. 42 (Ecology/Environment
_____Bio. 95 (Special Problem) 5 Biology w/Practicum) 5
_____Bio. 47 (Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy) 5 _____Major Elective 4 3
_____Major Elective 2 3 _____Bio. 26 (Marine Biology) 3
_____Major Elective 3 3 _____Hum 02 (Computer Animation) 3
_____AB Com 01 (Computerized Education) 3 14

Suggested Major Electives: (12 units)

_____ Bio 22 (Natural Resource Mgt.) 3 _____Bio 46 (Entomology) 3
_____ Bio 32 (Gen. Embryology) 3 _____Bio 48 (Land Vertebrate) 3
_____ Bio 34 (Plant Anatomy) 3 _____Bio 30 (Immunology) 3
_____ Bio 52 (Gen. Parasitology) 3 _____Bio 27 (Aquaculture Technique) 3
_____ Bio 53 (Biology Teaching Methods)
All Biology and Science subjects should have a cut off grades of 2.5.

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