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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(Updated 4/17/15)
(edTPA Aligned)

The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting students with
the T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets
departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information (When doing the actual edTPA, leave out identifiers)

Teacher Candidate: Brieanna Olsen Date: September 27, 2017

Cooperating Teacher: Ashley Lowry Grade: Kindergarten
School District: Kelso School District School: Wallace Elementary School
University Supervisor: Jill Steele__________
Unit/Subject: English Language Arts_______
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: ABC Bootcamp: Circle Map/ELA

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose:

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they
make. It is important to learn each individual letter and sound while connecting them to words they have
heard before. This lesson will be taught at the beginning of the year. The students will have done this
lesson previously, but with a focus on a different letter of the alphabet. Students will complete this
process until they have been introduced to every letter and sound in the alphabet.

State/National Learning Standards:

RF.K.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or most
frequent sound for each consonant.
SL.K.1.A: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking
about the topics and texts under discussion).

b. Language Objectives:

Students will differentiate the letter L from sound l using given words (leaf, ladybug, lock) from a
word chart.

Students will be able to articulate and provide examples of the sound l as a class using previously
learned vocabulary.

Content Objectives:

Students will be able to actively participate in a whole group discussion.

Students will be able to trace words, color pictures, and cut out a given object.

c. Previous Learning Experiences:
Students have participated in ABC Bootcamp:Donut charts since the day they first walked in
kindergarten. They have been introduced to the concepts of each lesson, but a new letter and words are
introduced everyday. The letter L is being introduced to some of these students for the first time
because thy have not had any academics prior to entering kindergarten. Students have had practice
thinking of words as well as using scissors, tracing letters, and coloring given pictures.

d. Planning for Student Learning Needs

Accommodations for students with learning disabilities:

- Accommodations will be adjusted according to students disability.
- Student may work in resource room, or in primary classroom.
- Student will have directions read to him/her. Examples: one-on-one, with a partner.
- Student may be allowed extra time to complete activity.
- Teacher will walk around to check to make sure the directions are fully understood.
- Student may raise hand, ask student next to them, or write down notes of any questions or difficulties
that he/she may be experiencing.
- Directions will be placed on the board for further assistance/reminders, as well as on the top of each

Accommodations for ELL students:

- ELL students may be paired up with one or more students whose first language is English.
- Directions will be read aloud to them, and also written on the board/on worksheets for further support
- Directions may be recorded in students first language if and when necessary or read to him/her from the
school translator.
- Teacher/s will walk around to ensure students are on task and following correct directions
- Students will be able to ask questions at any given time throughout the lesson

Accommodations for gifted students:

- May be able to work alone in a different area of the classroom.
- Teacher candidate will work with gifted or talented students to set goals or challenge them in further
- Students who may finish worksheets early may be allowed to work on other school work, read a book, or
use a laptop for ELA centered games.

f. Assessment Strategies:

Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

Language Objectives: Formative: As we begin the lesson, I will write the
Students will differentiate the letter L from sound l letter L in the center of the donut chart. I will ask
using given words (leaf, ladybug, lock) from a word the students to show me with a silent thumb up if
chart. they know what letter or sound I just wrote on the
paper. I will then ask them to raise their hands to see
Students will be able to articulate and provide if they can correctly tell me words that begin with
examples of the sound l as a class using previously the letter l. If they become stuck, I will read a book
learned vocabulary. aloud that gives them examples. I will then ask,
Now do we remember any words that start with l?
Content Objective: Formative: As the students are sitting together at the
Students will be able to actively participate in a carpet, as well as later at their desks, I will be using a
whole group discussion. checklist to monitor the following: participation,
understanding, and if they are on task. I will also be
taking classroom observations while identifying if
they can handle learning in a whole-group setting as
they must raise their hands for input. Refer below to
Figure 1.
Content Objective: Summative: I will not staple a students hat until
Students will be able to trace words, color pictures, they have successfully traced, colored, and cut their
and cut out an object. l hat. If successful, I will staple the hat, then ask
them What letter did we learn about today? (Wait
for their response). Can you tell me a word that you
learned today that starts with that letter? and/or, How
do you spell (the sound) l? Refer below to Figure

g. Student Voice:

Student-based evidence to be Description of how students

K-12 students will be able to: collected (things produced by will reflect on their learning.
students: journals, exit slips, self-
assessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
1. Explain student learning Students will give a thumbs
targets and what is required to up when they think they
meet them (including why know an answer. They will
they are important to learn). also quietly raise their hand
to express their answers
aloud to the whole group.
Self Assessment/Work sample They will also show me they
understand the learning
targets by completing their
letter l hats successfully. I
will staple each hat myself,
but not until it has been
traced, colored, and cut as
expressed in the learning
2. Monitor their own learning Students will repeat learning
progress toward the learning targets multiple times
targets using the tools Check-in throughout the lesson. When
provided (checklists, rubrics, they begin completing their
etc.). hats, each student will know
to trace, color, and cut in that
order. If they are unsure of
the order or any other
learning target, they will
give me a silent thumb down
signaling that they need
additional support to become
successful in the current
3. Explain how to access I will be monitoring the
resources and additional students from when they are
support when needed (and Self-Assessment sitting at the carpet, to when
how/why those resources will they transition to their seats.
help them). I will be observing and
checking in on each student
individually until each
student has completed the

h. Grouping of Students for Instruction:

Whole Group: Students will all participate together as they are sitting at the carpet in a whole group
setting. They will then transition to their desks to complete their letter hats. This is a whole group lesson
for the students to have a chance to share and learn from their peers and teacher candidate.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

a. Introduction:
I will begin the lesson by gathering the students attention and transitioning them to the carpet area
where we will sit as a whole group. I will instruct them to give me a silent thumb up sign when they
know what letter I am writing on the chart paper for this lesson. I will then say, This sound is l. How
do you spell l? I will then wait for their response, then I will tell them that the letter is l. I will then
allow them to practice the letter and sound by modeling an I say, you say approach. I will verbally
announce the learning targets of the day and ask them to repeat them back to me as their goals for this
lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the letter and sound l to the students, as well as
getting them to understand that the letter connects to words.

b. Questions:
Do you know what sound this letter makes? (Analyzing/remembering)
Do you know how to spell the letter l? (Analyzing)
Can you think of words that start with the letter l? (Applying)
Does the word racecar fit on our letter l chart? (Evaluating)
Why is it important to trace the words on our letter hat? (Analyze/Apply)

Sequence of Learning Activities:

What will teacher be doing? What will students be doing?


Students will gather on the carpet in front We will then transition into an activity. Okay
of the chart paper as we sing our everyone, now we will work on our l hats! Our
gathering song. I will then ask the goal now is to trace, color, and cut as we get more
students to give a silent thumb up when practice with our l words. What are we going to
they see the letter l being written in the do to? The students will respond, Trace, color,
donut chart, to symbolize if they believe cut! I will repeat, Yes, we will trace, color, cut.
they know the letter/sound. Alright I will then touch each word on the hat and say
friends, who thinks they know what letter one word at a time. The students will repeat after
this is? I will quickly check for students me once again. I will then release the students to
who have a thumb up in the air. This begin working on their letter l hats. I will be
sound is l. What sound is this? I will walking around to make sure the students are
wait for them to repeat the sound to me. achieving their goals and completing their task.
How do you spell l? I will then wait for As they finish, they will transition into different
students responses. This is the letter l. reading stations.
What letter is this? I will wait for them to
respond correctly. I will then instruct
students to repeat what I say as we

practice the letter name and sound of the
letter l. You are all awesome! Okay,
today our goal is to think of words that
start with l. Students will repeat the goal
back to me. Awesome! Alright, who has a
word that starts with l? I will call on
students as they tell me words that start
with l. When a student says a word that
does not start with l, I will redirect them
to our letter/sound by sounding out the
word they had just told me. If there begins
to be many words mentioned from
students that do not start with the l
sound, I will introduce them to the book,
Look at Me! This will give them ideas
and examples of words that start with l.
I will draw a picture that goes with each
word for the students to have a visual aid
as well.

As I am writing each word told to me by a
student, I will ask them for assistance in
spelling the word. How do you spell the
word lion? The students will respond
with L! Wow great job friends! Now I
will touch each word and you repeat the
words back to me. I will go through the
list of words that the students came up
with for them to get more practice with the
l sound. I will say a word, then they will
repeat after me. Did we just think of
words that started with l? You are

a. Closure:
Wow, you are all awesome! Did we just think of words that start with l? Yes, we thought of so many
words that started with l. Lets keep up the good work and do the best we can on our letter l hats! Now our
goal for our hats is to trace, color, and cut. What is our goal? The students will repeat the goal back to me
before I move on. I will then release students who are sitting quietly to return to their seats and begin
completing their l hats on their own.

b. Independent Practice:
The great aspect about the students finishing their l hats is that they each get to wear them home when
they are finished. The point of this is for the hopes that the students parents, friends, guardians, peers
outside of school, ask them what their hat is all about. At that time, the students will be able to show off
their hat that contains the letter l on it as well as pictures and words that start with the letter. They

should be able to explain why there are the certain pictures and letters that there are on that particular hat
that they are wearing around.

c. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology:

Paper L, l hats
Chart paper
Look at Me! Book
Teacher Checklist

d. Acknowledgements:

Larrabee, L. Look at Me! 2008. San Diego, CA. Cavallo Publishing Inc.

United States, National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School
Officers. (2010) Common Core State Standards (ELA-Literacy-Kindergarten). Washington D.C.:
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers.

Figure 1:

Teacher Checklist

Students Names: Understanding: Participation: On Task:

Student understands that Student is participating Student is on task
the letter L,l makes the and sharing ideas. completing L,l hat.
sound l.

Put a X in each box that applies. If not acceptable, leave box blank for incomplete.

Figure 2:
Example L, l hat:

Example of a Donut Dictionary:


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