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Planning information

What theme is currently being taught? China

How long will this theme be taught for? 4 weeks
When will they start the next theme? Which unit There is no other theme on the moment.
should they be one during the TP block?
What is the theme on (during the TP block)? In the first 4 weeks the theme was China
What material/ resources/ ideas does the teacher I was teaching this theme, Students did a poster
have for this theme? comparing the Chinese weather and UAEs
weather. Materials was used are A3 poster,
Cotton, Blue papers.
How well are the children learning the required T make sure that she is following the learning
material? outcomes, and try to connect the theme with
each subject. Eg. 2ES1, describe weather
features and how they change from place to
place. T compare the weather in UAE and China.
What resources are available for this unit? Food-cloths-beads-thread-basket-cups- the
alphabet- hundred chart-counters-student book-
ADEC stories.
What facilities are available for this unit? Science lab
What are the classroom rules? Come prepared to class.
Raise your hand to speak
Be kind to others
Finish work on time
Clean up you mess
Are they applied consistently? T use most of the rules consistently. Before the
class start, 2C Ms Frances, make out your pencil
case, your book and make sure nothing on the
ground. During the class put your hands up to
answer, teacher put alarm for students to finish
on time. Last period teacher reminds students to
clean up clean under your table, push your
chairs, remember everything need to go on their
write boxes.
How? What are the rewards/ consequences? T use class dojo to reward students. Each time
students get 20 points they get a prize, like
pencil, sharper. And when they get 100 points
they get a big prize. T also use positive
reinforcement like excellent, very good
What is the school behaviour policy? 1. Student always shows a high sense of
responsibility and self-discipline.
2. Student shows pattern of collaborative
behavior with colleagues and school
3. Student is always keen to attend class
and do homework and is committed to
4. Student show a high understanding and
appreciation to the Islamic values in UAE
and that is represented in daily behavior.
5. Student respect the UAE identity,
heritage and culture and others world
6. Student take initiative to participate
effectively in social, aimed activity
7. Student has an outstanding work ethics
and show a high level of environmental
awareness and ability to innovate and
enterprise, problem solving and decision

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